#cerulean qilin zius
noturfang · 6 months
To think about it, I often fall for hyung figure of MC.
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Hmm... Yujin doesn't have any big brother figure, does he? Because he himself is the caretaker. Maybe that's why I fall for Hyunjae, the most reliable partner of Yujin, despite of how red flag he is.
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divinestranger · 6 months
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qilinhen 🤤
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feekins · 13 days
someone described Waron/Zius to me as "the gayest straight ship in the series" and I think about that every day (positive)
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meromero0107 · 8 months
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youcancallmesarid · 2 years
hello, I’ll immediately apologize for my English, but may I ask for headcanons with Zius, because this man deserves more content
Cerulean Qilin Zius x reader (The Ember Knight)
-Dating this man isn't easy, given that he's a knight
-But he still does his best to make some time for you
-I feel like his love language is acts of service and quality time (I feel like ALL the knight's love language is quality time, since they barely get to hang out due to work)
-He's a really careful and analytical guy, so the fact that he's dating you means he trusts you a LOT
-So he wouldn't really get jealous
-But he WILL step up when someone flirts with you
-If they don't stop, then they are in for a ride
-LOVES cuddles, but will only ask for them when he's had a bad day
-However, he won't be helping you if you did something illegal/morally wrong
-he might hesitate to arrest you/take you out, but he'll still do it since he has a high standard of honor
-unless the illegal thing you did was for the right reason, then he might find a way to help you, so long as it still doesn't cross the line
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felikatze · 2 years
rereading the ember knight (again) and the first time zius brings up power vs strength is literally episode 31, which is also just the first time we see him interact directly with nagyunn. incredible
"To be powerful means you can kill the opponent in front of you. To be strong means you do not kill your opponent even though you can" zius says casually around the campfire, explaining his tactical nuke skill AND restriction 30 chapters in advance
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noturfang · 6 months
I want to reread The Ember Knight....
Of course for him.
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noturfang · 7 months
So...a few days ago, my brother recommend me to read The Ember Knight. Not only read it until the latest chapter, I also read the prequel, Epic of Gilgamesh.
It turn out I really love this series. Especially love these three:
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noturfang · 6 months
Waron: I heard a story about two scientists walk into a bar. The first says, "I'll have some H2O." Then—
Zius: The second one dies because he ordered "H2O2".
Waron: Nope. They went home without getting anything because the bartender was too stupid. Pfft.
Zius: ....
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divinestranger · 6 months
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ba bo be
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noturfang · 7 months
The Ember Knight Fanfiction: First Encounter (Hen & Qilin)
Hello, guys. Actually, I'm not really confident with my English skills. And it has been a long time since last time I wrote a fanfiction. But, this duo just too attractive to me yet I haven't found my fangirling material about this two. So, I don't have any choice but to write fanfic about them. I asked my friend to do some grammatical check, but since we're not natives, please forgive me if there is any grammatical error or anything.
So, here is it. My first fanfiction here.
"Are you okay?"
What a question! It sounded too weird, making her eyes round in disbelief. The helmeted knight couldn't even remember the last time someone genuinely asked about her condition.
Who needed to worry about Black Hen Waron?
She scanned the man in front of her. He looked messy, breathing heavily, as if he could collapse at any moment. Waron snorted in amusement. Her biggest mistake was underestimating him—Cerulean Qilin Zius.
"You have an interesting power," she grinned under her helmet as she stood up.
Within five minutes, he had beaten her. Unfortunately, they couldn't continue their spar due to Zius's limited time. That guy only had five minutes to use his power.
Zius looked relieved when he saw her stand. Wait—really?! Did he really care about her condition? Black Hen Waron's condition? She didn't understand.
"Interesting. Very interesting," she mumbled. "Hey, hey, Qilin! We should fight again sometime!"
She could see him frown. "I don't have any will or reason to spar with you again," he said.
"Then I'll give you a reason!"
"No!"He declined immediately.
Waron chuckled as she followed him.
Cerulean Qilin Zius.
She wouldn't just let him go.
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*Ch 65
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noturfang · 6 months
Waron: I really would like to lock you up so you could stay still...
Zius: ...
Waron: ...unfortunately, it most likely I'll miss many fun things if you locked up.
Zius: Good you know that.
Waron: Still, you left me out of most of those fun times.
Zius: Don't you ever hear about save the best for last?
Waron: ....
Zius: ....
Waron: I do remember you called me your power...
Zius: You're right.
Waron: I'm your trump card....
Zius: I have no objection.
Waron: And your favorite~★
Zius: Shut up.
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feekins · 14 days
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I'm so Normal about how firmly On Nagyunn's Side Zius is 🥺
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feekins · 18 days
summertime Zius big pretty sun hat send tweet
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noturfang · 6 months
The Ember Knight Fanficton: The Deal (Qilin & Hen)
"Regarding the second special class apprentice knight… I'd like to recommend another knight as a mentor."
Zius looked more serious than usual, making Daljan wonder who he was talking about.
"Tell me."
As the Navy Blue Turtle Knight responded, Zius revealed the name he had in mind. "Pitch Black Hen Waron."
"…Are you serious?"
The young man had anticipated this reaction. He knew anyone would think he was crazy for recommending such a dangerous knight as a mentor, but he had his reasons.
"If war breaks out, we need her strength," Zius said.
"Her strength will indeed be a big help. The problem is… can we trust her?" Daljan looked into Zius's eyes.
"She is the most untrustworthy knight," Zius agreed, "yet the most dependable."
"I can't deny that. Then, do you have any plan?" The older man demanded an explanation.
"I would like to see if I can keep her in control."
"…you mean by using yourself as bait?"
"You could say that. We know she's obsessed with my power…"
Daljan massaged his forehead. "Qilin… you don't need to try to be responsible for everything."
"I'm not…" Zius paused. "But give up on her would be a great loss for our continent. And as long as she's with the second class, we don't have to worry about her hunting other knights."
What the young man said was true. It was a great idea. But still, Daljan thought Zius didn't need to go that far.
He sighed. "Okay, if you insist. But, will you really use your power on her?" He asked.
"I won't use my power at all, unless I really need to," Zius assured him.
"I understand. I'll send a message to Pitch Black Hen regarding this."
"Thank you."
"Hiya, Qilin~" The helmeted knight waved at him. "I heard you're the one who invited me to this apprentice project? Did you miss me that much?" She giggled.
"Yes," Zius pretended not to hear the last sentence, "We need your strength."
"Ho… And what will I get in return?"
Zius stared at the helmeted knight with a serious look. "My power."
Waron whistled in amusement. "If you need me that much, would you promise to use your power when and how I want?" She asked jokingly.
The young man was silent for a moment before nodding. "I promise."
Waron didn't expect he to accept her proposal without any complaint. "Deal, then!" She grinned with satisfaction before the man could take his word back. "I'm looking forward to it!"
Zius breathed a sigh of relief. The deal had been made. Hopefully, he hadn't made a wrong decision.
Second fanfic about them. Should I make an AO3 account? But I'm too lazy for that lol
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