#chongyun nii
snxxiao · 3 years
hello so I just read the Yun fic and omg ily and your writing heuk it made me think of cockwarming yun nii-san while being overstim and full of him omg I'm going to hell 💀 will there be a part two to it? idm either way but holy crap you and your writings are absolute gold
Hello beautiful nonnie!! Thank you so much!! You have such a big brain I stg!! Chongyun-nii forcing you to sit on his lap taking his cock so well while he sits in a haunted house waiting to exercise a spirit is,,,,; a good thought :3 hopefully you will take a little drabble as an offering to the big brain gods, amen
Sorry this took me a hot minute I started reading the jjk manga and now I can’t stop
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Chongyun x f! reader
Warnings: incest, cockwarming, overstimulation, vaginal sex, semi-public (?), slight manipulation if you squint (all characters are over the age of 18!!)
Dark content warning
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Chongyun never thought himself the type to be cruel, no, he always himself to be the type of big brother that was kind and compassionate. To always make you feel the very best that he could. To take care of you. To make sure your lives were perfect together.
It was his job, wasn’t it? His responsibility?
But as he was sitting there, your tight walls clamping so desperately around his thick unmoving cock, your tiny form shaking and babbling filled with nothing but the thoughts of him, he couldn’t help himself from making you wait out just a bit longer. The gods were testing his kindness, they had to be.
Or maybe you deserved a bit of punishment just this once.
You did beg him to let you come to the haunted house with him even after all the times he had already told you no. You did interrupt him in the middle of his work just begging for him to touch your already soaking cunny. You should’ve known not to do those things, but you still did them anyway. He thought he had trained you better.
So maybe you deserved to be on fully display for any spirits still left in the house. Maybe you deserved being forced to sit on his cock for hours on end without a single tap to your puffy little clit. Maybe you deserved being stuffed so full you could hardly breathe without getting the slightest sign it would ever have an end. Maybe then you would listen to your nii-san like a good little sister.
Yeah, exactly, this was just a little bit of training to make you into an even better little sister. The perfect little sister he always knew you were.
“You just have to wait a little longer” he would tell you, brushing little strands of hair out of your desperate, pleading face. You nodded your head with all the strength you had left like a good girl. You would always listen to your Chongyun-nii, no matter how foggy and dizzy your brain felt.
But, Chongyun never was a nii-san known for telling the truth, was he? No, no he wasn’t.
So you sat there for hours and waited. Just like your nii-san told you to, just hoping and praying he might eventually take some sort of pitty on your sore little cunny, finally fucking you properly just like you wanted. To be filled up with him and his cum.
But alas your paradise never came, no matter how many times you sobbed or choked out a beg for him , he always just reassured you, telling you good girls waited. And you so desperately wanted to be a good girl that you listened no matter how shaky or sensitive your body became. You would do whatever you could to make him happy.
Little did you know though, he was already happy beyond belief. And it was all because of you, his perfect little sister<3
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Have an amazing day!!
if this request wasn’t about chongyun this is rlly awkward
before you leave a comment: I no longer post or really have a passion for writing. I only go on tumblr every couple of months just to see what’s going on with my friends. I wasn’t chased off the platform or anything, I just got burnt out and no longer had inspiration to write. I wrote dc to help me cope with trauma in the past. The reason it is still up is to help with people who may have had similar experiences to my own to help them cope as well. If you don’t enjoy dc, please do not leave any rude/hateful comments on my or other creators posts. Just block tags that make you uncomfortable and move on. Thank you. I hope you have an amazing day :)
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athela-3 · 3 years
Why, hello there~
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Okaeri, Chigane! Now, only gotta acquire Hizen once his SI rolls up, and I'd have gotten every single wakizashi in the game~
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reilliane · 3 years
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The Archives encase all known seals of known tomes and scrolls found in the Atelier. Additionally, regular moonchildren who come upon the place have their names written on parchment.
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Anons: 🐸,🥞,🥀,🦧,🧸,✨,🌸,🥚,🌿,👀,🍓,🐱,🧦,🐱‍💻,🐈‍, fruit, primo, albedo, venti, hummingbird, nii
queued - pretty self-explanatory lolol
moonlitchat - answering asks
moonlitrambles - rambling/brainstorming
moonlitartem - all artworks
moonlitspecials - exclusive ficlets (Rerun/SAGAU Self-Aware)
moonlitmutuals - answering mutuals' asks
moonlitwips - sneak peeks for future/upcoming works/ficlets
m-voicelines - characters' voicelines about MC/[Name] in a specific universe (Astrolabe/Tyranny/Absconder/Violet/etc)
m-i.quotes - incorrect quotes
m-shorts - all bonus shorts
m+(universe) - all bonus shorts in (universe) (ex: m-vigil, m-violet)
AVAILABLE UNIVERSES as of now - tyranny, absconder, vigil, sister!, mischief, fleur, remedy
m+(character name) - all bonus shorts/ideas about (character)
AVAILABLE CHARACTERS as of now - xiao, chongyun, kazuha, heizou
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DISCLAIMER: Genshin Impact and its characters do not belong to me. Only plots for the ficlets/scenarios.
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tartagliadevotee · 3 years
Can I send this Chongyun nii x reader fic I read??
yes pls <3
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snxxiao · 3 years
omg ur yunnie fics- im addicted > < imagine yun going out for a commission and having xingqiu take care of us ahh > >
Hello my beautiful amazing nonnie,,,, I have,,, many thoughts about this that I would like to share with the class thank you
(Hope you don’t mind but I did it half bullet lost half drabble also it got really long??? Idk how that happened. This is my first bullet point thing so I hope it’s not too bad!!)
(Also sorry it took me awhile to reply to this I did not see it in my inbox :< )
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xingqiu x f! reader (chongyun-nii x f! reader)
warnings: dubcon, incest, pseudo-incest, harassment, mind break, manipulation, vaginal sex, coercion, predator prey dynamics, groping, xingqiu is a pervert, lack of prep, unwanted touching, praise, a little degradation, lmk if theres anything else!! (Everyone is over the age of 18!!)
dark content warning - all characters are over the age of 18
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Okay, so I personally hc Xingqiu as very pervy with are hard incest kink just like the rest of us even though he doesn’t look like it (im telling yall anytime theres a guy with a noble family line I always hc them with an incest/ nii-san kink) if only he had his own little sister, then he wouldn’t have to use chongyuns :,(
-Chongyun hated leaving you home alone, he really did
-It made him so anxious :(
-Would you be safe? You wouldn’t do anything stupid right? Would you eat properly? What if someone broke in? What if a demon got you?
-He didn’t know what he would do if the latter happened. he’d probably go crazy
-He figured he just cared about you too much, that’s why it made him so nervous. But how couldn’t he care about you? You were his sweet little sister.
-That’s why when his best friend suggested he could just watch you, Chongyun was overjoyed!
-How could he have not thought of this before? He had no idea
-Instead of worrying about his baby sister, he could just leave him with Xingqiu! Then he wouldn’t have to worry about the two of you at all! You could be nice, safe, and protected. Not to mention someone would be there if you acted up
-It seemed like the perfect idea!
-However, little did Chongyun know, Xingqiu was just as interested in you as your big brother was
-Ever since Xingqiu first saw you, he was enamored
-How could he not be? Chongyun saw it too. That’s why he never let you go
-You were perfect in every single way. Your cute little laugh, your adorable habits, your innocence, your kindness. Everything was just.. beautiful
-So, while Chongyun believed he was leaving you in the good, caring, capable hands of his best friend, you had a feeling all the opposite
-You always got strange vibes from Xingqiu, yet you never knew why!
-Maybe it was how he made you to call him nii-san
-Maybe it was how he always teased you
-Maybe it was the looks he gave you across the room. Like he was the predator,  you the prey
-Maybe it was that one time he lifted up your skirt and looked at your little white panties. How him and Chongyun just laughed it off as Xingqiu teasing you, trying to get an adorable reaction out of you
-You really had no clue about what made you feel so off about him :/
-Your brother always told you that Xingqiu didn’t mean anything by the things he did, and Chongyun was never wrong
-So, when he told you Xingqiu would be watching you while he was gone, your entire body tensed up
- You tried to ask Chongyun to let you stay home alone, but he didn’t allow it, he was worried something bad would happen to you! You didn’t want your big brother to worry did you? If you did that would be really bad, and you’re not a bad girl are you?
-Of course you’re not. You’re a good girl. That’s why Yunnie loves you so much.
-So, you bit back your complaints, what was the worst that could happen, right?
-When the day finally came and Chongyun left, you had high hopes. You didn’t even know what put you off of him before! Everyone deserved a chance right? Especially someone your nii-san trusted so much....
Tonight was the night. The night you had been worried about for weeks. You told yourself not to be so nervous, you told yourself it would all be fine. But how could you really be sure? You tried to push away bad thoughts. Chongyunnie wouldn’t want you worrying like that. He didn’t like when you had negative thoughts. He just wanted you to be happy and safe!
Chongyun was just worried about you, he was just trying to be a good nii-san, watching out for his darling little sister. However, something in the pit of your stomach told you to be careful.  All those past encounters with Xingqiu that Chongyun just laughed off made you extremely… embarrassed..
He always made you embarrassed.
Even now, when you found yourself on the couch, awkwardly twiddling your thumbs as he sat there staring at you, a pleased smile resting on his lips. It made you nervous; caused your cheeks to flush, made you try to avoid eye contact. However, for some reason, whenever you looked away he clicked his tongue like he was disapproving of what you did. Like what you were doing was wrong.
You didn’t like looking at him, but you hated being bad more. You were good. Your brother always taught you that above all else. So, you looked back over to him once again, but just couldn’t handle looking into his eyes. So, where did your eyes just happen to migrate to? His lap, of course.
You didn’t see anything wrong with it. You weren’t even thinking any dirty thoughts! But Xingqiu had other ideas. He took one look at your flushed face staring right into his lap and took it as a sign of interest. A sign you wanted him just as bad as he wanted you.
He always knew you did, you deserved him just like you deserved Chongyun-nii~
Most of the night continued like that, Xingqiu staring at you, trying to decide when best was to make his move while you tried to relieve the awkward tension resting high in the air.
At dinner he sat much too close for your liking and rested his hand high on your thigh while you tried desperately to make conversation. When you played board games he “accidentally” splashed water on you and then decided it was his job to help you dry off.
The peak of his antics began when it was finally your bedtime.
Chongyun was still gone, he said he probably wouldn’t be back until the next morning. He gave Xingqiu a strict schedule, which so far he had followed perfectly. It was planned for him to sleep in the guest bedroom; however, plans can change in an instant when your brothers’ best friend is dead set on having you for himself.
So, there you laid nestled under your blankets; cloaked in the warmth that your nii-san despised. For one night you would actually get to be warm while you slept! How lovely. You figured Xingqui would have finally decided to stop by now, it had been an hour or so since you last heard him stirring around the house.
Oh how wrong you would soon learn you were.
Another half hour overlapped on the clock when your door cracked open, a blue haired male standing in the doorway. It was passed your bedtime; you couldn’t let him know you were awake! You shut your eyes as tight as possible and leveled your breathing, hoping he would think your sleeping soundly.
You thought he was just checking up on you, you really did. Or maybe that was what you hoped. That was until you felt a body come behind yours in the bed, pulling himself under the blankets. Pressing himself against your back.
You wanted to make a sound, to freak out, but you didn’t want to be punished. Oh how scared of being bad you were. So, you kept your mouth shut and stayed as quiet as a mouse. Maybe the cat would leave you alone soon enough.
“Ahhhh~ it must be my lucky day.” Xingqiu said, beginning to kiss along the back of your neck, trailing his lips up to your ear, “my little mouse is fast asleep.” He spoke to himself in a pleased voice.
“Hmm. Or is she.” In a second his demeanor grew dark, his tone dropping down to one more cold and condescending. You had to keep pretending. He would definitely punish you if you were awake! You would just have to endure it. Chongyun did give him permission to punish you if you acted up.
Endure. Endure. Endure.
Don’t think about the hot breath on the back of your neck, or his soft lips kissing along your spine. Or his hand resting so gently against your hip, as if he thought he was going to break you. (He knew he couldn’t. He’s heard all about what your nii-san does to you.)  Don’t think about the soft chuckle he let out that sounded so pretty. Don’t think about the way hes biting your ear. It was almost like-
He wa biting your ear?
You weren’t expecting that. You really weren’t.
You let out a squeak in surprise before quickly covering your mouth with your hands. He knew you were awake now. There was no avoiding it.
“Ah, there my cute little girl is…” He began softly rubbing circles into your hip before abruptly stopping, “Oh no.. you’re awake.. and look at the time! that’s not good is it?” He chuckled. That couldn’t be good. Could it? Maybe if you just pretended to be asleep again the punishment would just vanish! You closed your eyes and laid limp again, only to be gently pinched on your hip. When you remained motionless, it seemed only to piss the male off. It earned you a rough tug of your hair, pulling you to face him.
That’s when you saw it. The disheveled appearance, the look in his eyes. Like he had finally caught his prey after years of stalking it. Catching the perfect meal
“Don���t be a bad girl. Its rude to ignore someone. You know that, don’t you mouse?”
When you didn’t respond, he gripped your jaw, forcing your mouth into a slight pout. “I said, don’t you know that? You aren’t stupid are you?”
You quickly shook your head, tears springing forward in your doll-like eyes. You probably shouldn’t make this worse than it was already going to be.
He smiled and released your jaw, soon patting your head gently to praise you. It felt nice to be praised by him… it wasn’t something you normally received from him.  Normally you only incurred his wrath.
“You know..” He changed the topic, seeming to switch back to a kinder persona, “I see the way you look at me…” he smiled to himself, “You want me just as much as I want you… want me just like you want your nii-san..” He spoke as he gently played with your hair.
You quickly shook your head, “Ah, it’s okay… you’re probably just worried right? Its okay, I can be your nii-san too. Then its all alright.” He smiled, moving his hand down to your inner thigh and beginning to rub circles into your skin once again. But you only roughly shook your head again.
“D-don’t want…” You stuttered anxiously. A light that appeared in his eyes died as his demeanor grew dark once more. This was a different side to him. A side of him you never saw before.
He was always so light and airy before tonight. What happened?
You happened of course. You had practically driven him to the brink of insanity! Didn’t you know that? You were teasing him all night! Just trying to get him to bite the hook that was dangling so close to him. It almost angered him, how you refused to admit it. Ahh, if you weren’t so cute he might’ve. But he couldn’t when your eyes were filled with tears, your face a bright shade of red. Your chest huffing up and down as you looked like a scared little bunny with its paw stuck in a wolfs trap. It was just too cute! Maybe you just didn’t understand.
He would make you understand.
He sat up in the bed, pulling the covers off both of you. He straddled your waist, pinning you down. Your arms quickly moved to shove him off, only to be pressed against the bed by one of his rough hands. With his other, he began to work on unbuttoning your night shirt.
“We both know that’s not true. I see the way you look at me. The way you let your mind wonder whenever I’m around, probably thinking of the filthiest things possible. Isn’t that right? I know It is. I hear you when I spend the night. Whimpering as your fucking yourself. You wouldn’t even try to be quiet. You wanted me to hear. You wanted me to come in and fix it, didn’t you?” He exhaled as he finally reached the last button, allowing your shirt to fall against the bed. You only whimpered.
He was wrong, he had to be wrong. You were only touching yourself to try and get Chongyunnie’s attention! Honest! None of that was true.. It couldn’t be… but.. maybe… maybe it was…
It made sense… you had to admit that it did. You didn’t have to think for yourself very much, Chongyun always told you what was right, after all. Maybe that’s why you never understood it. Maybe you were always embarrassed around him because you liked him. Maybe you wanted him to hear you begging for Chongyun to make him nervous. Maybe you liked when he teased you.
Or maybe you were just a foolish girl trying to make yourself believe something.
Either way the issue of him not being your nii-san stood in the way. Chongyun always told you that these types of things were only meant to be between a brother and a sister! How could he be wrong? He couldn’t, could he?
But Xingqiu did say he could be your nii-san too.. and that would make it okay. You didn’t know, you really didn’t. That was when you felt your panties being pushed to the side, your soaking wet cunny being exposed to the cool night air.
When you looked up at him, you noticed he had pulled his own pants down too, his pretty cock leaking at the sight of you. The tip was flushed red, ready to fill your needy hole full of nothing but him. Then your head wouldn’t have to worry about such things as if this were right or not. You could be his just like you both wanted.
“See. Look how ready you are for me…” He smiled down at you, almost like he was proud, “I’ll be a good nii-san for you. I’ll take perfect care of you.”
Maybe it was how nice it felt to be praised, maybe it was how high your little brain already felt, maybe it was how pretty his cock was, maybe it was because of how needy you were. or maybe it was actually because you liked him.
No matter what it was, it caused you to nod your head, caused you to give yourself to him.
With that little nod, he thrust into you, not giving you a moment to adjust to him.  Filling you fully to the brim and finally taking care of his little mouse. Fell right into the cat’s mouse trap.
You were his now too, whether your Chongyun-nii liked it or not. Maybe if he was filling nice he’d stop before Chongyun got home. Maybe he’d keep your little relationship a secret.
If only the gods permitted such a thing, right?
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Thank you for reading!! Have a lovely day!! Request whatever your little hearts desire!!
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snxxiao · 3 years
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chongyun x f! reader
Warnings: incest, corruption, manipulation, vaginal sex, oral (m! receiving), lying (both the reader and chongyun are over the age of 18!!)
Warning dark content ahead!! - all characters are over the age of 18
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Chongyun is the type of nii-chan to pretend to be as innocent as you, just to make corrupting you all the better. Of course, he knows this isn’t what siblings should be doing, but you don’t. And that makes you all the more perfect for him. He’s worked his whole life trying to keep spirits, and other humans (or as he calls them- demons) away from you. At some point he should reap his rewards, shouldn’t he?
Every little thing you’re worried about, he’s there to coax you through. It’s okay as your big brother says it is, right?
Of course, it is. You shouldn’t be worried; he would never hurt you would he? Of course, he’s sure this is okay. In fact, its only something you should do with your nii-chan. You two are doing this together aren’t you? He doesn’t mind teaching you how to kiss, teaching you how to move your head just right around his pretty cock. It’s okay that you’re worried! No, you don’t need any prep! Of course, it’s going to fit! You two were made for each other weren’t you? He promises with his whole heart that it won’t hurt at all~
After all it was “both” of your first times right? He knew you’d forgive him if you lied a little.
It really wasn’t your fault that you believed him, honest! You thought it was completely normal for a little sister to want only their nii-chan. He was the only one to take care of you, and that’s just what he’s doing right now too isn’t it? He’s just doing his job as your big brother; you know he would never do something that isn’t the right for you.
Plus, whatever he was doing was making you feel really good. Nothing has ever felt that good, even as he started to overheat and started slamming into your messy little cunny with everything he had, all you could think about was how amazing he felt. Your nii-chan- he was amazing, he had to be a wizard right. No matter how much it hurt, how much you were crying you never wanted to stop. You were gushing around him; your head was spinning, and it was all because of your nii-chan. How would you ever live without him now?
He knew you couldn’t. He always knew. No other man was good enough for his perfect little sister~ no one except for him!
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snxxiao · 3 years
Liyue Masterlist!!
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—lewding (#snx.xiao)
—latest: nsfw abc head canons (bcdgm)
—lewding (#snx.chongyun)
—latest: chongyun-nii (ii)
—lewding (#snx.zhongli)
—lewding (#snx.childe)
—latest: childe w/ crying s/o (nsfw)
—lewding (#snx.xingqiu)
—latest: taking care of chongyun’s sister 
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