#cursed buildings
charlesreeza · 1 year
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Teatro Comunale di Siracusa - The carved stone eagle that caught my eye as I walked past is the symbol of the city. This is only one corner of the building at the intersection of Via del Teatro and Via Roma on the island of Ortigia. The less interesting main entrance is to the left of this photo. 
Construction of the Palace of the Municipal Theater of Syracuse began in 1872, but complications and legal disputes delayed its inauguration for 25 years. It opened in 1897 and served as the community opera house and theater until 1962. It did not reopen until December of 2016 after a thorough restoration. I was not able to see the beautiful interior.
According to local legends, the theater is a "cursed" structure, evidenced by the difficulties in its construction and opening from the beginning. The explanation of the curse is that it was built on the expropriated site of the Catholic Church and Convent of the Annunziata using stones recovered from the demolition of those buildings. Recent evidence of the curse was provided on December 15, 2018, when lightning struck the theater causing the short circuit of the entire electrical system a few days before a new show was scheduled to open.
Photos by Charles Reeza
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kavebot · 3 months
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i cant with this fucking cat, chat
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cireks · 3 months
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As if "swallowed by the earth" is a way to describe someone who's gone missing without a trace, particularly in the woods, but in Ditovo it may be more than just a saying. At least if you believe the many legends and folktales about giant plumsaina, or as they're more commonly known "earth belly". The plant does exist but usually it is only big enough to catch small vertebrates, which it does when prey step onto its camouflaged trap door and fall into the pit of the plant filled with digestive liquid and downward pointing spikes preventing escape. The roots of the plant are for storing nutrients and other substances, as well as firmly anchoring the plant in the ground when prey is thrashing about inside it. In order to reproduce the earth belly sprouts a red flower above the surface, a red flag that may perhaps save the life of one who recognizes it.
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theonewhowails · 4 months
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cult trait: good die young
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aceofstars121 · 4 days
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I made the guys in the style of the cursed etho skizz built
Cursed skizz (my first attempt)
Etho but if I built him the same way I built the other guys if that makes sense
Me for fun (:
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artsyvamp · 1 year
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cool biker guy // frog enjoyer
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Thetis with the arms of Achilles
I saw several mosaics depicting this motive and decided to try my hand at it as well.
Also, I just find Thetis to be quite interesting as a character. There’s gotta be something fundamentally Tragic about raising a child, knowing that he will most likely die very young.
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psalidodont · 7 months
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The Hellbender, or Corridor salamander is a kind of reptile that enjoy lurking on crypts and very dark, damp, and ancient dungeons. They're very fond of sitting on corridors (hence their other common name) and use their long, almost endless tails as sensory organs to detect unfortunate explorers that were looking for some sort of treasure. The first thing they see once they step on their tails, alongside hearing a screech is a big gaping jaw full of knife like teeth coming at them in a serpentine like motion.
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sunnyhar · 8 months
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Top 2 silliest creatures in mc
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herebecritters · 6 days
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Updated the trio references! Plus bonus god powers~
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pinkrose05 · 2 months
Sungenti & Robinhill would go on the most terse double dates in history. That's it that's the post.
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artist-rat · 1 year
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my old and new tes character Saima <3 she’s a combination of a couple of my prev. ocs!
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unpretty · 1 month
only the cursed ones you get from killing haunted skulls!! honestly if you kill a flying skull and it drops an item called Cursed Mannequin and you put it in your house anyway you get what's coming to you. however i thought they just moved around in the night. i was not aware of the attempted identity theft.
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jellazticious · 7 months
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New oc reveal and these guys are in shared custody with @beefy-the-stronk
All you need to know so far is that the human on the left got cursed by the fairy on the right so the logical course of action is to become roommates with him
They are also being chased by guards/cops all the time
Character set and story will be tagged under "Cursed to Charm" from this point onward
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leclerrari · 10 months
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Charles Leclerc via instagram on August 21, 2023
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
My second pasture down near the torrent is too overgrown to be used as a pasture, and I've been cutting some trees in order to rehabilitate at least half of it, so I can use the grass to make my winter's supply of hay at some point in the future. Some of the logs I cut were really heavy and I could only carry them two at a time at most (and it's uphill) so I finally decided to ask Pirlouit to contribute.
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I say “finally” because my donkey is afraid of everything so it was a very long journey to get to this point! When I got him he was almost a feral donkey and at first I could barely approach him, he’d just run away and hide. After a few months of hanging out in his pasture, looking harmless and not bothering him, I was allowed to stroke his nose but only if I was simultaneously offering him treats (progress! he used to stretch out his neck and lips as much as he could to catch my treats while maintaining a prudent distance.) After maybe a year he started consistently walking up to say hi of his own free will when I went into the pasture, but if I had a rope or a halter with me he’d run and hide. It took nearly three years for him to come to me willingly even when he could see I meant to catch him. I kept our outings pleasant, like taking him to a nice spot in the woods to eat brambles while I sat nearby and read and didn’t ask anything of him (beyond basic landscaping services.)
But I have a lot of heavy logs to carry up a steep slope all the way to my woodshed, and the time has finally come for Pirlouit to get a job.
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Pirlouit: "Oh no"
There were a lot of preliminary steps here as well, like showing him the bag I meant to use to carry the logs and waiting patiently for Pirlouit and the bag to get acquainted. (Initial reaction: “AAAAAaaaahhhhh a big red bag” evolving into mere distrust then extremely wary nose-poking, then, when bag failed to attack, serene indifference.)
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Pirlouit: "I've always loved this bag. Don't know what you're talking about"
I don’t have a girth to keep the bag in place on Pirlouit’s back but with a balanced weight of logs on each side it was quite stable. Pirou grudgingly tolerated having the bag on his back while standing still, but started freaking out when asked to walk with it. Maybe he felt that the logs were heavy cylindrical children who had been entrusted to him and he feared that they would fall down—he refused to walk if I didn’t keep my hand on the bag to stabilise it. The problem is, he also refuses to walk (in general) if I’m walking next to him rather than ahead of him. And I can’t hold on to the bag if I’m not next to him.
(“He refuses to walk if I do [X] but he also refuses to walk if I do [opposite of X]” is a very donkey-owner problem to have.)
So, I walked ahead of him but at first we literally moved one small step at a time. Eventually when he realised the bag was solidly weighed down and didn’t wobble from side to side or slide off his back, he started walking more trustingly. (We went up the hill in a wide zigzag rather than straight ahead so the bag wouldn’t slide backwards.) At times he seemed to forget about the bag, then suddenly remembered its existence and stopped dead and became anxious again. It was a slow progress across the pasture, but then we crossed the road and reached Pirlouit’s own pasture, and he relaxed a bit.
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The llama children were intensely curious as always and I think Pirlouit felt quite flattered. He didn’t stop walking and didn’t freak out once as we walked up to the house; the llamas followed us admiringly and Pirlouit walked confidently as if to say “Look what I can do.”
Since this experiment proved successful I will try to find some sort of girth to attach the bag (would love to have a proper pack saddle but they’re expensive...!) We made a couple more trips the next day—I was wondering how Pirlouit would greet me, because when he doesn’t like something we’ve done he straight-up sulks for a few days and refuses to let me come near. He did that a lot when I was starting to get him used to the halter. But the day after his first log-carrying mission he came to greet me as usual and let me halter him without a fuss, so he didn’t mind being hired to do this.
A round of applause for Sir Pirlouit, a donkey with a job!
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