cherrysmokesaconha · 10 months
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jaytoons7 · 1 year
Based on this post, I decided to do this with my own fusions! Out of all of them, Which one is the most likely to stay fused if given the choice?
(Not all of them have designs but most of them at least have names. Also note that all fusions use they/them pronouns)
The fusion that is most likely to stay that way would be Golden Topaz, My Sven/Howie fusion. They're definitely one of the more stable fusions and could stay that way for a very long time, If they choose to of course.
My Reginald/Right fusion, Bloodstone, isn't a bad contender either. Reginald and Right have been together a long time, So they would be on the same wavelength. The only problem would be their individual flaws that they have trouble talking about, Which could cause their fusion to grow unstable.
You'd think Monazite, My Burt/Dave fusion, Would be stable enough. However, I mentioned that the reason they rarely talk is because Burt and Dave ramble in their head. There's only so long that can last before they've had enough of their own thoughts.
Ellry, Henrles, and Charllie (Basically the Triple Threat fusions) are okay options. But I get the feeling they would also want to stay together separate from any fusion.
Speaking of, Lavender Quartz, Which is a fusion between all three of them, Wouldn't be able to stay fused very long. They only fuse like this once in my planned story and it takes a whole lot out of them. That and they'd be too tall to get anything done.
Bonus: Jay and Scottie's fusion, Fire Opal, Can't stay fused more than an hour without something causing them to unfuse. That's a no.
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lemonnio · 1 year
- Charllie and freedom guy 2023
MY HANDDDDDDDDDDDDDSSSSSSSSSSSI mean-@freeeesticks / @starsandsciss0rs sorry for the tag bUT u have to see tHIS-and ye, this is my first post in 2023 lol HSADJASDGHJ
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spicedraws · 1 year
This but with the Pikmin 3 captains :)
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Not blurry
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rhapsodynew · 1 month
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"Charlie Watts and I lived close to each other in London, bumped into each other on the King's Road or found ourselves at some dinner or concert together."
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If you're still doing the expression request thing, I do have one! If not, that's okay!
E2, Charles Calvin, with the pallet mockery? The pallet can be changed to your liking
Have a wonderful day/night! You have an amazing art style and I absolutely love the way you draw the stick figures AND their humanized counterparts!
I did use Funny Waters instead. I am lazy and took the simple route.
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I have not drawn Charlie in a while and have not fully figured out their human design. Just drawing a stick figure wouldn't have used all the colors, so I draw a curvy stick figure...I'm using a different app and it has lots of cool brushes but I am desperately missing the old ones.
Bonus under the cut
Charllie not even five minutes later
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tabileaks · 24 days
Discover Your Inner Chaplin: The Power of Laughter: | One World One Smile
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ulrichgebert · 1 year
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Weil es gerade so schön war, mit der Planung komplizierter Einbrüche, die das Hirn in Schwung halten: Die reizenden älteren Herrschaften nebst jungem Sicherheitsanlagenexperten planen noch ein großes Ding. Alles ist genau so passiert. Sie beginnen aber wie so oft, über die Verteilung der Beute zu streiten, und werden reichlich unangenehm, was den anfänglichen heiteren Tonfall leider völlig zunichte macht, und es wird nicht nur gar nicht lustig, sondern zudem noch eher langweilig, und völlig unentschlossen, was das denn eigentlich sein soll. Einer der Fälle, wo wir, statt uns von der ja ansich vielversprechenden Schuspielertruppe ablenken zu lassen, vielleich doch mal auf die völlig berechtigt rundweg vernichtenden Kritiken hätten achten sollten. Das nächste mal schauen wir wieder Lavender Hill Mob.
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snoopygrams2 · 2 years
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Countdown till 🎄 Christmas
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
need a scene where Charlie's visiting Carmilla looking to convince her into doing more active support, and Vaggie's in the background checking out a new angelic weapon drop, piping up occasionally like-
Vaggie: “This one's also fake”
Carmilla: “(sigh) I'll need to get an explanation for that.”
Vaggie: “Can i watch?”
Carmilla: “You can do the honors if you like.”
Charlie: “NO killing.”
Vaggie: “Aww sweetie of course no killing. We wanna see the weapon drops improve, not die off.”
Charlie: “Good! That’s good. Jussst checking.”
Carmilla: “A sharp spear and a mind for business. I can see why you made her your hotel manager.”
Charlie: “Oh she's a lot less stabby back at the hotel!”
Vaggie: (tries and fails to look like this is true)
Carmilla: "Really."
Charlie: “....She's, SLIGHTLY less stabby back at the hotel…?”
Vaggie: (Can'tEvenDenyIt.jpeg)
Carmilla: “Then I’m impressed you have any guests still living there.”
Charlie: “We’ve had some close calls.”
Vaggie: “HA! They wouldn’t have just been ‘close’ if I’d had a few of THESE bad boys on me.”
Charlie: "...."
Charllie: “… you know what? Maybe we should hold off on the whole weapons deal for now. Maybe we’re good on weapons.”
Vaggie: “Wh- but- Charlie!"
Carmilla: “Are you sure? You’ve been pushing for this deal all week.”
Vaggie: “Sweetie noooo, LOOK AT THIS THING! Think of the range I’d have- the blunt force trauma- the blood loss-”
Charlie: “I’m thinking one former exorcist in the hotel is weapons enough, actually.”
Vaggie: “-and I have WINGS again now! Can you imagine slinging a spiked ball and chain around while airborne-”
Carmilla: “Yes. I see your point.”
Vaggie, being lovely led out of the weapons storeroom by Charlie, making sad puppy eyes at all the angel slaying weapons she's leaving behind, hurriedly whispering "save the ball and chain for me Miss Carmine? please??" to a mildly amused Carmilla as she sees them out
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bambooochan6 · 5 months
Charllie: I won't do anything bad to u phi
No matter what happened.. u r the only reason that I'm standing here
Charllieeee 😭😭
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kittyfuckincheshire · 2 months
❤ BIRTHDAY GIFTS FOR YOU❤ hazbin hotel x reader headcannons
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CHARLLIE- would give you a special scrap book she made of you and her so she will always be around even when not physically.
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VAGGIE- a bouquet of your favorite flowers a box of chocolate or candy and a bunch of compliments.
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ANGEL DUST- a sex toy and an offer to fuck.
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CHERRIE BOMB- a case of explosives so you to can blow the town up all day.
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NIFFTY- a crown of dead bugs which you hang on your wall instead of wear,so you can keep it forever.
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SIR PENTIOUS- a travel tool kit so you can make things on the go so you can never stop inventing.
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HUSKER- a set of beautiful b playing cards and some expensive booze (your pick).
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ALASTOR-he wold make you jambalaya but the meat in the food is of your most hated nemesis and all those who insult,hirt,and upset etc.you.
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ROSSIE- she would take you out for tea and help you relax while you relax she is sending people to bring back the severed heads of whoever has ever fucked with you or hurt you in a way that displeased her.
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VELVETTE- she would give you a jacket or outfit from her designers line and take you shopping at the mall.
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VOX- he would take you out for dinner and give you fancy technology.
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VALENTINO- would offer to fuck, then give you money and take you shopping.
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LUCIFER- would give you an assload of rubber duckies or one bid ass rubber duckie.
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ADAM- a half eaten rack of baby back ribbs.
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LUTE- would give you an angelic weapon and offer to show.you how to use it.
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EMILY- would give you backed goods and then y'all would take a walk and hang out maybe even have a picknick.
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Charllie XTC can you stop copying my aesthetic for another one of your uninteresting albums? I don't wanna be associated with that... I will be speaking with my attorney (he mostly does drug possession cases) #CeaseAndDesist
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lemonnio · 2 years
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Charllie and Net!
They are so cute together !!! uwu A girl with family problems who can cross the multiverse and kills good and bad people because of an organization that abducted her as a child aaaaaaaaaand the damn internet itself  Net belongs to - @starsandsciss0rs​  / @freeeesticks​ uw u
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thsc-confessions · 9 months
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"I really like the Charles x Ellie ship, I think they're awesome! Even that they didn't interact a lot as Henry and Charles or Henry and Ellie did, I think Charllie/Rosevin has potential!! I think they would be the power couple ever. A male who pilots a helicopter and a fenale who pilots a motorcycle and her weapon is road signs, THEY WOULD MAKE A LOT OF TOMFOOLERY IM PRETTY SURE. Rosevin supremacy <3" submitted by @cherrysmokesaconha
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fablepatron · 8 months
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Charllie “God Wont Let Me Die” Lastname
My side of an art trade with @mineidrapi05 :3c
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