#champios league
gulski2 · 2 years
Mazraoui getting injured and might miss the rest of the World Cup.
Me, asking the real questions: is he going to be fit for Bayern vs PSG?
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bromazepamgtt · 2 years
Si ma che fatica vedere le partite di calcio nel 2022 senza prendere almeno 3 infarti...
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rmbaloncesto · 1 year
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volleytimes-com · 3 months
Champions League: Trento destroy Berlin to take last ticket for semifinals!
🏆| Champions League: Trento destroy Berlin to take last ticket for semifinals! February 29, 2024 | Semifinals Second Leg: • Trentino Itas (ITA) - Berlin Recycling Volleys (GER) 3-0 (25:19, 25:20, 25:22) Read more here 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
More to follow ____________________ 🏆| 2023/24 CEV CHAMPIONS LEAGUE | Quarterfinals FIRST LEG Wednesday February 21, 2024 • 18.00 (Local Time) | Halkbank Ankara (TUR) – Cucine Lube Civitanova (ITA) 1-3 (21:25, 21:25, 27:25, 22:25) 📍TVF Ziraat Bankkart Volleyball Hall Ankara / A • 19.30 (Local Time) | Berlin Recycling Volleys (GER) – Trentino Itas (ITA) 0-3 (18:25, 17:25,…
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abunchofnumbers05 · 4 months
Nilah-Janna-Morgana poly relationship. Kayle does not approve.
When Briar released some champions thought Evelynn was her mother. I mean: monstrous in nature, white hair with pink highlights, unusuall skin color...
Cassiopea bit Alistar once and he had an allergic reaction. He was all swollen, lumpy, the poor thing looked like a jackfruit.
Seraphine doesn't have a type when it comes to music. If she vibes with it, she likes it.
I need more dominant Hwei x sub jhin fics.
Pantheon & Soraka have garden and let Kayn take care of it. Kayn'll never say it out loud, but he likes to do garden work.
Sett has a itty bitty tail, it is often mistaken as very thick lower back hair, but it can wag. It's like when a dog with a cropped tail wags it.
Freljord champions, who have never seen mosquitoes in their life, on the first week outside the tundra they go and get dengue.
Leona being an akward and bashfull lesbian.
Champios and mentors-
Zilean & Ekko
Jhin & Annie
Ornn & Rell
Kennen & Zeri
Shyvana & Smolder
Lee Sin/Udyr & Sett
Evelynn & Briar
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vewyscawy · 2 years
I’ve Seen Enough Hentai to Know Where This is Going
Pairing: Vel’koz x f!reader
Wordcount: 2425
Tags: Multiple penetration, anal and vaginal sex (or fingering, really?), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, tentacles, not beta read like always
Summary: Vel'koz wants your knowledge as a Summoner, and he's going to do whatever is in his power (outside of harming you) to get it out. Even if that something is something very beneath him... or maybe getting you to make those sounds is not making him dislike it as much as he thought. Hm, that needs to be studied...
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Tentacles surrounded your body, mapping your skin and invading your clothes. You'd been wandering around when the creature had found you. The creature you knew as Vel'koz, one of your summons.
You had been away from the league for a bit, trying to get your bearings after the mind blowing sex you had every time you tried to start a battle, and you needed a little break. The moment you decided to come back though, you were found. And not by any of the ones that had claimed you before, not any of the ones that had seemed interested in your body; no it was Vel'koz, and he had only seemed interested in picking your brain.
When you hadn't given him the answers he wanted however he had changed tactics.
"What knowledge would a Summoner like you possess," he mused, "Why don't you share them with me, hm?"
Lying through your teeth that you knew nothing you tried to get away from him. He had you held with his tentacles, arms and legs spread, and held up quite a ways above the ground. Thankfully he wasn't hurting you, or doing anything strange to get the information out of you (yet), but you weren't that comfortable in this position.
"Vel, let me go!" you yelled, upset that he wasn't listening to you like he would in the Rift. The rules of being a Summoner were strange, and though they couldn't hurt you, or really... do anything against your will per se, there still seemed to be some leeway to do this kind of shit.
"I don't think I will. You possess knowledge that I want to get my... figurative hands on, Y/N. Why keep it to yourself? I would have taken it by force if I was able, so why don't you give me something out of the good of your heart."
"I will do no such thing! Summoner knowledge is not something for the ears of Champio-" his tentacles had started pushing into your body, your face was squished against the wall at an uncomfortable angle, and the bits of you that weren't manhandled were touched so gently it tickled you, cutting off your sentence. "Put me down right now before I get mad!"
Vel'koz seemed to sigh. The Void being racking his brain on how to get you to talk without doing anything to harm you in any way. There had to be a way he could get you to let down your guard, he was sure of it. He was interrupted from his thoughts by little giggles and squeals you made, and he stopped touching you for a second, just observing as you squirmed in embarrassment at his stare. He poked your side, and you flinched away, making a loud shriek, and he chuckled.
Oh, that was kind of fun.
Maybe he could exhaust you like that, while enjoying your squirming as well.
"What was that you said, Summoner? I couldn't quite hear you. You're going to have to speak up." then to himself, "the fleshling seems to think squirming can make it escape from me, how cute."
"Stop, I-" you tried to tell him off, but he had found out that you were ticklish, running his tentacles down your side and poking your neck. A multitude of embarrassing sounds escaped you, as you wiggled and tried to get away to no avail. "Vel, st-" no sentence was finished as his onslaught became more insistent. Chuckling came from the beast floating in front of you.
"Hm, maybe I'll stop if you can give me something in return."
"I'll never, AHAHAHA-"  laughter took over as the poking and prodding became more intense, limbs moving and wiggling under your clothes now. "Before I'll- ahhaaa- tell you any-... thing, I'll pee on you first- sto-hahahaha! I can't control myself-"  you were barely making any sense to yourself, quickly losing control over your body as he continued his onslaught.
"Hm, that wouldn't do," he mused, slowing just a tad on his attacks, just enough for you to catch your breath a little, and then decided to change his course of actions. "Gentle stimulation on the outside of their skin makes them laugh and lose control over their bodily functions. I'll have to keep that in mind."
He enjoyed your squirming. Usually he wouldn't let his prey squirm that much, after all he only wanted one thing: their knowledge. One thing he was certain of right now though, despite your struggle you were enjoying yourself, and honestly... so was he. He had to remain focused on getting you to spill what you knew, but your noises, your struggle, your expressions... they were a reward in themselves. Lost in thought he hadn't realized his tendrils moving slower and slower under your clothes, your reactions changing from flinching away to slightly leaning into the touch. Oh, that was even different still. Your face was red, and your lips were pressed together. Now no sounds escaped you, but he realized unlike before you were actively trying to keep them in. That wouldn't do. He wanted to hear your sweet little voice.
"Now you don't want to tell my anything anymore? What a shame. I thought we were close," he teased with his voice, while he also teased with a tentacle, down your stomach. He was a great observer; observing all your reactions and expressions, and the lower the limb went, the more he saw you twitch and squirm, so of course the lower and lower he went. Under your pants? Sure, he didn't mind.
You actually squealed once again when the tentacle moved its way into your underwear. Your mind was racing. What the hell!? You thought he was just into information? Not into whatever it was you were doing? Were you into this? Yes. But he didn't need to know, damn it!
"Now be quiet, little fleshling, unless you have something important to say. You wouldn't want to make me lose interest and cut our fun here short, would you?"
And the tentacle found its way between your lower lips, making you gasp. Further and further it inched its way in, finding your entrance wet and throbbing.
You weren't making him stop, and as a Summoner you definitely had the power to override his actions at any time you felt like it. He wondered why you let him, but judging by the wetness he found on your sex you were enjoying this way too much to stop him.
"Oh, how naughty." he muttered, inching further in. His goal had turned from gaining information only you knew to studying you. All the faces you made and the way you were trying not to make a sound were burned into his memory, never to be forgotten. You had started moving your hips against the tentacle rubbing against you, trying to get more friction from the Voidborn, who was teasing you still. But he decided to have mercy on you, pushing all the way inside of you with a sharp snap. A loud keen escaped your mouth before you could stop it, and Vel'koz chuckled, pushing a fat tentacle in your mouth to stifle your sounds. He loved hearing them, but he also liked not getting caught. Also the face you made at the intrusion made a sinful thrill go through him he had never felt before. More. It wasn't even about learning anymore.
"Interesting reaction to stimulation." he murmured, ignoring his own reaction. The shiver that went through his limbs as he pumped in and out of you, the slight pleasure from the heat of both the holes he'd invaded. You had started sucking on the flesh in your mouth, drool running down your chin, but you didn't care much. Hips moving by themselves, you were chasing your orgasm that was just out of reach, so close. He didn't stop moving, slamming in and out of you with a calculated rhythm. You groaned around the tentacle in your mouth, wiggling your arms to try to escape his hold on you- it didn't budge, just tightened a little around your wrists. Your first orgasm hit you like a freight train, biting down on the tentacle in your mouth and you were glad it was not his dick. Vel'koz didn't seem to mind, big eye studying the way you came undone around him with rapt attention.
"Hm, that wasn't quite clear. I'm going to have to get a closer look," he murmured to himself, not letting you relax for a second as you were manhandled into a different position. Your clothing was swiftly taken care off. Still dangling precariously in the air, but now with your ass up towards him. It would probably be a lot more embarrassing if you weren't still in the afterglow of your first orgasm of the night, and as it were you were craving more.
He hummed, as he gingerly took the tentacle out of your quivering pussy, making you moan around the tentacle that he kept in your mouth. He studied the clear residue of your orgasm on the tip of the limb, sniffed, nodded, and instantly brought it back to your backside. Rubbing the residue on the cheeks of your ass, massaging the soft skin there as he had his eye on your core. You had started wiggling in his grasp again, and he decided to try making you come again, but look at it a little closer this time, and so the tentacle was swiftly inserted into you again.
In, out, in, out, the rhythm was a lot slower this time, and you were driven to the edge of insanity as every time you thought you were finally going to hit your peak he would remove himself from you, chuckle at your response, murmur something to himself and then after a little bit insert himself again to start the slow pace from the beginning. Tears had started gathering at the corners of your eyes as you throbbed so torturously, no end in sight.
Sounds of distress came from you, and the tentacle in your mouth seemed to coil a little bit, wrapping itself around your neck and pulling your face back for him to look at.
"Tears, I thought those were only for moments of distress." once again the appendage that was torturing you so sweetly was taken away from your dripping cunt, him opting to rake it through your hair instead, covering it in your juices. "There there, little human," he mocked at your face, "This would have been a lot easier if you'd just told me the information you knew from the start."
You wanted to tell him to get on with it, but you were unable to, only able to convey your needs through your facial expressions, hoping he'd take mercy on you. When he inserted himself again and started a slightly rougher pace you keened in relief. The tentacle was taken away from your lips, and you gasped in a mouthful of air, finally able to breathe normally again. Your face was wet from your drool and tears, your legs were slick from your cum, and you felt absolutely debauched as you came again, yelling out his name.
"Ohhh, a second time, that was a lot more clear to see. Very interesting."
He lowered you to the floor, not yet freeing your arms, but turning you around again so he could look at your face.
"How was that, hm?"
It took you a bit to catch your breath, and you realized he was touching all over your body again. This time not tickling, but inquisitive, soothing almost, as if he was trying to make sure you were okay. You tried to answer him, but before you could formulate your response he was talking again.
"Now I'm sure I can get another one out of you, little fleshling. You did so well the first two times."
Another one!? You had come only two times but they had been so intense you weren't sure you had another one in you. Your mouth opened, about to object, but he decided to widen your legs, practically folding you all the way open, and you gasped.
"Careful!" was all that came out, but he had already put his limbs on your lower lips. Two tentacles now pawing at you, and it seemed he had finally realized you had another spot he could stimulate.
"Touching this little spot seems to cause you great pleasure."
It sure did. Your face thrown back you could only take the new onslaught of pleasure as he paid so much attention to your clit you thought it might fall off. Your cries were now unobstructed, and he didn't seem to care much anymore. He released your arms, and you instantly grabbed the tentacles between your legs, unsure if you wanted to draw them closer or push them away.
"Velllll-" you keened, shivering and shuddering, unable to form proper words to tell him what you wanted. He just observed, as his tentacles worked magic on you, one of them inching in once again.
When you felt one prod at your backside you almost screamed. Oh fuck-
It was the one soiled with your slick, and it slid in surprisingly easy.
"More holes to fill," he practically sang as you cried out. "Your species has so many holes to fill. Be good and take it in."
You were much tighter here than the other hole, so he decided to push another tentacle in your pussy again. You were practically crying now, but he felt your body respond so eagerly that he knew your tears were from pleasure.
"Come on. Almost."
"Too- ahh- much- Vel- please-"
The tentacle in your backside slid in easily as you were brought to the brink of orgasm once more, unable to voice anything but pleasure. You were so full. So full of him, and you loved it. All three tentacles started moving in unison, and he didn't have to do much for you to orgasm for a third time. Actually passing out this time from the intensity you hadn't realized the Voidborn had carried you to your bed, gently putting you down and patting your hair with a tentacle that was so slick it stuck to your hair as he removed it. You were disgusting, but feeling so good... Showering would be something you thought about later, for now you'd bask in this feeling, completely satisfied.
And as you drifted off to sleep, completely spent, there was one last thing your ears picked up. His low voice going: "Thank you for your contribution." as he left the room with a low chuckle.
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bongaboi · 1 year
FC Barcelona: 2022-23 UEFA Women's Champions League Winners
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Barcelona have won the UEFA Women's Champions League for the second time in three years after a thrilling comeback from two down to beat Wolfsburg 3-2 in Eindhoven.
Ewa Pajor and Alex Popp had put Wolfsburg seemingly in control at half-time. But, within five minutes of the restart, Patri Guijarro scored twice to level the scores, and former Wolfsburg player Fridolina Rolfö later sealed only the second comeback from two goals down to win a final of this competition.
A fast start had proved the key in the previous four finals – three of those involving Barcelona – and the Blaugrana poured forward immediately, piling on the pressure. After just three minutes, however, they were behind, as Ewa Pajor dispossessed Lucy Bronze, cut inside and fired in from outside the box for her competition-leading ninth goal of the season, and a strike similar to Amandine Henry's opener for Lyon against Barcelona a year ago.
Barcelona responded confidently, Irene Paredes getting in a great position from a corner but heading wide of the far post. Aitana Bonmatí then had a shot blocked in the box, and Barcelona kept building in their trademark way, only to encounter tenacious pressing from the likes of Alex Popp – nominally Wolfsburg's centre-forward – Lena Oberdorf and Jill Roord.
In the 37th minute, Popp buried her record-equalling fourth goal in a final. Pajor was the provider this time, receiving the ball from Felicitas Rauch and sending in a perfect cross for her captain, playing in her seventh decider overall, to nod in. Barcelona needed a response and Bronze, a three-time winner with Lyon, nearly provided one just before half-time, forcing her way through and slipping the ball to Salma Paralluelo, who was denied at close range by Merle Frohms.
The first-half stats had Barcelona 16-3 up on attempts and they quickly added to their tally after the interval, Mariona Caldentey shooting straight at Frohms. And the next attempt was a goal, Bonmatí's trickery freeing Caroline Graham Hansen for a clever cutback which set up Patri Guijarro to halve the deficit.
Two minutes later it was 2-2, and Guijarro again the scorer, heading in after another superb piece of skill and perfect lobbed cross from Bonmatí. Barcelona were now pouring forward, stretching Wolfsburg on both flanks and bombarding the penalty area.
Wolfsburg were not giving up, though, and Dutch duo Lynn Wilms and Roord combined to feed Pajor, whose angled shot did not beat Sandra Paños. Pajor again had the ball in a similar position on the left a couple of minutes later – with the same result.
Instead, it was Barcelona who found the net once more. Soon after coming on, Geyse sent in a cross and an attempted Wilms clearance hit Kathrin Hendrich in the Wolfsburg box. Caldentey was there to pounce and somehow wriggled free of the defensive pair to feed former Wolfsburg player Fridolina Rolfö, who made no mistake with the goal gaping.
There was no way back for Wolfsburg, despite a last-gasp effort from their semi-final hero Pauline Bremer, and even before the final whistle there was an extra treat for the large Barcelona contingent in the Dutch women's record 33,147 crowd as Alexia Putellas came off the bench for her first appearance in the Women's Champions League this season after serious injury.
Visa Player of the Match: Patri Guijarro (Barcelona) "She changed the game by scoring two goals in quick succession. The catalyst for the Barcelona comeback. Her attacking attitude in the second half got her into the box to capitalise on crossing opportunities that Barcelona couldn't capitalise on in the first half." UEFA Technical Observer panel
Graham Hunter, Barcelona reporter Barcelona won a final which they'd looked like losing thanks to one of their oldest tricks: dropping an extra player into midfield to create 'superiority' of numbers, Caldentey in this instance.
Wolfsburg's tactics and execution had been so clever. But Spain's champions took trailing 2-0 as a personal insult. The turbochargers went on and the reset strategy worked a treat. Rolfö was also key, playing as a left-winger not a full-back. 'She who dares wins' was the motto.
Judith Tuffentsammer, Wolfsburg reporter In the end, it was rare blips in defensive coverage that cost Wolfsburg their hard-earned lead – and the game. Up 2-0 thanks to impressive ruthlessness in the first half, the Wölfinnen surprised everyone and looked like the formidable opponents they'd set out to be.
After Barcelona had endured their fair share of bad luck in the first half, they came out of the dressing room blazing. The Spanish side proved the more dominant and clinical team throughout the second period, with Wolfsburg unable to recreate their attacking output of the first 45 minutes.
Paul Saffer, match reporter After four straight finals in which a fast start to the game had been the key, this time it was what came immediately after the interval that proved decisive. Barcelona have shown their ability to dictate and dominate in recent years; what they unveiled tonight was a grit and tactical flexibility to go with the incredible individual talents they boast.
Reaction Jonatan Giráldez, Barcelona coach: "Maybe the half-time score was unfair because of how many chances we'd created and the pattern of play. We made a mistake at the start and we conceded. It's not about what happens but how you react, and we did that well but then conceded again. At half-time, we wanted to improve ball reception. We had to wake up, be optimistic, realise there were 45 minutes left and it wasn't impossible."
Patri Guijarro, Player of the Match: "It complicates matters when you concede two goals. We created chances but didn't take them. We talked at half-time about those small details, the self-belief that we've matured since last year and that we didn't break down after going behind. It was everyone’s hunger and belief [that led to victory]. I'm really happy about helping my team win this piece of silverware."
Lucy Bronze, Barcelona defender: "We made it hard for ourselves in the first half, even though we created so many chances. We could have scored many goals in that first half. I think we knew we had enough quality to come back into any game. I don't think we were ever worried about scoring three goals, which is a crazy feat to do, but that's the talent within this team."
Caroline Graham Hansen, Barcelona forward: "This game had every emotion it could have. I'm just so happy. Two-nil down at half-time, I had a big flashback to the last final [losing to Lyon in 2022] and thought, 'It's not going to happen again.'"
Tommy Stroot, Wolfsburg coach: "Congratulations to Barcelona. We saw a great game here in Eindhoven. It was an advertisement for women's football. Everyone in the stadium and watching on TV saw a game of a great standard with high individual quality – from Barcelona, but also the way we played."
Alex Popp, Wolfsburg forward: "Firstly, it's an incredible disappointment. For one, there's a big feeling of emptiness, because we had a 2-0 lead. But I believe we played a very good season – in the Champions League, winning the German Cup and doing well in the league. That's extremely difficult to understand now because the pain and disappointment are so big. But give the players a few days and then, hopefully, the world will look a bit different."
Key stats Contesting their fourth final in five years, Barcelona won a second title to go with their 2020/21 triumph. Barcelona are only the second team to come back from two goals down to win a final of this competition, Wolfsburg having done likewise against Tyresö in 2014. Popp equalled Ada Hegerberg's record of scoring in the final in four separate seasons. Wolfsburg suffered their fourth straight final defeat after losing to Lyon in 2016, 2018 and 2020. They won the final in their first two European campaigns in 2012/13 and 2013/14. Line-ups Barcelona: Paños; Bronze, Paredes, León, Rolfö; Bonmatí (Putellas 90), Walsh (Syrstad Engen 89), Guijarro; Graham Hansen (Crnogorčević 79), Caldentey (Pina 79), Paralluelo (Geyse 70)
Wolfsburg: Frohms; Wilms (Hegering 84), Hendrich, Janssen, Rauch; Oberdorf, Roord (Lattwein 71); Huth; Jónsdóttir, Popp, Pajor (Bremer 84)
Roll of honour: Finals
UEFA Women's Champions League: 2023 (Eindhoven): Barcelona 3-2 Wolfsburg 2022 (Turin): Lyon 3-1 Barcelona 2021 (Gothenburg): Barcelona 4-0 Chelsea 2020 (San Sebastián): Lyon 3-1 Wolfsburg 2019 (Budapest): Lyon 4-1 Barcelona 2018 (Kyiv): Lyon 4-1aet Wolfsburg 2017 (Cardiff): Lyon 0-0aet, 7-6pens Paris Saint-Germain 2016 (Reggio Emilia): Lyon 1-1aet, 4-3pens Wolfsburg 2015 (Berlin): Frankfurt 2-1 Paris Saint-Germain 2014 (Lisbon): Wolfsburg 4-3 Tyresö 2013 (London): Wolfsburg 1-0 Lyon 2012 (Munich): Lyon 2-0 FFC Frankfurt 2011 (London): Lyon 2-0 Turbine Potsdam 2010 (Madrid): Turbine Potsdam 0-0aet, 7-6pens Lyon
UEFA Women's Cup: Two-legged finals 2009: Duisburg 6-0/1-1: agg 7-1 Zvezda-2005 2008: Frankfurt 1-1/3-2: agg 4-3 Umeå 2007: Arsenal 1-0/0-0: agg 1-0 Umeå 2006: Frankfurt 4-0/3-2: agg 7-2 Turbine Potsdam 2005: Turbine Potsdam 2-0/3-1: agg 5-1 Djurgården 2004: Umeå 3-0/5-0: agg 8-0 Frankfurt 2003: Umeå 4-1/3-0: agg 7-1 Fortuna Hjørring One-off final 2002 (Frankfurt): Frankfurt 2-0 Umeå
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mitom1tvbk · 1 month
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jimothy-g-brooks · 7 months
Pokemon Idea (Evil Teams)
So, an idea I had for a Pokemon game that I talked about elsewhere before. Someone brought up the idea of, instead of Gyms, you have to go around defeating Evil Teams that have taken over towns throughout the region, freeing the town before you're allowed to progress.
I modified that idea: Normal game, normal gyms, normal Elite Four. Post Game+: You're informed that there is a neighboring region that has been taken over by warring Teams/Gangs and the the League officials of that region have placed a request for aid towards your region. Everyone else is too busy to help, for various and possibly related reasons, but as the new Regional Champion, you qualify to step over there and start taking names.
Team Black: Psychic / Ghost / Dark specialists. One of the smallest teams, based in what looks like an expy of Gen1 Lavender Town, being a bunch of Hex Maniac types and other various occultists and supernatural enthusiasts. Their primary threat is that their leader has some crackpot plan to summon three type appropriate Legendaries (Hoopla, Giratina, Darkrai) to steal their powers to become god. The plan is doomed to fail, but in such a way as to place the region is danger.
Team Yellow: Electric / Bug / Poison specialists. One of the smallest teams, based in what looks like an expy of Cinnabar Island, being a bunch of Scientist and other techie types. Their primary threat is that their leader has some crackpot plan to clone three type appropriate Legendaries (Zeraora, Genesect, Eternamax) and use their powers to become the preeminent super power in the region, almost like unto gods. The plan is doomed to fail, but in such a way as to place the region in danger.
Team White: Steel / Fairy / Dragon specialists. A bunch of Rennaisance Faire cosplayers who would really like to turn the region into a feudal state under their direct control, please and thank you. They are one of the largest teams, having a city and 1-2 outlying towns under their control. They are led by a regal White Queen and have a tenuous alliance with Team Blue.
Team Red: Fighting / Rock / Fire specialists. A bunch of Mad Max cosplayers who would really like to turn the region into a faux-anarchic kratocracy under their loose control, please and thank you. They are one of the largest teams, occupying a city and 1-2 outlying towns. They are led by a mighty Red Boss and have a tenuous alliance with Team Green.
Team Blue: Flying / Ice / Water specialists. Sky pirates floating in sky ships. While they don't directly occupy any towns or cities, as they have little interest in the surface except as a place to exploit, their presence is felt throughout the entire region and there is at least one city that is unofficially considered their territory.
Team Green: Grass / Ground / Normal specialists. Anarcho primitivists living in the woods. While they don't directly occupy any towns or cities, as they have little interest in civilization except as places to be destroyed, their presence is felt throughout the entire region and there is at least one city that is unofficially considered their territory.
Champio Trio+1: After, or during, Team Black & Yellow's similar but separate disastrous attempts to harness the power of Legendaries to oust the other Teams from the regions, the other four teams began cooking up ideas to get some Legendary level Pokepower of their own. Separately, Team White and Team Red, with Team Blue's wide ranging resources or Team Green's bio-ecological know-how respectively, begin a program to breed their own super Pokemon. After the smoke clears on their Legendary disasters, Team Black and Team Yellow realizes they're now the ones lagging behind on the Legendary arms race and team-up to take their own crack at it.
Team White and Team Blue create Quazyados, a creature obviously descendant from Gyrados but bred to resemble Rayquaza. It had its Magicarp and Water type bred out and somehow inserted Dragon. It is a haughty creature that rules the skies and demands tribute from all things below it. It starts on the White Queen's team, escapes, ends up on the Blue Captain's team and then escapes into the wild indefinitely.
Team Red and Team Green breed Goldon. Descendant of the Golem line but bred to resemble Groudon, with its previous evolutions bred out and its Fire type bred in. It is a bullying, boorish brute with no manners that destroys anything it doesn't like and beats up anyone that gets in its way. It starts on the Red Boss's team, escapes, ends up on the Green Chief's team and then escapes into the wild indefinitely.
These breeding experiments are not without mistakes, however. These rejects are abandoned by their uncaring masters and left to die in the wild. A kindly Daycare Center took a pair of these creatures in and this pair had a child before they passed on from the world. Mafable, a Fighting/Fairy that somehow combines the humanoid features of Machop with the pink puffball that is Clefable to create something wholly unique, resembling a Sentai Henshin crossed with a Magical Girl. This creature is a friend to all living things- all it wants to do is make peace and help the helpless, but it will fight to protect the weak if it has to.
Abmam is a Poison/Dark type based on the Arbok line created by genetic engineering and occult practices, given both a Dark type and arms. The Black Lady & Yellow President lose control over it almost immediately. It believes itself to be Mafable's archenemy and will often challenge the other legendary Pokemon to battle. If Mafable is in the middle of something, like saving creatures that are in peril or stopping the other Champion Trio from bullying others, Abmam will help out so that the two of them can get to their battle.
Obviously, Mafable does not consider Abmam an enemy and thinks the other legendary as its best friend who is always by its side and driving it to become stronger.
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keochuantvcom · 11 months
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luxuryandsports1 · 1 year
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Manchester City Champions League The Winner Tshirt Price From: 39.99 | | [Buy it now at] : https://luxuryandsports.com/product/manchester-city-champions-league-the-winner-tshirt/ ✅http://Luxuryandsports.com https://Facebook.com/luxuryandsports/ https://Pinterest.com/luxuryandsports2022/ ✅https://twitter.com/luxuryandsport2 https://www.instagram.com/luxuryandsports.official/ #Trend #halloween #chirstmas #gift #funny #cool #Sum Introducing the highly coveted Manchester City Champions League The Winner Tshirt - a must-have for true fans of one of the most successful soccer clubs in recent history. This shirt is much more than just a piece of clothing; it represents an incredible achievement and triumph for Manchester City on the global stage. With its sleek design, bold colors, and prominent printing showcasing "Champio...
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icompletesports · 1 year
UCL: We Lost To A Superior Opposition —Real Madrid Coach, Ancelotti
Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti has admitted that the Spanish giants were beaten by a superior Manchester City side in Wednesday’s Champions League second leg semi-final tie.
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City secured qualification to a second Champions League final appearance after thrashing Madrid 4-0 on Wednesday night.
A brace from Bernardo Silva and further goals from Manuel Akanji and substitute Julian Alvarez, secured a 5-1 aggregate win over Madrid.
Ancelotti who spoke to the media after the game, admitted his team was second best on the night.
“We played against opposition who deserved to win because they played with more intensity and real quality in the first half. They really paved the way to the final there.
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RFU Championship: Doncaster Knights Granted Clear Pathway Whilst Ealing Trailfinders are Denied the Green Light
Rugby in England has a curious way of shooting itself in the foot. From refusing professional status up until 1995 to debilitating tackle height laws in grass roots, rugby in England has seen a gradual decrease in interest as the RFU continuously spoil a promising product. The tier system in England is one of efficiency and sporting fairness, however, what we’ve seen in the RFU Championship may not support such values.
This time last year, Ealing Trailfinders won the RFU Championship in dominant fashion marking the conclusion of a fairy-tale climb from the National Division South third tier, all the way up the English rugby pyramid, to the promised land of the Gallagher Premiership. However, the celebrations were short lived as the RFU ruled that Ealing were not eligible for promotion and would have to remain in the countries second division for at least another season.
Like a sulking child, Ealing obliged and set out to make history once more. This they may do, as they lead the Championship table going into the closing stages of the season. Though, winning the league this year would make history in another way as they would become the first club to consecutively win the Championship without going up.
This is because in their most recent ruling, the RFU have stated that Ealing Trailfinders will be denied promotion, seeing them play yet another season in England rugby’s second division despite leading the league for the second year in a row. The RFU’s reasons to block the promotion is due to Ealings stadium capacity, which holds 5,000 people, half of the required 10,000. In February 2023, the RFU confirmed that for another season, Ealing will not be allowed to go up.
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‘I’m disappointed, we’re all disappointed’ states Tom Hawking, a media professional at the club. ‘We’ve all been working so hard and its hard because we clearly have the skills and talent to move up’.
Ealing had finished runners up for six consecutive seasons before finally winning the league and their instruction to remain in the league meant no teams would move between the two divisions including those who suffered relegation from the Premiership. ‘It feels strange that in a professional sport, there can be stagnation after a season. I don’t think it’s good for the game to be honest. I don’t know how long they can allow this as people will get disinterested with the jeopardy element lost from the game’.
Hawking also believes that this strict ruling from the RFU is bad for the individual clubs being told they can’t go up, not just the league system itself. ‘You begin to ask; “what’s our goal here?” because if we’re already the best team in the league and there’s no opportunity for us to improve against better opposition then we’ll have waisted that potential and begin to rot away in the league’.
He continues by admitting it can be difficult to stay motivated due to Ealing’s goal in promotion continuously taken out of reach. ‘You work hard for months and at the end of it all you read the news headline saying that it was all for nothing. It’s really frustrating, sometimes you think; “what’s the point?”
However, despite the frustration, Hawking claims that he fears there may be no simple solution to the issue Ealing finds itself in. ‘We’re not like most clubs in the sense where all departments here are close and we all talk so naturally we’ve spoken about this and it doesn’t seem hopeful’. He continued to claim this may be due to the RFU’s lack of transparency over the dilemma. ‘Initially we needed planning permission but being in a built up area it’s more realistic to move which wouldn’t be easy by any means. Some of us believe that the RFU aren’t supporting us, its almost like they don’t want us to be promoted’.
However, a club that will be motivated with the recent RFU ruling will be Doncaster Knights who will be granted promotion if they win the Championship. The south Yorkshire club satisfied the minimum standard criteria and are eligible for promotion to the Premiership at the end of the 2022/23 season. Despite Castle Park, Doncaster Knight’s home ground, holding a capacity of just 5,000, the club have received planning permission that would extend the capacity to beyond 10,000 and therefore adhered to the RFU’s criteria for promotion. The club have additionally provided detailed information regarding the safety assurance process to be undertaken by their local authority which has prompted the RFU’s enthusiastic seal of approval.
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‘Were delighted but this has only given us more incentive to work harder’ said Paul Strait, an analyst at the Doncaster Knights. ‘As it stands we’re only eligible to go up but we’re not in a position in the table where that’s possible so we’ve got to take this as motivation’.
Doncaster Knights currently sit 6th in the RFU Championship table and therefore wont get promoted if they finish in this position, even if a club that’s not eligible for promotion wins the league. ‘The reality is that it will be very difficult to go up this season’ stated Paul, “having said that, its an important moment for the club, it’s like a confirmation that we’re moving in the right direction’.
Doncaster Knights hold the title of being the most promoted club in the English rugby tier system yet have never climbed as far as the Premiership. However, Strait believes this could change in the upcoming years; ‘if you look over the past decade and beyond, we’ve had an upwards trajectory and I think when you look at our performances in the Championship, especially last year, we can definitely see Premiership rugby as a realistic goal’.
The English top two divisions will endure a second consecutive season of stagnation as no teams will be promoted nor relegated which will demand questions over how beneficial this is to a game that’s already decreasing in popularity in England. However, with revenue numbers at a critical stage, how likely is it that the RFU make a change to their strict promotion laws?
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(Taken by Archie Long – Follow Link to Instagram)
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(Taken by Archie Long)
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(Taken by Tom Hawking)
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(Taken by George Tewksbury)
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(Taken by Archie Long)
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(Taken by Archie Long)
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(Taken by David Rodgers)
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(Taken by John Ashton)
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(Taken by Archie Long)
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(Taken by Archie Long)
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seeyeps · 1 year
UEFA Champions League 2023 Football competition
The UEFA Champions League is an annual football competition contested by the top clubs in Europe. It was first held in 1955, and has been held every year since. The 2023 edition will be the 68th season of the tournament.
The UEFA Champions League is a football competition that takes place every year between the top clubs in Europe. The 2023 edition will be the 28th edition of the tournament, and it will be held in various cities across Europe. As always, the competition will be fierce, and fans can expect to see some of the best teams in the world going head-to-head.
There are sure to be plenty of surprises along the way, so make sure you don’t miss a minute of the action!
Where is the Champions League Being Played in 2023?
In 2023, the Champions League will be played at Wembley Stadium in London, England. This will be the first time that the tournament has been held at this venue since 2013.
How to Qualify for Champions League 2023?
In order to qualify for the Champions League in 2023, teams must first compete in their respective domestic leagues. The top four teams from each league will then advance to the Champions League knockout stage. From there, the eight remaining teams will compete in a single-elimination tournament until only two teams remain.
These two teams will then face off in the final match to determine the Champions League winner.
What are the 3 Uefa Competitions?
There are three major UEFA competitions: the Champions League, the Europa League, and the European Championship. The Champions League is a yearly continental club football tournament organised by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). It is one of the most prestigious tournaments in the world and attracts top clubs from across Europe.
The competition was first held in 1955, and its current format began in 1992. Clubs qualify for the Champions League by finishing in the top positions of their domestic leagues or by winning their national cup competitions. The tournament culminates with a final between two teams, which takes place over two legs – home and away – with aggregate goals deciding the winner.
The Europa League is an annual club football tournament organised by UEFA. It is considered to be second in importance only to the Champions League amongst UEFA competitions. The Europa League was previously known as the UEFA Cup and was established in 1971.
Like the Champions League, qualification for the Europa League is determined by a club’s domestic league position or their success in national cup competitions. The competition format typically sees 32 teams competing in a group stage followed by a knockout phase until two teams reach the final, which is held as a single match at a neutral venue. The European Championship is a quadrennial international football tournament contested by the men’s national teams of Europe.
It is organized by UEFA and was first held in 1960. The Euros are currently contested every four years with 24 teams taking part – this will increase to 32 teams from 2020 onwards. Teams qualify for Euro 2020 automatically if they are one of either: (1) The reigning champions; (2) One of six best runners-up from qualifying groups; or (3) Host nation(s).
Similar to World Cup qualification, each team that qualifies plays in a group stage before progressing to knockout rounds until two remaining sides contest the final match – also held at a neutral venue but unlike friendlies or other international matches where multiple stadiums may be used throughoutEuro 2020 all group games and knock-out rounds will be played at different venues across twelve different countries .
Who Will Host Champions League 2023?
The 2023 UEFA Champions League Final will be the final match of the 2022–23 UEFA Champions League, the 68th season of Europe's premier club football tournament organised by UEFA, and the 27th season since it was renamed from the European Champion Clubs' Cup to the UEFA Champions League. It is scheduled to be played at Wembley Stadium in London, England on 26 May 2023. The winners of the 2022–23 UEFA Champions League will qualify as the hosts for this final.
Champions League 2023 Schedule
The Champions League is an annual football competition that pits the best teams in Europe against each other. The 2023 edition of the tournament will take place from June 1st to July 23rd. A total of 32 teams will compete in the group stage, with the top two teams from each group advancing to the knockout stage.
The final will be played at Wembley Stadium in London. This year’s Champions League promises to be one of the most competitive and entertaining tournaments in recent memory. Some of the world’s best players will be on display, including Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Neymar, and Kylian Mbappe.
The tournament always produces great moments and unforgettable memories, so make sure to tune in!
In conclusion, the UEFA Champions League is a premier football competition that takes place every year. This year's event will be held in 2023. The competition always draws in a large number of teams and fans from all over the world, making it one of the most popular sporting events on the planet.
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rojadirecta2online · 1 year
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rojadirectatv2 · 1 year
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