#chilean hotdog
nicothejoe · 10 months
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"Duckberto (Psyduck) fulfilling his dream of having his own chilean hotdog cart in the big city, while serving his best client, a college Meowth, trying to don't give up and not drop out of college" . . . A drawing I made to participate in a contest on Instagram ^^
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hottdoggblogg · 1 year
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mxwhore · 11 months
Do you consider a hot dog a sandwich? And what are Jon's, Martin's, and Amya's opinions?
hmm... to my standards, the original usamerican hotdog doesnt qualify as a sandwich. Its way too sterile and lackluster to evoke the same luscious feeling a sandwich does. Thats why the mexican, chilean and venezuelan hotdogs are the superior hotdogs.
To your second question, well...
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Pulentos propaganda bc probably no one is gonna know who they are unless they're from Chile but they're basically the chilean Gorillaz and extremely iconic here so:
THIS IS TOM YORK!!!! NAMED AFTER THOM YORKE FROM RADIOHEAD!!!!, he's a mouse who's actually a hotdog wearing a mickey mouse hat but in universe he's a mouse and he's the band's pet and unofficial member (he played guitar for them once). He is one of the most iconic characters in Chilean media and also the unluckiest character in the history of television and he's always hungry because his shitty owner forgets to feed him. He's just a silly lil guy with a high pitched voice who's always screaming you all would love him. One vote for Los Pulentos equals one food for Thom Yorke!!! Also the band has some real bangers like "Piantes"
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null-a54 · 1 year
I think he likes Chilean hotdogs...
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Day 30 - Santiago
We have the alarm set because we have a busy day of sightseeing planned for our last day together. We wake up to a sunnier day than yesterday and the city is looking great from our balcony with the beautiful snow capped Andes surrounding us.
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First up is a free walking tour of the city. We take the Metro to Plaza de Armas - first we need to buy a Bip! Card (love the name). The process is super easy (take note Buenos Aires!). As soon as we are on the train Jack thinks there is something strange about it but he can’t put his finger on it - more research is required.
Our tour is due to be 4 hours long but luckily we get swapped out of the bilingual tour to anther guide who is doing English only so it’s only going to be 2.5 hours long.
We start off in Plaza de Armas and take a quick peek inside the cathedral which is beautiful.
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Claudio is our guide and is very enthusiastic with lots of hand gestures to animate his stories. We find out more about the native people of Chile - the Mapuche. We stop by the Museum of Pre-Columbian Art which comes recommended.
Outside of La Moneda Palace (The Presidents Office) we hear about the Pinochet dictatorship and what lead to it (American intervention to prevent communism) and about more recent social and political crisis which I wasn’t aware of and we both found really interesting. A 30 Peso rise in the Santiago metro fare resulted in over a million people taking to the streets to protest. This resulted in two new constitutions being drafted both of which were defeated at the referendum ballot box leaving the country in a bit of a directionless future.
Drop by past the Old Stock Exchange building where we hear a bit more about earthquakes in Chile and how buildings now need to be earthquake proofed up to 7.0 on the Richter scale.
The last stop is the Lastarria neighbourhood which has lots of upscale restaurants. Claudio tells us a bit about Chilean cuisine. We find out that a traveller brought concept of the hotdog back from New York, added diced tomatoes, guacamole and mayo toppings to call it a “Completo italiano” because it looks like the Italian flag. Anything “European” is seen as trendy so it caught on ha! He also gives us a few recommendations for restaurants which we take up straight away for lunch - we share a beef sandwich with some kind of corn concoction and a fried egg. Washed down with a cider which is a bit more British style - not as carbonated or sweet. Delish!
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Next up we walk back a little bit to climb the Santa Lucia hill - it gives a great panoramic view of the city which is great on this clear sunny day.
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Another hill to climb - now it’s San Cristóbal Hill - this one is much higher and we take the funicular up and the cable car back down. This brings us back nearer to the Costanera centre so we go home for a cuppa.
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We’ve been sat down resting for a while and quickly realise that the sun is about to set so dash back outside and head over to the Costanera centre to go to the observation deck. It’s on levels 61 and 62 so again we get a great view of the city. It turns out we went up at a great time as we caught the sunset and then got to see the city in the dark.
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At the top they were giving out free tastings of Chilean wine so we queue up and get one but it wasn’t really worth the wait. We haven’t had much but from what we have tasted Chilean wine seems to be a bit hit or miss (unlike Argentine wine).
Next up we take the metro back to Lastarria for dinner. Our first choice is too busy to we go to a Chilean-Peruvian fusion place that has a million types of Pisco. We order a pisco cocktail (it would be rude not to!), Jack gets the salmon and I get the beef.
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Next up we try go to a rooftop bar nearby but the beer was terrible and the atmosphere was pretty average so we head back to the place we stopped at for lunch and get some more cider. We spend some of our time here researching the metro - we reaised earlier that the difference was that it used rubber tyres so of course we needed to know the pros and cons of this technology. Then on the way home we stop at the Irish bar opposite our accomodation for a night cap.
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melissagalbraith · 1 year
Eat healthy during pregnancy: quick tips
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When you're pregnant, you need more of certain nutrients, such as protein, iron, folic acid, and iodine. It is also important to get enough calcium.
Making good choices about your diet can help you have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Here are some ideas to help you eat healthy during pregnancy.
Follow a healthy eating pattern
Eating healthy means following a healthy eating pattern that includes a variety of nutritious foods and beverages.
Eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free (skim) or low-fat (part-skim) dairy products
Select foods and beverages with fewer added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium (salt).
Limit refined grains and starches, found in foods like crackers, white bread, and some snacks and snacks.
If you're feeling sick, try eating 100% whole-grain toast or whole-grain crackers.
Consume the right amount of calories for you
Being pregnant doesn't mean you have to eat twice the amount of food.
First trimester (first 12 weeks): Most women do not need extra calories.
Second trimester (13 to 26 weeks): Most women need about 340 extra calories each day.
Last trimester (after 26 weeks): Most women need about 450 extra calories each day.
Ask your doctor or midwife how many calories you need during pregnancy.
Select healthy snacks and snacks.
Examples of healthy snacks include:
Low-fat (part-skim) or fat-free (skim) yogurt, with fruit (look for no-sugar-added options)
Whole-grain crackers with fat-free (skim) or low-fat (part-skim) cheese
carrots with hummus 
Take a prenatal vitamin with folic acid, iron, and iodine every day.
Folic acid helps prevent some congenital defects (birth defects) in the brain and spinal cord
Iron and iodine help keep you and your baby healthy  .
Talk to your doctor or nurse about the prenatal vitamin that is right for you.
Eat 8 to 12 ounces of fish and shellfish each week.
Fish and shellfish contain healthy fats that are good for you and your baby. But some fish are high in mercury, a metal that can harm your baby's development. It's a good idea to eat fish and shellfish that are high in healthy fats but low in mercury.
The best options
These options are low in mercury, so you can eat 8 to 12 ounces each week.
canned tuna
Good options
You can eat 4 ounces of these fish each week, if you don't eat any other fish or shellfish that week.
canned or fresh white tuna (albacore)
Róbalo or lubina ( Chilean sea bass ) or lubina rayada ( striped bass )
mahi mahi
yellowfin tuna
Fish to avoid
Do not eat bigeye tuna , king mackerel , marlin , orange roughy fish , shark, or tilefish . They have a high mercury content. 
Don't eat certain foods.
These foods may contain bacteria that can be dangerous for your baby. Do not eat:
Raw or undercooked fish or shellfish, such as sushi and raw oysters
Soft cheeses (such as feta, brie, and goat cheese), unless they are pasteurized
Raw or undercooked meats, including poultry, or raw eggs
Unpasteurized juices or milk
Cold cuts, sausages, cold meats, smoked fish or shellfish, and sausages ( hot dogs , hot dogs, hotdogs), unless they are heated until they release steam
Ready-made salads such as ham salad, chicken salad, or seafood salad
Raw sprouts, including alfalfa, clover, radish, or mung bean sprouts
Limit your intake of caffeine and added sugars
If you drink coffee or tea, opt for decaf versions. Choose sugar-free options and don't add more sugar
Drink plain or mineral water instead of drinks with added sugar, such as sodas, artificial fruit juices, or sports or energy drinks
Don't drink alcohol
No amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy.
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cocoartistwrites · 1 year
I’ve never had a chilean hot dog, what does that entail?
I have had a chili cheese dog and I do like those quite a bit.
There’s a podcaster I follow who is coming out with a book about hotdogs sometimes next year or so and she ate sooooo many hotdogs across the country I’m kind of worried for her body.
They are massive and have avocado, mayonnaise, salsa, & sauerkraut — looks horrid but DELICIOUS! Basically the national dish. They have variations on it: Italiano, completo etc.
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tonyisdead-02 · 3 years
Is a hotdog a sandwich?
I don't know, I prefer Completos (Chilean food)
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kangdae95draws · 3 years
The first 10 prime numbered questions! (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23)
1. What's one animal you wished you could have as a pet but can't? : I already have my beloved pets I love cats and that's all i need in my life 😁
2. Favorite thing to wear to sleep: t-shirt, a very lightweight t-shirt
3. What song really gets you going?: That depends on my mood, recently I've been listening to Rammstein and I love that fast hard rythm, it gives me energy
5. Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner : In Chile we don't have dinner, we have something called "once" (like the number 11 in Spanish), we grab a cup of tea and a piece of bread with anything you like, sometimes it could be cake, chilean hotdogs (completos as we say, with avocado, tomatoes, sauerkraut, mayonnaise, etc), a meat sandwich, cookies, etc. That's the one for me hehe
7. Chocolate or fruity candy: chocolate (mostly Norwegian chocolate kvikk lunsj 🤤)
11. What color/design are your bedsheets? Blue with yellow flowers
13. Favorite thing to drink out of (mug, glass, etc.) : I have two, a mug that my brother gave me with a design of my favorite football team, Universidad de Chile and a cat mug my gf gave to my mom, but I kept it for myself instead 😂
17. Heat it or keep it cold with lot of layers: I'd love to say heat it but nothing can defeat the comfy amount of blankets hahah
19. Favorite song to belt out at the top of your lungs when you're alone: Deutschland by Rammstein ❤️
23. What's the most amount of money you've spent on a single item of clothing? : Just once, around 800 Norwegian kroner (80 euros) in a winter jacket
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1990jeevas · 3 years
i also just realized i didnt put the music i like and date i would take u on part so 🐻 with me for a sec
my current three spotify most listened of the month is heartache from the undertale soundtrack, me and my husband by mitski and losing face by wilbur soot, but i listen to a lot of kpop as well so u can decide if my taste is Horrid
i've never actually gone on a date, but if you were in my city, i think i would take you downtown because there's a lot of history and art museums, very nice street interventions and graffiti, and the goverment's house (the coin, as we call it) so we can scream at the big dude to fuck off 🥳
and i'd take you to try completos, (the chilean version of hotdogs, just that they have Everything on it. the most traditional one has avocado, tomatoes, mayo though:]) because the place where they were born is also there and they're Incredible with some chips and cola:]
so yeah come here you coward 🔪🔪
how did you even write all this so fast man dear god ur brain amazes and terrifies me
anyways ur music taste is so sexy with the mitski wilbur and kpop omg 🤩 and I dont listen to undertale often but I've listened to it before and its pretty good so yes u have some rights for music taste at least
anyways, art museums and graffiti is so fuckn sexy of u omg, also screaming at the big man? u aboutta steal my heart-
only bad thing is I'm a very picky eater and I absolutely would not be able to eat anything with condiments/multiple textures on it unless it was like fucking ketchup and even that's sketchy sometimes. if everything was separated then mayyybe but I'm sure thered be something else I could eat too lmao
sounds good tho, glad we got the date plans down 😌
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nevermoreish · 3 years
idek what ask game it was but imma just ask all the questions that the other person didn't ask: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 🤭
hey !!!
1. favorite place in your country?
Frutillar, my family would go there every summer to buy some kuchen and handmade candy. I also love the Puyehue National Park 🥰
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?
In my county, mostly because it’s quite expensive to travel outside (also because of the pandemic)
3. does your country have access to sea?
4. favorite dish specific for your country?
Caldillo de congrio!!! I don’t get to eat it often so whenever I have it I feel like I am in paradise. Also I like completos lol (a type of hotdog) 
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
I will choose specifically from chilean spanish: achuntar (getting something right), bacán (cool) and palta (avocado)
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
Eh, not really, people don’t really assume that I come from another country lol
11. favorite native writer/poet?
It would be quite cliché to say Gabriela Mistral or Pablo Neruda for favorite poets (not that I am a big fan of their work). My favorite Chilean writer is Luis Sepúlveda and my favorite poet is Vicente Huidobro
12. what do you think about English translations of your favorite native prose/poem?
I haven’t read any English translation of my favorite novels in spanish so 😅 
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Yes, there’s a superstition in my region (but I actually think it comes from Russia) that if cutlery falls to the floor then it means you are going to have guests at your home (if it’s a fork it will be a man and if it’s a spoon it will be a woman), unless you step on in as soon as it hits the floor 
thanks for asking 💜
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theblogchelor · 4 years
The Bachelor Week Five And a Half aka On Wednesdays Mykenna Wears Pink
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Here’s What Happened Wednesday
Peter aspires to his furthest feat of self-sabotage yet, watching his options dwindle and his contractual marriage proposal approach.
He gets to show off his Spanish, though, so at least he’s a bilingual shell of a former man.
Let’s dive in.
The First One-On-One
Peter and Hannah Anna take on Santiago, invading the personal space of several street performers and eating authentic Chilean street hotdogs. Hannah Anna reveals to Peter that she’s never been in love before, which is actually pretty typical for her type. She also doesn’t experience empathy or compassion and likely grew up skinning neighborhood cats. At least she’s pretty.
When Peter has a crisis of conscience at dinner, Hannah Anna turns on the waterworks and tells Peter she’s starting to fall in love with him. They kiss outside on the terrace, her eyes open the whole time.
Hannah Anna gets the rose.
The First Group Date
For their Chilean group date, Peter and his harem are cast in a telenovela. Mouth-to-mouth time is prioritized over plot in this telenovela, as is availability of costumes prioritized over consistent degree of sexiness. With cameras rolling, Peter (Pedro) systematically frenches Kelsey the bombshell, Tammy the scorned lover, Sydney the Blink-182 nurse, Mykenna the hot sad maid, and Kelley his grandmother.
Later, at Booze Date, Peter finds himself admitting to Victoria P that he’s not quite as interested in her as he had been in the beginning of the season when his standards were higher. Sensing the imminent humiliation of a Rose Ceremony cut, Victoria P self-eliminates and denies the urge to knee Peter in the testicles as she climbs into the go-home car.
Elsewhere, Mykenna screams as Tammy that she is mature enough for a long-term commitment while dressed in Barbie’s Dream Jumpsuit.
The Second One-On-One
The Chilean countryside is the ideal location for Peter and Victoria F’s deeply spicy date of limboing under horses and waving tissues around in a bull-fighting ring. In the afternoon, they play out their Oregon Trail fantasies of sitting in the back of an old-timey wagon and discussing everything except how painful it is to be in each other’s presence.
At dinner, Peter and Victoria F. actually do discuss how painful it is to be in each other’s presence. Victoria F. is clearly struggling to devise a way to remain on the show (thus accruing social media prowess, downstream sponsorships, and a clinched spot on Paradise) while continuing to pretend that she is anything but sexually nauseated by Peter.
Peter senses this conflict but opts against compassionate release. Victoria F. gets the rose and time added to her sentence.
The Two-On-One
Peter, already executing the weakest season of The Bachelor thus far, also manages to achieve the weakest two-on-one of all time. There is no helicopter ride to an intimidatingly remote location. Peter doesn’t leave someone on a canopied bed in the middle of a desert. This two-on-one is just Peter taking Mykenna and Tammy into a separate room during the Cocktail Party to yell at them for sucking.
Peter deems Tammy the more annoying of the two and sends her home, but he allows Mykenna to briefly exit the frying pan and return to the fire.
The Rose Ceremony
The women descend into the spookily-lit dungeon wine cellar of the Santiago Renaissance to await their fates. As a Marriott loyalist, I can confirm that all Renaissance properties have dramatic dungeons reserved specifically for cult ceremonies, and Santiago’s is no exception.
Peter wastes no time. Roses are dispensed to our final six, excluding hot, dumb Sydney and recently-spared Mykenna. Mykenna gives one last triumph speech of self-affirmation, declaring through tears, “This girl is tough! She is strong! She is powerful! She is muscular. She has excellent bone density and eight years ‘til 30. And she has at least three more pink dresses she wanted to show off, but she will save them for a more deserving lover.”
Until next week.
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natyshaw · 6 years
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#VrainsWeek Day 10: #NationalHotDogDay Chilean version  In Chile we have our version of the HotDog called "Completo", it's made with chopped tomato, avocado, mayonnaise (in generous quantity)american sauce and sauerkraut. Without sauerkraut and american sauce is called "Italiano" And the "Terremoto" (means earthquake) is a drink made with wine "pipeño", pineapple ice cream and grenadine. The large jar is called "Cataclismo" and in smaller glasses it's called "Replica". Why is Shoichi eating a Complete and driking a Terremoto? because in Den City there is a Chilean local and he went to spy the competition (?) is the only excuse I can give to justify the drawing xD
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clauditamckay · 3 years
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When in Rome… Happy national hot dog day! Of course, Chilean style with #fanshop #hotdog #italiano #completos #tocomples # (at Bradenton, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRnEmijBu5J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hangarcat · 6 years
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How I want to Remember Anthony Bourdain. Standing on a side street near Valparaiso, Chile 🇨🇱 eating a Chilean style hotdog (completo), he brought my country's food and beauty to the eyes of the world, and he did that time and time again, bringing us closer together RIP @bourdain
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