#danne & blackburn
searchsystem · 8 months
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Richard Danne & Bruce Blackburn / Danne & Blackburn / National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) / Graphics Standards Manual – Index / Brand Guidelines / 1975
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colbyparson · 2 months
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spacenutspod · 3 months
In the left two photos, workers with NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) paint the bright red NASA “worm” logo on the side of an Artemis II solid rocket booster segment inside the Rotation, Processing and Surge Facility (RPSF) at Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024. The EGS team used a laser projector to mask off the logo with tape, then painted the first coat of the iconic design. The booster segments will help propel the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket on the Artemis II mission to send four astronauts around the Moon as part of the agency’s effort to establish a long-term science and exploration presence at the Moon, and eventually Mars. In the right photo, the Orion spacecraft for NASA’s Artemis II mission received its latest makeover. Teams adhered the agency’s iconic “worm” logo and ESA (European Space Agency) insignia on the spacecraft’s crew module adapter on Sunday, Jan. 28, inside the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.NASA/Glenn Benson and Rad Sinyak Art and science merge as teams add the NASA “worm” logo on the SLS (Space Launch System) solid rocket boosters and the Orion spacecraft’s crew module adapter at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida for the agency’s Artemis II mission. The iconic logo was introduced in 1975 by the firm of Danne & Blackburn as a modern emblem for the agency. It emerged from a nearly 30-year retirement in 2020 for limited use on select missions and products. NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems and prime contractor Jacobs began painting the red logotype onto the segments that form the Moon rocket’s two solid rocket boosters Jan. 22. To do so, crews used a laser projector to first mark off the location of the logo with tape, then applied two coats of paint and finished by adding several coats of clear primer. Each letter of the worm logo measures approximately 6 feet and 10 inches in height and altogether, stretches 25 feet from end to end, or a little less than the length of one of the rocket’s booster motor segments. The location of the worm logo will be moderately different from where it was during Artemis I. While it will still be located on each of the rocket’s 17 story boosters, the modernist logo will be placed toward the front of the booster systems tunnel cover. The SLS boosters are the largest, most powerful solid propellant boosters ever flown and provide more than 75% of the thrust at launch. Workers with NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) paint the bright red NASA “worm” logo on the side of an Artemis II solid rocket booster segment inside the Rotation, Processing and Surge Facility (RPSF) at Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024. The EGS team used a laser projector to mask off the logo with tape, then painted the first coat of the iconic design. The booster segments will help propel the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket on the Artemis II mission to send four astronauts around the Moon as part of the agency’s effort to establish a long-term science and exploration presence at the Moon, and eventually Mars.NASA/Glenn Benson Around the corner inside the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at Kennedy, personnel adhered the worm logo and ESA (European Space Agency) insignia Jan. 28 on the spacecraft’s crew module adapter. The adapter houses electronic equipment for communications, power, and control, and includes an umbilical connector that bridges the electrical, data, and fluid systems between the main modules. In October 2023, technicians joined the crew and service modules together. The crew module will house the four astronauts as they journey around the Moon and back to Earth on an approximately 10-day journey. The spacecraft’s service module, provided by ESA, will supply the vehicle with electricity, propulsion, thermal control, air, and water in space. The Orion spacecraft for NASA’s Artemis II mission received its latest makeover. Teams adhered the agency’s iconic “worm” logo and ESA (European Space Agency) insignia on the spacecraft’s crew module adapter on Sunday, Jan. 28, inside the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.NASA/Rad Sinyak NASA is working to land the first woman, first person of color, and first international partner astronaut on the Moon through Artemis. SLS and the Orion spacecraft are central to NASA’s deep space exploration plans, along with advanced spacesuits and rovers, the Gateway space station planned for orbit around the Moon, and commercial human landing systems.
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michaelgabrill · 3 months
Teams Add Iconic NASA Worm Logo to Artemis II Rocket Spacecraft
Art and science merge as teams add the NASA “worm” logo on the SLS (Space Launch System) solid rocket boosters and the Orion spacecraft’s crew module adapter at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida for the agency’s Artemis II mission. The iconic logo was introduced in 1975 by the firm of Danne & Blackburn as […] from NASA https://ift.tt/CE47VKq
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design-histories · 6 months
United States Federal Design Improvement Program
Back in 1972, in an interesting chapter in design history, President Richard Nixon and NEA Chair Nancy Hanks introduced the United States Government to the Federal Design Improvement Program. This program sought to overhaul and redesign the current standards in design within the different organizations of the United States Federal Government. What was originally considered dull and unadventurous design, shifted briefly to a style that was more bold and lively.
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One of the most notable logos to have come from this time was the NASA worm logo, designed by graphic designers Richard Danne and Bruce Blackburn. The FDIP's influence was widespread amongst the the US federal government. It was safe to say, that design had become a necessity, and served an important purpose in not only improving the visual identity and communication of the US government, but also sought to improve the thoughts of the people surrounding the government. I think that Nancy Hanks said it best in her closing speech at the First Federal Design Assembly:
“Today, instead of a few isolated people, there are ranks of administrators who equate good design with good government.”
It is true, design has the power to influence the thoughts and feelings of people, and overall tell a story that can allow you to look at a brand in a different light. While unfortunately, the standards put into place from the FDIP did not stick and the sectors of the United States government eventually went back to their old standards in 1981. Though, small elements of this era of US design history still remain today, particularly in NASA, as in 2020, they adopted the "NASA worm" as a secondary logo type. I came across this chapter of design history after finding a video on it by Phil Edwards (link below). It ultimately peaked my interests to pursue it a bit deeper. I'd highly suggest the video to anyone who is interested in this kind of stuff! There is honestly so much more that I can talk about in this topic, so rather than go on and on, consider this an introduction to the topic!
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If you want to read more:
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gameforestdach · 6 months
Zusammenfassung: Bungie überarbeitet das Shader-Vorschau-System im bevorstehenden The Final Shape DLC für Destiny 2. Das neue System stellt alle Farben, die ein Shader bietet, genauer dar. Fans können sich auf ein intuitiveres und verlässlicheres Farbanpassungserlebnis freuen. Einführung Für viele Wächter geht es beim Kampf gegen die Kräfte der Dunkelheit genauso ums gute Aussehen wie um Strategie. Wie das alte Sprichwort sagt: "Wenn du die Galaxie retten willst, mach es doch stilvoll." Und es scheint, als würde Bungie zustimmen, denn sie planen eine lang erwartete Überarbeitung von Destiny 2's Shader-Vorschau-System im kommenden The Final Shape DLC. Das Mode-Dilemma Wenn Farbe wichtig ist Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass in der Welt von Destiny 2 Mode manchmal über Funktion geht. Shader, die es den Spielern erlauben, die Farbe ihrer Rüstung anzupassen, spielen dabei eine entscheidende Rolle. Allerdings sorgt die aktuelle Vorschaudarstellung oft für Verwirrung. Die Vorschau gibt nicht immer eine genaue Wiedergabe der verfügbaren Farben. Ein Neustart am Horizont Um dieses langjährige Problem zu beheben, hat Bungie angekündigt, das Shader-Vorschau-System komplett zu überarbeiten. Anstatt nur vier Farben zu zeigen, verspricht die neue Vorschau, die gesamte Farbpalette eines Shaders besser darzustellen. Äußerungen von wichtigen Persönlichkeiten Destiny 2’s Spielleiter, Joe Blackburn, gab während eines Auftritts in Datto's 'Name That Shader' YouTube-Show Einblick in diese Änderung. Er erklärte, dass "alle Farben in den neuen Symbolen dargestellt sind und sie etwas anders organisiert sind." Er fügte hinzu, dass, obwohl das Verstehen von Rüstungsmechaniken weiterhin von Vorteil sein wird, die überarbeiteten Symbole sicherstellen werden, dass alle Farben, auch die subtilen, in der Vorschau korrekt dargestellt werden. Spekulationen und Veröffentlichungsdetails Auch wenn das genaue Aussehen der neuen Shader-Vorschauen noch geheim gehalten wird, ist die Community voller Vorfreude. Wenn man Blackburns Kommentaren Glauben schenken darf, können die Spieler ein intuitiveres und verlässlicheres System erwarten, das der Vielzahl an verfügbaren Farboptionen gerecht wird. Wann können Wächter dieses neue Feature ausprobieren? Markiere den 27. Februar 2024 in deinem Kalender, denn dann erscheint The Final Shape DLC mit vielen Änderungen und der heiß ersehnten Überarbeitung der Shader-Vorschau. Fazit Ob du ein modebewusster Wächter bist oder nur jemand, der seiner Rüstung etwas Farbe verleihen möchte, versprechen die bevorstehenden Shader-Vorschau-Änderungen ein reibungsloseres und zufriedenstellenderes Anpassungserlebnis. Also, rüstet euch aus, Wächter, und bereitet euch darauf vor, euren Stil mit neuem Selbstbewusstsein zur Schau zu stellen! Und denkt immer daran, gut aussehen ist die halbe Miete. An alle Wächter da draußen, was haltet ihr von diesem Update? Teilt eure Gedanken und eure Lieblings-Shader-Kombinationen mit uns!
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thestageyshelf · 2 years
SOLD 🎭 The Girls @ Phoenix Theatre 2017 (#142)
Title: The Girls
Venue: Phoenix Theatre
Year: 2017
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Condition: Good condition
Author: Tim Firth and Gary Barlow
Director: Directed by Tim Firth. Comedy Staging bu Jos Houben
Choreographer: Musical Staging by Lizzi Gee
Cast: Debbie Chazen, Sophie-Louise Dann, Michele Dotrice, Claire Machin, Marian McLoughlin, Claire Moore, Joanna Riding, Josh Benson, Victoria Blackburn, Claudia Bradley, Alexandra Burns, Joe Caffrey, Jeremy Clyde, John Davitt, Soo Drouet, Paul Easom, James Gaddas, Jenny Gayner, Steve GIles, Frazer Hadfield, Ben Hunter, Maxwell Hutcheon, Chloe May Jackson, Shirley Jameson, Jane Lambert, Rebecca Louis, Tyler Smith, Judith Street
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gdbot · 2 years
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Bruce Blackburn / Danne & Blackburn / National Aeronautics... https://ift.tt/3cpmGWd -> Telegram Design Bot
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searchsystem · 2 years
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Bruce Blackburn / Danne & Blackburn / National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) / Logotype / 1975
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itsnotjustporn · 7 years
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The Worm
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"The Worm" is the affectionate nickname for NASA's 1975 logo, designed by Richard Danne and Bruce Blackburn. A new book from Standards Manual, available for pre-order, collects 300+ archival NASA images featuring The Worm in action.
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The Worm was deprecated in 1992, but it's back as part of Spacex's livery. The book comes out in October, and is available for pre-order at $59.
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dukeofblackburn · 5 years
Ein Soldat kommt zurück
Oliver, der Bruder von Thomas, war in den letzten Jahren als Soldat tätig gewesen. Auch wenn seit einer Weile kein Krieg mehr herrschte, gab es für die Truppen dennoch viel zu tun und es wurden immer mal wieder kleinere Aufstände im Land bekämpft. Es war lange her, dass Oliver seinen Bruder gesehen hatte. Doch hin und wieder schrieben sie sich Briefe, so dass Oliver ja eben auch wusste, dass Thomas mit seiner Frau in Blackburn lebte und er mittlerweile auch schon ein Kind hatte. 
Für die nächste Zeit hatte Oliver allerdings frei bekommen, da er bei dem letzten Aufstand eine Schulterverletzung erlitten hatte. Da sie eh in der Nähe von Blackburn waren, hatte Oliver sich dann dazu entschlossen in seinem “Urlaub” Thomas zu besuchen. Gerade kam er mit seinem Pferd in Blackburn an.
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rulerofthemoon · 4 years
Otome Profile
Erwin De Germain:
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Likes: So gut wie alles Dislikes: Gewalt Sexualität: Demisexuell
Erwin ist ein entspannter Kerl. Vermutlich der entspannteste den du jemals treffen wirst. Er liebt seine Gitarre, sein Freunde und sein Gras. Es scheint als könnte ihn nichts aus der Ruhe bringen und jede Situation mit einer Lebensweisheit oder Geschichte aufpäppeln. Allerding ist er auch viel zu dicht, um sich überhaupt Gedanken über Romantik oder Liebe zu machen, auch wenn er oft davon spricht. Wirst du in der Lage sein mit ihm eine innige Beziehung aufzubauen oder wird er dich am Ende nur, wie jeden anderen auch, als Freund sehen.
Elena Styles:
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Likes: Menschen zu helfen, Waldspaziergänge Dislikes: Schokolade, Unglück, Tod Sexualität: Heterosexuell
Elena ist die Tochter von zwei Ärzten und hat dementsprechend auch eine Affinität Leuten zu helfen. Im Moment ist sie mit ihrer besten Freundin Sam im stressigen Einsteigerleben einer Ärztin gefangen und hat dementsprechend nur wenig Kopf für irgendwelche Beziehungen. Aber ihre freundliche Art und Weise ist einfach zu anziehend, auch wenn in ihrer Umgebung meist mehr Unglück herrscht als normal.
Stella Marson:
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Likes: Bücher, den Strand, Bad Boys Dislikes: enge Räume, Arschlöcher Sexualität: Heterosexuell
Stella ist dein klassisches Mädchen von nebenan. Lieb, hübsch, ein Bücherwurm, mit strengen, wohlhabenden, katholischen Eltern die nie da sind und sie deshalb nicht aus dem Haus lassen. Kein Wunder dass sie sich dann zu Bad Boys hingezogen fühlt. Ach, und hab ich schon erwähnt dass sie die Tochter der Bürgermeisterin ist?
Lady Serenity Blackburn:
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Likes: ? Dislikes: ? Sexualität: Pansexuell
Diese ehemalige Adelsdame könnte glatt aus einem Märchen stammen. Wunderschön, fast wie ein Geist. Sie ist zwar keiner, aber das kommt schon sehr nahe. Serenity ist eine Jahrhunderte alte Nekromantin, die vor  lange Zeit die Liebe ihres Lebens verloren hat. Sie scheut sich nicht ihren femininen Charme und diplomatischer Wortgewandtheit wie eine Waffe zu verwenden, um zu bekommen was sie will und andere zu manipulieren. Das Wort Hemmungen gibt es nicht in ihrem Vokabular, einzig die Suche nach ihrer Seelenverwandten. Wirst du in der Lage sein sie ihre alte Liebe vergessen zu lassen?
Jonah Parker:
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Likes: Ehrlichkeit, Vertrauenswürdigkeit, Musik Dislikes: Jäger, Rummel Sexualität: Heterosexuell
Jonah ein offener, familienlieber Mensch, der einfach nur in Ruhe leben möchte. Dass er Fähigkeiten hat, durch die er seine Haut durch Metall ersetzen kann ist dabei natürlich nicht Vorteilhaft. Und dass er deswegen gejagt wird auch nicht. Aber abgesehen davon ist er ein ganz normaler Kerl, mit dem man Spaß haben kann und vor Jägern weglaufen, wenn man denn sowas mag.
May Aki:
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Likes: Literatur, Kultur, Schokolade Dislikes: Mobbing, unfreundliche Menschen Sexualität: ?
Die arme May war schon immer ein Opfer von Mobbing. Dabei ist sie die unschuldigste und süßeste Person die es gibt und will doch eigentlich nur in Ruhe ihre Bücher lesen. In der Regel kümmert sich ihre große Schwester um die Übeltäter, doch sie wäre dir bestimmt auch auf Ewig dankbar, wenn du ihr zur Seite stehen würdest.
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ladytayjenkinson · 5 years
In Blackburn
Es dauerte noch eine ganze Weile eh die drei dann in Blackburn ankamen. Sie achteten mehr auf den Weg und sprachen nicht allzu viel miteinander. Schließlich kamen sie im Dorf Blackburn an.
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drawdownbooks · 5 years
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MUST HAVE! The NASA Graphics Standards Manual / Available at www.draw-down.com / The National Aeronautics and Space Administration Graphics Standards Manual, by Richard Danne and Bruce Blackburn, is a futuristic vision for an agency at the cutting edge of science and exploration. Housed in a special anti-static package, the book features a foreword by Richard Danne, an essay by Christopher Bonanos, scans of the original manual (from Danne’s personal copy), reproductions of the original NASA 35mm slide presentation, and scans of the Managers Guide, a follow-up booklet distributed by NASA. Designed by Richard Danne and Bruce Blackburn (Danne & Blackburn), 1975. Published by Standards Manual, 2015 #Standards Manual #NASA #GraphicsStandardsManual https://www.instagram.com/p/BsiVWdJgdS_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12uudn7bdkin2
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lsurgtype · 2 years
Nasa 1975
The National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) is the institution in focus. It has and continued to lead one of the ambitious and adventurous space explorations in history. Its contribution to the world of science and technology is gigantic and impactful.
One of the most reputable and influential organizations in the world, NASA, hasn’t had many logo redesigns during its history, but the two that are still in use by the Administration are very well known across the globe and both have funny nicknames — “Meatball” and “Worm”.
Though there was one more logo, not that famous. It was a visual identity for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, or NACA, the predecessor of the NASA, formed in 1915.
The logo of NACA featured a stylized badge with wings, colored in yellow with the black outline. The wordmark, executed in black was placed in the central part of the emblem and written in a simple yet stylish sans-serif typeface.
It was a well-balanced and professionally executed badge, which brilliantly reflected the nature of the organization and its purposes.
NASA was born in 1958, and its logo — one year after, in 1959. It was developed by one of the Administration’s employees, James Modarelli, and instantly got its “Meatball” tag. The logo, which was used until 1975 and brought back in 1992, is composed of a blue circle, representing the sky, with white stars, and a red V-shaped line or ribbon, which was aimed to represent the aeronautics in general.
The wordmark in bold serif lettering is colored white and placed in the center of the circle, with a thin white orbit around it.
Widely influential logos are significant to the target market they serve. The NASA logo design with its graphic elements of stars, orbit, and planet is important to its mission of exploring the solar system.
The NASA trademark is highly memorable. Its creative use of blue, red, white, and other recognizable design elements creates positive connections with its stakeholders. This emotional connection sticks in the minds of its audience and helps them to remember it.
With a short attention span among people, designers aim for simple logo designs. Though some people may argue that the NASA logo contains many graphic elements, it’s not overly elaborate. It’s modest enough for its audience to understand its emotions.
Pioneer 10 and 11, which launched on the 2nd of March 1972 and April 5th, 1973 respectively, both traveled to Jupiter and Saturn. Their mission was to explore the composition of interplanetary space and the two planets.
In 1975, NASA launched the two Viking spacecraft to look for basic signs of life on the planet Mars. They arrived at Mars in 1976 and were, at that time, unable to detect any signs of life.
Other important probes include the highly successful Voyager 1 and 2 craft. These were launched on the 5th September 1977 and August 20th, 1977.
In 1975 Richard Danne and Bruce Blackburn developed a new emblem for the space organization. This move was a part of the Federal Graphics Improvement Program. All the lines forming the word “NASA” had the same width, while the bars from the “A” characters disappeared, and thus the customized type resembled a worm. That’s why the emblem was nicknamed the “NASA worm”. This version of the emblem was used for 17 years, then the company decided to get back to its roots and return to its “meatball” insignia.
The “Worm” insignia was designed for NASA in 1975 and then was replaced by the circular emblem in 1992, but brought back as a secondary badge in 2020. It is a logotype, where capital letters are executed in a custom smooth sans-serif typeface, featuring rounded angles and distinct cuts. Both “A” of the inscription have their horizontal bars removed.
the red worm logotype came in a custom sans–serif Std Bold and Nasalization Bold. They are clean, readable, and attractive.
The smooth contour of the inscription resembles a worm in motion, this is where the funny nickname came from.
The “Worm” emblem has an inscription made with a simple smooth sans serif typeface, provided with clear cuts and rounded corners. Both “A” has no horizontal bar. Moreover, the right leg of the central “A” is connected to the beginning of “S.” The Meatball logo has an uppercase font, thin letters with serifs. The palette is three-colored and consists of white, blue Pantone 286, and red Pantone 185.
1990 saw the launch of the hugely important Hubble Space Telescope into Earth's orbit. As momentous an occasion as this was NASA scientists would soon realize that there was a problem with their new toy.
It was discovered that a microscopic spherical aberration in its polished mirror was causing significant limitations to its potential power. This was corrected during a scheduled servicing mission in December of 1993 when a team of astronauts performed a series of spacewalks to corrects Hubble's optics.
1992 Nasa began to use the previous ‘meatball’ logo again.
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