zoomonfood · 4 months
ASMR Milk Chocolate Crispy Rice
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detesdixdoigts · 7 months
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Crispy Pork Belly with Cashew Gochujang Sauce served with Crispy Rice Indulge in the ultimate crispy delight with our Crispy Pork Belly in Cashew Gochujang Sauce over Crispy Rice. Get ready to elevate your taste buds to new heights.
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williechou · 2 years
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永康在地老字號餅店的中秋限定蛋黃酥禮盒 王西勢是我突然滑到的, 點進去看了官網的介紹, 我就手滑給他訂了兩盒, 因為他綜合禮盒讓我很有興趣, 於是立刻訂購起來一盒自享,一盒送人, 小小一盒,口味又多, 不會容易吃膩。 他們家的招牌其實是水果餅, 但中秋當然要買應景的商品, 所以選了中秋限定的蛋黃酥禮盒, 也順���選了其他的產品, 就選中了米香, 對! 很老派的零嘴、小點心, 而且又是抹茶跟紅豆的經典搭配, 身為抹茶控的一員, 當然是要給他吃起來! |中秋限定綜合蛋黃酥禮盒 / 金香菠蘿 豆沙內餡完全不甜膩, 完整的鹹蛋黃在裡面的鹹味剛剛好, 最甜的部分出乎我意料的居然是外層上方的波蘿皮, 但是跟裡面鹹蛋黃搭配起來, 卻是美味的恰到好處, 有打破我對傳統餅店對蛋黃酥的刻板印象, 口感的話, 則是略帶點酥的質感。 / 奶黃紫芋燒 他雖然叫做奶黃紫芋燒, 但是他內餡吃起來不像是芋泥, 倒有點像是以前吃過的花蓮薯花蓮芋的那種味道跟口感, 鬆鬆綿綿的, 裡面那顆小麻糬, 咀嚼起來不會黏牙, 也讓這款外皮跟內餡沒有太過明顯口感區別的品項, 多了一個特別的口感層次。 整體的口感算是蠻豐富的, 但是整體的味道跟金香菠蘿相比的話, 因為沒有鹹蛋黃鹹味的關係, 比較單純的吃芋頭的香氣跟麻糬的口感。 雖然它拿起來的手感不是那種很容易鬆動的, 但是放進嘴裡, 真的只要用舌頭跟上顎一壓, 他就會直接崩散,化開在嘴裡。 / 芝香白玉流心 這款在我切開時真的有小驚艷到我, 因為他不用加熱, 內餡就已經是有流心的狀態了。 咬下後, 會先感受到外皮的酥鬆感, 還有淡淡的起司粉香氣 接著是濃郁的芝麻香, 再來是麻糬的軟綿化口感, 最後是鹹蛋黃流心的的鹹香來平衡芝麻帶來的濃郁感。 咀嚼時可以感受到比較明顯的外皮酥感, 會帶出芝麻香氣, 然後麻糬的口感是忽隱忽現的, 最後是以鹹蛋黃淡淡的鹹味作為收尾。 但這款的缺點就是會比較像傳統蛋黃酥, 容易掉的滿地屑。 這三款呢, 我覺得不分軒輊, 我真的選不出來最愛的是哪一款。 因為每個口味的味道跟口感都很不一樣, 都各有特色, 如果不是在晚上, 我可能半個小時就把這盒六顆全吃光了吧! 對了, 他的尺寸也比較小巧一點點, 多吃一顆, 也不怕! 喜歡傳統蛋黃酥味道但又想來點不一樣口感的可以選擇「 金香菠蘿 」。 不想花力氣, 想配著茶把他融化在口中然後直接滑下喉嚨的可以選擇 「 奶黃紫芋燒 」。 希望濃郁堅果香氣環繞在口腔鼻腔中的可以選擇「芝香白玉流心」。 |抹茶紅豆脆米香 / 每袋五片裝 他雖然看起來是脆硬的, 但你掰的時候, 他整體其實是帶有微微的彈性跟軟度, 不像是傳統米香那麼的脆硬, 而且他的米是用胚芽米, 比起白米的營養價值又高了一些。 接著仔細看一下, 他也不像傳統米香是搭配青豆什麼的, 加搭配了養生的南瓜子、杏仁條, 還有很歐美的玉米穀片, 反而是紅豆我沒發現。 然後他吃起來口感就是酥脆���口感, 然後他的抹茶不是那種很重很明顯的味道, 而是讓你在咀嚼時可以感受到淡淡的抹茶清香感, 就是不愛抹茶的人, 也是可以接受的。 而且甜度也不高, 抹茶的香氣, 還有上述堅果的香氣, 然後也不黏牙, 真的很適合在下午時候來上一片, 解解嘴饞, 又有營養價值! #王西勢食品行 #永康老字號餅店 #中秋禮盒 #蛋黃酥禮盒 #中秋限定禮盒 #水果餅 #金香菠蘿 #奶黃紫芋燒 #芝香白玉流心 #脆米香 #抹茶紅豆脆米香 #北極是吃貨 #中秋禮盒推薦 #台南美食 #永康美食 #下午茶 #pastrybox #crispyrice #saltedyolkpastry #fruitpastry #popdaily #popyummy #poptainan #pop台南 (在 王西勢) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChtNqkMv3cg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lanierecipes · 3 months
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persianatpenn · 3 years
Dorm Cooking with a Persian Twist
As a first generation Iranian-American, Persian cuisine has been a staple in my household all of my life.  From daily meals, to Friday night dinners with the whole family, to any and every holiday or special occasion, Persian food always makes an appearance. Since the age of around 10 I have taken every chance to watch and learn from my grandmother while she would spend hours preparing meals for the family. I am proud to say, she thinks my cooking is up to par.
Food is an integral part of Persian culture. To me, Persian culture is all about family and community, and cooking is an awesome way to bring people together, form connections, and make memories. Some of my fondest memories are sitting around a table eating a home cooked meal with family.
Since coming to Penn, I have been eager to share my Persian roots. I am so excited and proud to have been able to share my favorite part of Persian culture through a dorm cooked Persian meal. It made me so proud to see the the smiles around the table as my friends tried my food. I was really pleasantly surprised that they were asking questions about each dish, Persian cooking, and even Persian culture as a whole. It was awesome to lean how open minded others can be about learning about other cultures. Even with the limited ingredients and cooking space, and the fact that a true Persian meal is cooked over an entire day, I am really looking forward to sharing my Persian cooking on a more regular basis.
On the menu:
khoresht-e ghormeh sabzi (خورش قورمه‌سبزی‎), thadig (دیگ), and salad-e Shirazi (شیرازی). My personal all time favorites. Khoresht-e ghormeh sabzi is a popular Persian stew, made with herbs, meat, and kidney beans. Thadig is arguably one of the best dishes ever created. Thadig, or crispy rice, is made my frying the thin layer of rice that sits at the bottom of the pot. Finally, salad-e Shirazi is a cucumber and tomato salad dressed with lemon, oil, salt, pepper, and herbs.
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Here’s are my dorm friendly recipies!
Ingredients - Khoresht-e Ghormeh Sabzi (خورش قورمه‌سبزی‎):
Parsley (جعفری)
Cilantro (گشنی)
Spinach (اسفناج)
Fenugreek (شنبلیل)
Onion (پیاز)
Kidney Beans (لوبیا)
Beef (گوشت)
Lemon (لیمو)
Salt (نمک)
Turmeric (زردچوبه)
Ingredients - Tahdig (دیگ):
Rice (چلو)
Yogurt (ماست)
Salt (نمک)
Turmeric (زردچوبه)
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Spicy tuna crispy rice. The food of the gods. #CrispyRice https://www.instagram.com/p/B5gcvXGlVjufMHYBmuEtlXVL1F5gnSWCVBTTd00/?igshid=x65ndjz3elq9
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travellianna · 2 years
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@thepenthouse @thehuntleyhotel #santamonica #losangeles @dinela #crispyrice #tuna #tunatartare #yum #whereintheworldislianna (at The Penthouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcZrCzbuMyC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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antestardedoque · 2 years
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Matando minhas próprias lombrigas 😅😅😅😅 arroz moti frito com abacate, salmão, maionese picante, cebolinha e gergelim. Receita deliciosa da @foodmymuse ————- Crispy rice & spicy salmon. Recipe from @foodmymuse #crispyrice #spicysalmon #avocado #arrozmoti #salmao #foodmymuse https://www.instagram.com/p/CbSuyu5Lgbm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nolafoodporn · 6 years
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Crispy rice with bacon, miatake and yolk jam from Bywater American Bistro
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loveandmacaroons · 3 years
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Crispy rice with spicy tuna kind of Monday’s 🍣✨ #crispyrice #spicy #tuna #rosecafemiami (at Rose Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU5o2e0vP4D/?utm_medium=tumblr
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zoomonfood · 4 months
ASMR CRAZY chocolate cocoa crispy rice
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monibasu · 3 years
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i had a craving after listening to @splendidtable this week. so i made #taadig. and it came out superbly, if i say so myself. thanks, @francis_lam. #persiancooking #iran #iraniancuisine #rice #crispyrice (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPXNWnXrJzu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tameekaeats · 3 years
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🦞🍙🍘 Super Crispy Rice : Spicy. Lobster salad, spicy raw tuna, avocado and sweet soy sauce over crispy rice 📍 Bua Thai Ramen & Robata Grill ( @buathairamenrobatagrill ) | 1611 2nd Ave NY, NY 10028 . . How do you feel about #CrispyRice ?! I actually love it and don’t miss an opportunity to order it. I first tried it in Vegas and was in-love ever since. Bua Thai has a SUPER crispy rice on the menu and Cez nearly ate the whole plate lol (at Bua Thai Ramen & Robata Grill) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNDVnzelVGa/?igshid=1sbo4fifur472
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travellianna · 2 years
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@kurasushi_usa #sushi #handroll #japanesefood #crispyrice #spicytuna #jalapeno #whereintheworldislianna (at Kura Revolving Sushi Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcUFSrgpKzT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sean626 · 4 years
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Crispy rice. #crispyrice #akaihana #akaihanasushi #chefsean626 #friedricewithspicytuna #likeback クリスピーライス。 #クリスピーライス #アカイハナ寿司 #ショーンシェフ #創作料理 #創作料理部 #創作料理部アリゾナ州支部 #割とうまい #もうメニューにないやつ (AKAI HANA Sushi & Grill ( Mr. sushi )) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHj-7lOn35I/?igshid=4utdn5j1njzk
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rnadal88 · 4 years
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Light dinner... #crispyrice #airfriedchicken #bambooshoots #herbs #instafood #foodiesofinstagram (at Heerle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFphuJdJ7hg/?igshid=1qjhlc8fgorfb
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