#cus that place sucks BUT without it how could I even write let alone imagine what I wrote in my first tag so no
happyheidi · 9 months
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rurifangirl · 3 years
oc asks💅💅
If you had to choose a single object to act as a symbol for your oc, what would it be? Why?
How much has your oc traveled? Why is this? Would they like to travel more? Or are they perfectly fine with staying home?
How competitive is your oc? Is every little task something that they can win, or are they just in competitions for the fun of it? Is there anyone they’re most competitive with?
What is your oc’s immune system like? Are they invincible to illness, or are they compromised completely from the slightest of dirt?
Does your oc do anything “just for the aesthetic”? Or are they completely practical in everything?
How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
What topics does your oc know the most about? Are these obvious or would these be surprising to others?
How easy to annoy is your oc? Do they have common pet-peeves or are they stoic in response to everything? What is their reaction if the source doesn’t stop?
How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
What topics does your oc know the most about? Are these obvious or would these be surprising to others?
What is your oc’s vocabulary like? Does it match the way they talk? How would you describe their speech?
What time of day is your oc most awake? What about most tired? Do they get up at the same time every morning without need of an alarm, or is their sleep schedule all over the place?
Ty for asking em my fave Scp 🤍/j
Many things would work for his symbol tbh, Id say either a dog or a schyte?
There's many things he had great connections w, and for someone like him that cares bout litteraly anything and everything that is around him, It would be hard to settle down onto a specifical one.
Writing this, I feel like he'd choose a schyte, cus even though that's probably the least pratical thing he's good in, it's still a part of his character that Is sorta overlooked and probably gotta work on so-
She went into far more missions than Kayn ever did, and she did visit many places, other than sometimes resting in South Italy that Is.
She's mainly been used for abroad missions too, until the whole Japan thing started and she had to return back, and even if she stayed lil time there, she has a pin collection of every place, and occasionally shows it to close friends, and did It w Kayn after they got time to get along.
She also got the first pin, which her husband bought for her since she spent almost everything, and that does bring her some nostalgia bout It, in the good and in the bad.
Sometimes when she gets drunk, she'll start ramble bout every single embarassing moment she had there like it's nothin. And even when she'll wake up, Kida wouldn't do anythin to deny It.
Just, proudly stating that she did It.
They're mostly chill, kinda in everything, until it gets onto their interests.
They don't really care about being the best in a random task, like if that would change the world of something, but if that meant the safety/getting more gems, then oh boy, ya got the perfect contestant for ya.
But if they could be competitive w anyone, It would be with Naexi.
They just can't even pin point way, it just, is.
And also if you'd tell them that they had to kill someone for gettin a diamond, they'll do It. That's how far and competitive they'd get for It. So in that case, absolutely.
She suffers normally of a morning sickness, and has to take some medication to treat some sounds she had even before getting into the gang, but other than that, she's pretty healthy.
I mean, both compared to the rest of the cast and ignoring some eating problems she had to get through of, but currently, she's doing just fine.
But she does have an allergy for some flowers, so during spring she has kinda an hard time alone.
Like, yeah he does have many traditional outfits, but that's mainly because he's more tied up to his family traditions that, even if they hurt him in the past, he can't let go of.
But, those do look good and he likes wearing these kinds of outfits, so it's fifty fifty.
Though it's safe to say that, the outfit he wears normally isn't really practical, considering in which events he gets into, but for him It doesn't really matter.
Basically just the "be depressed but well dressed".
They do have an accent, and probably the most prominent one out of the cast.
Considering they've also been travelling through many different places, learning their coltures and sometimes having to learn their language, Qiran doesn't have a specifical accent, just, a mixture of almost anythin.
Though, if ya could hear them, you'd also get they're Southern, in a way or another.
They also tend to shorten words whenever they can, just to go straight up to the answer.
Absolutely almost any folk tail in human's history. They just have been so interested in that for even hundreds of years, she's just deeply sucked into them.
One thing they also really like to do Is revisiting them to their gang, and even clearing up some details in the meanwhile. Or even giving more fun facts, or how she personally interpretetated it.
She doesn't do It often to people, even to those they're close to, and mainly ramble about It to their dolls.
He's mainly the one to bully rather than the bullied, but it's safe to say that if ya could really annoy them, It would be poking their making, or weapons per say.
In the sense that, she's really proud of them, and having those being unrighfully judged onto their eyes is really, REALLY frustrating to see.
Plus, since they're thecnically the least powerful member of the gang, it's normal that they Hide that feeling pretty well, under some teasings to subdoly vent bout It.
So even teasing him about that makes them really annoyed, since you'd 'invade" the space they created for herself.
Honestly, I can't blame myself enough for this, but, just Imagine Rainbow Dash's voice on him.
Yes I'm serious.
Just that energy that voice has onto her, the cracks and just, everything. Naturally It would be toned down by a LOT, considering she hasnt got a voice as childish.
Im not good w describing voices and should work on that tbh, but i hope this voice claim counts 😭😭
Magic/Spell related topic, since that's what he's most interested. He's got many interests, that can go to many different topics, but he doesn't have as much interest as that.
He knows especially many counter attacks and even some potions to defend himself during a real fight.
In his time w Myst, she helped him learning even more facts and through that, setting free Eris, so that would be It.
It's a normal vocabulary? Like, a polite One for sure, since it's not used to the human world and didn't get enough habits to speak like a normal person would.
They just have that solemn touch to it, y'know?
It does match with how they speak though, even if sometimes they have an hard time understanding Myst's words, since he also likes to throw popular wordings n a little of dialect here and there.
Moon's trying its best.😭
She's most awake during the evening, or night that Is, since it doesn't have that much of a good concept of time and will go with anything that goes for her.
Though surprisingly, she's hardly tired, because she doesn't want to seem that weak even to itself, so even if she's gonna be a lil dizzy, she's almost always gonna be there.
Especially to kick some asses >:D
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@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @dopesaladlady @nadi-117 @damnfoxx @audre-falrose
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maskydoo · 5 years
Nightmare Neighbors 1
(I’m writing out scripts for upcoming storytime style youtube videos, and posting what I have here. Note that this is a true story. Feedback is welcome.)
For the first year after we left the Army and got booted into the real world to fend for ourselves, my boyfriend and I didn’t have the luxury of being too picky about where we lived. In a hurry, we rented what we thought was a decent condo, but it’s not like we knew what we were doing.
It was a learning experience. What I learned is that I will never live anywhere with shared walls or communal areas ever again, and I’m sure not renting.
One of several things that put me off was dealing with people. Ugh. People. People just – they just ruin everything. And with condo life, they’re inescapable.
My ideal home now is a mountain cabin, deep in woods somewhere, where I never have to hear anyone or see a human face if I don’t want to.
That’s heaven to me.
How bad do neighbors have to be that I’d literally rather replace them with wild bears?
Being stuck in a 12-month lease in Entitled Parents Village will do that to you. The neighborhood kids, the parents, everyone, they all just sucked to deal with.
I don’t even know why it attracted people like this in the first place. Rent was not cheap, we weren’t near a school, and there was nothing around that should say “child-friendly” to anyone. Only about half the condos had yard, and these “yards,” weren’t much bigger than a small bedroom. Just a tiny fenced area just big enough for a small dog to do their business, and not much else.
There was a somewhat large common greenspace between the condo rows, but it wasn’t fenced, and there was no playground and nothing to do.
No surprise the kids were unbearable, they often are.
And before anyone calls me a child-hater…
Yeah. Kinda.
Being a kid is awesome, being stuck around kids sucks. Just ask any kid. They might object, right up until they’re forced to deal with their own younger siblings.
It’s the parents’ own fault, I know. And I’m using the word “parent” very loosely here, since they never actually did any parenting - verb. They never supervised their kids or taught them to behave. They just shove their kids outside to be everyone else’s problem, because watching TV is more important than actually spending any time at all with the children they chose to force into the world. There is a world of difference between people who actually parent, and people who just breed.
This isn’t simply a matter of kids being kids, it’s parents not being parents.
Letting kids play outside in the common green space would have been one thing, but this was way out of hand. The kid  just ran around in feral packs with absolutely no one watching or controlling them in any way, wreaking havoc and tearing up all in their path. Fighting each other, playing chicken with cars, and destroying anything they could get their hands on, with absolutely no parents even so much as occasionally glancing away from Facebook to stop them, like they just expected kids to raise themselves.
I think I read this book before, it’s called Lord Of The Flies and it is not a how-to manual!
And how does anyone ignore all the racket these meat sirens make?! I’m not talking about normal kids playing noises here either – no, that would have been one thing – No, I mean the screamed at the top if their lungs for no reason all the time just because they could. I don’t even know how they did it – they’re kids – their lungs are only so big!
I can only assume their parents found teaching their kids to have some volume control was just too much effort to bother with, so they send them outside to scream. Because why should parents suffer alone? Misery loves company, right? If hey haven’t had a moment of peace since the condom broke, why should anyone else?
I never understood that saying “screaming blood murder.” It was just such an overused chiche it didn’t mean anything one more. But after this, I got it.
Not long after moving in, I heard blood-curdling screaming so loud and terrible that I rushed outside legitimately expecting to find a child being brutally skinned alive. Why else would a human make such a horrible sound? I don’t know what my plan was, like I was gunna fight some axe murderer or something, when I’m barely bigger than a kid myself.
But I rush out there and what do I find? Some brat, more than old enough to know better, just standing out there, alone, completely unharmed, just screaming his stupid head off, for no doggamn reason at all.
No one was even trying to murder him.
This brat seriously had the nerve to stare at me with a look like ‘what’s your problem?’
Oh, I’m sorry. Am I bothering you?!
Kids screaming all the time over nothing was a constant thing. I stopped checking to see if they were OK. No one else was bothering to check either, certainly not their PARENTS.
The plot of a horror movie could seriously unfold right outside everyone’s home, and no one would even glance out their window. They’d all just assume it’s brats being brats, as usual. That’s what happens when you cry wolf.
At least there would be quiet.
It didn’t stop at noise, either. I’ve tripped in holes they dug in the greenspace, chased off brats who were pulling apart my fence boards trying to harass my dog, and I even found them climbing on people’s cars.
That’s not a jungle gym!
Just tell their parents?
These parents don’t care. If they did, they’d recognize that their kids are bored and lonely and need to do something with their energy, so they’d take their kids to the park and -ya know – take an active role in their lives and give them some actual structure, and then this crap wouldn’t even happen in the first place.
But apart from that,
The parents are on my car too! Where do you think the brats get it from?!
I’m heading to work one day. And lucky me, it was one of the few days I actually got to park in my own spot that I pay for without one if these entitled parents taking it - again, and this is what I find:  
Some dude just causally resting his butt on my car while he chats up one of the moms.
Imagine feeling so entitled to just sit on other people’s things. Just rubbing your butt all over their property. I just. I can’t. Clearly these people weren’t properly raised by their own parents either.  
And like, what are you even doing here, dude? Are you trying to pretend that’s your ride? You’re really trying to impress her with this? My car is even older than I am. How shitty is your car if this is your flex?
Me: “Move.”
(Guy gives dirty looks, lady giggles.)
Oh, sorry dude. Am I bothering you?
Totally ruined what I assume is that dude’s pickup attempt.
Good. There’s enough neglected screaming kids here as it is, no need to add to the cacophony.
When the adults of the area were as bad as the kids. They’d have loud, trashy arguments arguments with each other, leave their trash all over, scream at their dogs rather than ever actually bring them inside when they bark.
Yelling at your dog only makes them bark more! How about actually taking him for a WALK once in a while – your tiny yard is not enough! Take your dog, take your kids, and go to the park and you’ll all be happier and healthier.
Speaking of dogs, there was this one neighbor who would leave their dog, just a little pitbull puppy, chained up outside in the common green. Yeah. In the common green. Even though they had a a yard they could have had the pup in. Admittedly it was tiny, but it’s not like being on the chain gave him any extra space. His line was just long enough for him to wander into my parking space, so I’d have to be careful to avoid running him over. The poor thing would be out there alone, with no water, all day every day no matter the weather. Yeah, they were as bad dog owners as they were parents.
But even that was an improvement on the other neighbor who had the older pitt. He lived in one of the condos without even the tiny yards others had. But he didn’t let that stop him from just opening the door and letting his dog run free when he wanted out. It wasn’t even like his dog was getting out on accident, dude was doing it on purpose. Yeah, really. Forget a leash, this guy couldn’t even be bothered to go outside with his dog. So this big loose, untrained, energetic pitt would tear around, tackling people, taking out everyone’s legs, bothering other dogs, and running off into traffic. Bad parenting here included furkids too.
Pitts are such good dogs! They deserve to be treated better than this! If you’re not going to take care of your dogs, if you’re not going to take care of your kids – DON’T HAVE ANY!
The most baffling thing I saw was the honking dude. It was like 10PM, and I couldn’t sleep because someone just kept honking their damn horn. It wasn’t a car alarm, either. This dude was just honking angrily and laying on the horn.
I assumed he was just someone here to pick up a neighbor, and too lazy and inconsiderate to just knock on a door. Or fing text like EVERYONE. After 10 minutes of this crap, I had enough.
When I got outside to tell him off,  I realized this guy isn’t even stopped in one place. He is slowly, very slowly, driving his car round and round on the road that encircles the condo area.
Amazing. I was expecting to deal with a douche-bag, but this is some extra next-level douchery.
I cut him off and yell
He stopped his car, and his honking, and stared at me like ‘what’s your problem?’
Oh, am I bothering you?!
“What are you honking for?”
“Cut it out or I’m calling the cops!”
He swears at me a bit, but peels out when I pull up my phone. Still had to honk some more on his way out. Douche. I wonder if this is what the random screaming kid evolves into when he collects enough douche exp.
The unit that shared walls with us used to house a couple in it who would keep us awake, and quite concerned, with their loud domestics. But even when they were evicted, that didn’t bring us quiet either. After the landlord spent weeks of his own hard work and who knows how much money repairing the walls that the last family put so many holes in, the next tenants’ kid immediately set to creating brand new ones.
It’s the kind of thing I think of when I remember that I have to struggle to find a place that even allows pets at all, and then pay a pet deposit for my perfect quiet dog who does nothing wrong in her whole life, but there’s literally nothing landlords can do about renting to people with kids.  Also puts me off any thoughts of being a landlord myself.
(tap tap tap tap bang! Rattle)
Me: “WTF is that?”
(tap tap tap tap bang! Rattle)
(tap tap tap tap bang! Rattle)
This kid  next door was running, full speed, to body slam our wall. Then, not learning any lessons from pain, doubling back to charge again.
Me: “Why…?”
I saw this kid outside with the others sometimes, not a parent in sight as usual. He looked like he was maybe 5, but acted more like he was 2. He didn’t seem to be able to speak, just did this gargle scream thing and that was it for communication. I think the poor guy may have had a disability of some kind, but his parents were literally never anywhere to be found to say so.
His assaults on the wall would go on for like half an hour at a time until the kid would wear himself out, or maybe hurt himself enough to finally stop. No adults ever stopped him, I know that. Either his parents were leaving him home alone, or they were home and just ignored him doing this, like they just don’t care if he gets hurt. Either way, they should have never been parents.  
Special needs isn’t just a cutesy euphemism, it means you need to do extra work to raise a kid, not less. His needs are special, he needs more.
More than once I’ve seen this wandering around outside completely naked, and looking lost. No parents trying to wrangle him, no parents looking for him, nothing. I guess they just didn’t care if he got hit by a car or picked up by a creeper.
A number of people called CPS, but I don’t know if anything ever came of it. I felt bad for the kid. He deserves competent parents who actually care about him. I hope he eventually got some, and got the help he needs.  
(tap tap tap tap bang! Rattle)
But sympathy didn’t make me hate living next door any less.
I couldn’t be happier when our year was up and my boyfriend and I bought our house. We made sure to pick a house with space between the neighbors, and avoided any place too near to playgrounds, schools, or daycares. Eventually we settled on place in a nice neighborhood on the north end of town and I thought our neighbor problems were over.
I thought wrong.
The neighbors I just spent this whole video complaining about definitely suck. Crappy-garbage-trash-heaps! But these aren’t THE nightmare neighbors of the title. Oh-no. I haven’t got to them yet.
This is just the prologue. The set up.
Buying a house in a nice neighborhood didn’t solve the problem like I expected. No. It’s about to get worse.
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chibi-koun · 7 years
That time Cu Chulainn was nearly kidnapped by pirates for being too pretty
I was thinking about the Ulster Cycle again and since I already shared my favorite part I thought it was time to talk about this. So the next time you think the prettiest Irish hero is Diarmuid or fair-haired Fionn, you can think, “Hey, were either of them nearly kidnapped by pirates for being too pretty?” No. Cu Chulainn is the prettiest man in Ireland. And don’t you forget it.
“So wait,” you’re probably saying, because I’m sure you’re absolutely fascinated. “Pirates? How did this happen? Where can I find a job that will support my family in this economy?” And let me tell you if I could answer that last one I would probably not be writing this post right now.
IT ALL BEGAN when Cu Chulainn was walking. Where was he walking? Hilarious. Which translation are you reading? The Ulster Cycle is just like American comic books. There’s ten million continuities so just pick the one you like the most and stick with that one. ANYWAY in some versions he was going home after training with Scathach, and in some versions he was with Ferdiad, but then Ferdiad wandered off somewhere to do something, but actually it doesn’t matter so imagine whatever you want.
So Cu Chulainn was walking, presumably by the seashore since there are pirates involved in this, when he sees a whole bunch of people standing around sobbing and thinks “That’s weird” so he goes to see what’s up and all the people run away screaming. “That’s really weird” Cu thinks.
BUT actually one sobbing person stays there. She is a princess because remember what I said about princesses just turning up when you’re Cu Chulainn? All those princesses in other castles are actually just going to visit him. Dude is drowning in princesses and this is one of them.
“So,” Cu says to her. “What the fuck?”
“I’m about to be kidnapped by pirates,” the princess says.
“Well that sucks,” Cu says, but actually he doesn’t care. “Anyway, why?”
“Let me explain,” the princess says. “Wait, no, is too much. Let me sum up. If I don’t let the pirates kidnap me they’ll kill everybody and so here I am and it kind of sucks.”
“Yeah, that sucks,” Cu agrees.
“Really,” the princess says, but Cu does not get the hint, because remember that Cu doesn’t really care. He’s probably too busy wondering where his best bro boyfriend adventure buddy Ferdiad went.
And then the pirates show up, in their ship, sailing right towards land because I guess there was a safe place to dock or maybe they were going to weigh anchor near the shore and send out boats I don’t know it’s never explained and it doesn’t matter because Cu notices the pirate captain laughing. “Why’s he laughing?” Cu asks the princess, assuming for some reason she would fucking know.
But apparently she does, or maybe she’s just annoyed Cu won’t help her and wants to mess with him, because she says, “He’s super pumped because now he’s going to kidnap me, but he also sees you standing here, looking super pretty, so he’s going to kidnap you, too”
“OH IS HE” Cu says because kidnapping innocent women is one thing, but doing the same to him is A CAUSE FOR RIGHTEOUS ANGER. Powered by justice and just being too pretty, Cu flies over the water probably headfirst into the pirate captain who can only go “OH SHIT” and not know what the fuck is happening, just like everyone else whenever Cu Chulainn does anything.
And so Cu kills all the pirates - I like to image by punching the boat in half because Cu has unresolved anger issues - goes back to shore, tells the princess “WELL. BYE” and runs off without another word or even telling her who he was, leaving her standing there all alone wondering how the hell she’s going to explain this.
In some versions Cu and Ferdiad meet up again and go to spend the night at a random castle that turns out to be this princess’s castle and they have a sick party. In my preferred continuity, this story becomes the setup for another favorite, Cu Chulainn vs. Birds.
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My First Kiss at the Public Execution - 6
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5 - PART 7 - PART 8 - PART 9 - PART 10 - PART 11
a/n: posting this earlier than like midnight cus im gon to see princess mononoke in the theaters tonight and im so fucking hyped i know if i dont do this now i’ll prolly forget for two days so enjoy!! tell me what you think!
@beautifulramblingbrains @frecklefaceb @feminamortem  @anditcametopass @dauntlessmetalmom @pathybo @mimigemrose @ag-delights @abfoster1s @sparklemichele @murmelinchen @jojuarez26 @purple-puddin @audreyfulquard [if you wanna be on the list hmu]
Warning: just a couple of frisky makout scenes, it’s setting up for next chapter with will be very fun to write
Eric X OFC // Divergent Trilogy
word count: 3,541
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i wake alone in a woman's room i hardly know i wake alone and pretend that i am finally home
"Really?" Mae asked eyeing the two relatively small boxes that sat on the bare mattress, "That's all?"
"Yeah I guess, it's mostly clothes and gear," I replied as I slung the black duffel bag over my shoulders then grabbing one case.
"You don't even have a TV?" she questioned, lifting the last box and heading out the door.
"I never really wanted one," I shrugged as I took one final look back at the small room I had resided in for the past few years since I'd left Amity for good. I didn't feel much of anything as I let the door shut behind me. Most of the time I spent there was sleeping or getting dressed, my strongest memory was when I first saw it.
Once I passed initiation and was an official member of Dauntless, I was assigned to this space. We had to spend at least a year here before applying for an apartment, but I never bothered to move out. Until now, that is. Passively accepting what is given to you is very much an Amity trait. It's more Dauntless to demand better, to take what you deserve.
We joked and laughed as we lugged my possessions across the compound. Being around Mae made me smile, I could relax in her company.
"It's been bugging me, so I have to ask," I began as we passed The Chasm, "Where did Jason get his wedding tattoo? I mean he doesn't have a left hand, let alone a ring finger."
Mae gave me a smug look before stating, "On his cock," as my eyebrows shot up.
"Seriously?" I asked in a hushed tone, looking at her wide-eyed.
"No! Of course not," Mae scoffed, throwing her head back with contagious laughter. I couldn't help but smile with her. I should've expected this, she had recently started teasing me for how gullible I could be at times.
"Phew," she finally said, still chuckling as she balanced the box on the railing, freeing a hand to wipe away a tear, "You will believe anything," she grinned at me, "but no, he just got it on his right hand."
"Drum roll please!" Mae buzzed as she punched the code into the keypad before swinging the door open, "Welcome to your brand new, though gently used, humble abode!"
I hummed and nodded as I looked around the small room, "I think I've got about four square feet of extra space over the old place," I joked looking back at her.
"And this sweet kitchenette," she added, pointing to the left side of the room with her thumb. There was a small half size fridge with a butcher block countertop above it, a two burner gas stove, and sink, "You don't have to rush to the mess hall for breakfast any more, talk about leisurely mornings. And check this out," she crossed the small space to a door, turning the knob, "This is why I moved out of the dorms, your own shower! No more of that communal co-ed washroom bullshit."
I poked my head past her looking in, "That's about all that's in there," I commented as I studied the closet with a toilet and shower. I stepped back as she closed the door and looked around the small room again and I liked it, I even had a window now.
"Thank you, Mae," I stated with a wide smile as I turned to face her.
"Don't worry," she replied waving her hands, but I could see she was pleased with my reaction, "Listen I got a spare TV, so I'll bring it over tonight after work and I'll show you all my favorite programs, ok?"
"Yeah that sounds awesome, I can't wait," I agreed as she walked to the exit.
"Alright, I'll see you then, just after dinner," she finalized before closing the door.
While toweling my hair, I stepped out of the shower humming, "Stamp and dance be nimble and merry," I mumbled to myself as I looked at my new room. I had spent all day arranging and rearranging the handful of furniture I had until it was perfect and I was exhausted.
"But watch the fire and try to be wary," I continued, as I closed my eyes, leaning forward, and wrapping my hair tight in the towel to dry. It was one of my favorite songs from Amity that was sung around the weekly bonfire, I could never forget it.
"For you must know I have no warm bed," I slid open the folding closet doors to reveal my dresser, I moved it in there to save floor space. Once it was tucked away I was able to arranged my bed and small futon back to back in the center of the room, the couch facing the door, and the bed set so I could see out the window as I laid down. I was very excited about the new bed, it was twice as wide as my last one so I had plenty of room to stretch out.
I dug through the dresser looking for underwear to pull on, "And when it's cold I need it instead," I sang as I pulled an oversized t-shirt above my head, letting it settle around my shoulders as there was a knock on the door. "One second," I called out as I quickly tugged up a pair of shorts.
I hurried over to the door at the second knock, "Sorry, I just got out of the-," I began as I looked up, expecting to see Mae with a monitor. Instead I was greeted by the tall, broad frame of Eric in my door way.
"Oh, hello," I stammered, thrown off balance by his sudden appearance, "Sorry, I was expecting someone else, a friend."
"I heard you were moving," Eric spoke, ignoring me as he pushed past into my apartment, "I brought you this," he handed me a bottle of liquor, "A house warming gift," he explained without making eye contact as he strode around my room inspecting the small space.
"Thanks, but I don't really like whiskey," I replied inspecting the bottle.
"That's fine, just save it for the next time I visit," he responded taking a seat on my mattress, "Not bad," he nodded before eyeing at me, "Need help breaking it in?"
I gave an exasperated sigh as I set the glass bottle on the coffee table and crossed over to him, "My friend Mae is going to be here any moment, you need to leave," I said as I grabbed and tugged at his arm, giving a futile attempt to dislodge him from his seat.
"But I don't want to," Eric shot as he jerked his arm back, leading me to stumble forward. He quickly wrapped his other arm around my waist, pulling me sideways onto his lap.
"Cut this out," I said as he gripped my waist, leaning forward to bite my throat. I pushed on his shoulders trying to back up, but he held me in place. I felt my resolve crack as he slowly ran his nose up along the column of my neck.
"Don't you want to spend time with me?" he questioned with a low voice into my ear. I whined as I wrapped an arm behind his neck, inching myself closer to him as his fingers danced around the hem of my shirt, acting as a catalyst to the fire under my belly. I brought my face forward, nipping at his top lip as he grinned, leaning backwards slightly.
"Hey Mott, I brought the TV," Mae called out, pushing the door open with her back. She paused in her tracks once she finally turned to fully face Eric and I, "Oh, uh, my bad," she stammered, averting her eyes to look at the wall.
"No," I started frantically, pushing myself away from Eric while his grip was slack, "Eric was just about to go," I looked at him quickly catching his furious glare, "He's leaving now."
Eric let a out a scoff as he stood up, pushing past me to the door, which he proceeded to slam behind himself.
"Sorry," I mumbled, avoiding Mae's eyes as I tugged on my fingers, "I was trying to tell him to leave, that I was expecting you, but he can be, uh, persuasive," I stammered as she set the screen onto the coffee table.
"Hey, you don't have to apologize to me," she joked in a light tone as she moved to hook the television up. I sighed and relaxed, letting my shoulders slump as I moved forward to help her.
"I do have to ask though," she started, looking up, "Does Eric know about Rachel?"
I gnawed on my lip, hesitant to answer, "No he doesn't, but it's not like it matters. I haven't heard from her in two and a half weeks," I explained, watching as Mae's face drooped with sympathy.
"I'm sorry," she added, resting a hand on my arm, "That really sucks. But hey, it's her loss," she added as she squeezed my shoulder. I tried to return her smile as we plugged in the last wires.
I blinked slowly in the morning sunlight, confused for a second at where I was. It took a moment for me to gain enough consciousness to gather my bearings but then I remembered, I was in my new apartment where I lived alone. I felt a long familiar pang in my chest at the reminder of my solitude and unconsciously let my thoughts drift back to the details of Layla.
I thought of how I'd idly wrap the spirals of her hair around my finger, laying with her in the grass when we were young and free from responsibility. Free to spend the day together doing as we pleased, even if that was nothing. I wished to look at her now, across the bed sheets from me, sharing my blankets. I could see in my mind how her curls would spill across the pillow, like the vines of ivy snaked across the decayed concrete overpass in Amity. I reached out slowly, running my fingers through the air where her cheek would be, imagining there was something to touch.
How different would my life in Dauntless have been if Layla had joined me? Part of me swore I could have helped her, kept her from being discovered, but she never even gave me that chance.
With a deep sighed I closed my eyes and rolled over, pushing myself up from under the bedding. I sat on the edge of the mattress, trying to prepare myself for the day ahead as I avoided looking over my shoulder to the empty bed that I occupied alone.
I spent most of my time perched on the floor, resorting all the scattered files. It turned out to be an extensive process, first having to return the loose leafs to their proper folder, then organizing said folders. I spent day in and day out flipping through pages and sorting through files on the floor of Eric's office.
I grew stiff spending the long hours curled up on the hard tiles. I swore that I'd go to the gym today, I even brought my gym pack with me so I could head there straight away. I heard my joints pop as I stood up and stretched. Checking the clock I noted it was dinner time. Most everyone would be in the mess hall so the gym will likely be empty as I preferred. That's what I hoped for, but unfortunately things didn't go according to plan.
I hadn't taken two steps in to the rec room when I found myself face to face with Eric. I groaned, annoyed that I could never seem to keep away from him.
"Surprising seeing you here," he smirked, about to exit the door I had just entered, "Don't want to get too flabby, people might start to question if you're actually a soldier," he chided as he walked pass. I stood there fuming for a minute before I turned on my heel and stormed into the men's locker room, following him.
"I'd be able to work out more if I didn't have to spend countless hours sorting out the mess you made!" I shouted, catching him by surprise as he pulled his shirt off.
"You mean the mess we made?" Eric challenged, quirking an eyebrow as he emphasized the word 'we'.
"No way, you were the one who knocked everything over," I returned pointing my finger at him as he rested his hands on his hips.
"Really?" he replied taking a step closer to me, "You really think you weren't complicit in the act? It was entirely your fault," he pressed as he looked down at me, I stood my ground, refusing to step away, "After all, you were the one who kissed me.
"It almost makes me wonder why you followed me in here," Eric continued as he studied me with his eyes.
"I came in here to call you an idiot," I spat at him as he moved in closer.
"Is that all you came in here for?" Eric asked, lowering his head toward my ear, "There was nothing else that you wanted from me?" he shifted his legs, pushing one foot between mine as his lips ghosted across the edge of my ear. I swallowed hard before answering, hoping to stifle the tremor in my voice that he caused.
"No?" I stammered, my tone unsure. Part of me wanted to run away but then he began to nip and kiss my jawbone and I couldn't help but rest my hands on his bare chest as he grabbed my middle. He pulled back, sitting down on the bench behind him as his fingers trailed along the sides of my legs, encouraging me forward. I bit my lip as I followed his lead, resting my knees on either side of him while avoiding his smug expression. I shivered at his touch as his fingers trailed up my spine underneath the cotton of my shirt.
"There's nothing you want from me?" he questioned again his lips dangerously close to mine as he pushed my hips down against his semi hard bulge. I closed my eyes, whining at the sensation of him under me before I choked out a response.
"I want you to say my name."
"Now why would I do that?" he smirked, teasing at the skin of my neck.
"Because I want you to," I stated, pushing back slightly to catch his gaze.
"Hmm," he hummed, narrowing his eyes as if considering my request, "No."
I acted on impulse and unabashedly slid one hand down his abdomen, snaking my fingers between our hips to cup his erection through his gym shorts, "I want you to say my name," I reiterated, pushing against him.
"No," he maintained as his trademark crooked smirk grew into a grin. It was obvious he was enjoying this game. I felt hypnotized by his hungry stare as I cautiously slid my palm upwards, letting my fingers dip under his waistband while leaning forward.
"Say my name," I whispered in his ear trying a new tactic, allowing my warm breath dance across his skin and cartilage. I could hear Eric let out a low growl as his hands drifted north from my thighs, gripping the soft flesh of my bottom. I stalled my hand, allowing my fingertips to just barely tease his lower wisps of hair, "I just want you to say my name."
Before Eric could reply the locker room door swung open with the laughter of three men echoing off the tiles. I snapped back to reality in an instant as the clouds that fogged my mind quickly dispersed. Without hesitation I climbed off of Eric's lap. Grabbing my bag, I bolted towards the exit, bustling past the group of intruders.
I couldn't believe that I'd fallen into his trap again. I cursed myself for being caught with him as I stopped in the hall just outside the doors, trying to catch my breath. I knew what kind of rumors this behavior would inspire. I turned my head to the side, hearing the nondescript sound of Eric yelling profanities at the others. I couldn't imagine that he was happy with this turn of events.
Once back at my place I clamped my fists over my eyes and dropped to the floor, slumped against the inside of my apartment door. I don't know why I continued to let this happen and I hated myself for it. I could swear that I despised him a hundred times over, but then once Eric put his hands on me I immediately turned into putty, eager to bend to his will. I cursed myself with an exasperated sigh.
Dropping my hands I looked up and my eyes came to rest upon the glass bottle of amber liquid on the coffee table. I had forgotten about it, leaving it out to eventually collect dust days ago. Shifting my legs, I knelt forward and wrapped my fingers around the neck of the bottle. Twisting open the cap there was a satisfying crack as the seal broke before I lifted it to my lips, taking a hefty drink. I was quick to pull away, coughing and sputtering at first in response to the bitter taste before I brought the bottle back for another gulp.
After another drink or two I managed to stand up and stumble three feet over to the couch. I grabbed the remote clicking on the television as I took another drink, still grimacing at the taste. The screen blinked to life pulling up the last channel I had been watching with Mae. She had a thing for cartoons and now there were five animated women singing, "Face it like a grown up, when you gunna own up that you got-," I cut them off changing the channel. I continued to press the button, absently scanning through the different programs without really processing what they were as I sipped absently at the bottle.
The next thing I know, I'm blinking at the morning sun as it shines in my face. I groaned as I rolled over, twisting my bed sheets tighter around my legs. Eventually I sat up, stretching as a I yawned. Moving to throw my legs over the edge of the bed I noticed the half empty bottle on the side table with a piece of paper taped to it. I tugged the note loose and immediately recognized the neat handwriting, everything in caps. The note simply read, 'I thought you didn't like whiskey' without a signature.
I kept my head down all day, too embarrassed to even look at Eric. I tried my hardest to just focus on my work, plowing forward like Sisyphus with this mound of paperwork. I could feel the note in my pocket every time I shifted, hyper aware of it's presence. All day I wanted to say something to him, but each time I tried to get my nerves up I hesitated. I'm not quite sure why, I knew for a fact that was his handwriting. But maybe it could've been someone else. Though who else would would've taken the time to tuck me into bed? At the end of the day I stood to leave, gathering my things before I headed out.
"Mott," Eric barked, causing me to jump before stopping in my steps. He stood and rounded the corner of his desk so he stood in front of me, "Go have a quick dinner and wash up, I expect to meet you in The Pit at six o'clock sharp. We're going out." I was confused for a second not sure if he was giving me orders or asking me on a date.
"Yes, sir," I nodded as I dipped my hand into my pocket to grab the note, "Did you leave this?" I asked, holding it out to him.
"Of course, and you're lucky I came to check up on you," he smirked as he took the small piece of paper, "I found you face first in the rug with Bob Ross playing." I had a quick flash of a hazy memory, watching a show about painting trees and adoring every second.
"Well, thanks," I replied avoiding his eye contact. He moved his arm, resting his fingers under my chin, guiding me to face him as he leaned in to place a chaste kiss on my lips.
"Wear something nice," he added, moving his mouth close to my ear before stepping away and returning to his seat.
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5 - PART 7 - PART 8 - PART 9 - PART 10 - PART 11
the lyrics at the beginning are from The Recluse by Cursive
i hope you enjoyed it please tell me what you think
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