#cloud and poe
On a good day they tolerate each other. Apparently the annual vet visit is reason enough to briefly forget their spy vs. spy animosity and cuddle 💖
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darkestmad-er · 4 months
A dream
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"In visions of the dark night I have dreamed of joy departed - But a walking dream of life and light hath left me broken-hearted."
-Edgar Allen Poe
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mxanigel · 25 days
<a live look at Ani a moment ago>
oh hey look Pathfinder WOTR is on sale I should open Steam and--
wait whaaaaaat
thank you dear @poetikat :D
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ripegreenfruit · 2 years
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r-acicularis · 6 months
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The boundaries between life and death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where one ends and where the other begins?
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
First poll on here!
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zieeeej · 8 months
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The last of this series for now is this flowerkitty in the clouds. As I said before I don’t use any references for these drawings to keep the creativity simple and easy. But it’s hard for me not to judge my own work immediately and want to redo it. But I still wanted to show it to you. For me these drawings are mostly to get my creativity going, draw for fun and not doing it to make a product. (Like a comic book or a postcard or whatever.) There are also some drawings I never finished, or I just erased completely and that is fine too.
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rogerrcoyle · 4 months
out loud
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virtualizationhowto · 10 months
EnGenius Access Point Review: Cloud-managed Wireless
EnGenius Access Point Review: Cloud-managed Wireless #vmwarecommunities #homelab #EnGeniusAccessPoint #engenius #CloudManagedWiFi #NetworkManagement #WiFi6 #IndoorAccessPoint #PowerOverEthernet #HighPerformanceNetworking #EnGeniusWireless #EnGeniusCloud
EnGenius is a brand gaining traction and visibility among many across the landscape of wireless solutions available on the market today. The wireless space is certainly a crowded one with many solutions, vendors, and technologies to choose from, both for on-premises-managed and cloud-managed wireless. EnGenius access point solutions offer many capabilities, including Wi-Fi 6 technology. Their…
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lemonbarski · 11 months
1. **Learn the basics of web development**: To create a PWA, you need to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the foundational languages for web development.
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to create the structure of a website.
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style the website, such as colors, fonts, and layout.
- JavaScript is used to add interactivity and dynamic content to a website.
There are many online resources available for learning these languages. Some popular options include [Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) ↗](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web), [FreeCodeCamp ↗](https://www.freecodecamp.org/), and [W3Schools ↗](https://www.w3schools.com/).
2. **Set up a Firebase project**: Firebase is a platform offered by Google that provides various tools and services to help you build web and mobile applications. You'll need to create a new Firebase project to use Firebase Hosting, Realtime Database, Authentication, and Messaging.
- Visit the [Firebase Console ↗](https://console.firebase.google.com/) and sign in with your Google account.
- Click on "Add project" and follow the prompts to create a new project.
3. **Learn about Firebase Hosting**: Firebase Hosting is a service that allows you to host your web app on a secure and fast server provided by Google. You'll need to set up Firebase Hosting for your project.
- Follow the [official Firebase Hosting documentation ↗](https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting) to learn how to set up Firebase Hosting for your project. This will involve installing the Firebase CLI (Command Line Interface) tool, initializing your project, and deploying your web app.
4. **Learn about Firebase Realtime Database**: The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that lets you store and sync data across different devices in real-time.
- Follow the [official Firebase Realtime Database documentation ↗](https://firebase.google.com/docs/database) to learn how to set up and use the database in your project. This will involve connecting your web app to the database, writing data, reading data, and securing your data with rules.
5. **Learn about Firebase Authentication**: Firebase Authentication provides backend services to authenticate users in your app. It supports various authentication methods, such as email/password, social media logins, and more.
- Follow the [official Firebase Authentication documentation ↗](https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth) to learn how to set up and use authentication in your project. This will involve enabling authentication providers, creating user accounts, and managing user sessions.
6. **Learn about Firebase Cloud Messaging**: Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a messaging service that allows you to send notifications and messages to users of your app.
- Follow the [official Firebase Cloud Messaging documentation ↗](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging) to learn how to set up and use FCM in your project. This will involve configuring FCM, sending messages, and handling messages on the client side.
7. **Build your PWA**: Now that you have a basic understanding of web development and Firebase services, you can start building your PWA. Create public and private pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while leveraging Firebase services to handle real-time data, user authentication, and messaging.
Remember that learning to code takes time and practice. Don't get discouraged if you encounter challenges along the way. The community around web development is vast, and you can find many resources to help you overcome any obstacles. Good luck!
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celestialflights · 1 year
i won't say much about it yet as i only started developing this idea today (though i do already have a three page long plan haha) but i am having so many thoughts about a poe party fleabag au...
(also although i said i won't say much i will also answer any questions about it that are sent my way haha)
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❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
(Taking the opportunity to ask for more pics of your gorgeous, fluffy cats 😂).
Haha thank you for the ask, and for giving me a reason to post more cat pics, Lettie! <333
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Can I just say I wish someone would write my fics for me? 😅 So many ideas, so few words written...
I'm a sucker for time loops (I have at least two plotted out, I'll get to them. Eventually...) and wistful love and bittersweet endings, so a mid-length fic featuring all of those might kill me with joy and sorrow. For who to write it, maybe @/penmanner? I love the way they write tomarry, balancing angst and fluff and romance and making the boys emotionally messy and confrontational.
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
Cloud is the queen of the apartment. She's a sweet bean, but she'll absolutely cut you.
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Poe is full of personality and not a lot of thoughts. She is baby, she's a ham.
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They're sisters and hate each other, and are both polydactyls (all four feet of both kitties have at least one extra toe). Poe is an overachiever and has six or seven toes on both front paws. They're turning ten this month! @_@
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oikasugayama · 5 months
MDNI this is a NSFW series for adults. TW: dubcon in Mori & Tetcho's (if your only comment is "I don't agree with this" or "I don't like him" pls keep it to yourself! It's fanfic it's not real!)
pt 1. Fyodor, Poe, Chuuya | pt. 2 Fukuzawa, Kunikida, Dazai | pt. 3 Ranpo, Akutagwa, Ango | pt. 4 Sigma, Mori, Tetcho | pt. 5 Atsushi, Nikolai (Finale)
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He's learning what it is to be human after meeting the ADA and realizing he has free will. This includes learning what his own body does...
You've walked in on him touching himself many times. He'll be sitting in his office, tracing his dick through his pants, not knowing it's inappropriate that he didn't stop when you came in.
Another time he'll have his penis out under the desk, absentmindedly playing with it. When you come in he's like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar--all wide eyed and jumpy, "no i'm not doing anything, no you didn't interrupt." (you totally know what he must be doing)
Eventually you come in to find him hard, very obviously nearing an orgasm, his face is all red and he can't believe how good he's feeling. you're so desensitized to it at this point that you give him his afternoon tea anyway, and then ask him if he knows what porn is.
he says no?? what's that?? and you explain, to which he gets very excited so you bring up (on his own computer) a very tame video of someone getting a blowjob
"it's in her mouth??? he seems to really like it. what does that feel like???"
"I wouldn't know, I don't have a penis."
"you don't?"
"no, only men have penises."
that starts a whole other conversation about anatomy, and makes you start another video showing penis in vagina sex. this is when you start to feel weird and uncomfortable--maybe you shouldn't be showing him this. maybe he wasn't supposed to know this stuff and now it'll just cloud his mind so he can't work properly--
"can we try that?"
"you said you have a vagina, i want to try that. can we?"
meanwhile his dick is still out, in hand, tip leaking pre-cum, and you're nearly throbbing wet but trying to play it cool.
"i mean... it's technically, like... you're only supposed to do this stuff in the privacy of your home with your partner, or someone who agrees to it if you don't have a partner."
"so if you agree we can go to my room, then. correct?"
you can't argue with his flawless logic.
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There are certain rules at the PM that you cannot afford to break. One of them is that you must meet with any executive, especially the president himself, at any time they call for you.
when you wake up from a nap in your office to not one, but two missed calls from Mori himself, you panic, instantly thinking you're going to be fired for ignoring him. You know exactly what he wants and you're not supposed to be late for these meetings.
you rush to his office, sleep lines still smushed into the side of your face from falling asleep on your hands. you have to explain to two sets of guard that he called you twice and you were only now able to get to him, and they usher you into his penthouse.
he's not in his chair overlooking the city, instead he's lying on his bed under the covers. as soon as the door closes behind you, he sits up, frowning. shirtless.
"it's been 30 minutes since i called for you."
"i apologize, sir. i was unable to get here any sooner."
"why is that?"
"i was..." you think about lying but know it won't end well. "i had fallen asleep in my office, sir."
"why are you so far away? come closer."
you summon your courage and walk to his bed, and as you get closer you realize there's movement under the blanket around his lap...
"doesn't this bed look far more comfortable than your desk?"
"yes sir..."
"good. do you know why i called you, [y/n]?"
"no sir..." you pretend.
he pushes the blankets down, revealing that he's completely naked and furiously hard. his whole cock is blushing, the tip especially an angry red.
"and now?" he asks, to which you nod meekly. he holds his hand out to you, and you take it, letting him guide you to sit on the bed.
"if you finally let me breed that tight cunt of yours i may be inclined to overlook your tardiness."
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you're one of the hunting dogs, and you're very adept at hand-to-hand combat. Tetcho trains with you regularly, enjoying how much endurance you have and how you manage to smile when you fight him. he quite admires you for it, actually, though he keeps it to himself
after beating him one day, you sigh as you stretch out a sore muscle and absentmindedly say that you wish there were higher stakes, because he's starting to get predictable.
this. pisses. him. off. he doesn't like being called predictable. he hates that you're losing interest in fighting him. he doesn't want you to train with anyone else, the idea makes him jealous.
he thinks about it too much for his own good, and more than once he's gotten an angry boner from it--he can't help it, alright. it happens when he's fighting you sometimes too but you've never noticed (or so he thinks)
he thinks up a way to up the stakes, to make it seem more important that you win against him, while simultaneously training privately in a new fighting style. then he waits...
finally, it happens. you happen to walk in on him while he's masturbating, and he can't help but laugh at the shocked look on your face.
"come here" he says, and you bark out a laugh, saying "no fucking way," and you try to leave his room, but he jumps up, grabs you, and drags you inside, closing the door behind you.
"you said you wanted to up the stakes, so i'm gonna up them." he says, pinning you between himself and the door. you try to shrink so his dick wont touch you, but he presses right against you.
"fight me. right now. fight me off and if you can't beat me, i get to fuck you."
"tetcho what the fuck??" you half-heartedly struggle against him, but he laughs and pins you arms above your head.
"you're out of your mind," you say, twisting your hands free and dipping under his arms.
"what, afraid to give me that pretty little pussy?"
"ew, don't talk like that!" you say, backing away from him, and he follows, strategizing how to catch you and get you in his bed
"what, you don't wanna take this fat cock in your tight little cunt?" he taunts, grabbing the base of his dick--this whole time he hasn't had pants on. your face flushes red and he doesn't miss how your eyes glance down.
he's pissed when he gets you in his bed only a minute and a brief scuffle later. "you held back," he grunts, ripping straight through your pants. "where's the fight, you mean bitch? you're tougher than that. you just want this cock huh?"
[if it wasn't obvious, he has a crush on you and you didn't fight back when he said he wanted to fuck you, because you also have a crush on him -.- pls stop leaving rude comments abt this post. i am just a person.]
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mxanigel · 6 months
now that I've started PoE, this is me anytime I see Aloth or Edér or Kana cross my dash
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bitterkarella · 1 month
Midnight Pals: Patience
Thomas Disch: neil in the good omens game, is there a way to escape the dungeon without using the wizard's key? Neil Gaiman: ah! a very good question! Clive Barker: what? that's a terrible question Gaiman: ah but there are NO bad questions, clive Gaiman: curiosity is the rain that waters the seed of knowledge
Debbie Dadey: um excuse me sir neil gaiman but in Good Omens S2E42 aziraphale is shown performing the musubi dachi stance, but everyone knows that angels don't know karate Dadey:[pushing glasses up nose] i sure hope someone was fired for THAT blunder Gaiman: ah! a fine observation, thank you for sharing! Gaiman: so great to communicate with astute readers!
Gaiman: [putting gold star sticker on Dadey's forehead] i'm giving you a gold star for that Gaiman: in fact Gaiman: you all get gold stars! Koontz: oo! i want a gold star Gaiman: [putting gold star sticker on Koontz's forehead] and so you shall!
King: incredible! nothing flusters him! Poe: he's unflappable King: like the world's most patient kindergarten teacher Barker: no way, i don't buy it Barker: nobody's THAT patient Barker: i bet i could get him to snap Poe: clive
Barker: hey neil i've got a question Gaiman: yes? Barker: actually Barker:this is more of a comment than a question Gaiman: [sweating, veins in neck pulsing] ah yes, go on Poe: clive that's going too far
Neil Gaiman: you see dean Gaiman: you can see anything, do anything Gaiman: BE anything Gaiman: without ever leaving home! Dean Koontz: wowwww Gaiman: all you have to do is use your super power Koontz: my super power?? Gaiman: yes Gaiman: it's called Gaiman: IMAGINATION!!
Ray Bradbury: it was many years yonder when the open spaces were open and the blue skies were blue, and soda pop cost just a nickel and if you didn't have a nickel a smile would do, when you could see marshmallow dragons and candy corn castles in the clouds and you could do it all with the power of Dean Koontz: oh yeah imagination, i already know that Bradbury: and- what Koontz: yeah, neil gaiman told me Bradbury:
Ray Bradbury: listen neil i hear you've been going around extolling the power of imagination Neil Gaiman: ah imagination! the poor man's wealth, the prisoner's release- Bradbury: zip it bud Bradbury: there's ONE dream weaver in this town and that's me Bradbury: the limitless vista of a child's imagination ain't big enough for the both of us!!!
Bradbury: i have more child-like whimsy in my little finger, gaiman! Bradbury: and i will use it to paint a rainbow of nostalgic vibes that will have you crying! Bradbury: come at me, neil!! i'll make your childhood fuckin' magical!
Gaiman: wonderful, brilliant! just an excellent threat Gaiman: the craftsmanship of it was sublime, you should be very proud, ray Bradbury: Bradbury: are you Bradbury: are you being sarcastic? Poe: i don't think he knows how
Bradbury: you're so genuine, i can't stay mad at you Gaiman: perhaps, ray, there is room in the world of imagination for the both of us Gaiman: in fact, maybe there's room for ALL who seek to fly on the wings of a shared dream!
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loanmains · 2 years
Poe ip camera cloud
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Consumer IP cameras used for home security typically send live video to a companion app on a user's device. Network Cameras are developed for both enterprise and consumer use. Each group now has numerous additional members, thus cameras and recording hardware that operate under the same standard are compatible with each other. ONVIF was founded by Axis Communications, Bosch and Sony. PSIA was founded by 20 member companies including Honeywell, GE Security, and Cisco. To address IP video surveillance standardization issues, two industry groups formed in 2008: the Open Network Video Interface Forum ( ONVIF) and the Physical Security Interoperability Alliance (PSIA). IP cameras may differ from one another in resolution, features, video encoding schemes, available network protocols, and the API for video management software. 1080P (Full-HD), 4K resolution (Ultra-HD) and 16:9 widescreen format).
Since 2000, there has been a shift in the consumer TV business towards high-definition (HD) resolutions (e.g. Previous generations of analog CCTV cameras use established broadcast television formats (e.g. With the success of IP Cameras, other companies such as Nest (owned by Google, U.S.) released similar cloud-based devices. As of 2021, Ring has sold millions of units. The device offered quick setup, cloud based recording, and motion detection. With advancements in cloud infrastructure, Ring (owned by Amazon, U.S.), released its first IP Camera doorbell targeted for home use in 2014. This camera was able to detect a number of different events, such as if an object was stolen, a human crossed a line, a human entered a predefined zone, or if a car moved in the wrong direction. In 2005, the first IP camera with onboard video content analytics ( VCA) was released by Intellio. The camera's Linux system contained video, alarm, and recording management functions. The first decentralized IP camera was released in 1999 by Mobotix. As a result, the camera was aimed primarily at the tourism industry, and not intended to replace traditional analog CCTV systems. This limitation can be attributed to the lack of powerful integrated circuits capable of handling image processing at the time of release. Although the product was advertised to be accessible from anywhere with an internet connection, the camera was not capable of streaming real-time video, and was limited to returning a single image for each request in the Common Intermediate Format (CIF). The first centralized IP camera, the AXIS Neteye 200, was released in 1996 by Axis Communications. 4.1.1 Artificial intelligence and Internet privacy.Some developers have detailed tutorials, help articles, live chat systems, and more to help their users, but others can be much less helpful, which may cause problems for you.
Support: It's also wise to check and see what kind of user support is offered by the developer of the software you want to use. User reviews can provide you with an unbiased view of whether or not an app is worth downloading and using, as well as highlighting any bugs or issues. User reviews: It's always a good idea to read through some user reviews and check out the average ratings for any software or programs you're interested in trying. Try to find a program that has the features you want to make use of the most. Beginners will want to find apps that are very simple and straightforward, for example, while advanced users might be satisfied with more complicated programs.įeatures: Security camera software can have a range of different features, such as automating the surveillance process with scheduling, the ability to control the camera via a mobile device, multi-camera timelines, and so on. If you need more help picking the perfect program, here are some key factors you should always keep in mind when looking for IP camera programs:Įase of use: Make sure that the app or tool you use is easy to use and matches your own levels of technical ability. We hope that this guide has been helpful for you in terms of picking the best IP camera software to use. Users who want a secure and reliable DVR solution
Users who want a free app with lots of features Users looking for a reliable, affordable home security software solution Yes, mobile apps and a web-browser client Mobile users who want a reliable home surveillance app Users who want a very simple app for tracking a small number of cameras Small businesses who want office surveillance
Users who want a simple, bloat-free app for Windows Home and business users who want a sleek, modern solution Windows users who want a simple, beginner-friendly app Users who want easy management of multiple cameras Linux users who want a reliable and free IP camera app Users who want a DVR solution without port forwarding Users who want to connect different makes and models of IP cameras Windows users who want a free and flexible app
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