#coso talk
airabuhan · 11 months
i keep getting reblogs asking about my sena brush so i wanted to share the many fun brushes i use ehehe
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i usually use the same single/two brushes for months and then switch it when i feel art blocked, so if you see me changing my brush you know why now
also sorry if my handwriting is hard to read
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theophagie-remade · 2 years
The best thing about characters being described as [something]con is the people in denial who insist that there's absolutely nothing sexual or romantic about the complex that they have or their feelings, at all
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suzy-queued · 5 months
please write this if you're interested
Anon, thanks for thinking of me. I write a new multi-chap fic in my head every day. If only I had time for them all!! My thoughts on this gorgeous art go to something like this (which isn't exactly as was described in the post, but it's my own spin on the images):
Mickey is the guitarist for an underground punk band in the city called Corroded Sorrow. They are ultra-secretive and only do pop-up shows. They announce the shows 24 hours in advance, and they're always at grungy places like drainage ditches or abandoned buildings.
Ian is trying to make it as a pop singer. He's waited for his big break for years but can never gain traction. He receives a mysterious text that he's been asked to open for Corroded Sorrow at tomorrow night's secret show.
Hell fucking yeah.
A gig with CoSo would secure Ian's place in the Chicago music scene. Even though he knows he'll never be asked again (since CoSo never uses the same opening band twice). It's a dream come true.
Ian plays the gig, which is in a rusty train car at the edge of an overgrown field. He gets applause and adoration, even though his music is more poppy than CoSo's usual crowd.
And then … Mickey's band comes out. Ian is instantly mesmerized. The music is incredible and raw and soulful and real. Everyone in the band plays with a natural ease, like they were born to make music. And the bass player … jesus. He's shirtless and ripped and mouthy and looks fierce. He plays these deep notes that hook into Ian's soul. He understands why Corroded Sorrow is so sought after. He wishes he had one tenth of their talent.
Ian notices something else, as the show goes on. The bass player hands his pick to one guy in the crowd about two songs in. Not too strange; bands do that all the time. Then, on the last song, Mickey jumps down into the crowd. He cruises through the fans and hands a new pick to another person, a girl. It's so deliberate and dramatic, but Ian has no idea what it means.
The show is amazing. Ian is breathless. There's an after party, where both bands and some of the fans hang out and drink from a keg in the field. Ian tries to talk to Mickey, but the guy has an attitude and sticks to his own circle.
And that guy and girl, the ones who each got Mickey's picks … they find each other across the party and walk toward each other like moths to a flame. Are they … glowing?! They clasp hands and kiss like no one is watching.
Ian vows to go to as many CoSo shows as he can, because this is all very strange and wonderful.
He realizes that at every show, Mickey hands out picks to two people, and they always get together.
After a handful of shows, Ian realizes that Mickey is a clairvoyant who can see people's soulmates. Whenever he notices soulmates in the crowd, he connects them.
Ian falls head over heels for Mickey and chips away at his gruff exterior. Mickey is quite guarded because people only want him for his matchmaking skills. Mickey hates love and has vowed to never seek it for himself.
Will Ian ever make it as a singer on his own? Will Mickey ever point that soulmate radar on himself, or on Ian? Will CoSo ever come out of the shadows and claim the fame they deserve?
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elitadream · 1 year
Haha time to give Italian hcs as an italian
This is based mainly on italians who speak English that i saw, me included. When we can't get a word in English because we don't remember the word or directly don't understand it, we usually say the name of it, either in Italian or directly "coso" (the thing). So i can imagine Mario trying to talk to peach or toads, asking for where something is but dosen't know the name of it. (I'll use ladder as an example, i always mix it with stairs and i forget about it a lot.)
Imagine if Mario was asking if there was a ladder around he could use because he saw a book that interested him, but he was too short to reach right? So he went to a toad to ask about it, but now that he thinks about it, he always thought to himself "mi server una scala." (I need a ladder.), He never thinks in English. Just Italian (or maybe he does, but mixes both languages, he understands anyway.)
So it comes out like this:
"toad- uh- do you have a-..uh thee- come si chiama-(how is it called)- il coso, la scala, quella eh. (The thing, the ladder, that yeah.)"
And toad is respectfully confused, and it tooks Mario so much to realize it's ladder, so when he does he screams it like he found a new land or something.
🏃 *runs*
YO. 👀 I love this so much?? 😄💕
Y-e-s for more Mario not being fluent in English and sprinkling Italian words through his speech!
I love whenever someone does that while speaking a language they don't know perfectly. Like that's so cute to me for some reason, I just find it ridiculously endearing. 🥰 I also headcanon Mario as being very demonstrative in general and gesturing with his hands a lot, so I like to think that he would always try to mime the object or action he's trying to say. 🤭
Thank you for the adorable example! 😁🪜✨️
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sufranstevens · 2 years
Para el coso de Spotify: 69, 4 y 97
Por que peguntaste exactamente lo mismo que yo???? What the hell is happening
Si pienso que es GRACIOSISIMO que esta sea la canción 69? Obvio
Dios TEMÓN pensé que me iba a salir n1
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metamoonshots · 8 months
[ad_1] Interview with Lucia Wind, COSO Chair and Strategic Advisory Board Member, IRM India Affiliate Hersh: We’re seeing a collection of shocks and uncertainties throughout the globe and that is solely on the rise with the world getting extra interconnected and complicated. As the brand new Chair of the Committee of Sponsoring Organisations (COSO), that has launched the worldwide framework for enterprise danger administration (ERM), what are your views on ERM and its relevance to enterprise technique, long run survival and organisational resilience? Lucia: I believe that ERM is turning into much more necessary and related and needs to be thought of as a operate and a framework by all group, massive or small, non-public or public. What latest occasions taught us is that consciousness of dangers and readiness to answer altering environments is what's going to differentiate success for firms. Whether or not we take into account readiness to answer a word-wide pandemic, the banking business, or the upcoming environmental/sustainability reporting necessities, firms want to think about the sudden. Taking a deeper take a look at your organization’s technique and linking it to the ERM framework is a vital step within the readiness. Hersh: The ERM definition beneath COSO 2004 is especially near my coronary heart as a result of it places emphasis on ERM being a course of effected by an entity’s board of administrators, administration and different personnel, so known as ‘folks’. How do you see folks (throughout the enterprise) and ofcourse tradition enjoying an necessary position within the implementation of ERM particularly in a post-pandemic world? Lucia: ERM and risk training throughout the varied ranges of a company are crucial. Danger identification if usually the strongest on the decrease ranges of an organization, with the ‘folks’ as you talked about, who are sometimes probably the most related to the mission and its execution based mostly on their position within the firm. The phrase “boots on the bottom” is essential right here for that very cause, they steadily see dangers earlier than they develop into vital. Linking all ranges of a company to danger administration will result in a better-informed danger register, as it is going to merge the massive image boards and senior management see with the tactical and or rising dangers. Hersh: As might know, the IRM’s Global Enterprise Risk Management qualifications / examinations cowl detailed examine of the COSO 2004 and COSO 2017 framework and IRM-certified professionals are rising as ‘champions of change’ at varied organisations by embedding risk-intelligence throughout the worth chain, utilizing these worldwide frameworks and requirements. What’s your recommendation for our budding college students?  Lucia: Be inquisitive and produce your studying to apply. The ERM framework offers nice instruments you need to use in your danger administration journey. I'm a powerful believer in asking many questions, possibly that's the auditor in me, however problem your self to grasp the danger universe your group operates in, convey your ERM instruments to the desk and hold asking questions on what may go improper. I really like the title “champions of change,” I believe that drastically describes a real danger skilled. With change usually comes discomfort, but when we don’t problem the comfy state, we won't successfully put together for dangers that will come.  Hersh: India is main the way in which in risk-related rules with SEBI, RBI, IRDAI mandating ERM / danger disclosures, board danger administration committees and in some instances even necessary appointment of a Chief Danger Officer. The Ministry of Company Affairs too might come out with a tenet for sure unlisted non-public restricted Firms. But, the appreciation for an ERM operate and risk-based resolution making seems to be low. Any ideas on how danger leaders ought to navigate this and win the arrogance of the Board?
Lucia: Getting a buy-in out of your Board of Administrators is an important step. It actually bridges ERM with the Inner Controls Built-in Framework by COSO (ICIF) by way of the ‘tone on the prime’. I've discovered that bringing actual examples to a dialogue is a really efficient software to help the return-on-investment dialogue associated to ERM. Sadly for a lot of firms however happily for danger professionals battling this problem, we're seeing many latest occasions resembling COVID-post mortems, the banking business eventualities and cybersecurity incidents to be useful in these discussions. Hersh: There’s quite a lot of buzz round rising dangers and situation planning. How ought to Chief Danger Officers (CROs) or Danger Leaders undertake this of their ERM technique? Lucia: As a practitioner, I discovered tabletop train periods very efficient. It isn't a brand new idea however bringing key leaders to a dialog devoted to dangers and having them collaborate and problem one another in areas the place their aims and techniques merge could be very efficient. It usually results in figuring out new dangers, alternatives and eventualities that may simply be missed in particular person conversations. I like to recommend holding such periods on the board degree, govt administration degree but additionally the degrees beneath. It is rather invaluable to check outcomes and assess for themes. Networking with friends is a superb software as properly, we are able to all be taught from one another.  Hersh: On a closing notice, what’s your prime three strategic aims as COSO Chair that will profit the enterprise danger administration (ERM) group at massive? Lucia: I'll not have three particular objects because the few priorities I'll talked about will cowl a number of long term aims, however I want to make COSO extra interactive with the skilled communities, ERM included, and we do have a number of initiatives within the works that we hope to launch quickly. As all the time, we're repeatedly evaluating thought management alternatives and I do consider that the subsequent set of initiatives to return might be of nice curiosity to danger professionals. To remain in contact on something COSO, yow will discover extra data on LinkedIn and by following our sponsoring organizations.    [ad_2]
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lamilanomagazine · 8 months
Hangar Palooza Festival: non solo musica al Parco della Pace
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Hangar Palooza Festival: non solo musica al Parco della Pace. Il primo grande evento a Parco della Pace, l'Hangar Palooza Festival, il Festival dei festival, dal 13 al 15 ottobre propone un ricco programma di iniziative per tutte le età. Sono infatti previste conferenze, dibattiti, workshop, cineforum, un mercatino artigianale e biologico, spettacoli, animazione per bambini, visite guidate, writer, oltre ai già annunciati dj set e musica live dei Derozer, Casino Royale e Populous e di tanti altri. La gran parte delle attività sarà a partecipazione libera, per alcune invece sarà richiesta la prenotazione sul sito www.hangarpalooza.it, attiva nei prossimi giorni. Sarà inoltre a disposizione un'area truck food. Hangar Palooza è promosso dal Coordinamento Festival di Vicenza (Jamrock, Lumen, Riviera Folk, Ferrock, From Disco To Disco, Spiorock) con il sostegno del Comune di Vicenza. Il festival si aprirà ufficialmente venerdì 13 ottobre alle 18, mentre la mattinata sarà dedicata alle scuole. «Hangar Palooza sarà un vero e proprio festival, con attività adatte a un pubblico assolutamente eterogeneo previste a quasi tutte le ore della giornata - commenta l'assessore alle politiche giovanili Leonardo Nicolai -. È un’importante novità per Vicenza, che può sempre più essere chiamata "La città dei festival"». I bambini si potranno divertire con l'animazione a cura del La Ludo sabato 14 e domenica 15 dalle 10 alle 12 e poi sabato alle 17 con Arciragazzi e lo spettacolo busker "Ti racconto, storie con oggetti prendono vita" con Giulia Rossi e "I 4 elementi". Altri due spettacoli busker sono in programma domenica alle 18 con la magia comica e kamishibai (antico metodo giapponese di raccontare storie) di Mr. Coso e le marionette e i pupazzi di El Bechin. Conferenze, dibattiti, workshop sono previsti durante tutte e tre le giornate. Sabato alle 9.30 si potrà partecipare al laboratorio di introduzione alla comunicazione non violenta di M. B. Rosenberg a cura di Angela Attianese, formatrice e facilitatrice CNV certificata dal CNVC (su prenotazione). Alle 10 l'incontro "Viaggio nell’universo dei sistemi famigliari” a cura di Laboratorio idee per il Sociale della Casa di Cultura Popolare. Alle 12, su prenotazione, proiezione del documentario "Junk" a cura di Cooperativa Insieme mentre alle 14 conferenza dal titolo "Il concetto del tempo diverso, libero, speciale, giusto per ogni bambino" con Zennaro Donatella a cura di Faiberica S.C.S. Domenica alle 9.30 Legambiente propone una conferenza dedicata all'inquinamento atmosferico, mentre alle 11.30 nell'ambito del Progetto Sulla Soglia le cooperative sociali Tangram e Insieme e l'associazione Rete Famiglie Aperte si terrà il talk sulla giustizia riparativa "Come oro tra le crepe", l'arte gentile di riparare le relazioni. Alle 14.30, su prenotazione, saranno proposti il workshop di decorazione di oggetti con Stella Tasca e il workshop di ricamo creativo con Eleonora Zerbetto a cura di Insieme Cooperativa Sociale x Fact! Sabato e domenica alle 9 la scuola Shri Yoga Vicenza sarà a disposizione con Yasmine Sinno per una lezione di yoga aperta a tutti. Il Cinema Odeon propone il Cine club in due fasce orarie, alle 18 il sabato e la domenica, e alle 2 di notte venerdì e sabato. Sabato alle 18 al Cine Club si potrà vedere "Short Time" in collaborazione con Working Title Film Festival- Festival del Cinema del Lavoro, domenica invece toccherà a "Doc Time: Jordan Rise Rided" da un progetto di Non Dalla Guerra, Caritas Jordan, La Mente Comune Ciclofficina, Collettivo Orkestrada Circus. Le proiezioni delle due di notte sono su prenotazione: venerdì, Cine Club si trasforma in Horror Club con il film "Cannibal Holocaust" di Ruggero Deodato, sabato per Cult Night in arrivo "The Warriors - I guerrieri della notte di Walter Hill". A conclusione del programma musicale della prima e della seconda serata di Festival, venerdì e sabato a mezzanotte, si potrà assistere a "Geo Fire Show" uno scenografico spettacolo di giocoleria per grandi e bambini. Sabato 14 e domenica 15 ottobre, dalle 9 alle 12.30 e dalle 14 alle 18, si possono prenotare visite al Parco della Pace, in piccoli gruppi che saranno accompagnati dai volontari dell’organizzazione, dai volontari delle associazioni Lipu e WWF, dai tecnici del servizio ambiente, energia e territorio del Comune di Vicenza. Sarà, così, possibile iniziare a conoscere il parco assieme alla sua flora e alla sua fauna. Durante le tre giornate di Festival saranno allestiti il mercato alimentare di Coldiretti con produttori locali, dalle 9 di sabato e domenica; Tacate el Mercatin, mercatino itinerante di arte, artigianato e vintage dalle 11 di sabato e domenica. Mentre Silene propone un brunch alle 12 di sabato e di domenica, su prenotazione. La domenica è prevista anche la degustazione di vini naturali. Ingresso gratuito fino alle 18, a seguire 1 euro per sostenere le spese di organizzazione. Sarà a disposizione un parcheggio con un piccolo contributo per sostenere le spese di organizzazione. L'intenzione è comunque quella di incentivare l'arrivo al parco con altri mezzi, a piedi, con l'autobus (è disponibile la corsa numero 9, orari al link https://www.svt.vi.it/sites/default/files/2023-09/invernale-2023-2024-9.pdf) oppure in bicilcetta. Sarà a disposizione una postazione per il bike-sharing: si potranno utilizzare e-bike e biciclette muscolari per raggiungere il Parco della Pace e per spostarsi dal parco verso altre zone della città. RIDEMOVI Spa, l'azienda che gestisce il servizio per il Comune di Vicenza, proporrà sconti dedicati ai tre giorni di festival. Info: https://www.comune.vicenza.it/uffici/cms/mobilitatrasporti.php/mobilita_ciclabile/bike_sharing Per informazioni: www.hangarpalooza.it www.facebook.com/hangarpalooza.vicenza https://instagram.com/hangarpalooza... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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aizxsmp · 1 year
I CAN'T SLEEP AAAAAAHHHH-, give pro tips to sleep :), lie HAHA.(It would be 12 o'clock when I had written this (I left it in drafts since the dream started shortly after I started writing this xd)
LET'S WRITE SOME AIZAWA HEADCANONS IDEAS! because I'm doing nothing and I can't think of anything to sleep.
𝗦𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗵: Normalmente Aizawa es una persona seria, fría y reservada(Creo, ¿No?) Pero cuando llega el momento indicado les da palabras de ánimo a la 1A🦆, cosa que amo ya que aunque parezca frío en el fondo es una persona amigable y dulce(CREO QUE YA LA ESTOY CAGANDO- Perdón D:), en fin algunas ideas para los Headcanons (A mí parecer) son: Al entrar en confianza puede contar chistes y reír cuando llega el momento, osea, puede usar un poco de lo que es normalmente Hizashi(¿Se entiende? Creo que no- disculpen si no se entiende 🗿). Cuando se trata de algo que es malo, preocupante etc, da abrazos tratando de que ese miedo desaparezca o no sea tan fuerte(Que no haya mucha de esa emoción.), También a mí parecer el que es muy calmado, cosa que ayuda(?) Cuando su pareja, amigx o nosé (Oc, T/N, Reader o nosé, lo que le quieran poner) es muy charlatán/a. (PERDÓN- Siento que es así cuando el/la protagonista habla más que la persona contraria cuando se encuentran charlando con alguien que no sea el/la mismx D:), en sus vacaciones pueden ir a x lugar/es a diario o semanalmente. O pueden simplemente dejarlo dormir JQJFQJFW-. AHH, ME ESTOY QUEDANDO SIN IDEAS-, Estem, coso ya me olvidé que más 🗿, En fin, mejor lo paso a inglés antes de que se me haga más largo que una biblia JAJAJ-
𝗘𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵: Normally Aizawa is a serious, cold and reserved person (I think, right?) But when the right time comes he gives words of encouragement to the 1A🦆, which I love because even though he seems cold deep down he is sweet and affectionate (I'M ALREADY SENDING EVERYTHING TO FUCK🗿). Anyway, some ideas for the Headcanons (I think) are: When you get into confidence you can tell jokes and laugh when the time comes, I mean, you can use a little of what is normally Hizashi (Does he It's usually him?, AHH, I don't know if it's understood, I hope so ;), let's continue); When it comes to something bad (Incident, etc) that causes some negative emotion, he gives hugs so that this feeling disappears or it is not, how to say it, that there is not much of that negative emotion. It also seems to me that he is very calm(?) Which helps when our main character is very talkative (SORRY, I FEEL THAT IT IS LIKE THIS WHEN THEY TALK MORE THAN THE OPPOSITE PERSON OTHER THAN HIMSELF/HIMSELF) On your vacation you can go to such a place daily or weekly (Or just let him enjoy his vacation to sleep HAHAHA-) I'm out of ideas. I hope you'll forgive me (Although there weren't even five things, why most of the time my ideas for an X Character Headcanon come from the same Fan-Fic he gave me the ideas🗿, SORRY NOW-, I really don't have anything else to say.
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zenyukifanficblogs · 2 years
Fresh Generation; Life Trials Chapter 12 : Family Unity
John’s POV
It was after lunch that I have to entertain my moron of an ex-subordinate Mike with the Fugate-Hindley case I’m on.
“We have ruled out her husband’s distant relation to serial killer cause we can’t trace any Moors murder victim’s families from England.” Mike informs me. “What else have you find out then? Spill the beans.” I tell him.
“We found out before her marriage to Jordan Hindley as Mrs Hindley, Janice Fugate was born and raised in Haight Ashbury in San Francisco, California.” He tells me.
“Haight Ashbury. That’s the most famous hippie town in California if I can remember correctly.” I said as I am researching on my computer at the same time as I’m speaking to him on the phone.
“Yes. Janice Fugate is one of the rare true hippie kids it seem. Her parents Peter Fugate and Annie Reids are still living in one of the communes there as we speak.” Mike explains to me.
“The fact that they can still live there after their daughter is dead and their surviving children already out there really rings weird alarms don’t it?” I analysed with Mike.
“Certainly. it. does.” Mike agrees. “We can’t interview Janice Fugate’s children as they were young at the time of their mother’s murder.” I then said.
“We can’t interview Jordan Hindley’s mother Mrs Nicole Hindley also because she has just recently passed away of cirrhosis 2 days ago.” Mike then adds on.
“Ouch! Sorry to hear about that~” I cringed and shivered hearing the news. “The fact nobody mentions the upbringing of Janice Fugate-Hindley is really odd.” He then tells me
“Christine was playing around the archives room where I was with my colleagues when we saw from the case file, not recorded in the original investigations, a handmade bracelet, only Haight Ashbury then have bracelets like this.” He adds on.
“Pierre oh Pierre needs to learn how to keep his child off there.” I chuckled upon hearing what he said. “Agreed, but I think we need to start off from the Haight Ashbury direction.” He also chuckles a little before continuing the discussion.
“I’ll be there the next day so let me explore around about there.” I tell him. “Of course! See you Sir!” He cheerfully replied.
Victoria’s POV
John was busy when I get the call from Winter about Jennifer’s appointment. “We will take her to you first thing tomorrow morning” I tell Winter.
“Relax. Just don’t frighten the girl, remember that.” She tells me before ending the call. I then turned my eyes to Margarethe whose on her phone pouting.
“Anything wrong?” I asked her. “Nothing” She shook her head saying. “Just Uncle Rob siding Maria on what she did to you at the office.” She adds on feeling frustrated ending the call.
John shouts from his room. “Alright Papa.” Margarethe complies turning off her phone with a pout. “I will talk to your Papa okay?” I reassured that poor young lady.
“I know you will. Thanks Vicki.” She smiles back thanking me before I go up to his room. “We need to talk.” I tell him. “Yes?” He turns his chair around nodding his head.
“I know you are not happy with Maria and Rob’s constantly defending her but she’s your child, your very first kid. Can’t you all talk nicely for once?” I asked him. He should know this considering he himself is also the oldest of the family as well.
“I will try when we get back but I can’t guarantee things will work.” He softens agreeing. “Y no luches con tu hermano, por mí, no hagas eso. (And don't fight with your brother, for me, don't do that.)” I looked at him.
“For you, I won’t” He reassures me with a hug which I hugged him back. “And we’re to see Winter first in the morning before going to the commune. Okay with you?” I looked at him asking.
“Of course!” He smiles. “Cualquier coso por ti, mi amor. (Anything for you, my love.)” He whispers that got me giggling hard.
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mearpsdyke · 2 years
Es increíble lo gobernados que somos todos en esta casa. Ni mi hermano ni mi papá ni yo somos devotos pero mi MAMÁ es tan devota católica que llega la pascua y si nos dice hoy no se come carne no se come carne. Si nos dice uno de ustedes me acompaña a la bendición de ramos uno se sacrifica y va a la bendición de ramos (generalmente me sacrifican a mi porque #hija mayor).
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airabuhan · 11 months
i have been sobbing over kohaku’s solo title ‘petal’s resolution’ referring mainly to pixels on a screen and the gradual change in kohaku’s life as he acknowledges how much of his life trapped with only the internet as an escape as an illusion or projection, how much he wishes to have a more vivid life (essentially, increasing the resolution of his life) until he’s able to find happiness in being able to smell flowers, and know the heart of someone who has given him meaning upon being granted the freedom to do so. and he’s celebrating how liberating it is, how it gives him meaning to be learning about the hearts of people, and how he’s able to be besides this person…
this song can have a lot of interpretations, like the ‘without knowing people’s hearts, you’ll never find your own meaning’ line while i kind of interpret it as a kohaai line, it also reads as crazy:b to me because it was through meeting such different personalities from himself that kohaku felt happiness in the freedom he was able to acquire… and it even drove him to strive to keep crazy:b together when it otherwise seemed doomed to fall apart as rinne planned, because he loves crazy:b that much
but for the most part, in reference to the nameless ‘you’ that kohaku sings to, i really do think that it’s aira that kohaku is referring to. it just reads as a message to aira, the only character in the cast that’s so directly tied to kohaku’s past online. and because it’s aira and kohaku that are supporting each other through computer screens when they otherwise didn’t have anyone else… who else could it be towards but aira
petal’s resolution explores kohaku’s emotional journey through when he was trapped in his zashikirou to being able to live freely, and the internet is a large part of how he understood the world during that time when he was locked away. so, in a sense it’s almost inevitable that this song can be easily tied to aira, his online friend at the time who introduced him to idols and likely gave him the meaning in his life to pursue once he was able to roam the world freely without constrains.
seriously, i could just gush on and on about this song on so many levels i just… aaahhhghhhh…. i love it so much 😭
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decidpool · 6 years
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     no más vengo de pasada porque terminó el spooky month y por ende, tuve que cambiar el theme(?)
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etakeh · 2 years
Hey @staff​ can we talk about bionic reading?
because jester found out about it *yesterday* and stayed up all night and now it’s implemented into counter.social.  Like as an option, for those who want/can be helped by it.
Is this on your radar at all?  People there are loving it.  It’s helping them read faster, and more accurately.  
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Image 1 screenshot from Counter.social post from JΞSŦΞR ✪ ΔCŦUΔL³³°¹ @th3j35t3r ANNOUNCE: Yesterday I heard about something cool called 'bionic reading'. I tweeted about it & a lot of folks were stunned. Today, 24 hours later, real-time 'Bionic Reading Mode' is fully integrated into https://counter.social as a preferences option in our app & desktop browser. 👍
Image 2 text reading
Bionic Reading is a new method facilitating the reading process by guiding the eyes through text with artificial fixation points. As a result, the reader is only focusing on the highlighted initial letters and lets the brain center complete the word. In a digital world dominated by shallow forms of reading, Bionic Reading aims to encourage a more in-depth reading and understanding of written content.
(and nah this isn’t me schilling for CoSo. I’m well aware it’s not the site for everyone.  dude just has great response and turnaround)
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saranghacs · 4 years
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ya mañana entro a la escuela, pals, adivinen a quien le entraron ganas de rolear.
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backtomyfirstfandom · 2 years
The Heirloom (a Tintin Fanfiction)
Chapter VI - The Laundresses Fled the River
Big bomb. Big bomb. Big bomb.
Tintin's big secret is not going be revealed (yet) but there's going to be the first best piece of plot that I'll drop into this Fanfiction.
Part one, two, three, four, five.
Desperation had not taken much to submerge the captain and the reporter after an hour in that house. Haddock, in particular, was the most desperate among the three: Tintin liked abandoned places for the mystery they held (so had had a lot to explore), Rosalia was tearing the place apart as she searched for the watch and Snowy just trotted around the house sniffing anything.
But, for Haddock, that place only held memories of an age in which he had been a child, and nostalgia always got the best part of the seaman. He found a distraction only when, defeated by nervousness and boredom, Tintin sat on the stairs and lit up a cigarette.
- We're shooting in the dark, lad - Haddock grumbled, leaning against the handrail.
- I know - Tintin agreed, drawing a white cloud out of his mouth.
From upstairs came the sound of an object dropped to the ground, something heavy, and then the steps of Rosalia resonated through the walls.
- Cigarette? -
Haddock looked down to notice that Tintin was handing him the package, his cigarette half smoked; his first intention was to accept, but then he decided against it as he knew that cigarettes were as dangerous as alcohol.
- I don't smoke. And you shouldn't either - Haddock replied, his tone half lecturing.
Tintin didn't answer, keeping the cigarette between his thin lips and putting the package back into the pocket of his coat.
Another object was dropped to the ground upstairs, and then Rosalia was heading for the corridor that led to the stairs.
- Dove cazzo è quel maledetto coso? -
At first, none of them gave too importance to what they heard, until they registered that only two of them could talk.
Haddock and Tintin looked at eachother in astonishment, the ginger getting up immediately as Rosalia rushed downstairs.
- You can talk - Tintin noticed.
- Alleluia - was Rosalia's answer.
- When did you plan to tell us?! - Haddock barked.
- It's not like I have power over it - Rosalia snapped.
Tintin frowned at that answer, the cigarette forgotten as he still held it.
- What does that mean? - he asked.
- It has moments - Rosalia explained briefly as she walked into another room.
- One minute you can talk and the other you're mute?! -
- Good boy: you're smarter than I thought -
- And you're more of a bitch than I thought - Haddock snapped back, walking into the scene immediately.
- Captain... - Tintin muttered, knowing how easily Haddock could get irritated.
Rosalia didn't pay attention to what was said to her, as if she did not care at all, and kept searching for the watch, until she shut the stove close after checking in it.
- Valeriano deve averlo spostato - she grumbled.
- Would you mind speaking in French? I heard you have a pretty accent - Tintin told her.
- My brother: I think he brought the watch somewhere else - Rosalia translated, walking past Tintin and Haddock.
The two rushed after her as she stepped out of the house, the captain still fighting the urge to slap her for her temper. When they got out, the girl was already on the way back.
-I demand explanations - Haddock snapped, walking past Tintin and Snowy in order to approach Rosalia.
-Listen: we find the clock, give Arena a lesson and then everyone goes by their way - the girl snapped and suddenly froze.
The two behind her stopped immediately and Haddock turned back in the moment a man appeared through the fog and started walking towards them. He grabbed both Tintin and Rosalia as he quickly stepped back towards the house, knowing by his pace that also Tintin had recognised the man as one of the few that were checking the road.
They rushed over the main road, walking past the house as hiding in there would have gotten them trapped, and found three other men walking towards them. Haddock was grabbed by the collar of the coat, losing grip around Tintin and Rosalia's arm.
His first response was to wriggle and turn around, but Tintin took the action and punched the man before the seaman could do anything else. The man let Haddock go with a groan and took out a gun.
Haddock's heart almost stopped at the sight of their enemy aiming the gun at the ginger, but the reporter went to lift the man's arm and the shot flew in the air before the weapon fell to the ground.
The shot echoed through the mist and the laundresses that were washing their clothes fled the river, leaving almost everything behind. Taking advantage of the chaos that the women's running created, the other men advanced towards the group and Snowy was immediately after one of them. The fight started with the man's loud scream at being bitten by the dog, and Haddock rushed towards another one that was extracting a gun, dragging him on the floor.
It took at least three punches to the face to knock that man out, and the captain was able to lift his head for a moment, noticing Rosalia brutally hitting another man with a broomstick, while Snowy was chasing his bleeding enemy. A muffled scream to his side caught Haddock's attention and he turned around just in time to see Tintin falling off of the road together with the man he had attacked, rolling to the riverbed.
Haddock snapped on his feet and was about to run after the reporter, but felt himself being lifted off of the floor: a brute had grabbed him and was now dragging him away from the side of the road, painfully squeezing his ribs.
In the distance Snowy barked and growled, the man screamed again, and meanwhile Haddock was putting all of his effort into hitting the person that was holding him; he could hear the sounds of Tintin fighting his enemy (now sounding like they were confronting eachother in the river) and not being able to see who was getting the worst of it was pure torture.
Fighting for the least bit of air, Haddock wiggled his legs, feeling how he was actually managing to hit the brute but was unable to hurt him.
A loud groan came from the river and a shot broke the chaos of the fight, not a single sound after that.
-Tintin! - the captain shouted, squirming harder into the brute's grip as there was no answer to his call.
A loud thud came to his back and his feet finally gained contact with the ground again when the man let him go. Haddock turned around gasping for air as the brute fell to the ground, behind the unconscious man Rosalia with the now broken broomstick in her hands.
There was no time to say anything to her as his brain immediately went to the previous shot and the painful silent that followed it. Haddock ran to the side of the road, going down the grass hill that the road created and rushed to the river. There sat Tintin, wet and shivering as he sat in the water; he held a gun towards the corpse that lied upside down, blood running together with the river.
-Tintin! - Haddock called again.
This time, the ginger heard him, standing up with a painful grimace, and dropped the gun to the ground before collecting his knife, which blade was covered in bloody. He approached the captain with slow and vacillating steps, his neck red with a bruise that circled around it.
-Are you okay? - Tintin asked.
-Are you okay? - Haddock snapped in return, while Rosalia and Snowy getting closer.
-Yes, I just need to catch my breath - the ginger answered, his breath hitching as he took another step.
Snowy barked happily as he saw its owner, running towards Tintin who welcomed him with a weak smile before his expression broke into a grimace of pain and the ginger gave a low groan. The captain did not miss the way his friend's hand flinched to cover his left side (but actually did not move) and Snowy's whining was only the confirmation of Haddock's doubt.
-You're hurt - the man affirmed.
-Just bruised - Tintin answered, cutting it short as his voice broke and became higher than usual.
In front of such a stubbornness, Haddock advanced to move the coat and reveal the injury, but Tintin flinched back.
-I'm fine, captain - the ginger snapped.
-Stop being such a child - the captain grumbled, moving forward again.
As Haddock grabbed Tintin's coat, not only did the reporter flinch away, but the captain was also hit by his fist, faltering back until he slipped on the wet grass and fell.
Next thing he heard was Snowy barking towards him (probably trying to protect its owner) and once he sat up he saw Tintin rushing towards him.
-I'm so sorry - he sobbed, in a voice that Haddock struggled to recognise.
The ginger knelt next to the captain, whining in pain and squeezing his eyes shut as tears streamed down his cheeks.
-Let me see - Haddock said, now softly, and moved the coat to expose the injury.
On his left side, at ribs height, a stain of blood was quickly expanding through the wet cloth of the blue jumper that he wore; the size of the injury was intuitive only by the tear in the wool.
It was bleeding too quickly, but it didn't look like he ha been stabbed.
Ignoring the stinging pain that spread through his face after the punch, Haddock cupped Tintin's face in his hands, feeling how cold his skin was.
-It's okay, lad. Breathe - the captain murmured and the ginger immediately shook his head.
-It's not okay - he muttered.
-Stop whimpering like a child and let's get back home - Rosalia snapped, standing beside them.
-Shut the fuck up! - Haddock shouted.
-He's going to bleed dry if we don't move up! -
The captain froze and returned to look at the ginger, knowing that Rosalia had a point.
-She's right, lad -
Tintin groaned in disagreement, sniffing.
-I'll be fine - he protested.
-It's not true and you know that too -
The ginger looked down for a moment, ignoring Snowy that was trying to make sure he was okay, and eventually sighed.
-Fine -
By the time they were almost back home, Tintin was completely leaning on Haddock in order to keep standing, and the seaman was actually glad that the lad was so small.
Rosalia had not spoken for the whole way, helping Tintin to stand occasionally, and was definitely nicer now that she had her mouth shut.
As they approached the house, Tintin's knees gave in and he tried to walk away as he collected himself, but Haddock grabbed him again and forced him to the house.
-Fabrizio! - Rosalia called, running at the door.
The Italian man walked out of the house as soon as he heard her voice, noticing Tintin and Haddock only a moment after; with a loud curse, Fabrizio rushed towards them to help Haddock carrying Tintin.
-On the table! - Fabrizio ordered, taking the two inside.
He lifted the reporter and placed him on the wooden table, moving the coat to check on the injury: the stain of blood had grown wider, and Haddock's breath hitched at the sight.
When Fabrizio tried to lift Tintin's clothes, the ginger grabbed his wrist right before his ribs got exposed.
-Captain? - he called.
Haddock immediately moved closer again, looking down at his friend.
-What's wrong? -
-Get out, please - the reporter begged him.
Haddock's expression went immediately sad as he felt quite offended by the request; however, he did not complain as the ginger was still scared for a reason he could not tell.
-Alright, lad - the captain replied, waving at Rosalia to follow him outside.
As soon as his request had been accepted, Tintin sighed in relief and went docile again, tears still streaming down his eyes.
Tintin's secret is about to be revealed (and lots of other things with it).
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cerasus--flores · 2 years
Im late lol but
🖋 Vesper and Alee have a weird fucked up way of talking to each other that combines Spanish, English, and French that would have most eavesdroppers confused as hell
"Hey love have you seen the uhhhhhhhhh"
"El coso ese. El cosito. To tie my hair up. El coso."
"... Ah, ton élastique à cheveux? You left it on the counter, I think"
"ESO Gracias I love you mwah."
Send me 🖊 and a headcanon for one of my OCs and I'll tell you what I think!
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