#della duck fic
ducktalesnstuff · 9 months
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Bad bad stinky day
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marmot-bee-person · 3 months
could somebody who was old enough to remember 2006 please tell me what exactly Della missed between 2006 and 2017-ish (this is the timeline I’m using for dt fics)
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justaboot · 7 months
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And even though I know how very far apart we are,
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star.
Drop what you're doing and go read @hueberryshortcake’s fantastic American Tail AU, Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor (daffodil__lament on AO3, all of his stuff is fantastic, pls go read it if you haven’t)
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everydaythings7807 · 1 month
Ducktales Fics
~ long but good edition ~
Masks within Masks by Kyprish_Prophetess
• super long but I love it…. I never regret picking up this book ever ever ever.
• Donald Duck personas all into one fic… glorious
• got me into PKNA comics and I will never regret that
• author is amazing and constantly updates on this thing and I love that
• I started reading this when it had around 61 chapters and now it has 81… :,) they grow up so fast…
And a Sixpence in Your Shoe by justaboot
• I’m a scroldie fanatic and there is like a few mentions of Goldie and one appearance yet she’s omnipresent… it’s the vibes!!
• HEAVY family hurt/comfort… especially Della and Scrooge. But it’s cool ‘cause they defeat the villain and it’s a big party we love that.
• once again I have reread this thing at least 4 times. Never regretted.
• I am obsessed with every masterpiece posted by justaboot. Obsessed. Every little character arc gives me a heart attack then I’m comforted with fluff.
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astrodances · 4 months
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Z for...Zella!! 😜😄🩵💙🖤
I grew up with horses, and definitely wanted to be a cowboy or something horse-related growing up (one of my school mascots was even the Cowboys, so bonus points to that!), but Zorro was like, my first hero. He's the guy I always imagined myself as when I was sitting in the saddle (except when I had my Batman costume on), and looking back, he's influenced so much of my life and love for stories (especially a lot of favorite character aesthetics 😜). And he had the coolest horse (which is my dream horse, just with a different name)!!
All that said, I'm going with Zorro Della for Cowboy Della. I think she would've loved the character, too. 🖤
This was a bit rushed, admittedly, but I got to play with some perspectives, clothing choices, and shading, so good exercise! ^_^
+ bonus Della sketch though, bc I also loved this idea:
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Young Della's trying on Scrooge's old cowboy clothes (from Life & Times of Scrooge) - they're still just a pinch too big for her. 😝🥹🤠
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janetbrown711 · 1 month
Louie can't sleep after an adventure gone wrong, his mother's words echoing in his head like the worst worst record, and so he seeks solace with his dear old Uncle Donald.
Ao3 Link
Louie was tired, which wasn’t surprising for 2:17 in the morning. It had also been a long, long day of adventuring and he had been grateful when he finally was able to throw himself on his bunk bed.
Unfortunately though, Louie couldn’t sleep.
His back and legs ached something fierce from all of the above-average amounts of running and walking and climbing he had to do, and there was this weight on his chest that caused his heart to pound, keeping his eyes and mind on alert.
Insomnia was nothing new for the youngest duck brother, of course, but that didn’t make it any less annoying (especially with Dewey’s tendency to snore). He’d normally just go on his phone and scroll through social media until his eyes decided to close, but it didn’t feel right tonight. No, his feed was too full of Webby and Dewey’s photos of their adventure. Photos of Scrooge, Huey, and Della were on every post, with Louie having to swipe through to find any with him in them.
That wasn’t their fault though, Louie really hadn’t been in the mood today for hiking mountains and fighting bears and bear-like monsters to find some mystic honey stirrer. The photos of him were blurry and embarrassing, unlike the usual where he’d at least pose with the treasure or he and Webby had some kind of fun side quest.
A chill ran through Louie that made him sit up and sigh, rubbing the bandages around one of his hands as he tried to think of what to do.
He could go to the kitchen and if Duckworth wasn’t too busy ghost-sleeping, he could make him some tea..? No, no, Louie hated tea more than Scrooge hated to waste it. Something else then… like watching YouTube? No, his feed was overrun with videos about Doofus Drake and Scrooge McDuck sightings and hustler videos that Louie really didn’t have an interest in (at least… not right now). He could try counting sheep, but– but there was something else on his mind playing on repeat instead.
“C’mon Louie, it’s just one more mile, don’t get lazy on me now.” His mother smiled at him, hands on her hips and a bouncy energy that just made him even more tired by the second.
“Yeah, Louie! C’mon, it’ll be totally cool to see the top of the mountain,” Huey encouraged too.
“If I don’t die before then,” Louie panted, leaning back against a tree.
Della tsked and rolled her eyes. “You sound just like your uncle, you know that?”
Louie perked up at that, but before he could say anything, Dewey punched him in the arm as he and Webby sped by.
“See ya later, slowpokes!” he called out mockingly as Webby made a face.
“Hey! We’re supposed to be on the lookout for bears, you two!” Della laughed and hurried to go join them.
“Hey–! Wait for us!” Huey shouted and started scurrying off too, and Louie had no choice but to follow.
…Louie didn’t know why his mind was focusing on it– it wasn’t a big deal, really. They all made it eventually, even if Louie missed the “big reveal” and family photo op. They had hundreds of those, Louie being gone from one or two or however many at this point wasn’t a big deal. He was the lazy one, after all. Consequences, simple as that.
“If you want to be part of this family, you got to–”
Louie shot up and out of bed, startled by his own memory as the pounding in his chest only increased.
“It’s just a stupid memory, Louie. Just shut up and go back to sleep,” he muttered to himself before checking if he’d awoken his brothers. Thankfully, the answer was no, so Louie was left to… well, as much as he wanted to, he was in no condition to go back to bed. He was still stuck in “fight or flight” mode, so he needed to walk around– maybe to find some melatonin.
As good as that sounded though, he knew the numerous bathrooms barely even had toilet paper, much less medications due to how stingy Scrooge was. If there was melatonin to be found, it probably expired in 1986 and probably had a nightmare shadow creature trapped inside for extra measure.
Then again, Uncle Donald always kept his melatonin and other vitamins stocked, so maybe Louie could just go to the houseboat to check? Hopefully he could do so without waking his uncle, but if he caught him, it wasn’t like he’d get in trouble.
Louie bit his cheek, finding his phone and unplugging it to check the time, annoyed but not surprised it had only been two minutes. With a sigh, Louie put his phone in his pajama pocket, and quietly crept out of his room into the halls of the manor.
Nights like these always made the mansion feel haunted– more than by Duckworth, anyways. His uncle was crazy old and so was his choice in curtains and decoration. While Duckworth and Beakley kept dust away, the moonlight had this uncanny way of pointing out every crack and crevice that was previously unknown. Plus, the quiet made the creaking wood and pipes a lot more noticeable, and with Louie, being in the state that he was, picked up the pace to avoid it as much as possible.
Thankfully, the courtyard wasn’t too hard to get to and soon, Louie was back sneaking his way on the houseboat like it was nothing.
While it took a second to get used to, the familiar sway and creaking of the houseboat was comforting for the young duck, and he couldn’t help but smile as he made his way to the bathroom’s medicine cabinet for raiding.
In there, he found a half empty bottle of aspirin, a thing of tums, an empty paper cup, some mouthwash, but no sign of any melatonin.
“Well… frick,” Louie muttered to himself, closing the mirror and nearly jumping out of his skin when he heard footsteps just outside.
“Hello?” called out the tired and scratchy voice of Louie’s uncle.
“Sorry, Uncle Dee, I was just looking for some melatonin to nab.” Louie’s face was red as he flicked the light off and stepped out to the small hallway.
His uncle smiled pitifully at him. “Can’t sleep?”
Louie shook his head.
“I keep that in my room now since you three moved out.” Donald chuckled. “I can grab it for you, and I can make some tea too, if you’d like.”
Louie bit his cheek. It was getting late, but as much as Louie wanted to just take the melatonin and hope his feelings would just drown out, he couldn’t deny having a cup of sleepytime tea with his uncle would help.
“Yeah, sure, why not?” Louie gave a crooked little smile, which made his uncle chuckle again and ruffle his hair before going to the kitchen. Louie followed, sliding into the circular booth and watching as his uncle pulled out the dented old kettle and filled it with water.
“Have you gotten any sleep at all?” his uncle asked, watching it fill.
Louie shook his head. “No, not really… I’m more surprised you’re awake though, I really thought it would be an easy in-and-out.”
“You’d be surprised how raising triplets and being ex-navy can affect how light you sleep.” His uncle winked and turned the water off.
Louie snorted. “I think Mom could sleep through a bombing.”
“Yeah, that’s Della all right.” Donald’s voice wavered a bit, though he quickly turned to muttering in frustration as it took a second before his stove would light. It eventually did, and once that was all settled he sighed and leaned against the counter. “So what’s keeping you up this time, Lou?”
“Oh, you know… adventure stuff, I guess,” Louie danced around the details, picking at the bandage on his hand.
His uncle’s eyes landed on it, and based on his reaction, it seemed he hadn’t noticed his injury at dinner. “Are you okay? What happened? Did Huey or Webby do the bandaging? Or was it Dewey? Not that he does a bad job, he just always forgets the Neosporin–”
“It’s fine, it’s fine, Uncle Dee– really,” Louie forced a smile. “It’s just a minor scrape, I promise.”
“You know, I’ve always told Scrooge you boys need better gloves and gear just so situations like this don’t happen.” Donald shook his head and left the kitchen, muttering under his breath the whole time.
Welp. Better than a scolding to stay safer, Louie thought to himself as he closed his eyes for a second.
When he opened them again, his uncle was back with a first aid kit and a bottle of melatonin.
“Here, let me look at it,” Donald asked, taking a seat next to Louie.
“It’s fine, Uncle Donald,” Louie tried to assure him, but his uncle didn’t relent, taking his hand and quickly unwrapping the bandage.
His uncle frowned, inspecting it. “This doesn’t look like a regular scrape. What happened?”
“It was just a sharp rock, I swear.” Louie looked away to try and mask the lie.
Donald didn’t seem to believe it, but focused his efforts more on adding some neosporin to his cut before finding a suitable gauze pad, bringing Louie momentarily relief.
“Who wrapped this the first time? And how long was it between hurting yourself and getting bandaged?” Donald interrogated.
“Dewey when we got back to the plane, I guess– it’s really not a big deal, Uncle Donald, I’m fine,” Louie tried to push, but he could see Donald’s eye twitch.
“No one had a first aid kit? Not even Huey?” Donald asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“He ran out using it on Webby and Dewey and Launchpad.” Louie shrugged. “Seemed only fair to let them have it this time anyways, since I’m usually the one taking all the supplies.”
Donald frowned, now taking the roller bandage and wrapping his wrist twice before going diagonally to the outside of his pinky. “I don’t like you thinking like that; your safety and health matters just as much as anyone else’s– even if you’ve got worse luck and tire out quicker.”
“Sure,” Louie sighed, looking at the kettle and seeing the steam starting to escape, a squeal imminent.
“I’m serious, Louie. I don’t want you talking like that. You deserve as much love and care as anyone else.” His uncle looked at him seriously, but the ten-year-old avoided eye contact.
Donald frowned, finishing the bandaging just as the kettle began to squeal and put a brief pause to go deal with that.
“If you want a place in this family–”
Stop. Just stop, Louie hissed in his mind. He hated that stupid video and that stupid memory. It was so long ago, there really wasn’t a point for it to be on repeat like it was. Yeah, his mom joked that if he hadn’t been so clumsy on the last adventure then Huey wouldn’t have ran out of bandages, but like… that was different. Louie was fine. It was fine. It was cool.
“So are you going to actually tell me how you hurt yourself, or are you going to keep me guessing all night?” Donald sighed, pouring the hot water into two mugs.
“It was a sharp rock, I promise.” Louie bit his cheek.
“Right.” His uncle’s shoulders sagged, before he shook his head and set the kettle down. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. Adventures are hard sometimes, I get it– plus, I know I can be a little protective–”
Louie laughed.
Donald rolled his eyes. “Okay, maybe more than a little protective, but you know… someone’s gotta.”
Louie’s smile faded and his eyes went back to his hands.
His uncle hummed in amusement as he got the tea bags and began brewing before returning with mugs in hand to the booth. “I’m sorry today was rough. I wish I could’ve been there.”
Louie waved his hand. “You would’ve gotten hurt a lot more than me.”
“Yeah, but at least Della knows to carry three extra kits whenever I’m around,” Donald laughed, and a lump formed in Louie’s throat.
“Right, yeah.” Louie tried to ignore it, tapping his fingers on the glass as he urged the tea to brew faster.
When it was done, he could feel his uncle's eyes on him as he took a sip of tea, searching and scanning like they had many times before. It was how he eventually learned to detect Louie's schemes, and it never failed to make Louie feel small.
To his surprise though, instead of saying anything, Donald wrapped an arm around Louie and pulled him to his side, kissing his head and hugging him tight. It made the lump tighten and tears threaten to form, the pressure building so tight Louie might just burst.
“I love you, Louie. You know that?” his uncle whispered.
Louie could only nod.
“I love you very, very much, Lou. I care about your health and safety, and I want you to be happy more than anything else in the whole wide world, do you understand?” Donald continued.
Louie nodded again, his lower lip beginning to tremble.
His uncle hugged him tighter. “Louie, I want you to tell me what’s hurting you. You don’t have to give details– but know that nothing is too much for me, okay? I want to help you… please…”
The ‘please’ shattered Louie’s resolve. He opened his mouth to speak maybe three times, before he eventually croaked it out:
“Why… doesn’t mom… like me..?”
Donald let out a quiet gasp, filling Louie with instant regret that broke him down into a sobbing mess in an instant.
“Oh, Louie.” His uncle pulled Louie onto his lap now, hugging him tight as he rocked back and forth while the ten-year-old just buried his face in his chest.
“S-sh-she– It-it’s like– She likes H-Huey, a-and Dewey, a-and even Webby– b-but– b-but–”
“I’m so sorry, honey.” Donald hugged him a little tighter, and Louie could tell he was crying too.
“I-I keep screwing u-up– a-and it’s like– i-it’s like she ca-can’t even tell a-and she just– she hates me, Unca’ Donald, she hates me,” Louie wept.
“Della doesn’t hate you, Louie, she just doesn’t understand, I promise,” Donald tried to assure, but Louie just shook his head.
“Sh-she keeps– she keeps calling me lazy a-and she makes fun of me wh-when I fail a-and even get hurt– it hurts so much, Unca’ Donald, it hurts so much,” Louie confessed, a wave of sorrow crashing down with the realization.
“I’m so sorry, Lou…” his uncle’s voice cracked. “I wish she didn’t. I really, really wish she didn’t– but old habits die hard, I’m so sorry.”
It took Louie a moment to process what his uncle said, and when he did, he sat up a bit. “Y-you mean she does that to you too?”
Donald nodded with a sad smile. “Everyone does, but Del and Scrooge especially. I used to joke that’s the only reason they kept me around.”
Louie’s heart managed to break a second time and he practically leapt to hug his uncle. “M’so sorry, I-I never meant to– I just– I’m so sorry, Uncle Donald.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, Lou. I’ve learned to accept it.” Donald rubbed his back.
“But you shouldn’t have to! I-it sucks– I hate being just a joke to them, a-and you’re so much more than that too!” Louie broke the embrace again.
“Louie, you aren’t a joke to them, I promise. You have that wonderful mind of yours that’s always so good at planning and scheming and escaping and they value that tremendously.” Donald put his hands on Louie’s shoulders.
Louie looked at the ground. “Even mom..?”
Donald gave a long sigh. “Your mom is… new to this. She doesn’t understand how you work yet and assumes you won’t take it personally, like how I would act– but that doesn’t make it right. She loves you, but she just doesn’t know how to, and I’m sorry that hurts you…”
Louie looked away, his mom’s words echoing again in his mind.
“If you want to be a part of this family, you gotta stop.”
“She… she said if I wanted to be a part of this family, I had to stop scheming– had to stop the one thing I’m good at,” Louie whispered.
He could see his uncle’s shoulders tense. “When did she say that..?”
“When you were gone after the ‘timephoon incident’.” Louie sniffled, wiping away hot tears as he stared at his mug.
Donald gave another long, heavy sigh. “I’m so sorry, Louie. I wish she understood you, I really, really do…”
“Sh-she also– I hurt my hand because she didn’t see me slipping. She didn’t help me– sh-she assumed I’d be okay, but I’m not okay– it’s not okay, Uncle Donald, it’s not.” Louie shook his head and curled up to Donald’s side, and his uncle wrapped an arm around him.
“I’m so sorry, Lou. Della just gets so wrapped up in her own head, she has a hard time recognizing people aren’t always at her level.” Donald rested his head atop Louie’s and squeezed him.
“I-I felt so alone today– I hate feeling alone,” Louie confessed more.
“I know, Louie, I know. And if it helps, you’ll always have me no matter what, okay? There’s nothing you could do to make me hate or leave you. You’ll always be my little Louie, and even if we get separated, I’ll always find my way back– even if it’s the moon,” Donald pointed out with a soft smile.
“Thanks, Uncle Donald.” Louie nuzzled closer. “I wish mom understood you too.”
His uncle laughed weakly. “Maybe one day… but in the meantime, I’m lucky to have you.”
Louie couldn’t help but laugh a little too. “I’m lucky to have you too, Uncle Donald.”
The pair of them sat in silence for a while, with Louie curled extra tight to his side and Donald holding him nice and close. It was calming, especially with the slow eb and flow of the pool water. All that crying had exhausted Louie, and he figured his uncle likely felt the same. However, Louie couldn’t even imagine going back to his bunk now, not when he felt his uncle needed him as much as he needed Donald.
“I’ll try and talk to her. It’ll be slow and I don’t know how she’ll take it, but I’ll talk to her,” Donald suddenly spoke up. “Uncle Scrooge too, for that matter.”
Louie wiped his eyes and shook his head. “You don’t gotta do that, it probably won’t change anything.”
“I have to try, Lou.” Donald looked down at him. “You’re worth at least trying.”
Louie didn’t have a response for that, so he just nuzzled back close and there was quiet again.
Louie liked the quiet. It was much better than the eerie silence of the manor, and how it would always be broken abruptly by some creaking wood or wind whirling down the chimney. On the houseboat, the sounds were constant, like a lullaby. The splashing of the water, the squeaking old metal, the soft hum of the old AC unit– it always knew how to put Louie to sleep.
“Uncle Donald?” he suddenly spoke up.
“Can I… stay here with you tonight?” Louie glanced back up at him.
Donald’s face melted into a soft smile. “Of course, Lou. You’re welcome here any time.”
“Good.” Louie smiled too, before yawning.
His uncle chuckled before yawning himself. “Looks like we should get going to bed, huh?”
“I could stay up longer,” Louie lied, making his uncle roll his eyes.
“Drink some tea before you take that melatonin, I don’t want it going to waste,” Donald lightly teased before getting up and drinking more of his own.
Louie nodded, beginning to chug before he remembered he really wasn’t that big of a fan of tea, and so set it down again. “Is… that enough?” Louie asked.
Donald laughed. “Yes, yes, it’s fine, I’m just joking, no need to force yourself.”
Louie smiled before struggling to open the bottle of melatonin. Noticing this, his uncle walked over and helped him retrieve the yellow pill, which Louie took with a little bit of tea. After that was done, Donald cleaned up their mugs and set them out to dry. Once that was settled, Louie took Donald’s hand and the two of them went to cuddle the rest of the night away.
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tokuvivor · 26 days
I’m not good with Timephoon! discourse. I’m really not. Everyone else seems to have said all that needs to be said in the recent bout of it. (Plus, I don’t have the clearest memories of it myself; it’s been a while.)
BUT. For those of you who haven’t yet, I’d like to recommend this story, You and Me, by @alex31624. It mostly focuses on Louie and Donald, but mostly towards the end, plus a bit in the middle, it tackles the events of that part of Timephoon!, and I think it does a really good job at not only addressing both sides, but also having it all be sort of a learning experience for both Louie and Della. Donald was the perfect person to use as a sounding board for them both. But seriously, guys, please read it.
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wooo-oo · 2 months
idea: what if, when della took the spear of selene, she took the boys eggs with her, and they were raised on the moon as she tried to get them all home
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alex31624 · 29 days
May falls in love with some problematic guy in…
I wanted to write a new chapter for What if…? for a while now. Luckily, is done.
This time, May, 18, just begun the university, when she meet someone who's gonna turn her life around.
What if…? is only available in spanish for now.
"A Duck's Life" series
Part 1 - You and Me
Part 2 - Fishing Day
Part 3 - One of Us
Part 4 - Legacy
Part 5 - La Vida con May y June
Part 6 - Para Ti
Part 7 - Es Quien Soy
Part 8 - Crónicas del Día a Día
Part 9 - Definitivamente no es una Cita
A Good Team (Louie and Violet love story)
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quasiimodo · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Three Caballeros (1944), Disney Duck Universe, DuckTales (Cartoon 2017), Disney - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: José Carioca/Panchito Pistoles, Della Duck & Panchito Pistoles, José Carioca & Donald Duck & Panchito Pistoles, Donald Duck & Panchito Pistoles Characters: José Carioca, Panchito Pistoles, Della Duck (Disney), Donald Duck (Disney) Additional Tags: World War II, Historical Inaccuracy, author does not speak spanish or portugeuse, i'm trying my best with the internet as my guide, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - 1940s, 1940s, Meet-Cute, Della Duck is a Little Shit, Panchito Pistoles-centric, Awkwardness, Flirting, Musician José Carioca, Panchito is baby, Donald Duck is a Good Friend, No Beta we die like Duckworth (2017), Alternate Universe - World War II Summary:
"I think perhaps your misfortune may have become my fortune.” José winked, reaching up to gently cup Panchito’s cheek. “I hope you will be staying to watch me perform,” he continued, his thumb ghosting gently past the stubble along Panchito’s jaw. “Perhaps I will even dedicate one of my songs to you.”
Panchito was pretty sure some time in the last thirty seconds he’d forgotten how to breathe.
Mexican Air Force pilot Panchito Gonzalez goes out for a night on the town with fellow service members Della and Donald Duck. Somewhere along the way he bumps into a suave Brazilian nightclub singer.
fell down a 3 cabs rabbit hole and ended up writing this fic based on a WWII human AU by @polisena-art <3 thank you so much for the inspiration! 
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korkorali · 3 months
Chapters: 8!
Discussions occur after coming this close to death
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ducktalesnstuff · 10 months
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I drew this forever ago and can’t remember if it came from my brain or from one of those incorrect quotes blogs so if you recognize this just lemme know and I’ll give creds :D
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marmot-bee-person · 3 months
ducktales fic idea so I don’t forget:
Somehow, someway, Della gets off the moon before Donald uses Scrooge for free childcare
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justaboot · 1 year
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"Do you want to hang out tomorrow?" she asks. "We could watch a movie or something."
He pulls the blanket down enough to reveal his eyes, which squint, thinking. "Maybe. I kinda had some plans for tomorrow. I'll see if I can fit you into my schedule."
"What kind of plans?"
"Louie, Inc. stuff. I'd tell you, but it's top secret. I have to be careful of corporate spies stealing my ideas."
Wednesday Morning, 3 AM by Daffodil_lament (@hueberryshortcake here!)
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Ducktales but Donald was the one who "disappeared", the Agency "kidnapped" Double Duck on an night to a mission to cowork with Kay K to find out some case of corruption in the USA navy. When the work was finally done (two weeks later), Donald was getting his life too menaced to get out of there, so he just enlisted and spent ten (hard) years on there until his enemies were away enough to return home.
While this, Scrooge and his almost mother niece Della were totally freaking out because they couldn't find Donald anywhere, he just vanished without any pist left behind. The triplets had born to give them some distraction of the situation, and Della got beautifully kind to give her boys the names Donald choose, Huebert J. Duck, Dewford T. Duck (she's not putting Dingus because it's just terrible) and Llewellyn R. Duck. After ten months and thinking her twin really could be dead, Della thought this happened because being Scrooge McDuck's relative is too dangerous, so she talked to Scrooge and he agreed to her taking away the boys to have a normal life in a common house without knowing anything of their family (not before Scrooge giving her some money to survive as a solo and overworking mother of three), and that's how they lived for ten years before Della presumed her boys are old enough to handle family.
Season 1 is just the same but instead of a houseboat there's the simple Della's house where she usually lives because can't return to the mansion she and her twin lived in childhood because of trauma.
Season 2 is where Donald finally return while Della is on a vacation to cure her stress of being a single and overprotective mother. Scrooge's nephew is a little physically hurt because of the job but psycologically he's so worst (he has PTSD where his mind is a little erased beacuse of trauma). He met his nephews and couldn't believe how much he lost in these ten years, as his uncle couldn't believe he lost a leg during his work on navy (that caused some of the trauma).
Season 3 they find out that Bradford caused the situation that took Donald away from them, kept him there under death menacing and really could killed him a lot of times. Instead of going away in the houseboat, Donald bought a beautiful house (using the salary from the Agency) far away from the mansion (and the ocean) and went to live there with his girlfriend and adopted daughters.
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jenkys-hoard · 6 months
No hate to Della but I wish their was an angsty/fluffy/funny/family drama filled custody battle for the triplets between Donald and Della fic. Mainly because Della gets too arrogant and wants fully custody of the boys. And like all I want for this type of fic is angst for Donald and the boys, but ultimately all of Donald's friends standing up for him and saying he deserves to keep custody of the boys in court. All the people in Donalds life and the boys saying he's a good dad. Like emotionally and legally everyone shutting Della down because Donald is the very best for the boys and he's their dad. Like how dare she even attempts this. And the climax of the fic is Scrooge being 100% on Donald's side saying the boys deserve to be with Donald on the stand. Like at first he's on Della's side(gets her a very expensive lawyer and everything). But than he steps back and thinks about it. Like this could take place somewhere after Donald comes back from the island or season 3. Either way I really would love a fic like this. Especially that emphasize that Della choice to leave the boys on a rocket, and Donald made a commitment to rase the boys as his babies. For fun in this Uno/Odin can be his lawyer.
I'm not gonna lie hun, if you caught me like maybe a year ago I woulda jumped on this 😔
I will tell you that if you look hard enough on AO3, this EXACT premise exists (and a good couple very similar)
However I'm kinda picky with my Della content now because like- I don't like writing assholes. So when I think of Della I see her as exceedingly impulsive. She would not give a FUCK what the law says, those are her kids and Donald is the one who raised em. Because he would NEVER deny her access to the kids and she LOVES her brother. She's short sighted, brash, and definitely doesn't think things through fully even if she *thinks* she did. (Tbh I cannot fucking FATHOM that DuckTales17 decided ms.'shot myself into space in an experimental rocket alone' should be known as the twin that could "sEe AlL tHe AnGlEs") but she loves her family dearly.
Plus you cannot tell me that Della 'sleep is wasting time here I made the most sugary inedible cake ever' Duck remembered to legally alive herself again (and tbh I don't think Scrooge remembered either but he's old and sad so we forgive him for it). This woman is legally Dead to the US government.
Also I like watching crazy irl court stuff enough to know that, unless Della *lies*, a Judge would not fucking entertain that case, plus the friends can help socially and probably write letters to the judge, but family court is just set up differently from what I've seen and it would take some crazy extenuating circumstances to get like a full jury and witnesses.
If I DID do something like this, I'd use someone else as an outside force to influence Della (she's the type to not stop once an idea is in her head and that's canonically been taken advantage of) and it would more be around the DRAMA of her serving her brother papers. Like- my Donald angst usually involves all of his friends either being out of touch or unavailable. Parenthood takes a lot of time and personal social circles are the first to go under the stress most of the time.
So really focus on Della's shortsightedness and Donald's lack of support.
Honestly I think Scrooge would just be confused. They're siblings and they love each other and they fight about petty shit, sure, but this?
Also the kids would be stressed as hell and probably start fighting amongst themselves over it which would make Donald cave pretty fast, I think.
Anyways this has been Jenky's rambles, don't mind me and go have fun uwu
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