#dark scroll
missnight0wl · 2 years
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Yes, Penny. They don’t have the Dark Scroll. The Dark Scroll is perfectly safe.
There’s no need to be suspicious.
There’s nothing to worry about.
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skyrim-forever · 8 months
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gunka0111 · 1 month
Argonians day
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In Japanese, 5 is read as "go" and 2 as "ni". 5/2=goni=Ar"goni"an. For the above reasons we celebrate 5/2 as Argonians Day.
So I'm uploading my past illustrations of Skyrim's Veezara.
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ilona-art · 2 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐨𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫
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The Dark Brotherhood turned my playthrough from Lawful-Good to Lawful-Evil
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If Tumblr goes down, y'all can find me in here
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goryhorroor · 3 days
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horror sub-genres/techniques: anime horror
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soxendanso · 2 months
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i had a vision
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areggos-art-dump · 7 months
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haha funny picture
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missnight0wl · 2 years
It may sound insane. But imagine if Olivia's playing with us. Imagine she's putting on a show playing the victim but dropping some hints for MC at the same time. Imagine she said these things as hints: Y7C40P5_outro14:"Now, some of you may be wondering if I'm 'secretly evil'..."
Y7C40P5_outro19:"My Defence Against the Dark Arts experience was also a bit... uneven, shall we say?"
Y7C40P5_outro20:"But you have no reason to fear. I've had years of practice, and you're in capable hands..." (Also I'll link this to this:
Y7C43P5_intro11:"Is there something funny?"
Y7C43P5_intro12:"Just a little Department of Mysteries joke."
Y7C43P5_intro13:"You worked for the Department of Mysteries?"
Y7C43P5_intro14:"I can neither confirm nor deny that."
Y7C43P5_intro15:"I... What?"
Y7C43P5_intro16:"Really, I can't speak about my former job."
Y7C43P5_intro17:"Speak'...? Were you an Unspeakable?" Interesting, Olivia. If you can't really talk about your former job then why are you hinting to us that you worked there? Do you want MC to know that you worked there? So she practised the dark arts or defence against the dark arts for years and she worked at the ministry in the department of mysteries . I wonder what her job was.)
Y7C40P5_outro29:"You never know what darkness is lurking just around the corner..." Imagine she didn't put higher security in her office because she wanted MC to get in, to discover the memories that maybe she planted there. Imagine she wants MC to view her memories so that she can show them that Peregrine isn't to be trusted. Or maybe the only way to break MC from Peregrine's mind-controlling legilimency is to show them directly who he truly is. There is more clues ingame if you're over thinkingly looking for them but imagine that this happened.
While I was searching the datamine for Olivia's dialogue lines I remembered this post:
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Department of mysteries.
Ohohoho I'm gonna have so much fun. IMAGINE that Olivia is playing the long revenge game while she's protecting us at the same time. She knows that Peregrine is trying to kidnap MC and Jacob. She knows Peregrine wants to get his hand on that prophecy and he needs to make MC or Jacob get it for him. Jacob is already a lost cause. He's fully under Peregrine's control. Duncan's dead. Olivia can't face R on her own, at least not directly. Not to mention that after Jacob dies (yes our real brother is dead, there's no way that [in your words] fugly slut is our bro. Vault!Jacob's hand in hand with Peregrine and helping to manipulate MC) Peregrine disappeared. She knows that she can't fight R by hunting them down one agent at a time, they'll just crawl deeper and deeper into their hiding hole. So she has to wait for Peregrine to slither out of his hole once again so that she can strike him and end it once and for all. She has to be patient to get revenge. It's crucial that the prophecy is safe. Peregrine is really desperate to get his hands on it, so it must be important. She works for the department of mysteries in order to protect it and waits for the right moment.
And Olivia knew that MC isn't in real danger, yet. There's no way that the vault of ice. An ancient structure that is cursed with magic so old and ancient that is older than THE FOUNDERS. Is broken by A SECOND YEAR STUDENT.
Is there a chance that maybe perhaps the vaults were weakened by a certain someone in order to give MC false confidence and determination to find their dead brother so that later they can be manipulated? Were these vaults already broken but were repaired to serve as an impersonation of the actual vaults for another purpose? Am I possibly overlooking something big? That can be the case too, but let's go with the first option.
So finally in year 7, Peregrine shows up. And this is Olivia's chance to get him and also defend MC because she knows Peregrine will want to take MC by force.
It's very possible that Dumbledore is working with Olivia to take Peregrine down! Aaaandddd I have to leave :( But I still think this would be a nice storyline and a fine plot twist. Even if it doesn't make a lot of sense... Also what do you think Peregrine's patronus is? A DAMN LETHIFOLD?!
If it is the same as our MC. I swear to GOD
I agree that it’d be an interesting storyline. However, I doubt it’s what actually happens in the game, to be honest. And the main reason for that is Olivia’s reaction when she catches us in her office in one of the future chapters. I mean, she seems genuinely pissed off, with the whole: “we’re not on a first-name basis, it’s Professor Green for you!”, taking us to Dumbledore and whatnot. Like, it’s a bit too overdramatic if it was just an act. Don’t get me wrong, I see where you’re coming from. But if she was really pretending, I think she’d be rather like: “Oh, silly MC! Got caught so easily! You should’ve been more careful! But THIS TIME, I’ll let you go free! *wink wink*”.
That being said, I agree that Olivia’s former job at the Department of Mysteries got too much attention to be a coincidence. The difference is that my take on it is kind of the opposite of yours. I suspect it was R who wanted to have Olivia work there. Perhaps she wasn’t even aware of that or maybe it’s another thing that was erased from her memory. But you skipped one line which seems potentially important here, in my opinion.
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Hm, I wonder if she knows also a thing or two about mind-enhancing potions… Or Dai Ryusaki and his Dark Scroll.
Here’s what I’m thinking. R might have two reasons to infiltrate the Department of Mysteries.
The first one is obviously connected to minds and the whole “enhancing”, so it goes along very nicely with the plotline of the Dark Scroll. Personally, I believe that Peregrine might want to enhance his Legilimency and use it to gain power. I talked about it in this post, for example.
The second reason is the Veil, and it’s connected to my theory that R’s official goal is to bring people back from the dead. You can read this theory here.
Either way, R might’ve used Olivia for this infiltration. Again, it’s very possible that her participation wasn't voluntary. I’m not sure why R wouldn’t remove Olivia’s memories of the Ministry entirely, but now that I think about it, there actually was one line Y7Ch42 that might be connected to that:
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Perhaps she was simply not allowed to create any records of her work as an Unspeakable, or… it’s also a convenient cover for R for removing some information. Like, nobody (including Olivia) will ask why some things are missing from Olivia’s records if it’s just the nature of this job.
Now, the idea with the prophecy is quite interesting, but I have to admit that it was a very random thought on my part. I don’t think we really have anything solid to believe that there is any prophecy. So… I don’t know. I guess it just makes more sense to me to focus on the mind-enhancing aspect. But hey, maybe I’m wrong!
So yeah… I sadly think that Olivia is more of R’s victim than an active player against them. At least for now, because it might change.
As for the difficulty of the Cursed Vaults, I actually always thought that it’s an intentional design: that they become harder and harder. Imagine that you learn that there is some treasure, and you want to get it. You get through the first, second, and third Cursed Vault. It’s fairly easy, so the idea of the treasure becomes even more tempting. It’ll be yours without problems! But then, you get to the Portrait Vault… First of all, good luck getting inside! Oh, you managed that? Cool, now fight the dragon! You somehow got passed it? Well, what a shame that you’re so blinded by getting to the treasure because now you’re trapped in the portrait… Assuming that you even get through the Legilimency door, of course. If not, I guess there’s no way out of the Vault, so you die there eventually.
In general, your ideas do make sense. I just don’t think they could work in the game in its current state.
Finally, I have no idea what Peregrine’s Patronus could be. I actually call bullshit on him being even able to conjure one. If I had to choose something though, I suppose it could be a Snake for deceit? But knowing Jam City, it seems likely that it’ll be the same as MC’s :(
Edit: Peregrine’s Patronus should be Maggots, so he could end like Riczidian.
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arnaerr · 2 months
thinking about him prints ✦ patreon  
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coyote-ralyn · 10 months
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ilona-art · 2 months
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Silt Strider Migration. A piece I developed from a doodle made during the event in Amsterdam. For some reason I keep coming back to Morrowind...
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loremaster-lavellan · 3 months
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Ambarys, proprietor of the New Gnisis Cornerclub.
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The mod was “My little hatchling”
It just adds a little argonian boy you can adopt. It’s very cute and I love my son 10/10 would recommend
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kumasan-tes · 4 months
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