#deltarune root of all evil
glavilio · 1 year
i also think the blatent mischaracterization of the first fallen human/"chara" as an evil mastermind rather than a troubled and traumatized child has helped lead to a lot of people making the kind of dumb assumption that kris and chara are completely separate entities (or that kris is somehow a fusion of frisk and chara) when i'd say its pretty obvious that kris is "chara" in the world of deltarune. chara isn't even really their name in undertale you know. so seeing kris's "chara-like" behavior/attributes as evidence of something sinister rather than just details about their character does both stories such a disservice. people don't characterize all aspects of asriel as evil just because of what he did as flowey, but its easier to blame everything that happens during the murder route on something other than the players own actions. given that deltarune is playing up to be all about the responsibility of the player and the distinction between them and kris, i hope i don't see the same misconceptions take root again. over and out
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Devil (From Cuphead Show) Is Such A Himbo And There Should Be A Himbo Contest
 okay we know about that sexyman contest that happen before, and Sans having won.
if there was a Himbo Contest, I think Papyrus from Undertale, Spamton from Deltarune, Caboose and Tucker from Red Vs Blue, Frederick from Fire Emblem Awakening, Bowser Koopa from Mario Series, Demiurge from Overlord, Ozzie & Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss (they would be a package deal and be more of a co-himbos if they won.), Monty Python from the Arackniss Audio Drama Series by Axelgear, Sir Pentious from Hazbin Hotel, and lastly Devil from the Cuphead Show, would be a part of such a contest.
I mean I can’t be the only one who has notice that Devil from the Cuphead Show, sometimes has his himbo moments and ends up acting like a cute idiot.
of course Ozzie and Fizzy are both Himbos for different reasons, they can’t hide the love they have for each other from the Helluva Boss Fans.
Papyrus is a mix of being a cinnamon roll and himbo, and even if he ends up winning the himbo contest, he would likely win a cinnamon roll contest or come in second to the one who does win the cinnamon roll contest.
Demiurge from Overlord, he gives me reasons to make me view him as a himbo.....I wonder if he takes after his “Dad” Ulbert Alain Odle, like maybe in theory, Ulbert was a himbo...?
oh yeah, someone else could be in a Himbo Contest, and that would be Glamrock Freddy, he could end up winning. O_O
 maybe if there was a Himbo Contest, it should be called The Himbo King Contest, or Himbo Emperor Contest.
if Devil from the Cuphead series both from the game and show was real in real life, and he tried to make a deal for my Soul, I guess I would slap his hand and spray him with a bottle of water and tell him “No.”
the weirdest thought I had besides that one, is placing the South Park’s version of Satan in a timeout box, and the box would have to be very big in order for him to fit in it.
and well both him and the South Park’s version of Jesus...
I can’t help but question a certain info that those who follow Jesus, will be trapped inside their own bodies after they die, I will have to try to look up the info again and try to read more about it.
but if that info is true, and some percent of humans end up trapped in their bodies that have passed on and their souls are put into some kind of hibernation like stasis and end up in I guess a endless dream...
wouldn’t that mean that they are being kept hostage in their bodies that have already passed, not able to fully move on to the afterlife or reincarnate...?
 plus the whole money being the root of all evil, might be slightly incorrect.
because before gold, silver, copper and paper money were money, they were once part of the earth, and it could be possible that the darkest and corrupted greed could be one of the roots of all evil, but not 100% the money itself.
 I’m a Defective Earth Angel that works slightly differently than other Earth Angels, and I’m a little weird...
and I have come up with the word “Eon-Boomer” which is what Princess Charlie Morningstar’s Dad (from Hazbin Hotel) is....and Devil from the Cuphead Game and Show, is possibly both a Eon-Boomer and a Himbo.
  another thing that might be a weird thought, that the hybrid earth angels of this modern era would kind of be like those baby dragons from how to train your dragon, and if the earth angels are still baby souls of course they will be the type that wont really listen to anyone, Angel or Fallen Angel, and that would be kind of cute and funny.
it can be possible that a baby soul might remember trauma that they experience before being reborn on earth to a human family.
like if certain angels caused the other angel that was holding the baby angel, to be thrown over the edge and that memory could stick to their memory core of their soul and they might not remember it right away or the memory could be passed down as a copy to their own fragment that would be born from them in a distant future and they might believe that memory is theirs but really it came from the earth angel soul they had fragmented from.
anyway I want to get back to talking about how Devil from the Cuphead Show is a Himbo, so I will just say that it is possible that the soul can end up with some form of trauma and the memories will be in the soul, either bits and pieces but there are some memories from pasts lives that is best not to remember, even ones that don’t really belong to you, and might belong to one of your Soul-Parents that you fragmented from.
anyway back to the himbo topic, how Devil acts at times in both Season 1 and 2 of Cuphead Show, would make myself and possibly a few others, view him as a himbo and a bit of a cute idiot.
not sure if King Dice knows that his boyfriend/boss is a Himbo or not...
well give him time, he will figure out eventually...
is it weird to view those two as kind of a married couple in Cuphead Show, but they are going through some problems that is placing them both in a rocky relationship...?
like Devil could grow attached to Mugman and telling King Dice not to come near him or his son again, and King Dice has to tell him that Mugman isn’t his son....
which ends up having Devil saying to King Dice “Not To Come Near Your Son.”
making Devil call King Dice the Father of Mugman....and showing Devil’s himbo side....
when Season 3 does come, maybe we will get more old married couple moments with Devil and King Dice and even show more himbo moments with Devil.
also you know how Asmodeus from Helluva Boss, has the nickname “Ozzie”...
well is it weird that I kind of want to call Mammon from Helluva Boss, by the nickname “Mona”....like don’t care if it is technically a girl’s name and I have yet to find info of it being a gender neutral name.
and there is a reason why that weird thought came to my mind, like wanting to call Mammon from Helluva Boss, by the nickname Mona.
 I know it had to do with something I had read and it having to do with Mammon and one of the alternate versions of his name...
I wonder if Mammon and Buckzo use to date...?
like picture Buckzo holding a boom-box outside and Mammon comes to his balcony and sees him holding the boom-box, and the song playing is “Money Honey” by Lady Gaga.
then again, that would possibly be Mammo-Boy’s theme song...
 if Buckzo and Mammon did date, it would possibly sometime after Blitz, Fizz and Barbie moved out and started to live on their own...well not really 100% sure about Barbie, and it could be possible she is in rehab.
the song “10 Things I Hate About You” by Leah Kate, kind of makes me think of Asmodeus/Ozzie, it just seems to fit him, and well maybe other Ficto-Versions of Asmodeus...
I like the song and I guess it could fit both Ozzie and Fizzy...
I’m weird and those weird thoughts and feelings are gonna happen.                   
and if Buckzo and Mammon did date for a while, I guess Mammon could of got a restraining order on Buckzo.
if Devil from Cuphead series were to meet Ozzie from Helluva Boss, I think he might have a Squidward moment and scream in his thoughts about Ozzie.
like the words being “Oh, No. He’s Hot!” which has become like a favorite of fans to use in different fan arts of different series.
I guess Ozzie is a bit attractive, he seems like really fluffy, and might be super cuddly, but if he so much as tries to touch me in a certain way, I will have to slap him, I mean if he was real, but like he is a ficto-version of the ones from the stories about him....and I guess my possibly having a small crush on Ozzie from Helluva Boss, wouldn’t really be from lust.
plus it can be possible for some fans to get a crush on both Ozzie and Fizzy, but view them as their OTP ship and want those two to be together.
plus there can be different levels of crushes on ficto-characters from different series, some being small crushes and some being big crushes.
like one of my crushes being Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect.
I can be Aroaceflux and still have some form of interest in romance and even get crushes, but like I don’t really want to try to date any real human being at this moment in time, I had bad luck with that before, even if it was only online and never really real life, and well if I did go to a dance before, with a guy, it was not really romantic and was more platonic.
I mean Peridot from Steven Universe, she is Aroace and she ships two of her favorite characters together from Camp Pining Hearts.
it be funny if Peridot gets Alastor from Hazbin Hotel, hooked on that show.
in a Multiverse Crossover, that could happen in the Fanon.
 Vox would be the next one to end up watching Camp Pining Hearts,
like picture Vox and Alastor fighting but then stop when they look at the time and start running to the nearest TV and watching Camp Pining Hearts, the classic version.
that is a weird thought, but I love that thought of those two fighting one moment but then stop to watch Camp Pining Hearts.
and if Husk and Angel are in the same room with Padparascha,
Padparascha being her adorable precious cinnamon roll self, might let out a secret of one of the two.
like her saying “I Predict That Husk Will Think Angel Looks Pretty Today”
and since the thought already happen, Husk could be embarrassed and Angel could be really happy that Husk thinks he looks pretty today.                              
anyway even if it is just wishful thinking, I hope there will be a type of himbo contest someday, and Devil from the Cuphead Show will become a part of it.
because well the moment he acted the way he did in some of the episodes he was in so far, I couldn’t help but view him as a himbo and a bit of a cute idiot.
he can’t hide the flame of the himbo inside himself, he is 100% a himbo.
also the reason why I view Tucker from Red Vs Blue as a himbo, is because of the cute idiot moment he had some seasons back when he thought he went back in time and thought Donut was Sarge.
when he isn’t being a perv, he can be a cute idiot and a bit of a himbo.
also I want to play it safe, so I put the “not for kids” and “mature audiences only” tags for this post...
see ya later, stay safe everyone and hope some don’t mind my weird view of Devil from Cuphead Show being a Himbo and a Cute Idiot.                           
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(Yes yes this IS a wip of Root of all evil page one chapter one I'm JUST as shocked as you are /gen)
Guess I can tag this baby for once
#WIP #deltarunerootofallevil
#DeltaruneChapter2 #deltarunefancomic”
— Me, on Twitter, oblivious to the fact that I am on Twitter and instead trying to appeal to Tumblr’s “algorithm”.
Yeah, hi. I’m that one Twitter user (begrudgingly) who keeps bothering Bright_Goat because they’re cool. Short summary, for those of you who don’t know;
1- I don’t know what I’m doing
2- I decided to start a comic surrounding Bright’s interpretations of the Addisons and Spamton, characters from Deltarune chapter two
3- I don’t know what I’m doing
4- I almost put 2 there instead of 4 because that’s the level of high-speed processing my brain’s able to handle right now
5- I have the rough “script” for the first couple of chapters written up
6- I don’t know what I’m doing.
You can maybe find more information on my Twitter main if I haven’t flooded it with retweets or other dumb*ssery.
Happy hunting, lol.
I’m going to go and rethink my life choices.
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foulserpent · 3 years
not a fan of the fact theres a kill route in deltarune bc the setting/subtext in deltarune places you as an already named and built up character named Kris who is coded as being weird in school and not making much friends (either neurodivergent coded or what else) and making them seem like an evil fucked up killer just for the route REALLY doesnt fit the setting esp when the character is coded in such a way (oh no this loner kid is evil and fucked up)
yeah i mean honestly i dont think having a kill route in of itself is necessarily bad on that level, since its fully established that whoever kris is isnt in control when we play as them (so a kill route is Our actions)
but like, ive been having that issue since day 1 when kris throws the player out and takes out a knife. bc it may be implying that normal kris is a Twisted Fucking Cycle Path, which is like the lamest thing possible and pretty disappointing irt how their 'weird kid' status evokes neurodivergency more than anything
and in chapter 2 its revealed that they actually are taking out the knife to open dark world portals (rather than to just go kill people or whatever) so its more open ended, but could still head in the direction that Kris Evil
i mean my immediate interpretation is that the dark world is a form of escapism for them with ralsei being .. a standin for asriel in some capacity (who they clearly miss badly). and so them going out at night and opening the dark fountains is allowing for that escapism. i think that holds up best based on what weve seen, but its like.... possible that they are Evil and Opening Them To Destroy The World or smth which then brings it back to just being a shit take
or it may be in between where they really do have killing intent and want to sort of remake the world, but its rooted in some deep issues rather than being Kris The Joker. kind of like how chara implicitly had attempted suicide, 'hates humanity', and wanted to get revenge with asriel (all of which strongly implies there was something horrible in their past and theyre lashing out).
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how bout some in general headcannons for deltarune? Do you like chapter 1 or chapter 2 better?
I like chapter 2 better than chapter 1 because it feels larger and more polished. As for general headcannons?
1. Ralsei is a sneaky bastard and you cannot convince me otherwise. He knows too much, he keeps showing up, and he walks with his hands behind his back. Nobody does that unless they're evil! I don't think he's outright evil, but he is definitely NOT telling the truth/the whole story. Also what's in his basement? WHAT'S IN THE BASEMENT GOAT BOY?!?!
2. Spamton & the Addisons are brothers - this is my personal take. I like the idea of family drama and family fluff and reuniting etc. etc., it just gives me warm fuzzies to think of them accepting him back, as you can see from Warning: Battery Low. Which is going to make my other story (working title is Begrudge) an exercise in imagination, because while there is a family reunion, it is not a happy one. ;3
3. Queen was NOT married to Spade King. I get that they're king and queen, but it just doesn't make sense to me. Also she doesn't seem to recognize Lancer at all or really acknowledge him until Castle Town (unless I'm forgetting something?). I also don't think she's a completely batshit insane evil ruler, I think SHE thinks she's a benevolent ruler, but is working in what she believes the best interests of her people are, not what they actually are. Also what the hell is her dialogue? I have so much trouble writing her, otherwise she would have been in more of W:BL.
4. Swatch is the Swatchlings eldest brother, and they care deeply for them. They're not afraid of maice because they always had to protect their younger siblings from them. I do like Swatchton, but I in now way think it's cannon. They could have just as easily been good friends instead of lovers.
5. Susie + Noelle = adorable and I am rooting for them!
6. Mike is the TV character we see at the end of chapter 2 and will appear in chapter 3. This may be more of a hope than a headcannon, but damn am I hoping! I'm also really, REALLY hoping that Toby will see everyone's love for Jevil & Spamton (and the other five puppets to come) and will give them a happy ending through their armor/weapon returning them to their darkner form in the end and letting them live happily ever after in Castle Town.
7. Rouxls Kaard is an adorable squishy man who was abused at the hands of Spade King and is just trying to find a place in the world that fits him, and in doing so he comes across as insufferable and an asshole when really he's desperate to belong and have someone to serve. I think if some of the other characters offered him some patience and sympathy Rouxls could flourish in a job, but...he's just so oblivious about how others perceive him that he's never going to get the chance. Also he's hilarious and whenever I say 'God Dammit' now I do it with a pause between the words.
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synthient · 6 years
Oh no, undertale on main sideblog
Is anyone talking about the fact that two completely different points in the timeline have been collapsed together? Like, the weirdest thing about this universe isn't that Asriel's alive, it's that he's existing as a teenager/twentysomething at the same time as all the characters from Frisk's era
Susie is one of the best parts of this game and I love her but why is her name spelled differently than Clam Girl's Suzy. Whats going on with that
I also love Lancer A Whole Lot. He's the main reason I hope the Dark World is actually real, even though it probably makes more sense if it's not
I know everyone loves ""Ralsei,"" so I'm sorry, but...I don't trust that fellow. Something's off about that kid. What's Asriel up to
One of the characters called Kris and party "guys or girls" at one point and it made my heart go :(
(I mean "guys or girls" is an awkward enough wording that it might be some kind of intentional...thing, but until it's explicitly canonically stated, I'm ever nervous about the possibility that Toby just stumbled into nb rep by accident)
Who is Kris. Appearance-wise and personality-wise (they're a little creepy, Toriel has to hide the chocolate from them, etc) most signs point to Chara. But then there's the fact that they seem to have been adopted by the Dreemurrs young enough that they didn't realize they were a human at first, while Chara's life was defined by their awareness of their humanity and what it meant for the Underground. Guess they could still be a version of Chara from a radically different universe though.
I've also heard a theory that they're Frisk and Kris was their deadname, so that'd be sad :( Don't really want to believe that the Dreemurrs would insist on deadnaming them though, even in the Bad Timeline.
And this is clearly the Bad Timeline. In this hellish world, Alphys thinks Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2 is better than Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 1.
(Which is actually really interesting, and not just in a Your Faves Are Not As You Know Them way. Alphys originally hated Mew Mew 2 because it dropped the hope and kindness and optimism of the original in favor of being 2 Edgy 4 You, but Bad Timeline Alphys loves it because she thinks it's a ~dark adult masterpiece~. So it's potentially commentary on Deltarune as a sequel and its sense of Wrongness and maybe even commentary on the original Halloween Hack)
I was initially really weirded out by the whole Toriel Has Become Catholic thing, but now I think it's another way of cuing us to the Off-ness of this world. In Undertale the monsters had never heard of human religions and holidays, but here the Dreemurrs have been practicing Christians for years (meanwhile Kris just wants the Sick Fruit Juice. Whoever they are I love them)
Speaking of Deltarune as a topsy-turvy opposite-world version of Undertale, it's really interesting that Undertale had multiple endings, but it only gave you one save file, adding to the whole theme of how a meaningful experience can become meaningless if you treat it like it's repeatable and disposable. But Deltarune lets you have 3 save files, and even copy your save file, even though there's only one ending and Your Choices Don't Matter TM
Not only does pacifism being the only option make it less meaningful, but by focusing exclusively on the Fighting Bad angle, the game sidesteps any other ethical issues. It's genuinely fucked up that the Lightners abandoned and imprisoned the Darkners and yet the Darkners can only find fulfillment by helping them, but the heroes don't make any effort to free the Darkners, and the final conflict gets reduced to "the king just needs to stop being mean to the poor Lightners"
That's also one of the reasons I'm lowkey suspicious of ""Ralsei."" He's the one pushing us along on the One Set Path, and then when the Spade King's like "We shouldn't have to worship and obey the Lightners! We should be allowed to find our own purpose!" Ralsei's just like "No!!" and. that's that.
Anyone else concerned that Susie’s like “so sealing this fountain isn’t going to destroy your kingdom or anything, right?” and Lancer’s like “I have no idea! :P” and then we never find out what happened
(Guess it's less of an issue if the Darkners are really just toys in a dark empty storage room, mad that the "Lightners" outside stopped playing with them)
Odd that Susie never goes "huh, this is weirdly similar to the situation in the Underground that we monsters just escaped." Given that, the Toriel Is Now Catholic thing, and Kris being adopted at a young age...is this a universe where the monsters were never sealed underground?
If the Dark World really is real, did the Darkners take the monsters' place?
A lot of the Opposite World differences seem to be directly rooted in the fact that Alphys never became the Royal Scientist (possibly hinting at the ooooo Gaster~ thing)
I love the part where Kris licks the book, but is Toby jossing flavor text theory? Is he winking conspiratorially at it? What does it meannn
"Simple shapes...circle...square...dodecahedron" Chara? Is that you???
I don't actually think this is building to the Most Boring Chara Interpretation (aka: They're an evil serial killer. They've been evil since the tender age of Birth. They were trying to forcibly possess Frisk's body and make them go through with the no mercy run from the very beginning player what player. This suicidal 10-year-old is the one irredeemable Undertale character and the sole exception to Undertale's "everyone has hidden sympathetic depths" rule.) But that ending was stil,,,Bad. Unless it was supposed to feel like cheap dumb creepypasta shock value, in which case it did its job excellently.
"You just have to trust the dog" I'm trying
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ao3feed-davekat · 5 years
When Fandoms Cross
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZXu6YR
by AmieeYam6
A bunch of short stories from different fandoms. Some are crossovers. Do you like anime, cartoons, video games, and web comics? If so, then this might just be the thing for you!
Includes, (but not limited to), Eddsworld, FNAF, BATIM, Cuphead, Black Butler/Kuroshitiji, Gravity Falls, Rick and Morty, and Homestuck.
May also include dark themes not suitable for young audiences. Scenes such as self-harm, alcohol addiction, sexual acts, mild to heavy cursing, PTSD, eating disorders, and more.
Read at your own risk.
Words: 1202, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Bendy and the Ink Machine, Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale (Video Game), Little Nightmares (Video Game), Rick and Morty, Deltarune (Video Game), Cuphead (Video Game), Kuroshitsuji | Black Butler, Eddsworld - All Media Types, Gravity Falls, Homestuck
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Alice Angel (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Boris (Bendy and the Ink Machine), The Creator (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Joey Drew, Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear, Nightguard(s) (Five Nights at Freddy's), Golden Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Animatronics (Five Nights at Freddy's), Frisk (Undertale), Sans (Undertale), Chara (Undertale), Undyne (Undertale), Alphys (Undertale), Mettaton (Undertale), Napstablook (Undertale), Flowey (Undertale), Asriel Dreemurr, Toriel (Undertale), Asgore Dreemurr, Papyrus (Undertale), Annoying Dog (Undertale), Monster Kid (Undertale), Six (Little Nightmares), The Root Pack, Cuphead (Cuphead), Mugman (Cuphead), The Devil (Cuphead), King Dice (Cuphead), Elder Kettle, Cala Maria, Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty), Evil Morty (Rick and Morty), Tiny Rick (Rick and Morty), Morty Smith, Unity (Rick and Morty), Beth Smith (Rick and Morty), Council of Ricks (Rick and Morty), Teacher Rick (Rick and Morty), Birdperson (Rick and Morty), Summer Smith, Jerry Smith, Ralsei (Deltarune), Susie (Deltarune), Lancer (Deltarune), Kris (Deltarune), Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian Michaelis, Joker (Kuroshitsuji), Snake (Kuroshitsuji), Snake's Snakes (Kuroshitsuji), Doll (Kuroshitsuji), Peter (Kuroshitsuji), Wendy (Kuroshitsuji), Dagger (Kuroshitsuji), Undertaker (Kuroshitsuji), Finnian (Kuroshitsuji), Mey-Rin (Kuroshitsuji), Baldroy (Kuroshitsuji), Tanaka (Kuroshitsuji), Pluto (Kuroshitsuji), Beast (Kuroshitsuji), The Triplets (Kuroshitsuji), Betty the Tiger (Kuroshitsuji), Alois Trancy, Claude Faustus, Future Matt (Eddsworld), Prince Matthew (Eddsworld), Matt (Eddsworld), Future Tom (Eddsworld), Tomee Bear (Eddsworld), Tom (Eddsworld), Future Edd (Eddsworld), Edd (Eddsworld), Tord (Eddsworld), Future Tord | Red Leader (Eddsworld), Paul (Eddsworld), Patryck (Eddsworld), Mabel Pines, Dipper Pines, Dippy Fresh, Stan Pines, Ford Pines, Sammy Lawrence, Susie Campbell, Tambry (Gravity Falls), Grenda (Gravity Falls), Waddles (Gravity Falls), Tyrone (Gravity Falls), Other Gravity Falls Characters, Bill Cipher, Karkat Vantas, Kankri Vantas, Sollux Captor, Erisolsprite (Homestuck), Midnight Crew (Homestuck), Calliope (Homestuck), The Trolls (Homestuck), The Kids (Homestuck), Lil Cal (Homestuck), Lord English (Homestuck), Beta Kids (Homestuck), Alpha Kids (Homestuck), Alpha Trolls (Homestuck), Beta Trolls (Homestuck), Davesprite (Homestuck), Scalemates (Homestuck), God Cat (Homestuck)
Relationships: Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive, Cuphead & King Dice (Cuphead), The Devil/King Dice (Cuphead), Cuphead & Mugman (Cuphead), Bendy/Boris (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Alice Angel/Bendy (Bendy and the Ink Machine), Rick Sanchez/Morty Smith, Bill Cipher/Dipper Pines, Frisk/Sans (Undertale), Asriel Dreemurr/Frisk, Chara & Asriel Dreemurr & Frisk, Papyrus & Sans (Undertale), Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, Eridan Ampora/Karkat Vantas, John Egbert/Dave Strider, Dave/Dirk/Jade/Jake/Jane/John/Rose/Roxy, Ciel Phantomhive/Alois Trancy, Claude Faustus/Alois Trancy, Finnian/Elizabeth Midford, Mey-Rin & Elizabeth Midford, Edd/Matt/Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Edd/Matt (Eddsworld), Edd/Tord (Eddsworld), Tom/Tord (Eddsworld), Matt/Tord (Eddsworld), Tom/Edd, Mituna Captor/Kankri Vantas, Kankri Vantas & Karkat Vantas
Additional Tags: Gender-Neutral Kris (Deltarune), Selectively Mute Kris (Deltarune), Shipping, Tags May Change, Other Fandoms Not Mentioned in Tags, AO3 Tags - Freeform, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Fun, Dimension Travel, Family Bonding, Team Bonding, Forced Bonding, Human Bill Cipher, Triangle Bill Cipher, Possessive Bill Cipher, Fluff and Angst, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Crack Treated Seriously, Crack Crossover, Crack Relationships, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape/Non-con Elements, Rape Aftermath, Rape Recovery, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Sleepy Cuddles, Couch Cuddles, Morning Cuddles, Cuddling & Snuggling, Eating Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Cutting, Haphephobia, Fear of Death, Muteness, Consensual Sex, Consent, Aged-Up Character(s), Bathroom Sex, Bathtub Sex, Masturbation in Bathroom, Sibling Incest, Gay Sex, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Sex, loving relationship, Brother/Brother Incest, Protective Older Brothers, Siblings, Bill Cipher is a dorito, Demons are hot, Pain Kink, Blood Kink, Knifeplay, Shower Sex, Masturbation in Shower, drunk party, Music Store, Aftercare, No Aftercare, Daddy Kink, Praise Kink, Consensual Kink, Not Beta Read, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Unrequited Love, Bakery and Coffee Shop, rainy day, sunny day - Freeform, Daydreaming, Dreaming, Acrophobia, Arachnophobia, Ophidiophobia, Agoraphobia, Astraphobia, Monophobia, Enochlophobia, Autophobia, Nyctophobia, Pyrophobia
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZXu6YR
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Undertale And SVTFOE Theories: The Mewmans And Monsters Are Descended From Earth Humans, And The Two Underground Cities
no one has to agree to this theory, but I have reasons to believe that the monsters from Star vs The Forces of Evil, might be descendants of humans that happen to have evolved differently from the humans by unnatural magical spell forces.
like the first monsters of mewni, were humans until one of the first Queens of The Butterfly Family, misused her magic and turned half of the citizens into monsters of different species, and it is most likely the Monster Massacre
took place many centuries later, in a time and place where both Mewman and Monster would forget their shared roots. that they were both from Earth.
and if the realm of magic was destroyed, and the dimensions merged together, it should got rid of the magic on the Monsters’s descendants right...?
well sadly I think that would be incorrect, if a magic spell is on the DNA for too long it could keep it from being reversed even the descendants of the humans who were turned into monsters in the first place by one of the very first generation queens of Mewni, so the Magic that would be in the Monsters DNA while living on a merged world of Mewni/Earth, would not end up being destroyed by the Anti-Magic Whispering Spell.
as the magic in their system for many generations, would of had evolved.
but that would not stop from from being hurt by lethal magic.
Globgor, might be the descendant of one of the first humans who were turned into a shape shifting monster by a Queen Butterfly and they became a leader to the whole monster race, who would then become the ancestor to both Globgor and Meteora.
it might be possible that the Magic High Commission, were not aware that the first monsters they came across were in fact former subjects of a Queen Butterfly who misused her magic to transform them in the first place.
we know that not all the queens of mewni were selfless and have been known to be sneaky, two faced and big cheaters when it comes to winning a election...aka a certain Crescenta The Eager is one I am speaking of as one of those who is two faced and at some point played dirty to get the outcome she wanted.
even Moon used Rhombulus as a scapegoat, and I wouldn’t be surprise if Omnitraxis and Hekapoo were in on it too when fighting Globgor, like it being Moon’s plan and she didn’t get int trouble during that time, but it did turn out she was pulling the strings.
even if she might of became sorry for the disgusting things that she did, she still did them and she might of not of personally killed Quirky, in a way she did do it because it was her magic that turned a Mewman into a Solarian Warrior, who would then seal Quirky’s doom flag.
so her using the spell of Solaria and then using it on all those Mewmans who made up her new village, still makes it her fault.
another theory I want to talk about is Home and New Home in Undertale.
it is just a theory and no one really has to agree about it but, I believe that those two cities were there way before the monsters were sealed underground by a barrier spell.
I have reasons to believe that the Purple City in the ruins
might of been home for the Darkner and the home that Toriel lives in, was home to the Royal Family of the said Darkners.
and the Gray City in New Home, was home of the Lightners.
and the home that Asgore lives in, was most likely home to the Royal Family of The Lightners.
I do have theory about the barrier, is that the hole where Frisk fell into the underground from....doesn’t have the barrier on it, meaning that if a flying monster tried to, they could of flew out through there and possibly grabbed some human souls then returned and go all the way to Asgore and give him the key to all the monsters freedom.
but another way would be just to throw down a rope and have each monster climb up and out of there.
so I believe that there was a unforeseen hole in the humans who imprisoned the monsters in the first place and a alternate way for the monsters to be free without the use of Seven Human Souls.
when the monsters first were put imprisoned in the underground they were over at the Gray City, which they had not yet named New Home yet.
they traveled until they reached where the Purple City was, otherwise known as the ruins.
Toriel and Asgore, could of lived there up until they got married and were going to have Asriel.
and they might were in the process of getting ready to move to what would be their “New Home” when Chara fell.
Chara fell through the hole that did NOT have the barrier magic, a living thing can come in through the barrier but can not go out after.
if we do not break the barrier and if we do a neutral and pacifist run, it is most likely Frisk will not end up back on the surface and would be trapped.
and if I had to guess where they were during that time, I would say in hiding when Sans Calls them.
if they made friends and didn’t kill anyone, and Toriel is Queen, then I think they would hide and live at Toriel’s Old Home and live there until they figure out a plan on how to make things right.
but if they killed any monsters, and Toriel was forced to head back to her home because of  Undyne not liking the idea of befriending humans.
then Frisk might end up staying at Temmie Village.
both Frisk and Chara fell in a spot where the barrier does not reach.
and in Head canon, I know it isn’t Chara possessing Frisk.
we the players are in control Frisk, as they are the Player’s Vessel.
Chara’s Soul is most likely that red heart we see when we turn on the power in the True Lab.
that Red Heart down there, behind some kind of glass.
is Chara, the TRUE Chara.
when Asriel turned to dust, and all there was left was Chara’s body and Soul.
I think a Royal Scientist took Chara’s Soul, so they could use it to power the underground.
 if Chara’s Soul was given to Asgore, then he wouldn’t need Frisk’s Soul.
or if the monsters had figured out the barrier did not reach past the ruins where those golden flowers were, then no lives would have to be taken in order to give the monsters freedom.
no one has to agree with those theories, both the Undertale and SVTFOE theories.
but I still believe that the Red Heart in the True Lab
is in fact Chara’s Soul, and those red digital faces on the screens that we see after we leave the room after turning on the power.
are CHARA, who is smiling at Frisk/Player.
when we turn on the power, we also wake up True Chara
who might be acting as the True Lab’s A.I...
in the AU Timelines that fans make, it can have Chara not trapped in the true lab, being used as a power source.
but what would happen if Flowey found this out, finding out that his Best Friend, is being used as power source...?
I guess he could be upset at finding this out.
plus I believe that the Chara that the Player meets in the game, isn’t really Chara.
they can go by many names, depending on what we the player names them in the start.
Undertale and Deltarune are Alternate Timelines from each other, but they could be linked at the same time.
Deltarune doesn’t have a Reset, but Kris and their team can still respawn where they had last saved and maybe where they were last before they got a game over.
well that does happen in  Undertale too, still working on that ignoring Sans as “Gaz”....I think I might do a reset after befriending some of the monsters but NOT go into the true lab, not until I test the whole ignoring Sans in a few resets.
if there was a third game of those two
I think it could be called Alterdune
Alterdune AU theory born on June 28, 2020 lol.
Undertale, Deltarune and Alterdune.
of course that is just a theory, but it be nice to do a AU with that name.
anyway that is all I have to say about theories.
thanks for listening to my Undertale and Star vs The Forces of Evil Theories.          
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