#cough syrup and sprite
pixelatedraindrops · 7 months
Yuma looks so cute with a cold ;w; 💕
(under read for minor snz content kinda)
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don't stand in the rain too long silly 🤧💦
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sourkitsch · 1 year
Why don’t you make yourself some lean and then maybe you’ll calm down
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ishizizzle · 1 year
I'm Sick and have no partner so I get to make the soup RIGHT
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ddejavvu · 1 year
okay okay I'm so obsessed with this idea of grumpy gruff/hotch who's secretly the most romantic bf ever so what about hotch who's sick but powers through it at work until you show up to drop off lunch and suddenly he's the biggest baby ever??
Adore your writing, thank you for being an angel!
The team doesn't even know he's sick until you show up with a care kit. Derek's brow furrows as he spots cold medicine in your hand, flagging you down before you can rush to Aaron's office.
"Hey, Missus Hotchner!" He calls, still a tease even when confused.
"Hm?" You nod in greeting, frozen on the steps.
"What's the cough syrup for," He motions to the bottle, "You and Hotch gonna party?"
"There's sprite in the kitchen," Emily snorts.
"No," You laugh incredulously, "Aaron's sick, I'm here to bring him soup and his medicine."
With that, you're off. You take Derek's confused silence as your opportunity to leave, rushing up the stairs and shutting the door behind you. Even if they can't hear you, they watch as Hotch sets down his pen at the sight of you, and how his shoulders droop with exhaustion.
"Hi, honey." You croon, gripping his cheeks and leaning over his desk to kiss his heated forehead, "Oh, my poor baby. You ready for soup?"
"Yes please," He rasps, and if his voice is a little more pitiful than it was during the BAU's earlier meeting, you'll never know.
"Take some medicine," You hand over the bottle, "10 mL, Aaron. No skimping."
He rolls his eyes, "I only did that once."
"Yeah," You scoff, "Last night! You're not to be trusted anymore."
"There," He pours the recommended dose into the small plastic cup, showcasing his precision, "Is that good enough for you, doctor?"
"Yes," You grin, refusing to acknowledge his snark, "Drink it all, Aaron."
As an adult accustomed to a drink here and there, his face should not screw up the way it does at the taste of the cough syrup. The team sees it through the windows lining Hotch's office, and there's assorted chuckles and gasps when you guide his mouth open again, holding a bottle of water to his lips and tipping it between his lips.
"Look at that," Derek marvels, "She's babying him."
"And he's acting the part," JJ's eyebrows raise when he shuts his eyes, leaning into your palm so that you kiss his forehead once more, "Oh my god, look, she's feeding him!"
Sure enough, you crack open a container of soup and hold the spoon up to Aaron's lips for him. He doesn't even try to do it himself, keeping his eyes droopy as you spoon more and more down his throat.
They only stop looking because you nearly catch them, but it's hard to return to normal like their stoic boss isn't melting in his girlfriend's hands a few feet away.
It's later, after you've left, that they really notice the shift. Aaron's mobile again, putzing around the kitchen to make himself a third cup of coffee for the day. Reid needs a refill, too, and while he's busy stirring in his overzealous portion of sugar, he strikes up conversation with Hotch.
"You're not contagious, are you?"
Hotch side-eyes him from the counter, shaking his head slightly, "No, you'll be fine. It's just a small cold."
"You looked miserable," Reid muses, keeping his eyes on his spoon, "From the way Y/N reacted when she kissed your forehead, I assume you have, or had, a fever, and it'll only get worse if you don't rest. If I were you I'd take the day off, and make sure the fever went down before coming back."
"Thank you for the advice, Reid." Aaron's hand tightens around his coffee mug, and he doesn't seem all that grateful for it despite what he says, "I'll keep that in mind."
He strides back to his office, door shut a bit too harshly for anyone's liking.
"Sore subject," Emily snickers as Reid rejoins the group, "You should have seen the way he flushed red when you mentioned Y/N."
"He's probably texting her now," Derek elbows Reid, pointing to his office where Hotch is bent over his phone, "Whaddya think it says, pretty boy?"
"Oh! Oh, uh," Emily answers instead, steadying her voice for her famed Hotch Impression, "Honeybunches," And the team bursts into giggles, "Reid said I should rest, will you pwease come pick me up?"
"Pwease," JJ snorts, "And- and bring my blankie for the car ride home."
Thirty minutes later, you stride back into the bullpen, and when you usher Aaron out of his office and home for the day, there's a blanket draped over his shoulders.
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tiktaalic · 4 days
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Same vibe as “I just dont like any rap :/“ and “if you ruin perfectly good sprite with cough syrup you get no bitches” and “not a hot girl summer but a bog girl autumn” . How can I make this about me dot jpg
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dampsleeves · 2 months
i love when people talk about wanting to go back in time to give a medieval peasant takis or sprite, and watch them cough and writhe,, as if medieval cough syrup wouldn't cause a 2024 peasant to see ghosts
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mortalityplays · 4 months
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me when my prize cough syrup collection accidentally falls in my famous jolly ranchers and sprite
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theninjamouse · 25 days
I have received -ahem- official permission to buy and use certain things otherwise illegal in my state for purposes of fighting my insomnia and Other. Things. that I've been struggling with for a long time.
I finally have something that might help in my hand and I'm hesitating because I can't shake that deeply rooted belief medicine is Bad and Evil that my dad liked to shove in my face all during my childhood. Couldn't take meds when I was sick, no, I had to survive on sprite and crackers and cough syrup at best. And this, this stuff that I was told was Extra Bad and Evil for a good chunk of my life? Absolutely not, not allowed
It's dumb. I've seen it help my brothers, hell I've taken stuff before from their stash (with permission) and my brain is still digging in heels and not letting me take it.
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kennys-parka-jacket · 8 months
The main 4 and their opinions on lean.
Kyle- Had exactly one sip just to see what all the fuss was about. It tasted like shit and didn't get him high. Two days later everyone at school got over their lean phase. He never thought about it again.
Kenny- Before it was trendy he and Kevin used to do lean in the backyard after school. When it became a meme someone bet five dollars he couldn't finish a gallon in ten minutes. He swallowed every last drop, fell over, and immediately died.
Eric- Never tried a drop himself, but figured that making and selling some was good money. Tried to get sick so he would be perscribed the drug required to mix it, but ended up just giving himself e-coli and missed a week at school.
Stan- "If you ruin perfectly good Sprite with cough syrup you get no bitches".
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eternalowl · 2 years
Eternals incorrect quotes part five, but with a special appearance of Dane
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Thena, at the slightest provocation: FIGHT ME YOU MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A BITCH-
Kingo: I am going to Cobra Kai this.
Ajak: How come that everywhere I go, the ducks come to me?
Ajak: Everywhere I go, there is a rubber duck or a real duck or both-
Sprite: I don’t know you and I don’t trust you, sO FUCK OFF-
Sprite, singing: Last Christmas, I gave you my heart~
Sprite, angrily screaming: AND THE VERY NEXT DAY, YOU RIPPED IT TO SHREDS-
Ikaris: *approaches Druig*
Druig: Shut up!
Ikaris, after ranting about how stubborn Thena is: Why do I hear boss music?
Thena, in the distance: I heard that you were talking shit and you didn’t think that I would hear it.
Ikaris: Why? Why me?
Druig, popping out of nowhere: bECAUSE OF ME-
Gilgamesh: We have ways for making you talk.
Gilgamesh: *cuts a slice of cake*
Druig: Can I have some?
Thena: Cake is for talkers.
Thena: Anyone who would even dare to hurt Gilgamesh is a person I’d murder on sight.
Ikaris: Well, I’m about to drown my sorrows in some wine. Thena, you want some?
Thena: Sure.
Ikaris: Get your own.
Thena, casually: Choke and die.
Kingo, whispering to Sersi: Siblings, am I right?
Druig: *is pouring syrup on some pancakes*
Druig: my fucking pANCA-
Ajak, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was queen of the ducks.
Sprite: I would, but then I would be lying to the Queen of All Ducks.
Phastos: That sounds like a terrible plan.
Makkari: Oh, we've had worse.
Ajak: Love makes people do stupid things.
Kingo: I love everything!
Ikaris: That explains a lot.
Druig: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos.
Ajak: Did Gilgamesh catch you trying to steal his food before it was done again?
Ikaris: Real life should have a fuckin search function, or something.
Ikaris: I need my fuckin socks.
Ikaris: Can I have some water?
Druig: *starts chugging his water bottle*
Druig: *chokes from drinking too fast*
Druig: *spills water all over himself*
Druig, coughing: I don't have any water.
Thena, texting group chat: What flavour of ice cream do you guys want? I’m at the store so be quick!
Makkari: Moose Tracks is good!
Kingo: What the fuck is that!?
Makkari: How dare you insult moo-
Kingo: No. No no not that. What the hell. Why do you spell flavor like flavour. It’s like you have flavor but then this guy shows up and is like “Oui Oui Would you like chocolate flaVOUR or vanilla flaVOUR.
Thena and Makkari: what?
Kingo: I don’t get it why add the EXTRA u when it’s PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS!?
Thena: Are you done now?
Kingo: Yeah ok.
Thena and Makkari: ...
Kingo: ...Can I have the Mint Chocolate chip flavour?
Thena: Don’t worry. I’ve got a few knives up my sleeve.
Dane: …Do you mean cards?
The other Eternals: She did not.
Thena, pulling several knives out of her sleeve: I did not.
Ajak: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Ikaris: What the- you can’t be here. You died. I literally saw you die.
Ajak: Death is a social construct created by the humans.
Sprite: Can we go out and get ice cream?
Sersi: Did you ask Ajak?
Sprite: She said no.
Sersi: Then why are you asking me?
Sprite: She’s not the boss of you.
Sersi, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a traP-
Druig: I’m so tired. I give up.
Ikaris: *carries Makkari and places her in front of Druig*
Makkari: *smiles*
Phastos: Everything will be ok. You can not stop it.
Phastos: Everything will be fine. You have no choice.
Druig: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that?
Phastos: The only one that will work when I have to deal with you idiots.
Ajak: Slash game mode creative.
Sersi: Ajak, this isn’t Minecra-
Ajak: *starts levitating*
Kingo: I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.
Thena: I have that dream, too, but you go in the other direction.
Makkari: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Kingo: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing and fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Kingo.
Ikaris: But you're Kingo.
Kingo: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Phastos: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Druig: You left me and the others in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Phastos: I did that on purpose, try again.
*While the Eternals are in a battle*
Thena, trying to warn about the location of a Deviant: To the left!
Kingo: Take it back now y'all!
Sersi: Thought I was meowing back at my cat for the past hour, but it was just me and Kingo meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
Kingo: It’s locked. Any of you got a lock pick?
Sprite: Yeah-
Thena: *kicks in the door*
Sersi: Why are you on fire?
Makkari: This is just how my day is going.
Thena: I’m a reverse necromancer.
Gilgamesh: Isn’t that just killing people?
Thena: Ah, technically.
Druig: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.
Phastos: Did Makkari say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Kingo: Guess what I'm about to get!
Thena: On my nerves.
Ajak: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Makkari: Watcha doin?
Sersi: Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Makkari: Scandalous.
Makkari: Can I help?
Sprite: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Sprite, texting Kingo: Kingo there’s a giant moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it?
Sprite: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry
Sprite: Kingo
Sprite: Kingo
Kingo: Kingo is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
Makkari: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and I feel like that’s more accurate.
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millerflintstone · 2 years
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Unfriendly started a Whole Foods order via Prime today at 8 am ish since we're both just exhausted. We needed cough drops and some other things. He had picked up a bag of the Vicks kind and those are harsh. They kept triggering my cough. Probably great if you're just super sinus-y or just have a sore throat.
I added this syrup on a whim and it seems to be helping. The cold med cocktail has fucked up my gut and that is never fun but even less so when you're miserable with cold symptoms. I woke up just stuffy and exhausted. I used the Neti pot, which helped but only somewhat until this got in my system. And it tastes pretty good for a cold med.
This has been so aggravating. It started 2 weekends ago and was just sniffles and a sore throat. I was ok enough to do a hooping class that Sunday. That week was manageable. On that Wednesday, I almost canceled my dental check up for Thursday but when I found out that my hygienist's next opening was in May 2023, I let them know my symptoms and how they felt about seeing me. I wasn't coughing much at the time. The receptionist texted my hygienist to see if she was comfortable. I definitely did not want her to feel uncomfortable and let the receptionist know I tested Covid negative. That went well, though the drive was tiring. Ditto for the retinal doctor appointment the next day (Friday).
Then last Saturday it just went downhill. Coughing so much my chest hurt as well as my throat. Just so rundown. Since I relapsed and it was worse, I thought it might be Covid since one of the variants had relapsing as a symptom. But no. Until Thanksgiving it was just a big blur of feeling like shit and going through tissues. I told Unfriendly that whatever muscles are affected when you cough must be ripped by now.
On Thanksgiving I had to break out an old Albuterol inhaler because I needed it. Also had a low grade fever. Yesterday was the first day I got some restful sleep but only during the day. It's worse at night. That was also the day my chest felt better but then my eyes started leaking gunk. Woke up with my right eye basically crusted shut ☹️
This reminds me of the colds I'd get as a kid / teen but with those I couldn't keep water down. The only thing I could keep down was Sprite.
So, it's either that homeopathic cold syrup that's helping or my body is slowly getting it together. I'm just glad I don't have that "oh no is this bronchitis" feeling anymore. I kept checking the pulse oximeter and all was fine.
Anyway, if you made it this far, what was your fave turkey day food if you partook or what is a food item you are looking forward to during the holidays?
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30-th-century-man · 2 months
i wonder if anyone accidentally made lean like yaaay my daily treat of cough syrup sprite and jolly ranchersWoa
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wind sneezes please? like not powerful enough to hurt someone but enough to cause havoc. they've caught a hell of a cold and now their snzfucker so gets to take care of them.
A Few Sunny Days
A Ficlet
Klaude groaned, feeling a familiar buzz in his nose. As much as he wanted to turn over and close his eyes, he weakly felt around for their handkerchief. As his nose began to twitch, he spread his fingers, and opened one eye.
The sheets were in a bundle at the end of the bed, and his handkerchief, which he had laid beside him, was nowhere to be found.
“Oh, gods abo-hove-!”
Klaude squeezed his flaring nostrils shut, and used his other hand to fling the blankets aside, but to no avail. In one last attempt to cover, he put both arms in front of his face and braced himself.
Suddenly, Klaude heard the door creak open from behind his arms.
“Oh, you’re awake? How-”
Klaude’s sneeze billowed from him, causing all manner of papers, napkins, and curtains to flutter into the air in a whirlwind. Bottles of medicine fell from the nightstand, crashing onto the floor. Klaude himself was even thrown a few inches off the bed, coming down with a loud thud and the squeak of springs. When he opened his eyes again, a concerned face was standing over him.
“I suppose you still don’t feel well, do you?”
Klaude sat up, wiping his nose on the back of his hand.
“Oh, doe, I feel…snf…buch better than yesterday, Leif. This is a day’s sdiffles, is all. I’ll be fide as fog after I-”
Klaude began to cough, his throat sore after the sudden sneeze. Leif clucked his tongue and pushed him back onto the bed by the shoulders.
“You aren’t nearly well enough to get out of bed,” he said, pulling the bunched up sheets over the sprite again, “much less take reign of any more storms.“
“Id’s the season for it,” Klaude protested. “Whad’s winter withoud any storms?”
Leif ran his fingers through Klaude’s matted beard. “I know, my love, I know. But you shouldn’t conjure such weather in your condition.”
Klaude sniffled, having no more energy to argue. Besides, his nose was beginning to buzz again. Leif began to clean up the mess, sweeping up shattered glass and dabbing cough syrup off the carpet.
“I can cook some stew, if you’d like. You haven’t had anything since yesterday’s tea…”
“‘M dot hungry.”
Leif swept the glass into the wooden bin next to the bed. “You must eat something, Klaude. Feed a fever, starve a cold, you know.”
Klaude grunted. Thunder rumbled outside.
“Grumpy little storm cloud,” Leif said, chuckling. “I’ll make a bit of carrot soup - I know you like that. And some lavender tea for your throat.”
Klaude settled down into the covers, sniffling.
Leif smiled and leaned down, kissing Klaude on the tip of his red nose, then rubbed his own nose against it in a slow rabbit kiss. Klaude’s nostrils twitched.
Leif wrapped his arms around him, letting Klaude’s nose bury into his chest. He could feel the nostrils quiver against his wool sweater. Klaude’s muffled protests and desperate hitching only made Leif hold him even tighter.
The mattress squeaked as the pair bobbed from the force of the sneeze. After a few moments, Leif withdrew, but not without a large wet spot down his front. Klaude’s eyes glazed, and he sunk deeper into his pillow.
“I s’bbose,” he rasped, “I could do with a few suddy days.”
Leif looked down at his ruined sweater, then gave Klaude a look just below his eyelids.
“Yes,” he said, grinning. “I suppose you could.”
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steriotypicaloutlaw · 2 months
Here's something a little different from me: Drink reviews!
Specifically in this edition, I will be reviewing probiotic sodas, such as Olipop and Poppi.
Their flavors are nice! I've tried every one of them available in the stores around me.
Root Beer: This one was okay, not the best, but definitely drinkable.
Cherry Vanilla: Very light, good flavor with an even balance between the cherry and vanilla notes.
Strawberry Vanilla: A favorite of my sister's, I found it to be pretty good myself. The strawberry flavor is a bit overwhelmed by the vanilla though.
Lemon Lime: Another good one, also very light. Like sprite or crisp, but better for you.
Orange: Refreshing, though not as much so as the Lemon Lime.
Tropical Punch: A lighter version of other punch sodas. Very nice.
Grape: The nectar of the gods. Perfect in every way. Would change absolutely nothing about it... other than maybe making it come in a larger size.
This brand has been decent thus far. I've not tried all the cans I've purchased yet, but I'll update my review when I try another.
Grape: It's okay, certainly not as good as the Olipop version. Kinda tastes like cough syrup.
Root Beer: No. This tastes like a flat Dr. Pepper.
Strawberry Lemonade: It's alright. A bit more floral than I was expecting, but it's not terrible.
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liamwitha-t · 1 year
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[ benjamin wadsworth , cismale , he/him ] - it looks like Liam Teixeira is late to class once again . how do they expect to get their degree in psychology by skipping class ? it’s a wonder that the twenty year old made it to their sophomore year . then again , i heard that they were innovative which may give them a pass with professors , but they are also self destructive so maybe not . i heard they were blasting Younger by Nightly before class . all i know is that they remind me of cigarette holes in a sweater, grass before class, un-trustworthy flasks.
Hi hello! My name is T and in this essay I will be introducing you to my home boi Liam. There will be some triggering topics below so please proceed with caution!
full name:  Liam Taylor Teixeira
nicknames:  Undecided
gender:  Cismale
pronouns:  He/Him
sexuality:  Pansexual
age:  20
date of birth:  April 5th
Birthplace: Salinas California
zodiac sign:  Aries
likes:  Sprite, cough syrup, mixing the two, yoyo’s, video games, collecting key chains
dislikes: When he steps in a puddle and his socks get wet, cold fries, reality TV
bio: (tw: drug use, domestic violence, death)
What all can be said about Liam Teixeira? He wasn’t the popular kid in high school by any means. At least not for his personality he wasn’t. The only time anyone really paid him much attention was when he set the head cheerleaders uniform on fire on a dare. She deserved it anyways. Especially after slapping him for trying to get her best friend to steal a car with him. His drug dealing tendencies were another story. He didn’t start out that way. On the contrary. Liam’s home life was decent. He was born to two very wealthy parents who... acknowledged he existed, but loved traveling the world for work even more. Leaving him most of the time with his grandparents. Which on its own should not have been a reason for Liam to spiral down the path that he had.
Unfortunately like most men in his family, Liam was cursed with the same luck of falling for people who had a knack for damaging them. He met Natalia Walsh on his first day of school freshman year and fell instantly in love with her. Didn’t have to do much chasing. She fell for him just as quickly. As per usual things started out innocent. Girl likes boy. Boy likes girl. Girl also likes drugs. Liam learned quickly that Nat had been raised by an entire family of addicts and despite her assurance watched as the girl he loved just as quickly fell victim to the powers of addiction. Fortunately for Nat, Liam was far from the good boy his parents and grandparents had expected him to be. Had, had his own introduction to pot and cocaine when he’d been out to visit his cousins in Portland. Envied his cousins life for his ability to get to live such an adventurous life style so freely without having to hide it from anyone.
As time went on he and Nat grew and developed new loves for trying different things together. Everything was all good until coming home from a stint in rehab and having been informed by his grandparents that they’d gotten a call from her parents. They had come home and found her dead on arrival thanks to an unknown cocktail she’d taken without telling him. The family claimed to have no idea where she’d gotten it when they reached out to his grandparents to warn them. This earned Liam a one way ticket back to rehab.
Lot of good that did him right? Wrong! Because how are you ever supposed to recover from knowing you could have done something but didn’t? By drowning yourself further. When he’d returned home from rehab he was immediately transferred to a boarding school for the rich and the preppy. People he didn’t fit in with and certainly didn’t get along with. But he’d found solace in rising to the top as the number one drug dealer that school had ever seen. They didn’t have to like him. Not when they needed him. And he used this to propel him through his remaining high school years. Sure things weren’t perfect. They were never going to be for a kid who got his kicks getting high and making a menace of his peers. Unfortunately when it came time for college applications, after all the money his grandparents had spent having to send him to boarding school, it meant he had no choice but to apply for a scholarship if he wanted any hope of getting into the school they had also hand picked for him. Once again his own destiny not feeling like his own as he found himself accepted and once again being shipped off to yet another prestigious school for him not to fit into.
Wanted Connections/Plots:
Drag Me Through Hell (0/1): The toxic best friend. This is someone who Liam feeds off of. The one who not only supports his drug use but may instigate it as needed. These two would be chaos incarnate. Likely sexual tension, because what’s wrong with a little chaotic hook up when you’re high?
Perfectly Wrong (0/1): The opposite of Liam. The pure as snow innocent who Liam hates to disappoint but will likely do so over and over again. This is the person who’s room he might spend time in when nursing those hangovers both drug related and emotional.
Ex to See (0/1): Simple enough, they only hook up when their ex is around to make them jealous.
Rescue Me (0/1): When two undecided souls met with their advisor, they were paired up in almost every single class to help each other find a path. Little did their advisor know, they were pairing too individuals that only had plans ditching class all together to fuck around and get high.
Hey Brother (0/5): A group of friends who act like family. They take care of each other, have each others backs. Probably also dick around and order chicken wanton tacos from Applebees a little too often.
Tell me I’m a Wreck (0/1): This individual likely went to the same high school that Liam went to and doesn’t feel like he should have received his scholarship. Doesn’t agree that he deserved it and think it’s being wasted on him.
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euphorial-docx · 2 years
random things that i think would kill b&w!regulus :)
mcdonald’s sprite
just fast food in general
american cheese
sour skittles
cough syrup
any concert ever
hbo’s euphoria
high heels
youth church groups
strawberry milk
the pink sauce
jet skis
iced coffee
kim petras’s entire discography
baby sensory videos
feel free to add more
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