#cw nazi germany
louissatturi · 9 months
A thing about the vargas dictadorship references is that how this time is percieved by people
Vargas is idolozied and its not like facist™️ opinnion its a pretty avarege oppinion just because he did some "good" for Brasil, the thinga about vargas is that he was as people say "father of the poor, mother of the rich" he was also a horrible men
Like he only did't aly Brasil with nazi germany because the United states gave a batter economic deal (also usa helped with the instaleition of 1964 military, thanks usa) like vargas literally deported a JEWISH woman to nazi germany because she was anti his DICTADORSHIP (her name was Olga Bénario and her story was made into a movie called "Olga" realesed in 2004)
So to see cc!forever using this clear references to this dictadorship is fascinating, because diferent from the 1964 dictadorship, the era vargas is romanticized
So for him to use this references to make a eairy and scary and uncanny feal for other players and wiewer is briliant!
Its very crazy how much efort he put considering he did't wanted to do rp at the start of the qsmp and considered it "cringe" oh well
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intheshadowofwar · 1 year
17 June 2023
Living History
Evesham and Broadway 17 June 2023
The following blog contains imagery of Nazi Germany and the Waffen-SS.
I make absolutely no bones about my love of living history in all its forms. At its very best, it’s an entertaining way to get people to learn about the past. At its worst, well, it’s still entertaining. Sure, there are pitfalls - but I think that’s true of any method of conveying history - and there’s certainly a time and a place for it (which we will get into in a few weeks), but ultimately I’d say I support it.
Today we drove from Bedford across the Midlands to Evesham, where a reenactment event was being held - Wartime in the Vale. Obviously this was reenactment of a military bent, and if someone questions being opposed to war but visiting such events, I once again bring up Wells’ quotation about tin widows. The overwhelming majority of the groups present represented the Second World War, although there were some First World War Tommies and a few Cold War impressions.
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One part of reenactment that tends to raise eyebrows and start debates is the representation of Nazi Germany, in particular the Waffen-SS. I’m not so worried about regular Wehrmacht and Fallschirmjager impressions (unless they try to imply that said organisations were squeaky clean and never did anything wrong), but I must admit some discomfort about the SS. I decided today that I’d talk to one of them - a fellow named Samuel who was part of a late-war impression of the 1st SS Division - about why he did it. It was a very eye-opening conversation for me. Basically, as he put it, the point wasn’t to glorify the Waffen-SS, it was to educate the public about who they were and what they did. What really struck me was how he told me about an Israeli couple who thanked him for doing that, and how he pointed out that there were Poles and Jewish people in the group.
I still can’t say I’d be comfortable with personally reenacting the SS, but I think he made a good case for why he and his group did. It would certainly be hypocritical of me to say that I think reenactment can be a usual educational tool, and then ban all the things that make me uncomfortable from being reenacted. I know it’s given me a lot to think about - I’d be interested in hearing what others think too.
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A few more shoutouts I’d be remiss if I didn’t make - to the ex-Tube driver who works with neurodivergent people in the 6th Airborne group, to Harry from the 1st Dorsets who I had a nice conversation with, and to the chap from the Royal Engineers group that showed me all the Lee-Enfields. As for unique impressions, I was particularly impressed by the British Cold War group - I’ve seen them before but they’re always good - to the Winter War Finns, and to the WAS(B) (Women’s Auxiliary Service Burma) group.
(There was also a guy doing a Cape Town Highlanders impression, but he was on his own so I can’t credit a group for that.)
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We left just before two and went on a jaunt to Broadway, a village in the Cotswolds that I’ve been to before, but which we thought it’d be good to show my stepfather. While he and mum looked around the village, I hung around Broadway station, the terminus of the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway, and watched the train arrive. This was headed by the Merchant Navy-class No. 35006 Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co. This was an old friend from my last visit to this part of the world, but I’m never definitely unhappy to see a Bulleid pacific.
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I arrived back to Bedford satisfied and more than a little sunburnt. Tomorrow we leave for London, and on Monday, the study tour finally begins. I am firmly on the road to the Dardanelles now…
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The White Rose were a small group of students at Munich University in Germany and a professor who made, printed, and distributed anti-Nazi pamphlets from 1942 until their 1943 arrests.
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beardedhandstoadshark · 5 months
Hey. Fun fact.
Germany is replaying the beginning of the Third Reich now.
The Too-German-Didn’t-Read is that main guys of the right-extremist party that is currently on a major rise, AfD, met with actual neo-nazis discussing plans to deport millions of people, those being anyone whose families came here after WW2 + anyone helping immigrants and refugees, to a fucking "Model State in North Africa“ specifically conscripted for the sole purpose of keeping them there.
And a good chunk of the other politicians plus the main law council itself that could do anything against it is saying it can’t ban them because the AfD isn’t proven to be acting in incitement enough.
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kulay-ng-banaag · 4 months
While I'm keen on doing comparative studies on a certain parallel period in ID-PH history, I fully intend to do so with the utmost gentle care and due respect. Even if I were to create a Historical Hetalia story set in that particular time, I refuse to be careless in handling it.
So imagine how disturbed I am because some Hetalians have the audacity to make IndoPhil ship jokes about being royally fucked by corruption and dictatorships. Frankly, Indonesians are not in the best state of mind rn, and even Filipinos are shaken by the disk horsing of political analogies.
I'm not against drawing IndoPhil where Piri comforts the other at all, but insinuating that Himaruya stopped drawing IndoPhil in canon because they're both "busy from twin elections" (twinning in results where the winners are the worst options) is like saying Himaruya stopped drawing Russia because he's busy doing war crimes.
Instead of considering that maybe Himaruya """doesn't draw certain characters anymore""" because he has nothing onhand at the moment that is NOT centered on certain world events that he knows better not to touch on. And even if he could do that, that would only further legitimize why (Axis Powers) Hetalia is righteously hated.
It's upsetting how there are Hetalia fans in 2024 who are still too comfortable with casually building headcanons from not just racist attacks, but also on abuses of power with reverberating consequences, both in real-time. People would rather cope with making jokes that are more patronizing than funny, instead of learning to sit with people through their grief and despair.
EDIT (02/17/24): I’m sorry but I gotta say it — y’all could have just said IndoPhil depressed af rn, but NO it had to be “indophil corruption soulmatecism” and 2p indophil the worst 2p iteration in real life. That’s like saying you ship GerIta because they both had fascist bosses.
We don't have to Hetaliafy every single thing that happens in order to make sense out of it, because sometimes Hetalia is just not the medium for that job.
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goldammerchen · 8 months
No dejar títere con cabeza
Day 3 @hetahorrorweek, Experiment + Needles (some Distorted Vision too)
[Modern era] Out of nowhere, someone finds himself fighting for his life… (Something from the past comes to bite him)
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(outdated screenshot, actual fics has more warnings for accuracy. see tags)
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a-typical · 7 months
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - Ilan Pappé (2006)
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soryualeksi · 2 years
Literally the absolute most mind-bogglingly "I'm going to fucking SCREAM" aspect about talking any family history at all with fellow Germans is everyone insisting that they were the ONE family with no nazis on the entire fucking, oh wait no, all of their families' neighbours ALSO weren't nazis, and their village and their town and literally it was always just the others and THEY didn't notice anything was off and ALSO they were against everything FROM THE BEGINNING and also like, the Holocaust just carried itself out quietly in some far-far away unnoticeable piece of remote forest or something.
It's driving me insane.
Nobody knew, but EVERYONE was in the resistance. Also, SIMULTANEOUSLY, they all knew BUT were incapable of doing anything because they feared for their own lives every second, from the very beginning of course.
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oleworm · 2 years
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goodluckdetective · 6 months
I also watched the Todd in the Shadows video (I’m not done) and man I have some thoughts. I’m gonna put these below the cut though, due to the content I’m gonna discuss:
CW: Nazis, Nazi Germany and everything that goes with that
Something that struck me about Somerton’s incorrect ideas about the Nazis, was that a lot of his errors were ones that played into Nazi mythos. I’m no scholar of Nazi Germany, but anyone who has even glanced in that direction of history or American history knows the Nazi’s got their ideas about race and “the perfect figure” from America. Not all of it, Europe itself had a eugenics movement, but a it did have an impact: American eugenics had an influence in Nazi Germany.
As said, I’m no expert and you should take this with a grain of salt. Long story short, it’s buckwild to claim America was jealous of the Nazi’s fitness when 1. Large portions of the Nazi army was malnourished teenaged boys and 2. we, sadly, did a lot of that on our own.
The thing that strikes me here is that a lot of Somerton’s ideas about Nazis come from Nazi propaganda itself. I think Dan Olsen of Folding Ideas actually explains this way better than I ever could. If you’re up for it you should watch his video on the Nazi propaganda film “Triumph of the Will” https://youtu.be/jJ1Qm1Z_D7w?si=euOSjWW-9v5wusyM. If you’re not up for it or just want the reason why I’m sharing it, Olsen explains that Nazi propaganda influenced how some see the Nazis as powerful and competent and how some of our ideas about Nazi Germany are based in how the Nazis wanted to be perceived (which gross).
The other thing that gets me is the talking about homosexuality in the Nazi military which is an old homophobic myth. Wikipedia has a summary of the origins and use of the myth.
I keep wondering WHERE James got this idea. The first idea I can chalk up to common American misconceptions of Nazi Germany (though the Russian part still confuses me) but the latter isn’t exactly a common perception except in pretty niche circles. Where did he get this idea from? Did he hear this as an insult enough that he decided it was true? Or was he hanging out in alt right circles and never examined it?
I’m not trying to accuse James of anything here (though I will fully agree he’s got racist and misogynist ideas from what we do know). But I do think it’s interesting to wonder WHERE these ideas came from.
At the very least, I think it shows that when you don’t examine claims you hear, you can easily launder ideas contrary to your values or downright reprehensible concepts to a wider audience.
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quarktrinity · 3 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 21 (cw: mentions of gunshots)
spock has opinions about history education
Bomb Rocket
earth history teacher + nuclear warhead. interesting. i wonder if were gonna be talking about the cold war
kirk once again in a button up shirt for undercover purposes. thank u
one day well go to a planet that isnt like earth and isnt populated by humans
i knew it
history teacher guy is the bad guy
lets go undercover as nazis
"you should make a very convincing nazi"
so kirk and spock have been found out. and now theyre shirtless and imprisoned and bound. and theyre whipping them. you cant make this shit up
i love that spock has a ton of chest hair and kirk is completely smooth
god bless kirks tumtum
chekhovs communicator implant
spock is on top of kirk now. normal
spock is teasing him, i love this
here at star trek tos we love putting captain james kirk in situations
lets take cover in this mysterious cave
"just as bad" rhetoric. shut up
oh no they found our mysterious cave
oh it was a test. ok
the first star wars movie watched this episode
i was about to say "this is just like 1984" and then i remembered what 1984 was about
weve got mccoy in nazi garb now. yay?
"what in blazes is this?!" youre such an old man
they made a hitler chatbot
spocks neck-grab-knockout thing is so silly
history guy so surprised that recreating nazi germany was a bad idea
kirk commits medical malpractice
ww2 except hitler changes his mind
dude gets shot and goes OoO
"i was wrong" uh, yeah, you were
what was this episode even trying to say
"dont recreate nazi germany its bad"
um. ok bye
i guess we werent talking about the cold war after all. nice job star trek, keepin me on my toes
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zukadiary · 8 months
Flügel / A Kaleidoscope of Life ~ Moon 2023
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4.5-year awaited Grand Theater return on September 22 (before things) ft. my eyes dead from the unseasonable heat and yet another failed attempt to get my FLYING SAPA REFUND FROM 2020 THAT THEY STILL OWE ME.
This, unexpectedly, turned out to be the hands-down Takarazuka highlight of Tadaima ’23, and that’s… despite a play of extremely questionable content. Tsukigumi—Mugen Musou / Krung Thep—had the honor of being my last live Takarazuka before the shit hit the fan globally, and the troupe is such different vibes I felt like I stepped through a portal (not that Yukigumi isn’t, dear lord, but small theaters are always a little weird vibe-wise). I had a feeling this would be my first and last live top Tsukishiro Kanato, and she did indeed announce taidan days later. We have no shortage of 95th top stars, but, since I was a hardcore Yukigumi fan ten years ago, Reiko is the only one I’ve been closely following since her shinko days. She’s gotten so good, and every time I’ve watched her since the Romance Gekijou stream, I’ve seen in her movements and expressions that she's absolutely watched Komu on repeat in her moments of doubt. It makes my heart sing.
FLÜGEL SPOILERS (can’t believe I’m saying this again, but cw suicide, also nazis 🙄):
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Gee, you know whose take I’d love on the politics of a divided Germany? TAKARAZUKA’S,” well, maybe this show is for you! It’s the 1980s (although you wouldn’t know it till they bust a hole through the Wall… they really dropped the ball on costuming) and Jonas (Reiko) is a GDR officer who grew up thinking his mother (Shirayuki Sachika) was a nazi after she was arrested in his childhood for war crimes and they were separated on opposite sides of the partitioned country. After we open with a completely historically inaccurate scene from the Russian Afghan war (just SCREAMS Takarazuka, doesn’t it?), Jonas is put in charge of overseeing an East German concert featuring wildly popular West German idol Nadia (Umino Mitsuki), while other GDR officer Helmut (Houzuki An) is tasked with keeping an eye on them/preventing spying or something (idk, this plot doesn’t hold a ton of water to be honest). The general conflict is that Team Reiko is pro-unification, and Team Chinatsu is staunchly anti. Amidst a flurry of various activities that realistically would have gotten Jonas thrown in the gulag 1000 times over—including helping old war buddy?? Amashi Juri escape to West Germany via an underground route operated by Irodori Michiru and Haon Mika—Team Helmut attempts to dampen pro-unification sentiment by plotting a terrorist attack at the concert (in the form of an exploding microphone) and pinning it on a priest (Yumena Rune) and his band of peaceful student protestors. Thanks to Jonas and Luis Wagner (Kazama Yuno), who is Nadia’s manager and also secretly the best spy in the world or something, the mic is retrieved and the plan is thwarted. When Nadia returns to West Germany, she is moved to become a pro-unification activist thanks to the friends she made on the other side, and leads a protest that results in breaking the wall down. Helmut, unable to cope with the defeat of his ideology, takes his own life quite dramatically (so be aware of that). After travel is permitted between east and west, Jonas discovers that his mother (aging with dementia), while employed by the nazis, actually used her position to help Jews escape. Jonas and Nadia don’t fall in love, but they do look off into the sky together in hope and friendship.
I really did not care for this plot, yet somehow I also didn’t absolutely hate watching it. I think there were enough isolated highlights to make the experience worth it:
I! Love! Reiko! And I’m so happy I got to see her as top once! And her voice is fantastic lately!
Reiko and Chinatsu have an unexpectedly compelling chemistry
Chinatsu has an unexpected chemistry with me and my feelings
The final protest scene (set to a dramatic rendition of Ode to Joy) features Chinatsu repeatedly trying to hit Reiko, while Reiko just blocks all her punches and stares straight into her eyes. It’s a lot.
I had similar feelings watching Oda as I did watching Agachin; she wore those 4.5 years loud and proud. +1000 confidence, absolutely ready for her nibante era.
Nice little send off role for Ren Tsukasa, who is ABSOLUTELY BELOVED. People cheered the theater down for her, it was genuinely moving. No one in anything else I saw got that much applause except for maybe Kaiho Naoto.
This, brainchild of Kurita-sensei making her revue debut, was the revue of the year, and probably the revue of all pandemic era for me. It was fresh, it had a theme, the music slapped, it actually called back a little to Ogita-sensei who I will miss in tkz until the end of time. LET WOMEN MAKE REVUES!!
The premise is a journey through different eras of Tokyo, triggered by the turn of a magic kaleidoscope. Each era’s scene is beautifully designed, and has a little self-contained plot. The transitions are seamless, and I loved the song choices (CITY! POP! CHUUZUME!). Tsukigumi as a whole is vocally outstanding right now, and the impact was awesome. Verbal descriptions don’t do it justice! If you’re tired of Fujii/Saitou/Nakamura B throwing all their old scenes into a tumble dyer and pulling them back out in a random order, watch Kaleidoscope, even if you aren’t a fan of Tsukigumi.
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mr-president · 6 months
I have a question (To be perfectly clear this is not an ask trying to strum up controversy, but just my own curiosity of your views, and I love your analysis and how you say things. But if you have nothing to say on this matter feel free to delete this ask)
There’s some controversy in the funger fandom about the writing of the Bremen army, also in Pav. Some people think it’s too sympathetic or the choices that Miro made are in poor taste. Do you have any opinions on this?
CW: fascism, Nazism, antisemitism, and what have you. also, sorry if i get things wrong, again, it’s been a while.
Yes, I do think that portraying a historical, fascist, genocidal regime in Nazi Germany as the Bremen army was in poor taste. It’s one thing to just have a fantastical, fictional totalitarian government and another to use an actual historical allegory as stand in for history. The Bremen army is an allegory for Nazi Germany, there is absolutely no denying that, and Mr. Haverinen made that conscious, authorial choice to make that connection.
However, and this is my personal opinion, I don’t think he properly understood, articulated, or represented the impact that Nazi Germany had on Europe, the world, and especially for Jewish people. And this is a problem, because Nazi Germany still has lingering influences on society and culture today, and Mr. Haverinen’s choice to not only write Nazi Germany in the story but portray it in such a way is…in poor taste.
I understand why Mr. Haverinen likely used Nazi Germany as an allegorical tool—the same reason why he uses religious allegory throughout the story. Because we are all familiar with WW2 and Nazism, we have a general idea and basic understanding of this fictional totalitarian, colonialist regime. And that is perfectly fine and is a valid shorthand storytelling device.
Additionally, the Bremen Empire is still depicted as Not A Good Thing. Like, that’s very clear within the narrative—Mr. Haverinen is not a Nazi and clearly does not support that ideology. However, I do believe that he could have done better in understanding/depicting a sensitive historical subject beyond showing how they are bad. If that makes sense.
My problems with the Bremen Empire are that it:
fails to articulate a coherent ideology as to why their influence is so vast,
gives them a somewhat “good” motive that kind of validates their existence
does not empathize with or represent the minority group (Jewish people) who were most affected by this historical tragedy.
For 1), though there are references to the Bremen army’s horrific atrocities, it’s kind of hand-wavey as to why they’re really doing it, seemingly only because Le’garde’s general bloodlust and assholeness. I’ll discuss that more in the second point, but I just want to state that Nazi Germany had a legitimate, compelling, and actual ideology behind it that perpetuated the attitude of nonchalance and “justice” that came with the atrocities they committed.
It is not merely power, it was fascism. Fascism cleans up your neighborhood, gives you jobs and school and work, gives you what made you great, and gets rid of what put you down. Fascism creates a problem and posits that the solution is to exclude the…undesirables and raise yourself up to your truest potential.
And here, Bremen fails. Somewhat.
Point 2). Their motive. The ultimate goal of Le’garde’s bullshit is for him to usher in new era of humanity, where he becomes Logic, ascends to new-Old Godhood, and helps humanity overcome the rule of the Old Gods and truly live for themselves rather than their whims.
Ultimately, it’s uncertain if this will be a positive thing, but in Ending A it’s kind of a good thing, especially with Reina becoming Logic instead of Le’garde. Of course, much like Funger 1, it begs the question of “was this suffering all worth it,” but like many people have criticized with Reina’s usage at all, that question doesn’t hit as hard as Funger 1.
And Funger 1 didn’t even need a wholeass Nazi allegory to ask that question. Was the suffering of every innocent civilian worth it to get Logic? To usher in this new era of humanity?
The question seems more on the side of “Yeah” because unlike Funger 1, Logic’s existence is depicted as a good thing for humanity. Thus, Bremen is sort of a “good thing,” that at least it was towards something positive and for the betterment of people everywhere.
Which is…a really awful thing to say when, again, this was an actual fascist regime who discriminated against, subjugated, and had a system that enforced the oppression of numerous minority groups.
Point 3). Not really interacting with the minority groups subjugated. Termina’s cast is pretty much entirely made up of minorities, and many of them do have or would have tangible interactions that conflict with the Bremen army.
Levi and Pav are perhaps the best examples of characters who were genuinely traumatized by the Bremen army, and their actions and characterization are substantial for recognizing the psychological impact colonization has on people.
However…no character or even allegorical minority group is a stand in for Jewish people, who are one of the most affected groups of Nazism.
Ok, there didn’t need to be a Jewish character who actually went through the atrocities of Nazism in graphic, Funger-grade detail. That could be very triggering, and it could also spell problems of getting the story censored. And also, misrepresentation is a genuine thing to fear when depicting something like that.
But to scrub most if not all references of Antisemitism? Isn’t that kinda fucked? I think it’s fucked. Let me know if I’m wrong.
Anyways, I need you (audience) to understand something.
It is imperative to understand that this is Fear & Hunger. These are games which depict suffering, mass, unavoidable, tragic, yet wholly unnecessary suffering. You the player suffer and understand suffering. And then Mr. Haverinen has an allegory for a fascist regime which caused so much mass, tragic, colonialist, yet entirely unnecessary suffering and chose not to depict who were those sufferers.
It’s my own opinion, but if you make Nazi germany you can empathize with the people who suffered from it if your central theses revolve around suffering.
Additionally, I understand that this story is supposed to be a fantastical retelling of history, but girl, like. You could keep the historical allegory and the historical context and just have it be vaguely referenced. But you interact with the Bremen army in the game. Le’garde acts as a stand in for fucking Adolf Hitler.
Like, you could keep the historical allegory and the historical context and just have it be vaguely referenced. But to interact with that history in such a direct manner, on the side of the oppressor? Without much depiction of the oppressed?
In my opinion, Mr. Haverinen doesn’t really have an excuse for depicting what is essentially Nazi Germany in such a strange way. He didn’t need to make an allegory to Nazi Germany. He didn’t need the game to interact directly with Nazis and their leader. He didn’t need to even depict Nazism to begin with, or have it be such a dominant force in the narrative.
For that reason, it is fucking worthy to critique his authorial choices about a major historical tragedy in a game about tragedy.
Of course, you can say “it’s fictional, people shouldn’t be stupid and believe Nazi Germany was actually like this; there are penis gods, don’t be stupid,” but guess what?? People will be stupid. Fiction doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and though I doubt actual Nazis will come about from Funger, I think Mr. Haverinen isn’t absolved of criticism for portraying Nazi Germany in such a way. It still perpetuates harmful narratives about authoritarianism, minimizes the impact of fascism, and what have you.
We unfortunately exist in a society where people could take away that authoritarianism is maybe cool because you get the internet out of it and maybe sovereigns are trying to help society.
We exist in a society where the portrayal of suffering as perhaps a necessary evil for societal gain is the standard. And for a series that seems to want to say something meaningful in portraying suffering, shouldn’t it aim to critique oppression by sympathizing with the oppressed?
Plus, fuck you if you just tell people not to be stupid and to shut up. That has always been a tactic used by privileged individuals to…talk around the issue. But I’m getting off topic—a rant about alt-right or moralist tactics to end or control a conversation is for another day.
Basically, hey. I care enough about this series to write this critique. I care enough about it that I drew it every day in June, and here I am still thinking about it.
Your art can and will be criticized. This is the right of your audience, and you should listen to their critiques. You should be afraid of potential backlash but people will love your work still despite its grievances. And you should try and do better.
And you should talk about problems in representation. That’s like, how things get better. Be a bitch. Don’t let those with the privilege to ignore continued systemic oppression control the narrative and silence you.
On the subject of Pav, I think he’s…fine? He’s basically Russian, and I think the problems with his characters have more to do with the Bremen Empire being poorly written than his character conceptually. Because I think conceptually, he’s fine—illustrates the cycle of abuse, the trauma of war, whatever, whatever.
tldr; oh yeah, it was not a good representation and we should criticize it.
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commiepinkofag · 5 months
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“Occasionally I tell a few stories [about the Holocaust] [...], if someone asks. But that rarely happens. Wars, and hence the memories of wars, are owned by the male of the species. And fascism is a decidedly male property, whether you were for or against it. Besides, women have no past, or aren’t supposed to have one. A man can have an interesting past, a woman only an indecent one”
— Ruth Klüger
CW: sex trafficking, corrective rape, forced pregnancy
Queer people as a whole have been systematically removed from the narrative around the holocaust. This is doubly the case for queer women, who stand on the intersection of two marginalizations that often are erased from the common understanding of historical events. There were queer women all throughout the world fighting in World War 2, and so too were there queer women who were specifically victimized during the holocaust. Before the Nazis came to power, Berlin was one of the safer places for queer people in Europe. A rich queer culture had developed there, one that embraced open-mindedness and the study of queer lives. There were queer bars, clubs, societies, libraries, and so on. Despite the general atmosphere of safety, however, homosexuality was still illegal under Paragraph 175. It's important to note that Paragraph 175 did not make romantic or sexual relationships between women illegal. Additionally, the legal definitions of "man" and "woman" at the time referred only to the gender assigned at birth. This is where many historical summaries of the lives of queer women in Germany stop, but it is not where history stops. More + References >
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revolutionarysuicide · 5 months
fartlow cw
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extremely low-hanging fruit but this argument is so insane. how does committing the holocaust make you an expert on fighting antisemitism. "germany understands nazism" yes, because they were the nazis. they were not the ones stopping the holocaust they were the ones who needed to be stopped.
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Tie your heart to mine
Chapter 6
Cw: mentions of recreational drug use, mentions of euthanasia
Gif by @damatheirin
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She has been here plenty of times and yet she is twice as nervous as she was when she came here for supper the first time.
There is a wariness Douglas hides as Tom calls her his girl.
Tom held her hand, kissed like he meant it and called her his bird.
Bird, she’d come to know meant girlfriend.
“How was your first day at your office?” Lois asked as she helped her with dinner, something Lois had found strange at first but then they fell into the old routine they had before they learned the truth.
She may be richer than God, but she is still Diane.
Something Douglas did not quite believe.
He is just watching out for his kids, she supposed.
He used to like her fine before it all happened, but then again Diane had been lying about herself.
“S’good, I think. No one rioted, it didn’t collapse in a day and by the end of the month, I suppose it will be up to Shelby standards and be ready to change gears at any second now. My mom says it won’t be long before the Nazis take Poland and France.” She says forgetting Harry is in Poland.
It’s nearly July now, her mom gave it till August or September 1st before the second world war officially began.
“Did she see it in the cards, like you do?” Lois asks, hoping she could pretend it wasn’t true.
But her words do catch the men’s attention, especially Douglas who knows Tom may be called to serve.
“Yes, but confirmation came from friends she has in certain places. Germany and Russia are gearing up for grand scale invasions because they know those two countries are not prepared for one let alone the two of them.” Diane answered, seeing Tom in a naval uniform as she set his plate in front of him.
The sight is enough to shock her but hides it because she can’t bear the thought of never seeing him again or him returning a shell of his former self.
“Your Harry will be evacuated, but he’s a translator and those leave when the Embassy stops needing them.” Diane is incapable of being comforting in a way that is not acceptable to anyone who is not a Shelby.
Shelbys like kind words, but also the cold truth.
Rip off the band-aid.
“When I met your dad, he said, ‘Well, at least you get to leave, but you will be fucked in the head like the rest of us for life, I am afraid’.” Douglas said trying to distract Lois who did not take her words as comfort.
Who would anyways.
“When I was ten, he euthanized my filly after it got a disease in its hoofs, he said ‘sweetheart, sometimes death is a kindness’.” She says not helping her case. “I am afraid your Tom has saddled himself with a girl from a family full of freaks.”
“If you ask me, I don’t think he gives a shit about it.” Tom brought himself into the conversation.
“Language, Tom.” Lois chastised playfully, regaining some of her previous cheer by pushing the bad news to the back of her mind.
“As if you didn’t hear her say worse when we all got arrested.” Tom reminds her with that same old grin of his.
Spirits, she is so in love with this boy.
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“She’s gonna marry him.” Eva tells her husband after he joined her in her very relaxing bath.
Made more relaxing by that joint of homegrown marijuana she just shared with him.
Better get him too calm to do anything when she has to give him news he doesn’t like.
And right now, Tommy’s only thinking about he’s needed this since their girl went to Manchester with the Lees.
“Yeah, he says he loves her and wouldn’t stop being with her for all the money in the world.” He admits, something Eva only half knew.
She knew about the threat he made because she had to calm him down before he wrecked his entire office.
“And he won’t, they will make a handsome couple, he in his sailor uniform, her in my old dress.” She said seeing them walk out of the courthouse looking so happy and knowing any happiness they have will be what warms them on the lonely nights to come.
“His dad is a pacifist, doubt he’d let the boy j enlist, let alone in the navy.” Tommy snorts before returning the ever-shrinking makeshift cigarette back to her.
“Not going to have a choice, it’s the Navy for prison.” Eva says with a bad feeling.
So much potential and the boy just threw it away.
Everyone told him he was heading nowhere so often Tom Bennett believes it.
A shame he will not realize his own potential until he sees the ugliness of war.
“I just wanted better for our little witch.” He said with a resigned sigh.
“So says any father who wants the best for their child, Tommy.” His wife said softly.
“Do you think our Diane hates me?” he asked hoping for a nice lie.
Except they don’t do sweet sounding lies in this family.
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“Got a job today.” He admits it was as if it were some big secret. “Mechanic, a shop with some of mates from school that’s by the pub.”
Just know this, even if you managed to get your head out of your arse, you wouldn’t be worthy of my daughter.
Tom could hear the fucking words every fucking time he was with her.
It gnawed at him.
Yeah, it is one fucking thing to know you are nothing but a bloody nuisance, but it’s another for a fucking stranger to tell you will never be good enough for a girl with free will of her own.
He knows it, alright, but Tom could bet his sorry arse that Thomas fucking Shelby wasn’t good enough for his wife either.
Just like granddad looked at dad the same and just like Tom and his dad know Lois is too good for Harry Chase.
“I’m happy for you, when do you start?” she asks hiding whatever got her give that frightened gasp this evening.
Gets visions or feelings about the future. Not always a bad thing, but if it had been a good thing, she would told them.
If it had been a good thing, Diane wouldn’t be holding on to him like he might die tonight.
“Tomorrow morning, I’ll walk you to your factory every morning on my way to work and that.” he answers tracing patterns on the arm draped across his chest.
“I’d like that, might even slip away from my office to see you, Tom.” She gives a quiet chuckle, moving even closer to him.
What in hell had she seen that her like that?
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