dutchjan · 2 years
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November 10, 2022
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deathshallbenomore · 1 year
oh no domani mi tocca essere più gay and pathetic del solito per ragioni psichiatriche pray for me
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gregor-samsung · 2 years
“ [In Giappone] Cinquanta matrimoni su cento dunque ancor oggi sono combinati, e a giudicare dalle statistiche vanno meglio di quelli d’amore. Il che non potrebbe stupire: chi fin dal principio non nutre grandi aspettative sentimentali, non avrà grandi delusioni. I due giovani che si sposano in seguito a un omiai* non si conoscono ancora bene, ma appartengono alla stessa classe sociale, hanno vissuto in ambienti simili, condividono presumibilmente idee e abitudini, e nella misura in cui non domandano alla vita coniugale forti emozioni, non c’è motivo per cui non vadano d’accordo. Anche perché nei trent’anni seguenti non passeranno molto tempo insieme: nei giorni lavorativi si separeranno al mattino per ritrovarsi a tarda sera, solo nei fine-settimana e nei brevissimi periodi di ferie avranno qualche ora da dedicare alla vita di coppia e di famiglia. Questo fino a quando il marito andrà in pensione, ma nel frattempo avranno avuto modo di abituarsi l’uno all'altra. Tanto più che la donna giapponese tollera meglio di quanto farebbe un’occidentale i difetti di un uomo che ogni mese porti puntualmente a casa uno stipendio congruo. È una prospettiva un po’ squallida per una ragazza come Atsuko, romantica come una quindicenne, che forse non riesce a trovare una persona accettabile fra i tanti giovani che le vengono presentati perché non ha mai rinunciato al sogno di un matrimonio d’amore. Passano così, fra tergiversazioni e altri rifiuti, sei mesi. Atsuko ha resistito più di quanto si aspettasse lei stessa, ma la soglia dei ventisette anni, e con essa lo spettro dello zitellaggio, si avvicina. La pressione della famiglia diventa sempre più forte. Perché non si rende indipendente, le chiedo, perché non va a vivere da sola? Teme forse il brusco passaggio da una vita agiata a una condizione modesta? No, non è questo che fa paura ad Atsuko, bensì l’idea di scontentare i genitori e di mettersi in contrasto con loro. La ribellione alla famiglia non è nella sua mentalità, come non lo è in quella della maggior parte dei giovani in questa società ancor oggi fortemente confuciana: regolata cioè dal principio dell'obbedienza al padre e alla madre, agli anziani e alle persone gerarchicamente superiori. Inoltre Atsuko non tiene molto al suo lavoro, noioso e ripetitivo, e la prospettiva – l’unica realistica – di continuare a svolgerlo per decenni non le sorride affatto; d’altronde l’ha sempre considerato soltanto una tappa. E così decide di accettare la proposta di quel pretendente che non ha mai rinunciato del tutto a lei e continua a telefonarle a intervalli regolari. Il poveraccio dev’essersi innamorato sul serio, e non molla. Considerato che non le piace nessuno, tanto vale scegliere quest’uomo capace di passione, che per lo meno la amerà. “
* Incontri combinati a scopo matrimoniale.
Antonietta Pastore, Nel Giappone delle donne, Giulio Einaudi, 2004. [Libro elettronico]  
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fashionbooksmilano · 11 months
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Creatività a colori Creativity in colour Museo Salvatore Ferragamo
a cura di / edited by Stefania Ricci con la collaborazione di/ with the collaboration of Stefano Fabbri Bertoletti, Colin McDowell
Fotografie/Photographs Stefano Biliotti, Christopher Broadbent, Roberto Quagli
Sillabe, Livorno 2006, 216 pagine,21,5 x 33,5 cm, 300 ill.a colori, ISBN 9788883473616
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Mostra Museo Salvatore Ferragamo 2006
Il Museo Salvatore Ferragamo espone la collezione in rotazioni biennali, di oltre 10.000 scarpe, create dal noto stilista dalla fine degli anni Venti al 1960, anno della morte, selezionando di volta in volta le calzature secondo temi che permettono di affrontare argomenti inediti e di esplorare nuovi campi d’indagine. La mostra è stata allestita per celebrare gli 80 anni di attività della nota casa di moda e per presentare il nuovo riallestimento e ampliamento del Museo di Palazzo Spini Feroni. L’evento organizzato per l’occasione è incentrato sulle calzature create dal celebre ‘calzolaio delle dive’ scelte secondo il criterio del colore. Tema deciso per il grande fascino che ebbe sull’artista al momento delle sue creazioni e che implica una sensibilità e una conoscenza delle discipline come la fisica, la filosofia e la chimica. La scelta delle calzature da esporre per la mostra vanno dal Venti al Cinquanta del XX secolo e riguardano quelle dai colori decisi e forti (il nero, il bianco, il rosso, il verde, il blu e il giallo) senza tralasciare l’oro e l’argento, da soli o combinati tra loro in perfetta armonia geometrica e in un sinuoso movimento di tinte. Il volume è corredato dai contributi di due specialisti quali Coin Mc Dowell, illustre esperto di moda, e Stefano Fabbri Bertoletti, storico della filosofia, che aiutano a capire cosa realmente sia il concetto di ‘colore’ e l’uso importantissimo e distintivo di esso nella e per la moda.
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Kruiden Combinatie in Netherland
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Onderzoek naar de kruidencombinaties van een specerijenfabriek in Mexico
Mexico staat bekend om zijn levendige en gevarieerde keuken, die wordt gekenmerkt door het gebruik van een grote verscheidenheid aan kruiden en specerijen. Een van de belangrijkste elementen van de Mexicaanse keuken is het gebruik van kruidencombinaties, die vaak in specerijenfabrieken worden bereid met behulp van traditionele methoden en recepten die van generatie op generatie zijn doorgegeven. In dit artikel verkennen we de fascinerende wereld van kruidencombinaties in een specerijenfabriek in Mexico, waarbij we ons verdiepen in de geschiedenis, ingrediënten en productiemethoden die deze melanges zo uniek en smaakvol maken.
Geschiedenis van kruidencombinaties in de Mexicaanse keuken
Het gebruik van kruiden en specerijen in de Mexicaanse keuken gaat duizenden jaren terug, in de tijd van de oude Azteken en Maya's. Deze beschavingen waardeerden het gebruik van kruiden en specerijen niet alleen vanwege hun smaakversterkende eigenschappen, maar ook vanwege hun medicinale en spirituele betekenis. Veel van de kruidencombinaties die tegenwoordig in de Mexicaanse keuken worden gebruikt, zijn gebaseerd op recepten die van generatie op generatie zijn doorgegeven, waarbij elke regio van Mexico zijn eigen unieke melanges en smaken heeft.
Ingrediënten gebruikt in kruidencombinaties
De ingrediënten die in Mexico in kruidencombinaties worden gebruikt, kunnen sterk variëren, afhankelijk van de regio en het specifieke mengsel dat wordt bereid. Er zijn echter enkele veel voorkomende kruiden en specerijen die vaak worden gebruikt in de Mexicaanse keuken. Deze omvatten:
1. Koriander: Koriander is een belangrijk kruid in de Mexicaanse keuken en wordt gewaardeerd om zijn heldere, citrusachtige smaak. Het wordt vaak vers gebruikt als garnering of toegevoegd aan salsa's en marinades.
2. Mexicaanse oregano: Mexicaanse oregano heeft een iets ander smaakprofiel dan mediterrane oregano, met een meer citrusachtige en bloemige smaak. Het wordt vaak gebruikt in soepen, stoofschotels en marinades.
3. Epazote: Epazote is een scherp kruid dat afkomstig is uit Mexico. Het heeft een sterke, onderscheidende smaak die vaak wordt omschreven als vergelijkbaar met zoethout of venkel. Het wordt vaak gebruikt in bonengerechten en soepen.
4. Achiote: Achiote, ook bekend als annatto, is een specerij die is afgeleid van de zaden van de achioteboom. Het heeft een helderrode kleur en een licht peperige smaak. Het wordt vaak gebruikt in marinades en om gerechten zoals rijst en tamales te kleuren.
5. Chipotle: Chipotle-pepers zijn gerookte, gedroogde jalapeño-pepers die veel in de Mexicaanse keuken worden gebruikt om een ​​rokerige, pittige smaak aan gerechten toe te voegen.
Productiemethoden van kruidencombinaties in een specerijenfabriek
In een specerijenfabriek in Mexico worden kruidencombinaties doorgaans bereid volgens traditionele methoden die van generatie op generatie zijn doorgegeven. Het proces begint met het inkopen van hoogwaardige, verse kruiden en specerijen bij lokale leveranciers. Deze ingrediënten worden vervolgens gereinigd, gedroogd en gemalen om de gewenste blend te creëren.
Een van de belangrijkste aspecten van het bereiden van kruidencombinaties in een specerijenfabriek is het mengproces. Dit gebeurt vaak met de hand, met behulp van traditionele gereedschappen zoals vijzels en stampers, om ervoor te zorgen dat de smaken gelijkmatig door de blend worden verdeeld. Sommige kruidenfabrieken gebruiken ook moderne machines om de kruiden en specerijen te mengen, maar het doel is altijd hetzelfde: een harmonieuze mix van smaken creëren die het uiteindelijke gerecht nog beter tot zijn recht laat komen.
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platypus-quacks-too · 6 months
Il modo in cui si incanta a guardarlo mentre lui espone francamente imbarazzante 🥹🥹🥹
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dlyarchitecture · 1 year
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madeliefkrans · 1 year
mijn toxic trait is judgen hoe mensen hun kinderen noemen
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bbqbastard · 1 year
Bao Buns met zoetzuur gelakt spek op de BBQ
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dutchjan · 4 months
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January 25, 2024
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twafordizzy · 9 months
Bernardo Bellotto schilderde op groot formaat
De Italiaan Bernardo Bellotto (1721-1780) kwam uit Venetié en maakte in het midden van de 18-de eeuw zijn beste werk. De formaten van zijn werk, vooral stadsgezichten, waren immens. Venitiaanse kunstenaars waren gewend te werken op groot formaat. De extra dimensie in het werk van Bellotto zit in de combinatie van klein substantieel tegen groots vertoon; het vermogen om kleine taferelen te…
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happylovs · 3 months
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PRP-behandeling: Geef Uw Haar een Boost met PRP Haarbehandeling
PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) behandeling heeft aan populariteit gewonnen als een niet-invasieve en effectieve oplossing voor haaruitval en haarverdunning. Bij prphaarbehandeling.nl bieden we geavanceerde prp behandeling om u te helpen dikker, voller haar terug te krijgen en uw zelfvertrouwen te versterken.
PRP-behandeling maakt gebruik van de natuurlijke helende kracht van uw eigen bloed om haargroei te stimuleren. Tijdens de behandeling wordt een kleine hoeveelheid bloed uit uw arm afgenomen en verwerkt om het plaatjesrijk plasma te scheiden. Dit PRP wordt vervolgens in de hoofdhuid geïnjecteerd, waar het de gezondheid van de haarzakjes bevordert en nieuwe haargroei stimuleert.
Een van de belangrijkste voordelen van prp behandeling hear is het vermogen om de bloedcirculatie naar de hoofdhuid te verbeteren, waardoor de haarzakjes worden gevoed en de haargroei wordt gestimuleerd. PRP-behandeling is geschikt voor zowel mannen als vrouwen die haarverlies of haarverdunning ervaren en kan worden gebruikt als een op zichzelf staande behandeling of in combinatie met andere haarhersteltherapieën.
Bij prphaarbehandeling.nl is ons team van ervaren professionals toegewijd aan het bieden van persoonlijke zorg en het leveren van uitzonderlijke resultaten. Of u nu haarverlies wilt aanpakken, de haardikte wilt verbeteren of gewoon de algehele gezondheid van uw haar wilt verbeteren, PRP haarbehandeling kan u helpen uw doelen te bereiken.
Laat haarverlies u niet tegenhouden. Ontdek de transformerende voordelen van PRP haarbehandeling bij prphaarbehandeling.nl en zet de eerste stap naar een vollere, gezondere haardos.
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heauxvibez · 2 months
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warning: none, just somethn' cute :)
You shelter my soul You're my fire when I'm cold I want you to know
You had me at hello..
"Oh my," my breath hitched as he strolled into the room. The clothing he had chosen was so simple: a plain grey T-shirt and a pair of black sweats, but they clung to him so well, accentuating every muscle of his athletic frame. His hair was in a messy bun, slightly frizzed at the top, yet it added to his effortless charm. My heart still managed to skip a beat at the sight of him. It was odd enough that even in what seemed to be his most comfortable state, this man could still draw me in. I could only imagine what he looked like when he was well put together.
I couldn't help but notice the bright smile he wore on his face as he took a seat on the couch next to his cousins Josh and Jon. I mirrored him, softly smiling myself while looking away, trying to conceal the sudden rush of emotions.
My best friend, Desiree, and I sat on the bar stools at the island of Jon's kitchen. We nibbled on a shared bag of popcorn that she had thrown in the microwave for us before the food for our small gathering arrived. The warm buttery aroma filled the room, mingling with the excitement of the evening.
Desiree had met Jon a few months ago, drawn in by the wrestler. Their connection was palpable, Jon always invited her as his plus one to all of the WWE events. Their budding relationship had them attached at the hip.
Meanwhile, I found myself unintentionally becoming the third wheel in their dynamic duo. It wasn't by choice; Desiree often insisted on bringing me along, claiming it was the only way she could enjoy the company of her two favorite people. However, for me, it often felt like a form of torture.
Sometimes, Jon would invite his brother Josh to attempt to keep me company. However, our interactions weren't always smooth. Maybe it was Josh's smart-ass remarks or the constant smirk he wore, even when delivering jokes that fell flat. Whatever the reason, I couldn't shake the feeling of irritation whenever we were together. Gosh, I couldn't stand him.
"What's wrong?" Desiree asked, pushing a small piece of her hair behind her ear, she had noticed my sudden change in demeanor. I bit my bottom lip, subtly nodding my head in the direction of the beautiful stranger.
She followed my gaze, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.
"Ohh...," she chuckled. "That's Joe."
"He's fine as hell," I admitted, stealing another glance in his direction. My acrylic nail found its way between my teeth, a telltale sign of my nervousness.
Raising her brow, Desiree popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth, thoroughly entertained by my reaction.
"You into Joe the giant?" she teased.
Blushing furiously, I brought my head down to stare at my French-tipped toes, feeling slightly called out. My shoulders lifted into a small shrug, unable to hide the fact that I resembled nothing short of a lovestruck teenager at that moment.
"You want me to call him over here?" My head shot up quickly.
The idea of that man coming over here seemed somewhat terrifying. He had such a commanding presence; it was almost intimidating even sharing this space with him.
"What? No!" I whispered loudly, almost choking on a popcorn kernel as my heart raced in panic.
"Girl, hush," Desiree shushed me, waving me off before boldly calling out, "Yo, Joey!"
His neck turned sharply, his gaze locking onto us before he playfully rolled his eyes. As he stood from the couch, a ripple of nerves shot through me, tingling my skin. He sauntered over, his movements oozing confidence, licking his lips in a gesture that my me hot.
Shoving his hands in his pockets, his arms flexed tantalizingly, drawing my eyes to the intricate patterns of the sleeve tattoo that adorned his skin. It was hypnotic, and despite my embarrassment, I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from him.
"I told you to stop calling me that," his voice was a rich baritone that took me by surprise. The combination of his rugged appearance and velvety voice had me at a loss of words.
They shared a fake angry glance before erupting into laughter, embracing each other in a side hug.
"How have you been, Joe? I haven't seen you since I kicked your ass in Uno," Desiree gloated, her competitive side taking over even in casual conversation. She had a knack for card games that bordered on uncanny, leaving most opponents, including myself, in the dust.
He chuckled, the sound resonating through the room and sending vibrations to my knees. Thankfully, I was already seated; otherwise, I would have found myself on the floor or on my knees.
"I wasn't ready that day. I was still suffering from a little bit of jet lag, but I'm ready now," he explained, his tone laced with playful defensiveness.
She shook her head, dismissing his excuse with a playful smirk. "Nah, you ain't ready for this work, Joey boy."
A small laugh escaped my lips as I watched their banter, but as Joe's gaze flickered to me, his lips curved into a small smile, and I felt a blush creeping up my brown cheeks.
"And who is the beautiful young lady?" he inquired, his eyes lingering on me with an intensity that almost made me shy away.
I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could say a word, Desiree, ever the chatterbox, beat me to it.
"This is my beautiful, very single, amazing best friend, Evie. Bye!"
Before I could even muster a glare in her direction, she had already hopped off the stool, joining Jon and Josh on the couch, leaving Joe and me alone in a charged silence.
"Hi..." I whispered, my voice betraying me as I struggled to maintain composure under the penetration of his pretty brown eyes. Every inch of me felt submissive in his presence, any bit of confidence left evaporating like mist in the morning sun.
I hadn't known him for more than five minutes, yet his smile, his laugh, his voice — everything about him — had me melting on the inside. How was he doing this to me?
"Hello, Evie" he smiled, and as soon as he said that, I knew he had my heart.
Something soft and sweet for my girls who love cute shit :)
Tags: @harmshake @southerngirl41 @spritelucozade @empressdede @alichesmi
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polldermodel · 4 months
Nonbinaire mensen wat voor pronouns gebruik je in het nederlands?? Ik weet niet zeker wat alle opties zijn maar minstens hij/zij/die/hen/het en combinatie/anders
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odditycircus-2002 · 6 months
What if with MK1 Medusa Reader Part II
A/N: A continuation of this what if plot I thought of. I was inspired by @professionalranter31 to write this one from the perspective of the Mortal Kombat characters reacting to Medusa!Reader summoning the Kraken.
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Credit goes to Giong2296 from Deviant art.
Ashrah, Kung Lao, Raiden, Johnny Cage,and Kenshi.
You are on your hands and knees and the edge of a cliff facing the ocean that just had an armada of ships sailing towards the shore. In an instant, the Dragon King, Onaga, wiped them all from existence with an infernal ball of fire. Leaving nothing behind but smoldering remains and husks. On those ships, was supposed to be Empress Mileena and her Supreme Commander and sister, Kitana, and their father, former Emperor Jerrod. Along with your close friends, Zaterran Emissary, Syzoth, and Tarkatan Colony leader, Baraka. Your dearest loved ones. Gone.
“There’s nothing left to loose.” You whisper as tears start to pour from your face, the scorching sun above soon evaporating them with its heat. Behind you, Ashrah approaches you to place a hand on your shoulder. "Please Y/N, you know that's not true." You shake off Ashrah's hand as you begin to rise on your feet. A dark and determined look sets itself on your features. You then reach into your robe's pocket to pull out some yellowed and weathered composition sheets. "I didn't want it to come down to this. I really didn't, but the choice is now obvious." "What are you-" Ashrah is caught off guard when you threw your head back and belt out the first few notes, but she's able to get enough of a glance at the sheets you held to cause her stomach to drop. The demoness recognizes the writing to belong to some of the darkest magicks. Ashrah glances up at the sky as dark storm clouds begin to brew. "Y/N, STOP!" But you don't heed her warning, instead sending her back a safer distance with the others with a flick of your water magic. You're then surrounded by a torrent of darkness and bioluminescent green before it engulfs you.
The seas began to bubble as if being brought to a broil, as your magic reaches the sky to bring in more storm clouds followed by a torrent of rain falling hard. Shang Tsung stops mid-fight watches with Quan-chi and Rain with surprise written on the latter's face. The former High Mage then snaps out of his stupor to grab Shang Tsung by the front of his tunic.
"What did you do, Sorcerers?" Raine demanded, after all, the island they're on is Shang Tsung's. The latter gives a deep scowl. "I tried to warn her against this, I hoped she would be wise enough to never try to summon it. "And you did not think to inform me about this?" Quan-chi raises a none existent brow as tentacles began to sprout from the sea before wrapping themselves around the Dragon King. Onaga lets out a mighter roar that shakes the ground beneath him.
The forementioned sorcerer glances over at you as you raise yourself even higher on a pillar of sea water, with your magic dancing and twisting around you as if they were made from the element you commanded. You yourself danced with your hands in the air and wings spread out, all while your appearance began to drastically darken to reflect your now tainted soul. If Quan-chi didn't know any better, he would think that you came straight from the Netherealm itself.
Onaga and the Kraken's battle becomes so tumultuous that tsunamis the size of mountains form, and would've engulfed everyone if it weren't for Rain stepping in to literally hold back the tides. Essentially leaving a giant wall of water to tower everyone on the shore. However he couldn't hold back all of it as some waves still managed to slip through his grasp, but less severe to the tsunami in comparison. Rain's entire body strained from the amount of magic he was exerting. The former High Mage pushed back against the waves, wondering if the force and power in these waves were your doing a byproduct of the monster you summoned, or some twisted combination of both.
Shao and Reiko are watching with surprise at the monstrosity you summoned to defeat Onaga. Both the rebel and imperial army stopped in mid-battle at the horrific spectacle, with vultures and sea birds alike circling above them to either flee or pick at the fallen.
"What sorcery is this, General?" Reiko inquires, as he watches the Dragon King he nearly died trying to semi-tame crush whatever is under the waves with his feet, only for more tentacles to arise from the ocean to wrap around Onaga's limb. Both them and the gigantic whirpool threaten to pull in the Dragon King and never let go. General Shao pulls out a telescope from his belt before directing his second in command to look through it. "Who else but that sea witch?" Contrary to Y/N and most misinformed fools `would believe, General Shao did not receive the rank he did by brute strength alone. No, it took a good amount of strategizing and his knack for reading his enemies to rise through the ranks. This is why Shao's blood-red gaze falls on to your distant figure that's faced towards Onaga and the other creature. You make grabbing motions and the beast wraps its tendrils around the Dragon King, you swipe with your arm and so do the tentacles. Onaga retaliates by letting another devastating blast of fire to the clinging tendrils, which causes whatever lurks under the ocean to let out an earth-shattering shriek that could only be rivaled by the late Sindel.
With Shao having figured out that you're the one controlling the Kraken, the former General concludes with Reiko that you had to be taken down. So they send half of their remaining forces to your location, who soon run into trouble as the tentacles from the Kraken breach through the suspended tsunami to crush, smash, and wipe away the approaching rebel army as if they were ants. As if that wasn't bad enough, the fallen including soldiers from the imperial army, are absorbed into these tendrils to disappear under the surface.
This did not deter either General Shao or Reiko as they sprinted through the battlefield, flooded with blood and the torrent sea. They clawed, scrapped, and fought their way through the ocean tainted with blood and cut down any tentacles that dared come near them.
Meanwhile, your group, headed by Ashrah, attempts to get through to you and beg you to stop from finishing the forbidden ritual. Yet, their cries are lost in the howling winds as you raise your darkened arms to the sky and voice loudly. You didn't even spare them a glance when Ashrah and Raiden attempted to fly to your position before you used your magic to create doppelgangers made of water to stop them. You essentially force everyone to fight against their watery reflections that copy them move for move.
Your plan worked as the Kraken, in all its terrible terrible horror, rises from its maelstrom. The entire island seems to tremble from just the Eldritch horror's full awakening.
The Kraken lets out another shriek, as if in victory for being summoned again before it then attempts to tear into Onaga. The Dragon King literally locks horns with the Kraken with smoke bellowing from his mouth, not ready to admit defeat just yet.
On the shores, a good distance from the battle and out of your line of sight, those you thought perished finally make their way to shore. Although, their entrance wasn't quite smooth or easy as they nearly crashed on the jagged rocks lining the shore.
If it weren't for Jerrod's telekinetic ability creating a protective bubble around them, he, his daughters, Tanya, Syzoth, and Baraka would've been claimed by the waves. It's also what saved them all from becoming burnt corpses at the bottom of the ocean from Onaga's fire.
Although this miraculous save may not be so much of a miracle, they watch the catastrophe unfolding before them. Baraka's eyes instinctively scan to find you, almost unable to recognize your warped appearance resembling a creature from the deepest parts of the ocean. You were still dancing and singing, the eye of storm unfolding.
"Y/N, what did you do?"
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thissying · 6 months
mochten we toch een combinatie met o.a. pvv/nsc/bbb krijgen, dan is het natuurlijk sowieso maar de vraag hoe lang zoiets goed gaat. nsc is nieuw met veel mensen zonder ervaring en bij de pvv is wilders alleenheerser. klapt misschien al voordat wij van de uitslag zijn bijgekomen.
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