falloutuniverse · 2 months
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Digitized some old art (thank Atom for the mirror ruler!)
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srkizer · 11 months
poetry night
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metal: beep beep boop whiiiiiir bop boooooop brrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr beep whiiiiiiiir
sticks: aww... he has such a way with words...
tails: (typing that into miniaturized universal translator)
knuckles: (waiting for food)
cysonic: (zzzzzz....)
cyamy: (internal conflict about waking cysonic up)
d-fekt: (not understanding why did he fail at the comedy night)
cutebot: (holding hands with d-fekt)
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heartbot-2002-2024 · 2 months
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1) My favorite pairings in Sonic Boom (Translation from Russian into English: The most favorite pairing (Orbot x Heartbot), logical (Sonic x Amy), illogical (Charlie x Belinda), least favorite pairing (?), neutral (?), hate (?), overrated (?), underrated (D-fekt x Cutebot), just love it (Knuckles x Stick), a pairing that is not in the fandom, but I love it (Dave x Perci), a pairing that is in the fandom (Tails x Zooey), just friends (Orbot and Cubot))
2) Original blank, if anyone needs it
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Some pictures from the blank (which I filled out) (unfortunately I couldn’t find any art related to Dave x Perci on the Internet and if you suddenly ask why Dave x Perci, then read my fanfic at this link - https://www.quotev.com/Heartbot20242002/published) (You can see my art with Orbot and Heartbot here) (The picture with Knuckles and Sticks is a screenshot taken by me)
Poll for all Sonic Boom fans and those who follow me
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amesachi · 2 years
Meet Yuyu.
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This is Yuyu. Or U.U. Yuyu has identified a damaged area on her arm. What will Yuyu do? To be continued...
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hellodesigner2501i · 1 year
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That name is not working for me, will find a name for these guys (and a purpose - I thought that they would pop up in Betsy’s, Ava’s and Zoe's stories - helping with real world information, a bit like the old ones that was only in Betsy’s books). I think the weapons will not be a part of the stories (hmmm 🤔 or maybe it will work!).
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villaincock · 2 years
malewifesylvain -> robot-tits
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cutebotcalendar · 3 months
Something I am working on during my break is hand-coding a really simple html website for the Cutebot Calendar to exist on. Things are going pretty good so far (it is very simple!) and I now have an archive of the 2021-2023 calendar uploaded and available to browse. I've tried to make it somewhat searchable by using bits of the dialogue for each day as its title, so hopefully if there was something that particularly spoke to you, it'll be a little easier to find!
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virtualgirladvance · 4 months
now my cutebot...go forth...and kill...
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sonicboomcorner · 1 month
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I saw, I found cute, I draw her
@heartbot-2002-2024 I absolutely love her and please forgive me for my style tweaks, your version is way cuter, I hope you like this :D
We defo need more girl bots, Cutebot needs a friend
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memzhay · 4 months
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Cutebot and Adorabot 5000 now in stores.
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Cutebot also near the series finale ends up in relationship with male-coded Dfekt
She did and I am so happy for it!!! Go get it girl <3
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weaktrashcarrobots · 4 months
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Hey hey @dangergirl64 ! My friend who also draws chase and Hotshot x medix just wanted to draw this for you! Thanks to #CuteBot for this!
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heartbot-2002-2024 · 3 months
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My relationship with Cubot's prototypes and D-fekt🟨🟩🟠
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mattmcguigan · 1 year
Maybe this is a weird question, but how did you get started doing the cutebot calendar (and do you have advice on keeping up motivation to do something every day like that?)
that is not a weird a question at all! I started making the Cutebot Calendar because a) I really like daily tearaway calendars and thought it'd be cool to make one in digital (and eventually physical) form and b) I wanted an extra side thing I could make exclusive to my Patreon (I thought it'd be pretty easy to do alongside any other comics I was putting out). It turned out to be much more challenging than I'd originally thought, and I just found myself putting more into it, so then it just kinda became the Thing I Was Doing so I decided to not keep it behind a paywall.
As for motivation, the big appeal for me is that by the end of the year I'll have made a big thing out of a lot of little things. I guess it's knowing there is a destination, and that I will have earned whatever rest I take when I get there. That said, ideally I would like to have a buffer of at least a few days done in advance so that I could take the odd day off, as it can be stressful always worrying about getting the next post queued up. But at the same time, having a daily deadline is useful for forcing myself to commit to whatever it is I'm gonna write/draw and just get it done. I'm often surprised when I see people relating to comics I was *sure* wouldn't land, but didn't have time to workshop further. Maybe that same idea would've ended up in workshop-limbo and never seen the light of day. With this sort of schedule I know I'm gonna make some stuff that isn't my best work, but it's what I'm able to finish in the time given, and I'd say that approach has helped me to accept the things I need to work while still trying to improve every day. Thanks for asking!
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bgs-cave-o-thots · 1 year
i have a question, as a fellow Orbot and Cubot fan, how do you feel about most recent content showing all egg man's robots as his children and them all being siblings? i like it for metal, belle, and sage, but i don't know about Orbot and cubot. also i get worried about shipping them? i totally shipped them before frontiers but after sage referring to them as her brothers idk how to feel. i joke that cubot is a "brother in law", but idk how long canon will allow us to ship them before it gets weird. anyway, just wanted to know your opinion! thanks!
I'm not the biggest fan of the fanworks showing Orbot and Cubot as siblings/Eggman's kids, personally. Nothing wrong with it, never was, just not my thing. As for the canon stuff...honestly? I don't think it's as big of a deal right now as people worry about.
When I first heard the news I hadn't seen all that far into Frontiers yet (it was only a day or two old at this point), so all I knew was from seeing someone i follow saying "well shit theyre canon brothers now guess im not shipping them anymore" out of nowhere. Which. Without any context. Did make me a bit afraid at first.
But later I saw what was actually said in game and realized...this is just some kid trying to learn what a family is supposed to be, and what her family would be compared to that, with her father figure basically going "yeah if you say so i guess". This is not Orbot and Cubot calling each other siblings. They aren't even there to call Sage their sibling. Sage is trying to connect the relationship of inventor/invention to parent/child, which, while functional sometimes, is not an accurate assumption 100% of the time.
I am an extremely firm advocator for how relationships involving sentient robots has very different rules to organic beings. A robot and their creator can have a parent/child relationship, sure, but they could also be a couple, siblings, friends, enemies, literally any relationship to each other should they choose. The parent-child dynamic could even be swapped, with the robot taking the parental role and the creator being their child (they've done this in the Sonic franchise already, see Mombot and Eggman from Sonic Boom). Same goes for multiple bots of the same maker. Partners, families, anything. And one robot seeing the creator as a dad doesn't mean the other robots made by that creator have to see them that way too. I feel like this especially applies to things on the scale of Eggman's robots. He's made thousands, if not millions or even billions of robots. At that point it's more like a whole race/species/community/something on that larger scale than one single family.
I also have a distaste for the "all eggman robots are siblings and are kids of eggman" thing especially when it gets used for ALL Sonic universes, not just the modern universe? For example, if you apply that to Boom, you get some...uncomfortable clashes with some canon relationships (see: Cutebot & D-Fect, Mombot, every time Cubot hits on another machine, probably other things I'm forgetting)
Anyway. Obviously I have a lot to say on the topic, but in the end...who cares? I don't see them as siblings, I probably never will, regardless of what canon does to 'em. None of my shippy art or writing will ever have them as siblings, and I assume the same of all that I reblog. I've been here on the cuorb/cueball train for years, other people have been here even longer than me. Definitely a whole lot longer than Sage's little throwaway 'brothers' comment in Frontiers, or Orbot's 'big bro' gag in Rise of the Wisps.
If those things make the ship feel icky to you when it hadn't before, and you don't wanna ship it now, that's fine. Sure, it sucks when a ship you love doesn't work out, but it's not your fault canon threw a curveball at you. Sometimes that ball hits you in the gut hard, makes you feel sick. You can hit it right back - choose to ship it anyway, via au or canon divergence or whatever else - but there's no shame if that ball hits you hard enough that you gotta sit out the rest of the game.
So, my final verdict?
Just do what you want. It's more fun that way.
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Cutebotpenamic: A gender connected to the pet name "cutebot"
✖ Tagging @penamic-archive-blog and @gender-mailman
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