#chris silber
littlesolo · 1 year
Words from Chris Silber and Noah Evslin About 2x15 Good Samaritan
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wehaveagathering · 3 months
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Matt Rempe // b. June 29, 2002 Derek Boogaard // b. June 23, 1982; d. May 13, 2011 Chris Simon // b. January 30, 1972; d. March 18, 2024
Rest in peace, Chris Simon.
Like You, Roque Dalton; translated by Jack Hirschman.
Michael Mooney / Tim Nwachukwu / Jared Silber / [screengrab] / Michael Mooney / Joshua Sarner / Len Redkoles / Jared Silber / Sarah Stier / Joshua Sarner / Michael Mooney / Chris Tanouye / Andre Ringuette / Paul Bereswill / Bruce Bennett / Bruce Kluckhohn / Jim McIsaac
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ncisladaily · 2 months
Coming up on a year since NCIS: Los Angeles’ swan song, Daniela Ruah pulls double duty this Monday, April 15, during CBS‘ NCIS line-up.
First up, Ruah reprises her role as Special Agent Kensi Deeks (via an MTAC video conference) during the NCIS franchise’s milestone 1,000th episode, which airs at 9/8c as an episode of NCIS. Then at 10 pm that night, you have the NCIS: Hawai’i episode “The Next Thousand,” which Ruah directed. (Ruah previously directed a half-dozen NCIS: LA episodes, as well as the recent NCIS episode about a kidnapped fiancé.)
TVLine hopped on the phone with Ruah to ask our No. 1 burning question about her NCIS “1,000” cameo, and then talk up her helming of the NCIS: Hawai’i episode about a U.S. Army SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) training exercise on the Big Island that turns extremely deadly.
TVLINE | First of all, because Kensi dials into MTAC from her car during the NCIS franchise’s 1,000th episode, I need to know: Did you film your scene while you were in a drop-off line? [Laughs] No, I actually filmed that while I was directing in Hawaii. They were like, “Can we fit this into your schedule?” and we were like, “Well, we can’t make it look like I’m in Hawaii.” So, we had to go back and look at pictures of what Kensi’s car looked like to try and get something as similar as possible, to look like Kensi is in her car. I couldn’t even remember, to be honest with you, what brand she drove — I was so immersed in the Hawaii episode – but listen, I wouldn’t have it any other way. To be invited to be a part of the 1,000th episode was such an honor. It’s too big of a deal.
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TVLINE | Turning to NCIS: Hawai’i, the episode they gave you to direct is crazy intense. Once you saw what it was going to be, were you charged up? First of all, the fact that all three showrunners wrote it, Jan [Nash], Matt [Bosack] and Chris [Silber], that right there tells you that there’s probably going to be, you know, a little more craziness, or it’ll be more out-of-the-box. I don’t know why, but I always perceive that when a showrunner writes something, they get extra creative.
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TVLINE | I think about the specific challenges that this episode must have presented you as director, and not only is almost all of it outdoors, but it’s in the jungle. Did you have to learn anything new in that respect? Yeah — wear long pants and long sleeves, and bring mosquito spray. [Laughs] No, every time I direct something, even if it was still on [NCIS: LA], you’re always learning new things. Here I’m working with a new crew, with a new director of photography, so everybody’s going to teach you new things. Even stunts — when Tennant gets [spoiler], they said, “Here are things that we could do…,” which then allowed me to get creative with the way it was shot.
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TVLINE | My next question was actually going to ask, where was that area of volcanic rock? Because it made for some stunning shots. That’s a place called the Lānaʻi Lookout — and there’s water right behind those rocks. I mean, we were literally on the ocean, so we had to adjust the camera angles to hide the water. Like, you shoot one inch to the left or to the right, and all of a sudden you’re exposing the fact that you’re actually not in this barren, isolated area. That’s the strategy and the magic and the figuring out that I have to do as a director.
TVLINE | The episode opens closes with some nice scenes between Tennant and Kate (played by Tori Anderson), which is a character dynamic the fans enjoy. What were you looking to capture there? First of all, [Vanessa and Tori] are both absolute sweethearts, and they have such amazing chemistry in real life, so it’s not a hard thing to do scenes with them. But yeah, you get this contrast of a character, Tennant, who is experienced and can improvise and who has kind of “seen it all,” versus a newer agent who’s really eager to do well, but she’s super by-the-book.
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TVLINE | The Sam/Kate scenes are also interesting because — and this didn’t dawn on me until Kate mentioned it herself — they hadn’t really interacted yet. Exactly. Yeah, I love that conversation that Kate and Sam have at the desk when she’s just kind of struggling to figure things out, and he tells a little story of his own past and his own experience….
TVLINE | Sam specifically shares with Kate some advice he once got from an agent “much wiser” than him. I tried Googling the line he says, but came up empty. Was it from any NCIS: LA episode? Maybe it was Hetty…? I know that there is one Easter egg [in the episode] from Gibbs, and so maybe the other one was Hetty. Maybe. I’m not sure!
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ncisfranchise-source · 3 months
Stars and creatives from the original NCIS series as well as all four offshoots — NCIS: Los Angeles, NCIS: New Orleans, NCIS: Hawai’i and NCIS: Sydney — were on hand for a celebration of the well-watched franchise’s 1,000th overall episode, which began filming on Monday.
The full NCIS cast plus co-showrunners Steven D. Binder and David North were joined on the “big orange room” set by visiting NCIS: LA alum Chris O’Donnell and (appearing via Zoom) onetime NCIS: New Orleans front man Scott Bakula (currently in New York for the Broadway musical The Connector), the NCIS: Hawai’i cast (congregated in their own HQ) and NCIS: Sydney leads Olivia Swann and Todd Lasance.
Other network and studio brass on hand for the major, four-digit milestone — which will air as the seventh episode of NCIS Season 21, on Monday, April 15 — included NCIS EP Charles Johnson, CBS Entertainment president Amy Reisenbach, CBS Studios president David Stapf and NCIS: Hawai’i co-showrunner Christopher Silber, each of whom spoke at length about the “special sauce” that has fueled the franchise’s ongoing success. (NCIS: Hawai’i co-showrunner Jan Nash appeared remotely.)
Binder in his speech referred to the procedurals’ reputation in some circles as being “simple” shows, but then spoke of how they are all programs a family can enjoy together. To crystalize his point: “‘I love The Handmaid’s Tale! I watch it with my grandmother,’ said no one ever.”
North stepped forth to recall how when he was a production assistant on NCIS‘ sire, he asked JAG co-EP Charles Johnson, “‘Could I be a PA on [the spinoff]?’ And Charles said to me, ‘You know what, David? I’ll move you over there, but you have to understand that in Hollywood, shows like this usually don’t last.’ But I think deep down, Charles knew this one would.”
So, how does one possibly do justice to such a big number, in an episode of the mothership? TVLine spoke with Binder and North about the grand Episode 1,000 plan.
“One of our own beloved characters is going to end up in grave danger, and you’re go to see all of the different franchises brought into this in a little bit of a different way,” said North. Added Binder, “There’ll be a personal storyline, and this one will circle around Director [Leon] Vance,” played by series vet Rocky Carroll.
Along the way, fans can be assured, “We’re going to play plenty of homage to the past,” said North. “Were hoping to put some Easter eggs for longtime fans of the show…,” Binder teased. And some might be very teeny-tiny eggs.
“If you’re watching it in 4K, you might have to blow somethings things up,” the EP quipped, “but they’re going to be there.”
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christianuss · 11 months
Kurzgeschichte "Die Verwesung" - CHRIS
Die Verwesung zog den Mund des Toten auseinander, er blieb offen hängen. Was davor noch war so friedlich schlafend, das wurde weiß wie Schimmel und Nebel. Immer leerer wurde der Körper, immer leerer wurde das vergangene Leben des Toten. Die Ärzte rissen lachend an sich, was an sich gerissen werden konnte. Sei es Fleisch, Blut und Knochen. Und Gnade schien hier keiner richtig in Besitz zu haben.
Die zuvor noch eiskalte Haut des umgekommenen Sterblichen wurde spürbar am ganzen leblosen Leibe und wache der Tote nun wohl auf, so wärme er sich kaum mehr. Das seine ist nun nicht mehr seins und wörtlich hatte er nicht nur sein Leben verloren.
Die Ärzte wurden zu Köchen, die ihre Suppe auslöffelten, bis nichts mehr darin übrig blieb. Piraten, die aus der fremden Schatztruhe das Gold und Silber kaperten… 
Ganz wie ins Gespräch vertieft sammelten sich - gleich wie Worte - die Innereien des Toten auf dem Tische der Ärzte zusammen. Wie ein Festmahl der Unterwelt glich der Arbeitstisch einem Friedhof aus Körper und Seele. Der Boden sah einem Schlachtfeld zweier Verlierer immer ähnlicher, ein Ozean aus rotem Nass, der weiterfließt wie ein Bach im tiefen Wald. Die Hände der Ärzte stellten Mörder dar, die weißen Flächen waren nun nicht mehr weiß. Und Leben gab es in dem Raum nun um eines weniger.
Doch so amüsant die Arbeit der Mediziner auch war, irgendwann war auch wieder Schluss. Und so fanden sich Darm und Leber in einer desinfizierten und sterilisierten Kiste wieder.
Und kaum waren die Männer in den weißen Kitteln verschwunden, so begann alles nahezu von neuem. Doch dieses Mal sah alles anders aus. Der tote Körper lag nach wie vor auf dem Tisch, ganz alleine, friedlich schlafend. Und dennoch fehlte, je mehr man hinsah, immer mehr des Leblosen, immer weitere Merkmale verschwanden und irgendwann mal auch verschwand der Menschenkörper und wurde zu ebenso weißem Staub wie es seine Haut einmal gewesen war…
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yuleshootureye · 11 months
"One Day More" by Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil & Herbert Kretzmer from Les Miserables Scene Written and Directed by Robert Bartley Staged by Robert Bartley & Lauren Gemelli Costume Design by Nicole Zausmer Orchestrated by Nick Wilders Arranged & Conducted by Ted Arthur
Performed by Philippe Arroyo, Bradley Dean, Jeigh Madjus, Ellyn Marie Marsh, Chris McCarrell, Turner Riley, Alexandra Silber and Paul C. Vogt with Charles Barksdale, Marissa Bregande, Kate Coffey, Emily Croft, Javier Ignacio, Gabriella Joy, Sarah Kleist, David LaMarr, Kevin Loreque, Sean McGee, Amma Osei, Lukas Poost, Kevin Reed, Danielle Erin Rhodes, Janelle Farias Sando, Molly Stilliens, Esteban Suero and Mark William
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theart2rock · 26 days
Freedom Call - Silver Romance
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Ein Albumtitel, der in zweierlei Hinsicht perfekt passt: "Silver Romance" heißt die neueste Veröffentlichung der süddeutschen Melodic Power Metaller Freedom Call. Der Titel steht nicht nur für das 25-jährige Bandjubiläum - von Sänger/Gitarrist und Bandgründer Chris Bay augenzwinkernd als "unsere Silberhochzeit" bezeichnet - sondern bezieht sich auch auf den Inhalt der Platte: "Dem Edelmetall Silber werden Eigenschaften wie Klarheit, Freiheit und Leichtigkeit zugeschrieben", erklärt Bay und fügt hinzu: "Silver Romance' wird auch nachgesagt, dass es das Selbstvertrauen und die Fantasie stärkt. Alles Eigenschaften, die auch auf Freedom Call zutreffen und die wir in unser neues Material einfließen lassen, sowohl musikalisch als auch textlich", Chris Bay und seine Bandkollegen Lars Rettkowitz (Gitarre), Francesco Ferraro (Bass) und Ramy Ali (Schlagzeug), der aus einer privaten Auszeit zurückgekehrt ist, haben für "Silver Romance" mehr als ein Dutzend neuer Songs aufgenommen. Ohne zu viel zu verraten: Das Ergebnis ist das bisher vielfältigste und bunteste Album in der Bandgeschichte. "Silver Romance" wird ab dem 10. Mai 2024 auf CD und als digitaler Download bei Steamhammer/SPV erhältlich sein, und nur wenige Tage später starten Bay und Co. ihre Konzertaktivitäten für 2024. Um die Wartezeit bis dahin zu verkürzen, werden bereits vor der Albumveröffentlichung vier Vorab-Singles veröffentlicht, beginnend am 21. Februar mit dem Titeltrack Silver Romance" inklusive Making-of-Video, gefolgt von In Quest of Love" und High Above" am 20. März bzw. 10. April, jeweils inklusive Lyric-Clips. Zwei Tage vor dem Erscheinen des Albums, am 8. Mai 2024, wird die neue Single "Supernova" veröffentlicht, die von einem großartigen Video begleitet wird und das Quartett der Singles abrundet. 1. Silver Romance 2. Symphony of Avalon 3. Supernova 4. Infinity 5. Out of Space 6. Distant Horizon 7. In Quest of Love 8. Blue Giant 9. Meteorite 10. Big Bang Universe 11. New Haven 12 High Above 13. Metal Generation - Chris Bay (Vocals) - Lars Rettkowitz (Guitar) - Francesco Ferraro (Bass) - Ramy Ali (Drums) Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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tvsmovies · 2 years
Watch Free Full 1408
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Release Date : 06/22/2007 (US)Category : HorrorProduction : Country : USRate : Cast : John Cusack,Samuel L. Jackson,Mary McCormack,Jasmine Jessica Anthony,Tony Shalhoub,Alexandra Silber,Noah Lee Margetts,William Armstrong,Paul Birchard,A man who specializes in debunking paranormal occurrences checks into the fabled room 1408 in the Dolphin Hotel. Soon after settling in, he confronts genuine terror.A man who specializes in debunking paranormal occurrences checks into the fabled room 1408 in the Dolphin Hotel. Soon after settling in, he confronts genuine terror.“The Kingdom” is a film that manages to completely miss one mark, while absolutely hitting it right in the center of another.This Peter Berg-directed film falls short in its attempt to be a ripped-from-the-headlines type drama, yet manages to salvage itself if you take it for what it is - a standard action flick that just happens to be set in an exotic location.“The Kingdom” begins with a terrorist attack on an American housing compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. At first the U.S. government is content with maintaining protocol and letting the Saudi Arabian government handle the investigation.That decision doesn’t sit well with FBI special agent Ronald Fleury (Jamie Foxx), so he negotiates a secret five-day trip to assist with the investigation.Once in Riyadh, Fleury and his team of investigators (Chris Cooper, Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman) quickly discover that they are not wanted and their investigation is stifled by local protocol.Fleury’s crew eventually finds an ally, a Saudi colonel (Ashraf Barhoum), who is willing to help them catch the people responsible for the bombing.Foxx is pretty dynamic in the lead, showing his versatility as an actor. The rest of the cast is spotty: Cooper is underutilized, Garner is seemingly out of place and Jeremy Piven is unable to bring anything to his character, a U.S. diplomat who comes off as a caricature.Matthew Michael Carnahan’s screenplay tries to make a statement about current U.S./Middle Eastern relations, but the message feels preachy and doesn’t really offer a fresh point of view. It also doesn’t fit to Berg’s strengths as a director.What does fit Berg’s strength is his keen eye for action and “The Kingdom” has that down to a T. When the film hits its stride in the final third, with an extended chase sequence, “The Kingdom” really kicks it into another gear.“The Kingdom” isn’t quite up to the high standards set by the Bourne franchise, but it is still good enough to make it a film that action fans will appreciate.DVD dandy of the weekThis week’s dandy is “1408” (B-), the thriller based on the Stephen King short story that manages to entertain, despite a less than satisfying final act.John Cusack stars as Mike Enslin, a writer who specializes in debunking paranormal occurrences.His latest target is room 1408 in the Dolphin Hotel, a room in which numerous guests have mysteriously died within an hour of checking in.Enslin is convinced that the deaths are just coincidenc
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Watch Free Full 1408
Watch Free Full 1408
e and the whole idea of the room being haunted is merely a myth, but his skepticism quickly fades after he enters 1408.“1408” is essentially staged like a one-act play, with Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson (as the hotel’s manager) as the main characters. Cusack is pretty effective as Enslin, capturing the character’s cynicism and eventual free-fall into madness.For the first three-quarters of the film, “1408” really zips along and is one of the more entertaining thrillers in recent memory. But the film really starts to fall apart in the final act, unsure how to conclude Enslin’s journey. The final result is less than satisfying, although it’s still not enough to totally dismiss “1408” as a complete misfire.“1408” is rated PG-13 for thematic material including disturbing sequences of violence and terror, frightening images and language and will be available Tuesday on DVD.Success! An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup.Error! There w
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freelancertamal32 · 2 years
NEWYou can now hearken to Fox News articles! New York Rangers defenseman Ryan Lindgren missed three video games within the first-round collection towards the Pittsburgh Penguins within the Stanley Cup playoffs however made all of the distinction when he returned.Lindgren suffered a lower-body harm in Game 1 of the collection and missed Games 2-4. The Rangers misplaced Game 1 in extra time and managed to win Game 2 earlier than shedding Games 3 and 4 by a purpose differential of minus-7. CLICK HERE FOR MORE SPORTS COVERAGE ON FOXNEWS.COM New York Rangers defenseman Ryan Lindgren towards the Pittsburgh Penguins on May 11, 2022, at Madison Square Garden in New York City. (Rich Graessle/Icon Sportswire through Getty Images)In his return in Game 5, Lindgren scored an empty-net purpose to seal the win and preserve New York’s playoff possibilities alive. He would decide up a degree on an help to Mika Zibanejad in Game 6 because the Rangers shocked the Penguins on the highway 5-3. He would end plus-1 within the deciding Game 7 win.Throughout the collection, Lindgren’s teammates praised the defenseman’s efforts and underscored simply how vital he's to the group."That’s simply the form of participant he's," Chris Kreider stated of Lindgren’s efficiency in Game 5, through the New York Post.  "That’s simply how he’s constructed. I don’t assume we anticipated something much less, however on the identical time, I feel the correct phrase is inspiring. He’s a warrior. He’s the form of man that you simply need to be in a foxhole with you. Ryan Lindgren of the New York Rangers strains up for a face-off within the Stanley Cup Playoffs towards the Penguins on May 13, 2022, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Kirk Irwin/Getty Images)RANGERS' HISTORIC STANLEY CUP PLAYOFF FEAT AGAINST PENGUINS UNDERSCORES RESILIENCY"You know, it was terrific to get him again within the lineup and to see him play the way in which he did. He’s an enormous a part of this group. Huge half, I imply, on the ice and within the locker room."Lindgren’s empty-net purpose was the primary of his playoff profession.New York acquired the younger defenseman within the Rick Nash commerce with the Boston Bruins in 2018. He’s simply one of many Rangers’ acquisitions who've paid dividends within the collection. Mika Zibanejad of the New York Rangers smiles after a 4-3 extra time win towards the Pittsburgh Penguins within the Stanley Cup playoffs at Madison Square Garden on May 15, 2022, in New York City. (Jared Silber/NHLI through Getty Images)Artemi Panarin, the extremely touted signing from the Columbus Blue Jackets a number of years in the past, scored the game-winning purpose in Game 7 to push previous the Penguins. Zibanejad was acquired by the Ottawa Senators for a draft decide and Darick Brassard. The group acquired Jacob Trouba from the Winnipeg Jets in 2019.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPAll 4 gamers had been amongst those that contributed to the collection win over the Penguins.
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Tatort Münster – Gott ist auch nur ein Mensch Produktion: Molina Film Regie: Lars Jessen Drehbuch: Christoph Silber & Thorsten Wettcke Darsteller: Axel Prahl, Jan Josef Liefers Sender: WDR Drehort: Köln, Münster Drehzeit: 08.06.2017 - 10.07.2017
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silvcrsoul-a · 6 years
starmarkcd replied to your post:
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His job here is done.
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warrocketpodcast · 2 years
Show Notes 5/23/22
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On this week's episode, we're chatting with writer Greg Silber about interviewing Grant Morrison for PanelxPanel on the topic of metafiction! That's right: An interview about an interview! We also talk about defining metafiction, our favorite Grant comics, what it's like to meet them in person, and a whole lot more! Plus, Matt and Chris answer a listener question about the Wayne family!
The rundown:
Follow Greg on Twitter!
You can buy the PanelxPanel metafiction issue right here!
And here’s the SDCC panel Greg moderated!
Go to manscaped.com and use the offer code AJAX to get 20% off and free shipping!
Chris’ check and rec: Wedding anniversary, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
Matt’s check and rec: Defunctland’s Garfield video, Kendrick Lamar’s Mr. Morale and the Big Steppers
Comics reviewed:
I Hate This Place #1
Batman: The Knight #5
World’s Finest #3
Listen here!
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josjournal · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Sheriff Stilinski, Talia Hale, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Melissa McCall, Chris Argent, Allison Argent, Kate Argent, Gerard Argent, Original Characters, Erica Reyes, Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, Derek Hale's Father, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: The Hale Family (Teen Wolf) Lives, Hunter Stiles Stilinski, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Full Shift Werewolves, Hunters, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Character Death, Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski are the Same Age, (Well close), Scents & Smells, Hunter Lore, Nemeton, Don't copy to another site Series: Part 9 of A Very Sterek Spring 2021 Summary:
Stiles Silber became the Hunter Wunderkind before he turned ten years old.
Then his parents were killed and he was taken in by a kind Sheriff and everything changed.
Written for @averysterekspring Themes: Hunt/Hunter and Scent.
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The Episode Is Part of a Three-Hour Special “NCISverse” Crossover Event with “NCIS” and “NCIS: Los Angeles”
“Deep Fake” – Tennant, Jimmy Palmer (Brian Dietzen) and Sam Hanna (LL COOL J) find themselves captured by a woman claiming to be a CIA agent demanding intel from the team. Also, Jesse, Ernie, Whistler and Alden Parker (Gary Cole) learn about an asset that arrived in Hawai’i who could be connected to several overseas assassinations, on the CBS Original series NCIS: HAWAI’I, Monday, Jan. 2 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.* NCIS stars Gary Cole, Brian Dietzen and NCIS: LOS ANGELES stars Chris O’Donnell and LL COOL J guest star in the episode, which is part two of a three-episode crossover event with NCIS and NCIS: LOS ANGELES.
Vanessa Lachey
(Special Agent in Charge Jane Tennant)
Alex Tarrant
(Kai Holman)
Noah Mills
(Jesse Boone)
Yasmine Al-Bustami
(Lucy Tara)
Jason Antoon
(Ernie Malik)
Tori Anderson
(Kate Whistler)
Kian Talan
(Alex Tennant)
Chris O’Donnell
Gary Cole
Brian Dietzen
Dawn Olivieri
James Morrison
Maya Stojan
Luke Deal
(G. Callen)
(Sam Hanna)
(Alden Parker)
(Dr. Jimmy Palmer)
(Melina Delvin)
(Norman Dell)
(Other Melina/Morgan Miller)
(Black Site Guard #1)
WRITTEN BY: Christopher Silber
DIRECTED BY: Jimmy Whitmore
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CBS’ formidable NCIS drama franchise is on an expansion course again. Deals are still being finalized, but I hear that the network is developing NCIS: Hawaii, a new installment in the hit procedural franchise.
Created/executive produced by NCIS: New Orleans executive producers/showrunner Christopher Silber and Jan Nash as well as SEAL Team writer-producer Matt Bosack, the project is expected to feature a new team based in Hawaii. Unlike fellow offshoots NCIS: Los Angeles and NCIS: New Orleans, I hear there are no current plans for NCIS: Hawaii to be introduced as a planted spinoff from one of the other NCIS series. CBS and the studio behind the NCIS franchise, CBS Studios, declined comment.
If NCIS: Hawaii goes to series and the existing NCIS series all get renewed, NCIS could join Law & Order as the second drama franchise with four series on the air at the same time. Word of the new NCIS installment comes as CBS’ other blockbuster crime drama franchise, CSI, is plotting a comeback with a revival series, CSI: Vegas, which is nearing a green light. It would be the fifth CSI installment following the original series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, as well as CSI: Miami, CSI: New York and CSI: Cyber.
The NCIS franchise launched with the 2003 mothership series starring Mark Harmon. Eighteen seasons in, it remains the most watched drama series on television. Spinoff NCIS: Los Angeles, headlined by LL Cool J and Chris O’Donnell, premiered in 2009 and is currently in its 12th season. The 2014 NCIS: New Orleans, now in Season 7, is headlined by Scott Bakula. The two offshoots have both been reliable utility players for CBS, with the entire franchise also generating sizable profits for CBS Studios via off-network and international sales.
With NCIS: Hawaii, CBS Studios would utilize the extensive production base on the islands built for Hawaii Five-0. While that series was still on the air, CBS added a second Hawaii-based drama series from CBS Studios, Magnum PI, which would create potential crossover opportunities with NCIS: Hawaii. NCIS: Los Angeles previously did a Hawaiian episode as part of a 2012 crossover episode with Hawaii Five-0. It featured stars LL Cool J and O’Donnell visiting the 50th state as part of a case (photo above).
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h50europe · 3 years
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via #TVLine #ncishawaii Matt Bosack (SEAL Team) penned the pilot along with NCIS: New Orleans‘ Jan Nash and Chris Silber. All three will serve as EPs. Larry Teng (Supergirl, SEAL Team) will direct and EP. https://tvline.com/2021/04/23/ncis-hawaii-series-order-cbs-premiere-date/
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