#cosplay hobby
themoviejunkiesite · 5 months
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shotaamareno · 6 months
I want let you know some information about me. Let's start!
If there are mistakes here, so sorry;)
English is not my first language
Who am I?
Short story about this account.
My social media.
Who am I?
Hey-yo! Call me Shota. No, Shota Amareno isn't my real first&last names. "Shota" was "ultra cool nickname" – Sh0t0_s_Chemt0 (from russ – "something with something") (yes, 0 on the o's place was super cool for 12-years-old me). It was my first Like (now Likee) nickname.
I've posted videos in russian, because of russification. Have I known russian language? Not really, it was always much easier for me to write in Ukrainian or English, but NOT russian. In childhood I wrote ruzzian words by Ukrainian letters.
So, after a year, I noticed that Sh0t0 is Sh0t. And Shot is Shota!! About two years I was "just Shota". After these years I decided to come up with a surname. Amareno was just a random word before I knew it was cherry (Italian). Ironically, one of my favorite songs is "Cherry Lady" and I have a cherry-red hair color. Also I have favorite lipstick color – rotten cherry.
Okay, now let's talk about me!
I'm Shota, cosplayer from Ukraine.
My first cosplay was Ashley Campbell from Sally Face. I had cosplayed Sally Face characters ~3 first years of my cosplay life. I have Sal, Todd and Ashley in my Sally Face cosplay experience, but in open access you will find only Sal Fisher (first photo in my Ig). I registered on Instagram in 2020, the third year of my cosplay way.
I cosplay mostly girls, because of b00bs. It's hard to hide it for man cosplay, but I will fix it by buying a fake torso!!
(Maybe I have already fixed it, who knows, when you read this post;)
I cosplay all I want, as it must be. Anime (hehe, no, manga), games, cartoons – you can find everything.
Some photos of my cosplay (from Instagram, InCosplay, my gallery):
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About this account
It's NOT my first Tumblr account. I have another one, but all my subscribers were $e× bots. I call them "one day sub". So, I decided to delete my account🙃.
Why I decided to sing up again? Dunno, just because.
Yeah, it's VERY short story.
My social media
You can find it on my linktree page
Or by these links:
YouTube Shorts
Thanks for reading♡
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lostlegendaerie · 11 months
there's something deeply gutting about being a writer right now. watching studio execs brag about starving people like you out of your very house just to not pay you anything above the pennies you currently make. watching some people cheer over AO3 being targeted for a DDOS attack. the complete lack of profitability of writing commissions or writing in general in transformative spaces, especially in contrast to fanart. the pivot of so many social media platforms to be video and image based near-exclusively.
I don't know. it just makes me sad to know that the hobby that kept me alive while growing up homeschooled with dial-up internet and local antenna TV... is only ever gonna be a side job with minimal engagement. I know this site is good about supporting libraries and the concept of books but, do me a favor? Reach out to a writer friend you know. Leave a comment on your last five read stories on your favorite website.
Tell us you care.
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cnmcn · 10 months
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This weeks episode got me feeling sad so I also finished this MAWS doodle page I’ve been drawing on for like a week.
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hobbies-cosplay · 3 months
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Hello tumblr cosplay community!
I am testing the waters over here after Tik Tok might not be any more fun if it gets banned.
So to introduce myself:
I am hobbies, I have been cosplaying for nearly 5 1/2 years. The cosplay above is my BOTW/AOC soldier's set that I made back in 2022 and is the best cosplay I've ever made, I am so proud of this thing!
Nice to meet y'all!
Photo: cookiematt_photography on insta
Everything else is me
#cosplay#cosplayer#my cosplay#link#botw#hw aoc#link cosplay#legend of zelda#legend of zelda cosplay#breath of the wild#legend of zelda botw#age of calamity#hobbies is scribbling
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milquetoastii · 5 months
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need to touch up the wig but here is my mhin cosplay! don’t think i’ve shared it on here yet lol hope you all like it
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sunflowerpieivan · 20 days
I chose to be happy and made some potato pancakes for today’s lunch while no one home
Very beautiful photo of potato pancakes below
Maybe not so beautiful because I am not star chef, but my soul sings when I look at it
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sprytist · 10 months
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Finally done!! Pattern by me, all handmade (including the frame!)
Inspired by the lovely Welcome Home project headed by @partycoffin, I couldn't wait to post my finished work! Every letter is patterned after either text on the website, or Wally's handwriting.
Welcome Home has been a huge inspiration for me lately, and I cannot Wait to make and share more physical crafts!
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datshitrandom · 1 month
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Darren Criss + Disney Adult
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tipsy-scales · 5 months
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For a while I’ve wanted to do a photoshoot with 9S. Taking pictures with dolls is rather hard since both you and the doll need to look good. Dolls have a 1000 yard stare if you’re not careful with posing them.
I hope my feelings came across though. I love seeing people photographed with their dolls & would like to take more with my other dolls!
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ourlordapollo · 10 months
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Solo photoshoot went well! I'm OBSESSED with this magatama that I ordered from @jarofmayonassey !!! It's so beautiful!
More pics coming soon, believe it 😤
Also bonus bc I dropped it behind the couch and had to go on a little journey:
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 5 months
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fischiee · 8 months
rvb dnd game where wash is the dm and just gets increasingly angry as the game goes on bc every time church meets one of his npcs he just says “i cast brain damage” and then the whole table yells that it’s a valid spell and wash just screams internally
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kudravi-nesit · 3 months
Me: "Boy, oh boy! Now that I have my own sewing machine, I can make my own clothes! Surely it will cost me less than buying something from a clothing store!"
Fabric pricing:
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Someone in the comments here said something about doll hobbyists shifting their focus to cosplay now, and I was actually the opposite. I used to cosplay for years, and discovered bjds around ten years ago. I encountered a collector with a MNF in person at a convention the same year, she was showing up for a panel, and she was super sweet and had asked me if I wanted to hold the doll and told me all of the things that she did herself, like the outfit she made and everything. I don't remember the lady's face too well, and I never got her name, but I hope she's still in the hobby and I hope one day I'll cross paths with her again, because after that weekend, I dropped cosplay and jumped into the bjd hobby head first and never looked back 🩷
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gianfy-120 · 13 days
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Homemade Sheer Heart Attack from JoJo. I used It for a cosplay. I spent 13€ to make It and 11 were for the remote-controlled car haha
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