#dalton warblers
gleek4life · 1 year
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My Dark Side
Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me? Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know, that we're worth it
Will you love me even with my dark side?
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so-long-soldier28 · 1 year
very random warbler headcanons
✨ sebastian smythe ✨
- played lacrosse in france and was liked by his teammates, but wasn’t necessarily popular in school
- scandals bar habits came directly from nights in paris
- neither of his parents are homophobic, but he’s heard the horror stories and fears losing his relationship with them
- his maman knows about his late night habits, but doesn’t question him about them. she’s always known he was gay, but he never directly told her. she fears if she brings it up, he’ll clam up 
- still, she looks out for him in ways she can. teaches him how to be safe outside at night, shows him ways to defend himself if he ever has to. sneaks extra condoms in his nightstand drawer
- takes him a while, but eventually realizes his mom knows, but isn’t trying to stop or control him. awkward about it at first - doesn’t go out for some time and definitely doesn’t bring anyone home. but when their relationship doesn’t change, he goes back into his old ways. does make an effort to be safer (and even a bit more open about it), though, for his maman’s sake
- something about the smythes: love preparing for social gatherings; hate social gatherings. their house is always the place to be during the holidays bc it’s huge and gorgeous. mrs. smythe loves decorating for christmas, and all three of them love to cook and bake for it. but then throughout the night, they all just want their company to go home so they can sleep
- both parents taught sebastian to cook and bake, and he has a book of their favorite recipes that he pulls out during late nights at dalton
- charcuterie board connoisseur 🧀🍷
✨ nick duval ✨
- from michigan but at dalton on a scholarship (i read a fic where it was a soccer scholarship, and my brain adopted it)
- childhood best friends with jeff
- not good with directions. can’t really tell left and right apart. on road trips, he’s not the driver, nor the navigator, but a secret third thing (in the backseat, wondering where the nearest rest stop is)
✨ jeff sterling ✨
- second child of four siblings + has a twin sister
- also from michigan, but siblings are scattered all around states (has an older brother in florida, too)
- loves his family, but they have their issues. grateful for nick’s support throughout his life, otherwise he’d be pretty lost
- when nick got accepted to dalton, he begged his parents to go, since most of his siblings were separated anyway. they let him go mostly to have one less child to monitor 
✨ hunter clarington ✨
- doesn’t believe he can be liked, so he settles for being feared
- this works for coaching the warblers, but he quickly learns he’s not accepted nor respected by them
- left out on lima bean study dates and movie nights and other warbler group activities. hurts him, but he doesn’t show it
- canonically: acts out with steroids until the boys plant enough evidence that blaine and sam find out to get him expelled
- noncanonically: after one strenuous practice, he loses his cool and shares his insecurities. very slowly, the boys open up and forgive him, like the did to sebastian after the slushie. eventually, he’s brought into the group as a friend, instead of just being on the outside as a leader
✨ thad hardwood ✨
- always first to forgive
- giant goof that makes everyone smile, even on the worst days
- has a theory that kurt killed pavarotti for blaine’s attention. wes thinks he’s crazy for it
✨ trent nixon ✨
- public school bullying brought him to dalton
- lives closer to cincinnati, ohio. wishes he was in westerville, though. doesn’t feel safe in his hometown
- parents aren’t divorced, but they don’t love each other. very close with his mom, not at all with his dad. has to talk to his dad once a year, though, bc he pays for his schooling. this usually happens around christmas-time. unless his dad drinks too much the night before and forgets
- queer. every so often wonders if he’s bi, but has never been in a relationship with anyone so he doesn’t know. curious about girls, but at the same time, can’t imagine dating one. doesn’t feel a need to figure it out ~ he likes who he likes
- has the biggest crush on blaine. relates to him, wants to protect him, and thinks he’s absolutely adorable
- was the one to kick sebastian out of the group after the slushie. all were mad, but he shouted at him for almost an hour, and even pushed him once
- last to forgive sebastian, but did eventually. also apologized for pushing him. he’d never physically touched anyone like that before and he felt bad since it happened, but not bad enough to apologize right away
✨ david thompson ✨
- aroace
- best friends with wes. they went on a date once, but both decided they were better as friends
- the warblers call them their dads (no one knows about the secret date, but their parent-like protectiveness over the group brought on the gag)
✨ dalton academy ✨
- students are allowed to use the kitchen as long as they keep it clean and know basic safety rules
- there are three fire drills a year. one is during classes, one is at night, and the last is unannounced and random
- lots of begging resulted in the warblers all being put on the same floor. all freshman students and transfers are randomly placed, but going into their sophomore year (or next year up), they can request roommates
- the school’s no-bullying policy extends to having emergency buttons in all of the dorm rooms and hallways, in case anyone ever feels unsafe
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new-warblers · 2 years
Okay so back on my lonely child Hunter headcanon, the first real friends he made were when he was in the Military academy, and he continues to keep in touch with them/even tries to introduce them to the Warblers.
Sebastian was always clumsy and slightly accident prone growing up but for some reason was incredibly agile and quick when running. Also because of his clumsiness he was always bruised up somehow by the end of the week as a kid.
Most of the main warblers were bullied in some way growing up and were the reason they eventually went to Dalton, especially Trent and Nick who faced the most harassment next to Blane and Kurt.
Sebastian being seen as a dork or semi unpopular back in Paris and took them going to Ohio as a way to reinvent himself. (Him keeping this hidden for years trying to forget and an old classmate of his moves to Ohio and Dalton and alot of stuff spills about his past.
@smythecriminal feel like you’d like this?
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ranwing · 1 year
Glee Fic: The Road Less Traveled (11/?)
Title: The Road Less Traveled Pairing(s), Characters(s): Kurtbastian, Kurt/original characters, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, Quinn Fabray, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Artie Isabelle Wright, minor Kadam, Adam Crawford, Original Characters Rating: PG13 Genre(s): 11/?
On AO3
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rosebug3 · 1 year
I saw a comment on one of those old videos of Darren at the Starkid tours where he doesn't know the dances, and Meredith and Brian are trying to help him, saying that it reminded them of the uptown girl scene in glee where Blaine doesn't know the dance and now I can't help but see Blaine going to the Warblers as Darren going to Starkid.
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darlingmarie3 · 1 year
The amount of times I’ve listened to the Glee cover of “Somewhere Only We Know,” which for those that don’t know is the Warblers (pst… Blaine :”) singing to Kurt when he goes back to McKinley and I get emotional because I ship them so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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warbler chatfic drabble
Jeff: hottest new directions member go
Wes: My girlfriend.
Jeff: laaaaaaame
Sebastian: Blaine
Nick: besides Blaine
Nick: I like the blonde one
Trent: Quinn? yeah she's really pretty
Nick: no the guy
Sebastian: the one with the weird mouth who did that Magic Mike move at nationals???
Nick: YES
Nick: him.
Sebastian: no way you're thirsting over Fish Bait.
Jeff: I'm with bas on this one
Trent: Nick, I'm on your side
Trent: He's cute
Sebastian: I hate gay people
Wes: Sebastian, you're gay.
Nick: like super gay
Jeff: like ultra high school level gay
Sebastian: I multitask.
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i feel like this is SO NICHE but any fics where the dalton academy warblers are actually students in Mckinley type of au and how that effects blaine and kurt
There are lots of fics on the Warblers thread on A03, but a lot of those don't fit what you are looking for. There were more than 50 pages, so you may want to check them all out. Most I saw are not klaine endgame.
These are on our Warblers tab, but are not so much that they are students together, but here are some where they mix together. ~Jen
Ambassadors Abroad by jcrissrid 
Klaine, The Warblers and New Directions find themselves getting a trip to Europe to sing for 2 weeks this summer. Perfect summer romance for Klaine. Some smut, but M for possible later chapters.
Sequel: Forever Love
What Happens On Tour by  Maxcs 
The Warblers are a worldwide sensation and they embark on their first National tour supported by the quirky New Directions. That’s where Kurt meets Warblers straight, hunky front man Blaine Anderson. The whole world may not like Blaine coming out. AU
It’s Always a Good Time by randomklainer 
The New Directions and the Warblers go camping together. Set immediately after Season 1.
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calsvoid · 2 months
sebastian and the warblers (specifically jeff) after he meets blaine
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porcelainvino · 1 year
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you stand before the council
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gleek4life · 1 year
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Kurt as a Warbler
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so-long-soldier28 · 1 year
dalton warblers’ headcanons: cooking
sebastian: ✅
- again, charcuterie boards
- has recipe book of his maman’s favorite french dishes
- surprisingly really good
david: ✅
- makes the best cocktails
- also really good with dinners; can make a mean steak; grill master
- go to him to cook for your family bbq (charges by the hour)
trent: ✅
- dalton’s resident pastry maker
- bomb ass muffins, crepes, croissants, bagels, cookies, everything
- can also cook meal-type foods really well
nick: ❌
- no. no no no no no
- can’t even use oven; comes out soggy. microwave? comes out cold
- has no kitchen privileges
jeff: ❔
- specialty: milkshakes
- can’t really cook, but is a master of the oven. fries always come out with just the right amount of crispiness
wes: ❔
- can cook if he follows a recipe exactly
- would rather buy something though 
thad: ❔
- needs a fire extinguisher on hand at all times if attempting
- mostly because he forgets he’s cooking and starts doing other things
- food is AMAZING if he remembers it and sticks to it
- otherwise, it’s burnt and so is the kitchen
hunter: ❌
- like nick. no.
- can make salads and smoothies. that’s about it
- has cut himself on blender blade by accident, though, so needs supervision (usually by sebastian or david)
jon: ❌
- not the worst, but not great, either
- can make a really good cup of coffee, though
skylar: ✅
- shy about it so no one knows until 3 am on finals night
- they were hungry and needed snacks. went on pinterest and found some recipes. and bam - new resident snack-maker
- really good at finger sandwiches 
- mom taught him to cook
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new-warblers · 1 year
Warbler headcanons: Wes, David and Thad edition
- David and Thad were Wes’s first friends coming to Dalton and got him to join the warblers.
- All three of them have the top marks in their year level and have study sessions to make sure no one falls behind during competition season.
- David is a collector of mystery and thriller novels, but his guilty pleasure is those cheesy cop shows. The trio binge them during their free time.
- Wes has a strict sleep schedule and will never be awake past 9-10 unless forced.
- Thad has a nightly skin care routine that he sometimes does with David and Wes when they hang out in his dorm room.
- Wes has only had David and Thad over at his house when they are off from Dalton, but his parents love the warblers.
- When Wes was told about the stuff Sebastian and eventually Hunter was doing, he contemplated going back to Dalton to set things straight (he was barely stopped by David).
Comment if you’d like more of these
@smythecriminal based off of your post
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ranwing · 2 years
Glee Fic: The Road Less Traveled (10/?)
Title: The Road Less Traveled Pairing(s), Characters(s): Kurtbastian, Kurt/original characters, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, Quinn Fabray, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Artie Isabelle Wright, minor Kadam, Adam Crawford, Original Characters Rating: PG13 Genre(s): 10/?
On AO3
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wowbright · 7 months
Headcanon question, no right answer:
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dayabot · 2 months
at this point i'm going to uhhh i'm gonna pushes glasses up the bridge of my nose i'm gonna need pictures of daya and plane together. for no reason
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