#ch: fiona
in-every-generation · 7 months
@wickedlehane liked for a starter and so is getting a bunch of teens with zero brain cells.
There were so many ways in which New Sunnydale was just like Old Sunnydale, including the revolving door of teenagers that seemed to frequent the Summers-Pratt home. There were Buffy and Spike's two (Sara and James). Willow and Tara's girl (Arwyn(. Her half brother (Stevie), who belonged to Xander and Anya -- Xander having been the witches' donor. Oz's girl (Cherie Ann). The Mayor's daughter (Abigail). And occasionally, the LA contingent. Amythest and Angel's two (Connor and Kathy) who came to join their cousins and help stir up trouble.
Not to mention Faith's own daughter, Fiona.
And as Halloween was right around the corner, well...they were all there in force. Making plans.
"So wait... Halloween is REALLY devoid of demon activity? Like somehow the spookiest night of the year is also the safest?" In Arwyn's mind that just didn't compute. Shouldn't Halloween be the night when all hell broke loose? What about the whole thing with the veil between worlds being its thinnest?
"That's what they say...right?" Helping herself to a soda from the fridge, Fiona popped the top and looked over at her mom. She'd been through more than a few Halloweens...if anyone knew what really went on then, it was her.
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jaunefleurwrites · 1 year
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@eldelosojosazulmar’s MC named Aena with Fiona
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1alchemistart · 11 months
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hurried and did some art of she 👀
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crunchcrunchteacakes · 10 months
The Power of the Mind: Speculating Yor’s Super Strength
This is going to be long post on how I think Yor’s strength works after reading the events of Chapter 85.
In the fandom the topic of Yor’s strength is a common topic with with two main conclusions. Yor’s is a test subject of Ostania’s super-soldier experiment projects or her strength is exaggerated for the sake of comic relief or an Anime trope. I attribute Yor’s Skills to her assassin training that began at a young age which become ingrained in the form off Muscle memory. It is developed through repetitive practice of specific skills or movements over time. When a skill is practiced repeatedly, the brain creates neural pathways that strengthen the connections between the brain and the relevant muscle groups, making the movements more efficient and precise. But know I think it is more, efficiency and precision is one thing but elevated amount of strength and speed is another.  Yor’s powers seem far-fetched in reality, After Chapter 85 I wanted to explore a speculative concept that suggests a connection between mindfulness meditation and the potential manifestation of super strength.
The reason I never associated Yor’s with any human experimentation was because super-soldiers are not in style with Ostania’s Human experimentation which focus on creating higher-intelligence subjects. Project Apple and Anya’s secret organization both produced subjects that are associated with neurology resulting in psychic super powers of precognition and telepathy, Super speed, endurance and strength just don't fit in their. Besides Ostania can always employ Blackbell industries to make mechanical suits armors that would achieve the same results. (Chapter 25).  
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Anya, Bond and Yor’s power which I earlier separated on the basis of mind-body are not so distinct after all, the below panel provides a unique connection between checks on mental inhibitors and the manifestation of super strength in individuals.
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The technical term for Yor’s strength is Hysterical Strength : In real-world scenarios, cases of "hysterical strength" have been reported where individuals have displayed astonishing feats of physical strength during life-threatening situations. It is believed that adrenaline release and the "fight or flight" response may temporarily override mental inhibitors, enabling individuals to access greater strength. It is also reported to be present during situations of altered states of consciousness. (Source)
An altered state of consciousness (ASC) refers to any mental state that differs significantly from a person's usual waking awareness. In these states, the individual's thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and sense of self may be altered or modified, leading to a different experience of reality. Altered states of consciousness can be induced by various factors, including meditation, Yoga, spacing out (Source). The practice disengaging yourself convoluted emotions of mind by not denying or burring them but to simply step and and observe them from a different perspective in mindfulness to foster inner peace and self awareness. This concept was first introduced to us by Mr. Green in Chapter 39.
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(Mr. Green is definitely a member of Garden, but that is an topic for another day)
Yor is spaced out all the time, it’s like her personality trait, what we call ditzy and brain empty no thoughts, forgetful is literally her way of channeling her super strength. She is disengaged from her conscious mind. In this speculative narrative, she might temporarily enter altered states of consciousness where mental inhibitors are temporarily suspended or tweaked to channel her strength in any way she wants.. 
This means that Yor is in autopilot most of the time and her brain is at wakeful rest. No wonder her character was inspired by Little Briar Rose, a.k.a the Sleeping Beauty. This autopilot mode also made her seem more robot like to her colleagues who often say terms like “come back to earth Yor”. The autopilot mode also is an result of her training that has developed her muscle memory mentioned before, thus she has excellent mind-body coordination. We see her in the state of deep contemplation mostly when she is alone or outside the Forger family, Anya and Loid bring out Yor from this trance back to reality as seen in the clip below.
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Honestly Thorn Princesses blank glazed eye feature should be every bit as popular as Twilights Sharp focused one.
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This kind of contemplative state can be achieved by Yoga, and I am talking about the philosophy of Yoga that is part of the Indian and Buddhist cultures, not the western version of exercise. In yoga philosophy, it is believed that energy, or prana, flows through the body. When this energy is blocked or stagnant, it can lead to physical and mental discomfort. Yoga practices, including asanas and breathwork, aim to unblock and balance the flow of prana, promoting vitality and clarity of mind. The existence of inner energy reserves (e.g., prana, chi) that, when harnessed through meditation, can lead to enhanced physical abilities. Yeah Yor wasn’t lying here when she said she learned it through Yoga.
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Fiona trained her body not her mind, we see her break her mental barriers but she achieved this because of hysteria a state of great emotional distress and not something that she could just tap into, thus it cost her 3 out of 4 limbs. Yor does it through mindfulness, it encourages observing thoughts and emotions as they arise without attaching judgments or becoming entangled in them. So even though she is enraged and distressed when harm comes to Anya she does not become entangled in her emotions and maintains control over her strength by not overtly harming herself or others. Emotions come and go they are part of what makes us human. What's important is not to give into them but to channel them into positive actions. And at the end this is what Wheeler and Fiona are unable to do. He lacks any emotions this can never attain true strength and she doesn’t reign in her emotions thus making herself vulnerable.
I will follow up on the nature Garden it’s relationship with Ostania and government in another post, but for this is how I think Yor’s powers work.
TL;DR: Yor strength is connected to neuroscience of mindfulness, her extraordinary strength results from her extreme control of her consciousness which she can tap into to tweak the mental blocks.
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maeby-cursed · 1 month
i think toji likes music a lot, by the way. i know ive got a drabble of him barely listening to any, but i feel like young toji would find solace in music a lot. he likes Noise.
he listens to slade and the doors and maybe even picks up a bass one day — learns to work away the rage with his hands. he likes shitty earphones and underground concerts with sketchy vibes. he likes to blend in with the melodies, the listeners, the members of the band; just a mess of neon green lights and cigarettes.
he writes his favorite lyrics down in that horrible handwriting of his (leaned to the side, almost like the letters are in a rush), and maybe feels inspired to write his own ideas as well.
songs are little windows to him, interesting glimpses into other lives flashing by. an adrenaline rush.
something others can't take away.
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sugaaz · 1 year
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  “All people have a side of themselves they can’t reveal to others”
@animangacreators challenge 11 ★ fall 2022 Spy X Family
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shysheeperz · 2 years
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atomicpinks · 29 days
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guess ur super-poker face doesnt fool the handler
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nattyanatchaya · 4 months
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FIONA PALOMO(c) instagram stories
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chaika-jpeg-shitpost · 9 months
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in-every-generation · 7 months
//Don't mind me. Just adding another Next Gen kiddo to the roster thanks to @wickedlehane.
Fiona Nicole Wood. Daughter of Faith Lehane and Robin Wood. A child born with the blood of two slayers. Something that should be impossible but yet...here she is. So really she's kind of an uber Slayer.
FC is Vanessa Morgan cause of course it is.
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jaunefleurwrites · 1 year
Hey guys! Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers out there! I just finished celebrating with my own mother, I cooked up her favorite meal and took her out to walk at the beach the watched movies at home together with the family which is great.
I was supposed to send out an interactive special about Fiona and as I was coding it I realized I just accidentally ended up in spoilers territory and it was too late to rewrite it, I’m gonna post it publish once a certain chapter is out and I don’t know how long will it be so… I’m gonna give you guys a question and the first one to answer it correctly in the comments… I will do quick drawing of their MC with Fiona to at least post something for Mother’s Day.
The question is…
In the previous AWWY before the rewrite, Fiona was supposed to cook something for Francis when they get to their new house and able to hook up the stove. What was the food that Fiona was supposed to cook?
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spencer-is-dead · 11 months
I am afraid
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robyntherav3n · 7 months
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choco-mooooose · 9 months
I can’t describe it but girl looks like an owl
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shadowglens · 3 months
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aaaand a few more in this picrew
HOLLY (btvs) • FIONA (infamous) MORWEN (bg3) • PORTIA (sw)
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