#chuck is tired!!
sentientsky · 6 months
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breaking news: local divorced not-man is having a terrible fucking time
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temtamtom · 6 months
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Local tired Venetian man thinks about aperol spritz running away to the alps to avoid more work
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rhinestonesox · 2 months
thinking about how chilchuck’s wife disappeared one day without him ever knowing why. he came home from work in the dungeon and the woman he loves was gone.
Of course, after learning that she was safe he did the most Chilchuck thing ever, avoiding seeing her for the next 4 years because it’s easier to avoid the woman he loves all together than to learn what he did that hurt and drove her away.
Obviously, having her husband never come find her only cemented her doubts about Chil: he doesn’t love her anymore, because if he loved her he would find her and try to make things work.
Little did she know Chil would spend the next 4 years faithful.
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chiimeramanticore · 4 months
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twitter requests
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elitehoe · 2 months
Trent turned on Best Friends. Stat was basically erased from the group. Chuckie T has fragile bones. OC is tired. Best Friends girlies are in actual hell
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taintedmind6669 · 3 months
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wacky-wonders · 10 months
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tmrsunset · 1 year
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the maze barbie 
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sonicchaoscontrol · 1 year
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[Ch. 1, Page 13]
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jammyhunnyart · 10 months
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Trans Bodoque because he’s my fave and I’m trans so clearly he is too
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konvoluted · 11 months
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Long drives …
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spghtrbry · 2 months
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sauls goodmans
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mcdennis · 2 months
missing the days when headcanons were headcanons and like .... people didn't try to "disprove" them with canon content. like. they're headcanons for a reason we are all just out here having fun.
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sentientsky · 4 months
here, have a little angelfish ficlet (ft. lots of queer yearning. also. “be gay, do crime” vibes)
It's all the same; a slow, monotonous dragging of time through liminal space. There had never been room enough for shifting tides or changing winds—no room to stretch one's wings. Because Heaven, by its very nature, is antiseptic. Pure autoclave, all pressure and steam and the absence of touch. That's part of the deal. You want to keep the wings? The halo? Well, then, you have to learn to live under the fluorescent glare of a silent god.
It's all the same, save for the slippery red heat of Michael's heart hurling itself staccato against her breastbone. In truth, it’s a heart that doesn’t really need to beat—that doesn’t need to exist at all, save for her inclination to feel the heavy weight of it writhing in her chest. In a way she doesn’t quite yet understand, she wants proof. She wants to feel her pulse, feel it move in a way that leaves a mark, bruises flesh. 
She sits with her hands folded, one pressed over top of the other. From afar, it might even look as though she’s praying (it might look as though she’s holy, still held firm in the Mother's grasp). She breathes in. Slow, tentative—as though the air might carry unspoken words out and away from her. There’s a certain chilling numbness that creeps up on you when you’ve lived this way for so long; a buzzing static that burns from the base of your skull, all the way down to the backs of your knees, your calves—the place where your feet hit the ground running (always running, always dying to get out even as you lean into the punches). It’s the feeling of living in the hollowed-out limbs of a corpse, of walking around with waxen, rotting flesh and a smile that stretches slightly too far to be genuine. 
And yet, now, for once, her body is no longer whirring—no longer silently humming with agitation or the drive to propel herself forward and up, ever up. For once, she’s still, save for the thrashing in her throat. She breathes out. She rolls words around in her mouth: flashpoint, epiphany—whispers them like a prayer spoken to no one—lightning strike, catalyst. A thread pulled so taut, it cuts to marrow. Breathe in, breathe out. Keep the pace, hold the line. Adjust to the status quo. But the status quo has never looked so unappealing. Because, she realizes, if someone had asked her to paint the slope of a silver-blue throat, or the upturned palm of a scaled hand, she could do it with her eyes closed. She could do it in complete darkness, at the edge of existence. Of this she was nearly certain.
--- It had taken place in the corridors that stretch from one end of infinity to the next; a slicing wound driven between the ribs of the universe. And it had been innocuous, really—a passing glance, at first. And then an icy nod, the turn of a jaw towards the stale light. The brush of shoulders, and the ache that bloomed in her at the touch. Time wore on, kingdoms rose and fell. The sea drew towards the shore, Michael’s eyes drew towards a too-sharp mouth. In their own fragment of purgatory made heaven made something completely new, she and Dagon exchanged rasped whispers—hushed murmurings of a revolution.
The inferno in her gut grew, consumed, devoured. Years clawed past. It's important to note that angels, as imagined in most popular religious scripture, are exceptionally good at self-restraint. And for the most part, this is true. But those who wrote the holy texts never considered the canted slope of the devil’s mouth; they never imagined that the devil could be gentle, could press her palm to yours like a promise and speak new religion into being. And so, after what could have been eons or mere decades, they fell together, breath intermingling in the space that had become more sanctuary than abyss. Flashpoint, epiphany. It had been inevitable, really. Lightning strike, catalyst. They were two neutron stars collapsing in on themselves. Gravity, heat, the press of a sigh into her open mouth. The hunger that settled in the bottom of her gut. --- So when Gabriel walks into her office, head held high and grinning, Michael swallows it all down. She chokes it back, feels all the love she has for her demon lodge in her throat and stay there.
Of course, she could open her mouth now to speak and have it all tumble out onto the floor. She could Fall—had Fallen already, in a sense, the world pitching around her with the weight of all she wanted but could not have. The muscles of her back ached, wings flickering somewhere in the aether, thrashing like an augury. Like an omen. Let it ache, she thought. Let it wound me, infect me, take me down. If this is my destruction, so be it. Beneath the desk, the blade in her hand glittered like a piranha’s open mouth. Maybe Heaven needed a little shaking up, after all.
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Hour 15 and I am so tired and sore. Fucking pray for me dudes.
Time Loop au - Over the Edge And Over Again
Narinder can hardly believe what his former vessel turned usurper is saying yet…
It makes too much sense.
The way their battles against the Bishops were like child’s play to them. A dance they had performed and perfected over the course of countless cycles.
The way they knew avoid giving him the same thing over and over.
The way they barely glanced at the options he provided them and selected the most complimentary ones to best make the cult not only survive but thrive.
He’d thought it was talent rather than a cultivated skill.
He still fumed at the fact his crown had been stolen, but seeing his vessel near hysterics was such a violent upheaval in the way he viewed them along with the way he could still feel the vibrant devotion still pouring off them.
Honestly, even after he slit their throat and watched them resurrect with little issue, he still wanted his crown back but…
And yet…
…Thoughts for another time as he glared down at his vessel turned god.
“Get up. No matter the circumstance, you have taken my place as the God of Death. You have a cult to attend to rather than focus your attention upon one… follower.” He spat the last word out even as his former servant snapped their head up.
“I didn’t want this! Please! You have to believe me, my Div-“
Narinder cut them off. No god would survive calling and still worshipping another, let alone a mortal. “Silence! Go do your duty. Leave me to think about the revelation you have told me.”
Awkwardly, they got to their feet, dark eyes watery and pleading. They had only ever looked at him like that once, in the visit before the battle. Had they planned it for that long? How many cycles had they tried to usurper him for?
He turned away from them and he could almost feel the devastation radiate from them. The fool.
“There are robes in the chest for you. I hope the fit but they can be altered if needs be. The hut has running water and a private bathing area. I can bring you food later if you’d like or you can eat with the flock later. I’ll make sure you have your privacy for now.” They said quietly and left with a quiet thud of the door.
Narinder hadn’t expected plumbing. Nor clothing specifically for him.
He stalked over to the chest and flung it open. Thick white robes with beautifully dyed streak of red down the middle met him. Embroidered around the edges were symbols of loyalty, devotion and worship from the Old Faith. It thrummed with magicks of protection, warmth and comfort. It must’ve taken months at least to do the intricate embroidery and the material…
It was wool. Wool taken and carefully spun into such a soft yarn, it was likely no other ever had or would ever have something like this again.
Just what was the Lamb thinking? Why would they do such a thing and yet take his crown?
He ignored the idea that they had exhausted every other option. Because that would mean they had bowed to him every time and still been unable to break the cycle.
That only way out had been to take the Red Crown and yet they had still tried to find another way first.
Because devotion like that… was unparalleled.
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antiqueanimals · 1 year
love u guys a lot so im finally biting the bullet and backtracking thru 17k+ posts to fix all of the old tags i half-assed when i first started this blog
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