fat-addiction-hog · 9 months
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Beeing addicted with style
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gumballavocadoharry · 5 months
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A sobering reality:
*Sn= Son's name*
*(Mentions of yn being a bad mother, abusive parents and drunk parents and drunkenness and some childhood trauma....but also Harry being a loving parent.)*
Harry looked on with almost disgust as you took another swig from your bottle. Your small 3 year old son hid behind the protectiveness of his father just in case another episode from you was about to come.
No one forced you to drink....despite the roughness of your origin. Your father was an abusive drunk that often hit your mother and you. Your mother was no better with her hanging by a thread emotions that she frequently took her anger out on you even going as far as to give you a matching bruise to the black eye your father gave you on school picture day. The humiliation was inhumane and so you didn't think twice when it came to cutting off all ties with your parents, despite your mother crying and begging you that she was sorry and that it was a moment of weakness and that it would never happen again.
Of course it wouldn't......you were an adult, and therefore more in a position to defend yourself both physically and legally. It was too late.
But how much better were you to be drinking 2 bottles of wine every day since you were 19. You met Harry at a college part one day and the connection grew prompt and intense. Harry was one of the first people to show you love and see a side of you that was illuminated in a bittersweet coating that just had to be eaten away with a bit of patience. He found you to be sweet, despite you constantly feeling afraid and insecure of him letting you go. He sealed that promise in with a wedding ring and a kiss. He was never fond of you drinking but tolerated it because it wasn't too out of control and with a little love, anything was possible.
But a couple years later, now with a family, Harry's patience was running thin. He knew how much you loved your son and how you adored him and you had a bond with him that Harry developed as well. But it shattered him to hear his little boy run to him in tears when you pushed him off for another bottle. Harry didn't want to hate you but it was hard to see you reject your own flesh and blood...your baby for vodka? wine? beer? Harry would then set aside his work papers and play with sn and to make him feel better. "You know daddy loves you right?" Harry said one night while you were passed out from another night out.
Sn nodded. Harry kissed the little boy's innocent cheeks and pulled him close to his heart beating chest. It was often that he lived like a single father at times if you decided not to show up to the house for let's say....4 days. Harry occupied the boy the with toys and trips to the ice cream shop and the playgrounds whenever you were getting out of hand. Harry would lovingly put himself in the face of your drunken rants and yelling so sn would never be able to experience it. Harry was very strict when it came to sn going to bed or being upstairs by the time your car pulled into the driveway after a night at the bar.
One day, it started off as the typical day, Harry was getting ready for work while you were still in bed sleeping off the night before. You wanted passion from Harry but Harry said no because it was just a moment of intoxication....not real love. The last time of that was when sn was born and......conceived.
Today started off like any other day, Harry was getting ready for work while you were in bed sleeping off the night before. Harry traipsed into sn's bedroom who was still asleep in his bed hugging his favorite teddy bear. "Hey baby, daddy's gonna go to work now. Be a good boy.......and stay out of mommy's way if she's drinking out of that green bottle again okay?" Sn fluttered his tired eyes and nodded. Harry pressed a gingerly kiss to his son's cheek and went downstairs. But not before looking over to his bedroom, seeing a yn still in her clothes from last night who was dangling off the bed. 
Harry didn't know what he exactly mustered to go back into that bedroom and pull his wife back onto the bed safety. Maybe his son was watching? He didn't know...all he wanted was to get to work on time this morning. Harry looked back with heartache the more he thought about sn. But he left anyway.
You eventually woke up and went into sn's room. "Wake up baby, mommy's going to make you some breakfast." Sn happily jumped from his bed and followed his mommy downstairs. From there you made bacon and toast for your son. You poured his orange juice and yours but accidentally put vodka in both of your cups due to you being hungover a little still. "Breakfast is served." You set both breakfast plates on the table and sn took a sip from his orange juice but spat it out due to the yucky taste fortunately. 
"Oh sorry sweetie," You said after realizing the mistake you made. "Lemme get you another one."
By lunch time, you had started coloring with sn and he made you a pretty picture of a flower and a bee. But the alcohol once again ruined a moment between you and sn and some of your beer spilled on the picture, ruining it. Sn's eyes watered at the sight and he stormed upstairs. "Oh no! I'mmmm sooorrry baaaabbbyy." Your voice slurred before you started laughing.
Sn stayed in his room until Harry came home from work. "I'm home!" He called only to find you singing super loudly and off key, clearly drunk. He rolled his eyes and scanned the entire downstairs to find sn. "Daddy!" He called from his room, which booted Harry up the stairs.
"Hello my love how was-" Sn's face was still red from his tears earlier. Harry shot over towards the boy and kneeled in front of him concerned. "What's wrong what happened?" 
"I made mommy a picture of a flower and a bee for her and she spilled that smelly stuff on it." He cried. The scene broke Harry's heart to pieces. He scooped sn up in his arms and kissed his face all over. "It'll be okay baby. I know, why don't you draw me a pretty picture and we can hang it up in daddy's office?"
Sn wiped his eyes. "Okay!" he said happily. Harry plopped another big kiss onto his 'baby's' forehead and went back downstairs, in complete and utter disgust with his alcoholic wife.
"What is wrong with you?" He said despite yn not being able to hear it. Harry just shook his head and walked past her to grab two juice boxes from the fridge and went back upstairs. Harry buried his frustration for sn. Only for sn.
The next day, Harry went to work grudgingly still not forgiving of the incident with sn's picture being destroyed. But at least he had a new one to put on his wall in his workspace cubicle. 
Sn was in his room playing with his toys when you came into his room still in your nightie and with a bottle of wine in your hand. "Mommy's going to go the store to get some more wine. Wanna come?" Sn nodded and grabbed his coat. After all you didn't sound drunk and you weren't exactly drunk or even tipsy so there was no harm right? Harry forbid you from using the car for you and sn's safety. He didn't trust you enough for that especially to shuttle around a 3 year old. So you and sn had to walk down to the corner store.
You had bought sn a little Debbie while you bought two little bottles of wine. You took sn and stumbled back home only to chug down your bottles and get drunk before lunch time. Sn followed his father's instructions in staying clear of you while you drunk from the green bottle that made you act silly and dumb. But unfortunately that didn't stop you from going out to a bar and leaving sn home alone when he couldn't get his coat on fast enough. 
Sn was smart enough to call Harry cause his number was on speed dial just like Harry taught him in case of an emergency. "Hello?" "Hi daddy!" Sn said smiling. "Hey sn, what's wrong?!"
"Mommy left to go the bar place I think so it's just me." Gosh he sounded so innocent. "She left you home alone?!" "Mm hmm, I couldn't get my coat on fast enough so mommy got upset and just left."
Harry's temper tested him. "I'll be right there. In the meantime, I want you to stay on the phone and sit on the couch quietly until I get there understood?" "Yes."
Harry kept his word and stayed on the phone with sn clear up until he walked through the front door. "Buddy!" Harry exclaimed running to sn and squeezing him tightly in his arms. "Thank you for listening to daddy!" He kissed his cheek. Harry angrily grabbed the phone about to call you, only to get a call from an unknown number first.
"Hello?" "Hi is this yn's husband?" "Yes, what's wrong?"
"Your wife is passed out here in the bathroom, she's at brick pub on  5478 Melbrise street, and we just wanted to call just in case you wanted to pick her up." The manager said. Harry sighed deeply embarrassed by this unpropitious news. "Yeah, sure I'll be there right away...thank you, bye."
Harry turned to sn with exasperating shame. He kneeled down to sn's level. "Little guy, put your coat on we're going to go get mommy from the bar okay?" He said softly. "And I promise, no matter what you see.....daddy will take care of it okay?" Sn nodded, not fully understanding what was going on with his broken family. Harry put sn in the car and drove down to your favorite bar, in no hurry whatsoever. This wasn't the first time you had passed out from something like this. You were drunk there was no question to it.
Deep shame filled Harry once he pulled into the parking lot. In the rear view mirror he could see sn playing quietly unknown to what would be in the car in a couple minutes. "Be good, I'll only be a second." Harry really didn't wanna leave sn in the car, but didn't wanna take him inside this rowdy place either. He hated you for putting him in this rock and a hard place situation.
He went inside and blocked out all the drunk yelling and shouting and horseplay and just focused on finding you and getting you out. Harry stormed into the bathroom to see you passed out still and he picked you up and carried you to the car, thanking god that nothing happened to sn while he was gone. Harry carefully put you into the passenger's seat and buckled himself in and drove home. You woke up only to throw up right there in the middle of the living room. 
Sn started crying so Harry had to put him to bed and clean up your mess. He carried you upstairs and threw you on the bed before going back downstairs and cleaning up the floor. 
"Hey sn, you still awake?" Harry said after seeing his little boy still up. "I bought you up some apple juice and a couple of cookies. Want me to read to you a bedtime story?" The little brown haired and green eyed boy nodded still trying to erase the image from his head. Harry continued reading sn stories so he could sleep with something positive on his mind. "Daddy? Can you sleep with me tonight?"
Harry looked softly into his boy's eyes. "Of course." He grabbed some pajamas and made room in sn's bed and slept next him all night with a protective arm around him.
The next morning, Harry seriously contemplated taking sn with him to work all day but he knew he couldn't so he just gave his son the typical 'stay out of mommy's way' talk and left. The tension was so thick in the house you could cut it with a knife.
You were binge drinking all day, and you were angry at Harry for not giving you any attention all week and so it escalated your drunkenness. You drank all day and did schizo things. You were filled with rage and smashed plates and cups all over the kitchen floor, you threw vases and slammed your fists down on the kitchen counters. A petrified sn hid in his closet all day. You staggered into his room and ripped up all his paintings and threw his crayons in a drunken rage. He only shot out when he saw you take his teddy bear.
Fortunately you gave it to him, but that didn't stop him from noticing all his ruined artwork. He started crying really hard. "STTOOOOPPP CRRRRYYYIIIINNNGGG!" You slurred and yelled.
Sn stayed out of your way all day and only came downstairs when he saw Harry's car pull up in the driveway. "DADDY!" He screamed. Harry heard this and ran inside, only to his horror, see you throw an empty wine bottle at sn, missing him by a few inches, (thanks to sn's fast reflexes).
But sn's arm was cut a little and bled onto the floor while you screamed and cried. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Harry screamed running towards you and grabbing your arm and squeezing it. "I don't know..." you sobbed drunkenly.
"You could've killed him!" Your husband furiously barked through gritted teeth. Oh yeah, his temper finally let loose and wasn't holding back. Gee if Harry wasn't so nice, it would be possible you would have a bottle going at your head right now.
He let you go only to check on sn. "We gotta get you to the hospital." Harry looked at yn with fire in his eyes. "Sn, I want you to go upstairs and pack your clothes and all your toys and stuffed animals. We're leaving tonight." Sn did as he was told and Harry followed. He packed everything that belonged to him and met sn downstairs. He loaded the trunk and stuffed sn in the back before speeding out of the driveway.
Harry wanted to take his wedding band and crush it with his tires. He drove sn to the hospital first where he called the police to come get you. It was an anger attack because Harry didn't plan on coming back. He reserved a hotel room for 2 weeks and then hung up when the nurse called sn's name back.
Sn only had to get 3 stitches put in, but it still hurt him a lot. Harry was crushed. He immediately scooped a crying sn into his arms and held him tightly while kissing him uncontrollably.  "I hate mommy." He cried. Harry taken aback pulled sn to look at him. "It's okay to hate what mommy did...I do too. But don't say you hate her because after all....she is still your mother." Sn nodded but Harry could sympathize. He hated you more than ever. You hurt your own kid.....how can he forget that? How could he forgive you?
Harry took him and sn to the hotel where they were staying until Harry could find another place to live. Soon afterwards he would be filing for divorce, and get a retraining order against you.
The police had come and arrested you for attempted domestic violence and so you were staying in a cell for the night. The police found you drunk and unable to answer questions so, they immediately booked you. Once you sobered up, they took you back and asked you questions that you were able to answer partially, and then they let you go.
But it was too late.....Harry and sn were both gone and they had no plans of returning to you. The thought made you sick.....so sick that you decided that dousing that fear in alcohol seemed to be the best option for you at the moment. One bottle down....then another, then another and then another. It was like that until you stumbled out of the messy house and fell flat on the ground, hitting your head on the hard sidewalk curb on the way down. The ambulance was called.
You woke up in the hospital room, with IV's hooked up to you and your head was bandaged along with your arms. The doctor came in and confirmed that you had alcohol poisoning.
You weakly layed back in the bed, barely able to open your eyes to the morning sunlight mixed with the led hospital ones. But what you didn't expect was to hear a familiar voice enter the room....Harry.
"Harry.....what are you doing here?" You asked deliriously. "I heard about what happened and I wanted to make sure you were still alive." Harry said gravely. After everything you had put those boys through..it was a miracle that Harry still wanted to remember you. You noticed his ring still on his finger and so the slight hope of you all being a family again resonated with you. But Harry wasn't changing his mind.
"I didn't know if you'd be here." You said hoping to gain sympathy from your husband. "I didn't think I'd be here either." Harry was still angry, you could sense that in his voice. "Where's sn?" Harry glanced towards the door. "Waiting outside." Before you could even choke up the words...Harry instead asked for you. "Would you like to see him?"
You nodded with a smile. Harry ushered sn in, where he hesitantly walked in and Harry sat him on your bedside. "Hey baby....how are you?" Sn shrugged with no response. That was a response. One that sent an unconformable shiver down your spine. "Mommy's sorry.....for everything. You see," You sat up on the bed and faced him. "I was...acting silly like how mommy does when she drinks that yucky stuff from her green bottle-"
"He had to get three stitches put in on his arm from the bottle you threw at him last night.....why don't you start with that?" Harry bitterly sneered. You looked at Harry before swallowing hard. "Yeah....I threw that bottle because I was...I was drunk and acting very foolish....and I'm so sorry for what I did," You had tears flowing freely from your face now. "For everything." You cried. Sn hugged you and then pulled away. Sweet boy.
Harry took off his wedding ring and set on your nightstand. "Maybe you can pawn it and use the money to get yourself together. Don't even think of trying to get custody because I have the police reports, and the past purchases documents of you drinking and of course the hospital records of your alcohol poisoning." Harry gently grabbed sn and walked away. But he turned to face you one last time.
"Goodbye yn....I wish you the best. I thought love was what you needed....but anyway, I just hope you treat yourself better than how you treated us. You have a nice life." 
And with that the door closed....your life was now in your hands.
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DADDY, please hurry home from work today, because I truly can’t wait any longer to make your thick impregnation rod disappear deep inside my hungry orifices!
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fat-addiction-hog · 9 months
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Damage done
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Dad says I've been very good🥰
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