#custom chop
rollerman1 · 1 year
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radracer · 7 months
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AMC Pacer Chop Top
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thedoze1223 · 4 months
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Side Shot Saturday! Another beautiful day in the desert with the 52.
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citrlet · 1 year
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saying goodbye to 2022 era valentine island~
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libartz · 11 months
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realreadysetrose · 2 months
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Lil Hal jacket progress!
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blackjackkent · 4 months
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Can I kiss you? I was hoping you'd say that...
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cochino-devin · 4 months
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Bad Ass 36 Chop Too Ford. Suede Palace. GNRS. Los CoChinos CC Pick.
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a-flickering-soul · 6 months
Favorite easy recipe?
i love this QUESTION!!! whenever idk what to eat i'll make this lentil soup and it is GREAT it has protein and veggies and it is so good and adaptable and good for meal prep!! i'll put a picture of it here and add the recipe below the cut.
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adapted from this recipe
Ingredients: 1 cup red lentils (I’m serious, JUST one cup, it’ll make 3-4 servings), 3 cups low-salt chicken stock or water, mirepoix (diced carrot, celery, onion), 2 hot Italian sausages, a handful of kale (washed, stripped from the stems, and torn into pieces), oil, salt, whole spices (I used cumin, mustard seeds, and black pepper) and 3 tbsp lemon juice
Saute the mirepoix in oil until onions turn translucent, then add the sausage (removed from its casing), break it up, and let it get a little browned. Add in the stock/water and lentils (I added in the kale here too since it’s tough and needs a while to cook) and bring to a boil, then turn it down to a simmer and let it go for 15-30 minutes depending on how quickly your lentils cook, stirring every now and then. Somewhere around here, check for salt and add as much as you want. Right after you take it off the heat, add in the lemon juice. During the last 5 minutes or so, take some oil, heat it up, and fry the whole spices to make tadka (infused oil + bloomed spices). Make sure you keep an eye on it and keep it moving so nothing burns (takes about a minute, should smell really good). Serve with some bread if you want and a drizzle of tadka on top!
Kale can be substituted with any leafy green vegetable (spinach and Swiss chard would probably be really good), the tadka can totally be omitted, and the sausage can be swapped for a nice ham hock, chorizo, etc, or omitted entirely to make it vegan :) also I added extra lemon juice bc I like sour things but u don’t need to. This is also good with some hot sauce and/or Greek yogurt on top too!
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morrisoxide · 2 years
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Mercury Custom 1939 “Purple Haze” 
For sale in Valkeakoski, Finland
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rollerman1 · 3 months
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jh0721 · 2 years
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1949 Ford Custom
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thedoze1223 · 4 months
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Front End Friday! Out for a night cruise through the neighborhood. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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devil-baker · 5 months
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No no no no NO NO NO NO
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 5 months
ppl tend to understate Buggy's intelligence in fanworks sometimes I find. Like he was able for 25 years to both hide his devil fruit from the world, his connection to the Roger pirates, he can make bombs and he did hide his devil fruit while in impel down effectively so he wasn't put in seastone cuffs or tortured in a way that would affect him at all. Dude can be smart, he just has 0 foresight and is emotional and single-minded to the point of short-sightedness. Even his initial plan with the chop chop fruit and the map was very smart for a boy his age, he just freaked out when shanks showed up and deliberately sabotaged himself, like that's his thing. He also got really close to killing Luffy in Loguetown, if not for the convenient lightning strike, Luffy could have died there. Buggy contains multitudes, he can both be insanely stupid and very smart.
...we must be using very different search terms to find buggy fic, anon.
but you're right, buggy is smart and stupid simultaneously! high INT/low WIS, i think is how the modern nerd would put it: he can come up with a good plan, but he does not think it through long enough to consider any bad outcomes, so they always take him by surprise. like, the muggy bomb is much easier to hide on his person than the og buggy bomb - it fits in the tip of his shoe! how convenient! but that also makes it easier for someone to just swat it back at buggy, to literally blow up in his face.
and buggy would have killed luffy in roguetown, for sure. the marines had no interest in intervening, and luffy's crew weren't gonna get to him fast enough. if it weren't for luffy's uncanny luck (or his dad literally conjuring up a storm, depending on what you think really happened in roguetown), that would've been a win for buggy.
...that said, i don't think the chop-chop fruit plan was a good one. i know the art style suggests buggy's an older teen, but per later canon buggy is at most twelve years old in that moment. and he's gonna sell a devil fruit, and with those funds get himself a ship and a crew of treasure-greedy pirates to follow his treasure map? at twelve? that boy is not gonna be a preteen pirate captain, he's gonna get his throat slit.
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thirddeadlysin · 6 months
so at work we can't access the Chrome web store anymore and have to go through the world's slowest and most annoying request process (I'm literally still waiting for permission to access a website a customer asked me to research on a project that ENDED IN LIKE OCTOBER) any time we want to install a browser extension and I can't afford to but I genuinely want to quit my job over it because it's just the latest lemon juice doused paper cut. like aside from the current mostly hormone-deficiency-driven temper tantrum I'm throwing about it, I'm not actually a child and neither are my colleagues. we're skilled professionals whose jobs are entirely internet-based and we work on a pace much faster than tediously lumbering corporate behemoth, and every additional roadblock they throw between us and actually being able to do our jobs effectively and efficiently makes me less likely to want to do any of it in the first place
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