#crime lord taeyong
svtcarat-exo-l · 2 years
Wayfinder - Part 2
Part of The Syndicate AU Series
Mafia!Yuta x Street Racer!Y/N
A/N: Part 2! We finally meet Yuta! The next chapter will be the first part of Taeyong’s story, so stay tuned. Thank you guys for showing the first chapter so much love - it means the world to me! - Love, M
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Tag list: @scuzmunkie​ (Let me know if you want to be added here!)
Despite the persistent curiosity whispering in your ear you managed to go the entire race without meeting a single one of the mafia members present. Judging by the way Jaemin was glued to your side before the race and how Jeno hovered during - Renjun's intention was to keep you separated from Taeyong and his three accomplices.
All you'd learned were the names to go with the faces. Taeyong, Mark, Johnny, and Jungwoo.
Half of the eight-strong inner circle.
Renjun must've wanted to get a solid read on their intentions before exposing his whole operation just in case the deal went sideways. An effort that you couldn't help thinking might be futile when dealing with organized crime at this level.
The inner circle's influence was cast over the entire city like a massive spider web - a system of strings connecting them with those that owed them their loyalty and those who owed them favors. All they needed to do was tug on the right thread. With an information superhighway that large they could very well know everything about everyone already.
Maybe you'd been very foolish to think you could be a part of the night life of this city without it bleeding into your quiet existence during the day. The collision of your two worlds was starting to look more and more inevitable.
Even with your mind full of distractions the race went exactly as planned. 
You and Mina pulled off the win almost effortlessly. The only real competition was a driver from out of town in a monster of a car, but Mina's Mazda had no trouble overtaking it with the maneuvers you suggested while watching through the live feed from her dash camera. 
Jaemin finished half a second behind her in his gorgeous Corvette Stingray - a ride you'd happily steal if you knew you could get away with it.
The Neos certainly got a good show.
You, on the other hand, had been bored completely out of your mind.
Of course you would always be grateful for the security that came from working with Renjun, but now how your driver performed in the races was being determined by someone else. Whether Mina placed first or last was all strategy to make money and keep the crowd happy.
Success no longer came from being the best - It came from following orders, and each victory felt more hollow because of it.
You chaffed against the lack of autonomy - missing when you clawed and reached for the finish line with every fiber of your being because it was what you wanted, even if it was only through giving guidance over radio.
Really acknowledging the change would have to wait, because Renjun needed you to be a unified front right now. There was no room for the doubts you were starting to feel.
Thankfully, the universe decided to throw another distraction at you.
After winning the race you received an invitation to the midnight gala the other half of Taeyong's inner circle must've been hosting while he attended the races.
Apparently the crime lords wanted the winning team to attend with Renjun, something about a show of good faith, but it was obvious they just already knew who in the organization was in cahoots with Jun when Jaemin secured an invite as well.
In a surprising and kind of disconcerting bit of foresight one of the men, Mark, had handed Mina two gowns in garment bags as he left at midnight.
It had taken half an hour for both you and Mina to hurriedly get dressed and throw yourselves into her car - still trailing behind the boys by quite a few minutes. 
Why this party had to be on the same night was beyond you.
Now you were climbing the grand staircase alone while Mina parked her car, because she certainly wasn't going to trust the valet with her baby when she never even let you drive the thing.
Your anxious fingers smoothed out the fabric of the blue gown you'd instantly fallen in love with for it’s soft off the shoulder sleeves and gathered waist. It was probably the most beautiful item of clothing you'd ever worn, and definitely the most luxury judging by the high-end name on the label.
Secretly, you already hoped you'd get to keep it.
While passing through the crowd outside the hotel entrance the usual murmurs that followed your movements met your ears, and as you walked you caught snippets of your greatest moments being retold with awed reverence.
Your skills brought attention from around the world, attracting new challengers, and in Renjun's eyes there wasn’t much else he could ask for from his sponsored navigator.
To survive this party you needed to let the acknowledgment of your talent fuel you ego. Feeding their admiration and confidence into the darkness within you that reveled in notoriety, you collected all of your nerve and drew your false persona around you like a cloak - dressing yourself once more in the costume of the genius navigator.
A detailed ruse that allowed you to feel like more than you were.
Your fingers trailed your mask, finding comfort in the familiar contours. It was a delicate, sculpted work of silver – an upgrade from the simple cloth ones you’d worn back when you and Mina were on your own. Renjun had it made specifically for your first race on his personal line up.
Thus - the silver dragon had been born.
Someone confident, sensual, and completely unlike yourself.
Feeling centered again, your eyes swept the room from your new position in the entry hall. It was a massive space washed warm and golden in the glow from hanging chandeliers - the skylights above them showing just a hint of the night sky outside.
Mina caught up to you, but her greeting was cut short when she was frozen by intense eye contact with Taeyong, who had chosen a vantage point on one of the carved marble balconies overlooking the crowd. You had a vague memory of seeing him speaking to Mina before the race, and from the looks they were exchanging you could only guess where it was going.
Organized criminals do tend to stick together.
She sent you an apologetic glance that you waved away with a look that said 'go have fun', so she slipped into the fray to make her way to him. You trusted her to handle herself.
As you moved further into the space you still caught the occasional glance directed at your mask.
For the first time, you felt a bit uncomfortable behind the silver. Those gathered outside had heard of you, but to the elites in the ballroom you had no reputation – you weren’t “the silver dragon”. That larger than life person was easy to find in the dimly lit night, but in the warm glittering hall you felt small again.
Surprisingly, a smile crossed your face at the thought while you grabbed a drink from a passing waiter.
Another thing you hadn’t really admitted to yourself was that the secrecy and the act wasn’t as fun as it used to be. It was exhausting to heave up an iron front every evening to then tear it down again in the morning.
A tinge of sadness fell over your features right as you caught the gaze of a man across the crowd.
Except he was far different than the others.
He was maybe the most beautiful man you'd ever seen, and the connection between you crackled with a kind of electricity that stole your breath in a way you'd never felt before.
He held you attention with authority and blatant curiosity until a teasing smirk tilted up the corner of his mouth, shaping his expression into one of mischief. It reminded you that you were staring at a stranger, so you quickly turned away from the boy who you were certain was a member of the inner circle.
No one else could hold that kind of easy dominance in their eyes.
Embarrassed and flushed, you tilted you mask up just enough to down your entire flute of champagne, an expensive year no doubt, and began to walk a circle around the room. A majority of the guests were swirling gracefully on the dance floor to the Bach you recognized flowing from the live string quartet.
Then more people started to notice you.
The glances turned into stares, then staring turned into whispers hidden behind raised hands. Knowing they were talking about you made your hands shake when you set the empty glass on another waiter’s tray. Before you could convince yourself to turn around and leave - your thoughts were interrupted.
"Well, you're new." A voice rumbled behind you.
You turned to face who had approached you and recognized him immediately.
Up close you could drink in even more details.
His hair was a mane of warm chocolate brown, long enough for the curls to just brush his shoulders. Multiple piercings decorated his ears, and the relaxed way he wore his suit told you he had a much more devil-may-care attitude than the other polished, sharply dressed patrons. Several of his shirt's buttons were left undone revealing layered necklaces laying over smooth, bronzed skin that you tried not to let your eyes trail for too long.
Your first impression was correct. He was the most beautiful man you'd ever seen.
Dark eyes locked onto yours through the mask and you got the uncanny feeling he could see right through you -  like any illusions about you shattered before him, so any words that could’ve escaped you caught in your throat.
"I would recognize someone I'd seen before behind a mask, but you I don't." He explained after your silence with a raised brow that told you he'd noticed your appraisal. "Do I get the honor of knowing your name?"
That smile sent your heart right into your throat. Captivated, your mouth opened almost unconsciously and you had to bite your lip to keep the syllables of your name from escaping. He'd said maybe two sentences and already your resolve for anonymity was crumbling alongside your false facade.
He didn��t seem to mind your hesitation and offered you his hand. "That's alright, you don’t have to tell me. Dance with me instead?"
The gentleness in his eyes kept you from refusing flat out, but it was the genuine, hopeful lift of his eyebrows that convinced you to step forward and place your hand in his. Familiar callouses, the ones that came from handling firearms, greeted you on his palms.
You looked up at him and your voice finally returned to you when the silence carried on too long to be comfortable.
"I would like that." A simple response. You were here after all, you might as well enjoy a dance with a dashing mafia scoundrel and sate just a touch of your determined curiosity to understand them.
His grin broadened at your voice. "Ah, she speaks at last."
You laughed thankfully at his ice breaking and followed his lead onto the dance floor. "Sorry, you took me by surprise that's all."
"I didn't mean to scare you." He stopped in an opening between the couples already dancing and when he turned back to face you the warmth in his eyes was magnetic. Wow. "My name’s Yuta."
The name suited him perfectly, and you tested it out in your mind - committing the shape and feel of it to memory. But still you clamped down on the impulse to say your own name despite everything inside you saying you could trust him. 
Yet instead of pushing Yuta gracefully moved past the subject with tact. As a mafia elite you were sure he was used to forcing information out of people, but it seemed like with you there was an exception.
Yuta took a few steps closer, his gaze never wavering, and when you could just catch a faint whisper of his cologne he rested the hand not holding yours on your waist.
"May I?" He asked.
When you nodded, once again speechless, he pulled you nearly flush to his chest, and you hoped he didn’t hear the gasp that passed your lips. From there he eased you into a waltz as the music slowly transitioned to a new melody.
You were thankful to find Yuta’s lead forgiving. His grip easily adjusted to support you in the moments you faltered, so the steps were at least somewhat graceful. A flush threatened to redden your face because of the affect his warm, steady hands were having on you.
Comfortable silence stretched for a few seconds before he spoke up again – dipping his head closer to your ear to keep the conversation private.
"This is your first time waltzing, isn't it?" Despite not seeing his face you could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Is it that obvious?" You admitted, embarrassed at it being so apparent.
"Painfully." Yuta answered, continuing in a exaggerated whisper. "You've stepped on my toe three times."
Your heart jumped and an apology started to bubble out of you, but with one quick movement he spun you into a turn and you landed naturally back into his arms - eyes locked with his once more.
"But I'd say you're a natural." He spoke softly and looked as affected as you had been feeling for a moment before the flirtation blended back into him, mixing with this new earnest aura. "Is this your first gala as well?"
It took you a second longer than him to change directions back to normal conversation. You had to admit that now this dance was about more than satisfying some selfish curiosity about the mafia. It was about Yuta. Only him.
"I can't say I've ever been to a party like this." A party full of the biggest names in organized crime, one of which was a man making you dizzy with his attention.
Almost like he could read your mind amusement lit up his face. "How do you like it?"
You weren’t sure how to answer. If your assumption was correct it was his party, so you didn’t want to say you felt completely out of place, but you also didn’t want to lie to someone you were starting to hope you'd see again after this night.
So, you went with a noncommittal response.
"It's… very different from my usual crowd." As soon as you said the words you knew what question was coming next.
As expected he settled onto the topic. "And what might that be?"
The pause that followed almost made you abandon being truthful, but when he took in a breath to again change the subject for your comfort you interjected before he could. "The street racers. I'm a part of Renjun's crew."
You drew back to gauge his reaction, and his smile told you he was pleased that you'd chosen reveal more about yourself to him.
"So, you're the famous navigator Taeyong mentioned.“ The familiar way he spoke the leaders name confirmed for you he was a member of the inner circle. Knowing that your reputation preceded you, that you'd impressed Taeyong, gave you a bit of your fire back.
“What gave me away?” For the first time you were the one teasing him, and it definitely didn't go unnoticed.
“Word travels. You're the most talented navigator in the country, yet no one knows your name or face. Only the silver mask." He tapped your jaw lightly, and you found yourself wishing you could've felt the touch on your skin. "I did detailed background checks on everyone else. I can tell you what Jaemin got on his 3rd grade math final, but you are the anonymous enigma.”
The teasing lilt in his voice and mirth in his eyes was all that kept you from making a biting remark about privacy.
“I wasn’t aware I’d become an urban legend.” The quip had an edge to it still, but he laughed at your words - a bubbly and intoxicating sound.
"Well." He started, pulling you closer again. "It's one of the many reasons no one can take their eyes off of you."
His voice had dropped as he said the words, the tone deep and honeyed, but before you could melt into the floor he spun you out again. Your dress swirled around your feet in an arc until he settled you back into his arms - your faces mere inches apart. He's good. It was obvious that Yuta was a master of this cat and mouse game. He understood social rhythm at such a deep level that keeping you guessing at every turn, interested at every moment, was easy as breathing.
And to you it was breathtaking.
"Are you sure they aren't looking at you?" Your voice was lighter than you expected, and he chuckled again. Yuta boldly dropped his eyes to take you in for a moment so long that your heart rate skyrocketed.
"No it's you." His focus settled on something over your shoulder. "Except for Renjun, he looks like he wants to run me over with his car."
"He'd use someone else's car." The response was automatic and jokingly casual, so when Yuta's brows shot up into his hairline you just had to explain yourself to keep the bit going. "He drives a fully restored 1965 Ford GT40. Those bumpers aren't cheap."
Yuta easily followed you up. "Well, it's nice to know he wouldn't ruin a perfectly good bumper to take me down."
His humor fitting so well with yours made you warm inside, so you decided to help him out with the overprotective glare you could practically sense being thrown at him from across the way.
"Turn us around and I'll take care of him." Renjun's hair made it easy to find him in the crowd. His concern wilted under the look you gave him, and one short silent conversation later he gave you a reluctant nod, melting back into the mass of people. You hadn't noticed that Yuta had turned to watch the exchange, but when your focus came back to him he threw his head back cackling. "What?"
"Remind me not to get on your bad side."
Something about that moment broke the last bit of your resolve just as the last bars of music played and the dance ended. What harm could your first name do?
"My name's Y/N."
His grin in response rivaled any other he'd given you before.
"It's nice to meet you, Y/N." Yuta lowered his brows seriously. "And don't worry, that stays between you and me. Renjun told us you want your identity classified - I promise you it will stay that way."
"Thank you." The courtesy he'd just given you was more than you'd ever expected. The rumors that had led you to giving this a chance might be turning out to be more real than you and Renjun thought.
"I know Renjun doesn't trust us yet, but-"
Yuta's voice faded to the background of your mind when you spotted a familiar face sporting a vile grin floating in your periphery. Your blood ran cold. Impossible. You whipped around but he was already gone - vanishing like a phantom into thin air, but you'd seen him and known he was real.
Panic stole your breath, crushing your chest under it's weight, and you began a new frantic search for Renjun. He had to know. Everyone needed to know.
He was back.
"Y/N!" Gentle hands caught your shoulders and you remembered Yuta was still with you. "What's wrong?"
Glass was shattering and raining down around you before you could explain that now the real monster was here.
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jisungchan · 2 months
about me :3
my name is nephele! you may call me neph or nephie too :)
21 ('02 liner), black/latina, she/they pronouns pls, pansexual
things i love: music (KESHIIII), astrology (i do readings on the side), reading (me, my kindle, and my library locked in), crochet, sewing, volleyball/crossfit, tea, podcasts, psychology (i am pursuing a doctorate in neuropsychology send help i have 8 more years of school), true crime, math (i luv calculus i'm a nerd), manga, anime, art
my bbys:
park jisung (i am so not normal for him like i need him so bad… has been my ult ever since i got into kpop in 2020)
choi jiung (a close second to jisung… i am once again not normal for him)
hwang hyunjin (his eyebrow piercing lord have mercy on my soul PLEASE)
na jaemin (he’s so bbygrl)
lee taeyong (ima be a military wife soon T_T)
yangyang (idk his teeth just do something to me)
jung sungchan (idek what to say he’s just a cutie)
jung wooyoung (need him BAD)
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just-come-baek · 4 years
get in, loser 1
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Pairing: Taeyong x female!reader
Themes: smut | mafiaboss!taeyong | carthief!reader
Word count: 6.2k
Summary: How to get noticed by the most dangerous man in the country? I guess stealing his sport car and dying it hot pink must catch his attention.
Warnings: car theft | speeding | alcohol consumption | jaehyun being taeyong’s henchman | hardcore brainstorming | taeyong being touchy | more in next chapters
A/N This series will be around 5 chapters long. New updates shall be posted once every two weeks I hope. Also, @starlightbebes challenged me into posting chapter 1 on Taeyong’s birthday, so I won. ^^ Pay up.
Considering it was Saturday night, the city seemed oddly serene. Any other night, I’d witness some wild shit, yet tonight, it was quite peaceful. No prostitutes were arguing with no-cooperative customers, no inexperienced adolescents throwing up in the public trash cans, no aggressive football spectators fighting with their rivals.
Despite the calm aura, the city was vibrant; colorful neon signs were blinking, inviting people into different liquor establishments, cars honking on drunken pedestrians jaywalking across the streets, a few undiscovered musicians playing on the main square with plenty of tourists recording them.
Each establishment promised an unforgettable night, and for some people, it would be a real dilemma to pick one among such a rich palette of entertainment. I, on the other hand, had a pretty well-defined plan of stealing a fancy car – a precious possession of one, infamous crime lord in the country.
It wouldn’t be my first car theft, yet it surely was going to be the most meaningful one. Everyone in town knew that Lee Taeyong was up to no good. When it came to his personal taste, though, it was impeccable. The most expensive, the most extravagant, the fastest cars belonged to him, so stealing one of his astounding vehicles would be the cherry on top of my villainous career.
Rumor had it, tonight he’s celebrating in his VIP club – the Cherry Bomb; if you ask me, its name is a little bit tacky, but who I am to judge? The crowd of people trying to get inside was enormous, so despite its name, the local must’ve been quite profitable.
Being the most dangerous crime lord in the country must be a pretty time-consuming profession – I wouldn’t expect him to get to the club before midnight. Regardless of what must’ve been on his to-do list tonight, his schedule was bound to be packed.
It was almost 1 o’clock when matte black carbon-fibred McLaren P1 LM with “DRAGON” written on its registration plate pulled over in front of the club; in an instant, people in the queue grew silent, mesmerized by the handsome man who nonchalantly got out of the car, tossing the keys to the valet boy.
Lee Taeyong was just as good-looking as he was deadly – with his styled-up tousled vibrant-red hair, ripped black jeans, and a top-brand leather jacket, he made people turn their heads despite their gender and sexual orientation. In all honesty, I did my research, I had dozens of pictures of him, and I knew what to expect. The pictures didn’t do him justice, though. His natural beauty was enchanting, but when topped with his charisma and cocky confidence, it was a lethal mixture.
When Taeyong strolled inside his establishment, I, just like the other people who were in rapture, could finally get my shit together. It was remarkably difficult to remain in the right state of mind when he was within your eyesight, and tonight, it was going to be my most significant theft, so I couldn’t get distracted.
“You can do this,” I encouraged myself before running across the street, ready to execute the first stage of my plan.
I didn’t dare to doubt my skills for even a second. Tonight I would succeed, and Taeyong would have to call an Uber to get back to his grand mansion.
It’s been three days since my ingenious heist, and I was getting impatient. I wanted Taeyong to find me and talk to me, yet I was waiting and waiting, and he didn’t seem interested in getting his car back. It was actually disappointing. I couldn’t contain my curiosity; I just needed to see his reaction after I had his car tuned. I had made sure to be caught on their CCTV, so he would quickly track my traces, but it only proved me he was working with rookies.
Checking the time on my wristwatch, I walked into the run-down car repair shop, wanting to sneak one last peek at my masterpiece before I’d put a cover over it so Taeyong would gasp upon the big reveal. The new car paint looked amazing – Doyoung, my friend and a mechanic, did a great job dying it hot pink. Too bad, he was too scared to wait for Taeyong with me. I couldn’t blame him, though. Taeyong was known for his short temper, and it was understandable that Doyoung didn’t want to stick around to witness Taeyong’s wrath.
“What is taking him so long?” I asked myself as I plopped down in a ripped leather armchair, cracking a cold one. “How long does it take them to find the guys who don’t want to be found?” I wondered, pulling my phone, scrolling through the new content on my social media.
It was taking them forever, but when the sun was slowly setting behind the horizon, I could hear a vehicle park in front of the car repair shop. Judging by the engine’s roars, the car was expensive.
It must’ve been Taeyong himself.
“Finally,” I hollered as I got on my feet, throwing my slowly dying phone on the armchair. If the crime lord showed up, he needed to be welcomed accordingly. Taeyong was a royalty amongst gangers, and he deserved the best treatment.
Midnight blue Bugatti Chiron registered under “FURY” stopped on the parking lot, and I waited for Taeyong to get out. Seconds passed, and he was still sitting comfortably in the vehicle, building the tension. I didn’t feel stressed, though. Although we hadn’t been properly introduced, I knew a whole lot about him – he was famous for his rage. However, right now, he had to be impressed rather than enraged. Or at least, it was the emotion I hoped for him to feel.
Only a complete psycho, and me, would dare to steal one of his automobiles.
The descending sun was blinding me, and when I raised my hand to block the direct sunlight, the car doors opened. Even in daylight, Taeyong looked like a five-course meal. Today, he was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a Gucci T-shirt; the outfit was simple, yet on him, it looked elevated.
“Very impressive,” he shouted loudly before he coolly walked over. “You’ve got balls, I have to give you that,” he added, and I smirked, considering his words as a compliment. Men of high positions often have trouble complimenting people, let alone women, and Taeyong didn’t seem to be an exception.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, too,” I answered politely, offering him a handshake, which he contemptuously denied. “I must say, I expected to meet you sooner,” I jabbed, but Taeyong only looked at me condescendingly before he walked inside, impatient to check up on his stolen property.
“My people located you yesterday morning, but I wanted to see you in person, and you must know, I am a busy person,” he explained, studying the shabby interior. “No one steals from me.”
“Well… I already have, and it was easier than I previously assumed,” I answered confidently before approaching the cover. “I have a surprise for you, are you ready?” Taeyong didn’t even flinch, and I considered his indifference as an agreement. With one quick pull, I uncovered the vehicle, allowing him to see my teeny tiny change. “I hope you like pink.”
Taeyong grew silent.
I had told Doyoung to change the car paint to hot pink, yet Taeyong didn’t even blink. I expected him to get pissed or, at least, annoyed, but when I looked at his features, I couldn’t see any reaction.
“Actually, pink is my favorite color,” Taeyong emotionlessly announced, and I only stared at him in utter confusion.
What the fuck?
“Well… I expected a different reaction,” I spoke, the wires in my brain incapable of coming up with anything intelligent. A guy with such a foul reputation favors the color pink.
Imagine my shock.
Apparently, Taeyong is a man of many layers.
“Who are you?” Taeyong condescendingly asked as he sat comfortably in the armchair, putting my phone on the armrest. Calmly, he leaned backward, crossed his legs, and entwined his fingers over his bent knee, waiting for me to tell him everything he wanted to know.
“I think you already know who I am,” I stated, and he just stared at me intensely. His people must’ve done a background check on me, yet he still wanted to hear it again. Stealing his car was one thing, but disrespecting him about such trivial matter seemed way worse. Doing something so risky and bold was admirable in his eyes, but wasting his time like this was just annoying, so I simply did what was expected of me.
I told Taeyong about my childhood – how I spent my allowance on go-kart races; it was my escape whenever my father got drunk and picked up fights with my mom. Then, I disclosed my secrets on how I began stealing cars – when I was seventeen, because of excessive drinking, my father needed a liver transplant, and it was the only way of getting money remotely quickly. Later, at the age of twenty-one, I participated in my first street race, though this time, it wasn’t because I needed money – I did it because I enjoyed the thrill.
“How did you steal it? How, on Earth, did you go inside the club without any of my workers noticing you?” Taeyong asked, and although he must’ve already concluded my operating plan, he wanted me to explain it myself. This time around, I didn’t even hesitate.
“I blended in,” I shortly answered with a shrug. “It wasn’t that difficult to find out all the information I needed to get inside unnoticed. I checked all your staff’s social media accounts; it took me like… three days of stalking to get their names and work schedules. That night, I sneaked into the club right after your arrival, and when somebody asked me something, I told them I was busy doing the thing the manager wanted me to do. They just assumed I am the new girl. Normally, I don’t do things like that when I steal a car, but this time around, I wanted to do something extra. Are you impressed?” I challenged, and Taeyong cocked his eyebrow, deeply in thought.
“Huh, last question. Why have you done it?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” I inquired rhetorically, and Taeyong didn’t even bother to give me a proper answer. He seemed bored, and it was making me feel a little bit fed-up. “Well… in all honesty, I am sick and tired of freelancing, I want to work for you,” I elaborated, and Taeyong just chuckled as if I just told him a hilarious joke. Why was he laughing? It was a reasonable proposition, and besides, I’ve already proven my amazing skills.
“I’m not recruiting, sorry,” Taeyong spoke when he stood up and glanced at his pink vehicle. Well… it was a harsh rejection. “You have one day to return my car, or I will have my henchman kill you,” he added, walking up to me until he invaded my personal space.
“Asshole,” I whispered loud enough for him to hear me. Taeyong already knew what I was capable of, yet for some reason, he still decided not to give me a chance. It was a dick move, and I couldn’t let him have the last word.
“You’re feisty. I like that,” Taeyong said at last, “Let’s meet on Friday, at the Superhuman. Midnight. Don’t be late.”
“Don’t thank me, and don’t forget to bring my fucking car.”
“She’s here,” Jaehyun told Taeyong as soon as the gatekeeper forwarded the message. “I can’t believe you didn’t kill her back then,” he added matter-of-factly, remembering the infamous car theft. No matter how many times he thought about it, he couldn’t comprehend how someone could be so stupid to mess with his boss. What puzzled him even more, however, was the fact that Taeyong seemed rather impressed by this woman’s actions.
“I was surprised too,” Taeyong answered honestly. “Can you believe she had the audacity to ask me to recruit her?”
Jaehyun was stupefied. “Well… are you going to?”
“Actually, I am not sure,” Taeyong replied hesitantly. It wasn’t how the regular recruitment process worked, but the woman intrigued him. She had seemed quite keen on working for him, and he was curious how much she wanted this job. “I haven’t decided yet,” Taeyong added, and Jaehyun looked at his boss in concern; Taeyong was impulsive in his decisions, and the fact that he hasn’t made up his mind yet was rather peculiar.
“You can’t be serious,” Jaehyun commented, hoping for Taeyong to come back to his senses. This wasn’t the way the things were dealt with here; if someone dared to mess with the leader, death was the kindest thing they could hope for. If other members found out about it, they might’ve thought Taeyong was getting soft. She disrespected the leader, and she ought to have faced the consequences.
“Bring her in, Jaehyun,” Taeyong ordered, dismissing Jaehyun’s concerns.
“Of course.”
“I expected to meet you in one of the VIP lounges, not in your office,” I spoke the second Taeyong’s henchman led me into an expensive-looking office at the back of the club. “You should’ve given me heads-up, I would’ve dressed accordingly,” I carried on, glancing down at my not suitable clothes.
My outfit consisted of a cropped T-shirt, denim shorts, fishnets, and a pair of combat shoes, and it did not look appropriate under these circumstances. I was expecting a flirty conversation in Taeyong’s natural habitat of leather lounges, expensive drinks, and beautiful girls competing amongst each other for his attention, but instead, he surprised me with a job interview in his private office at the back of his club. If only I had known, I would’ve dressed suitably.
“Leave us alone, Jaehyun,” Taeyong spoke in an authoritarian tone, and his associate left the room without any further comment.
The second I heard the doors click, I let out a breath of relief. For some reason, the henchman’s presence gave me chills. It was difficult to remain composed with Taeyong in such close vicinity, however, when accompanied by the other dangerous man, I felt uncomfortably anxious.
Taeyong’s piercing gaze was fixated on me, and it made me blush a little bit. He was hot as hell, and in all honesty, any woman would react this way if alone with him.
With one fluid motion, he commanded me to sit, and with a sheepish smile on my face, I obliged.
“You seem to be in a good mood,” I started, but Taeyong only smirked, sliding an A4 format envelop across the desk. “What is this?” I asked in confusion, but Taeyong just sat back, entwining his fingers together, enjoying my reaction.
Gang members didn’t sign employment contracts – that’d be silly.
“You admittance,” he started, and I cocked my eyebrow, trying to understand what the hell was going on. “Inside the envelope, you’ll find all the necessary information about your new assignment. Bring this car to me within a week, and you’ll be officially the newest addition to the family.”
It was interesting.
Taeyong had already seen me in action, yet he needed another proof of my qualifications. Actions speak louder than words, but my most recent ones screamed and ought to echo in his ears for years!
“Don’t look at me like that, it’s just a regular procedure, don’t take it personally,” Taeyong added, but I wasn’t exactly buying that. There must’ve been something that he didn’t tell me. There was a catch, it must’ve been. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have that playful spark in his eyes the whole time.
 “I’ll text you the meeting location sometime this week,” he added with a genuine smile, and I didn’t even dare to question how he got my number. “Good luck, doll,” smirking, Taeyong whispered, and I started questioning his intentions.
It must’ve been a set-up.
“I look forward to hearing from you,” I answered respectfully, quickly standing up, wanting to run out of the club. Curiosity was killing me; I had to peek inside the envelope, but I couldn’t do it in front of Taeyong. I hoped he acknowledged me as fearless and confident, and I couldn’t allow him to change his opinion about me. One hesitant glance at the papers could ruin my image, and I couldn’t let it happen.
“Are you out of your mind? You can’t be serious! Tell me you didn’t recruit her,” Jaehyun angrily stormed into Taeyong’s office, fed up with the leader’s decision. The girl left the club alive, and it’s not the outcome he anticipated. Jaehyun would break her neck if only Taeyong told him to. Letting her scot-free was a mistake, and it was crazy that Jaehyun was the only one to realize it.
“Calm down, Jaehyun,” Taeyong announced casually, making Jaehyun a bit confused. “I did give her an assignment, but don’t you worry about it. She’s gonna fail. She’s good, but not that good,” Taeyong added, and both of them smirked mischievously.
I’ve never been more anxious. My grip on the envelope was tight, my knuckles turning white, and I really had mixed feelings about opening it. Taeyong’s mischievous smirk couldn’t have been a good omen.
On the other hand, I couldn’t let the stress weaken me, so I did what any other person in my shoes would do – I went to the liquor store and bought the biggest bottle of gin they had. Regardless of what Taeyong had assigned me to do, it would be easier to digest when drunk.
Then I hailed the cab and dialed Doyoung’s number. He picked up after the fourth ring. “I’m coming over,” I quickly said, notifying him before my arrival. As my friend, he would help me if the alcohol was to fail.
“You’re alive, so I assume it didn’t go that bad,” Doyoung spoke when he opened the doors and let me in. Not bothering to greet him, I walked passed him and shoved the bottle of gin into his hands. “Are we celebrating?” He asked, kicking the doors shut, “please, tell me we’re celebrating.”
“I don’t know,” I answered, plopping into an old armchair, throwing the envelope on the coffee table. “We’re about to find out. Taeyong gave me another assignment, but pour me a drink first. I’m not sure I can handle it sober,” I explained, and Doyoung knew what to do. Within a minute, he was back with two Scooby-doo mugs and a bottle of tonic.
“It can’t be that bad,” he started as he sat down on the couch on the other side of the coffee table, pouring us drinks, which were basically 80% alcohol. “I mean… you’ve stolen his car; can it get any more challenging than that?” Doyoung asked, and I actually had to admit he was right. Taeyong’s the most dangerous crime lord in the country; as long as he didn’t make me steal Kim Jongun’s tank, I should be fine. However, on the second thought, I didn’t know Taeyong that well, so the guess might’ve not been that farfetched.
“I don’t want to open this envelope,” I confessed as I picked up the mug with Shaggy’s face and took a large gulp.
“Do you want me to do that for you?” Doyoung proposed, and I nodded. Perhaps if Doyoung read it out for me, it would’ve been easier to accept my fate. “Because you’re all stressed out, I’m all fidgety too,” Doyoung added before he grabbed the envelope, looking inside.
“What does it say?” I inquired in curiosity, hoping to hear some good news.
“It looks like you gotta steal a yellow Ferrari LaFerrari,” Doyoung started, as he pulled out a picture of my target. OK, it wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, it was doable. “And it belongs to someone called Yuta,” he spoke, and I jumped to my feet and snatched the papers out of Doyoung’s hands in disbelief.
It must’ve been a sick joke.
“It can’t be,” I whispered, refusing to comprehend what Taeyong wanted of me. He was a complete psycho if he thought I could steal one of Yuta’s cars.
“Do you know this dude?” Doyoung inquired, reaching for his cup with Fred.
“Do I know this dude?” I deadpanned, trying not to burst out in tears. I was royally screwed. “It’s Nakamoto Yuta. He’s the royalty of Yakuza. He’s basically Taeyong’s biggest rival,” I explained, and it got Doyoung speechless.
“Well… it sucks,” he whispered, downing his drink, ignoring the burn. “What are you gonna do?”
“Good question,” I replied, coping Doyoung’s actions, drinking my gin to the very last drop. “Even if I manage to steal his car, how am I supposed to get it across the border? It’s a suicide mission.”
“Is there anything else in the envelope?” Doyoung asked, and I put all the papers on the coffee table. Among documents about Yuta’s bio, there was a check for 20 grand written under my name. “Mr. Bad Boy must’ve felt generous,” he commented, but I didn’t find it amusing. Mr. Bad Boy, as Doyoung eloquently put it, would kill me if I failed this mission.
“Generous or not, I’m gonna be dead if I don’t bring this car to him within a week,” I muttered, feeling helpless. I lacked ideas on how to conduct the theft successfully, and the time was slowly running out.
“You can do this,” Doyoung stated confidently, not even a sliver of hesitation in his tone. He was absolutely sure of my skills, and I wished I had as much faith in myself as he had in me. “We have no time to waste; pack everything you need, we’re going to Japan.”
“Do you have a plan, though?”
“We’ll come up with one on our way.”
Doyoung was right; we had no time to waste. God, in times like these, I was really thankful he was my friend. Right now, when I was a nervous wreck, he was the voice of reason. If it wasn’t for him, I’d get wasted and pass out in the poodle of my own vomit. Thanks to him, I was only slightly tipsy, but productive as fuck. We made a stop by my apartment and his car repair to get everything necessary, and then took a train to the harbor.
The first ferry to Japan was leaving the docks at 7 o’clock. The journey was about to last more or less 8 hours, it was plenty of time to finish the entire bottle of gin and come up with a foolproof plan on how to steal that Ferrari.
“How about you seduce Yuta, and he lets you borrow his car?” Doyoung voiced his seventh plan this morning, and in comparison to his previous ideas, it actually seemed doable. “It’s great in its simplicity,” he added, and I shook my head in disappointment. Even if I was his type, how was I supposed to bullshit my way into his pants without any Japanese skills?
“How about you seduce Yuta, and when he’s busy drilling your ass, I’ll sneak into his mansion and snatch the car?” I proposed, and Doyoung fake-gagged at the thought of doing this. Or maybe, he just has had one shot of gin too many. One could never be sure…
“How about you seduce Yuta and talk him into doing it in his car, and when you’re about to do it, I knock him out with a rock?”
“How about we go to Yuta’s club, and you challenge him in a singing duel, and you win the car fair and square?”
“How about we find Yuta’s doppelganger to steal his identity and pay him to steal the car for you?”
“How about we kidnap Yuta and keep him hostage until they give us the car?”
“How about we hypnotize Yuta into making him lend us his car?”
Truthfully, we struggled a lot while trying to figure out the best way to prove my worth to Taeyong. Stealing Yuta’s car wasn’t an easy assignment – some people would say it was impossible. Thankfully, we came up with one solution throughout our drunken brainstorm that wasn’t that bad…
We were so drunk that I couldn’t actually remember who came up with this idea. One second, Doyoung and I were brainstorming, then, a moment later, someone woke us up because we reached the shore.
“Come on, we have no time,” Doyoung said as he picked up his bag, urging me to pick up mine and get off the ferry. I rubbed my eyes and looked at him, wondering how, on Earth, he wasn’t hungover. “You’ve got only six days left…”
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” I answered, groaning.
I had an unpleasant feeling in my gut, telling me this week was going to be awful, but at least we had figured out a plan. It was far from perfection, but with proper execution, I could pull this through.
By sheer luck, I managed to accomplish my seemingly impossible mission. Though I didn’t fully believe in the plan, we didn’t make a single mistake, and after three days of data analyzing and one night of the actual heist, we were on our way back.
Hopefully, it was the only recruitment assignment that Taeyong wanted me to fulfill.
On Friday, one hour before the meet-up, Taeyong sent me the location.
In an hour, I’d become one of his people, and I wanted to look worthy of the new position. Wisely, I chose my best outfit, deciding to wear a pair of black leather trousers, a modest white button-down shirt, and fancy boots on a 10 centimeters heel. I looked formal, but with a fierce twist, and I gave off that cutthroat businesswoman vibe. I lived for this outfit. And to top it all, I carefully applied make-up, making sure to highlight all of my features.
I expected to meet with Taeyong in his extravagant mansion, yet he surprised and scared me at the same time with his decision. This gig cost me a lot of stress, and the last thing I wanted was to meet with the most dangerous thug in the country in a deserted meeting point in the city outskirts.
Trying to remain calm, I sighed to shake off all types of negative thoughts. Terrifying scenarios were playing in my head in which Taeyong shot me in the head and dumped my body somewhere in the woods. Taeyong was a dangerous gangster, but I believed he had the honor and would not kill me without any concrete reason.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t say the same thing about his henchmen – this Jaehyun guy in particular. It was obvious the guy hated me and was pissed with Taeyong because of me. I didn’t fancy meeting with him, it would be best if Taeyong and I could talk alone.
Punctually, I arrived at the meeting point. Nonchalantly, I got out of the vehicle, shut the doors close, and leaned against the hood, waiting for Taeyong to appear. The night was warm, yet a little bit windy – it was perfect for the employment celebration.
Taeyong was running a bit late, but I didn’t mind. Besides, he was the most wanted thug in the country; he wasn’t running late – anyone he was meeting with was just too early.
So I waited.
Thankfully, I had plenty of time to psych myself up, so when I heard an engine roar in the distance, I didn’t panic. I was confident enough to face Taeyong and genuinely smile in response to his compliments. This theft was epic, and I expected to hear how impressed he was of me. It was the only reaction I hoped to get.
I was right, it had to be Taeyong. Who else could’ve been in the jet black Audi R8 Spyder registered under “WHIPLASH”?
Having parked right beside me, Taeyong got out of the car, carefully inspecting the Ferrari. His focused eyes were studying the vehicle’s features as if trying to tell it indeed belonged to Yuta. In the meantime, I studied Taeyong’s outfit.
Tonight, he was wearing all black: a pair of high combat shoes, black cargo pants, a see-through shirt, and a leather jacket. The outfit was on point, but when topped with his new haircut – tousled and of powder pink color, Taeyong looked like a model. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found out that modeling companies contact him every once in a while to recruit him.
“How did you do it?” Taeyong asked, his tone telling me he didn’t believe in my talent. Well… that hurt a little bit, but proving him wrong gave me a lot of pleasure at the same time.
“It wasn’t easy,” I started, not really wanting to spill the beans; especially, when the story wasn’t as impressive as he might’ve thought. “I really wanted this job, so I had to figure out a plan. You know how it is… you gotta discover your enemies’ weaknesses and use them to your advantage.”
“It doesn’t answer my question, doll,” Taeyong remarked, smirking at the nickname he once again used to refer to me. It must’ve really stuck with him. “I gotta be honest with you, I expected you to fail, but you actually did it. I’m impressed,” he added, and I smiled, swiping my hair to the back in a nonchalant manner.
“What can I say? I’m really good at what I do,” I replied, looking into his eyes, trying to remain in the confident pose. “Now, it would be a mistake not to hire me,” I trailed off, making Taeyong smirk again. He was gorgeous, but when that mischievous smirk decorated his face, he was just breath-taking.
With his hands in the pockets, Taeyong took a few nonchalant steps toward me and placed his hands on the hood of the car, leaning in, trapping me between his arms. His stern glace was trying to penetrate my mind, to read me, but I managed to remain calm.
I wanted to work for him, not to hop on his dick, and though the second option seemed rather tempting, I had my priorities set straight.
“From the moment I saw you, I knew you were special,” Taeyong whispered in a husky voice, and I looked up into his eyes, swallowing hard. He was indisputably intimidating, but I couldn’t let his charm overtake me. “You seem troublesome, but at the same time, awfully skilled.”
“You bet,” I answered, trying to ignore the fact that Taeyong just pushed his leg between my thighs, inching closer and closer with every second. “Is that how you treat all your employees?” I asked, trying not to lose my cool.
“They’re not employees, they’re family,” Taeyong clarified, and I rolled my eyes, actually expecting his kind of answer from him. “And that would be weird if I treated them this way, wouldn’t it?”
“They wouldn’t be your family, but your orgy if you ask me,” I spoke matter-of-factly, waiting for his reaction since I doubted anyone was this frank with him.
“Why do I have a feeling you’re gonna be a huge pain in the ass?” Taeyong asked, hopefully not expecting an answer. “Quite talented one,” he added, dropping his head down to my neck, placing a delicate peck against my sensitive skin.
“But hey, it’s what keeps everything fresh and exciting,” I offered, suggesting looking on the bright side of these circumstances. “So… speaking of my recruitment…” I mentioned, internally wishing for Taeyong to keep his hands to himself. I was trying to be professional, and it was incredibly difficult with the boss, basically making out with my neck.
“One more test and you’re officially a new addition to the family,” Taeyong said sternly, finally pulling out. “You said you race, I want to see you in action,” he added, and I bit my bottom lip due to stress. Seriously? Another test? He got to be kidding me. “Don’t worry; it’s a formality at this point.”
Honestly, his words didn’t cheer me up at all. I had stolen his car, and then I had been to Japan to steal his rival’s car. And now, he wanted me to pass another test. Come on!
“All you gotta do is to give me a lift back to my mansion,” Taeyong announced, somewhat excited to see my driving performance. “The route takes up to 20 minutes, so I’m gonna give you ten. It sounds fair, doesn’t it?”
“What about your car? I wouldn’t leave it here if I were you,” I remarked, trying to make out a logical answer. I wouldn’t leave my bike here, let alone a sports car, knowing how much crime was going on in this particular part of the city.
“Normally, I’d not, but you see… I caught a flat tire,” Taeyong explained, and I cocked my eyebrow, trying to see which tire was pierced. I didn’t notice any damage, but then, Taeyong pulled out his gun, shooting through the left back tire, making his point. “It was an exceptionally unfortunate accident,” he added, and I rolled my eyes at him.
He was a mad man.
“OK, fine, get in, loser,” I said, inviting him inside the car. Having sat comfortably and fastened our seatbelts, Taeyong put the location into the GPS. “Are you gonna time me?”
“Of course,” Taeyong answered, extending his arm, staring at his expensive wristwatch. “You have ten minutes, starting… now.”
Carefully, I chose one of my playlists before driving off.
It was a wild ride. I was driving twice as fast as the road signs were telling me to while singing my heart out to Backstreet Boys’ biggest hits “Everybody” and “I Want It That Way”. At this point, Taeyong was probably questioning whether it was safe to get in the car with me, or not. Though I encouraged him to join me in this carpool karaoke, yet he decided not to.
The navigation system was giving me weird directions, trying to lead me into congestion. Listening to my driver’s instinct, I sped through some self-discovered shortcuts. Judging my Taeyong’s expression, he had no idea what I was doing.
In the middle of “I Want It That Way”, I had to speed up even more. Each song is about four minutes long, so I still had about three minutes left to make it to the mansion, and though I seemed rather calm, I was out of my mind.
I’ve gone too far to lose right now. I couldn’t let this short race end up my flourishing career. I had stolen two cars within two weeks, and both vehicles belonged to the most dangerous men in their countries. I couldn’t lose now.
Breaking probably all traffic laws, I managed to reach Taeyong’s mansion before the boys got to finish the last chorus.
“You’re a triple threat, doll,” Taeyong said, and I wondered what the third admirable thing about me was. Undoubtedly, he was impressed with my theft and racing skills, yet I didn’t have a clue what was the third factor. “You’re officially one of us,” he added, and I smiled widely, ecstatic to finally hear his words of approval.
After so much testing, I finally proved my worth to him, and he took me under his wings.
Having pulled out his phone, Taeyong gave me a few instructions. “From this moment onward, Lucas is your direct superior, you gotta report everything back to him; I texted you the address. Be there first thing in the morning. Better be on time, Lucas doesn’t like it when people are late.”
“Thank you, Taeyong.”
“Don’t thank me, doll,” Taeyong replied, opening the doors, ready to exit the vehicle. “You have no idea what you’ve got yourself into.”
“I’ve got one more question…” I hollered, and Taeyong sat back in the passenger seat, waiting for my final inquiry. “What am I supposed to do with this car?” I asked, and Taeyong shrugged nonchalantly, suggesting it was not his problem.
“Get rid of it, obviously,” Taeyong answered, confirming my suspicions. “It belongs to Yuta, and the last thing I want is him realizing that I have it. Burn it down, dump it in the lake, I don’t care, just make sure it’s not gonna be found.”
“Great,” I whispered, losing enthusiasm with each voiced letter. It was problematic to bring it here, yet disposing of it was going to be even worse.
“Don’t lose your spirit, doll,” Taeyong added, leaning down towards me. With his right hand, he raised my chin and pressed a delicate peck against the skin of my cheek. “Good luck, make your daddy proud,” he whispered before exiting the car, shutting the doors close.
Though Taeyong was long gone, I was sitting in the vehicle, not leaving the driveway. What the hell just happened? Not only was he using this stupid nickname, but then he dropped that daddy bomb. I was not prepared for this.  
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charmingyong · 3 years
Noxious Cherry (1)
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Part 1 | Part 2
Genre: criminal!Taeyong x fem!reader
Warnings: psycho, deception, theft, shootings, swearing, car explosion
Word count: 2.7k
Plot: You found a pink haired man lying on the ground and decided to check up on him when you should have run away. 
A/N: I AM OBSESSED WITH TY’S GTA! This genre reminds me of @taeyongtime’s Pre: Ace of Fools so do check that out if wanting another psycho read.
Gif: mine
- ❀ -
Finally home time!
The feeling of settling into your car after the end of your night shift was a pleasant one. You relaxed your head against the headrest and let the exhaustion from having to stand hours preparing the endless coffee orders leave your body before starting your car. You drove down the empty streets, a few nonfunctioning streetlamps creating a dim lighting along the sidewalks. Mindlessly, you passed by a park where a dark figure laid still on the ground.
Reaching a red light of an intersection, you thought back to the thing you caught a glimpse of earlier and something itched in you to go back and check it out. When the lights turned green, you made a U-turn and found the figure still there, unmoving.
Walking closer to it, you realized it was a boy with pink hair, eyes closed looking unconscious, though his chest rhythmically rose up and down. You squinted to get a better look of his face under the low lighting and did not spot a single scratch on the skin to hint any signs of him being injured.
Is he okay? you thought. Should I wake him up?
Worried that he could have been bruised under his clothes, you called for him. “Hello? Are you okay?”
Hearing your voice, his eyes fluttered open and his breath hitched upon seeing a beautiful face up close. You were relieved that he was alive, but grew uneasy when he merely stared at you, not responding back to you with words.
“Um, are you okay?” you asked again, hoping he would say something about why he was on the ground in the middle of the night.
He only groaned as he shifted his weight to sit upright, rolling his neck and shoulders in circles to alleviate the tensed muscles.
“Should I call the ambula-”
“Don’t,” he cut you off with a small glare. He couldn’t afford getting caught if he were taken to the hospital, especially when he didn’t even need to go there in the first place.
You bit your lip nervously, unsure what to do next. You didn’t want to be rude and leave him alone all of a sudden, but you really wanted to go home. Should you drop him home? Get a grip, Y/N! He was a stranger, and you couldn’t tell if he was safe enough to bring him inside your car. “But are you hurt?”
“It’s not that bad,” he replied. “Just take me home.”
Looked like you were taking him into your car.
“Where do you live?” You hoped he didn’t live somewhere too far so you could get under the covers of your cozy blankets as soon as you could.
The boy cocked his head to the side and gazed at you in amusement. “Take me to your home.”
You were thankful it wasn’t summer just yet. Otherwise, mosquitoes would have entered your jaw-dropped mouth. Was he crazy? Why would anyone in their right mind ask to be taken to a complete stranger’s home? Especially one where you lived alone. “Why my home? Don’t you have one?”
He propped his upper body up with hands resting beside him, watching you with a dark glint in his eyes that you failed to notice. “I don’t want to be alone tonight.”
The boy was adamant and wouldn’t take no for a response, making you pray to the Lords that nothing bad would happen when taking home the pink haired whose name you learned was Taeyong.
Your keys repeatedly failed to connect with the lock of your house. It was hard to when Taeyong’s intense gaze was fixed on your side profile. “Sorry,” you nervously chuckled. “I’m really tired from work,” you tried reasoning.
After struggling for a while, he snatched the key from your grasp and unlocked the door, pushing it open and inviting himself in. You stay rooted by the entrance, shocked that Taeyong casually opened the door and simply walked in as if it were his house.
Taeyong looked around your place, interested to see the soft-hearted person you were with various photos of your loved ones hanging on the walls.
“Do you need the first aid kit?” you asked.
He touched himself in the stomach and hissed. “Yeah.”
You nodded and went to search for the kit in the bathroom. When out of his sight, Taeyong plopped down on the sofa, letting out a long exhale and half smiled. He found it new and amusing with someone being concerned for his well-being.
With the kit in your hand, you took a moment to calm down your racing heart. Taeyong was not letting you feel comfortable for a reason that you failed to decipher. You met your gaze in the mirror and told yourself that nothing bad should happen. How could a wounded boy harm a girl?
You walked back into the living room and were relieved to see Taeyong resting on the sofa with his eyes closed. If he wanted to harm you, then he wouldn’t be lounging around like that. “I brought it.”
He hummed and opened one eye. “You can leave it there and head for bed,” he said nodding towards the small table in front of him.
“Don’t you need any help though?” What if he had any wounds on his back that he couldn’t reach?
Taeyong clicked his tongue. “I’ll be fine.”
“I have a guest bedroom. You can sleep there,” you offered.
He shook his head. “I’m fine here.”
“But the sofa isn’t-”
“I’m fine.”  
You bit back your tongue, letting him decide on his own what was best for him. It was odd that he wouldn’t opt for a bed to let his body relax and heal faster. “Okay, I’ll bring you a pillow and blanket then.”
“I don’t need them. That throw will be fine.” He pointed at one draped over the armchair.
Were you being too pushy? Why was this guy refusing everything that you were kindly offering? “Okay… I’ll head up then. G’night.” With that, you hurriedly went up to your refuge and finally called it a night.
Once the coast was clear, Taeyong pulled off his denim jacket and shirt over his head, observing his skin.
Flawless skin.
Not a single wound spotted.
You’re a cute one, he thought and smirked to himself.
- ❀ -
You took Taeyong out for shopping the next day, as per his so-called request. It was more of a demand. You didn’t understand why he was staying at your place but decided to keep your mouth shut and hoped that he’d leave you soon.
While you wandered around the cosmetics section, Taeyong left your side, his eyes catching interest of the sparkling diamonds department.
“Hello, sir. What would you like to see?” the woman behind the counter asked sweetly.
Taeyong paid no mind looking at her and locked his gaze on a specific 2 carat round eternity engagement ring in 14k white gold. “How much is that?” he pointed at the ring enclosed in the display case.
“Twenty-five thousand dollars, sir.”
Taeyong let out a whistle and propped his elbow on the casing. He turned around to search for you, finding you try on a couple of samples on your skin, and his lips curled up when seeing you pleased with the products.
The man not being by your side gave you some time to calm your heart down. You didn’t know why you felt that way with Taeyong when he hadn’t done anything to harm you. Something warned you from the inside to not trust him, even though he hadn’t done anything to invade your privacy at home. You were glad that he chose to sleep downstairs and so a part of you grew fond for him despite the short time.
Then what was this feeling that you probably made a grave mistake for helping him out last night?
You put away the product testers and searched for Taeyong, spotting the pink one easily as he leisurely passed by two security guards and picked out a pistol from its holder without them knowing.
“What the…” you breathed out. What was this guy going to do with a gun?
Taeyong made his way over to the fire alarm system and pulled it down. A loud, 3-beep pattern resonated throughout the store and numerous customers panicked, dashing out the building while the guards tried to figure out what was going on. The boy walked back to the diamonds where the employee was still there, frantically locking everything up before leaving for safety.
“Give me the ring,” Taeyong ordered. His blank expression made the woman not take him seriously and ignored him. Just when she was about to leave the counter, Taeyong held up the gun at her forehead and repeated. “Give me or I’ll shoot you.”
“B-But th-there’s a fire!” she cried. She didn’t want to die from the fire, or from the gunshot, or from her boss that she gave one of the most expensive rings away for free.
“There’s no fire. Quit wasting time or I’ll shoot.”
The guards caught up on the situation. “Hey you! Put that gun down or I’ll shoot you!” one said, while the other informed the situation through his walkie talkie.
Taeyong grabbed the woman in the blink of an eye, holding her as a shield with the gun pressed against her temple. “If you come near me, she dies.”
The guards backed away and held their hands up. “Okay okay! Let her go, man.”
I will, but after I get my ring, he thought.
He pulled the worker behind the counter, keeping her in front of him, and ordered her again. She obeyed, the fear of having to die from his gun scariest than any other consequence she’d have to face later. “D-Do you want the r-ring casing?”
“Just the damn ring.”
She handed it over with shaky hands. He shoved it inside the pocket of his jeans and shot the two guards down. The woman screamed and he pushed her away.
“Chill. I won’t kill you unless you get in my way.”
He sprinted to your rooted spot where you silently watched the scene unfold. Taeyong pulled you out of your shock self when he grabbed your hand and darted for the exit, letting your feet automatically respond to his action.
“Pass me the car key,” he instructed.
You didn’t want to, not when he shot two people in front of your eyes. But you chose to trust him than get caught now that you were technically his partner in crime. You both rushed to your car with him diving into the driver’s seat while you in the passenger. The police sirens could be heard from a distance and Taeyong wasted no time and slammed on the accelerator without putting on his seatbelt.
He went over the speed limit, overtaking the slower cars in the lanes as he tried to widen the gap between him and the flashing red and blue lights. A red traffic light was fast approaching, and cars were lined up ahead. But the boy made no plans to pull the brakes.
“You need to slow down!” you screamed.
The pink haired peeked at the rearview mirror, spotting the cops not too far behind them.
“Taeyong, stop!” Right before he could touch the stopped vehicles, he swerved the car abruptly to the empty lanes.
The lanes for the opposite direction.
You pulled at your hair, close to losing your sanity. “Are you fucking trying to kill us?”
The cops took a while to decide on the next course of action before following suit. He smirked, pleased with himself. “Relax, sweetheart. I’m good at this.”
Traffic was ongoing perpendicular to your direction and you were horrified with what the psycho was planning to do next. Without slowing the speed, Taeyong sped through the intersection once spotting an opening. Cars screeched to a stop and honked at the maniac driver.
This was a nightmare.
The very nightmare that the pink haired found thrilling.
Once on a street clear of any other vehicles besides yours and the police, you shouted, “I’m feeling fucking sick!”
“Hang in there. The show’s almost over.”
He checked the rearview again and the spacing was perfect. There were only two cars after them, making it easy for his plan to work.
Taeyong slammed the brakes and turned the steering wheel all the way, spinning the car 360 degrees. You screamed and held onto the handle tightly, shutting your eyes.
“Hold the wheel,” he said.
He grabbed your hand and placed it on the steering wheel. “Hold it,” he directed. After you did, Taeyong pushed your head below the windows, clear from his aim. He lowered the glass barriers and shot at an incoming auto, aiming perfectly at the one in front of the other which resulted it to swerve out of control. This caused the one behind it to collide and flip over onto its roof. And not too long after-
It exploded into flames, ending the chase.
Taeyong stepped out of your new car and you followed, slamming the door shut angrily. “Why the fuck did you do that?” Your eyes moisten from the intense anger that built up inside.
He rounded the vehicle and stopped in front of you, alarming you when he suddenly grabbed your hand.
You tried to yank your hand free, but his grip was tight. “What the hell are you doing?”
His hand dug in his pocket for the stolen ring and slid it onto your ring finger. “I got this for you,” he spoke quietly while admiring the beauty that rested on your hand.
Your rage died for a moment, puzzled that he’d do such a thing to get you a ring. “Why?” Tears fell from its place and you wailed. “Why did you do it?” You never asked for any of this, from the theft to the shootings, to him even changing your car at a dealership who he was well acquainted with.
Taeyong shrugged coolly as if it was no big deal. “Just felt like it. I saw it and I wanted to get it for you. Usually I steal cars, so be honoured that I stole a beauty like that for you.” He winked at you and walked inside your house.
You took a moment to scream your frustration out, almost kicking the car before deciding against it. Walking in, you found the boy sprawled on the sofa, eyes closed.
“If you wanted to get me it, then you should have paid for it like a normal person would!”
He peeked at you through one eye. “Do you know how much that’s worth?”
It was a no brainer that it was expensive. But exactly how much… “No.”
“Twenty-five grand.”
Talk about getting all the wind knocked out of your lungs. That was nearly how much you’d make in a year and you were not going to wear it.
Especially when it was involved in a criminal act.
You ripped it off your finger and chucked it at him. He swiftly caught it as if he expected that reaction from you.
“Get the fuck out of my house! And don’t you dare show me your face again!”
Taeyong slowly sauntered to you, a predatory look in his eyes. You backed away from him trying to keep a distance until your backside met the wall. He trapped you in his arms, resting his hands on either sides of your face and wore a smug smile. “I can. But what will happen to you?”
You blinked and attempted to gulp down the ball forming at the back of your throat. “W-What do you mean?”
He lifted one hand off and showed you the ring. “They’ll be looking for this and footage from the security cameras will show that there was a boy and a girl that left together with the ring.”
Oh crap.
“I’m an expert at running away without getting caught, sweetheart. But if you don’t want to get caught, then you’ll have to keep me around. I’ll make sure both of us will be safe.” Taeyong leaned close to your ear, whispering with a hot breath that sent a shiver down your spine, “It’s my specialty.”
90 notes · View notes
maxsix · 3 years
H1GHR Employee Jaebeom: Toshifumi Hinata - Reflections. For when he reads his books and drinks his coffee by the windowsill. Time has gone by too fast but he will also not rush. 
The Notorious H.A.N: Clint Mansell - Lux Æterna. The internal conflict and melancholia in this juxtaposed with the anxious strings reminds of my first impressions of Jisung. I haven’t changed my mind. He just seems like he has a lot of shadows. 
Sith Lord San: Antonio Vivaldi-Four Seasons: Summer/Storm. Vivaldi was metal af. This entire piece is insane. This is not to soothe your mind, it’s to stimulate your senses and energise your soul like an electric shock. It’s so unrelenting and manic and the pure physicality transcends, man. I’m tired just listening to it. It’s just nuts. It’s music to commit crimes to. That’s San. Obviously. 
FKA Hongjoong: Ramin Djawadi - Runaway. One of my favourite modern day composers. This is a cover but a very surprising one. The ambition one must have to cover a rap song with just a piano and make it sound just as tortured but also beautiful and nuanced. I know Ateez rework classic symphony into modern kpop but this is like the reverse, taking rap and making it sound classic. He/they just do things that surprise you. 
Jungkook With No Nickname: Hans Zimmer - Time. This song feels heavy and loaded. It feels weighted down by a very strange life. I sometimes think this is what Jungkook might sound like when he’s alone after a tour has finished and he has all this time to reflect. 
Taeyong Mutant Ninja Turtle: Ludovico Einaudi-Experience. The title is perfect in a way that ruins the meaning if I had to explain it to anyone. It’s an incredibly introspective and intimate piece and it really reminded me of Taeyong, the person, not the idol. 
Christopher Reynolds: John Murphy - Fade To. This somehow sounds very familiar. Very comforting in its eloquent darkness. Very heavy with narrative and backstory that wants to be told. But the truth is, this was a rejected film score (John had a lot of them, I don’t know why, they are just brilliant). This just reminded me of Chan and the way he has become the fandom’s comfort, even when we know there is a mess behind the scenes. 
Jedi Knight Changbin: Ramin Djawadi - Light Of The Seven. This piece has a strong narrative and clear ‘movements’ within it. I don’t even know if it’s justified but I feel like Changbin could be very good storytelling kind of composer. I would not be surprised at all if he wrote a rap opera. Not now but maybe it a few years. And because he’s a Leo, of course it’s dramatic as hell. 
National Treasure Jaehyun: John Murphy - In The House, In A Heartbeat. Don’t cheat, you have to let the entire thing play through to reach the climax. You might recognise it from the zombie movie, 28 Days Later. Let’s face it, Jaehyun is the chillest mf in NCT and he would undoubtedly outlast anyone and everyone in a zombie apocalypse. This track is chill, simple, creepy but also defiant. What scares him? I don’t even know. 
Fresh Prince Seonghwa: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Requiem in D Minor 3rd Movement Lacrimosa. Like a very priceless piece of artwork on the wall of the Sistine chapel, if the Sistine chapel had a gothic phase. Seonghwa always sounds like expensive, ethereal, gothic choral in my head. 
Hyunjin Thee Stallion: John Murphy - In Extremis. I think this is what it sounds like when anxiety/depression takes a shower, puts on a nice outfit and dares to wander outside and think about tomorrow.  This track is one of my favourites from John but it was also another rejected score. Someone is always going to have a problem with you in some way, so you might as well do what you want. 
That Legend Taemin: Michael Nyman - The Heart Asks Pleasure First. There is no piece of music that I can justly and accurately give to Taemin but this is my favourite piano piece, it was from the movie The Piano, and one of the very first pieces I learnt to play when I was old enough to ask for music beyond the sonatas and minuets for state piano exams. It’s so incredibly evocative, wild and melancholic to me but when you play it, there’s like 20 things going on at the same time and the left hand just never stops. It’s kind of manic. I love it. Oh, the title is taken from an Emily Dickinson poem. Because of course it is. Maybe this fits him after all. 
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Not Broken pt 13 (Jaehyun Mafia AU)
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Not Broken Masterlist
Jaehyun X Reader
Y/N is a burlesque dancer living in Seoul. Jaehyun is one of the most powerful mafia men in Seoul. How will Y/N survive when Jaehyun suspects that she is involved with a rival gang?
Reasons to read this story: Ten’s a cross-dressing madam so….. yeah read it ya freaks.
Trigger warning: mentions of abuse
<><><><>Several hours before Y/N was called to Jaehyun’s office<><><><><>
“What’s so important to discuss that a member of the council decided to visit me personally?” Jaehyun asked in a disinterested tone as he poured two glasses of brandy for him and his guest, sealing the decanter once he had finished.
“A member of the council? I know that it’s best to keep an air of formality when in the presence of council members but given that it’s just the two of us, do call me Uncle, won’t you?” The older man requested, accepting the drink as it was handed to him.
Jaehyun moved to sit at his desk while Suho remained standing at the vintage drum table which the decanter rested on.  
“Why are you here?” He requested, setting his drink directly onto the cherrywood’s finish.
Suho’s eyes wandered around the room, feigning confusion towards his nephew’s inquiry.  
A soft sigh of frustration left the younger man’s lungs.
“Why are you here, Uncle?”  
A sly smile crept onto Suho’s face only for a contemplative expression to succeed it.  
The man began to swirl the amber liquid within its glass shell taking his time to notice how it coated the crystal walls for a fleeting instant before returning to a stagnant state.  
Jaehyun, whose patience usually would have been wearing thin at this point, allowed the man his thoughts as he began to observe his liquor as well.  
Suho was a member of Exo’s council, an alliance organization, of which Jaehyun’s father had also been a member. Exo could be characterized as a network of gangs or a grandfather gang, so to speak. It served as both an alliance and an enforcer, allowing associated organizations a considerable degree of protection against rival gangs. Several gangs in Seoul were affiliates of Exo, including NCT and all its current subgroups, Shinee, Super Junior, TVXQ, Red Velvet, BlackPink and many others. Although Exo was arguable the largest and most powerful gang alliance in Seoul, it wasn’t the only one. Got7 for instance, arguably NCT’s biggest rival gang was under the protection of JYP, an elusive organization that had begun growing exponentially over the past several years.
Although Exo’s membership technically extended to any and all members of its associated gangs, it’s only the Exo’s council members who hold any real power. Joining Exo forces leaders to relinquish many of their decision-making freedoms in exchange for protection, meaning that the council now had final say on important decisions involving their gangs.  
The council itself was made up of a select few individuals, each holding remarkable influence over the innerworkings of Seoul’s mob scene. Jaehyun was familiar with each of the council members for his father had been a member of the council since its creation, as had Suho.  
The two had been friends since they met in Juvie as teens, NCT was the fruit of that friendship. They started out preforming simple bank robberies, then quickly grew into a full-fledged gang eventually forming subdivisions meant to expand their territories. Sooman was NCT’s official leader and Suho was his right-hand man. They created Exo after forming an alliance with Super Junior and Shinee’s former leaders.
Not all council members were experienced crime lords. A handful of them were better described as investors, such as Sehun, who made billions investing in the drug trade. Becoming a member of the council was almost impossible, as members served lifetime appointments and a strict selective process was employed to take their places when they died. Those selected were never informed of their selection until after they were appointed to prevent any violence being committed against council members in the hopes of gaining a position.  
Jaehyun held great disdain for the process since every time a member died, he would be replaced by yet another old geezer who would continue to uphold the council’s outdated and traditional values.  
To Jaehyun, the council was nothing more than just another source of irritation. When his father died unexpectedly, the several members of the council opposed him, Jaehyun, from taking over his father’s position at such a young age despite SM and Suho having been even younger than he was when they formed NCT. Their official objections only ceased when Suho vowed to watch over the young man, although they continued to express their disapproval whenever the subject was brought up. Being the son of SM, one of the council’s original members gave Jaehyun a privilege that many of the other leaders did not have. He often got away with challenging the council with only a lecture for punishment whereas anyone else would risk forfeiting their gang’s Exo membership altogether.  
Jaehyun’s status didn’t spare him from any of the council’s scrutiny though, if anything, it was magnified.  
Out of all Exo’s affiliated gangs, NCT was the most powerful, meaning that if Jaehyun messed up in any way, the losses could be detrimental.  
Jaehyun had been called to face the council more than anyone else making him feel like their sole purpose was to piss him off. After the death of IU, the council began making what he viewed as unreasonable demands in order to protect NCT’s image.  
He had instructed Taeyong to send regular updates to the council regarding their captive and once Taeyong confirmed with them that not only had they proven Y/N irresponsible for IU’s death, but that she had actually killed the man who was, Jaehyun knew that it’d be a matter of time before he would be summoned once again. Jaehyun ignored the councils request to meet with them and thus Suho was sent as a representative in their absence.
“Are you sure that the girl is responsible for Lucas’s death?”  
Jaehyun returned his focus to the gentleman who had wandered over to one of the bookshelves. He used his free hand to graze the bindings of each of the collected works as if he were looking for something in particular.
“If you came only to confirm the information that was sent to you, then you’ve wasted a trip.”
Suho sighed, removing his hand from the bookshelf.
“I hope you’re aware of how this could make us look.”
Suho turned towards Jaehyun taking his time to meet him at his desk before sitting in the brown leather chair that mirrored his nephew’s.  
“Lucas having been killed by someone outside of NCT and all,” He finished, taking a sip from the crystal tumbler.
Jaehyun quirked an eyebrow.  
“What do you mean?”
Suho set his drink on a nearby coaster and proceeded to lift his leg, crossing his foot over his thigh, before leaning back in his chair.
“Think about it from a rival gang’s point of view. A year into his new position, a position given to him at what many considered too young of an age, the leader of NCT’s sister ends up being kidnapped and murdered by Wayv, a gang made up of former NCT members. Not only that, but three years later, NCT has still been unable find the man responsible,” He recounted, staring off into the room.
“That’s because he was dead this whole time. How the fuck were we supposed to know he was dead? You can’t find a guy who can’t be found,” Jaehyun reminded defensively.
“You of all people should know that image matters far more than truth. Remember how the council basically scrambled to protect NCT’s image? How we kept the truth about IU’s death under wraps so that to outsiders her death would have seemed like an accident? How none of us had even a second to mourn her loss as we were all too busy trying to do damage control?”  
Jaehyun didn’t respond.
“IU’s death was tragic. You know this, but you also realized the importance of minimizing its effect on NCT which is why as SM’s successor, you pushed through the pain to protect those of who were still alive, your members. We knew that presenting her death as an accident wouldn’t work long term, but the council hoped that it would buy you time while you searched for Wayv but now....”  
Suho’s eyes met Jaehyun’s as he stressed the seriousness of the situation.  
“Now that Wayv knows you have Lucas’s killer, they’re going to start forming connections, building alliances with other gangs, anything it takes to get to her. Word will get out that it was actually Wayv who were responsible for IU’s death and that the man who organized it wasn’t killed by NCT, but on accident by a mere burlesque dancer. NCT won’t just be seen as weak, it’ll become the laughingstock of Seoul.”  
“But, Uncle, Wayv must not want word getting out about Lucas’s death either. Why else would they have covered up his death and continued on as though he were still running everything?”
“That is true. It’s safe to say that before recent events, Wayv didn’t want the nature of their leader’s death reaching their rival gangs which is probably why they didn’t expose us when we buried the truth about IU’s death. They would have wanted to avoid suspicion at all costs. Even now, I’m sure that Wayv would prefer to keep this information to themselves especially after learning that Lucas was killed by someone with Y/N’s background.”
“So, what’s the problem?” Jaehyun asked, feeling uneasy about where his uncle was leading.
“The problem is that even if Wayv doesn’t want details regarding Lucas’s death reaching the public, their image won’t be hit as hard as NCT’s will, and it stands to reason that they’d be more than willing to cut off a few of their fingers if it meant NCT would lose its limbs.”
“What do you mean it would hit us harder? We’re not the ones whose leader was killed by a goddamn stripper!” Jaehyun boomed.  
“Yes, you’re right. He was killed and that’s exactly why they aren’t facing the same level of risk NCT is. Lucas was killed, making him Wayv’s former leader. He no longer represents them and thus whatever happened to him has very little effect on their image now. If anything, his death will actually strengthen Wayv’s image since after Lucas died, his successor somehow managed to keep his death a secret for almost three years. It takes a lot to hide something as big as the death of a prolific mob boss. If even one person were to squeal, the entire city would know within a matter of days and yet we’re only learning about it now, three years later. Wayv can only benefit from all this, You, on the other hand, will be seen as weak, incompetent, and a disgrace to your father’s legacy,” The older man explained.
“And that’s a shame because you’re not, Jaehyun. Your father would be proud to know how far you’ve come despite those whose doubt you,” He added.  
“That man never approved of anything I did when he was alive. I don’t know why he’d start in his death,” Jaehyun sneered.  
His face had fallen from its angered state, yet an air of bitterness seemed to linger in his features. Suho could only sigh at his nephew’s hardheadedness which had surely been passed down to him by his father.
“The council wants to replace you.”
“Oh yeah? And how do they plan on going through with those plans?” Jaehyun scoffed.
Suho gave his nephew a softhearted look.
“They don’t. You and I both know how capable the council is when forcing their agenda regardless of the leaders who oppose them, but I convinced them to hold off on their plans just until you’ve had a chance to resolve the issue on your own.”
Jaehyun leaned back in his chair as he pondered his uncle’s remarks. It was true that the council was more than capable of replacing him as leader even if his men continued being loyal to him. Exo wouldn’t just threaten to withdraw their protections over NCT, they would find a way to completely dismantle NCT, rebuilding it in their ideal image. Exo had more than enough funds to obtain whatever resources needed to preserve control of their affiliates. The only thing he could do, was roll over and hope they wouldn’t tighten his leash any further. He had to act.
“What should I do?” Jaehyun asked, finally letting his guard down.
“You need to get on top of this. Find a way to ease the council’s anxieties.”  
“And how exactly do you suppose I do that?”
Suho lifted his drink from its coaster, bringing it to his lips and finishing it in two large sips. He returned the glass to the desk, causing it to make a soft thumping sound as it contacted the wood.
“Have you thought about the council’s suggestion from before all this began, about taking a wife?”
“Oh, not this again,” Jaehyun groaned.
“Look, the council is worried. They don’t think you hold the same values your father did. To them, you’re a firecracker just waiting to go off. It makes them antsy. Marriage will show the council that you hold traditional values and are not the irresponsible rebel they think you are.”
“Marriage will do all that?” Jaehyun laughed, obviously not taking his uncles advice seriously.
“You were so insistent on being able to choose your own wife and rejected any thoughts of allowing the council to make any arrangements for you, which pissed off a lot of people. Taking one of the councilmen’s daughters or nieces as a wife would have shown commitment to your role as SM’s successor. Your refusal shows a lack of respect and makes them question how much power they should allow you when you continue to make them feel uneasy about the future. Your parent’s marriage was arranged. It really isn’t that big of a deal. Have you at least started considering any possible applicants?”
“I haven’t exactly had any time to mingle given how I’ve been busy trying to find the men responsible for my sister’s death and all.” Jaehyun reminded his uncle in a tone drenched with sarcasm.  
“Hmmm, well I guess that’s probably a good thing considering the circumstances,” Suho mused quietly.
“Excuse me?” Jaehyun leaned forward so that his forearms rested on the desk.  
Suho returned his focus to his nephew whose curious features urged him to go on.  
“The girl, take her as your wife.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Jaehyun gawked, unable to believe what his uncle was saying.
“Marry her. That’s the only way you can turn this around. If word gets out that NCT’s leader got married to the girl responsible for Lucas’ death, they’ll assume that his death wasn’t actually an accident but was all a part of your plan. Even if people don’t come to that conclusion, which I don’t see why they wouldn’t, marrying her will prevent all of the damage that she’d cause us if you let her go. How I see it, you have two options. You could let her go get captured by Wayv, which you do not want, and let everyone view NCT as weak for not being able to kill the man who murdered their leader’s sister, which you definitely don’t want, or you can marry the girl and kill three birds with one stone. She’ll be safe from Wayv, NCT’s image will be as strong as ever, and the council will view you as a trustworthy leader who shares their same values.”
Jaehyun scoffed in amazement, unsure of what he could possibly say to respond to such an outrageous proposal.  
Were these just the crazy ramblings of a man entering the stages of early onset dementia or was his uncle actually onto something?
“I mean, it’s not a bad deal. She is a very attractive young woman. I’m not sure you could do much better, even if you were to marry one of the councilman’s daughters,” Suho smirked.
Jaehyun glanced at his half empty glass, reaching towards it to take a sip.  
His uncle was right. Despite the bitter taste that the idea of marrying a burlesque dancer left in his mouth, she was more beautiful than any of the councilmen’s daughters. He couldn’t brush off the fact that marriage could very well be enough to stop them from interfering in his business as much as they did. Although the council members would probably prefer it if he didn’t marry a foreigner, perhaps marrying an American would grant him a bit of status. When he thought about the possibility of marriage before, he believed that he would be happy as long as the girl was beautiful and didn’t speak up too much or challenge him. That’d be the perfect arrangement, yet he didn’t see Y/N as the obedient type.
“Ok, wait a second. Suppose I were to commit to such a plan, how would I get her to accept my proposal? We didn’t exactly get off to a great start, so I doubt she’d agree,” Jaehyun asked, beginning to entertain the idea.  
“Present it as though she doesn’t have a choice,” He advised.  
Jaehyun shifted his weight off the desk and leaned back against his chair, taking a moment to process the suggestion.
“Even if I didn’t give her a choice, I’m sure she’d find ways to be as bothersome as she could. Dealing with her rebellious moods might be more trouble than it’s worth.”
“Well, finding a way to ensure her compliance shouldn’t be too hard, should it?” Suho hinted with a smile.
The younger man hummed, as he contemplated what his next actions might require.  
“No, it should not.”
“Does everyone understand?”  
The members of NCT 127 stared at their boss, astonished by the sudden announcement. None of them knew what to say so many of them merely nodded, pretending as though they understood the situation.  
After Suho left, Jaehyun called Taeyong into his office to inform him of his intentions to marry Y/N. Taeyong was understandably shocked by his boss’s unsettling plans. To him, it didn’t make any sense to marry a girl who was rightfully terrified of him even if it was in the best interest for NCT. He tried to talk him out of it knowing full well that Jaehyun doesn’t just get talked out of things. After Jaehyun revealed that there were discussions of replacing him among the council and that Suho, himself, recommended the marriage, Taeyong conceded to his boss’s orders and called a meeting in the billiards room.  
“You are all dismissed then. Except for you two,” Jaehyun motioned towards two of his men before turning to Taeyong.
“Bring Y/N to my office when she is done eating. I need to have a discussion with these two first,” Jaehyun instructed his right-hand man.  
“Have a seat.”
Winwin and Johnny sat in the chairs that were placed directly across from their boss.  
Jaehyun took his time studying his raven-haired colleague whilst almost completely overlooking the gentleman who sat beside him.  
“What do you think about what was discussed at the meeting, Winwin?” Jaehyun asked, taking care to analyze his reaction.
Winwin, who had been glaring at this boss up to this point, let out a dry laugh and shook his head to show his irritation.
“What are you trying to do here?” He demanded.
Jaehyun laughed in amusement.  
“What do you mean? I just asked for your thoughts.”
Winwin rolled his eyes.
“Listen, I couldn’t care less what you do with the girl. It’s just business, right? Or did you think I’d be against it since marrying her is all a part of your ploy to win against Wayv?”  
All traces of amusement were now gone from the Jaehyun’s face as he turned to Johnny.
“You’ve been keeping an eye on him all this time, right? Nothing suspicious?”
The man nodded in response.
“What about when you two were separated?”
“The only time we weren’t together was when one of us was using the bathroom, but like you instructed, I searched him for  any electronic devices before he entered the bathroom and had Taeil watch over him when I wasn’t able to.”
Jaehyun leaned back in his chair, staring behind the two men. He still didn’t trust Winwin but he couldn’t keep him on watch without there being any new evidence against him. Doing so would lead the others to believe he was making decisions based on his emotions instead of what he thought was best for NCT.  
His thoughts were interrupted when a soft knock came from the other side of his office door.
“Johnny, you will no longer be required to watch over Winwin. Winwin, you are free to interact with whomever you feel inclined, but I will be keeping my eye on you. You are both free to go.”
He watched as the two men exited out the door, catching a glimpse of them stopping to greet whom he presumed to be Taeyong and the girl.
After taking a moment to mentally prepare himself for what was about to come, he called out to them.
“You may enter now.”
Y/N was the first to enter while Taeyong held the door open for her. Jaehyun took note of what she was wearing, faded black jeans and an off-white shirt. It made him wonder why she wanted to wear something of such a low quality, when she could have worn what was prepared for her, but then he remembered what Jaemin had said about her not wanting anything he had to offer her.
Y/N made no effort to hide her avoidance of his gaze. Once she sat down in the chair Winwin had previously been seated in, Jaehyun dismissed Taeyong.  
It was just the two of them now.  
He silently stared at her frightened figure which seemed to shrink further and further into the brown leather chair. He noticed her bruises. They had almost completely vanished from her face and only small patches of discoloration remained.  
He hadn’t forgotten how beautiful she was the night of the performance, though he couldn’t help but observe how much more ethereal she looked than that night before everything went down. Sure, her wounds hadn’t completely healed, and her appearance revealed a tinge of dishevelment, but her flashy costume and makeup from the night of her performance only seemed to distract from her natural visage.  
She looked up at him, finally allowing their eyes to meet and for a split second, Jaehyun forgot why he had called her into his office in the first place. It was only after he noticed her shaky breaths that he was reminded of what he was to say.  
“It has been decided that you and I will get married this month.”
I was the type of person whose mind went blank whenever she heard something she didn’t want to believe was true. I felt as though I could turn any unwanted reality into a dream I could wake up from as long as I didn’t think about it, or anything else for that matter. If I allowed myself to process the situation, it would be like thinking it into existence. I didn’t know why this was my first instinct. It never changed anything. It only allowed for me to live in denial a moment longer. That was how I reacted to my parent’s death, and to my brother’s betrayal, but those weren’t dreams or even nightmares. I had to accept them for what they truly were. My reality.
Even now, I wanted nothing more than to fall back into that familiar state of disassociation. If there was ever a time to mistake my reality for a delusion conjured up by my unconscious mind, this was it. It was all so bizarre; too preposterous to be real. My rationality was evaporating, and my vision blurring.  
I bit down on the inside of my cheeks, determined to find some sort of grounding. I focused on the metallic flavor that began to coat my tongue. I continued to stare at the man that had found yet another way to afflict me, this time with words instead of fists. I wanted so desperately to snap out of it, yet I didn’t know how. I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper into nihility when a memory of the Madam entered my mind.  
“Those who believe that heaven and hell are opposites of each other are cursed to only experience one at a time. They say you gotta go through hell to get out of it but why not learn to love the heat?”
That was her go-to toast when having drinks with the performers. Why I had thought of that speech, I didn’t know. Maybe my mind was just trying to find a memory to latch onto hoping it would stop me from falling into oblivion. I used the memory as a chance to break my gaze from his. My eyes moved to see the glass of brandy that rested on the desk near his hands.  
I instinctively reached out toward the glass earning a wide-eyed stare from its owner. Without thinking I dipped my fingers inside the glass and scooped out the ice cube that was floating just below the amber liquid’s surface. The ice cube dropped to the floor and I bought the glass to my lips, quickly draining it of its contents. The familiar burn that traveled down my throat managed to return my soul to my body. From how many gulps it took to finish, it must have been a double, not nearly enough to get me drunk, but hopefully enough for the liquid courage to do its job once the adrenaline started to fade.  
I slammed the empty glass down on the desk and stared into the eyes of my captor.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
Jaehyun’s shocked expression disappeared and he began to laugh.  
“That’s what I get for not offering you a drink, I presume.”
My gaze became venomous, calling attention to the severity of the situation.  
Jaehyun noticed this and returned to his humorless disposition.
“You and I will be married this month,” He repeated.  
“You must have lost your mind. You and I? Married?” I scoffed.
“As the leader of NCT, I am required to take a wife for reasons of status. It has been decided that you will be that wife.”
“So? I’m sure there are tons of other women you could marry, why me?” I demanded.
“It has come to my attention that your involvement in Lucas’s death poses a threat to our organization’s image. Seeing as how you were the one to kill him and not one of my men, it’s likely that this could send a serious blow to us. That is, if it gets out that the man responsible for my sister’s death was killed by a mere... dancer,” He divulged, a speck of distaste coated his voice as he uttered the last two syllables.
“You’re crazy. You’re telling me you wanna marry me? How did you find the nerve? And while I still have bruises and a cracked rib that you gave me,” I spat.
I was seething in anger.
“This isn’t a matter of what I want or don’t want. This marriage, along with the wedding itself, will only be for the sake of appearances. If it were my choice, you wouldn’t even be here, but now that Wayv wants you, it’s in my best interest to keep you here, no matter what it takes.”
“You said I was free to leave whenever I wanted!”  
“Well I guess I changed my mind,” He declared using a dismissive tone.
“No, I won’t. I won’t do it.” I stood up, hands gripping the edge of the desk.  
“You don’t really have a choice now do you, Kitten?”
“This is insane. What on earth makes you think that I would willingly marry you? If you’re really just doing this for appearances, then... then I’ll do everything I can to show everyone just how unwilling I am. I’ll act out. I’ll... I’ll-”
“You will do nothing of the sort.” Jaehyun bellowed in a voice, almost intimidating enough to scare me into backing down... almost.
“What are you going to do, kill me?” I challenged.
Jaehyun stood up, allowing his oppressive height to add to his threatening demeanor.  
“You will do as I say whether that is going through with the wedding or anything else for that matter. You will behave from now on because if you don’t, it’s your friend who will pay the price.”
Extinguished by his menacing implication, the fire that ran through my veins was nowhere to be found.  
“W-what are-”
“Remember how you asked me to check on your friend from the other night? Wendy, was it? Well I had my men check the local hospital’s records from that night. It turns out that they treated three patients from the burlesque club the night of your performance and that included your friend. Somehow, she sustained the worst injury of all having received a bullet to the chest. Luckily for her, the bullet missed her heart and was easily removed through the surgery I paid for. She was released from the hospital yesterday.”
“Wendy’s alive?”  
I fell back into the chair, unable to believe how I had forgotten all about my friend these past few days. With everything that had been going on, I hadn’t thought of her since I made the request in the first place.
“She’s alive and will likely go on to live a full and meaningful life especially after having been granted 20 million won to study at the university of her choice... as long as you do what I say.”
I did my best to fight back the tears that were already beginning to stream down my face completely unaware that Jaehyun’s anger had turned into discomfort.
I gave up trying to hold back my tears and brought my hands to my face. After sensing a nearby presence, I removed them to see that Jaehyun had also returned to a sitting position and was offering me a royal blue handkerchief. I stared at him, confused by the gesture.  
“I didn’t want for things to turn out this way either. I understand why you’re upset and I’m sorry for everything that’s happened to you because of me. Think of our marriage as an arrangement. Being my wife will offer you a degree of status and wealth, not to mention protection from Wayv. You’ll have to act as my wife at social events, but besides that, you’ll be free to do as you wish without any disruptions from me.” He explained looking away.
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?! I’d rather you keep me locked up in that room for the rest of my life than spend one minute married to you!” I shouted, ignoring the handkerchief.
The neatly folded handkerchief was now wrinkled by the harsh grip that held it. The anger had returned to his face.
“Fine! If that’s how you’re going to be then who am I to deny you your wishes? Stay in your room and rot for all I care,” He roared.  
Taeyong quickly entered the room.
“Get her out of my sight and don’t let her out of her room until I say so,” He ordered, abruptly standing up from his desk and knocking over several items in the process.  
Taeyong escorted me back to my room. The only time he said anything was to tell me that he’d try to calm Jaehyun down and that I should probably stay in my room until he’d given me the go ahead.  
I spent the remainder of the night crying. Crying for Wendy, all the things she went through because of me and for the others who got hurt that night. I mostly cried for myself though. My worst nightmare had come true. I was going to have to marry Jung Jaehyun, the leader of Seoul’s most notorious gang, NCT.
I woke up to the sun shining through my window, something I wasn’t used to, given my early morning training sessions.
It still seemed pretty early though.
I rolled over to look at the clock but saw a note on the vanity table along with a glass of water instead.  
I grabbed the water first, glad to have something to drink as my head was pounding.  
I picked up and read the note while sitting up against the bedframe.  
I talked to Jaehyun. He is sorry and you are free to move around the building unescorted. I asked Jeno to allow you the morning off from training.  
Memories of the day before came flooding back all at once. It really did feel like I was hungover, but not from drinking too much.
I had no idea how Taeyong managed to get Jaehyun to ease up on me, although he must have since I was now able to leave. I doubted that Jaehyun was actually sorry though. Taeyong probably added that in just to give me some sort of relief.  
I heard noises in the hallway. It was a loud rustling noise. I got up from the bed to investigate. Creaking the door open slightly, I noticed that I really was unguarded. I peeked into the halls seeing nothing but closed doors.  
My curiosity got the better of me causing me to follow the noise until I was standing in front of a closed door. I could hear two people talking, but not very clearly. It sounded like they were having an argument.  
I pressed my ear to the door.  
“I just don’t get why it’s such a big deal. It’s not like we can act all lovey-dovey around the other members anyways,” Said one of voices.  
“That’s not the problem. The problem is that you can’t even tell them we’re dating. It’s like you are ashamed of me or something,” The other voiced whined.
My eyes widened in shock. Was this Jeno and Jaemin on the other side?
I focused on the voices. They both sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place who they belonged to. Luckily, I didn’t have to.
“Mark, I’m serious. If you can’t open up about us to your friends, then we can’t do this anymore.”
If that’s Mark, then who’s-
The door opened causing me to stumble back and fall on the floor.
“Haechan, wait!”  
I looked up to see who had unintentionally knocked me over but was met with someone I would have never guessed.
“Haechan, what’s-” Mark came out from behind him before looking down at me.
I looked up at Donghyuck.
“Haechan? Wait but you’re Donghyuck.”
“Donghyuck?” Mark quirked.  
Haechan facepalmed.  
“What the fuck is going on?” I demanded.  
Mark looked at me, then back at Donghyuck then down at his hands that seemed to be working him through some sort of calculation.  
“If you know Y/N, and she recognized you but called you Donghyuck instead of Haechan, then... oh.”
After our run-in upstairs, Donghyuck and Mark told me to wait outside their room while they called Taeyong. He had arrived shortly after and was ushered into the room with them. I stood there outside the room silently. I didn’t even try to eavesdrop for I was worried I wouldn't like what they were saying. As soon as the door opened, Donghyuck practically lunged at me, grabbing my shoulders so I would face him.  
“Holy fuck, Y/N. What kind of trouble did you get yourself into?” he exclaimed before pulling me into his embrace.
The three of them brought me down to the kitchen where we ran into Jeno, Jaemin, Yuta, and Doyoung, who all seemed to be getting ready for breakfast. Taeyong sat me at the table with Mark and asked everyone else in the kitchen to step out for a moment so he could talk to them. I tried asking Mark what was going on and why Donghyuck was here and why he was calling him Haechan but he only told me that I would find out soon enough. After what was most definitely more than just a moment, everyone returned to the kitchen except Taeyong and Donghyuck. When I asked where they were, Yuta simply responded with, “They need to talk to the boss.”
Jaemin and Jeno tried to lighten up the mood but to no avail. Jeno asked me how I was enjoying my day off from training while Jaemin set the table up for breakfast. Nobody spoke a word about the Haechan/Donghyuck situation or even mentioned the other elephant in the room. To be honest, I didn’t know whether to be grateful for not having to discuss the details regarding my recent engagement, or if it merely added to my anxieties.
The two of them finally returned after we had been eating, or more like absentmindedly playing with our breakfast, for over 20 minutes.  
As they sat down at the table, I noticed that Donghyuck’s eyes were glued to me. He looked pained, like a boy watching his pet cat run into a busy highway, knowing he couldn’t do anything to help the poor creature.
“Jaehyun is busy right now but he’s been filled in and has given me instructions on how to handle the matter,” Taeyong began.  
I felt myself relax a little after hearing Taeyong’s words. I felt relief knowing that I wouldn’t have to deal with seeing Jaehyun on top of everything else that was going on.
“It’s come to my attention that you and Hae-” Taeyong hesitated, not exactly knowing how to explain what he was trying to explain.  
“that you and Haechan, or Donghyuck as you know him as, are already well acquainted with each other.”
Taeyong paused waiting for my reaction but given that I was too confused to even know where to start, I stayed quiet.
“Maybe I should just let Haechan do the talking. He’s been caught up on your situation, so he can catch you up on his.”  
Everyone at the table turned to Donghyuck while he continued to stare back at me.  
A soft sigh left Donghyuck’s mouth as he broke my gaze to look down at the table.  
“Y/N, I’m a member of-”
“You’re a member of NCT?!” I blurted out.  
A small smile crept onto his face and a forced version of his laughter entered my ears.
Everyone at the table stared at each other. It was agonizingly uncomfortable.
“I need a shot. Does anybody else need a shot?” Haechan awkwardly got up and walked over to the main part of the kitchen.
“Haechan, it’s 9:20. Nobody needs a sho-” Taeyong began.
“I would like a shot,” I announced, hand suddenly raised above my head.
“Thatta girl. Glad to see this place didn’t snuff out your party girl spirit. Jeno, where do you keep the booze in this place?”  
Haechan began opening the cabinet drawers as he continued his search for anything that would make the situation less uncomfortable than it was.
“There’s a bottle of cooking merlot in the upper left-hand cabinet above the main oven,” Jeno offered.
Haechan opened the cabinet and pulled the bottle out.  
“It’s not quite what I was hoping for, but I supposed it’ll do the trick.”
Haechan hurried to open the bottle, almost knocking it over in the process. Once the corked was freed from its enclosure, Haechan swiftly wrapped his lips around the bottle’s opening and started chugging. He held the bottle in its now tilted position for ten solid seconds before lowering it back onto the counter.
“That should do it,” He muttered, out of breath before grabbing the bottle by its neck and bringing it over to the table. As he handed me the bottle, I couldn’t help but notice that a measurable amount of the red liquid had disappeared from the bottle, not that it mattered. There was still more than enough wine left to get me through the next few hours.
I began to chug the liquid in the same manner that Haechan had, unaware of the impressed and/or concerned faces that surrounded me.  
The bottle couldn’t have been more than halfway full by the time I set it down. I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt, unbothered by the risk of possibly staining it.  
“You,” I panted, pointing to Donghyuck,
“Tell me what the fuck is going on.”
Donghyuck, or I guess Haechan, did his best to fill me in on... well everything.  
The 127 member that Mark had told me about, was actually Donghyuck all along. He was working undercover as my apartment’s doorman, in order to get information on a former NCT member named Hansol, which is why he went by Donghyuck instead of his real name. Hansol had disappeared without a trace several years ago and 127 had been trying to find him ever since. One of NCT’s sources claimed that they had sighted Hansol entering my apartment complex with one of the building’s residents, a gang leader who usually went under the alias, Feeldog but was registered with the building as Kwang-suk. Apparently, it was rumored that Hansol left NCT to join Feeldog’s gang, UNB, a rumor that Yuta apparently took great issue with.  
“There’s no way. He wouldn’t do that. Not without telling someone at least,” He maintained.
Haechan and Taeyong glanced at each other.  
“What?!” Yuta snapped.
Taeyong sighed.
“It’s just that you and Hansol were so close, it makes sense that you would have feelings of betrayal surrounding his disappearance.”
“So what? You think I’m blinded by our friendship or some shit? That I can’t think clearly? Hansol disappeared and we failed him by not finding him. Who knows what could UNB could have done to him? He could be dead for all we know!”  
Yuta was so riled up that he had to excuse himself from the table. Doyoung, who had remained silent this entire time, left with him.
“He gets like this anytime someone brings him up,” Mark sighed.
“There hadn’t been any sightings of Hansol since or even before the one at your building. That’s why when we got the tip, we decided to send in someone to go undercover,” Taeyong revealed before Haechan chimed in.
“Jaehyun obviously couldn’t send any of the members on an undercover mission since Hansol would have immediately recognized them. Mark and I were the only two members who hadn’t joined 127 until after Hansol disappeared so it had to be one of us. Since Mark was being trained to eventually take over NCT Dream, the Canadian unit, I was the obvious candidate. After that, we needed to figure out how I was going to be able to constantly surveil the building without being suspicious.”
“As a doorman?” I interjected.
“Exactly! It isn’t abnormal for a doorman to take an interest in their building’s residents. They see everyone who comes in or out of the building. They know everyone’s names and everyone’s business. They’re always there so you never think twice when you see them around the building.”
I let out a scoff which prompted Haechan to furrow his brows.
“What?” He asked.  
“So, all this time, you were just pretending to be my friend so that you could blend in?”  
My accusation was immediately purged of all seriousness when a snort escaped from Haechan as he began to cackle.
“Pretend to be friends with you?! To blend in?! Y/N, I did everything in my power to avoid you!”
Now it was my turn to furrow my brows.
“The first twenty times you saw me you were either hungover or drunk. Either way, you found a way to make a scene, calling me Dongfuck, asking me why I was so serious and telling me to loosen up a bit. I was so worried that you would blow my cover that when I saw Feeldog coming down the halls, I agreed to go drinking with you just to get you to leave before he got close.“
I could feel my cheeks start to burn up. Taeyong started to chuckle, only attempting to recompose himself after noticing my glare. I remembered what he was talking about. After what happened with Lucas, I found the Heartbreakers and was able to make enough money to afford rent in a bougie apartment building. But to say that I was in a better place would have been far from the truth. I was an absolute a mess. The only time I was sober was when I had just woken up and sometimes not even then.  
“I knew if I stood you up that you’d only make an even bigger ruckus the next time you saw me, so I decided to just say ‘fuck it’ and go party with you. I didn’t expect to have as much fun as I did.”
I looked up at Haechan and was surprised to see nothing but sincerity in his eyes.
“Okay, but what about you and Mark?” Is he the guy you had told me about?”  
All traces of peacefulness had disappeared from Haechan’s eyes which looked as though they were about to pop out of their sockets. I felt an elbow dig into my side though when I turned to scold its owner, I saw that Mark was shaking his head at me with a look so serious and grave that I could barely believe it had actually come from Mark, himself.  
I shot a look back at Taeyong who seemed more confused than anything, before taking notice of Jeno and Jaemin who both sent each other a casual smirk. I had totally forgotten that they were arguing about the secrecy of their relationship before I unintentionally intervened.
“I just meant... the guy you told me about, the one who loved watermelon more than anything? That was Mark, right?”
Both Haechan and I looked at Taeyong, who was chuckling under his breath.  
“He really does love watermelon, doesn’t he?” He laughed.
Haechan’s eyes returned to their usual state after realizing that Taeyong was still as clueless as ever.
Once I had been caught up on everything, Taeyong excused himself, allowing the table’s remaining occupants to discuss more personal matters.  
“Yes, Mark is the boyfriend I told you about. The one who can’t even man up and tell his coworkers that he’s bi and has a boyfriend.”  
“Wait, what?” Mark quirked, having returned to his default state of confusion.
“Oh, forget it,” Haechan sighed.
I woke up the next morning to the sound of the alarm clock Taeyong had given me the previous evening. I was glad to have some way of waking myself up in the morning so that Jeno wouldn’t have be the one to do it. I always felt bad for him since not only did he usually have to wake me up, he had to wait for me to get ready too. This way, I could wake myself up and be ready to meet Jeno in the training room before 6:00.  
Before coming here, I was never able to get myself out of bed this early, usually due to being hungover, but I really didn’t want to keep Jeno waiting, especially since he was doing me a favor by becoming my trainer.  
I got out of bed, still sluggish with sleep, and proceeded to put on my workout clothes. I brushed my hair out of my face, pulled it back into a ponytail and headed out the bedroom door.  
Since I was allowed to sleep in the day before, waking up at 5:30 was harder than usual. Just when I was starting to get used to the crazy schedule, Taeyong had to mess it up by telling Jeno to let me sleep in. My eyes could barely stay open as I wandered through the empty halls. I lightly slapped my cheeks with my hands in an attempt to shake away my drowsiness.  
I hoped that Jeno’s training voice would be enough to snap me out of my dazed state, so I immediately entered the training room when I arrived at its door.  
“Goodmorning, Jeno,“ I greeted as I tried to rub the sleep from my eyes.
“Goodmorning, Y/N.”
My breathing hitched and my lazy steps came to an immediate halt.  
All fatigue left my body along with any last traces of serenity I was feeling only moments prior.  
My hands carefully removed themselves from my eyes and dropped to my sides. 
“What are you doing here?”
149 notes · View notes
itsapapisongo · 4 years
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Pairing: None, though I won’t blame you for any spotting Ho-Yay banter/interactions.
Genre: Superhero | Comedy | One-Shot
Word Count: 2.0K
Warnings: Language
Summary: An exasperated Spider-Man (Mark Lee) trails the elusive Black Cat (Lee Taeyong) across town, hoping to knock some sense into the master thief.
Notes: This was supposed to be the first of a series of one-shots focused on original characters face-claimed by several members—from NCT to Stray Kids to SEVENTEEN—but I decided to drop the whole face-claim thing and simply go full what if x member was a superhero route instead. A choice that is partly inspired by @vernosaur​ and her awesome fic Playing Hero.
Edited: 20.09.25 (last update ) | 20.12.06 (recent update)
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HE had planned to land on the floor, but it was already occupied.
“Oi!” Spider-Man exclaimed, his voice a nervous, high-pitch. “Nope!”
In the nick of time, without missing a beat and with superhuman ease, he performed an in-air flip and clung to the ceiling, arms extended to either side of his body as though to maintain balance. He didn’t need to be so theatrical but he had been caught off guard. Ignoring a reaction as visceral as this one had become harder and harder to contain; more often than not, sheer instinct kicked in and he just went with it.
Spider-Man stared in disbelief at four of the ugliest Komodo dragons he had ever laid eyes on and they glared back at him, thin tongues slithering in and out of their snouts. He could hear them hissing—or snarling, he couldn’t tell—and gulped, shocked at how late he had come to notice them. A tingling sensation notified him of potential danger but he hadn’t imagined it would be a quartet of monitor lizards casually dragging themselves on such a small apartment.
He’d set up his phone and laptop to monitor emergency channels, in hopes that it would direct him to where he could make a difference. Robberies, fires, break-ins, super villains being up to no good was what he had in mind but apparently the universe had other plans for him. And so, in a matter of minutes, a routine night of surveillance turned into a bizarre chase across the city. He had been swinging non-stop for the past hour and half, chasing the elusive Black Cat across town, mumbling to himself that he probably shouldn’t have made such a dynamic entrance in Inner Demons territory.
You gotta time your quips, man, he scolded himself when everyone hauled ass in different directions and he lost sight, albeit briefly, of the Cat. The master thief had connections with just about everyone in the crooked lane that was Enn City. Following the guy meant getting in a heap of trouble but that was already part of the job so what the hell, right? He just hadn’t considered Komodo dragons to be part of the equation.
The chase led him to the shady part of town, where the properties looked ancient and in need of a new coat of paint, and into the lost (apartment-sized) world of Komodo Land. The Black Cat had been quick to find and subsequently hide in this narrow, five-story monstrosity that oozed with not-so-chill vibes and shamelessly overpriced and claustrophobically small apartments. It reeked of neglect, nicotine, and chemicals, as though it had been repurposed for some clandestine drug operation.
Spider-Man wondered if it had been a deliberate ploy to distract him. After all he had checked the lobby and the first floor and found no sign of the master thief. What he’d found instead, much to his disgust, was the stench of the dragons’ dinner, excrement, and urine.
Just my luck, he thought, crawling across the ceiling and scanning the rest of the apartment: the door had been left ajar and there was nothing but a bucket and a mop by a corner. The pungent smell stung his nostrils even through his mask and he resisted the urge to gag by clearing his throat. One of the Komodo dragons stared, as though it could see right through him. Big bioluminescent green eyes stared back and narrowed until becoming thin slits of contempt and disgust. Behind the mask, Spider-Man cringed.
Who knew something could smell so bad?
“Good Lord,” he whispered, gently shaking his head. “You guys should think about cleaning after yourselves.”
As he shifted his weight and positioned himself to face the door, crawling slowly toward it, he saw it. A shadowy figure in the hallway outside the apartment. The figure moved itself with grace and purpose and just enough that Spider-Man caught a glimpse of his face in the dim-light of the hallway. Aware of the now incessant hissing—or snarling, Spidey still couldn’t tell—of the lizards, the figure turned toward the half-opened door then dashed into the hall.
Pushing himself off the ceiling and clinging to the door, not trusting his new Komodo besties to not take a chunk out of him, he peered into the narrow hallway and saw the Black Cat running toward the elevator. Spider-Man gracefully leapt off the door and slammed it shut behind him because there was no way in hell he was going to leave those beasts out of there.
Who waits for an elevator while they’re being chased?
Spider-Man groaned and shook his head.
The chase was on—again.
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ALRIGHT, folks, let’s do this one last time.
His real name is Mark Lee.
He was bitten by a radioactive spider—or at least, he thinks it was radioactive—and for the last year and half he’s been Spider-Man. By chance, fate, or design, he’d been bitten. Just like his idol: Peter Parker, the original Spider-Man. Mark would love to call himself the One and Only Spider-Man but knows it would be a lie and disrespectful to Parker. So, in a town as big and as shady as Enn City, Mark did what he could and took up the mantle, making it his mission to live up to his idol’s example and use his powers for the greater good.
The encounter made him superhuman, granting him spider-like abilities. He can leap great distances, cling to almost any surface, and sense when something is about to threaten him, allowing him to avoid and react to danger with ease in the blink of an eye. The bite not only made him quicker on his feet but it granted him superhuman strength, stamina, reflexes, as well as enhancing other skills, such as his balance and dexterity, that he’d honed over the years as an athlete. Physical education was certainly less of a hassle after that.
The suit—black and green—represents his passion and ambition and paid homage to the original Web-Slinger by keeping the same spider symbol upon his chest and back; the web-shooters, designed by Joshua Hong and Moon Taeil, make it easier for him to move across the city and enable him to snare criminals; and the mask offers anonymity, protection, and comfort, a way to fight crime and keep his life as boring as it always has been.
Being a hero was no easy feat. Mark is aware of this. He does his very best to kick ass and take names. Life has meaning, even if it includes being pounded into the ground and fighting guys in colorful suits that possess, whether innate or manufactured, unique abilities that rival his own. New threats crawl out of the woodwork but he’s ready for all of them. Because he’s Spider-Man and it’s his duty to kick ass and keep people safe.
But sometimes, no matter how cool it might feel, being Spider-Man can be exhausting.
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THE Black Cat was fast.
Not Quicksilver fast, but definitely-athlete-fast. Like, come to think of it, track-star fast. He moved with such complete control of his body that for a second Mark felt jealous of his flexibility. He dashed and shouldered a door open at the end of the corridor, promptly disappearing through it. Just then, as if on cue, the elevator binged itself open. It was empty. Obviously. The Cat had no plans on waiting for it and had been a last second attempt to lose his pursuer.
Mark sprinted after him and launched himself forward with a leap that had him cling to the ceiling then bounced on a wall and thrust himself toward the exit the Cat had improvised for himself. He noticed that the master thief’s choice of exit was the emergency staircase. Instead of descending, the Cat ascended not by foot but via grappling gun. Seconds before he was propelled upward, they came face-to-face.
The Web-Slinger, albeit reluctantly, admitted the elusive and perpetually frustrating thief was quite the looker—even if a good part of his face was still concealed by the domino mask-like goggles he was wearing. The lenses were pristine and made his eyes visible: one was dark, the other bright blue. His complexion was pale, his hair a mess of red and white. When he smirked he came across as both charming and devious, a strange mix that only added to his allure.
You seriously gotta focus, the Web-Slinger scolded himself. There’s no time for man-crushes.
In the blink of an eye, the Black Cat was whisked away and the sound of the line echoed in the empty staircase.
“Son of a—hey—that’s cheating!” Mark exclaimed as he leapt on the stair’s railing then aimed his web-shooter at the Cat’s feet. “Gotcha!”
Only he didn’t. The webs flew past the Cat’s head and attached themselves to the railing three stories up. Spider-Man groaned, shook his head, and released the weblines. He cracked his neck and knuckles, inhaled through his nose then exhaled through his mouth. With all the strength he could muster and crouching as low as he could, while still balancing himself on the railing, he sprung upward like a bullet. He flew, matching the Cat’s altitude, and caught him mid-air before he could disengage the line on his belt. The impact was harder and a bit more painful than expected; it was bound to be either way. Mark shrugged it off with a faint grunt. The Black Cat? Not so much.
Shooting his webs to a railing, the Web-Slinger managed to hold them suspended before completely falling. The Black Cat groaned from the whiplash but was still conscious and strong enough to smack Mark across the face, using him and the web to ascend as though he were back at climbing the rope in PE. Mark groaned despondently, his upper-lip stinging, then saw the master thief run through a door that led to the roof.
You gotta be shitting me.
He spun another web, triggering the web-shooters to pull him up, and dashed through the door as soon as he touched ground. The Black Cat, who had a decent head start, was running toward the edge of the building’s roof. He leapt on the edge and looked down, as though to prepare himself to jump. Yet, before he could he even think about doing that, two strong web-lines dragged him back. The master thief landed squarely and pathetically on his back. When he blinked and groaned, pain shooting through all of his back and some of his buttocks, he saw a pair of green eyes squinting right at him.
“Hey,” said the Black Cat, trying to conceal a smirk. “How’s it going, Webs?”
Mark tilted his head, arms crossed. “It seems like we’re in a rush, aren’t we, Puss in Boots?”
The Cat scoffed and cackled sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Though he could make another run for it, he remained on the ground. “I thought you’d be taller,” Black Cat exclaimed, sounding disappointed. “Like way taller.”
“And I thought you’d be—uh—less of—dammit.”
Mark groaned and rubbed the back of his neck when his quarry stared at him with a smug half-smile. The master thief shrugged, chuckled, then his hands moved to either side of his head faster than Mark could register it. With acrobatic ease and proficiency, the Cat performed a perfect kip up and was instantly on his feet. If he was winded and exhausted from the chase, he didn’t show it.
“Cat caught your tongue?”
“Funny,” mumbled Spider-Man. “Real funny.”
“Not as funny as this.” The Cat titled his head to the side. He was still smirking as he sang, “Oh Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream—make it the harshest pummeling I’ve ever seen.”
“What are you—?”
And there it was. A second too late but still there. His entire body buzzed, goosebumps spreading everywhere, and his head felt heavy as a wave of nausea hit him like a punch on his gut. Everything momentarily slowed down but before he could react to the danger, before he could even register it, he was swept aside with such force that felt like a van had smacked him squarely across the side. The pressure and velocity of it overwhelmed him. He flew, high and far away from the building’s roof . . . until he wasn’t. 
He didn’t know where or how he landed. He just knew, as everything turned dark, that everything hurt and there was definitely a good amount of sand in his pants.
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cozyjsuh · 4 years
who messed with my daughter?!
mafia au
fluff and crack (?)
jaemin x reader (but i don’t have a jaemin section so jaehyun x reader)
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the time was six thirty pm and you were sitting in the large dining room that your father owned. and by your father, i mean jung jaehyun aka the biggest mafia drug lord in all of south korea. because you were born early in jaehyun’s life, jaehyun was only thirty seven, making you eighteen, while your mother was nowhere to be found.
since your father was the most famous crime boss in all of korea, he was extremely protective of you. sitting at the table during their meetings was just one of the many precautions they had with the addition of having a body guard twenty four seven and that body guard being johnny suh.
while you look around the room, bored out of your mind while waiting for the meeting to be over, you catch the eyes of a certain boy.
na jaemin aka second in command of the subgroup, nct dream. you have a stare off with him, smirks arising on both of your faces. your stares get broken as jeno smacks him on the head to get him to pay attention. you stand up, catching the eyes of all the boys in the room before throwing up a peace sign to your father, giving a subtle glance at jaemin and proceeding to strut out of the room with johnny trailing behind you.
“yo suh. let’s go to the convenience store down the road.” you yawn while stretching your arms in the air. “y/n, we don’t even have mone-“ he shuts his mouth as you flash a centurion card. “where did you even get that?” he asks. “swiped it from dad on the way out.”
“swiper no swiping. swiper no swiping-“ you interrupt his chant by smacking the back of his head. “ow y/n.”
“what do you want?” you reply, browsing through the aisles. he grabs a bag of chips and tosses it at you as you catch it without looking. you put a six pack of beer on the counter but before you could pull your wallet out to show your id, johnny stops you. he leans closer to you and whispers, “don’t look but there are spies, three o’clock.” you nod and give a smile to the convenience store clerk before wrapping your arms around johnny’s waist. “come on honey, we don’t need beer, i just realized we had some at home.” as you and johnny exit the store, the same guys do as well. you lead johnny down an empty alley before the both of you disappear before the men and appear back behind them cornering them. before you know it, johnny and you are fighting with daggers against the spies. at the end, johnny stands to the side to call the ‘clean up crew’ while you suck on a lollipop. as the clean up crew arrives, you and johnny head back. but before you can enter the premises, johnny stops you and looks at your face.
“y/n, you can’t go in there looking like this. your dad will kill me.” confused, you ask. “what do you mean?” he pulls out his phone and hands it to you. your eyes stay the same as you glance at the long gash across your bloodstained cheek. letting out a huge sigh, you begin, “so i’m gonna sneak in through the infirmary and get treated by jungwoo. just distract my dad.” he nods as you sneak around the building to find an open window.
climbing the window, you enter and get met by the haechan and taeil staring at you while eating whatever was leftover from last night. taeil stares at you while pointing at his cheek and you mouth, “i’ll tell you later.” leaving the kitchen, you dash as fast as you could to the infirmary that was probably on the other side of your mansion. with the mile you just about ran, you finally made it to the infirmary. you explain everything to jungwoo as he applies ointment to your cheek. you let out several hisses of pain and huffs of sighs until you notice the same boy from the meeting staring at you while wrapping his wrists up.
“hey how’re you doing?” you ask trying to ease the awkwardness in the infirmary as jungwoo left to attend a meeting. “fine, you?” he questions back. “judging by the fact that i have a long gash on my cheek, better than normal i guess.” the longer you spend in the infirmary, the more you learn about jaemin. you learned that he’s a leo, is a single child, hates hula hooping and loves to play piano and dance. as the sky became darker and darker, you realized that you had to go train with taeyong.
“hey so sorry to interrupt you but i have to go to training in like five mins so, i’m going to have to leave but we can meet again tomorrow. poolside at eight sharp.” you say as you grab your items to leave. he lets out his signature smirk and says, “see you tomorrow princess.”
the next day, you attend breakfast or lunch judging by the fact that you woke up at one pm. your father sits at the table as you enter and sit. his eyes glance at you down and up before realizing that you had a gash on your cheek. “y/n, would you like to explain where you got that cut?” your eyes widen as you glance over at johnny for help before clearing your throat. luckily, your father was too busy looking at his tablet and sipping on coffee to notice your desperate stare. “i got it while practicing butterfly knife tricks. the hellbent.” you quickly lie, literal butterflies fluttering around your stomach. by the time you finished eating and training with johnny this time, it was time to meet jaemin again.
you play imessage games with johnny while waiting for jaemin to show up and when he does, he does not hesitate to pick you and get ready to toss you into the pool. as soon as you notice you throw your phone to a patch of grass and except your fate as you touch the surface of the pool. with a quiet but large splash you fall into the pool coming back up to the surface with an unamused face. reaching an stretched out hand to jaemin, he grabs it as you pull him into the pool as well. after about an hour of splashing each other in the pool, you get out and grab two towels from the poolside shed and walk back in after making another meeting time.
about two months pass after your meeting and you get closer each day. one day, as you’re sitting at dinner, johnny hands you a note and you open it unknowingly at the table consisting of your father and the numerous number of nct members. you open the note and it said, “hey loser, can’t wait till tonight. don’t forget to be careful, your dad might be catching on. -j” your father’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts as he asks for the reason for the smirk on your face. he keeps his calm demeanor as always, “y/n, why’re you smiling as if you’ve read something that pleases you?” nervousness fills your body as you barely stutter out, “n-nothing dad.” with one flick of his finger, the paper gets snatched out of your hands and gets handed down each person until reaching the hands of your father. looking at your lap, you pray for a miracle of the paper catching on fire but sadly it didn’t. through the silence, your father’s voice booms through the dining room. “y/n!” you nervously fiddle with your hands and look up with a smile. “yes?”
“who wrote you this?” he asks but this time calmly. you pretend to zip your lips up and stare back at him in defiance. you feel accomplished until he speaks to the whole table. “who’s been messing with my daughter?!” your eyes widen as you stare at your father. “obviously his name starts with a j so, jungwoo?” jungwoo shakes his head not even caring. “johnny?” johnny looks at jaehyun with a disgusted face, “me with her? hell no.” your father begins again, “jen-“ but gets interrupted by jaemin scraping his chair against the wood floors and saying, “i did.” jaehyun turns his head towards jaemin and you let out a tiny, “shit.”
“na jaemin, of course it was you.” your father says. “jaehyun, i love y/n and there isn’t anything i wouldn’t do for her.” you turn your eyes back to jaemin as he stares at your father. “fine. love her but if you hurt her even as little as a word, i will break every bone in your face.”
“dad!” you shout out. “fine, and johnny, you’re to be by y/n’s side even on dates.” johnny groans and furrows his eyebrows at you in discomfort. “thanks dad.” you say as you grab jaemin’s arm and walk off. jaehyun stares at johnny until johnny notices and groans standing up before running after you but not after telling jaehyun, “you’re lucky y/n is your daughter because nothing and i mean NOTHING gets in between me and my burrito.”
a/n: to the sweetie that requested this, i’m so sorry that you had to wait this long for something this low quality but i hope you enjoy it! (she asked me like four months ago).
overall masterlist
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ping-ping-ying · 5 years
 NCT 2019: Mafia! Yandere!
Warning: toxic relationships, mental and emotional abuse, mentions of death/murder and suicide, kidnapping, illegal crimes, descriptive violence
NCT 2019: Reaction when their s/o tries to escape
To make this easier these will deadass be split up into units😂
Requested by @99-nct 🌻💓
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NCT 127:
Taeyong: Would honestly freak a little. Since he made sure he kept track of you the entire day. He always knew where you were, and what you were doing. So when he came home from working late to see the house completely empty he panicked. But about four days after escaping he used all his resources to track you down, and found you waiting at a train station.
“Hey sweetie.” He pointed a gun to your back.
You stood there frozen.
“On the count of three, you’re going to come back home with me and get severely punished, or I’ll start shooting random civilians, your call.”
Johnny: Wouldn’t be as freaked out as you would expect him to be. All he needed to do was trace your steps. He made sure to look through your emails, phone logs, and sure enough, he found out you bought a plane ticket back home (unless you live in Korea lol) . It took him quite a while to find you in the crowded airport, but once he did, he gripped your wrist making you turn and face him.
“Hey doll face, remember me? The love of your life?”
Taeil: Home boi really caught you in the midst of your escape. You thought he went to sleep so you decided to high tail it out of there. But to your misfortune, Taeil was downstairs sitting in his chair. He held a glass of whiskey as he swirled it around looking at it intently.
“Now my dear, what do you think you’re doing?”
Doyoung: Was quite oblivious of the fact that you tried to escape. You both were at the mall and he went to go order food from the food court. Once he left you, you decided to sprint towards the malls entrance/exit. People gave you weird looks but you didn’t care. Your mind was focused on escaping. A mall cop saw you basically running and he came up to you and told you to stop running. In this moment you were about to tell this mall cop everything, but you were quickly shut down.
“Honey there you are!” Doyoung came jogging up to you.
The mall cop noticed your uneasy state, so he asked you,
“Do you know this man ma’am?”
You didn’t have time to answer because Doyoung came up with a smooth lie.
“Yes, this is my wife. She suffers from PTSD. Something must’ve triggered her, I’m so sorry sir.” He came and held your hand.
“No I’m sorry, please just make sure she is okay.” The cop bowed and walked off.
Doyoung then squeezed your hand tightly, to the point where you thought he was going to break a couple of fingers
“You are in big trouble when we get home.”
Mark: Mark wasn’t really a hardcore vicious yandere. He was actually surprisingly lenient when it came to you. That was his big mistake. You kept up your good behavior so he could give you more freedom, and that he did. You two were at a park and Mark had to use the bathroom. He told you to wait for him, and you, plastered a fake smile on your face and told him you would wait. As soon as the bathroom door shut you made a run for it. 
You didn’t care where you were going, as long as it was away from him. You lost track of how long you were running and decided to look back, when you did, you bumped into someone. 
“Are you all right miss?” An older woman asked as she helped you up.
“Yes, I need-”
“Babe!” Mark came running up to you. “I told you to wait for me! She’s so competitive, cheater.”
“You two are adorable! Have fun!” The older woman walked off and you looked at Mark. 
He grabbed your hand and yanked you towards the exit of the park. 
Haechan: This evil little shit actually let you escape, just so he can hunt you down. It was part of this sick little fantasy he had. When he finally caught you, it was not even an hour later. He knocked you out and threw you in the back of the car.
“I could do this all day princess.”
Yuta: It was his fault really. He left you at home alone all day and he forgot to lock the doors and windows. He was such in a rush that he forgot to do it. You walked straight out the door, and hopped into your car. The next thing you remember is waking up in the hospital. You were weak and could barley move, Yuta was asleep in a chair to your left. In that moment, you wanted to just pull out your IV but you couldn’t fore it was probably the only thing keeping you alive right now. 
“Honey! Are you okay?!” Yuta popped up and immediately grabbed your hand. 
“I think, I’m fine?”
“Where were you going? You know you aren’t allowed to leave the house without me.”
To your surprise, Yuta didn’t even suspect you tried to escape, because if he did, you probably would’ve been better dying off in the car accident. So you made up a lie to save your ass.
“I-I wanted to surprise you and make you your favorite meal. I haven’t cooked it in a while, and you seemed so stressed. I just wanted to do something good.”
“Oh honey.” He gave you a kiss on your forehead. “I appreciate it, but next time, just tell me where you’re going okay?”
Jungwoo: This sweetheart could turn cold in 2.5 when it came to you. He caught you trying to pick the lock on the front door.
“What are you doing?” 
“I wanted to go for a walk to clear my head.”
“No, come back to bed.”
Jaehyun: You kept being good and Jaehyun immediately knew something was up. You were usually a brat and acted out. For the past week he kept his eye on you. Then you decided to escape. Jaehyun was in the basement working out when you crept out the kitchen and to the front door. Before you could even touch the doorknob, both of your arms were pinned up against your head and your back slammed against the door. 
“I should’ve known you were up to something. You need to start obeying me more princess.” 
“Make me.” You spit in his face.
His head jerked to the side for a couple seconds and he smirked back at you. 
“You’re in for one hell of a punishment baby girl.” 
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(Except Mark and Haechan)
Renjun: Honestly, you were afraid to escape from Renjun. He was a sick sadistic bastard who had no problem bashing your fingers if you didn’t listen. So sad to say, you didn’t try to escape this time, due to the fact your broken leg was still healing, thanks to Renjun. 
Jeno: Another one who was oblivious to your attempt to escape. He just thought you had to use the bathroom, but when you didn’t come back halfway through the movie he went searching for you. He found you talking to a cop and went up to the both of you.
“Hey babe, you’re missing the movie! Is there a problem officer?” He said ever so sweetly. 
“Not at all young man, she just got lost is all.” 
Jeno grabbed your hand and squeezed it tightly while walking back to the theater. 
Jaemin: Just like Haechan, he loved when you “escaped”. The hunt was his favorite part, he stalked you the entire time. When you were walking back from the store, he sat parked right outside. Now all he had to do was grab you, but he decided to wait. He didn’t find it fun if the hunt ended so quickly. 
Chenle: This baby went ballistic. He was looking around the school yard for you. He thought you wouldn’t have gotten out of the hand cuffs. But behold, you showed up to school with your wrists wrapped up. You basically almost cut off your wrists trying to break free. Chenle walked up to you and hugged you. 
“What happened? Are you okay? You can’t leave me again. This time you won’t be in handcuffs.
Jisung: The school day was over and you tried to hurry out of the school. Jisung was lurking around and you didn’t want to run into him. A teacher stopped you to talk about your grades (leave it to teachers to ruin everything, lol *disappointed but not surprised*). Jisung made his way to you with a wicked smile on his face.
“Hey Jisung!” The teacher greeted him warmly. 
“Hello! Are you ready to go?” He smirked at you. 
You knew you were screwed. 
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(this boutta be dark asf sksks for some reason I see WayV as darker Yandere’s then the rest of NCT lord help me sksks)
Kun: You tried and failed for the fifth time to escape from Kun. This time you ended up recieving the worst punishment ever. He tied you up in the basement and didn’t give you food or water for two days straight. Then after he fed you, and made you get on your knees in front of this large bucket. He restrained your hands and held your head under water for 30 seconds. This went on two more times before he dried you off and let you go back upstairs. 
Ten: Ten wasn’t expecting to try and escape again so quickly. Since your last attempt didn’t go so well. He caught you trying to hot wire his car, since he hid the keys. He put a cloth soaked with chloroform over your face, so he didn’t have to deal with your struggling. When you woke up, you were chained up in your room on the bed. Your legs were free though. Ten came walking in with a tray of supplies. Ten wasn’t into torture, but you needed to learn your lesson. He sat down next to you and in his hand was a tiny scalpel. 
“Stay still baby, this won’t hurt as much.”
He hummed softly dragged the sharp object along your shoulder. The room filled with your ear piercing screams. All Ten did was hush you and continue to torture you.
Sicheng: Oh boy, this dude. WinWin caught you talking to another guy while you were trying to escape. But, he was more angry at the fact you talked to another guy. Straight to the shed you brought you, and tied you up to a chair. This wasn’t a regular chair (cuz know he’s in that zoooone let me stfu lol),this was an electrick chair (e e e electric shock…. okok imma stop now hehe). Sicheng never used this on you unless he was really mad. To make this even more painful, he threw a bucket of freezing cold water on you, and put a cloth in your mouth. No matter how many times you pleaded and shook your head, he flipped the switch. This lasted about five minuets, before you passed out.
Lucas: Lucas was a very jealous yandere. You could look at another guy and he would want to yank your teeth out. Today he saw you trying to escape his house by running out the door. You thought he wasn’t home, but he was. Lucas grabbed you and dragged you upstairs. After tying you up to the bed post, he got out an iron rod. He went downstairs and put it over the lit fireplace for a couple minuets. When he returned, your eyes immediately went to stare at the glowing orange tip of the iron rod. A little smoke came rising off the tip, and that set you into panic mode. Your struggles were useless as he sat down and pressed the tip of the bar to your thigh. Lucas wasn’t phased at all by your whaling screams, and I mean, not at all. Whenever Lucas was mad, all he saw was red, so in this particular moment, he didn’t care that he was hurting you.
Xiaojun: Xiaojun  was very quiet, and that was more scary than anything. Once he found out you tried to escape, he went into his sadistic persona. He would torture you softly at first, putting salt on the top of your hand and then pushing an ice cube on it, making it burn like acid. Then he would put a rope around your neck and choke you until you felt light headed. After that, he would choke you with his bare hands, since he doesn’t like using weapons to punish you. Let’s just say, you couldn’t speak, or barely eat right for about week. 
Hendery: Didn’t take your escape attempt lightly. He really isn’t into physical torture, so he just made you do hard labor with no food, water, or breaks. Whenever you slowed down or felt like you were going to pass out, he would remind you that if you kept slacking you wouldn’t be fed or allowed back in the house. In some instances, you would rather die than go back into the house. 
YangYang: This little puppy, was probably the most sadistic yandere ever. He found you trying to escape, and boy, you shouldn’t have done that. YangYang actually broke both your legs, and mentally tortured you for hours. When you didn’t seemed phased by his mental torture, he chained you up and left you down in the basement until you learned your lesson. You went about four days without food or before he caved in and came down with food and water. When you refused to eat or drink, he threatened to break both your arms. So you ate and drank, then later on cried yourself to sleep. 
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-PingPing -3:53pm 
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fiorekrp · 6 years
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BAE JOOHYUN/IRENE (RED VELVET) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic
OH SEHUN (EXO) — Grimoire Heart, Requip Magic (Gunner)
PARK CHAEYOUNG/ROSE (BLACKPINK) — Sabertooth, Gravity Change Magic
(EXT1) KIM MINKYEONG/ROA (PRISTIN) — Crime Sorciere, Take Over Magic (Satan Soul)
(EXT2) WEN JUNHUI/JUN (SEVENTEEN) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Sound Magic
PARK JIMIN (BTS) — Sabertooth, Card Magic
KIM NAMJOON/RM (BTS) — Iron Dragon Slayer Magic
MARK TUAN (GOT7) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Leo the Lion
JESSICA JUNG (SOLOIST) — Fairy Tail, Requip Magic (The Knight)
LEE TAEYONG (NCT) — Crime Sorciere, Poison Dragon Slayer Magic
JENNIE KIM (BLACKPINK) — Fairy Tail, Celestial Spirit Magic
PARK HYEMIN/PONY (ULZZANG) — Phantom Lord, Element Four, Aquarius the Water Bearer
PARK SUNGJIN (DAY6) — Sabertooth, Celestial Spirit Magic
CHOU TZUYU (TWICE) — Sabertooth, Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
KRYSTAL JUNG (F(X)) — Fairy Tail, Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
LEE HOSEOK/WONHO (MONSTA X) — Grimoire Heart, Seven Kin of Purgatory, Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
OK TAECYEON (2PM) — Sabertooth, S Class, Capricorn the Goat
JEON WONWOO (SEVENTEEN) — Sabertooth, S Class, Ice Magic
0 notes
fiorekrp · 6 years
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(EXT1) JUNG HOSEOK/J-HOPE (BTS) — Phantom Lord, Element Four
BAE JOOHYUN/IRENE (RED VELVET) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic
OH SEHUN (EXO) — Grimoire Heart, Requip Magic (Gunner)
PARK CHAEYOUNG/ROSE (BLACKPINK) — Sabertooth, Gravity Change Magic
(EXT1) KIM MINKYEONG/ROA (PRISTIN) — Crime Sorciere, Take Over Magic (Satan Soul)
(EXT2) WEN JUNHUI/JUN (SEVENTEEN) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Sound Magic
PARK JIMIN (BTS) — Sabertooth, Card Magic
MARK TUAN (GOT7) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Leo the Lion
JESSICA JUNG (SOLOIST) — Fairy Tail, Requip Magic (The Knight)
LEE TAEYONG (NCT) — Crime Sorciere, Poison Dragon Slayer Magic
JENNIE KIM (BLACKPINK) — Fairy Tail, Celestial Spirit Magic
PARK HYEMIN/PONY (ULZZANG) — Phantom Lord, Element Four, Aquarius the Water Bearer
PARK SUNGJIN (DAY6) — Sabertooth, Celestial Spirit Magic
CHOU TZUYU (TWICE) — Sabertooth, Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
KRYSTAL JUNG (F(X)) — Fairy Tail, Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
LEE HOSEOK/WONHO (MONSTA X) — Grimoire Heart, Seven Kin of Purgatory, Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
OK TAECYEON (2PM) — Sabertooth, S Class, Capricorn the Goat
JEON WONWOO (SEVENTEEN) — Sabertooth, S Class, Ice Magic
0 notes
fiorekrp · 6 years
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(EXT1) JUNG HOSEOK/J-HOPE (BTS) — Phantom Lord, Element Four
BAE JOOHYUN/IRENE (RED VELVET) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic
(EXT1) JEON WONWOO (SEVENTEEN) — Sabertooth, S Class, Ice Magic
OH SEHUN (EXO) — Grimoire Heart, Requip Magic (Gunner)
PARK CHAEYOUNG/ROSE (BLACKPINK) — Sabertooth, Gravity Change Magic
(EXT1) KIM MINKYEONG/ROA (PRISTIN) — Crime Sorciere, Take Over Magic (Satan Soul)
(EXT2) WEN JUNHUI/JUN (SEVENTEEN) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Sound Magic
MARK TUAN (GOT7) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Leo the Lion
JESSICA JUNG (SOLOIST) — Fairy Tail, Requip Magic (The Knight)
LEE TAEYONG (NCT) — Crime Sorciere, Poison Dragon Slayer Magic
JENNIE KIM (BLACKPINK) — Fairy Tail, Celestial Spirit Magic
PARK HYEMIN/PONY (ULZZANG) — Phantom Lord, Element Four, Aquarius the Water Bearer
PARK SUNGJIN (DAY6) — Sabertooth, Celestial Spirit Magic
CHOU TZUYU (TWICE) — Sabertooth, Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
KRYSTAL JUNG (F(X)) — Fairy Tail, Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
LEE HOSEOK/WONHO (MONSTA X) — Grimoire Heart, Seven Kin of Purgatory, Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
OK TAECYEON (2PM) — Sabertooth, S Class, Capricorn the Goat
0 notes
fiorekrp · 6 years
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KIM SEOLHYUN (AOA) — Undecided
KIM MINKYEONG/ROA (PRISTIN) — Crime Sorciere, Take Over Magic (Satan Soul)
(EXT1) JUNG HOSEOK/J-HOPE (BTS) — Phantom Lord, Element Four
BAE JOOHYUN/IRENE (RED VELVET) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic
(EXT1) JEON WONWOO (SEVENTEEN) — Sabertooth, S Class, Ice Magic
(EXT1) WEN JUNHUI/JUN (SEVENTEEN) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Sound Magic
OH SEHUN (EXO) — Grimoire Heart, Requip Magic (Gunner)
PARK CHAEYOUNG/ROSE (BLACKPINK) — Sabertooth, Gravity Change Magic
MARK TUAN (GOT7) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Leo the Lion
JESSICA JUNG (SOLOIST) — Fairy Tail, Requip Magic (The Knight)
LEE TAEYONG (NCT) — Crime Sorciere, Poison Dragon Slayer Magic
JENNIE KIM (BLACKPINK) — Fairy Tail, Celestial Spirit Magic
PARK HYEMIN/PONY (ULZZANG) — Phantom Lord, Element Four, Aquarius the Water Bearer
PARK SUNGJIN (DAY6) — Sabertooth, Celestial Spirit Magic
CHOU TZUYU (TWICE) — Sabertooth, Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
KRYSTAL JUNG (F(X)) — Fairy Tail, Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
LEE HOSEOK/WONHO (MONSTA X) — Grimoire Heart, Seven Kin of Purgatory, Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
OK TAECYEON (2PM) — Sabertooth, S Class, Capricorn the Goat
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fiorekrp · 6 years
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JUNG HOSEOK/J-HOPE (BTS) — Phantom Lord, Element Four
KIM SEOLHYUN (AOA) — Undecided
JEON WONWOO (SEVENTEEN) — Sabertooth, S Class, Ice Magic
OK TAECYEON (2PM) — Sabertooth, S Class, Capricorn the Goat
WEN JUNHUI/JUN (SEVENTEEN) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Sound Magic
PARK SUNGJIN (DAY6) — Sabertooth, Celestial Spirit Magic
KIM MINKYEONG/ROA (PRISTIN) — Crime Sorciere, Take Over Magic (Satan Soul)
KRYSTAL JUNG (F(X)) — Sky Dragon Slayer
PARK HYEMIN/PONY (ULZZANG) — Phantom Lord, Element Four, Aquarius the Water Bearer
CHOU TZUYU (TWICE) — Sabertooth, Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
(EXT1) LEE HOSEOK/WONHO (MONSTA X) — Grimoire Heart, Seven Kin of Purgatory, Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
BAE JOOHYUN/IRENE (RED VELVET) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic
MARK TUAN (GOT7) — Fairy Tail, S Class, Leo the Lion
JESSICA JUNG (SOLOIST) — Fairy Tail, Requip Magic (The Knight)
LEE TAEYONG (NCT) — Crime Sorciere, Poison Dragon Slayer Magic
JENNIE KIM (BLACKPINK) — Fairy Tail, Celestial Spirit Magic
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