#davi’s day 🌻
cnnamonrolls · 1 year
for graduating and being born todaaayyyyyyyyyyyy
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orchidscurse · 29 days
to celebrate the 56th anniversary of the birds, the bees & the monkees, i decided to release my 4th newsletter on this special day.
she's been a long time coming… i've started writing and collecting my research all the way back in january and i couldn't have done it with the wonderful community of monkees-fans i've met along the way. i want to give a special shoutout to my friend @wutheringdyke, who's been there since day one.
sending lots of love to the people mentioned, my readers and of course: davy, peter, mike and micky. 🌻💛
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vividiste · 1 year
Lascia andare le persone che non sono pronte ad amarti. Questa è la cosa più difficile da fare nella tua vita e sarà anche la cosa più importante. Smettila di fare conversazioni difficili con persone che non vogliono cambiare. Smettila di apparire per le persone che non hanno interesse per la tua presenza. So che il tuo istinto è fare tutto il possibile per guadagnare l'apprezzamento di chi ti sta intorno, ma è un impulso che ruba il tuo tempo, energia, salute mentale e fisica.
Quando inizi a lottare per una vita con allegria, interesse e impegno, non tutti saranno pronti a seguirti in quel luogo. Questo non significa che devi cambiare ciò che sei, significa che devi lasciare andare le persone che non sono pronte ad accompagnarti.
Se sei escluso, insultato, dimenticato o ignorato dalle persone a cui regali il tuo tempo, non ti fai un favore continuando ad offrire loro la tua energia e la tua vita. La verità è che non sei per tutti e non tutti sono per te.
Questo è ciò che rende così speciale quando trovi persone con cui hai amicizia o amore ricambiato. Saprai quanto è prezioso perché hai sperimentato ciò che non lo è.
Più tempo passi cercando di farti amare da qualcuno che non è capace, più tempo perdi privandoti della possibilità di quella connessione con qualcun altro.
Ci sono miliardi di persone su questo pianeta e molte di loro ti incontreranno, al tuo livello di interesse e impegno.
Più sei ancora coinvolto con persone che ti usano come cuscino, un'opzione di secondo piano o un terapista per la loro guarigione emotiva, più a lungo ti allontani dalla comunità che desideri.
Forse se smetti di apparire, non ti cercano. Forse se smetti di provarci, la relazione finisce. Forse se smetti di inviare messaggi, il tuo telefono resterà buio per settimane.
Questo non significa che hai rovinato la relazione, significa che l'unica cosa che la teneva in mano era l'energia che solo tu davi per mantenerla. Questo non è amore, è attaccamento. È voler dare una possibilità a chi non lo merita! Tu meriti molto, c'è gente che non deve essere nella tua vita, te ne renderai conto.
La cosa più preziosa che hai nella vita è il tuo tempo ed energia, poiché entrambi sono limitati. A ciò che dai il tuo tempo ed energia, definirà la tua esistenza.
Quando ti rendi conto di questo inizi a capire perché sei così ansioso quando trascorri del tempo con persone, in attività, luoghi o situazioni che non ti convengono e non devono stare vicino a te, rubano energia.
Inizierai a renderti conto che la cosa più importante che puoi fare per te stesso e per tutti quelli che ti circondano è proteggere la tua energia più ferocemente di qualsiasi altra cosa.
Fai della tua vita un rifugio sicuro, dove sono ammesse solo persone ′′ compatibili ′′ con te.
Non sei responsabile per aver salvato nessuno. Non sei responsabile di convincerli a migliorare. Non è il tuo lavoro esistere per le persone e dare loro la tua vita!
Perché se ti senti male, se ti senti obbligato, sarai la radice di tutti i tuoi problemi per la tua insistenza, temendo che non ti restituiscano i favori che hai concesso. È il tuo unico obbligo renderti conto che sei il padrone del tuo destino e accettare l'amore che credi di meritare.
Decidi che ti meriti un'amicizia vera, un impegno vero e un amore completo con persone in salute e prospere. Poi aspetta e guarda quanto inizia a cambiare tutto e cambierà, questo è sicuro, con persone positive e di buona energia, non perdere tempo con persone che non ne valgono la pena, il cambiamento ti darà l'amore, la stima, la felicità e la protezione che ti meriti.
Anthony Hopkins🌻❤
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modernmanblues · 11 months
Challenge: Tag a couple of your mutuals on this ask and give them a compliment. Go ahead, brighten their day. 🌟
right so i received another ask that was similar to this one, but i will respond to this one bc i would like to tag several of my beloveds on here:
@fancycolours number one best Chicago groupie!! Robert and the rest of us here love you very much. you are always a delight to see on my dash, and i love the positivity you bring to this community. i’m glad our paths crossed and i’m happy to know i’m not the only one who’s crazy about Chicago (the only jazz rock band ever, duhh). stay amazing, our beautiful sunflower 🌻���
@glennsdick what a talented lady!! a sweetheart. an absolute angel!! Glenn is one lucky fella to have you in his life <3 i love your aesthetic sm!! as a die hard eagles fan myself, i really dig the high quality content you post about the bird boys ✨ keep shining on, rock n roll queen 💫🌟
@burn-on-the-flame it is bc of YOU, my dear, that i have started to gain a liking for Sweet 💗 you are a wonderful person and i’m glad i have found a friend in you. Mick loves you with all his heart and he’s a real lucky bloke to have a sweetheart like you in his life 🧡
@rebelrollerqueen quite literally, one of the coolest people on tumblr. i absolutely adore your aesthetic love. also, i love that we both seem to be fascinated by the Davies brothers (i mean who wouldn’t tho? they’re so painfully attractive how could anyone not be a little obsessed with them?) anyways, always love seein’ ya on my dash girlie <3
@milkyway-ashes i can’t thank you enough for educating me thoroughly about Yes 🤩 they’re such a solid group i’m very glad i got into them, and it’s all bc of you, pal 😌 you’re an amazing person and i wish you nothing but the best in life. i’m glad there are still good hearted people like you out there <3
@teenarama the coolest chick! i love the positivity you bring to my dash and i always enjoy our interactions ☺️ Amber, i’ve been meaning to tell you this but what i love the most about you is that you are very wise beyond your years. the way i see it, you’re gonna go places my friend. keep dreaming big, stay humble and stay beautiful. i’m so glad to have a friend in you 💖
@jwclapton we may not talk that much but just know that i cherish our friendship always. i love your aesthetic as well. your content always takes me back to a magical time in the past that i can only imagine living in my wildest dreams. the best. Mr. James 🤍
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floralcrematorium · 8 months
Hetalia Emoji Asks:
🌻 - If you could change a single thing about Hetalia as a whole, what would you change? This can be as drastic or as insignificant of a change as you'd like!
😡 - Biggest fandom pet peeve?
🗿 - Do you have a single favorite headcanon (either from yourself or someone else)?
🏳️‍🌈 - Favorite sexuality/gender headcanon(s), if you have them?
Thanks for the ask!!!
🌻 - If you could change a single thing about Hetalia as a whole, what would you change? This can be as drastic or as insignificant of a change as you'd like!
There's a lot of things that could change about the show, but I think the one most feasible for me to explain would be the length of episodes. The show's episodes are easy to binge since they're so short, but it leaves me wanting more. I never feel satisfied watching an episode. I know it's impossible to get the right nuance needed in the show's writing, but I think having the actual time to expand upon some things may be of benefit. Though, there are some episodes that actually benefit from the short format, the Davie episode being the prime example. The Halloween special in World Twinkle was longer than normal and that was so much fun!
😡 - Biggest fandom pet peeve?
Of course there are things that bother me. I hate vagueposting and there are blatantly obvious issues within the fandom in addition to some minor ones. I don't want my blog to become a space where I go on angry rants often and I also don't think it's my place to yell about things I may not have the full picture of, so I won't rant about the fandom rather than explain my general stance on navigating fan spaces:
Your experience in a fandom is cultivated by you. There will always be people who like things you can't stand. You cannot police what other people do. I think the best course of action is to generally just move on. I don't really block people without reason because if I see something I don't like, I just scroll away. If it bothers me, I'll block the tags. There's obviously flaws to this, but I'm someone who just doesn't have the energy to argue so I tend to keep to myself. This really just pertains to certain ships
I do think that there are things that should be called out. Bigotry has no place in any fandom. I've never blocked anyone faster than the person who followed me with an SS uniform hat in their header
I also think that if you make a mistake, apologize and move on. None of us are perfect. There's no need to immediately reply to someone who points out that something you've done may have been harmful when you're still heated. Take the time to reflect then respond. When this happens, it's not an attack on you personally. I've made mistakes before and what I did was apologize and read up on/ask for resources on what I didn't know about
All in all, I came back to the Hetalia fandom because I needed something to keep me busy now that I'm living hundred of miles away from the life I had been building for the last several years. I had my reservations, but I stayed because the fanbase is a great way to be introduced to people, places, and cultures you might not have run into otherwise. I'm constantly learning there are more to subjects I thought I knew about or am learning things I simply wasn't exposed to. I don't personally write nationverse because I don't think I can pull it off as well as others and prefer to just absorb the content instead. Maybe I'll take a crack at it some day, but that's not right now
🗿 - Do you have a single favorite headcanon (either from yourself or someone else)?
I like the idea that Nyo and 1P characters can coexist. The same goes for 2P
I don't know where I stand on the nations having a universal language vs having to learn other languages in order to communicate. Having that language barrier would be interesting. Seeing the way linguistics evolves is really interesting, but I don't know enough about it to say more than that
I like the idea that in nationverse, the characters can die. They'll come back, but they can die. You know Francis was guillotined at least once
I also like the idea that Alice or Amelia may have been tried as witches? When I was developing my Nyo England muse (she's on pause because I have a lot of reading to do for her and I haven't been able to sit down and focus), I had thought considering both Arthur and Alice are associated with magic it would be interesting to see the different ways this affected them. I have a little ramble here about Nyo England
Ludwig has like. Three dogs canonically. I like to think they're his coping mechanism
I don't know where in canon other than the stupid wiki that it says Francis is afraid of computers, but I like to take this and make him completely technologically inexperienced. I like writing him as a guy in his mid twenties who has the most old man ass phone case ever. He knows how to do basic things on a computer, but if any errors happen he's calling Mattie and Alfred for help
🏳️‍🌈 - Favorite sexuality/gender headcanon(s), if you have them?
ASEXUAL ALFRED F. JONES. Not a headcanon I thought I wanted or needed, but one that's helping me come to terms that I may be ace
I generally don't care about sexuality headcanons because I don't really use labels for myself. I find it hard to assign myself a label so it's even harder for me to do so to characters who aren't me. I've seen people using different ship names depending on who they think is the dom, but i just really do. not. care. I use what the most popular name of the ship is
Hetalia Asks
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tacticalhimbo · 6 months
the lovely @perpetuagf tagged me to do this! so i'm doing this... while i watch the fnv intro LSJDKDKDKS.
brain hurt so if you see this i'm automatically tagging you to do this for your blorbos ♡
Naturally, filling this out for the one, the only, the absolutely deserving of rest, Imani Davis (Courier Six)
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ANIMAL: canon universe -> a nightstalker; general -> a coyote
COLORS: amber, sage green, dusted rose
MONTH: february
SONGS: vegas // doja cat, blue moon // frank sinatra, tusk // fleetwood mac
NUMBER: six, naturally-
PLANTS: mesquite shrubs, brittlebush, coulter's lupine, agave
SMELLS: citrus, sandalwood, patchouli, cactus blossom
TIME OF DAY: evening; sunset, specifically
GEMSTONE: alexandrite, carnelian, amber
SEASON: late summer
PLACES: a small, desert town. abandoned farm fields. the long, cracked highway. an oasis. a small, sparsely furnished room with a dimmed lamp light. the grave
FOOD: gecko kebab, omelettes, fry bread, prickly pear
DRINKS: sarsaparilla, instant coffee, spiced rum
ELEMENT: earth
ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS: aquarius, leo, gemini. (too lazy to assign specifics, but the vibes are there)
SEASONING: black peppercorns, cayenne, cumin
WEATHER: clear and sunny, with the occasional cloud rolling through
SKY: clear blue; mininal clouds and the occasional dusty overcast
MAGICAL POWER: telekinesis
WEAPON: a weathered pistol, likely 9mm or 10mm. her fists, adorned with bloodied tape
SOCIAL MEDIA: instagram
MAKEUP PRODUCT: lipstick / lipgloss
CANDY: prickley pear candies, cactus candies, caramel chews
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL: walking. if vehicles were a thing (curse you bethesda), a motocycle.
ART STYLE: pop art, fauvism, art nouveau
FEAR: closed spaces / confinement, death, being the center of attention, being the cause of something out of her control
PIECE OF STATIONARY: envelopes; minimal, but decorated. maybe a non-traditional color. maybe adorned with stickers.
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actualbird · 1 year
sunflower anon here! this ask contains possible spoilers for the exploration dialogue, but part of this has already popped up while being guided by DAVIS. i don’t know if you noticed while exploring with luke, but there was an interesting trend that came up while exploring the mansions. you know how when you interact with that one encased book that’s like a script of an old play about a swordsman, and luke just quotes it “like it was always in my memory”? that was interesting, considering his ssr card for this event is dreamlike drama. and then another similar thing happened while i was exploring with artem in the second room. when you interact with said umbrella in, he says “the weed creeps with dewdrops in the field, and there is a beautiful girl with bright eyes.” rosa then remarks that it feels as though it’s something he told her a long time ago. funnily enough, his ssr is called the weeds (which. can i go on a tangent here for a second? “The weeds” is such a funny name for a card thensbs). its safe to assume that marius and vyn get their moments in the next rooms too. i’m probably clowning here considering i don’t know anything about the plot of any of these cards, but the game seems to imply that current nxx is somehow reincarnated from their gufeng ssr counterparts, which–correct me if I’m wrong–might be the first time the the au ssr cards have been acknowledged in canon dialogue. i don’t know what this implies about the canon timeline, but it felt like a nice surprise. anyway. thanks for reading this and i hope you’re doing okay!!! -🌻
hello sunflower!!!
i waited to answer this ask til after i got thru the first 4 puzzle rooms (which was an Experience. im too dumb for this khVKJVKHK but i was actually able to get through marius' room easily and without hints, cuz that room didnt involve nUMBERS OR MATH. pls.....give me spacial reasoning puzzles any day, just NOT NUMBERS //sob sob) but YEA YEA!!! for this event, travelling with certain nxxboys in certain rooms can basically unlock a little easter egg reference to the card story
this has actually happened before once!! in SOTT, if you inspected one of the exhibits in the museum, it's related to luke's card story (iirc, it's like a letter with the final lines of the card story on it? MADE ME BURST INTO TEARS, IM NOT EMOTIONALLY STRONG ENOUGH FOR THAT //SOB SOB) and mc mentions that when she read it, her heart suddenly felt heavy
the slight reincarnation/past lives nod is very cool and more impotantly makes me too emotional. oh god. the "i will find you in every life" of it all.....//SOBS LOUDER. imo i dont think this has any bearing towards the canon timeline, but it does serve a good punch of utter Feels ;w;
thanks for the ask! hope u have a nice day too :D
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alwritey-aphrodite · 2 years
Hiya! Congrats on the 200 follower mark! That's so exciting! You deserve all that and more! 🥰🌻🌹
Is it still okay if I ask for a ship with an Oscar character? Pretty please?
I'm 5'3". Gemini. Got dark, dark brown eyes and 3 feet long dark chestnut brown wavy hair. Somewhere between athletic and curvy in build. I like spending time outside, or reading a good book, or hanging with whatever animals are nearby or doing something with my hands like cooking or knitting or woodworking etc. I prefer rural living, but I love the theatre and going to concerts. I like dressing both like a tomboy and in long flowy flowery dresses.
My fav music is classical, bluesy old-school country, and Loreena McKennitt( I swear she's a genre all of her own!)
I also love winding down after a long day with a warm fire and hot tea and either a thrilling romance novel or some sewing or a really beautiful film to watch.
That's pretty much it I think.
Thanks! 💖💖💖
Ok, I’ve thought long and hard about this, and I’ve decided that Llewyn Davis is the perfect man for you.
He’ll play guitar for you as you sit on the couch, reading or knitting or sewing, singing quietly so he doesn’t disturb you, even though you’re more than happy to be distracted from your tasks by his beautiful voice. You like cooking? Perfect, because Llewyn will eat anything you make, mainly because he thinks everything you make is perfect, even if you’re experimenting with a new recipe you found. He’d never say anything, but he loves all of the little ways you take care of him, like cooking for him or knitting him a scarf or sewing up that hole you found in his shirt. He craves that soft, gentle love, and you’re the perfect one to provide it for him. And he’ll pay you back in songs and kisses and cuddles, taking you out to outdoor concerts or saving up to take you to the theater.
Also, thank you so much!! And if you want, there are still plenty of summer blurb spots open!! (pls don’t feel obligated to send any more in, but your character and prompt combos are always perfect)
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
Hey sweetie 😘
I won't tell anything else to the cat.... BUT in general, for the whole movie, you'll probably need some tissues too. He goes through a lot. Also... did you know this movie was inspired by a real musician? His name was Dave Van Ronk. In Inside Llewyn Davis they basically tell his story. Even the film's title refers to him. Inside Dave Van Ronk was the origin album from 1963. It features a song Hang Me, Oh Hang Me that Oscar sings at the beginning. I didn't knew all that while watching it the first time. But I'm someone that googles and searches for things that interests me. And so I stumbled over that detail. Thought I share with you, because it makes this movie so much more interesting and emotional.
Thanks for the question darling. I'm sure that, in another universe, a parallel universe, I live in England. I've unfortunately never been there but I know it's my place. I'm in love with that place. My mother language isn't English but ever since I had it in school I realized I was good at speaking it and in my free time I kept on exploring the language. I'm happy I did so because it now allows me to talk with such wonderful people like you are. So... long story short, I'd transport myself to England in a heartbeat if I could 😍🇬🇧 But Italy also looks very beautiful. Another place I'd like to see and explore. 🥰
Do you have a favorite flower? Sorry if I asked that before, I can't remember. 🙈💕
-- 🌻
hi sunnie babe 🧡
i think i’ve read before that the movie was based by the life of a real artist. but that’s an interesting detail! other than the fact that oscar sings, carries around a cat, and it’s a sad story, i don’t know anything else about the film which is great because i like to be surprised 🤭
awwwe england is another place i wish to visit :) i hope you get to travel there one day sunnie!random fact, my program in college was hosting this two-week long trip to england, italy, and france that i would both receive credit for and be able to explore with my friends. unfortunately, covid struck around that time so my university cancelled it. it still makes me sad that i missed out on the opportunity but it’s alright. i’ll have my europe trip someday ✨
ooo okay favorite flower. it would either be tulips, daisies, chrysanthemums, and hibiscus! my dream of mine is to have a garden at my place but sadly i’m not so lucky with plants haha!
hoping you’re having an amazing day sunnie! love you tons 💗
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clonepa · 2 years
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YASS ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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whumpsical · 3 years
Febuwhump Day 3: Imprisonment
contents: aftermath of a failed escape, references to bullet wounds
Tanner got caught, now Davis decides what she'll do with him
(Takes place after Day 15: "Run. Don't look back.")
"You've caused me a lot of trouble, Tanner," Davis said curtly, her arms crossed over her chest.
Tanner sat trembling on a plastic dining chair in the empty cafeteria, a guard behind him driving a gun into the back of his head, the threat of a third bullet holding him to his seat despite the pain in his hip. He kept his face turned downward, avoiding Davis's eyes. His legs still burned from running. He could still smell the fresh grass on the front of his shirt, mingling with the blood from his arm.
"You can imagine this is a bit of a PR nightmare," Davis said, "and it's going to be hard to convince the folks above me that you're worth keeping around despite all of it." She hopped up and sat on one of the long tables, her feet resting on the bench. "But I'll do what I can. You're lucky I'm so -- invested -- in your case."
Tanner swallowed. A cold chill ran through him, crackling like lightning from the hole in his arm into the one in his hip. His mind wouldn't think of anything except the vision of Bryan disappearing safely into the trees without him, but somewhere inside he felt the distant shiver of Davis's words anyway.
"Still not talking to me?" Davis said. She gently swung her legs over the edge of the table, her ankles crossed. "Not a problem, buddy." In a fluid motion she bounced down and approached Tanner with her hand out, grabbing his jaw and jerking his gaze upward. He looked into her cold face with an equally icy glare, though he imagined it didn't appear nearly as brave as what he was trying for. "The question now is what to do with you in the meantime. Any suggestions?" Davis wiggled Tanner's head side to side, her fingers hard on his cheeks, puppeteering an answer from him. "No? Then I suppose you're going in isolation."
Tanner blinked. He tried to hold back the terrified expression which snuck onto his face and hitched his breath, but judging from the satisfied smile that crossed Davis's lips, his effort was a complete failure. She dropped his jaw and motioned to the guard, who grabbed a fistful of fabric at Tanner's collar and hauled him upward, eliciting a pained groan as Tanner’s hip bore weight again.
"Come on," Davis said as she led Tanner and his guard out of the empty cafeteria, leaving a small trail of blood in their path. Tanner couldn't help but whimper with every step, the bullet wounds like two hot pokers in his body. "Let's get you to your new quarters."
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lady-of-the-spirit · 4 years
for the saturday sleepover thing, how has your day been fam? mine's been one hell of an emotional rollercoaster, I think I'm going to change colleges and also, I freaking love Greg Davies
My day has been pretty chill honestly like I finished a knitting project (will post a picture below!) And did a little writing, did some homework, and I went out and bought some chocolate on sale. I'm on my way to a party so I'm feeling a little anxious because I'm a nervous wreck all the time about meeting people
Anyway this is my knitting project - second project overall and I have no idea what it is, I'm still learning! But it turned out pretty okay.
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Thanks for asking!! 🌻 hope everything works out for you!! ❤💖
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shackadaisical · 5 years
Pass the happy!🌻🌈When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
Ahrite, let’s go.
1) the pawpaw I ate the other day which was the tastiest I’ve ever had (I thought it was over ripe, I was wrong)
2) seeing my brother make good decisions and building the future he wants for himself (inspiring!)
3) coming home to my apartment and having my own space to be wholly myself.
4) my writer friends here on tumblr who blow me away with their stories and inspire me to write my own.
5) my current playlist which gets me up and dancing (it’s got songs by Wasteland, Jordan Davis, Bea Miller, Starley, Avicii, Kane Brown, Khalid, MKTO, Camila Cubello)
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chunhua-s · 4 years
hi everyone! the brain froth is just below!
today saw more getting done on that chapter i mentioned before! i was actually able to write something!
i feel good about it so far? right now i’m about to explore an important dynamic that will provide a bit of context for the bigger plot that i’m just dying to get into soon 😗
i’m feeling a little iffy about my execution with it, but overall i like the idea i have in my head and i’ll try my best to script it out so that it flows well
in this scene there’s a business investment that my character has to manage and i’m indecisive as to whether or not i should go into detail about it?
if I show at least a little bit of it all, i’ll have more room to present her to her partners and the audience and show off her charisma as a business woman and daughter of a successful investor/ceo who basically grew up with the corporate scene and in her father’s business empire
but i don’t want to a) do a bad job at explaining everything so that it makes sense and/or b) bore the readers with of that
but i really really want to write about it...... the direction i’m leaning in so far is to show at least a part of the process that i’m confident enough to write and maybe i can gloss over the rest...... but i don’t want to half ass it so i might go all out
with that in mind, i might not finish this chapter by the end of the week :’D
so change of plans! i’ll get started on the requests I have since i’ve gathered quite a few and i don’t want to keep those people waiting too long
atsumu’s next up for the soulmate au series! i’m excited to give a hand at writing him and for what i have planned :D
hint: it has some angst! i’m the teensiest bit nervous about it but i hope i’ll do well — i’ll def try my best at it
outside of writing! today was a fairly calm day for me, I cleaned the bathroom and got to take a nap later on in the afternoon
later in the evening i had a small brainrot session with wifey runa, the result of which was me growing incredibly soft for kageyama :( it’s a lil hard to aggressively love him with all that we talked about for him!
another result of that brainrot talk are some ushi thoughts that i’d been turning around in my brain for some time. i might? make a post about it later or soon? it’s what i think he smells like and what being around/in a relationship with him would be like and ugh..... i love him so much 🥺
they’re basically just my brain frothing over him but i hope you guys won’t mind seeing my thoughts on him
today’s chinese study time went well :v so far i’ve been focusing on vocabulary but I want to start looking into grammar sooner than later. right now i’m getting too comfortable comparing chinese grammar to englisn and i want to get myself out of that mindset quickly
how was everyone’s day? it’s almost the weekend, so hopefully if you’re having a long week, you’ll get the chance to rest by then 💕
all of you are doing amazing at everything, even if right now it doesn’t feel like it! and i’m cheering you guys on for the way
with that, i hope you all have a nice rest of your day/night! 🥰✨ kithes, and good luck for the rest of the way!
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
Wait, you saying good night and sweet dreams to me isn't weird at all, love. It's honestly adorable and reading that made me 🥺🥰😌 Love youuuuuu!! ❤
Oh and... I saw you mentioning the cat from Llewyn Davis and... oh that cat. My emotions with the cat are ☺😧😨🥰😍🥺😱 I don't wanna spoil anything that's why I only give you those emoji.
Btw your chose of emoji if you were anon are super cute. I was thinking about 🌸 too when I typed in the question. Idk why though but there's something soft and delicate about you. Bees love you and no storm could break you. With bees I mean us ☺ & with storms the downs in life. But the 🦄 fits too. Another soft creature that storms couldn't break. (There's unicorns in Harry Potter too. Lots of magical, fantastical creatures but that's another story.)
Ok, that's all for now. I wish you a good day sweetheart. 💖
-- 🌻
helloOo sunnie my love 💛💛
oh my goodness you’re having me worried about the cat 😭 i have both cats & dogs as pets but i’m more of a cat person tbh so if anything happens to that orange baby i might just start bawling ;-;
i really love the 🌸 emoji even tho i rarely use it haha. but awwee thanks darling, that was such a sweet analogy it made me feel soooofttt ahhh. the 🦄 emoji is super cute too. reminds me of the time i was a kid and obsessed with my little pony ((yes they’re ponies not unicorns but they were just as colorful and pretty okayy??))
alrighty a question for youuu (and feel free to chime in @ other book club members!),,, if you could visit any place in the world right now, where would you go? i mentioned this previously but i would fly to italy in a heart beat. it’s such a beautiful country and it’s been a such a dream of mine to visit one day ughhH.
hope your day is amazing love!!! 💖
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
Hey hey again 🙋🏼‍♀️
I'm happy that my book recommendations were helpful to the both of you. Gives me a good feeling that people out there actually appreciate what I say. Love you guys. I'll definitely put your recommendations on my list too Miss 🦋
To 🦜 I've read your ask about what movie you wanna watch (I guess it was today). Inside Llewyn Davis is soooo good and yes it's sad too. I wanted to hug Oscar/Llewyn during the whole movie 😭 But about The Promise - its definitely not a romantic fantasy story. The love story in the movie might be fictional, yes. But the part about the war is very real, very true. What happened in Armenia in the movie, really happened. To be honest I was shocked because I thought it's a romantic sad love story only. But it's more. And it's probably Oscar's saddest movie, as far as I know yet. You'll definitely need tissues 🥺😢🤧
At Eternity's Gate, the movie about Van Gogh, was indeed beautiful. It was heartbreaking, the way he was treated, the way he was feeling, all of it. I know what that feels like. Van Gogh really was ahead of his time with his art and the way he saw things. I thought he was a beautiful soul and if I could see/meet him I would hug him. It was a really really beautiful movie. + Oscar speaking French is 😌👌🏼
To Callie, my love, I wanted to tell you about Morbius because you asked me to. First of all, many people said it's the same as Batman, much like Marvel's Batman. But I disagree with that. The story to me was completely different. I'm not a fan of Batman to be honest. Never liked him much. I just think they could've made his story a better one. That's all. Morbius has that story for me. I felt with him, I felt sad for him, was angry with him about things. (I'm not saying Batman hasn't a good story I'm just saying that I thought it could've been better.) The visual effects were super cool. It's kind of bad in the critics but I don't understand why. I liked the movie a lot. I'm not sure if that's a good review for you but it's all I can think of right now. 🦇🦇🦇
Also I wanted to ask you... if you could give yourself an emoji what would that be?
Love you so much 💖💕💜❤ & I hope your day was/is good. Oh about the timezone question. For me right now, it's 21:46 or 9:46pm if that helps. Sorry I don't know about timezones much. I never did. Hope it helps anyway.
-- 🌻
hellooo my sweet sunnie 💛
okay i haven’t seen the new batman movie either so i cant really say much 🥴 lots of my friends were hyped about it but idk i just never developed the interest in watching aghdkdks. but if you really enjoyed morbius than i shall give that a try when i can :) i’ll let you know how that goes!
hehe i do love my emojis. but if i can give myself one it would be any of these: 🦄, 🌸, 🔮, 🎀, 🍉. ofc i’m unable to pick just one LOL
ooO so you’re like 6hrs ahead of me if my math is correct skksks. got ittttt!! also i’m glad that i asked that question bc it gave me an insight to where some of you are from. it really blows my mind that my fics have reached people from all around the world 🤯
but love you darling! i’m assuming it’s late at night/early morning where you’re at so hope you’re having a wonderful sleep! (is that weird to say?? gosh i hope not haha)
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