#mckinley high new directions
darlingmarie3 · 1 year
The amount of times I’ve listened to the Glee cover of “Somewhere Only We Know,” which for those that don’t know is the Warblers (pst… Blaine :”) singing to Kurt when he goes back to McKinley and I get emotional because I ship them so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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i feel like this is SO NICHE but any fics where the dalton academy warblers are actually students in Mckinley type of au and how that effects blaine and kurt
There are lots of fics on the Warblers thread on A03, but a lot of those don't fit what you are looking for. There were more than 50 pages, so you may want to check them all out. Most I saw are not klaine endgame.
These are on our Warblers tab, but are not so much that they are students together, but here are some where they mix together. ~Jen
Ambassadors Abroad by jcrissrid 
Klaine, The Warblers and New Directions find themselves getting a trip to Europe to sing for 2 weeks this summer. Perfect summer romance for Klaine. Some smut, but M for possible later chapters.
Sequel: Forever Love
What Happens On Tour by  Maxcs 
The Warblers are a worldwide sensation and they embark on their first National tour supported by the quirky New Directions. That’s where Kurt meets Warblers straight, hunky front man Blaine Anderson. The whole world may not like Blaine coming out. AU
It’s Always a Good Time by randomklainer 
The New Directions and the Warblers go camping together. Set immediately after Season 1.
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 8 months
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gleek4life · 1 year
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Don’t Stop Believin
S1, S4, S5
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onlyyyariii · 2 years
Danielle Marie Braxton
Name: Danielle Marie Braxton
Nicknames: Dani, Bruckerman, Hudaxton, Brevans, Branagan
Age: 17 (season 1)
18 (season 2)
19 (season 3)
26 (last season)
Occupation: After graduating from McKinley, she went to UCLA and got her degree in education to come back to teach at McKinley, where she is reunited with Noah Puckerman who she rekindles her relationship with.
Relationship(s): Noah Puckerman (dates; later marries)
Finn Hudson (ex-boyfriend)
Sam Evans (ex-boyfriend)
Rory Flanagan (ex-fling)
Family: Uncle Ben (mothers brother; who she lives with in Lima)
Mother (dead)
Father (jail)
Friends: All of Glee Club (Mercedes, Britney, Santana, Kurt, Blaine, Rachel, Rory, Sam, Finn, Quinn, Puck, Tina, Artie, Mike, and others)
Enemies: Sebastian Smythe, Coach Sue, choirs they’ve faced.
Physical Description
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Face & Body Claim: Laurel Thoma/Toma
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Height: 5’6
Weight: 168
Eyes: Brown
Natural hair: Dark brown, now dyed (picture of hair above)
She’s a bit of a rebel child, she’s more of a bitch than Santana, and when she wants something, she gets it.
Her mother died from a drug overdose and her father is in jail for selling and growing drugs.
She moved to Lima at the beginning of season one and is one of the last people recruited into the Glee club.
Mercedes is the one who recruits her. Mercedes and Dani are partners in a class and when the glee club needs members, Mercedes asks her to join and sway in the back or lightly hum, but she needs to try out.
When she tries out, she uses the song So What by P!NK.
Mr Schue is shocked by her voice and thinks she’s amazing. Of course she joins the group and it’s up and up from there.
More about her will told as it goes on! If you like glee or anything about show choir let me know! :) I’d be happy to talk about it with anyone!
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deathbecomesthem · 18 days
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson blurb - ~800 words
Song inspo:
If you had asked Steve 24 hours beforehand about his biggest regret, he’d probably say it was not taking school seriously. Graduating from Hawkins High by the skin of his teeth, and immediately realizing that adulthood is a vast expanse of highway with no exit signs to guide him in the right direction. Especially since he took the dead-end retail job exit with no cash to refill his tank and travel on further down the road.
Either that or the time he fooled around with Olivia from the cheer squad in a bed of poison ivy. 
But as soon as the house lights dimmed and the stage lights lit up, he had a new answer. He doesn’t even know what made come here tonight. He told himself that it would be great fodder for future insults to lob at Eddie. At least, that’s what he told himself, even if a deeper place inside of him knew it was a lie. That’s where the regret lives, whispering to him about how he should never have done this.
He should never have encouraged this. He should never have suggested it, and teased. Goaded. Implied that Eddie wouldn’t dare do it. Steve never should have thought of it in the first place, and he never should have said the words out loud. Greedy shrouded thoughts in the deepest part of his guts that even he didn’t realize existed. Until right now.
Steve can’t breathe, the air is stuck in his throat. He feels like he did that one time during the McKinley game when he flew backwards and his back fully connected to the smooth hardwood floor of the basketball court. The wind is knocked out of him, and the only sound he can hear is the beat of his heartbeat against his eardrums.
Someone put on a song that Steve wouldn’t recognize, but it doesn’t matter. He’s laser focused on the way Eddie’s calves look with each step in those heels. The black pantyhose hug those thin and muscular legs, but do little to hide the coarse and dark hair beneath them. The sound of a distant alarm bell begins to overpower the sound of his heartbeat, an internal warning to stop staring at the man on stage like this. 
“Oh my god, look at Munson. He really is a freak.” Lynn’s hot breath whispers into Steve’s ear. He jolts a little in his seat realizing he is in fact sitting in a crowded room with his new girl by his side.
“Eddie’ll do anything for a laugh.” Steve says. That rings true as guffaws ring out all around. Eddie’s eating it up. He turns his back to the crowd and juts out a hip. The curve of his ass is seated perfectly in the too short dress, and Steve regrets letting his eyes move away from his calves. And then he turns, and Steve holds back a groan at the sight of the front of that too tight dress against Eddie’s crotch.
Steve’s fist is clenched on his knee, he’s fighting for his life to hold himself together. He’s trying to remember how to be Steve, so he loosens his grip and throws his arm around Lynn. He pulls her closer to him, a shield against the thoughts and feelings the man on stage is stirring inside of him.
“Alright, alright. Listen, I know I make an ugly broad, but I made good on my bet. Harrington? You out there?” Eddie’s holding onto the microphone with one hand and holding his other hand over his brow. He’s scanning the audience until he sees Steve. “There he is. You can all thank Stevie boy for this getup tonight. Enough bullshit.”
And then they’re off. With no further ado, the boys of Corroded Coffin are playing fast and loud. Eddie’s guitar is in a stand at the edge of the stage, and that’s where it stays for the duration of the first song. Steve watches him with his lips against the mic, the sound of Eddie’s voice more intoxicating than the jack and coke he’s been sipping for the last half an hour. He can see beads of sweat rolling down his temple, black eyeliner getting caught in the rivulets. Eddie’s already a mess, and Steve can taste blood in his own mouth from biting down on his tongue. 
This will be his single biggest regret. Yes. He’ll regret it over and over and over while he lays in his bed tonight, imagining Eddie’s red lipstick would taste. Imagining the way the stubble on Eddie’s cheek would feel against the palm of his hand.
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d-criss-news · 1 month
Glee star Darren Criss says he is 'culturally queer' thanks to San Francisco upbringing
When Darren Criss broke out on Glee, he instantly became a "teenage dream" for viewers — especially for LGBTQ+ audiences, who were able to see themselves represented in a new way in television.
Criss himself identities as a straight, cisgender man, but he says that his upbringing in San Francisco, Calif., helped him understand the importance of his character, Blaine, and his character's relationship with Kurt (Chris Colfer).
When asked at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2), what it was like portraying the groundbreaking relationship on television, Criss replied, "It was f---ing awesome.... Nowadays, we just call it a relationship on TV. But to contextualize it, a gay relationship on mainstream Fox, that's a pretty cool thing to be a part of," he said, adding emphasis when naming the network.
"I have been so culturally queer my whole life," he continued while appearing on a panel over the weekend. "Not because I'm trying — you know, actually, I was gonna say not because I'm trying to be cool but I'm gonna erase that, because I am trying to be cool. The things in my life that I have tried to emulate, learn from and be inspired by are 100 percent queer as f---."
"It was in queer communities that I've found people that I idolize, that I want to learn something from," he said. "And I'd say that's a gross generalization, that's a lot of things and a lot of people. But I grew up in San Francisco in the '90s. I watched men die. There was an awareness of the gay experience that was not a foreign concept to me. So, it was a narrative that I cared deeply about."
Criss also clarified that he didn't feel any ownership or entitlement over the role, but instead, felt a sense of responsibility once he was cast. "[I wasn't] like, 'I'm the man for the job,'" he explained. "They hired me...They said, 'You're the guy,' and I said, 'Okay, I'm the guy, I will do my best. I will do my best to talk about it in the way I believe and a way that I'm passionate about.'"
Criss portrayed Blaine Anderson for five of Glee's six seasons. He was introduced as an openly gay student at Dalton Academy and a member of a cappella group the Warblers in season 2. He recurred throughout the season. In season 3, Criss was upgraded to a series regular and Blaine transferred to William McKinley High School, home of Kurt and the New Directions. When the series ended, Blaine and Kurt were happily married after many ups and downs.
For Criss, Glee's legacy of portraying a relationship on television that so many people hadn't seen before was the most meaningful part of his experience. "In many ways, I'm glad it was me because it was a thing I really liked showing," he reflected. "It meant a great deal to me and it meant a great deal to other people. Because when people say they were affected by that show or that relationship, it's not because of me, it's because of that relationship on TV and the risks that people took to put that on TV."
"It took the people watching it to have the aptitude for seeing beyond what was maybe given to them in other avenues of culture. People of all ages, all spectrums of awareness say, 'I didn't grow up with a show like that and it was a really meaningful thing for me to see,' and I go I didn't grow up with a show like that and that would've been very meaningful for me too. Regardless of the fact that I'm a straight kid. That has value. For anyone who's been an underdog, we all know, in any shape or form — sexual, religious, biological — it has value because there's going to be a lot of people who see that and say, 'Okay, I can now understand this in a context that maybe I wasn't able to before.'
"It was a f-ing privilege," he concluded, "and I love talking about it and I'm so grateful I got to do it."
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telekinetictrait · 10 months
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"Here am I the creature you made through your loving; by your passion you created the thing that I am. Who are you to deny me the right to love?" (The Well of Loneliness – Radclyffe Hall, 1928)
remember how i said that styles in the 1910s were moving towards comfort? yeah, take that and multiply it by ten, and you've got the 1920s. the quintessential flapper girl is the queen of this era, with her short skirts and shorter hair, but that wasn't the only thing that marked the decade. silhouettes became "boxier", and moved towards androgyny (well, as close to androgyny as possible). some women were even wearing pants – in their day to day lives! like many other trends, the hemlines of skirts would reach their shortest in the middle of the decade, before slowly falling back down again. cloche hats were all the rage, but many women went hatless instead to show off their new short hairdos! in many ways, the carefree nature of this era was a direct response to the brutality of world war one and the despair of the spanish flu. having faced death, the new generation spurned prior social taboos, showing that off through their fashion.
1800's / 1900-1909 / 1910-1919
cc links under the cut
see my resources page for genetics!
mabel : waxesnostalgic's small brimmed hat with roses / simsfromthepast's 1920s lace dress / waxesnostalgic's french heel mary janes
mckinley : waxesnostalgic's early cloche / rusty's tie ribbon blouse / oydis' joan skirt / plumbjam's wool leggings / simtone's oxford heels
merope : the-melancholy-maiden's 1920's wavy faux bob / ladybolet's old hollywood eyeshadow (tsr download) / its-adrienpastel's solitaire dress / waxesnostalgic's french heel mary janes
mhairi : meghewlett's poppy hair / emmastillsims' white long pearls curbs recolor / missrubybird's casual 20s ensemble recolors (NOTE: the link to the shirt mesh is broken!!! use this one)
mickey : s4simomo's missed oppotunity hat (download here) / buzzardly28's high school years hair made bgc / ladybolet's old hollywood eyeshadow (tsr download) / curbs jacket (Chaqueta_BraceAcc_2) / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
mjellma : okruee's verona hair / needleworkreve's garbo eyeshadow / crypticsim's cloud blush / rusty's salvatore necklace / happylifesims' party fur coat / its-adrienpastel's caprisol dress / ohwiepowie's only a little bruised knees / charlene heels (tsr download)
mladenka : retropixels' chorus curls hair / happylifesims' miss fisher hat + outfit
moxie : hezzasims' pennyroyal cloche hat / okruee's paris hair / happylifesims' 1920s day dress #3 / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
murigen : simmister's maxified franzi hair / historysims4's mrs. hat + not so formal dress + cute comfly shoes
myrtle : simmister's maxified caitlyn hair / linzlu's middy top (download here or here) / missrubybird's simlaughlove skirt recolor / waxesnostalgic's cuban heel mary janes
thanks to @waxesnostalgic @simsfromthepast @oydis @simtone @the-melancholy-maiden @its-adrienpastel @meghewlett @emmastillsims @missrubybird @buzzardly28 @okruee @needleworkreve @crypticsim @happylifesimsreblogs @hezzasims @simmister @historysims4 and @linzlu
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daughter-of-melpomene · 4 months
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❝ Audrey Beiste was absolutely no stranger to bullying or how cruel other people could be. Having lived with her aunt Shannon, known to most others as Coach Beiste, since she was seven and her father had gone to jail, she had always known very well what other people thought of her and the only family she really had. She had heard people mocking her aunt for the way she looked and sounded, calling her every single mean name in the book and, when it was adults who were doing the insulting, only smiling condescendingly when young Audrey had attempted to stick up for her auntie. And Audrey herself was no stranger to taunts and insults, either; she’d been being bullied for her size since she could remember, mocked with loud pig snorts or yelled suggestions to eat a salad almost every time she walked down the school halls.
She’d never let it affect her, however, at least not the cruel words directed at her; Audrey was the kind of person to always choose kindness and sunshine, and she did her best to honor that principle, constantly having a sweet smile on her face and a positive comment on her lips, even when those around her rolled their eyes at it and went right back to insulting her. The only pain or anger she ever allowed herself to show, outside of defending her aunt against people who were old enough to know better than to be so rude, was in the pages of her songwriting notebook, in the lyrics she spent most of her free time jotting down and singing out loud to make sure they sounded right. She put her pain into those lyrics and kept the notebook that housed them close to her heart, knowing in her soul that one day she would turn them into actual songs that could be used to prove wrong all the bullies that had told her she would never amount to anything.
When her aunt decides to take a job offer to coach a struggling football team in Ohio, Audrey hopes for a fresh start, a place where she and her aunt can begin again away from those who tormented them. But her illusions of the grass being greener in Lima are quickly shattered when she starts attending McKinley High - a fatphobic word painted on her new locker and a slushy in her face ruining one of her favorite sweaters will do that to a person. Desperately trying to find a place where she can be free of judgement, Audrey auditions to join the school’s glee club, and there she finds a great deal of drama and divas, but also a group of people who love music as much as she does and who accept her as she is, because they’re all freaks in the eyes of the rest of the school, after all.
However, it’s also there that Audrey quickly develops a crush on one Finn Hudson, an awkward football player with a heart of gold, and the first boy who’s ever called Audrey pretty. But of course, there’s also the issue of Finn already having a girlfriend as well as a complicated relationship with his cheerleader ex, and anyway, someone like him would never go for someone like Audrey, even if they’re part of the same chaotic, unusual found family… right? ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @oneirataxia-girl, @ocappreciationtag.
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unholybinchicken · 3 months
WIP Wednesday*
(*technically Thursday because of the timezone)
Thanks @unholy-fabray for tagging me!
I'm going to share a snippet from the upcoming chapter of i'm open to falling from grace that I've been working on. I haven't updated the fic since September last year but should hopefully have some time over the weekend to work a bit more on chapter 3.
Tagging: @yourstreetserenade, @spacelizzbian, @genghisthebrain and anyone else who wants to share any WIPs
General premise: This story is part of my fic series 'this life, well it's slipping right through my hands', which is a coming of age series mostly Santana-centric but heavy focus on Brittana, as well as family/platonic relationships. This one is 10 chapters and centres around Kurt and Santana, a shared (traumatic) experience they had over the summer of 2010, the aftermath, and the life events that led to their summer. This story is non-linear and also deals with potentially triggering themes (reader discretion is advised; no trigger warnings needed for this particular snippet but relevant trigger warnings are listed on ao3).
As a new school year starts at William McKinley High School in dreary Lima, Ohio, two teenagers forced together in dire circumstances during a disastrous summer attempt to go back to normality ... whatever that means
Chapter 3 focuses on the relationship between Kurt and Finn.
August 27th, 2008
The day Kurt Hummel first saw Finn Hudson was not eventful.  The weather was ordinary and expected.  Kurt had eaten a completely normal, mundane breakfast of oatmeal and berries.  His father had, of course, enjoyed a Coke and a first-year mechanic’s leftover chocolate birthday cake.  Kurt had tried to subtly nudge his father in the direction of his own breakfast, citing its nutritional benefits, but Burt had refused and Kurt had decided not to push the matter.  He had far more pressing matters to deal with.
Specifically William McKinley High School and its mandatory gym class, which Kurt had the misfortune of sharing with a lot of the football players and cheerleaders from his grade.  People who were tall and appeared to have finished puberty long before Kurt had even started.  Some of them were actually younger than him.  All of them were younger than him, actually.  The universe really was unfair and out to get him.
The school administrators highlighted the likelihood of catching up physically to his peers, maybe even surpassing them, as a possible benefit to repeating third grade, something that his father welcomed.  It never happened.  He was older than his classmates, but certainly not bigger.
Compulsory gym class wasn’t new to him.  He’d had to endure it in middle school as well, but his middle school had been fairly tiny.  It had been mostly an artsy school; not necessarily advertised as such, but that was the culture.  It was the closest he’d ever come to liking school, and of course he had to graduate to high school.  William McKinley High School was known for a highly selective cheer squad and a losing football team, and not much else.
The worst thing about McKinley High was dodgeball in gym class.  A class he shared with a kid named Noah Puckerman, who was on the football team.  Kurt had never spoken to Noah Puckerman, but he was certain that he hated him.  
Noah hadn’t spoken to Kurt either, but he’d spoken at him.  Kurt didn’t think that counted.  Sometimes he wondered what would happen if he threw a large pineapple at Noah’s head.  Of course, he knew that wouldn’t end well, but one could only fantasise.  All he could do in gym class was watch in disgust as Noah ogled the cheerleaders in the class, not even trying to hide that he was trying to look up their skirts.
Coach Tanaka was about as interested in teaching freshman gym class as Kurt was in participating, and his lesson plan appeared to be just to let Noah Puckerman and a girl, who Noah had spent the last five minutes trying to flirt with, choose teams for a free-for-all volleyball match, while Tanaka ate a sub sandwich in a bid to nurse a hangover.  For a moment, Kurt deserately hoped that he might end up on Noah’s team.  It was wishful thinking, since the closest Noah had come to speaking to him was to shove him in a locker and call him a fairy, but it meant the luxury of avoiding being pelted with a volleyball.  
Unsurprisingly, Noah’s gangly friend, whose hair reminded Kurt of Astro Boy, was chosen first.  Kurt watched as person after person got chosen before him, fully expecting to be the last one standing, before he realised that his name had just been called.
Sort of.  The female captain, a dark-haired girl with braces, awkwardly pointed at him and said, “You, I guess.  I don’t know your name.”
He was relieved not to have been chosen last, but his heart sank when he realised he wouldn’t be immune to being pelted at by Puckerman.  He got up and joined the rest of his team, opting to stay out of everyone’s way.  
Sports had never been his thing.  His father had, to no avail, tried to engage him with them over the years, especially after his mother died.  Burt eventually gave up when an eleven-year-old Kurt spent the entire last half of a pee-wee hockey game in the stands doing Spice Girls dance moves, and the coach advised it would be best if they didn’t return, and that Kurt’s talents were better used elsewhere.  Burt was disappointed.  Kurt was relieved.
For the next few minutes, while everyone else tossed a volleyball from one side of the net to the other, Kurt watched Coach Tanaka, who appeared engrossed in his toenails.  Apparently they’d grown so long they resembled talons, something Kurt didn’t particularly enjoy thinking about but couldn’t look away from.  He was quickly snapped out of his reverie by a searing pain in the side of his head.  It all happened so quickly that he barely registered the air leave his lungs as he fell to the ground.  The only thing that cushioned him was the left shoe of the girl who’d, against her better judgement, chosen him to be on her team.
He opened his eyes and saw a figure standing over him.  A gangly figure, with dark, spiky hair.  Astro Boy.  Noah’s friend.  Kurt didn’t know his name.  This is embarrassing.  Normally I’m good at sports.”
“Shut up Finn,” the girl captain, whose name Kurt still didn’t know, said.  “No one cares.”
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darlingmarie3 · 1 year
I’ve been seeing this around for some time now and I wanted my fellow Gleeks opinions on it. Now that I’m officially finished with the show and because I’m genuinely curious: do y’all think Blaine should’ve stayed at Dalton with the Warblers or were you okay with him transferring to McKinley and joining the New Directions?
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any fics about kurt and blaine being in rival show choirs and any relationship between the two choirs is like against the rules, but they are secretly dating? thank you
Here are some rival show choirs, where they start to get feelings or date! ~Jen
The Funkification of Blaine Warblerby Esperanto 
When Rachel spies on the Warblers to scope out their competition for Sectionals, she is alarmed to discover how talented they are. Determined to get the edge for Sectionals, the New Directions decide to take a page out of Vocal Adrenaline’s playbook and pull off a “funkification” of their own that starts Kurt and Blaine off on entirely the wrong foot.
Sabotageby @chasingkerouacwrites
The NYADA Adam’s Apples know that the stiffest competition for Nationals this year will come from their very own neighbor, the NYU Vocal Effects. Kurt, a member of the Adam’s Apples, knows that the path to victory runs straight through Vocal Effects’ newest musical weapon – Blaine Anderson. Sure practice makes perfect, but sometimes a competition this important calls for a little… sabotage.
Lima/Heights Junction by @quizasvivamos​
Just as summer vacation is winding down, a fire leaves the kids of Lima Heights without a high school to return to. While necessary repairs are being made, its rival school McKinley High opens its doors to the students of the adjacent town. An inevitable clashing takes place, and tensions run high, but can they find a common ground to overcome their differences to survive this temporary hardship?
Like Birds Of A Featherby CoffeeAddict80/ @caramelcoffeeaddict
When Blaine Anderson met Kurt Hummel, he was surprised that his sister, Rachel Berry, had never mentioned her amazing - and gorgeous - best friend to him before. He was even more surprised to learn that Rachel had kept Blaine a secret from all of her friends as well.
Soon after their initial meeting, they learn that Dalton & McKinley will be facing-off against one another at Sectionals, forcing them to keep their rapidly growing friendship under-wraps until after the competition.
But what will Rachel have to say about all of this when she finds out?
The Walls Keep Our Secret by thesoundofmeaning
AU: Kurt Hummel is a member of the New Directions of McKinley HS and Blaine Anderson is a member of the Warblers of Dalton Academy. The schools’ show choirs have been feuding for years and it is a rule that members never associate with each other. But when Kurt and Blaine have a chance encounter that could change their lives forever, will they give all of that up for their groups?
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jauntilyplacedcaps · 10 months
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gleek4life · 1 year
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Every Glee Episode
Pilot 1×01
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ginger-grimm · 8 months
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Day 12: The Final Girl
Sabine Mitchell is fed up with the student body of McKinley High. And the teachers. And other staff. To put it simply, Sabine is fed up with McKinley High. The only thing she wants is to disappear into the woods for a while and not be bothered by anyone.
The only person she didn't factor in was Sue Sylvester, who was fed up herself. Fed up with the New Directions. After one too many lost battles with her biggest rivals, Sue decides she needs to take matters into her own hands. She must kill the New Directions once and for all.
Despite being in the band, and only feeling true loyalty towards Kurt and Sam, Sabine grits down and tries her best to save what remains of the show biz wannabes. Only, they're making it infinitely harder for her to do so with their bitch sessions, whining, and general non-helpfulness. Can Sabine save these idiots before Sue makes quick work of all of them?
TAGLIST: @waterloou @eddysocs ​ @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @richitozier @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen @andromedalestrange @far-shores @daughter-of-melpomene
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months
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Carla Vasquez-Brice ✤ Centre Stage
If Carla Vasquez-Brice never saw Rachel Berry again, it would be too soon. After facing the worst experience of her life thanks to Rachel's dangerous selfishness, Carla had packed up her life, left her home, and moved to Akron to live with her Uncle Al, Aunt Kamilah, and cousin Sugar. It was better, it was. Thanks to Josh and Shelby, Vocal Adrenaline and Jesse, and her siblings' endless support, Carla was healing. She could step onstage again, she had relearned how to perform, she was okay. But when she finds herself moving back home, back to Lima, just in time for sophomore year, she's terrified. Lima means McKinley High, McKinley High means Rachel Berry. She's safe, as a Cheerio. Popularity becomes a shield that even Rachel Berry can't get past. Maybe, just maybe, Carla was going to be okay. Or so she thought, until Coach Sylvester demands that her four star cheerleaders spy on the New Directions from within.
Fandom: Glee
Face Claim: Rachel Zegler
Love Interest: Aaron Kennedy (past); Jimmie Baylor (past); Mike Chang & Sam Evans
Theme song: Someone Gets Hurt, Mean Girls
Pinterest: tbd
Playlist: tbd
Tag List: @airwolf92 – want to be added?
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