#detector de metales
ancientoriginses · 8 months
¿Por qué dos antiguas espadas romanas fueron enterradas en el corazón de los Cotswolds de Inglaterra? Estas armas de estilo único, desenterradas por un detector de metales, revelan evidencia de la presencia romana y la importancia estratégica de la región en su rica historia.
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shapedigger9 · 2 years
A Good Metal Detector Assures Perfect Safety Measures
Deploying a high-quality Metallic Detector ensures excellent safety in houses, workplaces, and also other open events. As we all reside in the entire world of uncertainty in which a few people work with wicked methods in order to disturb peace within society to express their own grievances or unreasonable claims. To deal with such situations, technology offers provided various products like Detector de Metales to counter such activities at all degrees. It really is here of which the role associated with Detectores De Metales comes to typically the rescue for typically the administrators in taking perfect safety in all large events and other locations such as airports, seaports, and therefore on. Buying these types of safety Detector de Metales has become easier in modern times. The web world provides a wide list of Tiendas de detectores de metales and manufacturers who deal with these incredible Detectores de Metales for numerous applications from which usually you can Comprar detector de metales. Of course, some sort of buyer needs to pay more consideration while choosing these kinds of suppliers as right now there are innumerable rip-off operators available on the web entire world. Reading reviews is definitely one of typically the best methods just before buying a Detecting De Metales Experta, as these gadgets are expensive as nicely as sensitive. As indicated by many reviews on the particular Internet, the well-known Tiendadetector is recognized to be one of the main suppliers of these kinds of amazing metal detecting devices. The said firm provides Detecting De Metales Valia at economical costs and categorized the pricing according to be able to the applications of these gadgets. High-sensitive detectors are expensive and are used in many industries just like drug manufacturing, gold ornament makers, etc. Retail jewelry outlets use these products to avoid theft and pilferage. Interestingly, the particular market offers all kinds of Detector de oro based on their consumption at different destinations. Detecting gadgets such as Detector de Metales used throughout airports and railroad stations are hypersensitive and help the particular administrators in protecting against smuggling activities of varied products such as gold, silver, and even even drugs. One can also obtain a Detector de metales segunda mano which is definitely cheaper than the particular new one.
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whorlpriest4 · 2 years
Get a Detector de Metales And Start off A fresh Hobby
Treasure camping has become a part plus parcel of lifestyle and everyone, at a few point in existence, has tried it atleast once. All of us provide the best option Detector de Metales to make the nice memory away of this great hobby. We possess various Detector de Metales inside our website Tiendadetector. com with a very clear description of its details. One needs to understand the requirement prior to going for that Detector de Metales as the kind varies based upon the terrain. Before you Comprar detector de metales you must understand that you will be committing to a habit that, offered the time, can leave wonderful memories in your life. Our unique Detector de metales profesional has a new wide range of applications in commercial terms. Handling some sort of Metal Detector may become dull if your determination level is reduced and hence all of us educate all the clients within the basic operation with the divide and how in order to receive the best away of it. Many of us do thorough assessment of all the Detectores de Metales before offering them and therefore you can take pleasure in the device without virtually any worries whether it is working or not. The calibre in our Detectores de Metales makes this probably the most sought right after product on the market as they are the bit more sensitive than other items. The precious Detector de Oro is the best seller while many clients have sent us delighted notes of cheers on how these people succeeded with it. Before venturing in order to any in the huge Tiendas de detectores de metales you have to do the own research to ensure that you are going to acquire authentic products only. Since this is a thriving field many identical sellers are generating a mess together with selling substandard gadgets. Our collection involving Detector de metales has a product for virtually any spending budget and any need. We provide the market? s most Detector de metales barato without any agreement within the quality.
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emp-blast · 1 year
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pov: you are a nickel and are being observed by a scientist who picked you up from the ground.
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telerealrd · 6 months
Tragedia en una Escuela Rusa: Adolescente Mata a Compañero y se Quita la Vida
En un hecho impactante, una adolescente rusa disparó y mató a una compañera de clase e hirió a otras cinco personas antes de quitarse la vida en una escuela en el oeste de Rusia, según informaron los investigadores el jueves. El Comité de Investigación de Rusia, encargado de investigar delitos graves, reveló que una estudiante de 14 años, que llevaba consigo una escopeta de acción de bombeo,…
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blogoslibertarios · 7 months
Deputados tentam detector de metal em escolas há 18 anos
  Desde 2005 que deputados tentam tornar obrigatória a instalação de detectores de metais em escolas para prevenir ataques cruéis, como o que ocorreu na última semana em São Paulo. O projeto mais antigo é da ex-deputada federal Zelinda Novaes (PFL-BA), datado de 2006. Foi arquivado na Comissão de Segurança pelo relator Raul Jungmann (PPS-PE), que 12 anos mais tarde viraria o ministro de Segurança…
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zoomdigitaltv · 1 year
Más de 300 buscadores de tesoros se dieron cita 
en el 2do Rally Norteño (more…)
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wegeseteli · 2 years
Check out and print velleman cs150 user manual for free Page 21 of 62. podstawowy cercametalli user manual 4 gebruikershandleiding 10 notice d'emploi 17
CS150N. METAL DETECTOR WITH AUDIO DISCRIMINATOR MODE D'EMPLOI Your Velleman metal detector distinguishes between ferrous (contain iron) andBarrières infrarouge actif double faisceaux Multi fréquences SBT 30F-60F-80F-100F-150F Notice d installation Notice d'installation barriere infra rouge SBT-
CS150. METAL DETECTOR. METAALDETECTOR. DÉTECTEUR DE MÉTAUX NOTICE D'EMPLOI With your CS150, you can hunt for coins, relics, jewellery,
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xexyromero · 3 months
wn: a @luvrhaze me pediu um headcanon com o pipe na vibe dele então aproveitei e fiz um dos meninos na praia :)
meninos do cast x praia
fem!reader headcanon
tw: nenhum :)
sinceramente? não é muito da praia. é daqueles que super se incomoda com a areia e fica debaixo da sombrinha só observando o movimento.
apesar disso, a sua parte preferida é justamente essa: observar o movimento. 
gosta de tirar fotos de você, da praia e do mar. acha poético e extremamente bonito, embora não goste do “por trás das fotos”.
a água é gelada demais, ele não gosta, mas vai entrar com você mesmo assim apenas pra te ver feliz. 
gosta daquela sensação de cansaço pós-praia mas do que ir.
o maior fã possível e imaginável da praia - se duvidar, quem te convidou pra ir foi ele. 
adooooora areia, adora sal, adora mar e adora tudo isso ao mesmo tempo. 
gosta de caminhadas longas na beira do mar e de ir conversando sobre tudo com você. 
não gosta das praias cheias e tradicionais - é mais de procurar uma longe, desconhecida e que só fiquem vocês dois. 
vai tirar a sunga do nada, ir correndo pelado em direção ao mar e te estimular pra fazer o mesmo (não pelo lado sexual, mas pelo lado da diversão mesmo). 
não é muito do calor e prefere visitar a praia naquele contexto “praia no frio”, de chinelo e meia, mas entende que você gosta e se esforça pra se divertir com você.
um dos poucos momentos que aceita e pede sorvete (de cereja!).
faz castelinho de areia super elaborados e dedica bastante tempo a isso. 
adora catar conchinhas e escolher as mais bonitas e diferentes pra te mostrar e te dar. gosta de deitar na sua coxa, de baixo da sombrinha, e te mostrar todo o “apanhado”. 
inclusive, se possível, vai pedir pra trazer o cachorrinho dele junto. 
sim, ele vai se cobrir todinho de areia e pedir que você o “infle” para imitar um daqueles bonecos de ar que ficam na frente dos estabelecimentos. sim, vai rir MUITO disso. 
não tem, mas vai comentar várias vezes o quanto que gostaria de ter um daqueles detectores de metal só pra procurar coisas. 
parece uma criança: se diverte muito, corre para todo o lado, rola na areia, brinca de bola. 
desfaz os castelinhos de areia do fran e de qualquer pessoa sempre que possível. 
vai te agradecer no final do rolê, com o rosto todo beijadinho de sol e um sorriso gigantesco no rosto (e vai dormir o caminho de volta todo). 
rei do protetor solar e não vai deixar você sair um centímetro no sol sem ter certeza que você se protegeu. 
preparado para a praia e para vida: trouxe na ecobag a água, o protetor, o óculos escuro e uma caixinha de som. 
é mais contemplativo e gosta de ir pra praia pra ler um livro ou um roteiro. acha o ambiente bem propício. 
fã número um de comida de praia e vai comprar de quase todo vendedor que aparecer na frente dele. 
daqueles que não sai debaixo do parasol e fica com o pé enterrado na areia o tempo todo. “pode ir que eu fico olhando as coisas.”
ama praia! ama sol! ama mar! ama estar nesse ambiente! ainda mais se for com você. 
gosta de ir em grandes grupos e chamar várias pessoas. leva e organiza a cerveja e os quitutes - também serve de comemoração caso o river tenha ganhado. 
você e ele entendem e tem um acordo silencioso que ele pode sim te deixar na sombrinha, só um pouquinho, enquanto ele joga uma altinha com os amigos. você torce e vibra por ele de longe.
gosta de ir pro mar junto com você e se divertir na água! te levanta no colo estilo noiva e tudo. 
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blueiskewl · 2 years
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2000-Year-Old Roman Silver Coin Hoard Found in Romania
A treasure hunter from Mureș County has discovered a hoard of silver coins dating back to the time of the Romans. The more than 300 coins were found in a clay pot, buried in the earth of the forest of Sângeru de Pădure, which the man had been scanning with a metal detector.
The 43-year-old treasure hunter, Narcis Carțiș, is an impassioned history lover and enjoys spending his free time searching for archaeological remains. In fact, the discovery he just made is not his first. About a year and a half ago, Mr. Carțiș obtained his detectorist’s license, and since then he has made three archeological discoveries. The first time he discovered four tetradrachms, large silver coins originating in Ancient Greece which were the standard coin of the Antiquity. The second discovery was a pot full of coins dating from Antiquity which he found in the Ernei area of Mureș county. And now this hoard from the forest of Sângeru de Pădure.
“I search exceptionally diligently, and I've covered about 50% of the forest already. These kinds of finds are a matter of luck. You can't have a plan, it’s not possible to know where you're going to find something. It's all about having luck and being persistent. When you hear the sound of the detector, you don't know what you've found, because all metal sounds the same, so you don't know what you've got in the ground. You can't go by maps because there aren't any, you just have to be lucky,” Narcis Carțiș told the press.  
He described the moment of discovery, saying: “I experienced such joy when I saw what I’d found! It's the third time I've discovered something valuable. The first time I howled with joy. Another reason to be joyous is the fact that detectorists are rewarded if they report their discovery to a museum with 30-40% of the value of the discovered object.
After inspecting the pot filled with coins, while making sure not to move it from its current position in the ground, Mr. Carțiș contacted the Mureș County Museum.
On Thursday, June 16, the head of the Archaeology Department of the Mureș County Museum, Nicoleta Man, went to the discovery site, taking a team of specialists with her. The specialists determined the historical characteristics of the treasure.
Nicoleta Man told the press what she and her team had ascertained: “This discovery is a Roman treasure. It was a common practice in those days to hide one’s wealth, which had accumulated over a generation or several generations. The period over which this particular hoard was collected is something we will determine upon further inspection. According to the typical practice of the time, the wealth was deposited in a pot, in this case, a Roman pot which, according to its shape and the material that was used, was produced in the workshops of Cristești. Inside there are traces of bronze verdigris, so it could be that in addition to silver coins there are also bronze coins or objects.”
According to Mrs. Man, the area of Mureș County is an archeologically fertile one. The Archaeology Department head told the press that multiple discoveries have been made in the past two years, with hoards consisting of coins and jewelry having been found in Dâmbău, Sighișoara, Dumbrăvioara, Cristești, and a huge one in Sălașuri.
She also stated that this area is presumed to have contained a Dacian Fortress and a Roman settlement, which would explain the high concentration of treasure left behind.
By Maia Van Kline,
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newsfromstolenland · 1 year
"A man was found dead on Wednesday near Roxham Road, a common passage between the United States and Canada used by migrants to claim asylum.
The man was a migrant who was trying to cross the unofficial border, according to police sources who spoke to Radio-Canada on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.
The Sûreté du Québec (SQ), Quebec's provincial police force, confirmed the death on Thursday morning. The circumstances of the death remain unclear.
"We will investigate the cause of death, it will take some time," said Louis-Philippe Ruel, a spokesperson for the SQ. "We are trying to determine how he got there, where he was coming from, where he was going and who he was."
The SQ confirmed the body of the man was discovered on Wednesday afternoon between Roxham Road and the Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle border crossing, about five kilometres away. Officers were using off-road vehicles, metal detectors and sniffer dogs to search an area east of Roxham Road on Thursday afternoon. 
His nationality is unknown."
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ancientoriginses · 1 year
¡Gracias al ojo agudo de un arqueólogo aficionado y su emocionante hallazgo de detección de metales, se ha desenterrado en Bélgica un fragmento raro de un misterioso dispositivo geométrico llamado dodecaedro romano! Pero nadie sabe para qué servía.
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elbiotipo · 1 year
hablé con un curandero hoy en la parada del colectivo, me dijo que tiene un detector de metales y sabe donde se esconde la Luz Mala así que me invitó a buscar tesoros, le dije que lo voy a pensar.
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mariacallous · 3 months
AGDAM, AZERBAIJAN—In a clearing between overgrown grasses, Khalid Zulfugarov opens a stack of wooden crates, each filled with bright chunks of metal that glint in the winter sun. There are shells, anti-tank mines, and cluster bombs with tail fins. Nearby, next to a crater blown in the earth, a 20-liter water jug is filled with thousands of bullet casings, piled together like spare change, the collected relics of a conflict that has ravaged this land for 30 years.
Zulfugarov, the head of an Azerbaijani mine disposal team, is picking through his contaminated homeland, sifting through the soil with sniffer dogs and metal detectors to find each tiny, potentially deadly fragment. As he does so, his memories of Karabakh rush back.
“This is where I was born. I studied here; I fought with my friends,” he says.
His ancestral village is Nuzgar, which is located 50 miles south of Agdam, the area that he is currently clearing. It was once a bucolic settlement on the fertile lowlands of the southern Caucasus, mostly home to farmers who tended the rich, arable land. During Soviet times, it was part of the Nagorno-Karabakh oblast, home to ethnic Armenians and Azeris such as Zulfugarov, as well as the vineyards that produced the Soviet Union’s best-known cheap wine.
But when communism collapsed, so did the peace in Karabakh. Newly independent Armenia and Azerbaijan fought over the territory. Neighbors became enemies, and as Armenian paramilitaries gained control, Karabakh’s entire population of 700,000 Azeris fled.
For the next three decades, Nagorno-Karabakh was governed by an ethnic Armenian administration as the Republic of Artsakh, an unrecognized country. Its shrunken, monoethnic population lived up on the mountains at its heart. Down on the plains, the abandoned Azeri towns and villages were looted and closed off to the world, becoming a buffer zone between Artsakh and Azerbaijan. A de facto 185-mile border was carved into the landscape with berms, barbed wire, and land mines. What was once vineyards became a barren no-man’s land.
In 1993, Zulfugarov, then a 19-year-old Azerbaijani conscript, fled Karabakh to Azerbaijan proper. There, he worked in construction before joining the national demining agency. For the past three years, he has been clearing the land just miles away from his home village of Nuzgar, yet he is still unable to return.
In 2020, after 26 years of relatively frozen conflict, Karabakh’s war reignited. Azerbaijan had turned into a gas-rich autocracy, and grievances over its loss of Karabakh had become central to its national story. Baku wagered that the geopolitical timing was right, and over the first nine months of 2020, it pumped up its military arsenal with $123 million of Turkish-made defense and aviation equipment. On Sept. 27, Baku launched a surprise offensive and recaptured the lowlands. Three years later, it launched a second offensive and seized the main city, Stepanakert, too. Nearly all of the region’s entire ethnically Armenian population fled, just as the Azeris had three decades earlier.
On Jan. 1 of this year, the Republic of Artsakh officially ceased to exist. The land that was once Nagorno-Karabakh is now fully controlled by Azerbaijan.
War and occupation have stripped the landscape of life and color; the ruins of Azeri villages are now the same beige-grey as the scrubby undergrowth, the once-fertile soil riddled with metal from tanks, shells, and bullets. The pomegranate trees are among the few things that survived from the old times, bearing yearly fruit that hangs unpicked until it bursts blood-red.
The area remains closed to the public, but Foreign Policy was granted access by the Azerbaijani government. (We were not given permission to visit some areas we requested, and Stepanakert is currently closed to foreign media.) We spent five days in the region, being escorted through a huge reconstruction project unfolding behind a curtain of checkpoints: demining sites, new villages, roads and airports, and reforestation projects, all being readied for former residents to return.
The fighting in Karabakh is now over, and the Republic of Artsakh is no more. But a new conflict—this time, centered on the region’s landscape and the scars that war has inflicted on it—is now underway.
Since the beginning, nature has been both a victim to and a weapon of Karabakh’s conflict.
Nagorno-Karabakh is the water source for much of the southern Caucasus. Tributaries of the major Aras, Kura, and Tatar rivers run through the region’s mountains and down to the plains of Azerbaijan. The Soviet-built Sarsang reservoir—once the biggest in the region—fell under the control of Artsakh in 1993. In September 2013, Baku filed a case with the Council of Europe, complaining that Artsakh was misusing Sarsang and intentionally depriving 400,000 people in Azerbaijan’s border regions of water. Baku’s case succeeded: In January 2016, the council called for Armenian forces to withdraw from the area around Sarsang to allow international teams to assess and repair critical infrastructure.
When Karabakh’s hot war reignited in September 2020, the landscape quickly became a focus of misinformation. Huge forest fires broke out on the front lines in the far north and southwest of the territory and close to Stepanakert. Fires are common in conflict, but these blazes were immediately weaponized. Azeri social media accounts accused Armenians of torching the trees as they fled the advancing Azerbaijani army. Armenian accounts accused Azerbaijani forces of starting the fires with incendiary weapons to provide cover for their offensive.
“Nowhere else has environmental misinformation been used at this level. It’s just off the scale,” said Eoghan Darbyshire, a researcher at the U.K.-based Conflict and Environment Observatory. He analyzed open-source satellite imagery and climate data and found that while the fires were almost certainly related to the conflict, proving who had started them and how was far stickier than the absolutist social media posts suggested.
By November 2020, Azerbaijan had recaptured the Karabakh plains, and Artsakh conceded the loss. Stepanakert remained in Armenian hands, while the rest of the territory was left with Azerbaijan. Russian and Turkish peacekeepers monitored the cease-fire. Although combat was over, the environmental dispute only intensified.
Following the cease-fire, Azeris began trickling back to the Karabakh plains to visit their homes for the first time in three decades, only to realize that the whole area had changed. The lush hilltop forests had been hacked away, and the water in the once-clear streams smelled putrid. Agdam’s ancient Oriental plane trees, which had been protected as state monuments since Soviet times, had been felled, and their roots were scorched. Azerbaijani officials say that Artsakh’s government caused the destruction—through some combination of pillaging Karabakh’s hardwood forests, opening a gold mine that leached pollutants into the water, and simple vandalism.
In March 2022, Azerbaijan’s government invited the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to assess the Karabakh plains. The UNEP documented 2,000-year-old trees felled, once-cultivated farmland abandoned, 52 new quarries or mines opened under Armenian administration, and extremely high levels of heavy metals in the Okhchuchay River, which flows from Karabakh to Azerbaijan.
The report that the program produced was meant to be for internal use only, but the Azerbaijani government released it publicly, using it as the basis for a new legal challenge. In January 2023, Azerbaijan announced that it would be filing another case against Armenia with the Council of Europe, this time alleging breaches of the Bern Convention, which governs the conservation of European natural habitats and wildlife.
Meanwhile, in December 2022, Azerbaijani eco-activists began blockading Stepanakert with pickets on the Lachin Corridor, the sole road running from the rump state of Artsakh to Armenia proper. Their complaints were the same as those made by the government: that Artsakh was illegally destroying Karabakh’s habitats. Baku said the protests were independently organized, and media organizations connected to the Azerbaijani state invited journalists in to report. Baku also engaged public relations firms to spread the news of the Bern arbitration.
In April 2023, Azerbaijan built a permanent military checkpoint on Lachin, cutting off all traffic in and out of Stepanakert—as well as the city’s gas and electricity cables. For nine months, Artsakh relied solely on the Sarsang dam to generate electricity. As a result, the reservoir, which feeds springs to the Tatar River and supports migratory birds, dropped to critically low levels.
Foreign Policy requested but was not granted access to the reservoir, but photographs shared with FP show the reservoir’s decline over the course of 2023. Steppes of brown banks drop sharply to the new water level, some 20 meters (65 feet) below what it was before the blockade. The ground left behind is sticky and infertile.
Karabakh’s environment is now a cornerstone of Azerbaijan’s image campaign as it pushes to reconstruct and repopulate the region as quickly as possible. At the COP28 U.N. climate conference in Dubai in November 2023, Baku showcased its plans for the reconstruction of Karabakh from a display in its wood-trimmed pavilion, decorated with pictures of tranquil lakes and mountains.
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has promised that new hydroelectric dams in the region will be generating 270 megawatts by the end of this year, and that a solar farm capable of generating 240 megawatts will soon begin construction. New houses are being fitted with solar panels, and dams and climate-monitoring stations are undergoing restoration. Huge replantation projects are already underway to regrow lost forests, and native species, such as the Eurasian gazelle, are being reintroduced after decades of localized extinction. Baku has pledged to prioritize environmental and climate concerns during this process and has committed to a net-zero carbon emissions target in Karabakh by 2050, when the reconstruction is expected to be completed. Eventually, Aliyev says, Karabakh will turn Azerbaijan into an exporter of green energy.
“The great return will be a green return. We want to focus on the future, what we can improve,” Umayra Taghiyeva, Azerbaijan’s deputy minister for ecology and natural resources, told Foreign Policy.
In reality, Azerbaijan’s environmental imperatives are clashing with political and economic ones. On the ground, the region is mostly a construction site as new villages and towns, thousands of miles of roads and railways, and even two new airports are being built from scratch. Convoys of diggers chug through the ever-expanding arteries of this newly disturbed land, kicking up dust and petrol fumes.
In Agdam, they are starting to claw down the pomegranate trees to make way for the newly laid-out city. According to UNEP reports, waste from the demolition of old buildings is being poured into landfills, and the construction of new roads is destroying even more of Karabakh’s forests.
Much of what has been built already is Potemkin-like. Brand-new buildings, conference halls, and village squares are silent and underused—a jarring sight against the ruins of the old settlements. The first batch of former residents who have returned and resettled have been willing to withstand a strange isolation for the prize of coming home. Their rebuilt villages lie at the end of the ruler-straight new highways, about a four hours’ drive from Baku. The populations are still tiny—in the thousands overall. Most places, however, are still mined; independent experts and the Azerbaijani government have estimated that more than 1 million mines have been laid in the area. As of April 2023, only 7 percent of the contaminated land had been cleared.
The only commercial flights into the new airports thus far are transporting delegations from Turkey—one of Aliyev’s biggest allies—whose constructors have won major contracts in Karabakh. The construction company Kalyon, which is controlled by in-laws of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is building roads, while another in-law has won the contract to build an agropark—part of Baku’s ambitions to turn the once-agricultural region into a high-tech farming hub.
Baku will ramp up its green public relations drive later this year when it hosts COP29—a bid that it won with Armenian backing. Unsurprisingly, given that Azerbaijan is also a major petrochemicals producer, some see this public commitment to sustainability as little more than lip service. Its ambitious promises in Karabakh will undoubtedly be scrutinized under the spotlight.
“It is one of the more powerful examples of state greenwashing. In a different world they could create a new national park, and create employment through environmental projects and tourism,” Darbyshire said.
Aliyev has gained popularity from his victory in Karabakh and its reconstruction; many of the region’s newly returned residents proudly showed Foreign Policy their photos with the president. Today, however, there is almost no political opposition left in Azerbaijan, and critics of the war tend to live abroad in exile. But in less guarded moments, many Azeris working in Karabakh raise an amused eyebrow at the stark differences between the old land and the new.
Demining is expected to take decades, and full reconstruction—let alone rehabilitating the landscape—will take longer still. By the time the region is a fully functioning part of Azerbaijan, it will likely be unrecognizable from the idyllic place where Zulfugarov grew up. Reconstruction is yet to start in Nuzgar, which is still inaccessible, but he is certain that he will move back someday.
“I don’t think of what happened here, I think of what it will become,” he says, gesturing to the diggers working on the horizon. “In five or 10 years, this can be one of the most beautiful places.”
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rralcalde · 8 months
El juego ‘Ruleta Cuckold’
Lo primero quiero aclarar que este juego no es para todo el mundo. Es un juego pensado para llevar el cuckold a su máximo exponente y mucha gente sólo podrá llegar hasta un determinado nivel. Sentíos libres de no pasar de un determinado nivel hasta que estéis preparados y queráis hacerlo.
Esta guía instigará e incentivará roles de D/S e introducirá el cuckolding a las parejas que deseen entrar en este apasionante mundo. La terminología en esta guía no es usada para ser ofensiva (como las palabras hotwife y cornudo). Es, más bien, para clasificar fácilmente a los participantes.
Los niveles 5, 6, 8 y, especialmente, el 7 son siempre muy difíciles para las parejas. Esto es totalmente normal. Si no se puede avanzar, se puede tirar de imaginación para adaptar las pruebas hasta el límite al que podáis llegar, o quedaron en el nivel al que habéis llegado hasta que decidáis dar un paso más.
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Se necesita un dado de 8 caras.
Cada semana (siempre el mismo día) el cornudo o la hotwife tira el dado el número de veces indicado por el nivel en el que estás actualmente. Estas tiradas determinan las acciones (de ese nivel y anteriores) que serán requeridas a cada una de las partes durante esa semana.
Algunas categorías son acumulativas significando que las tiradas de la última semana todavía aplican como permitidas pero no requeridas, para las hotwife y “todavía requeridas” para los cornudos. Un 8 para la hotwife significa que puede escoger cualquiera de los otros resultados.
Antes de empezar el juego se lanza el dado tres veces, sumándose los resultados, para determinar si se avanza al siguiente nivel. Si se avanza de nivel no se puede volver al nivel anterior.
Si alguna de las responsabilidades del cornudo no se ha llevado a cabo se deberá aplicar un castigo. Sin excepciones.
La hotwife puede aplicar castigos adicionales y se anima a ello para un avance más fluido en un nivel 4 o superior.
La castidad NO es opcional si se está siguiendo este juego guía (todo el juego esta pensado para que ambas partes de la pareja se vallan sintiendo a gusto con su rol), excepto en circunstancias donde la salud y la seguridad estén en riesgo (citas médicas, viajes, etc) el acudir al puesto de trabajo ( con la excepción de personal que tenga que pasar por un detector de metales si la jaula de castidad es de acero) no es requisito para no ir en castidad. Es una pieza crítica para evitar pensamientos y celos post orgasmo que tan a menudo asaltan a los cornudos. Por esto en el juego esta puesta en la primera tirada de cada nivel.
Se recomienda usar una jaula de castidad que sea abierta para una ducha supervisada y una limpieza cada dos o tres días o menos, dependiendo de la higiene personal y de la jaula en particular. También se recomienda que, mientras sea posible, y según se vaya avanzando por los niveles, el coño, el culo y la boca de la hotwife deberan ser tratados como recompensas para el cornudo y no como una propiedad. Esto significa que, incluso cuando esté sin la jaula de castidad puesta, se fuerce el sexo con los pies, muslos o pajas (incluso mejor con sus propias manos). Nunca el sexo con las tetas (posición muy dominante del cornudo).
El face-sitting (sentarse en la cara del cornudo) y montar un cornudo con movimientos restringidos son también buenas maneras de reforzar las dinámicas D/S.
Una nota sobre los castigos:
Podréis comprobar que estos son crueles y puede que algunos al principio resulten asquerosos pero como se ha indicado anterior mente este juego guía está pensado para que ambas partes de la pareja se vallan acostumbrando cada uno a su rol. Los castigos se usan contra una acción indeseable con el objetivo de proporcionar una corrección efectiva y que no se olvide fácilmente. Esto significa que deberá ser completado tal y como está escrito, incluso si a la hotwife les disgusta. Es trabajo de la hotwife hacer que el cornudo obtenga lo que es mejor para él.
Los castigos son necesarios para allanar los baches y las pequeñas resistencias que inevitablemente se encontrarán a lo largo del camino. Se recomienda revisar los castigos y alterarlos en caso de que el cornudo esté obteniendo algún disfrute con ellos.
Otra parte indispensable en este juego es que es recomendable dejar al menos dos horas de intimidad entre el cornudo y la hotwife después de cada nuevo evento como mínimo o lo que es lo mismo que la pareja tenga contacto sexual, pero sin dejar que el cornudo llegue al orgasmo ( desde el principio de este juego los orgasmos del cornudo deberán ser orgasmos frustrados para mantener su calentura al máximo). El tiempo mínimo recomendado entre las citas y los orgasmos frustrados del cornudo es de 24 horas. Recuerda la regla de oro: ‘no hay orgasmo para el cornudo inmediatamente después de los eventos’. Sin excepciones
La primera semana empezaremos en el nivel 0 y pasada la semana la hotwife tirara el dado 3 veces y sumara su resultado para ver si subimos de nivel, si la suma es igual o inferir a la del siguiente nivel seguiremos una semana más en el nivel actual, no es recomendable saltarse los niveles aunque la suma nos de la cantidad necesaria para otro nivel:
Ejemplo: estamos en el nivel 0 la hotwife tira 3 veces el dado y la suma de los números obtenidos es mayor de 18, no saltaríamos al nivel 5 si no que pasaríamos al siguiente nivel que tenemos en la tabla, en nivel 1
• En el nivel 0 la suma es mayor de 14, pasar al nivel 1 (50%)
• En el nivel 1 la suma es mayor de 15, pasar al nivel 2 (40%)
• En el nivel 2 la suma es mayor de 16, pasar al nivel 3 (32%)
• En el nivel 3 la suma es mayor de 17, pasar al nivel 4 (23%)
• En el nivel 4 la suma es mayor de 18, pasar al nivel 5 (16%)
• En el nivel 5 la suma es mayor de 19, pasar al nivel 6 (11%)
• En el nivel 6 la suma es mayor de 20, pasar al nivel 7 (7%)
• En el nivel 7 la suma es mayor de 21, pasar al nivel 8 (4%)
En la tabla de resultados de las tiradas una vez empezado el nivel a partir de la segunda tirada los números marcados con un + o ++ son aumentos obligatorios de realizar en la tirada y ocurren cuando se repite una tirada que ya había sido desbloqueada. Esto significa que sustituye la anterior: en la primera tirada sale un 7 significa que tendremos que realizar la acción que marca la primera tirada, tiramos una segunda vez y vuelve a salir un 7, se usará el 7+ de la segunda tirada y si en las siguientes tiradas vuelve a salir en alguna un 7 se realizará la ++.
Nivel 0. Los problemas crecen. 2 tiradas
Primera tirada:
• 1 - 30 minutos enjaulado
• 2 - 1 hora enjaulado
• 3 - 2 horas enjaulado
• 4 - 3 horas enjaulado
• 5 - 4 horas enjaulado
• 6 - 5 horas enjaulado
• 7 - 6 horas enjaulado
Segunda tirada:
• 1 - El cornudo usa un strapon mientras está enjaulado. La hotwife le ordeñara con un vibrador en la jaula.
• 2 - Oral a la hotwife hasta que se corra.
- 2+ Oral a la hotwife pero ella sentada en la cara del cornudo.
• 3 - Regalo de ropa o cosméticos del cornudo a la hotwife.
• 4 - Orgasmo arruinado para el cornudo y jaula durante 30 minutos.
- 4+ Orgasmo arruinado para el cornudo y jaula durante 7 días.
- 4++ Orgasmo anal para el cornudo. Todo el proceso enjaulado durante 7 días.
• 5 - El cornudo tiene sexo fuera de la jaula, pero si se corre se lo come. Si se había aplicado toda la semana de castidad, esta tirada cuenta como un 8.
• 6 - El cornudo observa a la hotwife jugar con un vibrador y ella le humilla con su pobre desempeño.
• 7 - El cornudo come el culo de la hotwife.
- 7+ El cornudo come el culo de la hotwife, pero ella sentada en su cara.
• 8 - La hotwife puede escoger cualquiera de los otros resultados
Nivel 1. Conoce tu lugar. 3 tiradas
Primera tirada:
• 1 - 3 horas enjaulado
• 2 - 6 hora enjaulado
• 3 - 8 horas enjaulado
• 4 - 12 horas enjaulado
• 5 - 18 horas enjaulado
• 6 - 1 día enjaulado
• 7 - 1 día y medio enjaulado
Segunda tirada
Segunda tirada del nivel 0. Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar. Son acumulativas, ejemplo:
Si toca por ejemplo, el 4 en el nivel 0, haces la prueba. La siguiente semana subes a este nivel (el 1), y en esta segunda tirada te toca otra vez el 4, pues haces la primera variante con el “+”. Si te vuelve a tocar una tercera vez haces la variante con el “++”, y así sucesivamente.
Esto es válido para todos los niveles, ya que en cada tirada repites los niveles anteriores. Únicamente el último dado tiene pruebas nuevas. Y el primero que determina la cantidad de tiempo que pasa el cornudo con la Jaula castidad.
Únicamente el último dado tiene pruebas nuevas. Y el primero que determina la cantidad de tiempo que pasa el cornudo con la Jaula castidad.
Tercera tirada:
• 1 - El cornudo besa los pies de la hotwife cada vez que se quita los calcetines.
- 1+ El cornudo besa la entrepierna de la hotwife cada vez que se desviste.
- 1++ El cornudo masajea y besa entrepierna y pies de la hotwife en las situaciones ya descritas.
• 2 - El cornudo y la hotwife denigran su pene durante las actividades sexuales.
• 3 - Cada vez que el cornudo se corre sobre la hotwife debe limpiarlo con la lengua.
- 3+ Cada vez que el cornudo se corre ha de comérselo.
- 3++ El cornudo ha de limpiar cualquier corrida de los amantes de la hotwife, independientemente de dónde se corran.
• 4 - El cornudo ha de mantener su pene y testículos afeitados o depilados.
- 4+ El cornudo ha de mantener su pene, testículos y ano afeitados o depilados.
- 4++ Depilación con láser para el cornudo en la zona que la hotwife desee.
• 5 - El pene del cornudo recibe un nombre humillante desde ahora y para siempre.
• 6 - No hay sexo oral para el cornudo a no ser que esté enjaulado.
- 6+ No hay sexo oral para el cornudo, excepto en cumpleaños y festivos importantes. Enjaulado, claro.
- 6++ No hay más sexo vaginal sin condón
- 6+++ No hay más sexo anal
- 6++++ No hay más sexo vaginal. Se tendrá en cuenta su conducta para su cumpleaños.
• 7 - El cornudo se refiere a la hotwife como diosa o similar durante los encuentros sexuales de ahora en adelante.
Nivel 2. Sirve para algo. 4 tiradas
Primera tirada:
• 1 - 6 horas enjaulado
• 2 - 12 hora enjaulado
• 3 - 1 día enjaulado
• 4 - 2 días enjaulado
• 5 - 2 días y medio enjaulado
• 6 - 3 días enjaulado
• 7 - 3 días y medio enjaulado
Segunda tirada:
Segunda tirada del nivel 0 y 1. Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar.
Tercera tirada:
Tercera tirada del nivel 0 y 1. Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar.
Cuarta tirada:
• 1 - El cornudo hace la colada.
• 2 - El cornudo aspira la casa.
• 3 - El cornudo cocina y sirve la mayor parte de las cenas.
• 4 - El cornudo proporciona un masaje a la hotwife.
• 5 - El cornudo hace el baño.
• 6 - El cornudo limpia el dormitorio.
• 7 - El cornudo limpia el salón.
Nivel 3. Empoderándola. 5 tiradas
Primera tirada:
• 1 - 12 horas enjaulado
• 2 - 1 día enjaulado
• 3 - 2 días enjaulado
• 4 - 3 días enjaulado
• 5 - 4 días enjaulado
• 6 - 4 días y medio enjaulado
• 7 - 5 días enjaulado
Se recomiendan castigos para cualquier queja del cornudo.
Segunda tirada
Segunda tirada del nivel 0, 1 y 2. Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar
Tercera tirada
Tercera tirada del nivel 0, 1 y 2. Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar
Cuarta tirada
cuarta tirada del nivel 0, 1 y 2. Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar
Quinta tirada:
• 1 - La hotwife va a la calle sin bragas.
• 2 - La hotwife va a la calle sin sujetador.
• 3 - La hotwife entabla una conversación con algo de flirteo con algún hombre atractivo en el trabajo o en la calle.
• 4 - La hotwife cuelga una foto atrevida en las redes. No le cuenta al cornudo los comentarios.
• 5 - La hotwife va a la calle con un butt-plug puesto.
• 6 - La hotwife se masturba con un dildo viendo escenas de cuernos mientras el cornudo observa con la jaula puesta.
• 7 - Excitación y paradas con orgasmo arruinado para el cornudo, mientras la hotwife comenta lo buenas que han sido otras pollas y otros amantes. Al terminar vuelta a la jaula.
- 7+ Como antes, pero sin permitir ni el orgasmo arruinado.
- 7++ Como antes, pero con el cornudo recibiendo anal.
Nivel 4. Comenzamos. 6 tiradas
Primera tirada:
• 1 - 1 día enjaulado
• 2 - 2 días enjaulado
• 3 - 3 días enjaulado
• 4 - 4 días enjaulado
• 5 - 5 días enjaulado
• 6 - 6 días enjaulado
• 7 - 6 días enjaulado
Desde ahora en adelante, los castigos son obligatorios para cualquier queja del cornudo sobre la castidad.
Segunda, tercera, cuarta y quinta tirada:
tiradas del nivel 0, 1, 2 y 3. Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar
Sexta tirada:
• 1 - La hotwife hace match con, al menos, 3 chicos en una app e intercambia mensajes.
- 1+ La hotwife cambia el bloqueo de su móvil y no lo comparte con el cornudo.
• 2 - La hotwife envía fotos sexy o flirtea con algún match.
- 2+ La hotwife envía desnudos al match.
• 3 - Tira un dado. Si sale par la pareja irá a algún local de intercambio o fetish. Si sale impar, la hotwife irá sola y el cornudo esperara en el coche.
• 4 - La hotwife tiene sexo oral con el cornudo mientras chatea, llama o videollamada con sus matches. El cornudo no puede hablar y llevará la jaula de castidad.
• 5 - La hotwife tiene cibersexo con un extraño.
• 6 - Grabar un vídeo porno y colgarlo anónimamente en internet.
- 6+ El vídeo a colgar contiene limpieza de semen interior (creampie) o castidad por parte del cornudo.
• 7 - La hotwife habla con un hombre que la atraiga. Previamente ha debido tocarse sin llegar al orgasmo y colocarse un butt-plug O no llevar bragas.
Nivel 5. Respira y continúa. 7 tiradas
Primera tirada:
• 1 - 2 días enjaulado
• 2 - 3 días enjaulado
• 3 - 4 días enjaulado
• 4 - 5 días enjaulado
• 5 - 6 días enjaulado
• 6 - 7 días enjaulado
• 7 - 7 días enjaulado
Segunda, tercera, cuarta, quinta tirada y sexta:
tiradas del nivel 0, 1, 2, 3 y 4 . Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar
Tirada 7:
• 1 - La hotwife se masturba en público hasta el orgasmo (probador, baño, parque...).
• 2 - La hotwife visita un club swinger o fetish sin participar.
• 3 - La hotwife tiene sexo con el cornudo en lugar público. Ella escoge si se corre y se lo come.
• 4 - La hotwife lleva un vibrador por control remoto en público. El cornudo ofrece el control a un amigo.
• 5 - La hotwife le comenta que está en una relación poliamorosa o semiabierta a un amigo o amiga.
- 5+ El cornudo le comenta a un amigo que están en una relación semiabierta
• 6 - La hotwife sale a tomar algo con un amigo sola.
- 6+ La hotwife se queda a dormir en casa de su amigo
• 7 - La hotwife visita un salón de masaje erótico.
Nivel 6. No te atrevas a parar. 8 tiradas
Tirada 1:
• 1 - 3 días enjaulado
• 2 - 4 días enjaulado
• 3 - 5 días enjaulado
• 4 - 6 días enjaulado
• 5 - 6 días enjaulado
• 6 - 7 días enjaulado
• 7 - 7 días enjaulado
Si el cornudo se queja sobre la castidad, aplicar un castigo XL sin dudar.
Segunda, tercera, cuarta, quinta, sexta y séptima tirada:
tiradas del nivel 0, 1, 2, 3 , 4 y 5. Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar
Tirada 8:
Hacer una tirada extra a elección de la hotwife. Si es par, el teléfono podrá estar encendido, si es impar...teléfono apagado.
• 1 - Cita para un café. Sin actividad sexual.
• 2 - Cita para tomar algo. Sin actividad sexual.
• 3 - Cita para cenar. Sin actividad sexual.
• 4 - Cualquier tipo de cita. Se permite ir de la mano y roces físicos.
• 5 - Cualquier tipo de cita. Beso de despedida.
• 6 - Cualquier tipo de cita. Toqueteos por encima de la ropa.
• 7 - Cualquier tipo de cita. Se permite meter mano.
Nivel 7. Lo que necesitas. 9 tiradas +/-1
Tirada 1:
• 1 - 4 días enjaulado
• 2 - 5 días enjaulado
• 3 - 6 días enjaulado
• 4 - 7 días enjaulado
• 5 - 7 días enjaulado
• 6 - 7 días enjaulado
• 7 - 7 días enjaulado
Si el cornudo se queja sobre la castidad, aplicar un castigo XXL sin dudar desde ahora en adelante.
Segunda, tercera, cuarta, quinta, sexta y séptima tirada:
tiradas del nivel 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 . Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar
Tirada 9:
La hotwife debe añadir o restar 1 de cualquier tirada. La hotwife podrá hacer lo siguiente en sus citas decididas en la tirada 8.
• 1 - Pajas y dedos.
• 2 - Oral.
• 3 - Sexo vaginal (con condón).
- 3+ El condón es opcional si el hombre se ha hecho analíticas y es de confianza.
- 3++ El cornudo se tragará todo. Si había condón, la hotwife decide si lo guarda.
• 4 - Sexo anal (con condón).
- 4+ El condón es opcional si el hombre se ha hecho analíticas y es de confianza.
- 4++ El cornudo se tragará todo. Si había condón, la hotwife decide si lo guarda.
• 5 - Sexo atrevido o pervertido como BDSM, fisting, roles, etc.
• 6 - Sexo en la cama marital.
- 6+ El hombre se corre en el lado de la cama del cornudo.
• 7 - Pasa la noche fuera con el novio.
Nivel 8. No hay vuelta atrás. 10 tiradas +/-1
Tirada 1:
• 1 - 6 días enjaulado
• 2 - 7 días enjaulado
• 3 - 7 días enjaulado
• 4 - 7 días enjaulado
• 5 - 7 días enjaulado
• 6 - 7 días enjaulado
• 7 - 7 días enjaulado
Segunda, tercera, cuarta, quinta, sexta, séptima y octava tirada:
tiradas del nivel 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 y 7 . Si sale el mismo resultado que se había hecho anteriormente, comprobar que tenga signos “+” y hacer esas variantes en su lugar
Tirada 10:
La hotwife debe añadir o restar 2 de cualquier tirada.
• 1 - La hotwife visita cualquier club sexual y hará lo que le apetezca.
• 2 - Trío o cuarteto, la hotwife escoge.
• 3 - El cornudo empieza a vestir femenina para siempre.
• 4 - La hotwife hace sola un viaje sexual.
• 5 - La hotwife se folla a un amigo o familiar.
• 6 - La hotwife puede estar con su novio donde quiera y el tiempo que quiera.
• 7 - El cornudo es feminizado y esclavo de la hotwife y su novio (si lo permite).
Si el cornudo rechaza participar en las tareas requeridas o pide a la hotwife que detenga sus tareas desbloqueadas o requeridas, se administrará el castigo. Y la acción que se detuvo será reiniciada al día siguiente.
Cada castigo sucesivo durante la misma semana irá aumentando la severidad del mismo, pasando de la tabla L a la XL y luego a la XXL. Cada vez se lanza un nuevo dado
Castigos L
• 1 - 10 firmes palmadas con la mano en el culo.
• 2 – 1 tarea extra elegida por la hotwife del nivel actual
• 3 - Sentarse en su cara con el ano y la vagina sin delicadezas, mientras está enjaulado. Insultos y degradación hasta que la Hotwife llegue al orgasmo.
• 4 - Un día extra en castidad.
• 5 - 2 tareas extra aleatorias del nivel de esta semana.
• 6 – 2 días extras en castidad
• 7 - Jugueteos sexuales mientras está enjaulad
Castigos XL
• 1 - 15 minutos atado a la cama, abofeteando, golpeando, arañando, haciendo cosquillas, tirando, etc. el pene, los testículos y otras partes sensibles del cuerpo del cornudo.
• 2 – 1 tarea extra elegida por la hotwife del nivel siguiente al actual.
• 3 - Sentarse en su cara sólo con el ano y sin delicadezas, mientras está enjaulado.
• 4 - Un día extra en castidad. La hotwife golpeara 3 veces en los testículos del cornudo.
• 5 - 2 tareas extra elegida por la hotwife del nivel siguiente al actual
• 6 - 2 días extra en castidad. La hotwife golpeara 6 veces en los testículos del cornudos
• 7 – Hacer que el cornudo salga a la calle con ropa interior de mujer
Castigos XXL
• 1 - 1 hora atado a la cama, abofeteando, golpeando, arañando, haciendo cosquillas, tirando, etc. el pene, los testículos y otras partes sensibles del cuerpo del cornudo.
• 2 - 2 tarea extra elegida por la hotwife del nivel anterior y siguiente al actual.
• 3 – La hotwife obtendrá 3 orgasmos arruinados del cornudo. Previamente se le habrá introducido un plug anal grande. .
• 4 - 2 días extra de castidad. La hotwife orina en la ducha sobre la boca del cornudo obligando a tragar su orina mientras le abofetea fuerte 5 veces.
• 5 - El cornudo es obligado a comerse la polla de uno o dos amantes de la hotwife.
• 6 - El cornudo es follado y preñado por varios amantes. Después de cada corrida se le aplicarán baños con hielo en los genitales de 1 minuto de duración 2 veces.
• 7 – El cornudo tendrá que ir desde ese día con lencería femenina a su puesto de trabajo.
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workersolidarity · 7 months
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In an article posted to Reuters by Vitalii Hnidyi, the author writes about Ukrainian sappers who have lost limbs while doing de-mining work and have since returned to the battlefield to clear more minefields.
The article celebrates the amputees of Ukraine, now in the hundreds of thousands by some estimates, a pattern we have seen frequently in Western news outlets as Ukraine's Counteroffensive failed on a massive scale.
During the 5 months of the Ukrainian Counteroffensive, tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers were killed or severely wounded, with little to no territory taken.
Now Russian Forces are back on the Offensive as Ukraine's Western allies become distracted by the conflict in the Middle East, focusing on Israel as Ukraine loses the little ground they gained during their offensive.
Still, Western news outlets try to put a positive spin on these developments by celebrating Ukrainian amputees forced back into the war by circumstance.
The Reuters article covers the experience of a Ukrainian sapper, named Andrii Ilkiv who was clearing a mine field in the Dementiivka village of the Kharkiv region in December, 2022 when a buried mine exploded, blowing one of his legs clean off.
"At first you don't feel pain, and you can use this moment of numbness to perform first aid – put on the tourniquet, before the state of shock comes over you," Ilkiv told Reuters.
"I lifted myself up, looked down, one of my legs was gone... they started pulling me out, I tried to help with my good leg, moved bit by bit and managed to get myself out without triggering two mines that were there."
But despite losing his leg, Ilkiv has returned to work as a sapper, continuing his work clearing mine fields for the Kiev regime in the Kherson and Kharkiv regions.
According to the Reuters article, Ilkiv's mine-clearing Unit, comprised of approximately 100 sappers, has seen four of its team killed, and 16 wounded by errant mine blasts.
Ilkiv told Reuters he was one of 14 sappers injured in blasts who've returned to work on prosthetic limbs to continue clearing mines, but is confident he can continue his work.
"Of course, obviously there's fear when you return, when you stand next to a minefield there's fear, but on the other hand you know that with the help of a metal detector, a sapper spade and special equipment, you can move, and conduct demining work," said Ilkiv.
Ilkiv said he told his shocked wife that there was still much clearance work to be done and that he wanted to return to sapping. "She was a bit surprised, shocked. But she has accepted it," Ilkiv said.
According to the Ukrainian authorities, some 174'000sq km of its territory is still strewn with mines and other potentially dangerous unexploded ordinances as the Russia-Ukraine conflict rages on with no end in sight.
Still, Ukraine's Western allies refuse to accept defeat, and insist the Ukrainians fight on to the last man. In pursuance of this goal, Western countries' news media faithfully publishes articles that try to put positive spin on the horrendous losses and casualties Ukraine has suffered, but little can change the facts on the ground, and the fact is, Russian Forces are on the offensive and already beginning to take territory.
One can only assume we will continue to see more articles that will attempt to illicit pitty on Ukrainian casualties while insisting the Ukrainians can still win the war.
WorkerSolidarityNews will continue to cover the events of the Russo-Ukrainian war as it develops.
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