ms-cellanies · 4 months
Around 2010 I contracted the "Flesh Eating Bacteria." I was in the hospital for 22 days & had over 5 surgeries. I was lucky because the bacteria was in my right breast. The doctor removed the necrotic tissue which prevented the bacteria from spreading to other areas of my body which had less fatty tissue. Additionally my doctor removed half of the skin on my right thigh to use as a graft on my breast. Not only was I in the hospital for 22 days but after leaving the hospital I spent about another 2 weeks, every day, in the Hyperbaric chamber which helped the graft work, giving me a full recovery.
@iris-collects @russalex @angreav @iamthebadwolf85 @catedevalois @maneth985   @ogtumble @amatasera @fuckdumblr  @ladyoftheteaandblood @sirrah22 @stripedsilverfeline @larouau12 @ughseriously @usearki @ladytuarach @glendathegoodone @cricketcat9 @aregrettablehullabaloo @micaleann @toasty-hancock @hellcatblues  @middleagedandoutoftouch @sabbykatt3 @cursethedarkness @gretchenk0720  @aliceliddellsmirror @inkededucatednnerdy @notpedeka @photoboybg69  @contemplatingoutlander @nildespirandum @izhunny @ladytigrane @wolfsmom1 @phoenix-maat @writernotwaiting  @glitterypeanutmugnickel  @captain-krazy @bitchycatwizard @paulfe  @mishlady @dorcascristyforever @beerboy100 @ultimatenutshackfangirl  @lokilickedme @bakufuhakutaku  @a-sundry-bag @prettyhatemachine01 @texmexdarling @oshea52   @evieplease @queen-of-cats  @jimbr549  @ladygreytea76 @posttexasstressdisorder @azusalover
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rjalker · 6 months
Free "if you don't vote for Biden that's the same thing as voting for Trump" blocklist. Also spreading straight up lies about how Trump was elected in 2016 to victim blame people into voting for Genocide Joe Biden.
contemplatingoutlander saywhat-politics
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beefsteakclub · 10 months
Top 9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @hero-of-crefeld thanks for thinking of me! This was fun!
Favorite Color: Green
Currently reading: Annihilation- Jeff Vandermeer I'm not very far into it yet though!
Last song: Dream Girl Evil - Florence and the Machine
Last series: That I finished reading? King of scars duology. TV shows? Summer I turned pretty season 2 and outlander season 7(obviously 🤪)
Last movie: finally got around to watching where the crawdads sing
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Savory. Though I love spicy it just doesn't always love me back.
Currently working on: um this! I'm at work so that definitely counts!
Tagging: @contemplatingoutlander @slutaciouslestat @moonnflower @saltybenchday @illustep @disasterpirate @iliataslost @madman-librarian and whoever else wants to play!
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If you’ve been trying to message me on my contemplatingoutlander (CO) blog, for some reason my message tab is currently missing--but only on my CO blog. This is apparently a tumblr glitch that has reportedly affected a lot of different accounts and it seems to take at least a few days for tumblr to fix it. So if you need to reach me, please message me through my other blogs, until this is fixed.
Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience. 
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p-redux · 4 years
Food for thought...
I’ve been shown that contemplatingoutlander is once again playing the victim, vilifying me, and doing what she does best--manipulating people to believe that what she’s done can be justified or excused. And that my, and other people’s, responses to her are overreactions and unwarranted. I don’t want to belabor this. I’ll try to be as concise as possible, but I’m wordy so I can’t make any promises. :-)
I offer you this. If it were just Paul and I who were angry with how CO treated us, or the libelous things she said about us, or her verbal abuse in DMs, then I could see coming to the conclusion that perhaps there is a personal vendetta against her that is out of proportion to what she’s done. But it’s NOT just Paul and I. It’s MANY other Non-Shippers who have had similar negative experiences with her and want nothing to do with her. How bad do things have to be with her that people literally have to BLOCK her? Not simply unfollow her, but block her.  That’s not just a disagreement or a difference of opinion, that’s literally a person being so angry, fed up or actually, scared, that they want to prevent any contact from her. Please stop and think about that. It’s not just me or Paul, it is the MAJORITY on this side on Tumblr. And worse, people who were friends with her. Think about  what could have been SO bad that her friends have her blocked. Again, logic would dictate that things have happened behind the scenes that people don’t know about. And that CO doesn’t want anyone to know about. 
Shippers and shipper sympathizers are a lost cause, but for those of you on this side who can’t understand the vitriol against CO. Instead of falling for CO’s manipulations that I’m the bully or what I say about her is out of proportion to what she says about me. Isn’t it more logical that it’s not that what CO has done to the rest of us isn’t that bad, it’s that you don’t know the full story...and also, that she hasn’t done it to you. 
To take her side without knowing everything that has transpired is to basically say that the REST OF US Non-Shippers are lying. Or that you don’t care enough to want to know the truth. So, I may have to start parting ways with some people. I don’t want fake friends. She is the abusive one, she is the bully, she is the master manipulator. If you think I’m lying about that, then I don’t need you as a friend or follower. If you haven’t seen what I and MANY other Non-Shippers have seen with regard to CO, consider yourself manipulated. Simple as that.
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tithora · 5 years
CO get a life...you can't bully me. You don't have the skills to do it pet...
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romanticsuspense · 5 years
contemplatingoutlander reblogged your photoset and added: “contemplatingoutlander: alt-megan: contemplatingoutlander: Maril...”
Thanks for clarifying your position here and in some comments in the reply section alt-megan. I did assume you were mentioning Bree’s independence during the birthing scene because of your overall thesis that the show had made her more independent. I also assumed you realized that she did have some help when you wrote, “In the show, she gives birth alone (mostly).” That “mostly” indicated you were aware that he others helped her.
I wrote as much about the birth and the celebration of sisterhood as I did not so much to counter your position as to counter the position of so many fans that the birth scene was ruined because Jamie wasn’t holding Bree’s hand. (BTW, I think it was interesting that most people who were upset about the change to the scene didn’t really seem that upset that Claire missed out on actually delivering the baby–but that a “bonding” scene between Bree and Jamie didn’t happen.)
In certain critical fans’ needs to make a case that the show’s writers constantly diminish Jamie’s role, they overlooked the female bonding and sisterhood of how the scene was written for the show. I find this curious because many of these critics call themselves feminists. (BTW they also overlook the fact that a black woman served in the important role of midwife.)
The changes to this scene could have been applauded because of the underlying messages about women of different races and social statuses helping a young woman give birth to her first child. Despite the fact that one woman was a slave, one was the wealthy owner of that slave, and one was an indentured servant to the unmarried woman giving birth, during the birthing they were interacting as equals (with the slave Phaedre having maybe a little more power in the birth because of her role as a midwife).
How differently this scene could have been perceived by certain viewers if they weren’t so fixated on Jamie.
alt-megan: I’m pulling this out because the multiple reblogs were making the post too long and the discussion has veered away from the main topic of the original post...
You said “I agree with nearly all of it” so I assumed you brought up the birth scene as a counter argument, because that was the part that you didn’t agree with.  Thanks for clarifying.
I really like the point you’ve made about the different social statuses of the women, and that “during the birth they were interacting as equals.”  
I think some of the fans, not all, but some of the fans that were disappointed that Jamie wasn’t there for the birth would have been okay with the change if the writers had replaced it with an equivalent “bonding” or “reconciliation” moment for Jamie and Bree.  But, they didn’t.  Instead, they gave us Brianna and Murtagh’s conversation where Brianna says that she has already forgiven Jamie.  Probably the writers assumed this was a suitable replacement, but for a lot of fans, it wasn’t (for me, personally, it was).  Jamie and Bree don’t exchange so much as two words with each other in the finale and Jamie doesn’t hold his grandson—that makes the birth scene change sting all the more.  These fans believe that Jamie deserves to be present during the birth of his grandson, because he wasn’t there for Claire when they lost Faith, and he wasn’t there for Brianna’s birth or childhood.  
I don’t share the same level of disappointment as these fans do (we will get plenty of Granda’ Jamie in season 5), but I definitely understand why they are so disappointed.  I, like you, loved the birth scene for what it was.  I also didn’t feel a “reconciliation” conversation between Bree and Jamie was absolutely necessary.  Some fans felt that Brianna was overreacting and being unduly harsh towards Jamie, and those fans really, really wanted to hear Brianna say “I forgive you” to Jamie’s face.  Because, again, it’s about what Jamie deserves and Jamie deserves Brianna’s forgiveness.    
It is a shame, though, that many fans are so fixated on what isn’t on screen, that they overlook what is.  Just because the birth scene wasn’t like it was in the books, doesn’t mean that the TV version can’t be beautiful for different reasons.  It seems that whenever these fans don’t get what they want, they lash out by claiming that the show is “ruined.”  Similar reactions occurred after ‘Providence,’ which was, in my opinion, a beautiful and heartbreaking episode.  But many fans were so fixated on the fact that Jamie and Claire weren’t in the episode, that they couldn’t appreciate the story or characters that were.
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dingbatland · 7 years
contemplatingoutlander replied to your post “Frank as a father”
Back in those days it would have been an incredible stigma for Claire to have raised a child by herself that appeared to have been conceived in an adulterous affair. Frank was noble in staying. If he had also not taken on most of Bree's caretaking (something men did not do back then) Claire would not have finished medical school, her residency and been able to have a full career as a doctor. Frank had his flaws but he was a good father and in his way he supported Claire.
There certainly was a great stigma around single mothers, but Claire isn’t exactly one to follow what society thinks she ought to do. Even just look at her going to medical school. In the 50s there was a huge stigma around a married woman working, even more so than a single woman doing the same, as it was thought that she ought to be at home caring for her husband and child (anecdotally, this was something my grandmother - who was a doctor in the 50s - experienced). Not to negate her own agency, but I think a large part of her decision rested on Jamie asking her to go back to that marriage so she’ll have someone to care for her and the baby.  I also disagree that he was the one to look after most of Bree’s caretaking. He was a good father, sure, but Claire didn’t go to med school until Bree was about 10 (for reference, think about Joe saying he’s known Bree for about 10 years before Claire left when Bree was 20). If we think about the night of the Awful Dinner, it’s clear Claire was mostly acting as a traditional 50s housewife while Bree was little. It’s true he may have taken on more when she did go to med school, and that was likely very important in her ability to go to med school, but Bree was also a good deal more self-reliant then.
While I do think Frank was a good father to Bree, I don’t think his intentions were entirely noble. In show canon, he knew when she returned that he was infertile, so I think a big part of his choice was that he wanted a child.  He also assumed she would just go back to the way things were before and love him as she did, and then used that against her when she didn’t, which was unfair given that was incredibly upfront with her emotions and where she stood in their relationship once she returned through the stones. So both of those things are rather selfish, and I don’t think his decision to stay with her was noble. In a sense, both were using each other. Good things came of that, such as Frank and Bree’s relationship (and Claire and Bree’s though that would have happened regardless of whether she stayed with Frank), but their relationship itself was often quite toxic, and both of them did some pretty bad things to one another within it and by choosing to maintain it.
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brian-in-finance · 3 years
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Remember... someone, somewhere saved the original photo, and brian-in-finance would love to add it to his collection. Or, if the original is a screenshot from a video, he would welcome the video.
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ms-cellanies · 6 months
If you don't want to cry then don't read this. I had to read it simply because, at my old age, I have lost so many dogs & cats. It is never easy to say goodbye. Even after they've been gone they are still with me & always missed. IT HURTS TO LOSE A BELOVED DOG OR CAT. That said, life without these companions is something I would never choose to not have cats and/or dogs in my life.
@russalex @angreav @iamthebadwolf85 @catedevalois @maneth985   @ogtumble @amatasera @fuckdumblr  @ladyoftheteaandblood @sirrah22 @stripedsilverfeline @larouau12 @ughseriously @usearki @ladytuarach @glendathegoodone @cricketcat9 @aregrettablehullabaloo @micaleann @toasty-hancock @hellcatblues  @middleagedandoutoftouch @sabbykatt3 @cursethedarkness @gretchenk0720  @aliceliddellsmirror @inkededucatednnerdy @notpedeka @photoboybg69  @contemplatingoutlander @nildespirandum @izhunny @ladytigrane @wolfsmom1 @phoenix-maat @writernotwaiting  @glitterypeanutmugnickel  @captain-krazy @bitchycatwizard @paulfe  @mishlady @dorcascristyforever @beerboy100 @ultimatenutshackfangirl  @lokilickedme @bakufuhakutaku  @a-sundry-bag @prettyhatemachine01 @texmexdarling @oshea52  @posttexasstressdisorder  @evieplease @queen-of-cats @catchester  @jimbr549  @ladygreytea76 @azusalover​ 
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boyneriver-fraser · 3 years
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What’s in a name? What might have inspired Outlander’s episode titles?
The Siege and Conquest of Alhama (poem, excerpt), Lord Byron, 1818
Moor Alfaqui! Moor Alfaqui!
Though thy beard so hoary be,
The King hath sent to have thee seized,
For Alhama’s loss displeased.
                         Woe is me, Alhama!
And to fix thy head upon
High Alhambra’s loftiest stone;
That thus for thee should be the law,
And others tremble when they saw.
                          Woe is me, Alhama!
‘Cavalier, and man of worth!
Let these words of mine go forth!
Let the Moorish Monarch know,
That to him I nothing owe.
                         Woe is me, Alhama!
’But on my soul Alhama weighs,
And on my inmost spirit preys;
And if the King his land hath lost,
Yet others may have lost the most.
                        Woe is me, Alhama!
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Gif: @sassenach4life
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Gifs: @avasetocallmyown
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Gif: @sassenach4life
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Gifs: @themusicsweetly
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Photo: Starz
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Gif: @thewanderingace
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Gif: @contemplatingoutlander
S3E13 Man of Worth
Image Title: @knightlyss
#Outlander #Episode Title #Inspiration #The Siege and Conquest of Alhama #Lord Byron #Drums Of Autumn #DOA #S4E13 Man Of Worth #Claire Fraser #Jamie Fraser #Brianna MacKenzie #Roger MacKenzie #Young Ian #Ian Òg #Ian Fraser Murray #Jemmy MacKenzie #Kaheroton #Satehoronies #234 #080521
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¡Hola! Lamentablemente, realmente creo que te perdiste el barco en la escena de los besos BAFTA. la disposición de los asientos que ofrece no tiene sentido según las imágenes que proporcionó. ¿Es posible que tengas alguna ilusión?
No, it follows. I have no “illusions”. Cait was to Tony’s right, he was to her left. What seating chart are you using? (Thanks @outlanderfandomfollies for this post. I couldn’t find that pic of Cait and Tony). Anyone who wants to argue this point with me just go sit in a corner cause you’d get more of a response from the wall than you will from me anymore. https://outlanderfandomfollies.tumblr.com/post/650098094339489792/contemplatingoutlander-moduinne-and-redjamie
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I started my blog on June 17, 2015 and three years later it has come full circle ☯; my grateful 🙏THANKS to all of you who hung in there with me on this journey ❤️️
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It’s amazing to me that three years have gone by since I started this blog. At the time I had recently ceased being a SamCait shipper but I was not yet a nonshipper/ truther (NST). I was squarely in the middle. 
And after a tumultuous journey, I find myself back in the middle again. In retrospect, that’s where I’ve always felt most comfortable and freer to be myself.
It’s interesting to me in retrospect that these were my first two posts:
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Given the drama of the past three years, I think I should have paid a bit more attention to the quote on suffering. 😉
The second quote about the cigar is also telling. If nothing else, I’m a firm believer in Occam’s razor, the principle that if there are two or more explanations for something, the simplest one that makes the fewest assumptions is usually the better one. Hence, I’m not a fan of conspiracy theories.
When I started my blog there weren’t many conspiracy theories about Sam and Cait in the fandom. Consequently, it’s fascinating to me that the cigar quote was one of my first two posts. (I must be prescient! 😜) 
When I started my blog, I picked a truly awful name for it “lucypsychout,” 🙄 which I ended up changing a few months later. Lucy is one of my middle names. My avatar was Lucille Ball. 
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The only thing I liked about the lucypsychout blog name was that Lucy avatar. 😂 😘
Despite all the ups and downs of the past three years, I surprisingly have more followers than I’ve ever had. My blog has had over two million page views and is approaching a million unique visits. Compared to the major Outlander shipper, fanfic or gif maker blogs, that’s nothing. But for a blog that was a part of the tiny (yet controversial) NST community for a long time, it’s a small accomplishment--in perseverance if nothing else.
Especially the perseverance of my followers.
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I want to THANK all of you who have hung in there with me through good times and difficult ones. You have made all the difference. I especially want to thank those of you who reached out to me in chat and through asks to let me know you cared. Those gestures got me through some very tough moments. You people are amazing! ❤️️ ❤️️ 😘
I also want to thank those of you who reached across from the “other side” to let me know that you supported me during the most recent turmoil.  I’m utterly astonished that some of you were able to put aside our differences to do that. Thanks so much! 👍 😘 ✌️
I also want to thank all of you who have appreciated my decidedly silly sense of humor and have looked forward to my Sam’s Diary parodies (especially the “Notes to self”) and weird posts about Sam’s man boobs or Cait singing 🎵 “The Hills are Alive” or reports from “Beverly Hills Anon” and her friends from “Anons Anonymous” or updates on “Aunt Bessie.” It’s been a pleasure laughing with you all these years. 😂🤣😂
And of course, I want to thank all of you who have shared in my appreciation of cat gifs! (I still love these two little guys, especially the smaller one’s audacity!) 😻 😽
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It is also almost the three year anniversary of the “No Verra Sensible” essay series.
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In the next few days I will be updating and revising those posts (as some of the material is outdated) and renewing my commitment to a middle way perspective and a peaceful fandom. I might possibly be even able to finally finish the series.
When I was still involved in the fan feud it felt hypocritical to write about peace. But now that I have stepped out of the feud again, maybe I can learn from my mistakes and put some of that knowledge to work in concluding the essay series.
Anyway, I hope you all continue to follow my blog as I embark (once again) on a middle path journey. And thanks again for accompanying me on all the previous twists and turns this blog has taken over the years. I look forward to enjoying the Outlander fandom with you in years to come. 🙏 ☯ ☮ ❤️️ 😊 😘
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p-redux · 4 years
Funny how certain people are "confused" as to why Sam blocked them and is investigating them, yet they reblog an Extreme Shipper who is well known in the Outlander fandom for posting stalking info, saying horrible things about both Sam and Cait, and their significant others, and being one of the ones to propagate false Sam gay rumors. 🤦‍♀️ One of the many reasons I'm sure Sam and his legal team are NOT confused as to who has Sam's back and who doesn't. 🤷‍♀️
PS. Don't try to feign innocence or ignorance. I was just told that said person was SHOWN directly what this horrible ES posts, and yet the reblogs still happen. Also, being friendly with the Canadian sisters,Julia and Nancy, who bashed on Sam's significant others and on Non-Shippers for YEARS, doesn't help either. JS
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ladytp · 4 years
10 songs I have been listening to lately
I was tagged by delightful @houndcrush and @sister-winter73 !
I am doing this slightly differently, if I may… I listen less pre-saved music lists than my favourite internet radio stations, where every track may be a surprise – but from favourite channels you know that they won’t disappoint.
So here goes:
HotMixRadio Lounge from France
Wonderful cool jazz, quirky lounge, great for lazy Sunday afternoons or pick-me-up Saturday mornings. Example of one of my recent favourites: 'Me and Mrs. Jones’ - Billy Paul
Jazz Radio - Jazz & Classique - a unique channel playing a mix of classical music and jazz - and good music to the boot. Wonderful for every day, and especially when wanting calmness and peace, but also elevation and thrill - you never know what comes next! Example of one my recent favourites:  ‘Waltz from Masquerade’ - Aram Khachaturian
Ancient FM - a station that plays medieval and renaissance music - from Scandinavian old songs to Greek and Byzantine music. I listen to it all the time on working days (from home), as it provides wonderful background for concentration, with occasional lift-me-ups to make things interesting. Example of one my recent favourites: ‘Little Constantine’ - Christodoulos Halaris
SuomiRock - a station playing Finnish rock and pop, both in Finnish as well as in English but made by Finnish artists. It brings me home... wonderful for preppy Sundays.  Example of one my recent favourites: 'Viimeisellä Rannalla’- Sir Elwoodin Hiljaiset Värit
I tag @contemplatingoutlander, @thebluelemontree, @harritudur, @tallboyben and @culper-spymaster and anyone who wants to play (pun intended)! 😊
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Ford v Ferrari Premiere | 10th October 2019
What: Ara Vartanian Rubellite Ring Purchase: Ara Vartanian
Worn With: Armani Privé Dress, Christian Louboutin Shoes, Ara Vartanian Earrings, Ara Vartanian Bracelet
PLEASE NOTE: Please do not take exclusive content from CBF without prior permission from the administrator. Thank you.
EDIT: Thank you to contemplatingoutlander for the correct find x
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