#detective conan closing theme
sun-warmth · 5 months
The first opening theme from Detective Conan!
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trixiegalaxy · 2 months
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heyshinichiran · 10 months
Does anyone remember the ED, "Secret of My Heart" ? It was the theme song played during the unforgettable Desperate Revival arc. Man, it was so special I cannot forget the feels overall ;_;
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
i wanna drive all night
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missmolsa · 2 years
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Returning home from a long weekend of traumatising hardened criminals
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pochqmqri · 3 months
In 2003, the first 51-52 episodes of the Detective Conan anime were dubbed into English by Voiceovers Unlimited for the Singapore market. This dub predates Funimation's "Case Closed" dub by a year, and features a different Singapore-based cast. Unlike Funimation's dub, this dub was more accurate, keeping the names (mostly) intact and the setting in Japan. Other notable anime dubs by Voiceovers Unlimited include the "Singapore dubs" of Yu-Gi-Oh! and One Piece.
For a while, only the opening and ending themes to this dub, which were just instrumentals of the original songs, were available on the internet, on Voiceover Unlimited's YouTube channel. In 2021, several of the dubbed episodes were uploaded onto torrent sites. These copies seem to have come from voice actor Joe Murray, who voiced Shinichi and Conan in the dub. Though the episodes were not released on home media, Murray did save a few.
More information can be found on the Lost Media Wiki.
If you look online, you can find where the videos for this dub are. I've also uploaded just the audio of the episodes onto the Internet Archive, since TMS immediately struck me down when I uploaded the videos.
Given that the voice direction and few creative liberties this dub does are...quite interesting to say the least, I've created a short sample of the "best" moments.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Okay so, originally, I pitched this on discord:
Ahsoka… but distressed dapper. She's still a tog and all, but she's otherwise right out of a film noir setting. Rugged Detective. If Anakin were still around he'd be freaking out over the cigarette.
@jebiknights responded with:
this is a great image for post-jedi Ahsoka but also ngl part of my brain went straight to padawan Ahsoka trying to solve a mystery in the temple pretending to be a noir detective, sucking on a lollipop with a fake mustache like Nino did in s4 of Miraculous Ladybug fdijirdgjs She hasn't received shadow or spy training yet shes got a long way to go 😂 she hums her own theme music whenever she can get away with it
And we were off to the races!
I met us in the middle: after she leaves but before RotS.
Her sleuthing leads to Sidious through the most ludicrously indirect route possible.
She's not even a PI. She's a mechanic on the lower levels. She just stumbled into a thing and put on a costume to hide her identity through judicious use of Hat.
She's got an apartment across the hall from some girls who work in the red light district and one time some guys were harassing them and Ahsoka kicked them out through judicious use of Armbars And Catching Punches, which was impressive without being actively violent or revealing her Force abilities, and it was... fine? They're friends now, have pizza once in a while. Ahsoka likes hearing about their lives.
But then they decided to come to her for advice on a whole Thing at work, where they overheard some stuff about a drug deal that's taking place worryingly close, and maybe she could just keep an eye out when the deal goes down in case things go south? Please?
Ahsoka does so. She overhears things about the war in the deal (which is about information, not drugs), and. Well. She doesn't want to call home for help when she's making a whole point about needing to find herself away from them, so maybe she can just do a little digging of her own?
The red light girls insist she needs a cool outfit for her PI work (they do not care that it's not PI work). They are very excited about this.
At some point she runs into a junior Corrie Guard and steals him for a bit. He is officially "missing" and unofficially Fox was just like "fuck it, sure, help the shiny not-Jedi, I don't care." Now Ahsoka has a clone roommate/sidekick/backup who is, in fact, much more experienced in this than she is, but also has far fewer contacts and resources since they can't use CG databases while they're running this op. Meanwhile, Ahsoka has Friends, and some of her friends know a guy who knows a guy.
Fox doesn't tell the Jedi because technically this doesn't involve them (Ahsoka didn't mention the war stuff), and he has an Outside Contractor and a Coruscant Guard working on it.
He'll let them know if it goes anywhere, but for now he's assuming it's grandstanding lowlifes, and will leave it to the baby Jedi and babier Guard.
a probably way too young cg helping Ahsoka while Fox aggressively pretends it isn't happening has such good- ohmygod this has psych vibes just a lil bit I've been on a psych comparison kick lately tho so
Ahsoka is trying so hard to be cool
listen psych is my favorite framework for the consulting detective schtick lmaooo AND SHES TRYING SO HARD but shes like what 16? just not there and living in the non-jedi/non-battlefront world for the first time sidgier
Her hypercompetent psychic is a babyfaced 9yo
i was thinking that she would be the psychic bc jedi but honestly convincing everyone that its the shiny corrie is so much funnier also just imagining all the stupid names they call each other as aliases
Sidekick I meant hypercomptetent sidekick
that… makes more sense ngl i was ready to yes and you all the way tho turn it into a gods whats the Jude Law movie where "Watson" is the genius who hires an actor to play "Sherlock" and has him pretend to be the genius or st?
I am, however, open to a Detective Conan situation, which has a lot more context so I'll actually use a different reference and say she pulls a Cyrano de Bergerac.
Ahsoka is stage-whispering instructions to her Corrie Guard, feeding him lines so he can pretend to be psychic while she sneaks around with significantly less eyes on her.
Also the red light girls stay involved they are so excited to Help even though Ahsoka keeps trying to keep them uninvolved for Safety. The girls love teasing her shiny friend. Please remember that all of this nonsense is happening while Ahsoka tries to dress like a prototypical film noir detective.
wait wait wait but if we go back to the original gag of, lowkey being a lil Psych/chaotic Sherlock inspired… shiny being a baby medic?? he tries to be a voice of reason but also enjoys the chaos too much, gets wayyyy too into the play acting and bad covers, but also knows how to patch up the reckless former jedi lol. Ahsoka sometimes just showing up in the Corrie medbay not for a check up but to drag the shiny into shenanigans
Fuck yeah, baby shiny Guard is now a baby shiny medic (Guard). Ahsoka regularly sneaks in through the vents to kidnap him.
Quinlan figures out she's doing Things through psychometry by accident but decides to let sleeping dogs lie until she finally shows up a the Jedi's door like "hey I need help."
The Jedi and various commanders all think it's a standard "the world is bigger and harsher than I thought and as a teen I want to come back to stability," but instead... it's "Chancellor's a Sith Lord."
Though tbh the shiny might just suggest she go to Quinlan first.
REAJGRIGJAERI Quinlan was not prepared for this at all I'm just imagining him as the airplane gag where every new thing Ahsoka reveals is just "I picked a bad day to stop [addiction]"
tbh I initially pitched the AU for Gay Reasons and that's why I was thinking post-RotS but I am now in love with mostly-competent-fumbling teen Ahsoka and her shiny friend.
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karlydraws · 6 months
Would the modern au for Maomao and Jinshi be similar to Detective Conan/Case Closed?
I didn't have any particular media in mind when I drew that modern high au; wasn't even planning to be detective story, just some vague gakuen manga.
But if it has to be detective/mystery solving theme I would go for something like Clamp School Detectives bc I'm an ancient otaku
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killerthe69 · 4 months
Detective Conan Is Close To The Heart
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I think the most beautiful about the Detective Conan and thing that I resonate with is the scene where Miwako was about to shoot Bomber and Takagi stop her and Miwako said what shall I do with those memories that I have they are painful and Takagi said you should keep them "Wasurenai" mean never forget and that's the beautiful thing memory is one hell of beautiful thing remember the joy it brings but remember to move on that is my life motto I love my life memories and I like to keep moving forward create more.
Another theme that i relate to is Shinichi himself he is forced in a situation where he can't be close to his loved one but I feel like he is introvert really bad at communicating at other people about anything not mystery kinda is narcissist that he is better then everyone and that is why I love the scene at scarlett memory trip where he say to Ran yes we are dating he is finally growing up to share his problem with people finally growing up to be friends with other and most importantly become humble and finally be open about his feeling I want to be like that I try to be like that I hope i am the best version of myself for others and people I love.
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sun-warmth · 5 months
“Free Magic” ending theme, my fav 90s theme from Detective Conan
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trixiegalaxy · 2 months
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leonawriter · 13 days
SO much of a massive part of how I look at a series and what happens in it now is: what is the overall state of reality in this series? How close to the "real world's laws" is it?
Which tropes and conventions does it follow?
If the series is a shounen, then the expectations are that children of a certain age range, usually older than 12 but younger than 18, will be the heroes, and that the idea of "good vs. evil" will show up eventually.
If it's a seinen, then we can expect the main cast of protagonists to be anywhere between 18 and 25, give or take, for a young adult audience. The themes will be more mature not in terms of violence or suggestive content, but in terms of moral grey areas and the complexities of adult relationships.
If it's a gag manga... then things like "buildings are getting blown up" and "people are getting beaten up a lot" are going to happen quite regularly as slapstick humour. We are not meant to think about the idea of "how many people were in that building?" Likewise, injuries are recovered from as the plot demands.
With that in mind?
I tend to think of Detective Conan as following the rule of "close enough to reality to teach the younger (and older) readers, while being set in an action-adventure setting that was born from a more slapstick nature," meaning that how bad the damage is and how fast one recovers from an injury fully depends on what the author wants or needs from the plot at the time.
Do we have to care about the buildings that get blown up? Not... really, unless Gosho wants to bring up a few dozen cases later that they're rebuilding.
Do we have to worry about the state of Singapore in the aftermath of the Fist of the Blue Sapphire? Not at all! It's none of our business. We're only supposed to care about how cool it all looked.
Are we, then, supposed to care about the severity of injuries, regardless that it's in a mystery series where people die all the time?
Well... that depends. Because usually, things like that are played straight, and with respect (more or less) to what that sort of injury would do to you. But sometimes? a victim will wake up right at the conclusion of a case, miraculously at the exact moment they need to be awake. Or Conan in his seven year old body will get tasered, and then wake up half an hour or so later.
If it's fiction, the setting and desires of the author have to be taken into consideration. Sure, we can go "and reality ensues" for our fanworks, but if Conan gets back up and never needed to go to hospital? That's not a plot hole. It's just how it was written.
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idkaguyorsomething · 9 months
Why You Should Read Known Associates
might as well start shouting it from the rooftops now that i’ve got one of these, but if you are in the Detective Conan/Case Closed fandom and you haven’t read Known Associates by @halfpennyjones you are missing out. it’s easily one of the best fics i’ve ever read and blows its source material out of the water.
who it centers on: kogoro mori/richard moore, ran mori/rachel moore, and conan. the story is told entirely from kogoro/richard’s perspective, so the focus tends to be on the people closest to him, like eri and inspector megure. there’s not a lot of the black organization or heiji, so if you’re just here for them, maybe this isn’t the fic for you. there’s so much great stuff, though, so don’t discount it just because of that!
why you should read it: Known Associates is one of those fics that expands upon canon characters and events that its source material didn’t give too much time to shine. retelling a lot of the events of the story from the perspective of kogoro/richard, it has a much more realistic take on a lot of canon. stuff like kogoro/richard’s subpar parenting skills, his divorce, his alcoholism, and mental illness are all taken a lot more seriously here. the story doesn’t shy away from how flawed of a man he can be, but it treats him sympathetically and remembers the good stuff he does as much as the bad. it’s a tricky tightrope to walk, but the result is a fascinating character study of a deeply flawed, but ultimately good man with a metric ton of issues to work through. this extends to the rest of the characters as well! we get insight into how ran/rachel is affected by all the crime and disappearances around her, as well as conan struggling to cope with his new situation. the latter is especially great to read about because of the layer of dramatic irony where we know about his secret but the POV character doesn’t, which makes for some fantastic little details that are so, so satisfying to catch on reread. it’s not all doom and gloom either, since the narrative maintains a very wry sense of humor that never feels like it goes too far. if you’re a fan of twisted jokes, at least give this fic a try just for the narration. all this comes packaged along with a strong emotional core that adds so many layers to these characters that i promise you will never look at them the same way after reading this. and it has inspector megure being a great friend, so what’s not to love?
possible reasons to stay away: as mentioned before, this fic doesn’t shy away from themes of child neglect, alcoholism, and mental illness. it also goes into the full implications of conan repeatedly non-consensually drugging a man, which can be quite harrowing to read about. and it should probably go without saying, but there is a lot of murder and kidnapping going around, the main difference between this and canon being that people react to it somewhat more realistically rather than shrugging it off once the case is solved. all these subjects are handled with tact and are well-written, but if they trigger you then you may want to avoid this fic.
TL;DR Known Associates is an amazing fanfic with a lot of humor, heart, and darkness. go do yourself a favor and read it if you haven’t already, but be wary because it treads some rough waters on a magnificently well-written journey
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lupizora · 2 days
(This was my entry to the @/dcmkkaishinevents server's One Prompt Challenge of 2024 with the theme: He was, unfortunately, very handsome. Things became pretty chaotic ever since I posted it on AO3 back in the end of March, so I kind of forgot to post it here too hahah 😅 Hope you have a good time reading it!)
Title: Healing Touch
Genre:  Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: KaiShin
Rating: M (TW: Hospitals, hints to Suicidal Ideation, Minor Medical Procedures)
Word Count: 2,545
Summary: [Is it a dance, if they’re both pretending?] or Kaito wakes up in the hospital after crash-landing his glider, only to find Shinichi in the neighboring bed (who, for reasons unknown, is acting as if finding an unmasked KID is nothing out of the ordinary)
Voices ebbed and flowed like waves on a distant rocky shore.
Kaito was drifting in and out of consciousness.
The steady beeping from some kind of machinery and several shoes scuffing hurriedly on the floor served as additional undertones to his surroundings. Amid this cacophony, the voices were something substantial to lock on and focus. Each individual's timbre, from high and squeaky to low and sonorous, carried its own melody and tune. Speech patterns and word choices could reveal a lot about a person’s inner world. But none of these were an exact science.
Kaito hadn’t perfected his ability to that degree anyway.
It had begun as a game with his father. Back then, Kaito had been absorbing every trick in the book—even if his application of it turned out lacking. He had to experiment and learn as much as he could before settling on his path as a magician. Mimicking voices had been just one of those skills he shelved away as a kid, deeming it useless for anything other than practical jokes and pranks.
The irony was not lost on Kaito when impersonating anyone at the drop of a hat became vital to his career as the Phantom Thief KID. He had stumbled at first, his years of idleness making his voice crack at all the wrong times. But he persisted and insisted; until the disguises were the disposable props in this equation.
Now even that doesn’t matter.
Kaito’s first coherent thought blazed through his mind like a flash fire. It startled him, dispelling the hazy murmur of voices in the background.
Awareness returning to his body, Kaito found himself lying on a soft but firm mattress. Every part of him throbbed with the dull tune of pain. His left hand, draped over the edge of the bed, had some kind of object tugging uncomfortably at the inner side of his elbow. Something warm and featherweight was pressed against the back of his curled fingers. Kaito used this sensation to ground himself in reality and took a deep breath.
The sterile smell of antiseptic filled his lungs, the conversations around him clearing up enough for him to understand solid words. Somebody was calling for a nurse. Another was complaining about how long they had been waiting. A kid wailed in the distance, akin to an ambulance’s siren.
A hospital? Kaito wondered before his memories breached the fuzzy dam of sweet bliss. Realization hit him with the same force he had smashed on the ground. A hospital!
Kaito sat up in a hurry.
His heart hammered like a caged bird in his chest.
Light assaulted his eyes, burning them with its whiteness.
Disorientated, he blindly patted his arm.
Soft tube.
Under his skin.
Probably an IV.
Just as he took hold of it, ready to pull, a foreign hand grabbed his wrist.
“Don’t yank it out!” This voice—young, male, authoritative—tickled the edge of familiarity.
Opening slowly his bleary eyes, the fuzzy figure of a person greeted Kaito.
The other guy was leaning sideways from the neighboring bed. His deathly grip on the headboard prevented him from keeling over the space between them. Attached to the arm he was using to hold Kaito’s wrist—right above the turned-up sleeve of a white shirt—he had an IV drip of his own.
“Are you stupid?” he asked, heaving. “You’ll bleed out if you pull it like that.”
Even the chewing out sounds familiar, Kaito lamented in the privacy of his head. Where’s my brilliant quick thinking? I could use some help right about now…
There was one curious detail he was starting to notice though. His previously spiked heartbeat had slowed down.
The other gently shook Kaito’s arm. “Hey, are you with me?”
“Yeah. All my marbles are their rightful in place.” Kaito shook his head. “I mean. I’m aware and listening. Can I have my hand back?”
“If you promise me that you won’t do anything hasty, and will let me take a look at it.”
Kaito’s vision, like a viewfinder coming into focus, finally cleared. Realizing who was the altruist worrying for his health, only served to complicate things further. Since the person who had immediately jumped into action to help him was no other than the Great Detective in the flesh.
Although, upon closer inspection, Shinichi looked quite haggard himself. His suit pants were peppered with shallow cuts. If the discoloration of skin near his collarbone was any indication, more bruises were blooming under his shirt. Thankfully, his face didn’t suffer a lot of damage besides a split lower lip and a scratch on his forehead.
Shinichi cocked his eyebrow towards that exact wound. “So?”
Kaito blinked. Right. He’s expecting a reply.
“Sure, I promise.”
“Good,” Shinichi breathed out.
After going through the motions of sitting properly at the edge of the bed, he flagged down a nurse for fresh gauze and latex gloves. The nurse asked some standard questions to Kaito, but otherwise, she didn’t seem bothered by Shinichi’s request.
If anything, Kaito was the one puzzled that his name didn’t receive any reaction. So, while the Great Detective was preparing to help him out of the IV drip, Kaito took stock of his own appearance. The answer staring back at him was ridiculously simple. He was wearing his slacks and a hoodie instead of the KID outfit. No wonder he hadn’t been recognized.
But this brings another question, doesn’t it? Kaito thought. Should I play the fool?
Gloved fingers trailing against his forearm snapped him back into the present. In any other situation, this could have been part of some nightmare. Kaito had seen his fair share of quack doctors performing horror surgeries on him if he ever got his hands on Pandora.
But Shinichi sat still. His expression relaxed and open, offering an invitation for Kaito to take the initiative. It was so bizarre to be treated like a regular civilian without any mask or disguise to hide behind.
Against his better judgment, Kaito placed his arm in the Great Detective’s hands.
They were warm. His fingers gently prodded the area around the inserted tube, picking apart the dressing and the transparent tape holding it in place. Quite not as surprisingly, Shinichi was putting the same care and attention he allotted to clues and evidence onto this.
Kaito felt a little twitchy being scrutinized like that, even if it wasn’t for doing something illegal. Years of muscle memory from soccer balls flying at high velocity toward his face were hard to override.
So, he opted for some small talk. “What are you, an intern?”
“No. I’m a detective,” Shinichi deadpanned.
“What?!” Kaito made a show of trying to pull his hand away. “Do you even know what you’re doing?”
“Yes. I may not be a physician, but I know a few key things. Waiting for the coroner to make the first call is tedious. Sometimes, I need to identify the proper cause of death and find the culprit before it’s too late.” Shinichi’s hold remained steady and gentle. “Now, stop squirming. You will aggravate it.”
“Aye, sir.”
As more skin was becoming more visible by the minute, the unpleasant kind of squirming settled in his gut.
Kaito redirected his gaze to the room around them. Their beds were occupying the corner near the end of the Emergency Room. A beige curtain separated them from the rest of the beds in their line-up and their occupants, giving them a little privacy. Not that Kaito minded. Not at all, actually. There were worse people to get stuck in the hospital with, more so having them witness his earlier freakout. He wasn’t here as KID, after all.
“Alright. I’m ready,” Shinichi said. “This is going to hurt a little. So, stay still.”
Your understanding of “a little” might be kinda skewed, Detective. Kaito nodded despite his reservations.
Furrowing his brows, Shinichi seemed to search for something in Kaito’s expression. “If it’s making you nervous, you could close your eyes.”
“Thanks, but that would have the opposite effect. I can’t leave the fate of my arm to some run-of-the-mill sleuth, can I?” Kaito crumbled the sheets with his free hand. “Put yourself in my shoes. Who are you, acting all nonchalant without a license?”
Shinichi chuckled. It was short-lived and almost unnoticeable, but the soft sound of it rattled Kaito to the bone.
“I’m kind of a big deal though,” Shinichi meekly said. “I just don’t like bragging about it anymore. Brings more trouble than it’s worth.”
Kaito wanted to laugh at this scenario reaching a new level of absurdity. Instead, he closed his eyes. “Okay, Mr. Hot Stuff. We both have places to be—stuff to do. Let's get this over with.”
He received only an agreeable hum in return. Shinichi’s fingers tightened around Kaito's elbow while his other hand started the procedure. All things considered, the pain wasn’t worse than getting shot at or whenever the belts of KID’s glider would dig deeper after a risky maneuver. Still uncomfortable, still painful. Kaito had never thought he would want to hide his emotions behind a Poker Face for something like this. But he came close, moments before it was over.
Pressing the folded gauze at the wound, Shinichi instructed Kaito how to keep applying pressure to it for a bit. “You took it like a champ,” he added with a smile. “I haven’t heard of anyone holding themselves this well together.”
“What can I say? My pain tolerance might be higher than I expected. Although—” Kaito leaned forward, scoffing— “I have to hope this wasn’t an experiment on your part.”
“Do I look like that sort of person?” Shinichi said, placing the remnants in the porcelain bowl the nurse had provided. His posture gave nothing away. Even the act of taking off his gloves, to throw them away, was done with a grace usually reserved for springing up his deductions on suspects.
What you look like right now is, unfortunately, a very handsome bastard. How did you become so smooth while I wasn’t looking for a couple of years?
Kaito’s inner complaints screeched to a halt when Shinichi took ahold of his hand again.
“May I ask what are you doing, Detective…sir?” Kaito squeaked.
“I noticed something while taking out your IV. Your arm is covered by scratches at weird angles.” Shinichi’s fingers trailed lightly along the wounds from elbow to wrist. “As if you dropped from the air into several thorny bushes and rolled down a hill full of them.”
This conjecture, while close, was not exactly accurate. Kaito had indeed crash-landed earlier amidst one of the parks still retaining its wild forest roots. But the weird angle came from the glider flying through the foliage before hitting the ground. It left Kaito wondering if the Great Detective was losing his touch or if this was the real test appearing at last.
Shinichi didn’t comment on the other’s prolonged silence. His inspection had reached Kaito’s palm and fingers. “These nicks here are more varied. Some old, some new. They are usually made from shuffling cards.” Looking up, he leveled his gaze with Kaito’s. “Are you a gambler?”
Kaito was positive he was messing with him—to what end, was still to be determined. “Sure. I've gambled my life on something that didn't matter in the end. One might say I wanted to soothe my frustrations with this daredevilish stunt today.”
Shinichi's expression darkened.
“I'm only kidding,” Kaito said with a self-deprecating laugh. “These are from practicing tricks. I'm a budding magician, as a side gig and all.”
“So, you're just an adrenaline junkie.” There it was—that troubled furrow on his brow again. “I find it hard to believe when the proof of your hard work is right in front of me.”
Offering a one-shouldered shrug, Kaito used his free hand to sweep Shinichi’s bangs away from his eyes. “Is it that hard? All great artists hit a wall they can’t overcome at some point. Inspiration dries up. Ideas aren’t working, not due to lack of trying, but from the sheer effort they need to come to fruition. Sometimes, there is nothing more you can do than give up and—”
The words stopped in Kaito’s throat. Shinichi had laced their fingers together.
“No,” the Great Detective said; a simple declaration ringing like the true final one. “You don’t get to throw down the mantle until I catch you fair and square, or you find what you’ve been looking for all along. Use me if you have to! I won’t settle for anything less.”
Laughter exploded; loud, unrestrained, and unapologetic. It took a moment for Kaito to recognize it was coming from him. He didn’t stop though. He laughed and laughed and laughed until he was running out of air. Tears prickled at the corners of his eyes and he wiped them out with the back of his free hand. All the while, Shinichi didn’t let go.
“You are truly an incomprehensible piece of work. You know that, right?” Kaito asked, after coming down from his outburst. “What sort of detective sides with the internationally wanted thief? And for what?”
Shinichi glanced at their joined hands. “The kind of selfish idiot who doesn’t want to let go of the thief that easily. Can’t have you dying on me before I solve your case.”
“I’m not—is that why you’re here? I’m pretty sure I called the ambulance myself!”
“You did, huh?” Shinichi cupped his chin in thought. “Was I that wrong in my estimate?”
“Yes. Maybe? It was a lapse of judgment on my part. I still very much like living, I’ll have you know!” A headache was building behind his eyes, so Kaito buried his face in Shinichi’s shoulder. He didn’t miss the flinch. “How did you end up here, if it wasn’t on purpose? Messed with the wrong crowd again?”
“Believe it or not, today was a lapse of judgment for me too.”
“The scandal!”
Shinichi pinched Kaito’s cheek. “I let my guard down during surveillance. Those mobsters I was following jumped me when I was least expecting it.”
“Mobsters? Wasn’t that a little out of your depth? I thought private investigators mostly deal with hunting down cheaters and marriage affairs, that sort of stuff?”
“A case is a case as long as it’s interesting.”
It was Kaito’s turn to give him a once-over. “Good thing they didn’t damage your face too badly. Your mother would have cried rivers upon rivers of tears.”
“As if you care about that. It would have been harder to impersonate me. That’s all,” Shinichi said with an eye roll.
“Am I such a despicable person in your eyes? I simply expressed my genuine worries about your health.” Cupping Shinichi’s chin, Kaito run his thumb over the split lip. “Is that too much for my reckless, handsome Great Detective?”
Slipping from Kaito’s loose hold, Shinichi pushed him back to his own bed. He quickly laid down himself. “The painkillers in your system are messing with your brain. Get some rest and we’ll talk in the morning, you weirdo.”
Although Shinichi’s back was turned, Kaito could swear he heard him say: “Take better care of yourself, idiot thief. You're not half-bad either.”
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holmesoldfellow · 24 days
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William Gillette in plays (1899) and "Sherlock Holmes" (1916): #gillette
"Sherlock Holmes" with John Barrymore (1922): #barrymore
"Sherlock Jr." directed by and featuring Buster Keaton (1924): #jr
Arthur Wontner films "The Sleeping Cardinal" (1931), "The Missing Rembrandt" (1932), "The Sign of Four: Sherlock Holmes' Greatest Case" (1932), "The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes" (1935), and "Silver Blaze" (1937): #wontner
"Sherlock Holmes" with Basil Rathbone (1939-46): #rathbone
"Sherlock Holmes" with Ronald Howard (1954): #howard #ronald howard
Christopher Lee in "Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace" (1962) and other productions: #lee
"Sherlock Holmes" with Douglas Wilmer (1964-1965, plus other appearances): #wilmer
"Sherlock Holmes" with Peter Cushing (1968): #cushing
"The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes" directed and written by Billy Wilder (1970): #tplosh #the private life of sherlock holmes
Theater productions (1970s) and "Interior Motives" (1976) with Leonard Nimoy: #nimoy
"The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Brother" written, directed, and featuring Gene Wilder (1975): #brother
"The Seven Percent Solution" written by Nicholas Meyer and featuring Nicol Williamson (1976): #seven percent
"Murder by Decree" with Christopher Plummer (1979): #decree #murder by decree
"Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson" with Geoffrey Whitehead and Donald Pickering (1979): #whitehead
"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" with Vasiliy Livanov (Soviet Holmes) (1979-1986): #livanov
"The Hound of the Baskervilles" with Tom Baker (1982): #baker
Ian Richardson in "The Sign of Four" (1983) and "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (1983) and other productions: #richardson
"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" with Jeremy Brett (Granada) (1984-94): #granada #granada holmes
"Young Sherlock Holmes" directed by Barry Levinson (1985): #young #young sherlock holmes
"Detective Conan"/"Case Closed" manga by Gosho Aoyama (1994) and anime (1996): #case closed
"Sherlock Holmes" (2009) and "Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows" (2011) directed by Guy Ritchie and featuring Robert Downey Jr.: #rdj
"Moriarty the Patriot" manga (2016) and anime (2020): #ynm
#german: German productions of Sherlock Holmes, such as “Der Hund von Baskerville” (1937) and "Sherlock Holmes" with Erich Schellow (1967)
#animated: Animated series and references to Sherlock Holmes, such as "Sherlock Hound" (1984), "The Great Mouse Detective" (1986), and "Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century" (1999)
#theater: Theater productions about Sherlock Holmes
#playbill: Playbills for Holmesian theater productions, including William Gillette's play
#radio: Audio series productions relating to Sherlock Holmes, including "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (1939-47), "Moriarty: The Devil's Game" (2022), and "Sherlock & Co." (2023)
#multi: posts that combine several adaptations of Sherlock Holmes in one.
Video Games- #video game: (mostly original) posts about video games
#frogwares: content pertaining to the Sherlock Holmes game series by Frogwares. Original posts are under #frogwares sherlock
#ace attorney: content relating to the game "The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles" (2021)
Merchandise- #merchandise: physical merchandise relating to Sherlock Holmes. A non-exhaustive list of subcategories:
#stuffed animal
#mini figure
#tea blend
#other: Everything else! Usually non-listed adaptations or crossovers.
*Please note that none of my posts are intended to be advertisements or promotions, I just like collecting different interpretations of the great detective.
My playlists:
Miscellaneous adaptations
German Holmes
Christmas with Holmes
Spotify playlist of musical themes
Other folks playlists I use for shows:
Granada Holmes
Howard/1954 Holmes
Douglas Wilmer Holmes (1964)
Young Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Manor House (1982)
Sherlock Hound
Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century
Sherlock Mondays (2023 verbal annotation of Holmes stories by the Rosenbach museum)
Sherlock Holmes audio dramas by Big Finish
My DMs, asks, and submissions are always open for those interested! Let me know if you'd like me to tag something for you, or find an adaptation for you. Ask questions, or just chat. See ya!
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kyndaris · 1 month
No Limit!
International Women's Day saw bleachpanda and I head off to Universal Studios Japan to spend almost all of our money on merchandise and souvenirs we may or may not have needed. And by that, I mean me. I spent quite a bit of money on nabbing a Monster Hunter hoodie, a Detective Conan t-shirt, a Hufflepuff scarf and the icing of the cake: a Bowser hat bleachpanda convinced me to buy with nary a word of encouragement.
Though I knew in my head the opportunity to wear it would be few and far between, I couldn't help myself. I just needed to buy it. And when I did, I took a picture of me wearing it and sent it to my mother. Needless to say, my mother's immediate response was: I can't believe you wasted money on that. When are you ever going to wear it?
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In any case, I'm getting ahead of myself.
We started International Women's Day pretty early. After eating breakfast at The Flag, we took the train to Umeda Station in order to transfer to the JR line and Universal City Station. Unfortunately, we got a bit lost trying to navigate our way towards the JR station as Google showed a dotted line going in and through building with little to no explanation. And when looking at directions, it simply said: walk east for 200 metres. Not particularly helpful information.
Thankfully, we managed to find our way to the JR station without too much delay and entered through the gates of Universal Studios Japan by 8:50 AM (for some strange reason, the park opened at 8:30 AM on this Friday instead of its usual 8 AM. It would also close at 7 PM instead of the usual 10 PM). As soon as our tickets were scanned in, I immediately set about booking bleachpanda and I a timed-entry ticket into Super Mario World after hearing horror stories from my friend on the difficulties of getting a decent time and how they only managed to get a 9:30 PM time-slot when they visited back in August 2023.
Given we were visiting Universal Studios in early spring, and how early I was booking us in, we managed to nab a slot for 2:40 PM.
With our entry confirmed, bleachpand and I found ourselves diving into the nearby souvenir shops, buying up the 'kakkoii' items, with many a retailer commenting on bleachpanda's Hunter x Hunter t-shirt.
Afterwards, we managed to walk around the theme park to get a sense of the rides in each distinctive area (and so I could also build up our step count). Along the way, we bought a few exclusive snacks including Demon Slayer churros, a turkey thigh (which was distinctly average) and a hot butterbeer at Harry Potter World. During this initial gambol through Universal Studios, bleachpanda and I also snuck in a quick Jaws boat ride - one of the tamest attractions at the park (although bleachpanda managed to psych herself into believing it would be a rollicking rollercoaster that would cause her undue motion sickness. Spoiler alert: it didn't).
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From Amity Village, we headed to Water World and almost ended up in Super Mario World before backtracking down to Harry Potter World. There, we caught a grand show demonstrating the prowess of Durmstrang and Beauxbaton students.
Later, after we had guzzled our butterbears, I handed over my bags for bleachpanda to look after as I headed on the Harry Potter: Forbidden Journey ride. Despite enjoying the boat ride and the performance given by the themepark staff, bleachpanda had been told one of her family members had fainted during the augmented reality experience. Instead, she would walk around the rest of the park and try some food.
No skin off my back.
But despite the supposed 100 minute wait, as a solo rider, I was able to hop on after only half an hour. In fact, bleachpanda was surprised at how quickly I joined her back at the Jurassic Park portion of Universal Studios Japan.
From there, bleachpanda and I tried to track down some Kaito Kid popcorn she had seen on the app, only to learn after we completed a second circuit around the park that the popcorn would only be available from the 19th of March onwards!
Another 11 days away! And when we would have returned to our lives back in Australia.
At least we managed to catch the No Limit! parade while we were faffing about around the park. But since I can't embed videos into my blog posts, you'll simply have to search up 'No Limit! parade' on YouTube and find the BGM. As I've said, it's catchy as all heck and such high energy! Bleachpanda was probably embarrassed to have me next to her bopping out to the songs. But hey, when you have a slew of characters from Gru, Elmo, Cookie Monster and Mario, dancing to the music is no longer a choice. One simply does!
Then, of course, it was time to head to Super Mario World and my goodness, did the place deliver! The pictures are as below:
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Upon emerging from Peach's castle, bleachpanda and I had our breath taken away. It literally felt like I'd stepped through a magical warp pipe. And soon, the two of us began punching brinks and trying to obtain the keys needed to take on Bowser Jr. But what caught my eye, even as I was admiring how very Super Mario this part of the park was, were the pikmin here and there. Too bad Captain Olimar wasn't present.
Finally, we stopped at the local cafe for some grub and for a chance to rest our feet. Bleachpanda got a disappointing omurice and tiramisu cake while I anjoyed a Mario bacon burger and the end Pole Zone cake.
Once we were full, bleachpanda and I headed to our last ride of the day (and to cross off another experience in our 'Visit Japan' bucket list. And that was to ride an anime attraction. While I would have preferred that it was Detective Conan related, instead we got Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba XR where we waited for 140 minutes (although it was closer to three hours) to strap a VR headset to our faces and then dip and accelerate on a rollercoaster.
By the time we returned to our hotel at Shinsaibashi, bleachpanda and I were ready to flop onto our beds and sleep; our legs sore from a day of walking and standing in super long lines.
Still, would i recommend Universal Studios Japan to the casual visitor? Yes! But it is with an additional caveat: Universal Studios Japan is not as extensive or as large as its US counterparts. Still, with rides and merchanise encompassing various anime and video games, it provides a different experience that one can't always find elsewhere. So, if you like your flashy animated shows or your latest shonen jump content, head to Universal Studios Japan! You won't be disappointed.
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