#deep cut hc
i had a thought, "what if the inklings and octolings in splatoon are like kpop stans with deep cut and splatfests are basically award shows"
like some people pick splatfest teams based on what theme they actually agree with, and other people are ride or die solo idol stans so they want their favorite idol to win. which just reminded me of how kpop stans go crazy for their faves and try to get them as many award show wins as possible even if they didn't like the song that was being promoted.
could you imagine??? splatoon twitter (splatter, as i like to call it) would be full of ppl saying stuff like:
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this is canon actually i just decided
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pcktknife · 2 years
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shiver thoughts
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squid-seraph · 3 months
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i like my mantas with a bit of flair
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6kuros · 2 months
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trying to draw as much as i can before my grind starts again
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jsheios · 2 years
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a small headcanon comic, cmon Nintendo where’s our deep cut origin story
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sqlatoon · 10 months
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fivedayriot · 2 months
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Silence you! Square triangle circle deep cut be upon ye!!!!
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ribbononline · 2 years
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Three idols on an island the show
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cishet-dj-octavio · 11 months
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rendiggitydog · 6 months
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Was going thru my art from the year n found a few pieces n doodles I liked but never posted!
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Shiver x Frye but it's when Shiver first met Frye and Big Man, and it's just them being amazed and looking at Frye as if she was the one who made all this surface stuff.
Just general puppy crush and then later on it became a pining crush.
Im so sorry it took forever to get to this ask </3 i hope this is okay since i made you wait so long
The first time Shiver sees Frye its when they transfer to a mainstream school in the splatlands and they're getting used to all the people and their classes, but Frye and Big Man happen to be in a few classes with them
Frye comes up to Shiver and introduces herself and is like "you're the new kid right? You can hang with me if you want, I'm pretty chill if that's your vibe"
Shiver just stares at her- totally caught off guard by this gorgeous inkling coming up to them and wanting to be friends. they're entranced by the bright yellow ink color of Frye's tentacles and her downturned lashes, her pointed ears and gradient fingertips.
They stand there for a moment, blinking, before they answer "yes. yeah, I would like that."
Frye introduces Shiver to Big Man and he's friendly as always, "Nice to meet ya, it's always nice to have another cool person around!"
But Shiver is so focused on Frye all the time, they're happy to be friends with Big Man of course and they become close as they attend school together but Shiver is straight up in love with Frye. They're convinced that she's some kind of goddess in disguise or an angel sent to watch over them because of how beautiful she is, she's so lovely its hard to believe she's a real person.
Usually they're always quick with comebacks and jokes in a conversation, but when Frye is talking to them they short circuit- always stuttering or stumbling over their words and trying to recover fast enough that it doesn't make them look like an idiot.
Frye could ask them to do literally anything and they would say yes before they even knew what they were agreeing to.
"Hey Shiv, I have this math test on friday so I was thinking maybe you could-" and Shiver already interrupts, "Yes I can. When will we be meeting up?"
If they're in the same class with each other they work on all of their assignments together, always pairing up for group projects and such.
When they start getting into music with each other they're always finding a way to do it together, whether that means Shiver is singing and Frye is dancing, or they sing a duet, or one of them provides the harmony for the other while singing solo, and then this leads to them including big man for his musical talents as well.
To most people it would seem like Frye and Shiver are just very close friends but deep down they both were hoping for their friendship to be something more
I love a good mutual pining scenario and these two cephalings are hopelessly in love with each other and neither of them know it
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a helpful diagram to sum up my thoughts
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show-tunes · 1 year
I don’t go to Splatoon, but 🏳️‍🌈 for Shiver (or any of Deep Cut) if you’d like
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This one took me way too long to get around to but I went ahead and did all three. I actually have two different headcanons for them: one where they're all in a polycule together, or Shiver and Frye both being lesbians and Big Man being like their adopted cat
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snailvibes · 2 years
//slighttt splat3 spoilers
Makes me a little upset sometimes most people haven’t read the splat3 interviews and don’t know deep cut comes from families that have been hosting festivals/splatfests in the splatlands for generations. That combined with the fact sunken scroll 2 provides the info that generations ago their families helped with the flood that caused the great turf war and possibly even stopped it?? They’re very important people!! From a family of people even more important!! It leads to so much cool fluff or angst and lore potential!!!
They’re probably all childhood friends!!! Frye’s eels and Shiver’s shark Master Mega were probably inherited from their family so they both possibly grew up with both!! All 3 of them probably have so much pressure to live up to their family names!! Their paths of hosting splatfests were probably predetermined for them by their parents and whether they are okay with that and enjoy it or are making the best of it is up to us to decide for now!!! So much potential!!!
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heich0e · 2 years
kenma transferring video files to you, someone he brought on to work casually as an editor every once in a while now that he has less time to edit vids himself between his streaming schedule and his responsibilities with his company, and not realizing that he kept his camera rolling when he slouched back in his gaming chair after he finished filming his latest youtube video and fucked his fist. and you, stumbling across the footage hours (maybe even days) later, unable to bring yourself to look away before he's cumming all over himself with your name on his lips
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nephilimbrute · 1 year
kicking my legs.... hey queen could we hear about some goofy splatoon headcanons that you might have to offer the world is dying to know (its me im world)
HELP hello...also OF COURSE!! i have a post detailing idol headcanons but in this post i'll add on to it (so you should probably go read that first)
okay so if you didn't know all the idol groups are insane (especially the squidsisters.) off the hook more like off the meds. they kill people and they're able to get away with it coz they can cover it up well. that's like the main thing in my...universe
now, adding on to callie she's like. buff/physically fit. and she's stronger than she is intelligent, she hits people on accident sometimes (gave marie a scar once (or maybe a few times)). she also tried to bite marie several times and tried to eat her hat. she's an accomplice to marie's killing
onto marie, as i said before she kills people. for fun! though, in splatoon 2 i picture the whole missing-callie situation to be tough for her so in splat2 she's more like her canon self, but it's harder for her to communicate and for 4 to actually complete any missions
pearl and marina don't have much extra coz i think they're awesome already. but pearl is a little more of a loose cannon (still gentle with marina), and marina... (in the future of an alternate timeline) um.. yeah . anyways, pearl has adhd and she's a big hit with the ladies (self-projecting)
shiver speaks in a more formal manner, and it's easier to get on her nerves. one word to describe her would be psychopathic. fuck being good she's all evil baybee! also hc that she sounds like bmo from adventuretime
frye is fucking Unhinged. still really silly though. she gets a big kick out of killing people. also she has like , 3 or 4 normal shirts and the rest are about her...
callie is a cuttlefish, marie is a cuttlefish/firefly squid mix. pearl is a northern pygmy squid, marina is a giant pacific octopus. shiver is a mako shark/??? mix, frye is a vampire squid and big man i suppose you know already
i'm open to any questions (angel emoji)
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