#current desktop wallpaper for the last few months
csphire · 9 months
Stay strong, darling.
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My all-time favorite image of him. It's been on my desktop for months now and I spend an embarrassing amount of time staring at it while going through some pretty hard things right now. May he lend you some strength too. <3
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oishinythings · 1 year
Where I am - and where I’d like to be!
So over the last few months I've been dealing with: 
My health issues. International post stopping. Family health emergencies. Massive renovations to my building.
It's been a lot. Thankfully, the post is running again, the renovations are progressing, we'll see with the rest.
But it has meant things have been incredibly difficult in terms of work. Which snowballs - don't sell for a while, the algorithm vanishes you, etc. Things have reached "pretty dire", and I’m hoping I can dig my way out of that. 
I've been focusing on photography - it’s easier to manage with some of my current problems - no physical items and no shipping. How much that will change in future, not sure, but it’s where I am now.
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[ID: Collage of a small green stone turtle having adventures in nature - examining leaves and seaweed, walking on a fallen log, standing on ice.]
I have over 50 single wallpapers up for grabs ($2 each) or get a bundle of 27 for $30. Available here. (All photos above are from Bundle A.)
Each file is a 8000 x 6000 pixel jpg, ready to bring tiny adventures to your desktop or lockscreen. The bundles are zip files for easy downloading.
I know this is a big ask. I feel like I jinxed myself last time putting numbers out there. But. The Turtle of Calm is out there making people happy, and if I can just get him out in front of enough people, then just maybe he can get me back on my feet too.
So go on, tiny turtle. Go far and wide, and meet new friends. 
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5ft2sunflower · 2 years
Interesting Article
This Is Life in the Metaverse By Kashmir Hill
Every hour of the day and night with the gamers, parents, insomniacs, preteens and aspiring comedians who are the earliest adopters of the immersive, three-dimensional internet that Mark Zuckerberg has bet the future of his company on.
Kashmir Hill is a privacy reporter who sometimes immerses herself in a new technology to explain its implications. She has lived on Bitcoin, in a “smart home” and now in the metaverse.
Oct. 7, 2022
My two young daughters are both crying as I tell my husband that he’s on his own because I’m going to the metaverse. Shutting myself in my home office at 7 p.m. on a Friday, I put on Meta’s $399 virtual-reality headset: the Quest 2, a bulky, white visor loaded with all manner of cameras, microphones, speakers, eye displays and sensors.
When I power it up, the cries of “I want Mama to do bedtime” fade away, replaced by the sounds of a gentle breeze and birds chirping. I am transported to a mountainside villa. I turn my head to gaze at a distant river and a golden sky dotted with hot-air balloons. This breathtaking spot (which I can change, like desktop wallpaper) is a glorified lobby, where I choose an app to load.
I could meditate, cardio box or kill zombies, but I am here for Horizon Worlds, Meta’s V.R.-based social network, where at least 300,000 people hang out as cartoon versions of themselves, building virtual mansions, nightclubs, gardens and theaters — known as worlds.
I choose a world with a four-story comedy club under a starry sky. When I enter, a man in a gray hoodie comes up to me. “Hello,” I say. He stares at me in reply, so I float away.
Another avatar approaches me. He has a beard and a man bun, and wears a collared shirt unbuttoned to reveal a generous portion of his digital chest. “Kash Hill,” he says, reading the white card hanging above my head. “Can you speak French?”
“I do not speak French,” I say. He shrugs and floats away.
A baseball-capped avatar takes the stage and picks up the mic. “Want to hear a story about my school?” he asks in a youthful voice that suggests a tale of sixth-grade woes. “I do not want to hear this,” says someone who sounds as though he’s standing to my left, though I’m alone in my office.
Horizon is “Meta’s universe in the metaverse,” said Vishal Shah, the executive in charge of “the spatial co-present version of the internet” that the company formerly known as Facebook has staked its future on. Meta has an impressive track record, fundamentally changing the way its nearly three billion users socialize, share information and waste time.
Meta is estimated to have sold nearly 15 million metaverse-enabled headsets, and yet people remain skeptical of an immersive internet. Since Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive, announced last year that he planned to spend billions of dollars bringing the metaverse to the masses, the company’s stock price has plummeted.
There is no shortage of skeptics mocking Meta’s plans, but how many of them have actually experienced the metaverse? I decided to try it out, defining, for my purposes, the metaverse as Horizon, Meta’s virtual platform for events, business meetings and user-constructed spaces.
My goal was to visit at every hour of the day and night, all 24 of them at least once, to learn the ebbs and flows of Horizon and to meet the metaverse’s earliest adopters. I gave up television, books and a lot of sleep over the past few months to spend dozens of hours as an animated, floating, legless version of myself.
I wanted to understand who was currently there and why, and whether the rest of us would ever want to join them.
My Tribe: Parents With Young Kids
One Saturday morning, my dog woke me up at a painfully early hour, whimpering to go outside. The rest of the family was sound asleep, so I pulled my headset on with hands that were out-of-control itchy thanks to a poisonous plant I had touched while weeding in the real-verse.
I traveled to the Plaza, the social network’s brightly colored, central gathering place, where one can shoot hoops on a basketball court, climb treehouses, throw paper airplanes and play a floor piano’s rainbow keys — somewhat odd options for an app supposedly reserved for those 18 and older.
Perhaps because I am not a gamer, the first thing that always struck me as I traveled from world to world in Horizon was the sound of other people: a child complaining about being made to eat, say, or someone coughing, which made me flinch even though the real-world germs were very far away.
I moved around using a joystick on my hand controller. The first time I did this, I got motion sick and nearly fell over. I quickly realized that the metaverse was, with the exception of its games and exercise apps, best experienced sitting down.
I chatted with some Brits who had only just been able to join Horizon. Meta released the social network in the United States and Canada last December and is slowly rolling it out to the rest of the world, much as Facebook did with college campuses in its early days. I met Shy Boogie, a gregarious single mom from Southern California, who was part of a big tribe in Horizon: parents who had once enjoyed going out but were now stuck at home with young kids.
Shy Boogie got her headset in January and now visits Horizon regularly, where, she says, she’s met “cool people.” The only problem, she added, is the number of children who show up disrupting her time with other adults. As we spoke, avatars with childish voices kept interrupting us. “I’m using my mom’s headset,” one volunteered.
Shy Boogie kept making other users uncomfortable by asking for too many details about their real-world lives.
“Where you from?” she said to a mustachioed 17-year-old in a suit.
“Oregon,” he said, after a pause.
“Yeah, but what town?” she pressed.
Meta forces Horizon users to design avatars that look like real people — no giant bananas or huge robots — and many people choose to look as they do in real life, but pseudonymity is still part of the appeal.
I, however, did use my real name and told people that I was a New York Times reporter who was recording my experience with a tool built into my headset. This P.O.V. camera was a little creepy, because it didn’t notify others when it was turned on. When I revealed I was recording, people would sometimes shout, “She’s a fed!” and run away.
When Shy Boogie floated off for a private tête-à-tête with a male avatar who’d been flirting with her, I realized that my itchiness had disappeared. I knew that virtual reality therapy had been used to treat serious conditions, like trauma and chronic pain. In my case, the metaverse was far more effective than hydrocortisone cream.
Night Owls
Sam Ferrer, 25, an illustrator based in the New York metropolitan area, wears golden, owl-like spectacles just like her avatar, Lil Nihilist. She told me that the metaverse had helped her through a difficult time in her life.
“If I never picked up a V.R. headset when I did, I might be dead now,” she said one night in the Plaza.
Ms. Ferrer graduated from college at the beginning of the pandemic and moved across the country to where she had no friends. In December 2020, isolated and lonely, she walked into an Amazon 4-Star store and spontaneously bought a Quest 2. She started social networking in virtual reality almost every night, first on the apps AltSpace and vTime before moving to Horizon.
“I like from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.,” she said, of when the metaverse is at its peak. She lies under a weighted blanket in her bed, with a snack and a drink, spending hours chatting with friends in Horizon. She plugs her headset into a wall outlet so that the battery doesn’t run out, ending the session when she is too tired to continue.
This pattern is extremely common among the metaverse’s early adopters, who don’t want to be limited to the two hours allowed by the headset’s built-in battery. The World Health Organization says electromagnetic fields emitted by electronic devices such as smartphones do not pose a health risk. A Meta representative said the headset was safe to use while plugged in.
Though I am not a night owl, and had to significantly alter my sleep schedule to go to the metaverse in the wee hours, that is when I had the most interesting conversations, with artists and technologists from across a wide sweep of time zones. Many of them were there for long hours at a time. A beret-wearing avatar named I Love My Cat expressed concern about how long people wore their headsets. She was a “community guide,” one of the many moderators hired by Meta to hang out in the Plaza, answer questions and enforce the company’s code of conduct. She took a break every hour or so during her eight-hour shift.
“I was talking to someone once who had been on for more than 12 hours,” she told me. “I don’t know how they do it.”
It’s easy to lose track of time in Horizon. Like a casino, there are no clocks on the walls. Ms. Ferrer said it was what she did now instead of watching TV or scrolling TikTok.
Horizon’s cartoonish graphics have been widely mocked, but Ms. Ferrer likes the visual simplicity. Allowing users to shed the distractions of the physical world, Horizon offers a meeting of the minds, Ms. Ferrer said, and conversations get deep quickly.
“It’s extremely refreshing to be talked to and to be seen for who I am versus how I look,” she said. “I’m mentally cautious about not making my whole life about it. I still go out to bars or whatever and meet people, but I always have this to come back to.”
Horizon Worlds reminded me of the AOL chat rooms from my earliest days on the internet, in the 1990s — except here I was making eye contact with the people I’d met, seeing their movements and hearing their voices.
When my Quest 2 first arrived, I did something I’d never done before: I read a product safety manual in its entirety, or at least from the front to the spot where it moved into French — 40 pages of caution about the pound of machinery I was about to put on my head for many, many hours.
It warned me about possible side effects, including nausea, seizures and blurred vision. It said not to use the headset while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or while very tired, and it instructed me to set up a “safe play space,” away from walls, furniture, televisions, ceiling fans, stairs and windows, because once a user puts the headset on, it can be easy to forget real-world hazards.
It also said children under the age of 13 shouldn’t use the headset, while those over 13 shouldn’t use it for “prolonged periods,” because it could interfere with “visual development” and hand-eye coordination.
Wearing the headset, I thought I looked like a failed version of the future, but my 5-year-old was captivated. She begged to try my goggles. Eventually, I relented and let her play Bogo, a game in which she cared for a cute baby alien. After a few minutes, I tried to remove the headset, but she liked it so much that she ran away from me — and straight into a wall. (She was fine.)
Despite Meta’s warnings, every time I went into the metaverse, I inevitably ran into children. During one of my first visits to the Plaza, on a Monday afternoon in July, a guy in a gray blazer named Dustin excitedly told me that he had joined Horizon the day before and had spent eight straight hours there. He invited me to play a zombie-shooting game in a shopping mall. When tiny versions of the blocky, green zombies appeared, I exclaimed, “They’re little kids!”
“So am I,” he said, before adding, “Well, not that little.”
Dustin told me that he was 11, squarely in the camp of people whose brains were more threatened by the device than by the undead. As other journalists have discovered, there are tons of young people running around Horizon. On the upside for Meta, this means the company finally has a product that appeals to the generation that has largely rejected Instagram and Facebook. Though Horizon is an 18-and-over app, community guides told me that they kicked out only users younger than 13, and only if users explicitly revealed their age.
My headset notified me that its battery was low, and so I bade Dustin and the other players farewell. “Why don’t you plug and play?” one asked. I cringed at hearing a cutesy expression for a behavior that struck me as unhealthy. I resolved never to plug in my headset while it was attached to my head.
“Too ‘Matrix’ for me,” I joked, and then wondered if the young Dustin would understand the reference to a 1999 science-fiction movie about pale humans encased in goo and plugged into a simulated reality machine.
At 4:30 a.m. on a Sunday, during my 20th hour in the metaverse, I got a shock to the system. When I arrived in the Plaza, I saw a group of male avatars playing on the big rainbow piano. A guy in a green flannel shirt cautioned me.
“Don’t go over there,” he said. “They weird, bro. Just trust me.”
So I kept my distance, floating over instead to three people silently shooting hoops.
But then the four men came over and got in my face.
“Damn, what’s up, Kash?” said one with spiked hair and a popped collar. A hairy guy in glasses started slapping me five over and over again, making loud clapping noises. One threw paper airplanes at me. They all started jumping and talking at the same time. Two humped each other. It was not exactly threatening, but it was certainly unpleasant.
The metaverse is a new frontier for trolling. One popular YouTuber named Ethan Klein streamed a session last month when he tried to be as sexually explicit as possible while surrounded by kids in the Plaza. (He got kicked out and barred for two hours.)
Meta’s chief technology officer, Andrew Bosworth, has said the company wants “almost Disney levels of safety.” Horizon has user tools designed to deter virtual assaults and threatening behavior, including a personal boundary that keeps other avatars from getting too close; a “safe mode” that allows a user to escape into a solitary confinement cell; a mute function that can silence another avatar; and a polling function that can gauge whether a group feels a disruptive user should be kicked out.
Meta also asks Horizon users to consent to having their audio recorded. (If they refuse, they can’t talk in Horizon.) Audio is stored on a user’s headset, according to the company, and sent to Meta only if someone files a report, about harassment, for example. Users can be barred for a few hours or even for a month, based on those captured conversations.
Rather than heading into safe mode or filing a report about the guys who surrounded me, I laughed off their behavior and told them that I was a reporter, recording them (and not just their audio). This had a civilizing effect.
Wide-awake after the encounter in the Plaza, I went to the Soapstone Comedy Club, where a woman was stumble-floating around and slurring her words. A guy in a suit and a red, MAGA-style baseball cap was onstage asking if anyone wanted to hear racial or ethnic jokes. The crowd groaned, and his avatar went into sleep mode, potentially booted by a club moderator for violating the house rules against derogatory jokes.
The Soapstone Comedy Club was created by Aaron Sorrels, who goes by the handle Unemployed Alcoholic. After quitting a marketing job to deal with his alcoholism, Mr. Sorrels became a comedian. When the pandemic hit, and he could no longer perform stand-up in his home state of Michigan, he was adrift until hearing that Mr. Zuckerberg was spending billions on the metaverse.
“This is going to be something, and now is the time to get involved,” Mr. Sorrels recalled thinking. He bought three Quest headsets with plans to beam in comedians, but he found more success building a world for amateurs to take the stage.
His club now gets up to 13,000 visitors weekly. He accepts donations from supporters, who get access to a private lounge, and he is among a small group of creators who Meta allows to monetize their worlds. Mr. Zuckerberg recently name-checked the Soapstone during an appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast, which has millionsmore listeners than Horizon’s last confirmed tally of hundreds of thousands of users. Mr. Sorrels said running “a cartoon comedy club in a pretend land” was now his full-time job.
I started chatting with a man sitting next to me in the club named Malefic, who had a goatee and earrings, though his real-world self, Joe Cronin, had neither. Six hours earlier, Mr. Cronin, 30, a married programmer based in Pennsylvania with two small children, had been playing video games online with friends. When they went to sleep, he came to Horizon, his headset plugged into the wall, to decompress and socialize after an adrenaline-filled session. Horizon is where gamers go to chill out, like skiers at an après-ski bar.
“When you hear the birds chirping, you know you’re in trouble,” said Mr. Cronin, who liked the ability to “go out” via his Quest 2. “You don’t even have to get up and get dressed and get yourself all primped up. You just put on your headset. I’m legit in pajamas right now.”
As Mr. Cronin and I chatted, people started gathering around us, to enthuse about the metaverse. It’s so fun to party in here, said a guy in a beanie. But, he added, it’s “hard to smoke a bowl with this headset on.”
Despite Meta’s warnings against using the headset under the influence, every night many people are drinking, dancing and otherwise having a good time as music blasts in worlds like Party House and Ace of Clubs.
But the parties can’t get too wild. Each of the more than 10,000 worlds that users have created in Horizon can accommodate only a couple dozen people at a time. That’s because of the computational power required to project a virtual shared space across multiple headsets. If a world fills up, you’ll end up in a copy of it, like an overflow room. 
I got the low-battery notification from my headset, so I encouraged Mr. Cronin to perform, sensing he wanted to. He took the stage and told an extended joke about how having children changes you, because of the way they lock eyes with you while they poop. It doesn’t sound funny relating it here, but it cracked up the people assembled in a virtual room at 6:11 a.m. on a Sunday. I guess you had to be there.
People on Vacation From Reality
Finding the time to go into the metaverse outside work hours was challenging. At one point, I wore my headset while exercising on a stationary bike. I managed it for 40 minutes, though my eye display fogged up, and I was breathing more heavily than I generally preferred to do when meeting new people. What I was not willing to do was to clock hours sleeping in the headset.
“Oh, that’s me. I sleep in my headset,” said Sam, a redhead in a blazer, one night in the Soapstone. “Imagine waking up in the most amazing place in the universe.”
I thought she was kidding, but she insisted that she was serious. “What does your bedroom look like? Is it where you want to live the rest of your life?” she asked.
I told her I liked my bedroom. She persisted: “That’s where you want to die?”
I said that I didn’t want to die anytime soon but that I did like my bedroom.
“That’s depressing,” she said. “You should aspire to better things.”
This reminded me of Neal Stephenson’s 1992 science-fiction novel, “Snow Crash,” in which the term “metaverse” was introduced to describe a digital space where people could escape their dismal realities. The book’s protagonist, Hiro, is a laid-off pizza deliveryman who, with his roommate, lives in a storage unit. But he’s a warrior in the computer-generated world he visits wearing his goggles.
“The metaverse has been unfolding over decades,” said Matthew Ball, a tech entrepreneur who recently wrote a book about how the metaverse would “revolutionize everything.” It is not, he added, “something that’s going to radically alter our lives this decade.”
I met Mr. Ball in his mountainside villa, identical to mine, with the same view of the hot-air balloons. He is not a big user of the headset, appearing in Horizon Workrooms mainly for public-speaking events. For now, he prefers the online interactive worlds of Fortnite and Roblox — games he plays on his Xbox or PlayStation.
Mr. Ball talked about the technological constraints in keeping the Quest 2 small and relatively comfortable. A less cartoony metaverse is possible, he said, but, as it stands, will require wearing an Xbox-size device on our heads, or one that is much more expensive. He said a high-powered V.R. headset called the Varjo Aero had more impressive graphics, and the Apple headsetthat Bloomberg has reported to be in the works most likely will, too. But the Varjo Aero costs $1,990.
Early adoption of technology is often determined by who can afford it. In my many hours in the metaverse, I met people of different ages and professions, and from all over the world. It’s impossible to know if an avatar reflects a person’s real-verse appearance, but Horizon, on its surface, appears to be a racially diverse virtual world. Regardless of whether or not entering the metaverse is a wise way to spend one’s time, Meta’s headset is relatively affordable, available to anyone with $400 for a vacation from reality.
One Thursday night, I fell asleep putting my kids to bed and woke up past midnight full of energy. I decided to hop into the metaverse, but I hadn’t charged the headset, which meant I had to break my self-imposed rule. Yes, I plugged and played.
My internet connection was slow, so I moved to my husband’s office, closer to the Wi-Fi router. He had a couple of weights strewn about for workout breaks. The only accessible outlet was on the floor. Also, the room was very cold. So, I huddled under a blanket, on the floor, with a computer on my head, tethered to a wall, hoping not to bang my hand on a dumbbell.
It was a low point in the real world, but, in the metaverse, I was Iron Man, zooming around a popular world called the Superhero Sandbox, where users don the costumes of Marvel superheroes and assume their powers. As I flew to the top of the “Avengers” tower, I wondered how it was that Disney had not yet blasted this world out of existence with a copyright-infringement cannon. Then, as I threw Captain America’s shield, I whacked my hand so hard against a coffee table that I cried out in pain.
I had hurt myself before. Blindly swinging my controllers these past months, I hit a TV, a bed, a desk and my 2-year-old’s head (no lasting damage). So, I was surprised when I checked the federal government’s consumer injury database and found only one report of a serious incident involving the Quest 2 — a 34-year-old woman had cut her mouth on a console table while ducking virtual danger. Most of the other reports were of people, from 6 years old to 66, who had developed rashes on their faces.
Malefic suddenly appeared in a “Black Panther” mask, the first time in the more than 24 hours that I had spent in Horizon that I encountered a user whom I’d met previously. Around 3 a.m., a foul-mouthed 11-year-old began attacking everyone with Thor’s hammer. Someone polled the room, and the kid was removed.
“Let the adults play with the superhero toys,” said Malefic, who then recommended hopping to a new world, Black Magic Comedy Club. (Comedy is popular in the metaverse.)
A sign at the club’s entrance warned: “Not for easily offended” and “No racism.” A guy, MoistPB, smoking a digital blunt, immediately cornered me to talk explicitly about the kind of woman he liked. I hurried away.
Inside the club, I met Elite, a volunteer bouncer with a Fu Manchu and white hair in a bun. “I chose the avatar because I like kung fu flicks,” said Elite, a New York City-based engineer who is of Portuguese and African descent. “I look absolutely nothing like this.”
Elite, who for privacy reasons asked that his full name not be used, has established himself as a “world breaker.” He looks for bugs and glitches, sometimes as an official, paid tester. He is among a group of entrepreneurs investing their time in the metaverse, hoping to eventually make real money there. I also met Tannless in the club, whose avatar had close-cropped blond hair just like his real-world self: Tanner Rulli, 26, a graduate student in Michigan who hopes to one day sell the worlds he is building.
Networking in the metaverse, said Mr. Rulli, “becomes very normal, just like anything that you do outside the plastic.”
Maydena Swan, a welder and painter from Atlanta, whose green-haired avatar goes by Dee, took me to a virtual furniture store, where world creators could buy intricate lamps and tables for as much as $40.
“There aren’t a lot of options yet for people to make money in here, but it’s my passion,” Ms. Swan said.
In the Black Magic Comedy Club, a woman with a nose ring floated up to Elite.
“Ain’t you a moderator?” she said. “You aren’t doing your job.”
A couple of guys in the club were being racist.
Elite had fallen down on his unpaid gig in a virtual universe.
Is This the Future?
When I told my friends and family about my experiment, they all asked the same questions: What is the metaverse like? Is it fun?
Putting on the headset was annoying, but once I started chatting in Horizon, I had a good time and was reluctant to leave. I liked meeting people spontaneously without the increasingly heavy-handed algorithmic intervention of traditional social media platforms.
But explaining the metaverse through the lens of Horizon feels akin to unpacking the potential of “the web” by surfing AOL chat rooms in the 1990s, during the days of dial-up modems. Meta’s V.R. social network is an early and singular part of what could become a large technological shift.
Already, the headset offers experiences beyond chatting with strangers that will keep me coming back to it — though no longer as if it’s my job, because it won’t be. I became obsessed, for example, with Beat Saber, a game in which players swing a lightsaber at blocks to the beat of electronic music. It requires enough exertion to be called exercise.
One of my favorite experiences in Horizon was Surrounded, a comedy show produced by Just For Laughs and filmed at its Montreal festival in July. Seven professional comedians, including Pete Holmes and Nicole Byer, had performed in the center of a small, live audience — Horizon allowed me to join it. Attending real-world events in the metaverse could have wide appeal.
“I’ve never heard you laugh so hard,” my husband said, when I took off my headset.
But the companies pushing the metaverse have work to do to make it as “seamless” as their evangelists describe, including making the headset lighter. I tried to get colleagues, including my editor, to meet me in Horizon as I worked on this story, but I rarely succeeded. Zoom was just easier.
Near the end of my experiment, I met in a Horizon conference room with Vishal Shah, the vice-president of Meta’s Metaverse. (The Meta employees who had arranged the meeting looked visibly relieved when our avatars made it there without kinks.) Mr. Shah, in silver glasses and a short-sleeved button-up, said the company wanted to make the headset more comfortable but also to let people visit the metaverse without one, though it was unclear how that would work.
I asked Mr. Shah how often he wore his headset each week. “A couple of hours, doing work, and then a couple of hours for fun,” he said. “There are things I cannot do in the physical world that I can only do in headset.”
That sounded promising, the fruition of Meta’s very expensive gamble on this technology. Then, Mr. Shah began to tell an anecdote about a team meeting at which Meta employees shared stories from recent vacations.
At first, I thought that he was going to say that his employees had captured their trips around the world with V.R. cameras and that everyone had leaped from the virtual conference table into the best moments of their colleagues’ exotic travels.
But it was a more banal revelation.
“If you’ve been on a big Zoom call with, you know, a bunch of faces, this is awkward,” Mr. Shah said, describing the who-goes-next roulette many remote workers know well. “But, we were all in a Workroom. I told my story. I looked to my left. The next person went. And then there were head nods and acknowledgment. And then we just kept going around the room.”
This sounded nice, but it didn’t seem like a killer use case. When Mark Zuckerberg waxes poetic about the metaverse, as he did on Mr. Rogan’s podcast, he talks of the headset eventually getting very small or even disappearing, and of the internet coming to surround us, accessible perhaps at the snap of a finger. “One of the thought experiments that I like to do is thinking about how few of the things that we physically have in the world actually need to be physical,” Mr. Zuckerberg said to Mr. Rogan.
For now, though, the company is still constrained by the physical world, and by the fact that most people, apart from those currently in the metaverse, aren’t keen to spend hours and hours of their day “in the plastic.”
Meta is working on making its headsets more appealing, and is expected to announce a sleeker, more expensive model at a virtual event it will host next week called Connect. The new headset will have even more sensors aimed at the face, so that if you do find something to smile about in the metaverse, your digital avatar will smile along with you.
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/07/technology/metaverse-facebook-horizon-worlds.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
DNP Rewatch: RIP 'danisnotonfire'
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Date video was published: 05/01/2017 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 343
The re-brand is here. Also the last video posted that was filmed in the first London flat.
0:05 - I’m really not sure the second half of the title clears things us that much...
0:11 - the dramatic music over this social media updates is great. also, his tumblr theme banner and YouTube banner still reading “danisnotonfire” 😂
0:14 - even using some cut-away shots in this video. also love that he’s using Phil’s laptop here
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0:16 - and glasses-Dan!
0:20 - the side eye and deadpan expression. also his desktop wallpaper in the background. I love it all
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0:28 - “change?! I don’t like change” very dramatic but a bit true. getting all of the change out of the way at once between the move and this
0:35 - “calm your non-gender-specific flaps” amazing
0:47 - that is a lot of years for something you created on a whim as a teenager
0:59 - Dan’s editing for this video is fantastic
1:04 - “dan attempting to have a career.mp4″ 😂
1:09 - just yikes; that would be so weird and embarrassing
1:35 - the self-call out of the “xD” tweets; I can’t. why is this video so funny to me
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1:44 - he had been hinting at a rebrand in several other videos before this, including this Dan Takes Quizzes About Himself one
1:46 - repressed it just a month later apparently, haha
2:01 - he has left quite a bit up (and had more at this time), but he did go back and unlist more things about a year after this at the start of 2018
2:08 - ah, HELLO INTERNET. seeing fetus Dan with current Dan is always so strange
2:23 - “...maintain a false façade of perfection all the time” the wide-eyed fear there
2:32 - and there are all the branding things he wanted to kill for a while, but couldn’t with some of them until the end of the TATINOF era
2:36 - the fire in the editing there is great. (also, I spent so long trying to figure out why there was a glass in the fire, until I realized it was sitting on his desk the whole video...I am dumb)
2:39 - “yes this was actually my merch” help 😂😂
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3:02 - really can’t blame his teenage-self who had no idea where that user name would end up for that
3:15 - several of these top google searches referencing the diss track is hilarious
3:32 - “dani snot on fire” poor Dan but also this is still so funny to me
3:55 - he tweeted about his horror of this all the way back in 2015
4:02 - can’t take is own script seriously here
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4:18 - Dan’s got “crazy eyes” so many times in this video
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4:34 - starting to get more open with politics in 2017 too
4:54 - he’s so horrified; poor Dan, again
5:19 - “I will always be ‘danisnotonfire’”...although he did eventually get it changed to youtube.com/danhowell (also, I’m still going to tag these posts for his videos with “danisnotonfire”...sorry Dan)
5:40 - I know he said at one point his family always calls him “Daniel,” but I had forgotten he said this about being “Dan” at school
5:50 - oh Dan 🙁
5:56 - managed to come up with two examples there, lol
6:01 - the flirty tone and eyebrow raise
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6:19 - several old video clips in this one too, actually...this from College Dropout
6:25 - the start of the ramped-up journey to more authenticity
6:58 - “laughing at other peoples’ problems is a very popular kind of entertainment” ...self-aware Dan there
7:09 - I love it 😂
7:24 - sharing the moving news on this channel via a “on the ‘AmazingPhil’ channel” shout-out
7:36 - “I need a houseplant...” which is what Phil told him to put in his background in the moving video
Dan is somehow so funny in this video while still getting his explanation across. I guess I would consider this his first “announcement”-type video as he starts to share more about himself over the next few years after this.
This one I really think got filmed before they were in Australia, but he waited to post until he had a chance to also update social media and everything after the move. And it also makes sense as a sort-of “fresh start” in the new place.
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vanherst · 3 years
Win 98 Update 3
That’s right. More updates from the pit of hell called my coding. It’s now a month into 2021 and I’m still working on this thing. Tons of new things since the last update so I thought I’d give a quick few lists of progress I’ve made.
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So the elephant in the room is the entirety of the Display Properties window with all of it’s glorious, glorious functionality. I’ve been working pretty hard having to redo most of the backend to get the thing to be fully functionable, but at last, here it is.
I’ve fully added functioning schemes alongside previews of said scheme, wallpapers, colours and desktop icons. I’ll be adding more specific customisation at a later date, but for the time being I’d rather keep it to the essentials while I work on other overhauls I need to progress on.
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There’s a few premade schemes you can pick from and choose, and the code is really expandable as messy as it is. I literally haven’t touched HTML with JS prior to decemember so there’s probably 100 better ways to do the same thing, but I’d rather just figure out as I go along and I’ve figured I really hate Jquery. 
Schemes was the “big one” I’ve been trying hard to get out of the way for the past couple of weeks, so I’m just gonna do some quick fire features that have been added including a more indepth idea on schemes that have been added;
I added tasks and tabbing between tasks only to replace it with dynamic tasks as of yesterday, and will adjust their position according to other windows that are opened and closed instead of being predetermined.
A total of 7 schemes added, 5 themes including 2 high contrast options, 16 desktop colour options and 10 wallpapers to choose from.
Tons and tons of post formatting such as better video scaling and padding on images to be removed depending on the post type.
Posts are minimizable and maximizable alongside formatting adjustments such as scrollbars alongside tons of formatting for patch notes, permalink posts and additional well needed backend stuff for the future.
More efficent post handling and start menu handling.
I have two additional windows also currently being worked on such as Time and Date and Windows Media Player, which revolves around youtube embedding for the sake of easy implimentation.
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I’ve been enjoying the process of writing HTML, but development has been taking a long time regardless of the 4-8 hours I invest daily in this thing. Who would have guessed website development took so long, huh?
Regardless, I took the past couple of days to take a break and hopefully I can get around to developing more windows now that I basically redesigned the entire logistics of the entire taskbar for a second time.
I still need to replace the infinate scroll script though.
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shiishki · 3 years
okay wait, i changed my mind. you should answer all of these questions as well, if that's what you want from me >:)
oof there's a lot of it, that's what i get for wanting to be ✨aesthetic✨
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
vowels (and the importance of being me) - hunny
honeypie - jawny
pretty young thing - michael jackson
mirrors - justin timberlake
sunflower - red orange county
paradise - rude-a
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
a therapist.
ok someone else.. uhh,, my grand grandma because i only have scratches of memories but i dunno if that counts since she passed away...
*rummages through ancient scripts* uhh ok someone who isn't dead.. uhm,, tommie? yeah I'd like to meet them if i could meet anyone on earth
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
ok, the closest german, english or polish book? nvm i have english
"suddenly was. So I just said thank you a few times too, and Mum" ironically this is one of the normal lines in this book
4: What do you think about most?
the fact that I'll have to do something after school. and I don't know if i want to go to college or get a job bc i have no legitimate idea on what to do with my life. it gets overwhelming, just the lack of knowledge about the actual experience.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with, tho i sleep with just shorts in summer
7: What’s your strangest talent?
not sure if it's a talent, but i can fall asleep anywhere
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
girls are pretty. boys are pretty
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
by me, yes. no one else has written a poem about me specifically. nvm, tommie wrote one and it shall rest on my wall, or desk, i need to find a place for it
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
uhh i think last month?
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
i don't think so, but i am hella afraid of the possibly gigantic, terrifying things in the ocean depths that humans haven't discovered yet
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
yep, beloved legos as a lil child
13: What’s your religion?
i can't ever remember the name, but i believe gods (from all religions) exist in some way or form. so i believe in different pantheons and etc.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
walking my doggo, skateboarding, thinking about how to make the lives of my characters worse
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind it.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
uhmm the arctic monkeys? or the strokes
17: What was the last lie you told?
i know what i want
18: Do you believe in karma?
yes, the rule of three specifically
19: What does your URL mean?
i don't know. it's something me and my sis came up with and that's just my whole identity now.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
uhh greatest weakness.. i can't finish things. strength is that I'm very stubborn so maybe I'll finish that thing out of spite
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
i grew up thinking crushes were like unicorns. my ex was odd enough to argue with that i didn't love her if i didn't have a crush on her. but I think if i had to guess.. selena gomez, especially in the role of alex russo in wizard of weverly street
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
i write angry letters. sometimes they're sad letters. i write a lot of letters. except i never send them out and no one made a movie about them :}
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
jars and witchy bottles, books? scented candles
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
phone calls are stressful enough as is, i don't need you to see my reading off what i frantically wrote to not stumble over my words
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
i think so, yes, but that won't stop me from becoming better
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
hate flies buzzing right by my ear, love cat purring
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
what if I'd been born in a place where it was illegal for me (nonbinary) to live, in a time when others thought of me as a curse?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
they be chilling.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right arm, doggo, left arm, pillow
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
fresh air and doggo, because doggo is with me and I can't live without open windows
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
i dunno tbh
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
which one is less homophobic?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
every gender is my opposite gender. selena gomez and justin timberlake
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
to make it easier for people down the line
36: Define Art.
make thing, thing goes woo
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
it's nice actually, very sunny, slight breeze
39: What time is it?
12.59 am
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
i don't, but i once crashed into a fire department vehicle with my bike. bike ded.
41: What was the last book you read?
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
i legit ass don't know what gasoline smells like.
43: Do you have any nicknames?
many variations of my name, aka. Luce
44: What was the last film you saw?
i think it was Robin Hood: King of Thieves, but it might have been that half of spider-man homecoming i managed to watch with my poor internet
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
oh man i dunno... it's not an injury, but i was very sickly as a lil kid and almost died :)
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
once, years ago
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
hmmm horizon zero dawn i think
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
proud pansexual ^^
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
not really, i don't think they're big enough to be actual rumors,, meh
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
meh. they suck, i know they suck, that's it.
52: What is your astrological sign?
cancer ♋
53: Do you save money or spend it?
i attempt saving. attempt
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
for my own money, sweets. i bought lizards for my cats so they can brush their teeth from my dad's amazon acc
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
nope, i buy my own cookies
57: How many relationships have you had?
1, kinda toxic toward the end, very stressful, don't recommend
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
nu ><
59: Where were you yesterday?
on the fields walking my doggo
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
yep, a pastel pink hoodie in my closet uwu
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
yis, thicc warm socks
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
cuddles and food.
64: Where is your best friend?
bold of you to assume i have a best friend.
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
tommie-hildebrandt, kageyuji, nekomas-kuroo, joyful-soul-collector
66: What is your heritage?
I'm a demon boi from Poland tho that's not a thing to be proud of, i mean, look at the economy. awful.
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping, trying to sleep.
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
Pinkton. or Satan.
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
this is such an odd combination of words i had to look it up. yea.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
a friend who won't laugh at me when i ask them to order smth for me because I'm too anxious to.
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
excuse me? i am saving the doggo wtf. f u boss, I'm gonna sell my tragic story to the news.
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) i tell my parents. b) live the hell out of them uwu c) nope uwu.
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
history maker - dean fujioka :]
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
communication, trust, some more communication.
77: How can I win your heart?
let's not pretend to be something else to please each other, and bring some bitter chocolate.
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
maybe. it could. i don't have a say in it since my sanity is held by tape.
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
eat the pizza. stop caring about others not liking me/parts of me. just living for myself uwu.
80: What size shoes do you wear?
uh i dunno how the american sizes work and i don't wanna look it up so, 39, 40 fits too.
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
demon boi
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the bloody organ that sits in your chest and pumps blood into your body so you don't die.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
uhm im not sure if that counts as a saying, but fake it till you make it
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
blinding lights - the weeknd
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
oh a normal question people use for ice breaking, sea blue and pastel variations of it.
87: What is your current desktop picture?
like my wallpaper? or the actual picture that sits on my desk? or how my desk looks like atm? it's ugly, a lot of papers and pens and schoolbooks.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
donald trump. or the next asshole who'll try to take the rights of the lgbt and poc away
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
this. this is the question.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
yo there's a pizza somewhere in the refrigerator, want me to heat it up? we can have a sleep over and talk about our feelings :3
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
telekinesis! or shapeshifting! i could do such fun things with telekinesis ^^ yeah I'd totally eat some radioactive veggies
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
that time my "friends" got me into shoplifting, half-hour is more than enough to punch some sense into my brain and develop good music taste
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
can i save this one? i don't think i have an experience horrible enough to be erased haha
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
sleep as in.. uh no thank u. but I'm down for a sleep over with sam smith ^^
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
just me? what about my pets? my fam? it's lowkey illegal for me to go just anywhere without them owO
uhhmm, greece. imma become part of the greek pantheon out of pure spite. and maybe toronto canada.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not any that i know of o.o
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
i think i may have but i honestly don't remember
98: Ever been on a plane?
nope, i dunno if i like planes, but I'd probably sleep if i were on one.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
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Survey #434
“i hate this town, it’s so washed up, & all my friends don’t give a fuck  /  they’ll tell me that it’s just bad luck, when will i find where i fit in?”
You get a text from your ex. He/she wants to hang out. How do you respond? Admittedly, I would. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you secretly want to be more than friends with? No. Well, there are times where I think I WANT to like-like Girt, but I just don't. And yet he's always been there for me without fail, is super funny and kind and chill... but I think we were just friends for too long; he feels like my brother by this point in time. If your partner smoked, would that be a problem for you? If it was cigarettes, yes. Even weed (UNLESS it was for medicinal purposes and not a constant thing) I'd be iffy about. I just don't want to date a smoker. Lung damage is lung damage and weed actually has more carcinogens, and I don't want to sign myself up for all that. I don't want to watch my partner wither away from nonstop smoking and also have myself suffer from second-hand smoking. When will you next see your best friend? There's no telling. Right now I'm trying to be realistic and responsible with the money I DO ever get and put it towards more important investments, but I really do want to take a plane up there at some point. But that's also waiting until Covid is in the past. Heeeell no would I be stepping into an airport right now, even being vaccinated. How many tattoos would you like to have? Too many to count, ha ha. I want LOADS. Paint me, baby. :') Do you like your first name? I actually do. Have you ever talked to a boyfriend about an ex-boyfriend? Yes. It's kind of inevitable when you go into a new relationship, hoping it'll go well and be seriously invested, that you let your partner know "oh hey, this happened and seriously affected me to where I'm going to have 'my days.'" Greatest birthday gift you ever got? My snake Venus was technically a birthday present, though I obviously picked her out. Worst memory you have? Losing Jason. I can't say enough that the night of the breakup still doesn't feel real. First memory you can remember? My brother going down our slide into the Hurricane Floyd flood in our front yard, ha ha. I was around two, I wanna say? I don't feel like looking up the date of the hurricane. Oldest object you own? When did you get it? I'm sure that would be a stuffed animal we have stored away somewhere. Or my baby blanket, also safely tucked away. Meanest person you know? Why do you feel this way? I don't "know" Colleen anymore, but God knows she fit the bill. She was so fucking rude to people (yes, she was one of those people that bitched out store employees that have no control over things that inconvenienced her), the world revolved around her problems, she started drama with the damn grass... It's funny even picturing how she was my best friend once. My standards were lower for who I could befriend back then, but goddamn. Ever been dumped? By who? Yes, Jason. Technically Sara as well, but "dumped" seems like an unfitting term? Like we just talked it out and sorta mutually agreed that it was wiser that we weren't together at the time. Have you ever dumped someone? Why? Yes, mostly because I didn't like-like them. Juan was more so because I believed a rumor by Rachel, and Tyler, I just wasn't invested in and had NO desire to put up with the "we need to talk every five minutes" crap. Where do you buy most of your food? Wal-Mart. Last house you have been to: whose was it, and why were you there? My sister's, for my nephew's birthday party. Have you ever been a drunk driver? No, and fuck you if you've ever put others (and yourself) at risk like that. One kid you cannot stand? None that I know, and that's very few. Has anyone ever saved your life? Jason and Mom literally have. Last thing you cried about? Ha ha, I finished watching another SOMA playthrough earlier, and I will ALWAYS start to cry at the end. Without fail. Would you sacrifice your life for someone else's baby? I honestly think I would if it was a split-second decision. Tell me about your latest dream: I think my APAP mask wasn't positioned well last night, because I had a SHITLOAD of nightmares. Too many to even remember. Have you ever been in a limo? No. I've always wanted to experience that once, man. Have you ever been the maid of honor in a wedding party? No. Has anyone ever seen you naked? I was born naked, my man. Mom used to give my sister and I baths together, and I took a bath with a best friend once as a kid. Then one other person has. Do you have a calendar? If so, what is the theme of it? Not a current one, no. Nicest thing you have ever done for a complete stranger: I have no idea. Meanest thing you have ever done to a complete stranger: *shrug* Have you ever been sent to the principal's office? If so, why? And how did you feel? Yes, I think because they wanted to ask the reason behind all my morning tardies. I was soooo scared, just being a kid. Person you hope you never run into again: Colleen. Have you ever streaked? Heeeeell no. Why do you hate your ex? I don't hate any of them. What animal did you last pet or hold? Roman, my cat. What color is your hair? It's my natural brunette right now. I want to dye it SO badly. Have you ever fallen asleep in someone's arms? Yeah. Have you ever had to clean a cat box before? Yeah, seeing as I own an indoor cat. Christmas is coming. Who are you buying gifts for? In the hypothetical situation where I had the money, I'd buy things for my parents, my stepmom, my two immediate sisters, Ash's kids, as well as her husband, but only because I'd feel obligated to as he's considered a close member of the family. I'd also totally get something for Sara! When somebody intimidates you, how do you usually act around them? SCARED. I get quiet, stutter if I do talk, and possibly cry. Is your favorite singer in a band or does he or she ride solo? He was originally the singer of Black Sabbath, but he's been solo for forever now. I prefer him solo, honestly. Did your parents ever hang your old artwork up on the walls? Ohhh yes. Mom still does, ha ha. What is the weirdest obsession you’ve ever had? Nothing really "weird," I think... How long can you be in a car before wanting to get out? It depends on if I have my music or not. If I do, I can last hours, but if not, I don't really like being in the car at all. Have any songs ever inspired you to play an instrument? No. Do you ever use Pandora?No. Are you better with creative writing or writing essays? Creative writing, but I'm fine with both. What is the weirdest animal you’ve ever seen as a pet? I know OF someone who rescued I want to say a baby bobcat, or something along those lines, but I didn't know that guy personally. I don't think I've ever actually met someone with a truly *strange* pet... The most unique I've seen is probably just a chinchilla. If you had to change one, would you rather change your hair or your eyes? My eyes. I don't like them much, mainly the shape. What was your favorite computer game as a kid? I loved the various Oregon Trail games, as well as one I think was called The Amazon Trail 3. Then there was a few dinosaur games I LOVED, and then there were the classic kids' games like the Putt-Putt and Fred the Fish series. Any shows on TV that you flat out refuse to start watching? 13 Reasons Why. I don't even support that show existing. Pajamas with feet: yay or nay? NOOOOOOOO, that is so uncomfortable. What is your opinion on fruitcake? That's an even BIGGER "no." Who did you last dream about? I don't remember. Do you have trouble remembering important things? Yes. .-. I barely remember anything. Which animal can you imitate the best? I dunno? Have you bought any drugs this month? I don't do drugs, so. Have you ever set foot in a tanning bed? Nope, never will. Do you know the Soulja Boy dance? Ha ha, I did as a kid. My then-best friend, younger sister, and I wanted to learn it. I don't remember it now, that's for sure. What is the best ice cream flavor? Ben and Jerry's "Phish Food" is GODLY. Wallpaper on your computer's desktop? Teddy, my late dog. Do you clean when you’re upset? Hell no, I do the opposite: nothing. Do you sleep with the door open or closed? It stays open. My cat would pitch a fit otherwise. Do you know anyone who has actually been in an alcohol or drug related crash? Yes, actually. It was incredibly tragic; the both of them were high (maybe drunk, idr for sure), and my friend was driving with her best friend in the passenger seat. They crashed, and said friend's best friend died. For YEARS she would share pictures of them together on Facebook, "talking" to her, and it was just so heartbreaking. I doubt she's forgiven herself to this day, but she seems to have mostly moved on the best she could, being married with a daughter now. Have you ever gotten a professional massage? No, and I do NOT want one. I don't want some random stranger touching me in ANY way. Do you have a good relationship with your first love? No. We haven't talked in years, so maybe he feels no hatred for me at this point, but I do for myself. I don't hate him at all. Do you feel like you have life figured out? bitch hell no What would you do if you were faced with an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy (at your current age)? Was I raped? I'd almost certainly abort because I would be traumatized as FUCK. If it was my own fault, I think I'd go through with the pregnancy, but give the baby up for adoption. There is no way I could raise a kid right now. Or probably ever. Water or Gatorade? I don't like either, really, but I HATE Gatorade. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? It's been pierced twice, and I'm thinking of getting it redone again, but this time use a hoop instead of a stud to keep the damn piercing from falling out and closing in my sleep. Have you ever slapped someone? On the arm as a kid. That doesn't excuse it, though. Who are the pictures of in the room? I have a lot of posters, but no real photographs of anyone. Have your parents ever smoked pot? Dad did a lot of drugs before I was born, but Mom's never touched anything. I think. Would you ever consider moving to a different country? I'd love to live in Canada, if that didn't entail leaving my family. What is your favourite food from your culture? Cheeseburgers, alsdf;alwer Do you know any pick-up lines in a foreign language? No. What degree are you or will you pursue while in college? I've dropped out of college three times. I am never going back to major in anything. I changed my major quite a few times while I was there. Favorite arcade game? I don't really have one. One of my life goals is to go to an arcade that has Silent Hill: The Arcade, though. There are very few throughout the world, and it looks fun. Would other people consider your sense of humor inappropriate? I don't see how. Some inappropriate things can make me laugh, but it's definitely not my favorite form of humor, and I myself don't really make jokes of that sort. Who is your biggest celebrity crush right now? Mark Fischbach. :'') What are they famous for? He's a big YouTuber, aND WILL ALSO BE A MAIN ACTOR IN A SHOW NEXT YEAR. LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO. Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No, I would NOT stand for that bullshit. Do you have any gay family members? I know my mom's... cousin I want to say is gay. Somebody related to her is. Was your first kiss romantic? I feel like it was. What are you most likely to go to jail for? Pirating shit. Well, can you even be locked up for downloading minor shit? Shows what I know. Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship with someone else? Boy, have I. Would you ever get a boob job? When (or if...) I lose all the weight I want, I can almost guarantee a breast lift will be something I'd want. Certain things happen when you lose a shitload of weight alsdkf;alkwe Have you ever tried to break up anyone because you liked one of them? Not intentionally. What would you think if you found out your ex was gay? If we're talking THE ex, safe to say I'd be shocked. Did you ever think someone didn’t like you, but come to find out they really did? It's weird, I've felt both ways with Girt? Like there were times I was pretty much 100% certain he liked me, but I'd also be like "nah, no way, he sees me as a sister." Turns out he like-liked me. Are you worried about anything right now? I can't possibly recall the last time I WASN'T worried about something. When you are home alone, do you still close the door when you shower? I don't shower when I'm home alone because I'm afraid of ever fainting and busting my ass again. What noise do you hear? I'm currently listening to "All Signs Point To Lauderdale" by A Day to Remember, and I can also hear my fan going. Do you go online everyday? Pretty much without fail. It'll probably be a cold day in Hell before I willingly don't come online, ha ha.
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lets get personal.
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
When You’re Looking Like That - Westlife
Hysteria - Def Leppard
Beautiful - Flickerstick
Hello My Love - Westlife
For What It’s Worth - Buffalo Springfield (covered by Anti-Flag)
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Michael Rosenbaum - Smallville
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
4: What do you think about most? Too much shit... because I have BAD anxiety.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? Headed out.
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?  With
7: What’s your strangest talent? Pick up things on the floor with my toes.
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) Are crazy/ Are a pain in the ass.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? Yes
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? 2005
11: Do you have any strange phobias? MANY
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? No
13: What’s your religion? Wiccan
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Chillin Out
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? They aren’t totally a band... but I have to say Westlife... if we are talking proper band, either Def Leppard or Avenged Sevenfold or Flickerstick
17: What was the last lie you told? Anytime I play nice with my dad
18: Do you believe in karma? Yes
19: What does your URL mean? Random Crap nickname.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? Weakness is my emotions, Strength... I have survived this long.
21: Who is your celebrity crush? It is actually a hockey player... Martin Necas of the Carolina Hurricanes
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Does sex in a hotub with other people in the room count??
23: How do you vent your anger?
24: Do you have a collection of anything? All kinds of things.
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Texting/ Messaging
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? No
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? Chalkboards/ The Middle
28: What’s your biggest “what if”? What If the last 20 years never happened.
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Sure why not?
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Table/ Couch
31: Smell the air. What do you smell? Ham
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? Oh there are so many!
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Nicky Byrne
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
36: Define Art. Something I just don’t get.
37: Do you believe in luck? Yes
38: What’s the weather like right now? Sunny early evening in the 50s.
39: What time is it? 7:14
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? I don’t drive, though I have been in a couple benders....
41: What was the last book you read? The Secrets of Birthdays
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? No
43: Do you have any nicknames? Yeah
44: What was the last film you saw? Mom’s on a date with a vampire.
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Thyroid Storm, not an injury... (there are plenty of those) but the storm was the worst thing of my life.
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? When I was little
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? Always, I have OCD
48: What’s your sexual orientation? Straight, I like guys.
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? I am sure... but I don’t care
50: Do you believe in magic? Yes
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Yes
52: What is your astrological sign? Scorpio
53: Do you save money or spend it? Both
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? Coffee Creamer
55: Love or lust? I think one can turn to the other
56: In a relationship? I wish
57: How many relationships have you had? A few
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No
59: Where were you yesterday? Home..
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes, my bed jacket
61: Are you wearing socks right now? Yes
62: What’s your favourite animal? Giraffes, Manatees, Kitties
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? Eyes, and a full flirt package
64: Where is your best friend? Not sure where she is
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
66: What is your heritage? 1/4 German 1/4 Dutch 1/2 crap  
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? Almost asleep
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Duh
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Yes
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Help that Pup
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? A - They would figure it out, from the look on my face/ B - Live it Up!/ C - Terrified
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. Love
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Hello My Love & When You’re Looking Like That - Both Westlife
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? No Clue
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust
77: How can I win your heart? Play Hockey? I don’t know... changes with my moods
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? Huh?
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Getting my kitty Binx, even though he can be a pain in the ass.
80: What size shoes do you wear? 8 1/2
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
82: What is your favourite word? Fuck
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Mom
84: What is a saying you say a lot? Not really a phrase, more like a word... and that is Fuck.
85: What’s the last song you listened to? Roll Me Away - Bob Seger
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? Blue/ Pink/ Purple.
87: What is your current desktop picture? Ravenclaw wallpaper.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? At this point in time, there is a good chance of that.
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Wat is  my true worst fear.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? Scream!
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? The power to make people/ animals live forever
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? HA HA.... Playing with the Serge.
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? The loss of my Kitty...
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? Nicky from Westlife.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? In a perfect world,  I would be going to see Westlife perform.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail? I have in the past.
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? Yes.
98: Ever been on a plane? Yes.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? STAY THE FUCK HOME!
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fifteenleads · 4 years
you had me at hell(o)
AO3 | FFNet
Of all the things Chuuya expected Dazai to have yet another hyperfixation on, the manga he is currently reading is certainly and most definitely the last.
This wasn’t exactly the case, of course— Dazai had merely picked up the light novel said manga was based on from the bookstore on the way home one afternoon, the telltale silhouette of the young protagonist on the cover catching Chuuya’s eye for a split second before he literally covered his mouth and focused his entire gaze on his laptop. Twitter minimized, spreadsheets open. He almost had a heart attack.
The next day saw Dazai falling into that rabbit hole faster than Chuuya himself had when he first got into the series. He was proud of himself for being past that phase now, so watching Dazai completely engrossed in every chapter brought a lot more satisfaction than he expected— of the “perverse payback” variant, that is. There is some “pure friend pride” in there, too, but definitely more “he had it coming”.
Before long, Dazai was already caught up with all the volumes, and was now bugging Chuuya to get into the series, too. “You’ll like Kashimura,” he insisted, shaking his arm until it made them both dizzy as hell. Window’s closed, fan’s out of order.
Chuuya let Dazai rest in his bed with him that night, deciding he didn’t mind the must and the lack of ventilation for once. He also let Dazai have the bottom bunk permanently, too, ever since— tall beanpole needs more legroom, after all.
He didn’t tell Dazai his favorite character is Tsushima, of course. The idiot would either get a heart attack, or the weirdest love epiphany ever. Or spontaneously combust.
At least he didn’t have to hide his real desktop wallpaper anymore. Always having that spreadsheet window open made his vertigo worse than it already is.
As time passed, Chuuya and Dazai spent more and more time discussing the series at length—  about Tsushima’s gray morals, Kashimura’s loyalties, and everything in between. They ended up butting heads a lot due to preferring different source materials, but Chuuya slowly came to realize how much he was learning about himself over the past few months, and he was only prouder and happier for it.
It was why he made TaintedSorrow in the first place— he still had a lot of things to say, and Twitter was definitely more short-term memory-friendly than LINE BLOG.
The last thing he expected was for Dazai to follow his fan meta account, some two months and three hundred followers in. “He has really cool ideas,” came the gushing reason, complete with cheeks vividly pink in excitement. It was the middle of winter, then, but Chuuya opened the window that very instant; once was more than enough.
Deciding last minute to not have his two accounts follow each other way back when was definitely the best thing he had ever thought of, by far.
He tapped on the follow button under Dazai’s watchful gaze, making a mental note to clean out anything incriminating that very same night. It took a grand total of two hours.
Chuuya’s finger hovered over Dazai’s fan account— Humanixer. He didn’t think much of this one international follower with a weird-as-heck name at first, but the Japanese was way too fluent for him to not suspect anything— as if it were desperately calling out to him, “Notice me!”
Then everything suddenly clicked into place: Human plus Nix, which apparently means “to cancel” or “to end”.
Ningen shikkaku.
It brought Chuuya down on his knees, clutching his mouth and his sides in uncontrolled laughter as he realized what an idiot he was for not noticing his greatest fan is sleeping in the bunk below him, ohgods—
“You had me at ‘Hello’,” Dazai’s bio read, short and sweet, the roundness of the English vowels foreign on his own tongue. More like “You had me at ‘Hell’,” Chuuya snorted as he followed back, hoping the overly-tall shit would remain none the wiser at this game of deception they both played. Otherwise, he’d get a heart attack or spontaneously combust the next time Dazai lovingly calls him a little shit, and he’d never recover from it.
He’s definitely staying offline for a few days, at least. No sweat— schedule some tweets then make like a proverbial tree after. Hopefully Dazai doesn’t do anything stupid by then, like outing his fan account to him or something, because he’s not letting the idiot live it down after all that embarrassment he brought him. Right.
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duhragonball · 4 years
Nanwum IV toolboxkit
I have a love/hate relationship with the word “tool”.  On the one hand, tools are awesome.    I like holding a big screwdriver and thinking about all the screws I can loosen with it.    I ordered a thing at work yesterday and I can’t wait for it to arrive.   There’s a rush of power in knowing some object will solve a bunch of problems.   Look out, screws.
On the other hand, it annoys me how people use the term “tool” in a more abstract sense, like statistical “tools” or using a flow chart to figure out what to do.    I can’t hold any of that crap, so calling it a tool feels like a bait-and-switch.   But I can appreciate the power of the term.   If you can liken a thing to a power drill, then you have my attention.   
Anyway, this weekend is for making preparations for National Novel Writing Month, which starts next Sunday, so I thought it would be useful to go over the stuff that I use to get me through it.  
1) The NaNoWriMo website.
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Back in 2017, I seriously considered not even bothering with the website, because I figured it had nothing to offer.    I’m the one doing all the work, right?   But tracking progress is an effective motivator, and I like being able to see a chart that shows how well I’m doing.    There’s some bugs in it.    For some reason it doesn’t show my Camp Nano April 2018 as being complete, and when I tried to fix it, it doubled the word count instead.  
It’s also useful for where I’m at today.    Now that I’ve done this thing a few times, I can measure current performance against past years.  November 2018 was my personal best, so I’m going to use that as a model for this year.    I don’t need to beat 2018-me, but I do need to remind myself that I’ve performed this well in the past.  
2) George R. R. Martin motivational desktop wallpaper.
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I started doing this as a joke, but looking at this dude sitting at his computer, not writing is a much more powerful motivator than I ever thought possible.  The idea is that if I minimize the writing window to do something else, I have to look this dude in the eye before I can look up Robocop clips on YouTube.   I’ve had months where I was struggling to meet the goal, and then I went “Oh, yeah, I forgot to change my desktop pic, and it pushes me over the finish line.   It’s like Popeye eating spinach.   
Now the Tone Police will take issue with something like this, and call it arrogant.   “How dare you put down a highly successful fantasy author just to make yourself feel confident,” they’ll say as they wag their finger.   “Don’t you care that you might be making procrastinators feel bad?”  To that I say: fuck’em.  
See, I’m a world-class procrastinator in my own right.   I have to get hyped for this stuff every year, because that’s the only way I can build up enough momentum to see it through.    Like all Sith Lords, I have to call upon all of my emotions -- fear, anger, pride, fernweh -- to fuel the creative monster.  I don’t make a dime on this, so if I can’t take some bloody satisfaction out of it then what’s the point?   
I’m pretty sure George doesn’t even know I do this, but in case he’s reading this, let me address him specifically: George, I’ve cranked out three of these Nanwums and you still haven’t finished Winds of Winter, which is well on its way to becoming the Duke Nukem Forever of modern fantasy.   I don’t know if you got soft, like Rocky in Rocky IV, or maybe you’ve lost your confidence like Rocky in Rocky III, but you have to kindle a fire under your ass, even if it’s a silly fire, like fear of dying before the book goes to print, or getting it done just to spite assholes like me.   But find something and use it.  
3) Kenny Omega vs. Sonny Kiss, AEW Dynamite 10/21/2020
This was a first-round match in a tournament for the right to challenge for the AEW World title, and it was Kenny’s big return to singles action, so I guess the idea here was to make him look strong by having him crush Sonny Kiss in under 15 seconds.   I’ve seen blowouts in wrestling before, but this one speaks to me on a different level, and I’m sorely tempted to swap out my GRRM image with this shot of in-the-zone Kenny Omega.
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Because I feel this right now.    This isn’t like last year or the year before, where I got behind working on stuff in October so I wasn’t fully prepared.   I got all caught up a few weeks ago, and I have eight days to get ready.    I haven’t written a thing in weeks, and I’m itching to get back to it.    I want a big Day One total to start the month off, and seeing this match makes me want to aim even higher than 7000 words.    Can I hit 10,000 in one day?    The Cleaner sure thinks so.  Clapclap-clap clap clap.   
4) Focus Writer
You can check it out for yourself at https://gottcode.org/focuswriter/
The main selling point for Focus Writer is that it can be used for “distraction free” writing, in that it’s default setting makes it tricky to minimize the window to do other stuff.   But I turned that off a while back.    For my purposes, I just need the word counter.  
One thing I learned while editing work instead of writing from scratch is that you can just set the word count goal to 100 words.    That way, the percentage displayed at the bottom of the screen will keep track of how many words you’ve written in that session.   So if you write 1275 new words, the counter will say 1275%.  
I used to set actual goals, like 3500 words for the day or whatever, but I found myself constantly trying to calculate what 53% of that is, and that ended up being a huge distraction in itself.    So now I just stick to the 100 word “goal” and use it to track my actual progress, rather than setting lofty goals that I may not need to actually hit.   The Nano website does that for me anyway.
5) The Adventures of Dumplin
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I’m essentially adapting the events of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 into this story, so I could break out my PS3 and play it through again to remind me of all the stuff I wanted to use from 2015, but it’s a lot easier to just watch someone else play it instead.   Team FourStar’s playthrough of the Xenoverse games is some of their best material, as far as I’m concerned, and knowing this is one of my go-to references is going to make this November pretty awesome.   
I’m not sure I could, or should, work Dumplin into my fic.  If I did, he couldn’t be the same guy who saved the day in this LP series, because I’m having Luffa do all that.   Early on, I envisioned a scene where she wakes up one morning after a night of heavy drinking and finds Dumplin in bed with her, but that seemed a little too goofy to use.    But I want you to have that mental picture anyway, so I’m writing about it here.
6) Diet Pepsi
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Straight Edge, Hard Core.    Stephen King’s a wuss for using cocaine to help him write.   
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Health Care>
August 5, 2020
Health Care
With the increase in penetration of internet deep into Indian homes more and more people are now very much closer towards feeling comfortable for using electronic commerce. Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal among others is pioneering the driving towards distribution of consumer goods to and fro deeper into village markets.
This removes the difference of town market from the village markets. With the emergence of growth of mobiles and smart phones in people now finds easier to use apps instead of laptops and desktops.
Then comes the niche marketing phenomenon where we do find that more and more single product electronic ventures are coming up and this makes people believe this as the source of brand management.
Among other niche marketing concepts, netmeds.com has been emerging as the major electronic commerce in terms of medicines. It is trusted since 1914 and it has expertise in excellence of development of pharma in distribution of medicines.
Now, slowly it is turning into one of trusted medicine partners for many and there are many loyal customers including this author.
Netmeds.com is managed by Dadha & Company. It has more that 100 years of experience of dispensing quality medicines.
For prescription drugs users need to upload valid prescriptions and then wait for verification of these prescriptions and on average users find almost 20 percentages of rebates on prescription medicines.
For non-prescription drugs the percentages of rebate are lesser but still it is higher than the local markets.
It also offers best advice in order for providing best health services for people residing in India. Its search bar provides some interesting aspect for knowing of medicines.
It provides detailed generic medicines as well as the lowest value medicines on the same generic medicine levels. It has nice chat option which authenticates first with the phone number OTP and then it does ask for which disease you want a prescription for.
For most of pre-paid orders you get some cashback in their electronic wallets as well as some reward points. If you are using credit card or debit card of state bank of India then apart from 20 percentages rebate you will get ten percentages of cashback on your electronic wallet and those ten percentages of money you will have to spend within 31 days of the current purchases.
Apart from this for every purchase you will get some reward point and that accumulates slowly and becomes some rupees. So in this case you get awards from various sources such as rebates directly and then, money returns back to your electronic wallets and then get reward points which are then automatically changed into some rupees.
The time to reach medicines are very fast and these generally comes in the within three to four days. Packaging part of Netmeds courier service is very fine.
Most of the ordered medicines are packaged nicely so that you only have to keep it and use it. It offers generic alternatives to most of the medicines and for this the pricing of medicines becomes lower.
Most of offline pharmacy shops in yours locality do offers rebates on medicines but most of these rebates are mostly up to 11 percentages maximum. This compares to names which on prepaid offers on prescription medicines come far lower.
If you are on regular medication, then most of time due to the presence of heavy traffic, forgetfulness you missed the order of medicines from your favorite pharmacy.
Taking up medicines are important and for this regular and timely purchase of medicines is a must and for this with the conveniences of online medicine franchises such as netmeds.com, we do find plenty of ideas of how to save important timings in order to have comfortable medicine management.
With netmeds after ordering for a stipulated amount of rupees for medicines you get free of cost courier and also it provides a wide range of wellness products, vitamins, diets, fitness supplements, herbal products, pain relievers, diabetic care kits, baby care kits, other care products, beauty care products and surgical supplies.
In order to contact pharmacists which are a free service, online you can send questions y using either “Ask Our Pharmacist Your Questions” option available to all the drug information pages or by using the Contact Us segment. Netmeds is situated in Chennai.
In my last two months of experience with netmeds I have found paying with SBI credit card is not possible and payment with SBI debit card is possible and I hope they do rectify it.
All products are priced in Indian rupees. According to website they do not charge hidden prices. If by mistake they charge higher than they return the money in an electronic wallet to be used for reduction of price while ordering for next purchases. Delivery charges are Rs. 49 for all orders is however free delivery on medicines orders of Rs. 1000 or more.
After an order is processed the tracking number for your order is delivered and it reaches through phone and email registered with netmeds.com account.
After clicking of tracking order you will find the destination of your order and location of it. What I find convenience so far that I do not have to go to nearby Apollo Medicines for medicines and for some time one or two medicines will come later and for some time, I have to go there time and again to check the status of medicines.
For the last few months Apollo Medicines provides me ten percentages rebate and for some months now it is providing me 11 percentages but as comparing with netmeds I found extremely convenient for following reasons.
I just upload the prescription and it is approved within a day and then I ordered the products and got 20 percentages of rebate on prepaid order plus ten percentages cash back to my electronic wallet on the next purchases to be done within 31 days and then some extra points which will be slowly accumulating into some money after some purchases.
So, medicines reaches within three to four days and all comes with sorted formats and I do not have to worry about it as well as the savings are now much higher.
Technology aims to resolve the hardships for people and it remove the extra time and provides the leisure for you as well as it aims to provide another bunch of heavier rebates than that of offline shops.
This is because while dealing with electronic commerce you are dealing with business to business directly and thus removes, all bottlenecks in between, and the third persons and thus it able to provide share of their profits in terms of rebates to you.
Ultimately it is almost the similar situation that of the gain to all and removing all sorts of time limits those, are there for every human as valuable related to better health.
Computer knowledge: Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows, Web designing, Web hosting, Search engine optimization, Microsoft Project, HTML, Email hosting, Domain Hosting, Blogging, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, JavaScript, Android, Symbian, phpBB, MsAccess, Cyber security, Mobile telephony, Multimedia, Virtualization, Rich internet applications, Gaming, Advance web, Facebook apps, Chrome apps, Nano technology, Artificial intelligenceYOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid. I don’t like how a bar soap tends to slip out of my hands. What's the speed limit on your street? I live in a gated village with tiny streets and kids that can run out of their gates any time, so the maximum on our widest roads is 40 kph. In more cramped streets, it’s recommended to drive 15-20. When was the last time you wore your favourite article of clothing? With my favorite pair of jeans, it was at the start of the month. I don’t have a favorite top; I find them all nice. Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? I don’t know anyone in my family who celebrates their birthday in August. If there’s someone, I can’t place them at the moment. On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best, rate your last kiss. 5.
What is your favourite flavour of Jolly Ranchers? I don’t eat those. Where was your Facebook profile picture taken? It was taken in the basement of my college, which had been converted into a makeshift photo studio for a few days so that we could take our senior photos there. The basement has several rooms so most of them got used for different purposes like a hair and makeup room, a changing room, the actual photo studio, etc. Do your parents smoke? No. I think my mom mentioned experimenting with cigarettes when she was in college, but she didn’t like it, quit as soon as she started, and hasn’t had one since. My dad never smoked, period. Would you rather bake cookies or a potato? Cookies. It’s more nostalgic to me, which makes the experience more fun. Who was the last person to stay the night at your house? Gabie, probs. She’s the only one who sleeps over anyway. Do you live close to a park? We have our own tiny parks in our village; but no, this country is generally not public spaces-friendly. Is your favourite animal endangered? One of them is. Have you eaten pizza in the last week? Nah man, I haven’t had pizza in a WHILE. Not since February, I’m pretty sure. Who was the last person you added to your contacts list? I don’t remember. I think it was my hair and makeup artist for a test photoshoot that I did last December. How long does it take you to shower? 7-10 minutes. Do you prefer a brand of bottled water over others, or is it all the same? Sure. There are brands that have a slightest taste, and I try to avoid those. Have you used Wikipedia today? Yes. I read at least one article a day, whether on purpose or coincidental. Idk I think that despite the fact that it’s not a credible source to include on essays and papers, I still think it’s super informative and helpful and it’s at least fun to read through and spend hours in if I’m doing leisure reading.   Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction BY A MILE. The idea of writing fiction terrifies me...I’ve never been able to reach that level of creativity. Do you know anyone who has moved to a different state? I’ve known people who have moved from one province to another (we don’t have states). But in terms of the US, I also do know someone who moved from one state to another. I went to school with this girl who migrated to Hawaii a few years back, then she moved to California last year. How many pens can you see from where you’re sitting? Zero. Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you? Nopes, but I’d assume that’s pretty common.
What language do you think you’d be good at? Spanish for obvious reasons.
What language do you think you’d fail at? Russian. And the African languages that have click sounds in them; I’ve always found this SO fascinating, but I know I'd never be able to perfect those. Do you still have a landline phone at your house? Yes. I have older relatives who still prefer talking on landline, so we keep it around for them. What is your current desktop background? One of the default wallpapers on my laptop. I changed it recently though. My old one was a mountain shot that mostly had a pinkish hue; and my new one is still a shot of a mountain range, but now it’s orange-purplish-pinkish.
How big is the television you last watched? Haven’t watched TV in a while. Have you ever been stung by a bee or a wasp? NOPE, one of my biggest fears.
How many schools have you been to in your lifetime? Two. I went to my first school from kindergarten to high school and the only time I transferred was when I went to college. Are you of legal age in your country? Yes. I have been in the last four years.
Why did you last visit a doctor? I had been sick for days and I was convinced it was no longer just a fever because no medicine and amount of sleep were helping, so I got myself checked. Would you prefer an ice cream cake or a regular cake? Regular cakes. Omg I hate ice cream cakes...I was never sold on the idea of cake not only being painfully cold to bite, but also capable of melting and getting all liquidy. I’m not gonna hate on other people who are into those, but I honestly never saw the hype. How old is your best friend? Gabie’s 22. Angela’s turning 22 in September. What is/was your high school’s mascot? My old school doesn’t have a mascot. We have school colors but that’s it. Do you carry pain relievers with you at all times? No. I didn’t want to be too dependent on them (still don’t) when I was still in school, so I just left the pills at home. My headaches sometimes go away on their own, anyway. Where is your mother right now? She just went upstairs to settle in their room for the night. What was the last thing to make you smile? A meme Angela sent a couple of minutes ago. Are you currently saving up for anything? Not currently since I don’t have money coming in. I imagine I’d be saving up for Airpods and a new set of braces once I start having a salary, though. Priorities, hahaha. What’s the view like from your bedroom window? Not too impressive. I just see the houses behind ours. Generally speaking, do you prefer sweet or savoury? Savory. My cravings for sweet only come once I’ve had savory. What would you do if you got home and you saw your house had been destroyed? Check the scene and see if my dogs made it. I’d try asking neighbors and the guards if they saw what happened; and I’d be devastated and anxious as fuck, of course. When did you last go outside, and what for? I walked Kimi outside an hour ago so he can do his business. We’ve closed off the balcony for now (his usual spot) since it’s been raining all day and evening, so I walked him in the area of our house that’s under a shed. Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? Didn’t really grow on Sesame Street. I suppose I liked Big Bird most, but I was never too attached to the character. How often do you check your emails? Everyday at this point. Do you have any plans for this Thanksgiving? No. What colour is your backpack? Baby pink. Would you slap the last person you talked to for twenty dollars? It’s not completely off the table, but you’re gonna have to pay me a lot more for me to slap my girlfriend lol What search engine do you usually use? Google. How much did the shirt you’re wearing cost? Couple thousand bucks. It’s official WWE merch. Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz? I never compare members within the same band. I like them both. Do you know anyone who gives way too many hugs? Laurice. Not that that’s a bad thing. She hugs eveeeeeeryone, and she’s the sweetest for doing so. What time do you usually wake up on Sundays? 7-8 AM these days, like for all days. Have you whispered today? I don’t think so. What grade did you get on the last test you took? I never got to find out my grade in my Rizal exam since the lockdown happened shortly after. That’s the only test I got to take in the second semester.
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thegoshdarnhero · 5 years
1-140 pls ;)
3 Fears: Heights, disappointing the ones i love, and dying without making a impact
3 things I love: sincere affection,Music, you probably 
2 turns on: Harmonics and good kissing
2 turns off: assumptions and closed mindedness 
My best friend: been awhile sonce i’ve seen him but my buddy Logan
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
How tall am I: 6ft’3
What do I miss right now: hm, probably friends in far away places
Favourite color: black& Red
Do I have a crush: man I fall so easily, i’ve tried to get rid of the notion of “crushes” because it leads to aches
Favourite place: my room
What am I listening to right now: “The Muse” by The Wood Brothers
Shoe size: 13 wide
Eye color: hazel
Hair color: brown/black
Meaning behind my URL: it’s a play on my online handle “The God Damn Hero, TheGDHero)
Favourite song: depends on the mood
Favourite band: prob Protest The Hero but there are so many other ones up there
How I feel right now: Pretty okay, indifferent
Someone I love: i’d like to say myself, but can’t but i’m getting there
My current relationship status: Eternally single
My relationship with my parents: Much better than it used to be
Favourite season: Fall
Tattoos and piercing i have: 0
Tattoos and piercing i want: I want a few tats, one being my family Coat Of Arms
The reasons I joined Tumblr: I joined YEARS ago because my GF at the time had one and after we split i never deleted it
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: Ha....no
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: Nope
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: about 45 mins
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: NOPE
Where am I right now?: Home
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: louder the better
Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: nope
Am I excited for anything?: The sweet release of D- i mean i’m going on vacation soon
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: I’d like to think so
How often do I wear a fake smile? Less than I have been
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?:You
What do I think about most?: If Global warming is a myth then why did Club Penguin shit down?
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behinddd
What was the last lie I told?: i’m okay
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?phone
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: sure
Do I believe in magic?: eh
Do I believe in luck?: sure
What’s the weather like right now?: overcast
What was the last book I’ve read?: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 
Do I have any nicknames?: a few
Do I spend money or save it?: i’m trying to save
Can I touch my nose with a tounge?: nah
Favourite animal?: Lion
What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Sleeping
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: Rivers and Roads
What is my favorite word?: tapioca 
My top 5 blogs on tumblr: tbh i’m not on here enough
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Stop being assholes to each other, Also #32 your table is ready
Do I have any relatives in jail?: nope
What is my current desktop picture?: TSM 2018 wallpaper
Had sex?: sure
Bought condoms?: always
Gotten pregnant?: nope
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: Sure
Had job?: yarp
Smoked weed?: yarp
Smoked cigarettes?: not my thing but i have before
Drank alcohol?: not really
Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: nope
Been overweight?: sure
Been underweight?: nope
Gotten my heart broken?: more than once
Been to prom?: nah, PLayed D&D insstead
Been in airplane?: yup
Learned another language?: yup
Wore make up?:yup
Dyed my hair?:Nope
Had a surgery?: Yes
Met someone famous?: a few
Stalked someone on a social network?: nah
Been fishing?: Yup
Been rejected by a crush?: Who hasn’t
What do I want for birthday?: peace and quite, and maybe a new PC
Do I like my handwriting?: eh, take it or leave it
Where do I want to live when older?: hmmm, Japan or Greece 
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?: Sure
What I’m really bad at:Taking compliments
What my greatest achievments are: Graduating from uni with my bachelors in Audio Engineering 
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: listen man, I try not to think about it
What I’d do if I won in a lottery: ensure I could invest and create growth from my gains
What do I like about myself: my wit
My closest Tumblr friend: Technically you
Any question you’d like?...
Are you outgoing or shy?: I guess shy
What kind of people are you attracted to? Kind, and caring people
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?: Bruh i don’t know if i’m eating breakfast tomorrow 
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?: not really
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?: man, i don’t even know
What does the most recent text that you sent say?: “Good and Good”
What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Do you like it when people play with your hair?: if i’m comfortable with them, even then i have sensory issues
Do you think there is life on other planets?: i mean we can’t be the only things out there
Do you like bubble baths? Not really
Do you like your neighbors?: Never met them
Where would you like to travel?: at the very moment, North Carolina
Favorite part of your daily routine? sleeping
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?: Face i guess
What do you do when you wake up?: find my will to live
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?: nah
Do you ever want to get married?: dunno, prob not
If your hair long enough for a pony tail?: Yes
Would you rather live without TV or music?: TV
Have you ever liked someone and never told them?: oh sure
What are your favorite stores to shop in?: i don’t really shop like that
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?: depends
Do you smile at strangers?: fake but yeah
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?: no, not really
Ever wished you were someone else?: meh only sometimes
Favourite makeup brand? N/A i don’t know shit about makeup
Last thing you ate?: Spaghetti i made 
Ever won a competition? For what? Music composition contest that paid for my first semester of college 
Ever been in love?: you’ve asked this already
Facebook or Twitter?: eh i’m on FB more
Twitter or Tumblr?: Twitter atm
Are you watching tv right now?: nah
What colour are your towels?: White
Favourite ice cream flavour?: hmmm, something chocolate 
First person you talked to today? Jim (my coworker)
Last person you talked to today? @falulu
Name a person you hate?: i don’t hate, or try not to
Name a person you love?: you
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?: again, i’m not big on violence like that
Do you tan a lot?: nah, just am
Have any pets?: a puppy name Iris 
Do you type fast? so-so
Do you regret anything from your past?: Sure
Ever broken someone’s heart?: Sure i have
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?: all the time
Is cheating ever okay?: Nah fam
Do you believe in true love?: Sure, hasn’t happened to me yet but sure
What your zodiac sign? Scorpio 
Do you believe in ghosts? sure
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? ( Death and other Holidays)(Hope you’re happy Smartass)
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12, 13, 14, 2?
Anon said: All of the powerwolf asks I dare ya
welp here we go.
How long have you been a fan?
About 7 or 8 months give or take?
Who is your favourite band member? Why?
Attila all the way. short answer, him… soft. Long answer, I love his voice, his humour, his kindheartedness, and also he makes me feel really gay things every time I see him.
Do you write fanfiction? Who do you ship?
Welp  I certainly do that, currently in the process of writing a long-ish werewolf au of the boys (MarilynsWolf on Wattpad *cough cough*) with the two ships being Falk/Attila and Roel/Charles.
Which is your favourite song?
Venom Of Venus or Sacramental Sister are my two go-to favourites
Which is your favourite album?
Overall? Probably Bless and Possessed
Have you seen them live? When? What was it like?
I fucking wish. I am but a poverty stricken Australian who could never afford to travel to bloody Europe to see them cause god knows they’re not coming here any time soon.
Favourite song off Return In Bloodred?
The Evil Made Me Do It
Favourite song off Lupus Dei?
In Blood We Trust
Favourite song off Bible Of The Beast?
Moscow After Dark
Favourite song off Blood Of The Saints?
Son Of A Wolf
Favourite song off Preachers Of The Night?
Last Of The Living Dead
Favourite song off Blessed And Possessed?
Let There Be Night
Favourite song off The Sacrament Of Sin?
Venom Of Venus
Favourite bonus track? (Orchestral versions, bonus tracks off History Of Heresy II, etc)
The orchestral version of Moscow After Dark
Favourite Communio Lupatum cover?
Ira Sancti by Eluveitie. I love the vocals of it so damn much
Favourite makeup era?
Probably the one where Falk had the tear lines running down his face, so just before SoS came out.
Favourite song performed live?
Lupus Del is a fun one they’ve done live
Do you have any merch? Show meeee!
Well I technically do, but it’s in another country atm cause a friend and I haven’t worked out shipping stuff. It’s one of the recent tour shirts, nothing fancy. Also EMP doesn’t ship to Australia so there’s that barrier as well…
Do you have a Powerwolf-related lockscreen/homescreen/desktop wallpaper? If yes, what is it?
My phone lockscreen is Attila and so is my laptop’s lockscreen.
Favourite melody/instrumental?
Look, the entire instrumental of Let There Be Night makes me feel things a lot
Are you in the FB meme group? Which is your favourite meme?
Yes. I am an admin of said group, even. As for my favourite meme? I am but a simple man. 
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Favourite Wolfsnächte 2018 recap video?
London, definitely. Mainly cause I can spot a few dear friends in the video
Favourite interview?
I liked the interviews they did for the DVD release. Matthew’s accent when talking in english is really fuckkn cute and I liked Falk And Attila playing off of each other in their lil interview parts
Favourite A Day With Powerwolf video?
Shit man, I couldn’t tell you. They’re all p good
Have you seen the documentary? Did you like it?
Yes I have and I actually went to some degree of length to actually buy the damn thing cause I can only understand english and ¾ of that doc is in german so I cried a little bit. But it was cool and I did see it and I liked the little insights the boys give us from it.
Do you want a Powerwolf christmas album in your life?
Hell Fucking Yea
Do you have a Powerwolf tattoo? Post a pic??
I unfortunately do not, but I’ll probably get the logo on me somewhere at some point.
Have you ever DIY-ed something? A t-shirt, necklace, etc?
Well, I’m planning a full on cosplay of Attila at some point does that count?
Which season goes best with Powerwolf’s music?
Probably Autumn or Winter. I find them to be good “curl up w a cup of tea and listen to them” music.
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vanherst · 3 years
Vher98 Update 5
I know it's only been a couple of weeks since the last blog post about my recent updates towards developing Vher98, but trust me it's for a good reason, I'll split it up into chapters to sorta give a bit more of an explination towards developments and get a bit more in depth about it for once.
Display properties.
This has been delayed for SO long, and finally I've gotten around to doing it. Finishing the display properties menu. The display properties has been the bane of my existance about this website but yet my best feature, just from the schemes feature alone. But this week I have a new addition, and that is to say I now have desktop icon schemes! Inwhich, allows you to change the desktop icons based on preselected spritesheets (Which you can also change by the command prompt!).
At the moment there are 6 presetswhich you can select, I recently did a massive sprite redesign for desktop icons based on my new character, Petra! But that's for a future update, for now I've set the default spritesheet and included all of the old ones, which you can select from, alongside being able preview them at a smaller resolution to be compatiable with the display properties window.
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I've also added a few other settings which you can see previews of, not all of which are programmed yet, so at a future date I'll either change them around or program them. But for now, I've added the ability to change desktop icon sizes to a more native modern scale, but leaving the default setting as the classic windows 98 recreation.
I've also added additional wallpapers, only accessable through the effects tab and "CSGO MODE" which was featured in the background of the preview blog post, which recreates the settings for my counterstrike mainmenu, along with adjusting the desktop icons and wallpaper to fit.
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As previewed above, designed to be a slight nod to my recent "Neon Genesis Evanjollion" video, featured on my youtube channel. I've recorded and animated my counterstrike character with loopable animations which play continuously in the background.
Now, I know this is a lot of text for what seemingly is a minor update, but the main reason I was able to design the latest additions to the effects tab was because of the recent massive rewrite I've had to do in order to fix a bunch of problems I was coming across, one of which being how unoptimised themes were reletively.
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Left: new code which include schemes selection and the new effects menu toggles. Right: old code, only including schemes selection.
This entire re-write revolves around basically storing arrays of data rather than manually switching values of variables, along with tons of adjustments to unneeded variables and how theme data is required to be stored, as CSMODE needs to store the theme data to be able to toggle from the data needed to switch from the current scheme to CSGO mode.
I cannot understate howmuch of a rewrite this is, and as much as I would like to say "I really don't get why I ever did it otherwise", I would be lying. But this is a super incredable optimisation and looking at this comparritively makes me super pleased with how far i've come from knowing nothing about HTML/JS to this. Jquery is a godsend.
Start Menu
On my newly found optimisation craze, I've also done tons of rewriting to the startmenu, another long overdue reform. Even though I've recently done a rewrite on this thing, I knew there was still tons of improvements with my new knowledge of jquery.
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Top image: old code in Javascript Bottom image: new code in Jquery
I've also put aside a few hours of time to dedicate creating new assets for the start menu. It became REALLY hard to find a nice and consistant style which windows 98 used, but it was really hard to find sources of any of the original assets but also have the levels of details I knew windows 98 for, especially when tons of the assets from windows 98 came from windows 95, which still relied on 8 bit colour in some instances.
So I did a bunch of digging and found the assets Windows 98 used at the end of it's lifespan and modified them a bunch to put into Vher98, giving my own personal touch and hopefully to keep the art direction of icons a bit more consistant and unique to look at and use.
Task management
Alright, last big one. Task management. Another long overdue reform was needed for this thing. Prior to this month, tasks relied on whatever manual order I decide to create the task and assign a number to, the number will dedicate placement on the taskbar depending on which value was the highest.
So for example, the Display Properties will ALWAYS be the third task on the taskbar if you was to open everything up, simply because I didn't know how to calculate the placement prior to designing tons of assets. Especially when the original conception of the site RELIED on myself manually creating the visual look of the taskbar as the entire site was designed based on images. From windows, taskbar to the starrtmenu. It was awfully inefficent.
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Top image: Example of windows being opened from oldest (left) to newest (right). Bottom image: The new optimised and redesigned code for calculating taskbar placement and task assignment.
Anyway, that being said I now have automated calculation for taskbar task placement. If you open a task, it will open and remain in the order of the task being ordered. Writing this makes me have a smug little grin on my face just from how happy I am I was even able to get this to work properly, and it's only a few lines of math to even get the result I have.
There's tons of other stuff I wish to go on about, but that's why I have patchnotes. if you wish to read them, you can check them out on my github, or in the Startmenu of Vher98.
There's a few bugs I need to get around to fixing, but I've invested a few hundred hours into this thing over the past month alone and I really should take a break to get onto other projects I wish to get around to completing.
I recently started developing a mod for Terraria and some drawings I want to get around to finishing sooner or later. But, the most important thing I REALLY need to get around to is branding. Over the past month or two I've been growing more and more displeased with how I present myself and the fact I have stagnated a bit within the realms of my carear and I need to get around to sorting these personal matters sooner rather than later.
I'll be back with a couple of projects. It might take a while but I promise it's for a good cause.
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lexlovesyou01 · 5 years
Answering questions bc why not?
001. What is Your Name? Steph.
002. How old are you? 25.
003. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? lol you can tell how old this is. I used to have a MySpace ages ago but my current blog is under construction right now but I do have one.
004. What is your height? 5’1”
005. Do you have any siblings? half. I guess.
006. What is your eye colour? dark brown.
007. What is your hair colour? dark brown.
008. Do you wear glasses or contacts? both.
009. Are you right handed or left handed? right.
010. Do you have any piercings? Only ears, sadly.
011. Do you smoke? no.
012. Do you swear? yes.
013. Do you get along with your parents? Yes.
014. Your heritage? Mexican.
015. Your fears? Heights.
016. Goal you would like to achieve this year? Getting back into nursing school.
017. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger? Lol.
018. Best Physical Feature? Smile? I guess. Lol
019. Your bedtime? Night owl over here.
020. What time do you arise in the morning? Depends. Either it’s really early or really late.
021. First thoughts waking up? the sun is too bright.
022. Do you shower daily? every other day.
This Or That?
023. Bright or dark room? depends on my mood.
024. Chocolate or vanilla? Both.
025. Dogs of cats? both. But dogs just a bit more.
026. Pepsi or Coke? Coke.
027. McDonalds or Burger King? McDonald’s
028. Ant or Dec? Wut.
029. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? neither.
030. Cappuccino or Coffee? Coffee.
In the last month have you...
031. Drank alcohol? Surprisingly no.
032. Gone to a mall? Yes.
033. Eaten a box of Oreos? no.
034. Eaten sushi? ugh yes. 💖
035. Been on stage? No.
036. Been dumped? No.
037. Gone skinny dipping? never.
038. Stolen Anything? accidentally.
Have you ever...
039. Laughed for no reason? Always.
040. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? No.
041. Been in love? Yes.
042. Fired a gun? No.
043. Been drunk? Yes.
044. Been called a Tease? Yes.
045. Been beaten up? No.
046. Shoplifted? When I was young bc peer pressure is a bitch.
What was the last....
047. Furry thing you touched? My dog.
048. Thing you've said? Oops.
049. Song you've listened to? Black Cat (03 Remix) - London After Midnight
050. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone? Mum.
051. Movie you watched? Wolf Children Ame & Yuki
052. Thing you were doing before this? filling in my planner
053. Time you cried? Couple days ago
054. Song you've sang? Breathin’ - Ariana Grande
055. Time you looked at the clock? right now.
056. Food and drink you've had? Sampler from Buffalo Wild Wings & Coke
057. Flavour of gum you've chewed? Spearmint
058. Shoes you've worn? Black and grey checkered Toms.
059. Store you've been in? Mexican store.
060. Planet? Pluto. Yes, I said it.
061. Age you've been so far? 21.
062. Season? Fall.
063. Number? 14.
064. TV show? too many.
065. Flower? Sunflowers.
066. How much cash do you have on you? $20
067. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'? Floor
068. What T-Shirt are you wearing? Pierce the veil Tee
069. What brand of shoes are you wearing? I’m barefoot right now.
070. What did your last text message say? “Good lol”
071. What were you doing at midnight last night? Watching a movie.
072. What's your current desktop picture? Build an Empire wallpaper
073. What's a word that you say a lot? “Oh”
074. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? pink maybe
075. How is the weather right now? Rainy and gloomy
076. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Smile.
077. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Definitely.
078. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? I used to, not anymore.
079. Who would you like to see right now? so many people. Not just one.
080. How many pillows do you sleep with? one.
081. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? MySpace is no more, so no.
082. How do you want to die? Peacefully.
083. What do you want to be when you grow up? Travel nurse.
084. What country would you most like to visit? I want to visit Europe again. Everywhere in Europe.
085. How many CDs do you own? a good amount.
086. How many things, in your past, do you regret? not a lot but a few.
087. Do you think you are attractive? Nope.
088. Do you believe in yourself? I’m trying to
089. Do you want to get married? I am.
In a boy/girl...
090. Favourite eye colour? any really.
091. Favourite hair colour? dark.
092. Short or long hair? Short.
093. Height? Taller than me
094. Weight? Average.
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Okay this gif is so adorable I had to use it! You don’t have to talk to me but if you still want to that’s cool too. lol
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