#cleric tav
ghostfire · 2 months
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For a Valentine's Day prompt - "a personalized gift". It's why I designed the tiefling lingerie
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a-cabin-in-midgard · 3 months
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"Excuse me but do you have a moment to talk about our Lady of Silver Selune?"
Couldn't resist another Lunara render for @basketobread.
(Mazikeen is scared and doesn't know how to respond).
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kiruvry · 4 months
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HAIII tumblr ive not posted in FOREVER but. tavposting ...... i finished his run the other day and i just AOOUUUUUUUHHHGGHHHH................sometimes luv is a big ol wizard and the littleguy cleric ..... may post abt them at some point, i rly like my tavs :3
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spacebarbarianweird · 4 months
Hi I saw your Astarion x Tav HC recs are open and personally my Tav is a half elf Selûnite cleric.
I just think its a really sweet matchup- a vampire, a creature of the night, and a cleric that always preferred the night to the day. I’m forever mad that we don’t get to tell him that we prefer the moon to the sun when he apologizes for the fact that he’ll never be able to spend time in the sun with Tav.
Just my two cents I needed to share with someone haha
(can't stop thinking about Astarion praying to Selune. I don't think he will become a devoted selunite but he can find some faith within him)
The text of the prayer comes from Selûnite Prayer Book
Astarion x Cleric of Selûne! Tav
Astarion is beaten and tortured.
His flesh wounds bleed and his bones are broken.
It's a neverneding hell he can't escape, because he is already dead.
Silently, Astarion prays.
His split lips whisper the words of prayer he once heard in a temple.
Dearest Selûne, our fair maiden, weave our hearts with threads of silver, guide us with the light of the moon, and quench us with the purest of tears.
Astarion doesn't have much hope.
Besides Selûne a human goddess, and Elven gods have long abandoned him.
His prayers are heard this time.
A human woman suddenly feels the urge to go outside. There she meets a young elf - and spends a night with him.
She never asks his name and, in the morning, they part ways forever.
But the woman doesn't leave alone.
She carries a half-elf child in her belly.
Probably, the woman never wanted to have a child, maybe she doesn't want to have a mixed baby or she simply can't care about the newborn.
Or maybe she dies at childbirth like many women do.
Anyway, a little half-elf finds their family among the Clerics of Selûne.
You grow up, knowing no other family but your brothers and sisters in Selune.
With a very firm belief, you are born to serve Our Lady of Silver.
Eventually, you are sent to Baldur's Gate - to join the fight against the Shar adepts.
But you never manage to get to the city as the Mindflayers kidnap you.
Astarion lost all his faith years ago and he doesn't remember ever praying to Selûne, though seeing someone so devoted rubs him the wrong way.
Gods never heard him when he was tortured and abused. Why bother?
But you catch his attention. Maybe it's your willpower, your leadership skills. Maybe your looks. You kind nature.
At first, you are scared of Astarion. Selûne condemns the undead and necromancy - vampires are considered the pure evil who desecrate the world.
No one objects that Cazador is a monster. But Astarion?
He is a thinking feeling creature! He didn't choose this "pure shit". What are you supposed to do him?
No. You know the answer, though some of your sisters would consider it heresy.
Astarion has a choice. If he chooses the path of evil, you will be his enemy. You are a Cleric. You know what is right.
But should he choose a good path, you will be on his side.
And you will do anything in your power to help him.
You give Astarion you blood. You give him your body. Your compassion, your kindness.
You mention him in your prayers.
Astarion doesn't say anything to you about your faith but you know he isn't fond of it.
"I prayed to all the gods, including the Moonmaiden. No one saved me."
You made a deal, as people of different religious views do. He respects your faith, you respect his right not to have one.
Post-game you keep being a Cleric planning on rising through the ranks in the church.
You are a half-elf - you inherited ambitions from your human ancestors.
Astarion is still hesitant - he doesn't want you to spend your life in shadows with him.
"Astarion, I am a Cleric of Selûne, not of Latander. I love night more than day and the Moon more than the Sun. I will be fine"
You will forever remember the shock on his face as he realizes Moon shines for the undead, too.
You travel, helping the Selûnites to restore their organization.
One day during your prayer you notice Astarion standing on his knees with his hands in a gesture of adoration repeating the words after you.
Shadows taunt us. Hear our prayer! Shadows stalk us. Hear our prayer! Shadows wound us. Hear our prayer!
He mostly does it because he knows you like it.
You like when he joins you in your rituals and prayers, when he visits temples with you.
It makes you happy seeing him praying and he does it more and more often.
But one day a weird idea comes to his mind.
He prayed to Selûne once. Many years ago. After one especially brutal torture.
What if-
What if she heard him?
What if she sent him his savior? Her servant, her cleric, her devoted Selûnite?
What if is this half-elf he loves so much, whose body he worships, whose blood is so divine - is the answer?
You wake up to him kissing you. His face is red with tears and he mutters the words of gratitude.
From that day, he changes a bit. It's not like he is a man of god - he is still too rebellious to be a part of the church.
But every cleric of Selûne knows that Astarion the Undead is the man any Selûnite can rely on.
There are many rituals he can't partake in but as they say - Moon shines for everyone.
Astarion starts wearing the Selûnite light armour which looks very beautiful on him. Together you go into the most dangerous places - because you have your own undead to save you.
And every time you go to sleep (even if before that you've had the wildest sex possible). You pray while holding each other in your arms.
Selûne, thou with radiam loom, mend our hearts with threads of silver, heal us with drops of morning dew, and sooth our souls with softest starglow.
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@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @astarion-beloved @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati
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atlas-affogato · 7 months
Cleric Tav slowly losing his religion as he discovers Astarion begged and pleaded any and every god for salvation from Cazador only to never receive an answer.
Cleric Tav confused, questioning, and heartbroken because the god he loved so much, who brought him such comfort, who saved him when he needed them didn't do the same for his lover.
The knowledge that Astarion prayed for salvation, over and over, and never received it, even when begging his patron.
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Seeing his lady attract so much attention got Gale going in more ways than one. NSFW. Based on this post.
On the outside, Gale Dekarios was charming. Smiling. Happy. Polite. On the inside, however, he was seething. He and Ramona had decided to head downstairs to get some light refreshment when he noticed several people leering at her and now one man was speaking with her at the bar.
He’s close.
Dangerously close.
Don’t you dare touch her.
She likes it when I touch her. Only me.
I am her lover. I am her future husband…hopefully. I am her god…well, in bed. Don’t worry, Selune---you’re very much her favorite deity!
Gale stared at young tiefling flirting with her. He was tall, muscular, and had incredibly menacing horns. He’s got a handsome face as well---square jaw, a perfectly proportional nose, and striking eyes. And what a head of hair!
Everything I’m not.
No. No. She wants me. She chose me. Even when Astarion was throwing himself at her left and right, she still chose me.
He decided he had had enough and made his way to Ramona.
My beautiful girl. Perfect in every way. So damn oblivious. A trap could bite her and then detonate, and she’d still be looking for it. Gale casually walked up to her and the young man, hearing the last part of their conversation.
“—the bluebonnets are nice this time of year. Maybe we could go and see them if you want?” he asked, smiling warmly.
Ramona, however, was nodding politely, and her expression completely neutral. She lit up when she saw Gale approach, turning her head to greet him with a kiss. A chaste one. I’m not some lout wanting to show everyone who leered at her to whom she belongs. No, I will show her that in private. “Oh, sorry---my partner’s arrived. Hope you have a good rest of your evening, saer.”
The look on the young man’s face was pure disappointment. He bowed. “You as well, my lady.”
When he was out of earshot, Ramona sighed and placed her hand over her heart. “Oh thank fuck you arrived, love. I was desperately trying to think of ways for me to stop talking to him while still waiting here for our food.” She beamed at him, and Gale felt her tail wrap around his hips. Good gods, the things she does to me.
“Dearest, I very well could not have left you here to suffer inane conversation. What kind of gentleman would I be if I did?” He draped his arm around her broad shoulders, his fingers daring to go just the slightest, no one will see bit under her top to play with a bra strap.
Her cheeks flushed a deep red. “Well, you could’ve…I don’t know…let me suffer?” She glanced up at him and giggled as his index finger traced a circle with the strap in the middle. “No, you’re far too good of a man for that. A very naughty, good man.”
That’s it. I need to get her upstairs. Now. He turned to the bartender and flashed a grin. “My dear man, could the food we ordered be brought to the second room in the suites upstairs?” Gale smiled to himself as he caught her raising an eyebrow, placing several good pieces on the counter. Not to worry---the countess can always send more gold.
“Aye, sure. No problem.”
With a nod, he took her hand and led her towards the stairs. As they walked up, she laughed breathlessly. “Gale love, what on earth has gotten into you?”
“I’ll explain in one moment, my beauty.” They entered the suite common room and then made a beeline for their room, closing and locking the door behind him. Gale could feel the sweat dripping from his brow as he touched his earring, the glamour disappearing.
His lips crashed against hers in an instant, and his arms wrapped around her soft, thick waist. When he broke the kiss, he began to paw at her top. “Do you know how many people were staring at you? Watching you? Leering at you?” he growled. “All of them looking at your every curve, your pretty eyes, your heaving cleavage…and that young so-and-so, thinking he could charm you? Ha!” Once she was down to her smalls, he practically ripped his robes off. “What fools these mortals be---thinking they could compete with me for your affections?” You chose me. You want me. Out of all the people in the world, all of our companions…you chose me. And most days I still cannot believe it. “You’ve shown me time and time again one fundamental truth, my love. Do you know what it is?” He reached behind her and unclasped her bra with ease, freeing her large and extremely soft breasts from their confines.
Her bright blue eyes never left him as she watched him help her with her clothes and then remove his. “N-no?” she whispered; her eyes wide.
Gale cupped a breast and leaned against one of her short black horns. “That I am yours, and you, in turn, are all mine.” This pair of underwear is already tight enough and falling apart, so I suppose… His other hand reached for an existing tear in his underwear and tore them off, finally liberating my cock. Gods take me, she does things to me. “My love, my sweetest lady, my dearest one, I need you. I need you right now.” Backing her up towards the foot of the bed, he kissed her again. The kiss was sloppy and passionate, not his usual controlled, chivalrous ones he shared with her in public.
As she hit the bed, she fell backwards and let out an amused cry. “Gods Gale, were there really that many people looking at me?!” She panted in disbelief and removed her panties, tossing them on the floor. I’ll put them in the dirty clothes pile later. Everything should be organized, my dear! She moved up the length of the bed, her tail swishing all the while. “I didn’t think anyone was—”
“By Elminster’s beard, of course there were!” He sighed as he crawled to her. Stopping to line himself with her glistening cunt (fucking hells, she is so wet), Gale put his weight on his hairy forearms, nearly pressing onto her. “My love, you are alluring to anyone with eyes! And I suppose, everyone without eyes when they hear you speak! So many eyes on you—ah!” He exhaled sharply as he entered her, and she moaned wantonly. Sing for me, my angel. I want to hear it all…hear how you’re mine… “But all I could think was how you. Are. Mine.” Punctuating each word with a thrust, his rhythm became faster every second. Mine. Yours. All mine. All yours. Forever. Always.
The claws on one of her hands threaded through his silky hair as the other lightly dragged along his back. “Gale…please…”
“Too much?” He panted and hung his head to glance at her face. “If it is, I—”
She shook her head, her expression as light and bright as could be. “More, love. More…please…”
Whatever the lady desires, so it shall be done! Thrusting harder, he tugged at her plump lower lip and moaned. “You are…so beautiful…one day…you’ll see…will do anything…to have you see…what I see…”
“And you?” she asked as she reached where they were joined. Good girl. Such a good girl. “Will you see yourself as I see you, my handsome wizard?” Ramona moaned again, her cheeks now bright red. “Gale…so close, love…”
He quickly pressed a kiss to her lips. “So am I, my sweet…ah, tell me, darling…tell me I’m yours…”
“You’re mine!” she cried, her climax hitting her hard. “You’re all mine…my Gale…”
Burying his face in the crook of her neck, he nearly screamed as he released several torrents of seed into her. He rolled off her, panting heavily. “Thank you for indulging me, sweetness. You truly are the most wonderful woman in all the realms.”
Minding her horns (she’s always so careful not to nick me with her horns and claws), she curled into his soft side, head resting on his plush hairy chest and her tail swishing happily. “And you are the most wonderful man.”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Ramona quickly rose from bed and grabbed her black silk robe. As soon as we “moved into” the Elfsong Tavern, she grabbed that very sexy robe and returned saying she “needed” it. Well, it turns out I need it too because godsdamn, she looks incredible wearing it. “Hi, thank you so much! Here you go.” She took the tray of food and handed the waiter a handful of gold before she closed the door. She didn’t tie it well enough because there it goes! Dinner and a show---who’s better than me? His mouth salivated at the sight of her jiggling belly and swaying hips more so than the charcuterie plate he ordered.
A long night ahead, I think. Perhaps I should give into my less than gentlemanly tendencies more often…
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vspin · 4 months
Astarion's siblings when they choose to attack at night with two clerics in the party:
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Gods & Clergy: Selûne
Link: Disclaimer regarding D&D "canon" & Index [tldr: D&D lore is a giant conflicting mess. Larian's lore is also a conflicting mess. You learn to take what you want and leave the rest]
Religion | Gods | Shar | Selûne | Bhaal #1 | Bhaal #2 | Mystra | Jergal | Bane #1 | Bane #2 | Bane #3 | Myrkul | Lathander | Kelemvor | Tyr | Helm | Ilmater | Mielikki | Oghma | Gond | Tempus | Silvanus | Talos | Umberlee | Corellon | Moradin | Yondalla | Garl Glittergold | Eilistraee | Lolth | Laduguer | Gruumsh | Bahamut | Tiamat | Amodeus | The rest of the Faerûnian Pantheon --WIP
I should probably compile some lore on gods who aren't evil messes for a change... Then right back into the evil nonsense with Shar.
Worshippers & Clergy: All are equal and personal freedom and tolerance of other ways of life is very important. Also something-something motherhood. Now if you'll excuse me: "o, White Night Lady, guideth mine eye to wherever the hells mine keys that I had literally five seconds ago art?"
Silverstars: You can make an amazing amount of things out of moonlight, really.
Selûne: The Anti-Shar. She's kind of a spoonie.
"Let all on whom Selûne's light falls be welcome if they desire. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does life. Trust in Selûne's radiance, and know that all love alive under her light shall know her blessing. Turn to the moon, and she will be your true guide. Promote acceptance and tolerance. See all other beings as equals. Aid fellow Selûnites as if they were your dearest friends." - Selûne's Dogma.
Selûne's worshippers come from all sorts: people who work the night shift, and other people seeking protection from Shar; travellers and navigators who will be navigating using the night sky; sailors; female mages; diviners and people hoping for a glimpse of the future; and lycanthropes who want to resist the influence of their curse. Selûne is also considered associated with femineity and is something of a mother goddess, and is worshipped by women, particularly mothers and couples trying to conceive.
In every day life one might call on her if they're lost, or to find misplaced objects and such - for example, where the hells have the house keys gone?
Female mages born under a full moon are considered to carry her blessing.
The moon waxes and wanes and may show itself in a vast array of colours and shapes; so is the moon goddess as inherently mercurial. Her faces are many and never the same, and so her follows are many and no two are the same.
There are only a few concrete rules of the faith. All people are equal and should be made welcome and treated with dignity. Shar's predations must be combated wherever you uncover them. One should always give healing freely to those who need it. The lonely and ostracised should be offered friendship and care.
The faith is extremely, proudly diverse, and Selûne places very few demands upon her followers in exchange for her blessings. There is no "right" way to worship the Moonmaiden, individuality and customisation in religious practices in encouraged.
Her clergy promotes acceptance of different ways of life and follows a lose hierarchy with emphasis on personal freedom.
The clergy have no uniform, save their holy symbol (a pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars, in silver), and they dress how they see fit. Moonstones are popular. When dressed for battle they can often be recognised by the iconic weapon known as the moon's hand - a footman's mace with a smooth head.
Even her temples follow no set structure, one may find a temple of the Night White Lady is a massive cathedral, a small roadside shrine, or a circle of standing stones on top of the village hill where her followers go to dance under the moonlight. "Anywhere the full moon shines is a place for [worshipping] Selûne."
Clergy are known collectively as Mooncloaks (informally) and Ladyservants (formally). A variety of titles exist within the church. The loose ranks of experience are as follows: those who are interested in joining but have not yet entered training are Postulants, Novices are referred to as the Called. Runrae (singular: Runra) are fully trained priests.
One of the Called becomes a Runra when they are assigned a simple task in the form of a low-level quest where they're expected to show that they have learnt the lessons of their faith. When successful, Selûne contacts them in their dreams via a vision, and they are a priest.
Ranks ascend into Alrunrae, Tenembrae, Sartembrae, Trintelrae, Aumrae, and finally the Calunalae.
A Calunala is an independent agent who maintains close personal ties with the goddess, essentially serving as her secret agents in the war against Shar.
Priests tend to wander Faerûn, making a living by offering their services as navigators (especially if you're traveling by night) and fortune tellers (there are no diviners more accurate than a Selûnite). There are no restrictions about whatever work they want to do to support themselves, and travelling mooncloaks can be found in part time jobs blacksmithing, weaving, farming, serving tables... They're also prepared to fight against Sharrans and lycanthropes, whenever and wherever they cause harm.
Not infrequently, a mooncloak will receive missions and holy duties - sometimes from higher ranking priests, and often from Selûne herself. Whenever she sets them a task, the Moonmaiden usually grants them temporary spells and abilities to aid them. With their siblings in the faith alway ready to aid them, and their goddess personally lending her aid, Selûne's clergy often give the optimistic opinion that "The Moon waxes and wanes, and fortunes of the holy folk of the Moon rise and fall - but the Moon is ever with us, sailing on no matter how dark the sky."
Selûnites traditionally charge very little for their services, save for a place to sleep for the night and a warm meal, and maybe any few coins you can afford to spare. They have a reputation for kindness, open-mindedness and generosity that makes their faith very popular.
Selûne personally encourages her clergy to be self-reliant, kind and humble, but also wants to see them live lives they're happy in.
As stated, Selûnite rituals are highly customised and tend to be unique to the priest in question. Generally they are performed in the open under the moonlight and involve dancing and meditating. Offerings of milk or wine are poured on Selûnite altars during the full and new moons. If the priest is in the godess' good graces then she will cause the libation to transform into moonfire - an "opalescent, glowing fluid with the consistency of custard." It's described as feeling silk-soft to the touch. The touch of the moonfire as it flows down the altar may enchant objects or bestow powers upon the things and beings it touches, as per the will of Selûne (it can also destroy undead). On ritual nights, her priests cast commune in order to socialise with their goddess and reaffirm their personal connection with her.
There are two holy days: the Mystery of the Night and the Conjuring of the Second Moon.
The Mystery of the Night is performed once a year by every priest (it has no set day, it occurs whenever the priest in question holds it). The priest lies before an altar of the Moonmaiden and slips into a trance. They fly upwards and spiral the moon, communing with Selûne via an exchange of visions. This ritual is extremely taxing, but the priest will quickly recover with rest.
The Conjuring of the Second Moon occurs once every four years during Shieldmeet, and is generally a day when the church goes to war with the church of Shar. To aid them, priests summon Shards to do their beings - celestials who take the form of blue-haired, winged warrior women who serve Selûne (equivalent to planetars in power). At the end of the day, one mortal priestess will leave with them to join their ranks.
Religious orders in service of the Moonmaiden include the Swords of the Lady (also known as "Lunatics" behind their back). They're a fanatical order of warriors dedicated to combating Shar and her worshippers.
The Oracles of the Moon are an organisation of female mages, specialising in divination, who dedicate themselves to Selûne's service.
The Order of the Sun Soul is a monastic order that worships Selûne and Lathander.
Specialty priests are known as Silverstars.
They can see in the dark perfectly for up to 30ft.
They can create blades made of moonlight, wieldable only by the silverstar that made it. The blade causes no visible damage to living beings, but it does sap their life force and disrupt magic, preventing mages from casting. The flesh of undead visibly melts away under its touch.
They can raise or lower the levels of bodies of water, akin to the effects of the tide.
They can fire small meteors (shooting stars) from their hands, in an effect much like fireballs. They explode on impact.
A Silverstar infected with lycanthropy has control over their transformations, and Selûne protects them from being damaged by silver.
They can also shape moonlight into a wall - the wall is intangible, but it illuminates its surroundings, dispelling magical darkness. It will cause harm to any with evil intent, and followers of Shar (or Umberlee), as well as any undead being that passes through it. Magical items on the person of an individual who passes through will glow red, drawing attention to them, and magical potions will explode.
Stairs and bridges can also be crafted from moonlight, which can reach up to 15ft in length. While standing on the bridge, individuals are protected from enchantments, life-draining effects and missiles. It's impossible to knock them off of the bridge.
Finally they can shape the light into a net that protects a specific area. The strands are visible only to the priests, the goddess and those under the spell's protection. Everything else - intruders, weapons and magic - that enters the area is forced back to its point of origin. Attacks will be rebounded.
Selûne is a Chaotic Good deity. Her realm is in the Gates of the Moon, on the plane of Ysgard.
She doesn't care about ritual and dogma or how observant of these practices her followers are, as long as they are able to support themselves, fulfilled in life and will offer kindness to others. The spirit of faith is more important to Our Lady of Silver than the scriptures of religion.
Sometimes she is taken by a joyful, energetic mood. Sometimes she is a quiet, caring and maternal figure, prone to poetic moods. Whichever mood she's in, she carries herself with an underlying sense of grief that seems millennia old. Selûne is slow to anger and prefers to avoid fights, but that changes rapidly when she comes into conflict with her sister, and there she displays a side to herself that is much more warlike. She also opposes Umberlee on behalf of sailors and others who live by the sea. When in conflict with her enemies Selûne is merciless.
Selûne was (apparently) born of the primordial essence of the universe, one half of the Two-Faced Goddess with her twin, Shar. Together they created the planetary bodies of the solar system, including the Earthmother, Chauntea.
When Chauntea begged for warmth to nurture life upon her, the Two-Faced goddess experienced conflicting desire for the first time. Selûne was willing to grant the Earthmother her wish, but for Shar, the very concept was a horrifying antithesis to her very being.
The argument between the two spawned the concepts (and gods) of destruction; such as war, disease and death/murder. Eventually, Selûne reached into the Elemental Plane of Fire and drew a portion of it into Realmspace, and fashioned it into the sun - a process that burned her.
Shar's rage doubled, and she began to snuff out every light she could find in the universe, causing Selûne to tear out a part of her own essence and fashion it into a weapon that she threw at Shar in defence of the newborn life of Realmspace. This portion of Selûne passed through Shar and formed itself into the Weave - the goddess Mystryl (who would one day be called Mystra). Mystryl sided with Selûne, and Shar was forced to concede defeat now that she was utterly outnumbered.
This battle has left Selûne permanently weakened, and her strength waxes and wanes much like the phases of the moon. The two sisters continue their argument - and Shar is boldest when her sister is at her weakest.
The Moonmaiden's avatar takes the form of a human woman, with various appearances, her age generally conforming to one of the maiden, mother, crone concepts. In one of her more matronly, middle-aged forms she enjoys walking the realms, and curiously has decided to open an inn in Waterdeep using this form, unbeknownst to many. Her apparent health depends on the state of the moon, while it wanes she appears sicker and closer to death. Regardless of its phase, she glows faintly with moonlight in the darkness.
Her lesser manifestations include dancing trails of little lights known as "moondust" or "moon motes." She manifests these to people who are lost at night, or traveling over dangerous ground that they can't perceive. She will also provide them for her faithful, when they require a light source to perform an important task but have no way to see.
Her messengers and servants include owls, weredragons and other lycanthropes and shapeshifters, and her Shards.
For a while, prior to the Time of Troubles, she worked under the goddess of love, Sune. She later went her own way and resumed operating as an independent deity, but maintains a close relationship with Sune and Lliira.
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wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Halsin: *changes back to his elven form and shakes the blood off his hands* pardon the viscera-
Solairen: *an abnormally tall drow, craning his neck up to look at him* HOLY MORNING LORD! WHAT HAVE THEY BEEN FEEDING YOU?! YOURE TOO DANG BIG!
Halsin: I am~?
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| Xandre | Seldarine sword dancer of Eilistraee.
I remade Xandre because by act 3 the durge background really didn't fit with playing a cleric (in my opinion). Plus I really wanted to romance her with Lae'zel rather than Astarion.
I spent so much time on her hair to get the right colour. So much so that I now understand the larian character creation stats of like 1000 years or something.
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casualwriters · 1 month
The Suprise Visitor Afab Black Reader X Halsin
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Summary - You have always been of the Grid and living freely but one day you found an injured Bear and took him back to Your place but in the morning, you found a man in its place.
Warning - Nudeness, Shapeshifting, Mid gore and blood.
A/n I had no ending idea, but I enjoyed making this ♡
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It was past sunset around where the moon would come out to play, and now it was the time to get a flower that only bloomed at night. walking barefoot through the wet grass the white dress sleeves fell loose around her arms the basket was being held up the herbs and stranded flowers loose in the basket.
You forgot to grab some flowers and herbs earlier that day you were busy helping some older woman healing their wounds, at times you will help people for gold. That was a rare occasion only when tight with coin.
The Wind pushed her loose hair back when she decided to walk deeper in the woods you knew you were not going to get lost of course, not you knew the woods like the back of your palm.
You had to thank your mother for that at such a young age she had made sure every aspect of the woods and the hidden places that you knew off so if you got lost you knew the way back.
Branches snapped under your bare feet, the dirt sneak into your skin and you never did mind you were always taught to embrace what nature gave you Lathander had sacrifice many things for you to be happy where you are.
Walking further in the wood, there was a gruesome scream. In a blink, you bend down, grabbing the dagger that was tied around your thigh. Standing your ground, you had followed the scream many things were telling you not to go over there, but your worship as a cleric was saying to help anyone you could.
"Hello?" You said walking to the area where a waterfall was falling down behind the gore that you saw, setting the dagger back not seeing any threat around you.
"Oh, by the Gods." Mumbling, your eyes fell over to the Iron Fist dead body. Why were they here they never crossed into the woods their territory was in the lower city? And they were never hostile. Why did they attack.
Walking closer to the Waterfall you could see an animal cover in blood your instincts took over mumbling a chant to Lathander a blue aura went around the bear who was bleeding the wounds that came from the iron fist swords healed up.
You hoped it worked, and when the bear eyes open, you fell from a crouching position to flat on the floor. "I don't mean you any harm." Your voice wavered from fear to anxiety, your hands held up in surrender. The beast could barely get up even with the chant that was spoken, your stomach fell in your throat, and you frowned, seeing the pain in the bears eyes.
"Is it okay if i take you back to my place?" you said sitting on the ground you hand went to brush over his round ear, he didn't fight agents it he nodded his head, and you knew it would be the best to bring him back that were all your herbs was, so that what you did.
The night fell to midnight, passing out agents the table where you normally did a lot of your potions and medicine.
Leaning agents your hand that was holding your head up, your eyes fluttering open from hearing a sound forgetting that you had saved a poor bear the day before.
Hearing the crash from your shelf you walked over about to grab the Mace that she barley use but right now sounded like a good time to use it.
Holding the Mace in one hand you walked closer to where the noise was it seemed liked, they were robing her herb shelf she wasn't sure.
"Oh gods!" Yelping and before she covers eyes, you saw the tall man his brown hair was tucked in a ponytail in the back, some scars more like scratch's going straight down his back.
"Oh, by the Oak farther!" his voice ranged out and when he turned around you cover your eyes before anything else could be shown, cheeks brighter than tomatoes.
"Are you okay?" your voice rang out like a mouse compared to his own voice. The silence spoke and when he spoke again a small smile grace your face. "I am so sorry just clumsy.''
you snicker and walk over to the Wardrope picking up some male cloths for him.
The Druid turned his body and walked closer to your small frame, his scent smell like Pine and Peppermint.
"Did I scare you?" he says his voice deep and sweet. You open your big hazel eyes and nodded seeing him put over the shirt you gave him, the gash up his rib's barley healing.
you turned around and moved to the herbs and table that was filled with random toxic plants healing and much more healing herbs.
you could still see the gash that was on his stomach.'' A little bit but i was excepting you just as a bear" you teased and he laughed.
"Is it too late to tell you i am druid my name Halsin" You nodded moving around the tables and grabbing the grinder to grind the herbs as you gave him your name snickering at his humor.
It was silenced has you were working around the table and making a herbal medicine "Thank you for saving me" Halsin said.
Shaking your head "Why wouldn't I you were helpless and alone " You walked closer "can you lift up your shirt" Halsin had to look down at you to look at your eyes, no one made you nervous when you first met them, but he did.
Your small hand scoops the medicine in your hand running the cold substance on the gash "how do you know so much about medicine?"
Smiling and pushing the loose strands of hair that fell from your face "My mother was cleric, and my father was a druid" He hummed "maybe i should get injured more often" he chuckles, and you laugh.
"Just let it dry, okay?" you walked over to the fireplace. "If you're in no rush, i am cooking like to stay." Halsin walked as he slipped over the shirt."Only if you have me, I love too."
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ghostfire · 4 months
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Uncensored version, plus the fic it's illustrating (with full warnings at the top) at my ao3: Reconsecration
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sketchyelvenasss · 6 months
:3 belly rubs :3 I wanna draw
He’s genuinely concerned if Tara would approve of him. But eagerly awaits the opportunity to meet her one day.
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nostalgiachan · 1 month
The Aftermath
Twenty-Third Prompt: What is everyone up to a year after the game?
C/W: Blood, alcohol consumption, mildly NSFW in some parts. Somebody gets naked.
Summary: Vier struggles to remember just what the hell happened at Karlach's Big Birthday Bash. (2237 words)
Vier awoke face-down in the grass, the taste of blood and bile fresh in her mouth. Every muscle in her body ached as she struggled simply to push herself up to her knees. Her vision swam, and a searing pain set her head to throbbing. Slowly, her view came into focus, and as she looked down at herself, she reeled as she saw her front absolutely smothered with dried blood. Her pulse began to race as she raised her head, and her eyes were met with a dire sight:
A field littered with bodies. The bodies of those she loved.
Tables had been overturned. Scorch marks carved a path across the field, and the ground was pockmarked from what looked to be explosions. A wild bear lay in a puddle of its own blood, and–
“Wait…a bear?”
Through the haze of pain and confusion, the gears of Vier’s mind falteringly ground into motion. It was a long and arduous moment before the thought finally formed.
“...There are no bears in Dawnshire.”
With a groan, Vier pushed herself onto wobbly legs and stumbled her way towards the prone ursine. The closer she got, the more she could smell something that was certainly not blood - no, it was the unmistakably pungent smell of particularly strong alcohol. Eventually, she grew close enough that she could see the bear wasn’t dead, but merely sleeping in a puddle of…feywine. The bear also had a familiar scar on its face, a gnarly scratch across the left side of its forehead.
The sight of that scar was like pulling out a piece of debris jammed between the cogs, and hazy memories finally began to drift up from the inner workings.
The previous night had been Karlach’s birthday party, the one Vier had been working for so long to put together. Their infernal friend, Hope, had surprised them all by not only transporting Karlach and Wyll to Dawnshire, but gathering up just about every other friend who’d wished to attend. Having portals to almost every major metropolitan area in the Sword Coast conveniently located in the House of Hope certainly had its benefits, it seemed. Even Lae’zel, who Vier absolutely hadn’t expected would be able to pull herself away from the war effort in the Astral Plane, had arrived in person.
Everything had gone off without a hitch, she remembered. She’d had the finest food the local butchers and bakers could prepare, there were beverages for every sort of palate, she’d invited bards from the area to perform. Everyone was enjoying themselves to the fullest, and as dusk gave way to night, it was nearly time for the fireworks to begin.
And that was when Astarion had produced the Decanter of Endless Wine, loaded with feywine.
“...Aw, fuck, that’d do it.”
More and more, the memories flooded back. She’d been the first to partake, and it had been just as Astarion had described it - “sweet as summer berries, with a minxy little kick”. Very lovely, very dangerous, the sort of wine that quietly crept up on you and took you when you least expected it. It did not, however, creep up on the non-elves among them, also as Astarion had described. As Vier found herself pouring a second glass while setting up the fireworks, she wondered if Astarion had actually told anyone what it was they were drinking, considering its potentially deleterious effects.
Given the state of things, Vier had to surmise the answer was “no”.
As far as she could remember, Gale had been the first to fall under the drink’s effects, deciding he wished to engage Rolan in a “contest of illusions”. The tiefling’s siblings, Cal and Lia, had egged their brother on, themselves beginning to slip under the feywine’s influence. There was some shouting and boasting about “the Wizard of Waterdeep” and “the master of Ramazith’s Tower” before the two began to conjure increasingly complicated illusions; an impressive feat for ones so inebriated, to be sure. 
Soon, the dueling wizards were summoning up terrifying beasts, until at last, one of them - Vier could not remember the culprit, but had a sneaking suspicion it was Gale - called upon a projection of an Elder Brain. At that moment, a battle cry sounded out.
“Ghaik! Mha stil’na forjun inyeri!” Lae’zel screamed, apparently so lost to the feywine that she thought the illusion was real. She unsheathed her silver sword and charged, nearly skewering both wizards entirely in her madness. Vaguely, she could remember hearing Astarion and Shadowheart having an absolute blast at the show, both well into their third cups.
While their antics had proved wonderfully entertaining, they’d also distracted Vier from her work. She’d returned her attention to the fireworks, and must have missed the exact moment that she’d lost Jaheira, Minsc, and Halsin to the drink. As she set up the mortars in neat lines, something incredibly hot and incredibly heavy suddenly crashed into her, taking her off her feet entirely.
“Godsdamn, you got me whizbangs and everything!” Karlach cheered as she practically grappled Vier on the ground, rubbing their faces together like an excited puppy. “Aww, you’re the best, Vier!”
Wyll quickly came scrambling up behind her, attempting to untangle the two. “Careful there, hot stuff,” he gently chided her. “Explosives, remember? Don’t want to go setting them off early.”
“Ugh, fine,” she pouted as she finally released Vier from her grip and allowed Wyll to haul her up to her feet. “Oi, where’s Dammon gone off to? Need to bend his ear about some stuff. And maybe get more of that…what’d Gale call it? Aqua vitae?”
“Honestly, I think you might’ve had enough for now,” Wyll laughed as he led her away, though even in the low light on the edge of the party grounds, Vier could see he looked a bit concerned for her. Vier couldn’t help but smile; Karlach was in good hands with him.
From that point, the memories grew vague once more. She’d finished setting up the fireworks; had yet another glass of feywine; at some point, Lae’zel’s war against the illusory Elder Brain came to an end, and thankfully, both Gale and Rolan had kept their heads intact; there was something about Lae’zel using Shadowheart’s lap as a pillow.
Of course, her recollection grew sharper once more when Astarion appeared. He’d fallen atop her almost as hard as Karlach had, though he’d notably been stone sober. As he wrapped his arms about her from behind, he purred directly into her ear, “Darling, I think I’ve waited just about long enough. Everyone’s good and drunk now, so I’d like to get good and drunk now, if you wouldn’t mind.”
A flush quickly crept across Vier’s skin as Astarion breathed into her ear. “Wait, you want to do that here? Just out in the open?”
“Well, we could sneak off into the bush if you require some privacy,” he said with a smirk, “but I think everyone else is too preoccupied to pay attention to us. We can try that little trick like last time.”
The way Vier’s vision had just begun to tilt spoke that perhaps she shouldn’t attempt “that little trick”, but her inhibition had grown just loose enough that she’d make the attempt anyway. Nervously, she offered her throat to him. “Alright, just…try to be quiet about it, yeah?”
“Oh, if anyone here’s in danger of making noise, darling, it’s you,” Astarion whispered dangerously into her ear before he sank his fangs directly into her neck. The familiar sensation of bliss coursed through her veins as surely as her blood left them, the sound of his greedy swallowing the only noise between the two of them. She bit down hard on her lower lip as he drew more and more from her. The moment the telltale dizziness set in, she raised a hand to restore herself, and she could almost feel her blood regenerating.
Astarion gripped Vier’s head to hold her steady as they entered the second round. The more he drank, the tighter he held onto her, seemingly desperate not to miss a drop. But as he lost himself in the feeding, he began to grow messy. By the second restoration, Vier’s blood was beginning to pool around Astarion’s lips; soon, it trickled, then ran in great rivulets down her neck, staining the front of her blouse a deep crimson. 
Between the blood loss and the undeniable pleasure of feeding, it was getting harder for either of them to keep quiet. At the third and final restoration, Astarion finally released his hold on Vier, unsheathing himself from her throat with a deep, satisfied moan.
“Gods, it’s like I can taste the sunlight in your veins,” he exalted, “or maybe that’s just the wine.”
As soon as the words left his lips, he seemed to have a moment of revelation.
“Oh. Oh, shit. That might be a problem. Darling, how much have you had to drink again?”
As soon as the world stood still for a second, Vier got to thinking. “I think I’m on, er…four glasses? Why? What’s wrong?”
“Well, there’s a certain old vampire wives’ tale that says if you feed on the inebriated, you’ll pick up their inebriation. So I might wind up just a bit drunker than drunk.” But he waved away the concern with a flourish of his arms. “But I’m sure it’ll be fine! Probably not as bad as it might be if you weren’t a drow. Maybe. Most likely.”
With a bow, he said, “Well, my sweet, I’m off to harass the birthday girl some more while I wait for all this boozed-up blood to kick in. Try not to blow yourself up!”
As soon as Astarion sauntered away, Vier noticed a growing clarity washing over her. She’d restored herself to complete sobriety. Well, she thought, that won’t do at all.
Present Vier was deeply, deeply disappointed in Past Vier’s decision making, as she’d decided to hit the feywine even harder the second time around, making everything after that point an almost total blur. She remembered watching Karlach receive her present, a fantastic new set of infernal iron armor hand-crafted by Dammon. She’d gone to start launching the fireworks, but Karlach had asked if she could do the honors. With a flick of her thumb, she lit the first mortar, and that had been when all the hells had broken loose.
Through some freak accident, the tube tilted and the firework launched sideways, exploding into another of the mortars and starting off a chain reaction. Fireworks launched in every which direction. There were screams in about every language spoken on the face of Toril. Karlach had howled with mad laughter and started picking up some of the mortars and actively aiming them around, starting a firework war as drunken combatants picked up armaments of their own, or even magically conjured projectiles. Tables were flipped for cover. Half the party-goers, and more than a few fighters, had fled for the trees.
She could vaguely remember huddling for shelter behind a crate with Astarion, who had given her a quick, but deep, kiss - his mouth still thick with the taste of her blood - before he dove into the fold, eager for action. After that, all was darkness.
Well, there was nothing to do now, she supposed, but take stock of where everyone ended up. Most had simply fallen asleep in the open field, either alone or in small piles of closest friends and family. A few remained tucked into the trees - Jaheira and Minsc, notably, had remained absolutely sober and looked rather comfortable in a series of vine hammocks Jaheira had conjured up. Astarion, at some point of the evening, had been stuffed into an empty crate; for his own safety, Vier left him inside, as the sun had already cleared the treeline.
Soon, all had been accounted for; all, save for Karlach and Wyll. Vier hoped that they hadn’t already returned to the House of Hope, especially without saying goodbye. The longer she searched, the more she began to feel a bit guilty for all of the drunken shenanigans. Karlach certainly seemed like she’d had fun, which was all Vier had wanted, but she’d also hoped she’d have a nice, relaxing night away from Avernus, not violence and explosions.
But as soon as she stumbled upon the pair, she knew her fears had been unfounded.
The first sign she found of their continued presence on this plane was a discarded pair of boots - clearly Wyll’s. She followed the trail of cast-off shoes, shirts, pants through the woods until at last, she found Wyll and Karlach, stark naked and tangled up in one another, blissfully sleeping in the dappled sunlight beneath a tree. She didn’t want to stare overlong, but damn it, there was just something beautiful about the scene.
Had they been able to have a moment like that together in Avernus? Just the two of them, finally indulging their feelings for one another? Or did the endless onslaught of demons offer them little time for such luxuries? While it was a selfish thought, Vier hoped that last night had given them the chance to get out everything they needed to. In any case, she was deeply happy for them, and while she knew Karlach and Wyll would need to return to the hells quite soon, she wasn’t going to wake them up from that well-earned dream just yet.
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spacebarbarianweird · 2 months
Hi! I love your headcanons and fics! Can I request Astarion and a Tav that is a follower of Bahamuth the platinum dragon? Could it be a Paladin, a Cleric or a Sorcerer?
Oh, this is a nice idea! I've already made Cleric of Selûne! Tav and Cleric of Latander!Tav - time to see rare gods!
Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon is the deity of good-aligned dragons and metallic dragons, being considered the first of their kind. He is a sworn enemy of Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant, who is the queen of the chromatic dragons.
Astarion x Cleric of Bahamuth!Tav
You are forced into marriage when you were fifteen.
A common practice in your area but that doesn't make it any less awful.
Your husband, a man who has buried three wives before you, is eager to consummate the marriage.
You barely remember the first wedding night and the nights that follow.
Only pain, beatings, and humiliation.
So you decide to run.
Your husband's people have been hunting you like a doe until one day you met a monk.
The monk fight your husband's people with his bare hands.
You are free but for how long.
He is powerful. He is vindictive. He is unforgiving.
You beg the monk to take you with him and he agrees.
You spend a year learning under his training - he is a wise man, kind and intelligent.
He teaches you the ways of magic and secret knowledge of dragons.
You assist him in his travels and help the less fortunate.
One day, he reveals his true form to you.
He is Bahamuth, the god of good-aligned dragons, who prefers to live with mortals.
Оnce the initial shock wears off, you swear your allegiance to him.
The Dragon God makes you his priest, a cleric of the light domain.
Bahamut does not demand anything from you except that you be a good person - otherwise he receives his blessings from you. That is all. You are not obliged to obey him.
As your first mission, you are asked to go to Baldur's Gate and help people who suffer from the Absolute cult but on the way to the city you are kidnapped.
You manage to unite people around you - you strike hope in your companions.
Even in Astarion, though, he will never admit it.
He mocks your religion and your faith but you are patient and, with time, he becomes more accepting.
You don't how to react to his confession - the forced marriage and matrimonial rape made a mental block in your head.
You don't know how to love.
But you know how to care and, gods, Astarion needs a dragon to be saved from his misery.
Your relationship is rather asexual - you both aren't sure you ever want to have sex.
You destroy his master with Flamestrike and Daylight.
In the graveyard, you both forget all your traumas - and spend a night in each other's arms.
In the middle of the acts you almost get arrested for public misconduct but you make a fuss showing your cleric symbols.
It's not like the poor guardian knows Bahamut doesn't require having sex on the cemetery.
With the tadpole gone, you are adamant about finding Astarion a cure.
Not just an ability to walk in the sun, but the cure.
Bahamuth must know how to do that but you can't contact him though you feel his presence.
You and Astarion decide to travel through Faerun.
With time, Astarion accepts your faith. Sometimes he prays with you and he always listens to your theological lectures.
Unfortunately, when there is a vampire, there is a monster hunter.
Astarion is killed - and his body turns to ashes.
You are devastated.
It's unfair.
You deny Bahamuth and spend a year doing everything he despises.
Murders, debauchery, crimes.
One morning you wake in a dungeon cell with a very familiar monk as your cellmate.
Bahamuth listens to your cries and complaints and... ask to forgive him.
He is a god. A dragon. He doesn't understand mortals.
You ask him to return you Astarion and he agrees.
Besides, he's wanted to pay a visit to Hells a long time ago.
He keeps his promise - Astarion is back. Bahamuth says he is going to the Astral Sea and you will probably not meet again in your mortal life.
When Astarion opens his eyes, you are too busy cradling him in your arms to notice something is off.
His eyes are green and his skin isn't that pale.
There is a beating heart in his chest and he breathes.
A resurrected vampire is a mortal.
He needs time to get used to his mortal body but his vampiric years feel to him like a nightmare.
One day he confesses to you that as he was praying to gods to save him he never prayed to Bahamuth.
He just didn't know such a god existed.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce @coffeeanddonutscafe @my-queen-rhaenyra-targaryen @queenofthespacesquids
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koalamuffin01 · 1 month
Made For You- Chapter 1
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Full Story Summary: Tav is a High Elf, Life Cleric of Corellon Larethian, from Baldur’s Gate, who was kidnapped by a mindflayer ship. Now she must save herself along with the other infected she meets along the way, one of which she feels an inexplicable tie to. What does Corellon have planned for her? What is the connection she feels with Astarion mean? Does he too feel this bond? Will she be able to save them all?
Chapter Summary: Tav awakes upon a ravaged beach and finds her way towards a handsome elf.
Ratings: Eventually, full story - E - Explicit(only suitable for adults) Chapter 1 - T - Teen and Up
Warnings: Chapter 1: Canon BG3 Typical Violence, Act I Spoilers Full Story: Violence, Abuse, PTSD, Nightmares, Astarion’s Backstory, Cazador, Terrible Parenting, Force Marriage, Assault, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Sex, Eventual Smut, BG3 Spoilers, Probably More (Will Update With Each Chapter)
Word Count: 932
A/N: This is my retelling/head canon of how my original play through went with my Tav, Tav. Tav is a High Elf, Life Cleric of Corellon Larethian. Her backstory will remain a bit of a mystery for plot reasons but will eventually be revealed. She romanced Astarion. For posting schedule, I’m just going to try and post when chapters are ready. I already have the first two chapters done, so I will post them about a week apart. This is the first fan fiction I’ve ever written, so please be kind. Please let me know what you think in the comments. Thank you, bless.
The Pale Elf
The elf was the most beautiful man Tav had ever seen. Granted, she had not seen many, but his very essence seemed to reflect the sun that shined on him. He was simply radiant, and her heart skipped as she slowly made her way towards him as if guided by the divine. Nothing could stop her from approaching him, not her decorum, or teachings, and certainly not the half-elf who seemed to be wary of anyone who wasn’t them.
“Hurry, I’ve got one of those brain things cornered.” The elf gestured with his head towards a brush he was standing next to.“There, in the grass. You can kill it, can't you? Like you killed the others.”
Tav took a step forward. The elf drew closer. She just nodded, not trusting her voice around the man. “There, can you see it?” She put her hand on the pummel of her short sword and tried to peer around the bush to find the intellect devourer.
A mad dash of a wild boar who was hiding in the grass. Tav jump a little, put her hand on her chest, and let out the breath she had been holding only for it to be taken away when she felt the cold steel of a blade at her throat. She tried to run, but was swept from her feet to the ground by the elf.
“Shh. Not a sound. Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours.” He looked up to where Shadowheart was standing. “And you - keep your distance. No need for this to get messy.”
“I need her alive - stow that blade or I'll show you just how messy things can get.”
Tav’s heart started pounding even harder in her chest. She didn’t particularly trust Shadowheart not to make the situation worse.
“Promises, promises. But I have other business, I'm afraid.” He turned his head back to Tav. “Now, I saw you on the ship, didn't I? Nod.” He said as one might to a child or someone they felt was intellectually inferior. Tav, terrified of doing anything that would cause the man to slit her throat, obediently nodded. “Splendid. And now you’re going to tell me exactly what you and those tentacled freaks did to me.”
“You’ve got it all wrong-” she started, finally finding her voice, but was cut off by the man.
“Don't lie to mel I-agh.” A shooting pain took over Tav’s mind. She felt the worm wriggling inside her brain connecting to the one inside the elf.
She was in a dark alley, late at night, peering at people who were talking, laughing, drinking outside what appeared to be a tavern, and was overwhelmed by a feeling of hunger.
As soon as it came, the vision and the pain inside her mind was gone. She was back on the beach in the man’s arms. “What was that? What's going on?”
“It's the mind flayer's worm - it connected us.”
He slowly released her, and she rolled away in order to stand and face him. “You're not one of them. They took you, just the same as me.”
Tav nodded and pleaded with her eyes for him to believe her. “And to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards. Apologies.” He stood up straight, put the dagger away, and then flashed her a charming smile.
How was she supposed to react to that? One minute he is threatening her life, the next he acts as if it can happen to anyone. Luckily she didn’t have to respond, he continued the conversation himself.
“Please, allow me to introduce myself. My name’s Astarion. I was in Baldur's Gate, when those beasts snatched me.”
“I’m Tav, and this is Shadowheart,” she gestured to the half-elf beside her, “we were both on the ship when it crashed. Well, actually, we were kind of the ones who made it crash.” She said with a small smile.
“My, my, you've been busy.” He put both of his arms on his lower back and leaned slightly towards her like he was wanting to hear some sordid gossip. “So do you know anything about these worms?”
“Yes. Unfortunately, they'll turn us into mind flayers.”
His arms and face fell. His eyes got as wide a saucers with what appeared to be both fear and sadness. “Turn us into - ha. Hahaha!” Astarion looked away and started cackling as if Tav had told him a funny joke. “Of course it’ll turn me into a monster. What else did I expect?” He said more to himself then them. “Although it hasn't happened yet.” He turned to Tav. “. If we can find an expert - someone that can control these things - there might still be time.”
“Control it? We need to get rid of it.”
“Well yes, of course. But first things first.”
Something pulled inside of Tav’s stomach. It felt as if someone or something was tying a string from her to Astarion. Tav had never felt anything like it, but knew she must listen to it. “You should travel with me. Our odds are better together. We’re going to look for a healer.”
“You know, I was ready to go this alone, but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea. And you seem like a useful person to know. All right, I accept. Lead on.” He said with a little bow.
Tav turned to Shadowheart who gave her an incredulous look. Tav just shook her head and shrugged as if to say, “Even I don’t know.”
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