#competitive siblings
vebokki · 6 months
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go go demon gang
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v-albion · 4 months
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Guess who finally arrived at the @tmntbestsibscompetiton !!
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deadtiredghost · 14 days
Can we make Team Red a thing?
i think they would get along like a house on fire. we need more fanfic of this trio.
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^^ how i think they might bond.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Prompt 293
Jason takes a deep breath. He takes a deep breath, in for ten seconds, out for eight, and just takes a minute before looking again. Nope, there’s still the strange quartet of orbs in the box of what should be stolen weapons (What, the government had enough, honestly) that gave his workers the heebie-jeebies. 
Which is not the vibe he gets from them. In fact, he’s actually kind of concerned with how much he has to beat the Pit back with how quickly it lurches to latch onto the… Well they’re not gems, and he’s a little wary about touching them at first, but the Pit does seem to settle when he does.
Alright, he can deal with this. It’s not like he has several heads in a duffel bag that needs to be delivered or a tiny assassin child back in his safehouse (Seriously Talia, why was he the preferred babysitter?) or an entire gang in Crime Alley to deal with. It’ll be fine. 
He would like to curse out his past self, because there’s now four babies in his safehouse that appeared to have fucking hatched from the orbs. Goddamnit. 
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abbeyofcyn · 4 months
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She welcomes you
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taeiris · 5 months
mike has an important talk with nancy
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ST5 HYPE IS BACK IN MY BRAIN FOLKS!!! this is based on a “leak” from way back in may btw iykyk
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periswirl · 1 year
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@brieflyimpossiblecreation Fun! I did end up going with a more human but to the left character design to fit in better with my idea of where they were in cannon. Part two
To say that things had gone terribly would be an understatement. The Ghost Investigation Ward had tried out their latest Weapon of Mass Destruction™️ meant to tear a hole open into the Infinite Realms so they could send in a different WoMD™️ (they clearly hadn't taken the Fenton's refusal to give them access to their portal well)
Fortunately for Team Phantom the Weapon didn't actually open a hole into the Infinite Realms.
Unfortunately for Team Phantom it did open a interdimensional portal to somewhere. And because Danny seemed to be lucks favorite punching bag he was sucked into said portal. Naturally Sam and Tucker were pulled in as well, because they were Ride or Die definitely not because they had been too close to get away in time; really.
While Danny's luck was bad Sam and Tucker had relatively decent luck which seemed to help cancel it out giving them the advantage of falling into a cornfield; a blow Sam was able to soften with usage of her power courtesy of being an exemplary host for Undergrowth.
A man waded through piles of snapped corn stalks. He'd been on his early morning rounds when the crash had sounded in the early morning quiet.
As he came upon the crash site he noticed three small bodies, small compared to those he interacted with in the daily to be exact. Three teenagers stared back at him. All three had eyes so bright they were almost neon and slightly pointed ears. The one who's skin was tinted a blue color appeared to have fangs. The one with the neon violet eyes and hair so dark it seemed to suck the shadows into was looking at the corn that leaned towards her like sunflowers to the sun. The last, who smelled of a hot desert day and had breath thag sounded like radio static opened his mouth but the man spoke before he had the chance.
"Martha! Get the guest rooms ready. It happened again!"
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lelianaslefthand · 2 months
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 7 months
they r compeeting,,,,, for ur HEART
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ive been sitting on this idea for the pawn au for so long n last night i was asked to make some fluff of the Angst Supreme au so uh. this is way way lower effort than it should be but at least its smthn ig skjdfhsdjkfhsdf
i forget who it was who coined the term 'gigachad Eclipse' on my blog but fam i think abt u and ur brilliant brain every day. ur a gift to this world
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glitter-alienz · 30 days
tmntov B-team doodles ,, go vote them!! @tmntbestsibscompetiton
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[TMNTOV Masterpost]
Donnie used to be a HUGE bully to Mikey growing up.
Donnie is the oldest and was just very jealous of all the attention Mikey got from splinter. he does grow out of it tho, and they become best friends so 👍🏾.
btw they're around 6 and 3 years in these drawings.
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tangledinink · 2 months
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my official campaign promise is that if wanderer wins their poll in the @tmntaucompetition then i'll drive to @vangh17a's house to personally shake their hand and give them a crisp high-five.
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idiot-mushroom · 4 months
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@phykoha how would you feel abt doing a tie and possibly teaming up in the @tmntbestsibscompetiton (this is my proposal bc ur rlly cool and it would be badass if we team up i think)
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v-albion · 24 days
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UNO Game! Vote for them HERE @tmntbestsibscompetiton
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indieyuugure · 4 months
Hey, hey, @tmntbestsibscompetiton here! We don’t currently have a description or picture for your entry into the competition yet! You don’t have to send one in, but if you’d like to, just answer this, or tag us so we can make sure it’s ready for when the competition begins! Thank you so much for joining, and good luck.
@tmntbestsibscompetiton Uh, sure:
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Here’s the picture :]
Not sure exactly what you mean by “description” but I’m guessing it’s a description of the story?
“After the defeat of the Shredder and peace having returned to New York, the Turtles celebrate their birthday. However their party is cut short when they discover The Kraang are back on Earth. One battle later they find themselves in the ROTTMNT Universe, approximately 5 months after the Krang Invasion. The 12 turtles befriend the Rise turtles and things are going pretty well, that is until Raph and Leo discover that the Kraang from their dimension have brought back the dreaded monster from the Prison Dimension, Krang. Both teams must team together to fight back against the revenge-hungry aliens and save Earth.”
Hopefully these are okay 😭 Message me again if you needed something different!
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babycolinrobinson69 · 7 months
When I’m in the saddest trope competition and the Siblings Who Hate Each Other Because Of The Way They Were Raised dynamic shows up
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tragicsibsshowdown · 3 months
2023 Masterpost
we're so back baby! Nominations are open!
Now some ground rules for the competition itself and nominations:
Only Fictional Characters Allowed!
Only submit a character set once! Please no cheating, We will do our best to include as many as I can
That being said we're still going to limit it to 2-3 sets from one source
As well as the finalists and semi-finalists cannot compete again, so sorry to ed, al, shadow, maria, jason todd, dick grayson, chara, asriel, and the ro'meave brothers, but they can't get in this year
Tragic Siblings are pretty self explanatory but its any tragic, estranged, or the like siblings!
HARD RULE ONE: no harrassment, being vitrilolic, so hateful or anything of the like or you will be blocked. We had a situation last year with a certain fandom and we DO NOT want any repeats of it. It genuinely killed both of our interests in the source and we aren't letting that situation happen again
HARD RULE TWO: Shipping any of the siblings involved in this is an instant block as well, this applies all around the board for all kinds of siblings!
Nominations will stay open until the March 19th
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