#cs ao3
notebook91286 · 11 months
Under Skin by KillerQueen86
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Author's Notes: With the rewatch I got the to write about these two again and that led to this little thing (I already have more in the works), it's just a little thing that popped into my head and I had to write it because it tormented me.
Story to be placed after episode 2x09 Queen of Heart.
English is not my language, so sorry if there are any translation errors.
I hope you like it, I look forward to your reviews.
Disclaimer: OUAT and all of its characters are not owned by me (otherwise it would have been an HBO product), all rights belong to their rightful owners, mine is just for fun.
They had eaten their fill, Granny had brought out her lasagna, Emma had really enjoyed it, and she had missed all of that, she had missed her little boy who after eating two portions of lasagna had collapsed in her arms, David arrived to rescue of her and had taken Henry in his arms, so they decided to go home, MaryMargaret had agreed with Ruby and Granny for the following evening and celebrate properly.
She really didn't care, she had silently followed Mary Margaret next to David holding Henry, could she really get used to all of that? She'd only stayed in Storybrooke for Henry, her didn't care about anyone else, or so she believed, spending time with her mother (yes, she still had to get used to all of that) had helped her deal with the burden that had accompanied her whole life: the abandonment of his parents.
The four reached the loft, apparently David had settled there with Henry after their disappearance, the man himself without saying anything took the boy upstairs, what had been Emma's room, perhaps now her had to consider the chance to find a home of his own. Henry needed his own space, and David and Mary Margaret needed their own space and time to recover, but that her could deal with later.
“I think I will collapse as soon as I touch my comfortable bed” the brunette said catching her attention, the two looked at each other and smiled, she too had definitely missed her bed and the comforts of Storybrooke.
"I'll give myself a quick wash so I'll leave the bathroom all for you" she said disappearing where the bathroom was, at the same time David went down the stairs, smiled at her and felt a little uncomfortable, they hadn't spent much time together, or for at least since he had gotten back his memories and the knowledge that she was his daughter.
“So how did you fare in our old world,” he said quietly leaning against the kitchen counter in front of her, giving her the peninsula space where she chooses to sit, secretly appreciating that David kept some form of distance.
“Terrifying” she admitted with a small smile, she saw him smile in amusement, her watch him carefully as he told her some old world stuff, and she realized how different he was from David Nolan, James or Charming as his mother liked to call him, he was a self-confident man, a leader.
Keep reading: A03 (eng)
EFP (ita)
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rendoesart8 · 11 months
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smaurent and damini❤️❤️❤️ (click for better quality bc tumblr sucks)
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austenwazright · 3 months
omg I'm such a damen's girlie, like it doesn't matter what the character say or what evidence points to my basic standing in every fanfiction is "it wasn't damen's fault"
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Chapter 20: The Episode Bedeviling Bodies Part 4
FNAF Cryptid!Sun/Moon x Cryptid Hunter!Y/N (SFW)
A hand pushes the broken door open. Peering inside, the man’s heart jumps. They recognize him. He took your money and gave you a key to your room. The man’s eyes widen. His pulse skyrockets. Sun stares back, glowering despite the smile on his vessel’s face. This is not the scene they want to be caught in, standing still in the middle of a room, trapped in a circle of salt, surrounded by heartless corpses and their spilled blood.
Word Count: 15,100~ Warnings: Blood, violence, injury, horror, gore, brief suicidal thoughts/statements, vomiting, death, child endangerment, and possession.
A/N: This is the last part of this episode! There will be an epilogue that I'm going to post tomorrow, but for now, enjoy the conclusion to this very special hunt!
Night falls and Eclipse rushes to find you, but what they find is not your heartbeat. They conduct their own hunt with a new friend, and wait by a playground, hoping that it's not too late.
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cs-rylie · 10 months
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My first CSSNS fic, The Journal! A ghost story based on Native American mythology
Updates every Thursday
Taglist below the line - lmk if you want to be added or removed!
@jrob64 @kmomof4 @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @booksteaandtoomuchtv @herhookedhero @chronicallybubbly @elfiola @zaharadessert @tiganasummertree @hookedmom @djlbg @stardreamer28 @tequedarasavinon @stahlop @gingerchangeling @middlemistcs13 @csadmire @deckerstarblanche @xellewoods @anmylica @huntressandlioness1 @insanelydeadlybookcollector @lfh1226-linda @motherkatereloyshipper @dashingpiratesandswans @momontheice @rapunzelsghosts @paradiselady19 @a-faekindagirl @eddisfargo @julesep3026 @caityrayeraye @bluewildcatfanatic @kday426 @winterbaby89 @jonesfandomfanatic @charmed101 @bg12sofia @ouat-the-hell @xarandomdreamx @zippoluv @flslp87 @captainswan-shipper88 @grimmswan @laschatzi @jennjenn615 @darkshadow7 @pygmypufftattoo @bizquake
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7origamisheep · 1 year
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feeding my poor hungry papercarm soul🤲
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bi-writes · 8 days
ok i've done some light research. if you want a software engineer/fic writer's inital take on lore.fm, i'll keep it short and sweet.
my general understanding of lore.fm functionality:
they use OpenAI's public API. they take in the text from the URL provided and use it to spit out your AI-read fic. their API uses HTTP requests, meaning a connection is made to an OpenAI server over HTTP to do as lore.fm asks and then give back the audio. my concern is that i wasn't able to find out what exactly that means. does OpenAI just parse the data and spit out a response? is that data then stored somewhere to better their model (probably yes)? does OpenAI do anything to ensure that the data is being used the way it was intended (we know this probably isn't true because lore.fm exists)?
lore.fm stores the generated audio (i am almost certain of this because of the features described in this reddit post). meaning that someone's fic is sitting in a lore.fm database. what are they doing with that data? what can they do with it? how is it being stored? what is being stored, the text and the audio, or just the audio?
i find transparency a very difficult thing to ask for in tech. people are concerned with technological trade secrets and stifling innovation (hilarious when i think about lore.fm, because it doesn't take a genius to feed text into AI and display the response somewhere, sorry to say). and while i find the idea of AI being used to help further accessibility on apps that don't yet provide it promising, i find the method that lore.fm (and OpenAI) chooses to do this to be dangerous and pave a path for a harmful integration of AI (and also fanfiction in general -- we write to interact, and lore.fm removes that aspect of it entirely).
we already know that AI companies have been paying to scrape data from different sources for the purposes of bettering their models, and we already know that they've only started asking for permission to do this because users found out (and not from the goodness of their hearts, because more data means better models, and asking for permission adds overhead). but this way of using it allows AI to backdoor-scrape data that the original sources of the data didn't give consent to. maybe the author declined to have their fic scraped by AI on the site they posted it onto (if the site asked at all), but they didn't know a third-party app like lore.fm would feed it into an AI model anyways.
what's the point of writing fics if i have no control over my own content?
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voiceofsongs · 9 days
currently writing a fic of Damen and Laurent taking care of Damen’s son, the heir to the throne... soon available on ao3!!!
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kazoosandfannypacks · 5 months
5, 7, 8, and 13 for the WIP ask game! 😁
JESSICA!!!!! HIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!
5. What fic surprised you with how much interaction it got this past year?
I know I mentioned Wishing it Wasn't when Hazel asked, but I also want to give honorable mention to This is (Kinda) The Way. I'd hoped it would do well, but was blown away by not only the lovely comments and kudos on ao3, but also all the interaction it got on tumblr. It was at the top of the sabezra and ezrabine tags for a couple days (and if you've blocked as many tags as I have you'd've seen it at the top of the sabine wren tag too,) which was such a huge encouragement to me as I recovered from my unfortunate accident 😅
7. Share a line/paragraph/snippet that you were especially proud of from a work this year!
I'm gonna go with this section from As The Sun Rose and Seasons Changed, because I waited almost a decade to see these two idiots from The Shuttle get engaged and am very glad to have been the one to do it:
 "There's a reason I brought you out here today, Betty," he smiled, "you've always been clever, so I know you know what I'm going to ask you, but I'm going to ask it anyways, and it's going to be the most terrifying moment of my life."  "You've no reason to be afraid, James." She rarely called him by his first name rather than his title, but now it felt proper to do so.  "You've no idea what I fear to lose, Miss Vanderpoel," he said, "I know of your love for Dunstanwolde, and your disdain for its condition– and of my love for it as well. If all I were offering was my land and my title, to watch from the sides as you touch all around me with your life, I'd give even that. But what I ask is something deeper. I do not ask you to love a sullied name or a crumbled ruin. I ask you to love the man who holds nothing besides them," and here he took her hand and said, "I'm asking you to love me."  Still holding her hand, he knelt before her, one knee supporting him on the damp earth his ancestors had killed for and died on. Out of his pocket he pulled a ring, and held it before her.  "Bettina Vanderpoel," he asked, "will you marry me?"  He wasn't the first man who'd proposed to her– but somehow she'd hoped all along that he would be the last.
8. What's your favorite work you posted this past year?
if you think I'm gonna say the same thing I told Hazel and Iris, you are dead wrong.
Even though it's not perfect by any stretch of the word, I'm gonna say How We Rewrote the Stars. I intended it to just be a oneshot and posted it as such for sabezra week, but added more chapters after the fact. It was my first time posting an uncompleted work, which has always worried me because what if I wanted to change something? What if I messed something up in the first chapter? However, I took a leap of faith {which, fun fact, is the name I would've posted it under had I left it as a oneshot} and tried it out like that, and I'm proud of that!
13. What fic are you most excited to post in the upcoming year?
I'm very much hoping to finish the Gamergirl Sabezra AU by the end of the year, and can't wait to share it with you guys. I'm also working on a Captain Swan fic I've lovingly nicknamed the "romeo & juliet & boybands au." I haven't posted anything for Captain Swan since June, and that's the CS fic I have the most motivation to write, so it'll be lovely to post for such a lovely fandom again!
thanks so much for the ask!
📝 send me some asks from my ao3 writers ask game!
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allthebeautifulsouls · 2 months
I’ve started reading MM original fic for the first time—so far the Captive Prince trilogy and Heated Rivals are favorites! I found it very fun and kind of startlingly how some of WinterBaron could be mapped over to the captive prince. Enemies to lovers, one blond cold calculating slighter individual, one chained/imprisoned/resentful character who’s still much physically bigger and stronger, the excellent resulting tension… XD
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fluffytheocelot · 11 months
hngng school and work and other projects got in the way oops. also my old fnaf hyperfixation came back and my brain immediately combined it with cs. so of course i had to do stuff for that. ill prolly post the stuff when i finish it :) 
anyways art from the chapter:
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safyresky · 3 months
🆕 Crystal Springs Chapter 30: "What Comes Next" now up on ao3/ff dot net!
Chapter 30: What Comes Next
Jacqueline wakes up; Jack fixes the Dome. With everything all but wrapped up, what comes next?
ao3 | ff dot net
you guys...she's finished.
Crystal Springs is actually, honest to goodness, FINISHED. THIS IS THE LAST HECKING CHAPTER! I AM BALLING IN THE CLUB RIGHT NOW!
Please, take my humble excerpt while I SOB UNCONTROLLABLY--
Bright. It was bright. It had been so, so dark and now it was so, so bright. Why was it so bright? She cracked open her eyes. Bright. Blurry. Sunlight. Water. Humid air. Blue eyes. “…Jack?” A sharp inhale. “Oh, darling. I’m so, so sorry.” “Momma?” She was being crushed. Her tummy hurt. Momma was sniffling. “But where’s…where’s Jack?” She tightened her hold. She didn’t reply. This was wrong. It was bright out. Too bright. But it wasn’t the right kind of bright. She closed her eyes tightly. Opened them again. Squinted. It was bright. Way too bright. Artificial bright. She groaned, turning her head to the side. Blue eyes. “…Jack?” “Jacqueline?” On the edge of his seat, Jack watched as Jacqueline’s eyes finally opened—only to immediately shut tight once more as she winced at the bright light. She groaned. Wrinkled her nose. Her eyes popped open again, blues meeting blues. She blinked. Smiled. “You are here.” “Welcome back, little flurry.”
So, indeed. What DOES come next? Read on at ao3 and ff dot net to find out!
Want to start from the top and read it ALL IN ONE GO, NOW? You can do that HERE on ao3 and HERE on ff dot net! I think it's time for a new pinned post now, lol.
Story summary and chapter musings below the cut!
It’s been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking…well, not so great. Jack’s powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk. Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family. Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn’t even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that’s had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move? Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit…complicated.
And there we have it! After way too many years, Crystal Springs is done! Again again! TBH it's probably a GOOD thing I paused halfway through rewriting--my writing has gotten muchas better and I don't think the story would be as lovely as it is now if I HADN'T taken a huge long ass pause from round 2 for a haute minute!
So, here's what's 🆕 This Chapter:
Kept the sillies but made them FLOW better
Since Fino got a whole ass bonding scene with Jack a couple chapters back, the Elfirmary scene went to Fiera instead, and it is LOVELY. It worked out well! She surprised me a BUNCH!
Lucy is in character now :) Love to see it :)
And I think that's about it!
OG 2014 Edition: 7,114k words
NEW 202X Edition: 15,387k ish words
Thank you all so much for reading and commenting and creating with me! I really hope that Crystal Springs is as delightful a read as it was to write 🥰🥰
In the meantime! Here's what we can expect to see from the CS-Universe:
Frostmas making it's way over to ao3 monthly! Complete with minor edits for a fresh ✨GLOW UP✨
Smile Shots creeping over there
NEW Smile Shots creeping up over here
The usual scrimblies
Into the Shadows musings? We'll see. She's a little disjointed rn but will be sO FUN once I've got all the threads connected 🥳🥳
And thank you from the very bottom of my heart for coming along on this ride with me! And the asks and the art--all of it has been so, so amazing and SO lovely to see! I cannot tell you all how happy my heart is knowing these lil fucks (affectionate) have resonated with you all, too 🧡💙🤍💖
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elytrafemme · 8 months
the amount of people commenting saying that they still read the chapter/got excited by it/plan to keep reading even though they've left the fandom... tears in my fucking eyes. literally the best thing a writer can hear ever
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Lack of Light
Cave Creature!Sun x Reader (SFW)
Snickering to yourself in slight victory, you sit back on your butt on the hard, moist, rocky ground before using one hand to click the flashlight on. Holding it near your stomach, the light shoots out into the massive cave. You realize with a cold trickle of dread that you are not alone.
Word Count: 3,700~ Warnings: Injury, light angst, hurt/comfort, and broken bones.
A/N: This is purely something I wrote on a whim and a faint idea of a salamander/axolotl Sun. It's short and sweet and very indulgent. Please note the fic tags before reading, and enjoy!
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cs-rylie · 10 months
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Chaos ch3
ao3 - ffn (ffn may take a minute to load)
I've been stalling on posting this because my taglist is still in progress. All of you who responded to my posts about it.. I'm overwhelmed 🥰 I thought maybe one or two people would respond, but everytime I go to post this and check my notifications, there's another response. Y'all make me all teary and emotional
Taglist below the line - if I tagged you and you don't want to be here LET ME KNOW. Same if you'd like to be added!
@jrob64 @kmomof4 @teamhook @tiganasummertree @stahlop @hookedmom @booksteaandtoomuchtv @elfiola @winterbaby89 @undercaffinatednightmare @kday426 @zaharadessert @djlbg @xarandomdreamx @jonesfandomfanatic @huntressandlioness1 @lfh1226-linda @motherkatereloyshipper @dashingpiratesandswans @anmylica @hannahhook7744 @stardreamer28 @tequedarasavinon @thomlugaro26 @grimmswan @gingerchangeling @momontheice @insanelydeadlybookcollector @rapunzelsghosts @csadmire @zippoluv @deckerstarblanche @rachelhosking90 @xellewoods @convolutedconundrum @veiled-in-moxie @caityrayeraye @flslp87 @paradiselady19 @bg12sofia @ouat-the-hell @bluewildcatfanatic @eddisfargo @julesep3026 @a-faekindagirl @middlemistcs13 @charmed101 @laschatzi @pirateprincessofpizza
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laurentspeach · 1 year
rereading captive prince while trying not to cry about your parent issues isn’t a hobby it’s a lifestyle
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