#darkwing duck character sheet
simpin-on-noodles · 10 months
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marinette’s character sheet ^^
I made her one Like three times, but I wanted to add more stuff and plus my art style’s gotten better
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ducklooney · 5 months
Model Sheets of Donald Duck and characters from Donald Duck universe (Duckverse)
Now, starting in 2024, I will post model sheets of various characters from the Duckverse that are my favorites from comics and cartoons, from the first appearance of Donald Duck to the present day. Mostly sketches from official Disney artists, mostly from Walt Disney, Mary Blair, Al Taliaferro, Carl Barks, Romano Scarpa, Fabrizio Di Nicola, Toby Shelton, Bob McKnight and others. Mostly from classic shorts, comics, Ducktales, Darkwing Duck and The Legend of The Three Caballeros. Feel free to like and reblog and use these models in a smart way. This is how classic styles and classic beaks should be used.
This is just the first part.
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nostalgink · 2 months
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He's nakey
(Also I tweaked som proportions so I need to share his villain outfit again)
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ninjadoodleduck · 5 months
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this is my oc Brice, part of his reference sheet :3 i'll post the full version later onnnnnnn.
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I've made a new OC!! Her name is Willow Mallard, and she is the mommy of Drake Mallard!! The main idea I want to take away is that she may be a beautiful supermodel, but deepdown, she's a very nurturing and loving mother who is proud of her son no matter what!! She's also more muscular then any other female duck out there!! This gets her a bit of traction both good and bad, but she is proud of the work that she put in for herself and doesn't care what anyone else thinks! It's this motivation that is inspiring to Drake, and he looks up to her so much!! She's also the only person to know that her son is Darkwing Duck, but can't help to support her son in whatever way!!
You guys can use her, just remember to credit me!!
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giddlygoat · 10 months
Darkwing Duck H1?
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went a little wild with the inking WHOOPS here ya go!
version without background blur <3
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dawginabottle · 1 year
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I've had a mutant au idea floating around in my head for a while with my oc Oliver Flud where he gets fish powers and after talking with some friends they convinced me to finally doodle it lol so here's fish mutant Oliver! Also the anatomy on this is so wack
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rubbersoles19 · 1 year
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I don't think I ever actually posted my old reference sheet for @rebellingstagnationblog's Stellar Mallard, who she gave me the honor of visually designing.
If you've never read Reese's Geronimo series you're missing out on what is basically the foundation of the Darkwing Duck fandom. The first time I read it, I legitimately thought Stellar as a character from the show I had never run across, he was so well written. If you like Gosalyn, Negaduck, and lots of angst and whump, check it out!
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sirislayer · 2 years
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Montrose Pretty Character Design dropped.
Image Description: A landscape format character sheet depicting Montrose Pretty from the Adventure Zone Steeplechase. Montrose is a white middle ages man with a rather round face. His maskless face shows brown eyebrows and eyes. His Hardlight Mask depicts a neutral smile face with cyan eyes staring slightly off center into the distance. The smile shows teeth, that are just every so slightly too detailed to be comfortable. The mask is shaded with soft smooth transitions, almost as if airbrushed badly in photoshop. The rest of Montrose is drawing in vibrant colours with bold black shadows and patterns in reference to popular pop art. Casual Montrose wears a cyan shirt and a pink tie in combination with blue trousers. Black and White Montrose wears a grayscale outfit in reference to Darkwing Duck, the fodder of the cape and hat is vibrant purple.
Artist commentary:
references: Real Life Dolls (don't look them up), Yesterday (Studio Ghibli), Casual Pop Art Tropes, 90s Arcade colours image search, Darkwing Duck
I tried to focus on the uncanny valley/unsettling aspect of the mask. The mask does not emote. The mask does not move with the face. The mask is see-through for Montrose, so from his side he can see through the Mask without issue. The mask is projected onto his face with the help of his hardlight earplugs.
I got Ko-Fi Commissions available
YouTube Animation and Art
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zelda-cooper · 1 year
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Well... Hi, it's Beatriz again and this time... I came to share about my Darkwing Duck Fancomic that I'm doing with my friend @anniesilveratl2room and that we're already in the production of the first chapter. She's still in the process of making the reference sheets for the characters and our OCs that will appear in the comic, but sometime later this year the first chapter will definitely be released.
We're both doing the scripts and coming up with ideas for future chapters, she's doing the art for the comic and I'm writing the dialogue and stuff. We wanted to do it as a reboot of the original Darkwing Duck series based on what was shown in the 2017 Ducktales series and also some stuff from the canonical comics and ideas from their OWN writers and the original series.
But I also wanted to give a heads up that... Our Fancomic is going to be a lot darker and more realistic in tone than we've been shown in canon media and will also have certain Headcanons and changes that we're going to make to give more weight to the story and the aftermath of it . Like, for example, exploring more of Darkwing's arrogant personality and the problems of this in his life, grief, deaths, the consequences of villain mutations and how the past influences all people. The focus of the story will be on DEVELOPMENT, both in the universe and in ALL characters. For those who want to ask about the project, feel free. That's it... BYE!!! ^^
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simpin-on-noodles · 9 months
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Beatrice time! ^^💕
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candyvenombites · 1 year
Disney Classics X Madoka Magica
Okay so I immediately know what some might say “Candy! Aren’t you doing a Bugsnax X Madoka Magica AU? What happened to that?”
Well let me just explain quick
My Bugsnax X Madoka Magica AU isn’t cancelled and it will continue. The reason I’m starting a new one is because I’m not as into Bugsnax as I was previously. I still love it, but it’s hard when it isn’t my current hyper-fixation. I will continue with it, but I wanted to take a break and work on different one that I love just as much. So with that out of the way…
I am now going to combine my Disney classics fixation with my Madoka Magica fixation. I love both of these very much and I’m honestly excited to create this one.
Now to explain some things:
What do I mean by “Classics?”
Now when I say “classics” I’m referring to the main Disney cast and others that fit into the world. This includes characters from Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy Goof to characters like Darkwing Duck and The Rescue Rangers.
How do I picture this?
Now whenever I imagine this story, my mind goes to the characters being human. I can’t really see them in their animal like state when I imagine this story. Sadly I will probably not be illustrating or creating and art, because I do not possess that level of artistic ability and would be uncomfortable drawing it.
Instead I would most likely give character sheets and use reference photos to get my point across. I’d also use things like Picrew and Gacha to somewhat make designs.
Will this be fully written?
Possibly. I’m on a tight schedule with school and with creating a way bigger series. I will mostly be posting about characters and the dynamics I imagine happening with the series.
Will I include original characters?
Again it’s a possibility. I actually have 4 original characters that I made for this Disney world before I made this story. I might have them appear, but I’m not fully sure.
Do I really think people will read this?
Lol no, but I don’t care because it’s fun.
That’s the end of my explaining for now. I will most likely be posting my first character sheet very soon so be on the lookout for that if you’re interested.
💕🍬Stay Sweet🍬💕
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nostalgink · 2 months
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Finally getting around to an updated reference sheet set for magentus. Starting with his villain costume.
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cosmik-homo · 1 year
digging deep into Darkwing Duck (90s) model sheets and series bible trying to relearn to draw him, and god, it really is amazing the quality of artistry behind a saturday morning cartoon. like, the skill and effort that went into the expressiveness if the characters and their animation really cant be taken for granted and it's at the ROOT of why he's one of the most wonderfully Unhinged characters of all time just as much as the stellar voice preformence and story.
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Since I made a mommy for Drake, it only figures I have to make a daddy for him as well... and of course with them being the "mallard" family, I wanted to actually make him an actual Drake Mallard duck. He has the same facial structure of his son, but he is a pretty bad father all things considering. He's a chauvinist and treated his son and wife very badly, criticizing them all the ways he can (for example, he calls Drake girly for having his mother's feather plummage instead of his)... after a car wreck that leaves his body shattered, F.O.W.L secretly stole his body and transformed him into a cyborg. He would have been used as weapon should the solego circuit fail, but since F.O.W.L was shut down, he has been dormant in a testing tube... But now he has finally emerged and ready to bring armageddon on the world. He lurks in the shadows watching a purple duck in a hat and a cape, not even realizing that it is his son from long ago. Ngl, Emperor Belos from Owl House and Obito Uchiha from Naruto (Also the voice I imagined for him.) heavily inspired his facial looks, and his cyborg body was inspired a lot from Resident Evil 2 with William Birken lol.
Just like Willow Mallard, you can use him, just remember to credit me!!
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moonbeam-dragon · 2 years
Light of Our Lives Part 4
Moonrise! Here’s more of this. Enjoy some legitimate development of character. This will be a little more filler than anything. But whatever. Tw: Child consuming chemicals.
It had been about two weeks since Paris-Jaide had been adopted. She’d officially taken board in the lighthouse, as it had a room on the second floor she could use. She’d made herself quite comfortable there. There was a small window with a shelf under it. She could look out and see the rolling waves of the Audubon Bay and part of St. Canard’s shore. It was a gorgeous view, even if it was restricted. The shelf held a number of pretty rocks she’d taken from the beach. They were all different sizes, shapes, and colors. She often spoke to them when her parents were gone, or when she was bored. It was almost like how Elmo talked to his lightbulb friends. There was a dresser, which Bud had stolen, next to the window. It was full of pretty clothes Jackie had given her. He apparently had a doll collection of different sizes, and she was perfectly fitting for part of the wardrobe. Most everything in there was a shade of green, blue, or yellow, with the occasional orange. She definitely had a preference. Her bed was on old one that had been there since the lighthouse was built. The wood itself was sturdy enough, but the blankets had been moth-eaten and dusty. The only logical thing to do was for Bud to go out and steal a new comforter set and pillows. The best part was confusing Darkwing Duck as to why he’d do that!
Paris-Jaide sat on her blue-green sheets as she played with a rock. She hummed as she flipped it over in her hand and flipped it on her bed. This rock was particularly playful. It didn’t at all mind being flipped and tossed about, as long as it didn’t get cracked. She wasn’t sure when Bud would be back. He was planning a heist or something with their boss. Elmo was in town, saying something about neutralizing stuff. Whatever that meant.
Paris-Jaide got up and slipped her rock into the pocket of her dress. She walked up to the top room, which served as a lot of things. Part led out onto the balcony. Joined to that was the area with the couch and a stained coffee table. The far end was a sort of kitchen, thought it was really just a fridge, a stove, a sink, and a counter. A huge portion was littered in tools and appliances of sorts. The small desk by the wall had papers and coffee cups all over and around it.
There was an area with a curtain around it. She knew this was where her parents slept. It wasn’t a proper bedroom. Bud had to sleep in an inflatable pool because he couldn’t keep his shape. Elmo just had a twin-sized bed next to it. Paris-Jaide had learned the hard way that they had to be very careful touching each other, even while asleep.
She noticed something on the counter of the kitchen, in a little dish. She walked over to it and inspected the crusty, blue-white substance. It didn’t look much like sugar or anything yummy. But.. Paris-Jaide had the urge to eat it. She reached her fingers out and took a good pinch of it, then put it in her mouth and sucked off the residue. She hummed. It tasted like fizzy rocks. The ones so sugary they were almost explosive. The feeling of something so sour it was sweet intrigued her. She swallowed and looked at the dish again. Whatever that stuff was, it was good. She took another pinch of it and put in in her mouth again. She giggled at the funny feeling it gave her mouth. She didn’t even notice as her brown hair shimmered green for a moment. Before she knew it, the candy powder was gone and her hair was a neon green color, glowing softly.
“Hey, kiddo,” Elmo said, walking up the stairs and entering the main area.
“Hi, Dad,” Paris-Jaide responded, the title feeling natural off her tongue. “What’s up?”
The rat huffed, pulling off his battery and plug cap. “Nothing. Can you believe they don’t have a proper neutralizing chemical for battery acid?” he asked exasperatedly. “Really, do I have to use vinegar and basic stuff?”
Paris-Jaide walked over to him. “Come on, it can’t be that bad. Besides, Dorkwing and Quiverwimp might have a problem with that,” she sneered. “Why would they? It’s not like it’s their problem how you fix the, uh, stuff.”
“Exactly!” Elmo said, throwing his hands out. “I thought you’d- Hey, is your hair green?”
“Hm?” Paris-Jaide tucked her braid over his shoulder to see it. Yep. It was neon green and shimmering. “Oh, yeah! It wasn’t a little bit ago, so that’s weird.”
Elmo took off his gloves and pulled her braid through one hand. “Did you do anything to make your powers act up?” he asked. It was very possible. After all, she hadn’t gotten much of a chance to activate her abilities. There were still a lot of unanswered question from that.
“I don’t think so,” she told him.
Elmo let go of her hair and shrugged. “Oh well. We’ll have to remember to have Bud remember to remind us to remember about that.” He walked over to the counter. “No where did I put that acid?” Paris-Jaide walked over to the couch, pulling her rock out of her dress and starting to toss it from hand to hand. Elmo started searching through the boxes in the kitchen. “I could have sworn I cleaned it up. Unless I still have crusty batteries around here…” He stood up and looked at the empty dish on the counter. “Hey, maybe I did put it here. Then where is it?”
“What does it look like?” the child offered, wondering if she’d seen it and could help.
“Uh.. kinda powdery? Blueish white,” he said.
Paris-Jaide nodded in understanding. “Like the candy powder?” she asked.
“Uh, did we have candy powder?” he asked.
She nodded, pointing at the dish. “Yeah, the candy powder on the counter.”
Elmo looked again at the dish. “Oh, that’s weird. But yeah, the battery acid does look a lot like that. And I thought I left it on the-” He froze mid-sentence, looking at his daughter and connecting the dots. “Did you eat battery acid?!”
“That was battery acid?” she asked calmly. Then it hit her. “That was battery acid!”’
Elmo took a few strides and was by the couch. He grabbed her shoulders. “Do you feel any burning? Are you having trouble breathing?” He put one finger on her chin and opened her mouth to inspect it. “Are your teeth eroding?” he asked.
Paris-Jaide gasped, pushing back and feeling her own teeth. “I- I don’ know-” she said, muffled by her fingers in her mouth. “It- It doesn’t feel like it.” She started breathing heavily, beginning to panic. Her ears and nose twitched in her fear. “I don’t burn. I-” She was having trouble breathing now, but that was more her sudden panic. “Am I gonna die?”
Elmo stared at her. Maybe he should get help? But she was being hidden and he was a villain. Was there some cure he could use? “I don’t- No. No, you’re not gonna die,” he told her, not sure if he was lying or not.
“Why would she be dying?” Bud asked, flowing up the top of the spiral stairs.
Paris-Jaide whined and looked at him. “Pops! I ate the battery acid and I’m gonna die!”
Bud was surprised as she ran to him, and he gave his form surface tension to hold her. He looked up at Elmo. “Surveyors want to know how you got a hold of battery acid.”
“I had some lying around,” Elmo admitted nervously. “I didn’t think she’d eat it!”
Bud groaned, lowering his body to look his daughter in the eyes. “How bad does it hurt?” he asked, seriously contemplating whether or not they should take her to a hospital.
“It… It doesn’t,” she said quietly. “It actually doesn’t hurt.”
Bud felt relieved at that. Actually he was unsettled. Why didn’t battery acid hurt her? Well, drowning didn’t hurt him. Actually, nothing hurt the Liquidator physically. Elmo wasn’t harmed by an electric chair. Maybe Paris-Jaide was impervious to things as well. “It seems, my dear, you just have an original, Paris-Jaide Brand Immunity™!”
“Really?” she asked, letting Bud wipe her tears and take them into his hand. “I can eat battery acid?!” Her face lit up, literally taking on a soft green glow. She was way too excited about that.
“It seems you can. With no side-effects,” the water dog noted, then noticing her hair, which was neon green. “Maybe a few.”
Paris-Jaide gasped. “I bet it makes my powers get stronger!” she beamed. “I wonder what else I can do…” She suddenly remembered the rock she’d been playing with, and saw that it had a bit of a green glow to it. She smiled and left her father’s arms, taking it and holding it in her hand. She held her other hand above it and tensed them up a bit, staring at the rock. “Glow,” she said, “Come on, just let me try this out. I promise I won’t hurt you.” The rock started to turn green and from it came a light. Megavolt snapped and the lights to the lighthouse went out, leaving only the sunset, rock, and Paris-Jaide’s hair as the only lights.
“No way,” she whispered, turning the rock over in her hand. She focused in on herself, bringing her excitement to the surface. Her fur turned light green and her eyes became dark green voids. “I need to try everything!”
I’m cutting this part short. The next chapter will probably be a compilation of drabbles. I hope you’re enjoying so far. Remember to like and comment so I know what you think. Seeing notes really helps me out. Farewell, best of luck, avoid roasted cabbages, don’t eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life! Moonset!
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