#cellbit e felps
merrythesheep · 2 months
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manny-hughez · 8 months
Favela Five (I am so behind)
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Weredog and werecat solidarity. It’s really odd because Forever’s design was BY FAR the easiest and the one I liked doing the most, but Cellbit’s face was just piss easy. Like I could draw it in my sleep kind of easy. It’s just what I usually draw.
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Which makes the contrast between them and Tazercraft so disgustingly foul. Mike was easy claps but PAC? I spent WAY too long attempting him.
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sammym332 · 11 months
Comecei a ver qsmp esses dias
To vendo só o POV do cellbit, é melhor ver o do forever junto ou de algum outro deles? Ou da pra entender de boa vendo só o celbo?
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feeeelps · 1 year
amo como o felps começa a soltar um monte de palavra aleatória quando ta com medo em jogo de terror e dependendo do susto ele até cria uma língua nova kkkkkkk
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ramons-elevator · 10 months
Fuck it. Appreciation Post for the amazing QSMP admins.
Heres a list of just a small bit of the amazing shit that they did on/for the QSMP and its players:
Made a huge prison/event for Pac e Mike which later turned into a job for Fit for his lore
Helping Foolish out with his Titan by raising it up, lighting it up, and even making sure the brightness of the light blocks where okay for him
Listening to Fit and Phil the day the task was "Make a grappling squawk" and made it interesting with Walter Bob delivering the news
Making Gegg a reality and letting him run for president
Every event is so cool no matter how big or small. The dungeons the The Jaidens did was so fun and interesting. Every new players event is always chaos but very detailed. Even making stuff for French Independence day and the 4th of July so people could experience each other's cultures.
The amazing wedding cake and rings for Cellbit and Roier's wedding
Helping Tazercraft with the Hide and Seek Arena and making the code so they can actually play hide and seek easier
Giving Charlie, Roier, and Max (idk if theres more) key binds so they easily switch their skins and their names in game
The little jokes/ nods to stuff that happens on the server. Like the day after Missa came back and failed a water bucket clutch, they made one of the tasks "Have a water bucket competition".
Them elaborating on stuff that happens on the server. For instance, Bad putting up mini bulletin board at spawn so they keep everyone updated. So the admins started putting the newspaper there so people could see and be updated.
Philza found an insane mob that basically soft locked your game and Phil messaged the admins telling them that information, to which they immediately disabled the mob.
The side NPCs that everyone fall in love with them. From Walter Bob, a random admin who they let the players create a story and love for, to the Capybaras, which are basically the admins having fun but turned into them having their own lore.
The insane enigmas they make for Cellbit and the story it tells. They make the puzzles very detailed and sometimes can hint to other stories.
Fucking making Felps a new member
Making a button so people like Cellbit who frequently switch between Portuguese and English dont have to constant fiddle with the settings and can just switch easily
The fucking insane shit they do with Max and his story is so cool. From what Ive seen, they give him so much room and freedom to make what he wants. Im always so impressed by whatever Max does and the things he does with this server.
They make sure everyone's lore/story is seen/heard and also try to connect the lore together. From what I have seen, nothing is half assed. Cellbit finding books about a powerful weapon? It is used to trap Pac and Etoiles had to go through the nether to get the shield to counter the sword.
Lastly, just listening to the members and hearing their concerns while also letting them having fun. They joke with the members/audience, but also hearing them out when they think something is unjustified.
The admins care so much for this server and put so much work and love for it. I hope they know it never goes unappreciated or looked over.
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anonymous-dentist · 26 days
So here’s what happened:
It’s late November, and Roier has finally managed to find his husband’s location on Purgatory using his computer. He gets Pac and Mike to help him fix up the boat (that looks a lot like Cellbit’s shoes.) They adore Roier, so they don’t want him to go alone. They tell Richarlyson to stay with Bagi while they go help Roier, and, of course, Richarlyson tells Bagi, and she follows them onto the boat because she is NOT letting all of them go and get killed without her! Her brother is on that island! Richarlyson comes, too, because he’s a stubborn little fucker. And Felps is asleep on the ship already, anyway: in the ship’s walk-in freezer.
But who else is on the island? That’s right, Baghera. And so Pomme says she’s going, too. Not wanting her to go alone, and not wanting his bro to get killed, Etoiles comes along. With him comes Antoine, who’s sick of Cucurucho’s bullshit. And Pierre comes, too, because he actually liked Purgatory.
They all get to the island and pick up Cellbit and Baghera… quite literally, because they’re in disbelief that people came to save them.
Once everybody’s safe and on the ship, Pierre, who’s driving, realizes that they can just. Go now. They’re on a boat! They can just go!
So they do.
And that’s how the Brazilians (and their honorary Brazilian) and the French leave Quesadilla Island and make it home safe and sound.
(Later, there’s a prison break. The remaining islanders are running towards the beach, including Fit and Tina, and the guards are right behind them, and who shows up but Brazil’s most famous prison escape artists: Tazer e Craft and the silly little raccoon steering their boat.)
The End.
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thenewausten · 3 months
Moments as Quackity’s s/o (while also being a streamer) during one of the qsmp meetsin brazil or vegas maybe? Something like, keeping your relationship private enough that some members don’t even know you’re dating
Thanks for the request!
Quackity and his S/O in a very private relationship HC's!
Only Cellbit, Lorena, Roier, Baghera and Bagi knew you and Quackity were dating, so it'd be a torture to your boyfriend to see you beautiful as fuck and not be able to kiss you or put his hands on your hips to hug you from behind. What. A. Torture.
The air of Brazil made you even more beautiful, so he'd stare you 'till Cellbit notices. "Dude..." He says and he look at him. "Charlie just asked me why are you staring Y/N like a creepy."
"Shit." He'd say, making Cellbo laughs.
Staying at different rooms at the Hotel and sneaking to his bedroom to sleep with him!!!@ "Hey, amor. I missed you so 'fuckin much." He'd whisper as he grabs your waist, kissing your lips. "I missed you too, 'Lex." You whisper to him. "You were so beautiful today, I had to have so much control to not kiss you in front of everyone." The boy would kiss your neck as he says it. "I understand the feeling, you were hot as fuck today." You say to him and Alex smiles, pushing your body gently to the bed. "Let me show you how much I missed you, Y/N." He says and you nod, grabbing his shirt and kissing his lips.
He'd still be a gentleman with you <3 Opening the door of every place you guys went for you, sitting next to you, smiling to you, grabbing to you whatever you wanted/needed or taking care of you when you were drunk!!@
"C'mon, hermosa... You're very drunk, uh?! Let's drink some water, baby." He whispers to you as you laugh, holding his face. "You're so handsome, Alex." He smiles and give you the bottle of water. "Drink it, princesa." You drink the water as he watches you. You decided to go to the kitchen to grab more water and, of course, be alone with Alex. "Y/N." He calls you. "Can you kiss me?" You ask him. "Not here, amor." He says and you make a sad grimace. "C'mon, don't make that face." He approaches you. "What's the point to keep our relationship private even to some friends? I'm tired of it, I want to kiss you." You say and he looks away for a moment, then approaches you more and kisses you, his hands on your waist as he pins you against the counter.
"Fuck, am I drunk or Quackity and Y/N are kissing in the kitchen?" You hear Philza asks to someone and Alex doesn't give a fuck, he doesn't stop kissing you 'till you both have to pull away to breathe. "Damn, what a kiss." You hear Pac's voice and when you turn around, almost everyone were watching you. "Get out, your pervs." Alex says and laughs.
"Are you dating? I knew it!" Charlie says and celebrates with e everyone as soon as you confirm. "You guys don't know how to hide it, you know?" Felps asks. "Yeah, specially Alex." Missa says and your boyfriend rolls his eyes.
Cellbit and Roier would make everyone left the kitchen so Quackity could take care of you. "Do you need some medication?!" He asks. "No, I'm better. Are you okay with they knowing?!" You ask him. "Of course, amor. You were right, you know?! There's no point to hide our relationship."
You smile to him as he holds your waist. "I'm so glad that now I can be clingy with you in front of them." You say and he laughs. "Me either, hermosa." The boy pulls you into a kiss with a smile on his face.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the writing! :)
Requests are open!
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johncarrera · 6 months
Thinking about how Cellbit's lore got so convoluted on accident.
Most people in the island are just normal guys who at some point got kidnapped and possibly tortured.
Meanwhile Cellbit, thanks to Tazercraft jokingly making Fuga Impossível canon, he talking about the Hunger Games collab with BBH to Richarlyson and the whole thing with Bagi:
Lived in the island when he was a little kid along his parents and twin sister
Witnessed something horrible and decided to try to escape
Got captured
Escaped capture
Lost his memory of all this
Somehow got sent to a battlefield where he became a cannibal in order to survive
Literal 13 yr old when this happened.
Met a motherfucking d e m o n as a mentor
Somehow got sent to jail
Became a serial killer manipulator cannibal bitch
Escaped prison alongside Tazercraft
Got betrayed and left to die
Was rescued by the police officer he had killed and became best friends with him
Went to therapy
At some point did an ad for Vivo Turbo which implies he got some fame
Became a detective / Occult researcher
Befriended Tazercraft even after they had tried to murder each other
Became roommates with them
Divorced Forever at some point????
Went with Tazercraft, Felps (the police officer) and Forever on a boat trip
Felps somehow crashes right into the island where Cellbit lives
All of this while Bagi was searching for him.
And then the whole shit within QSMP itself happens which includes getting married to a hot mexican, becoming a father, being tortured by a bear, being recruited by said bear, being kidnapped and brainwashed, etc etc.
Truly the Wattpad protagonist of QSMP
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pixiecaps · 16 days
felps: quem é você
cellbit: oi😄 eu sou cellbit 🧔🏻‍♂️ eu sou diretor criativo do jogo enigma do medo😱 eu tambem sou streamer👾 e eu gosto de enigmas🧩 e misterios❔e video games🎮 eu tenho dois✌️cachorros🐶 e dois✌️gatos😸
felps: boa boa
cellbit: quem é você
felps: eu sou felps
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natureismynature · 11 months
Oh fuck it- I did the analysis.
Anyway, I want you all to remember that this is me talking about CHARACTER MENTALITY. This is me analyzing these characters' THOUGHT PROCESSES about the whole situation.
This is not me victimizing anyone, this is not me making EXCUSES for anyone, and this is DEFINITELY not me blaming Tazercraft for the other islanders' thoughts and actions. This is just me looking at relationships and characterization.
Okay, so the whole "Tazercraft situation" is an interesting one. They were betrayed, they were forced to relive their trauma, they lost a dear friend in the process, and so many more things. And we know that the person who arrested them, Foolish, doesn't understand how severe his actions were. He did that for FUN, with little to no remorse at first. But for some reason, the Islanders aren't that mad at him? Why? Why aren't they hounding on him? Why aren't they pissed? Why aren't they trying to save Tazercraft? Why aren't they avenging them?
Well, because if you look at it, the Islanders know Foolish more than they know Tazercraft. Yes, they're all friends, but Pac e Mike aren't as, well, *close* to the other residents compared to Foolish. Yes, they organize a lot of events for all the Islanders to spend time together and have fun, but most of the time, they're building said events together rather than speaking with the others. It's not very common that Pac and Mike have deep and personal conversations with the other Islanders, but Foolish is almost always the emotional support himbo. And yeah, Foolish used to build a lot too, but lately, he's been spending more time with the others just bonding and talking and getting to know them.
My point is, almost NO ONE knows Tazercraft outside of "The guys who makes cool games and give haircuts". While everyone knows Foolish as more than "The silly guy who builds things."
The only people (that aren't Brazilian) who I can think of that are very close to Tazercraft outside of their events, are Etoiles (he wasn't informed when they were taken, he's clueless of the situation), Fit (he's the ONLY one who's truly angry at Foolish to the point of considering murder), and Foolish himself. It would be kind of hard to find a justifiable way to be very mad if you know almost nothing about the victims (and this is not me blaming Tazercraft, this is just me looking at how people in general would react to situations like this)
Now that we've talked about the Islanders' relationship with TC in general, let's talk about specifics.
Cellbit, why isn't he mad? Well, because he WANTS to believe in Foolish. He wants to TRUST in Fooish. Because they were friends first before they were in-laws. Foolish was the one who stayed by him when he was at his lowest. The one who kept him sane by being more insane than him. And if you guys remember, he's still under the impression that Foolish is doing this to protect Richas. Cellbit's SON. Plus, he BELIEVES in Tazercraft. "They got out before, they can get out again." (Also, let's not forget that he's probably a sleeper agent and was instructed not to intervene with it)
Forever, why isn't he mad? Now for this one I'm gonna talk meta. Well, similar to Cellbit, he's under the impression that Foolish is doing this for Richas. But unlike Cellbit, he's not fully convinced. ALSO unlike Cellbit, he doesn't really know Tazercraft that much, he doesn't share the same history as they do with Cellbit and Felps. Now that we've established that, let's talk meta. qForever treasures his family, we know that, but the last time he lashed out due to strong emotions, the FANDOM attacked ccForever. You think he'll act strongly again after that? He's controlling himself this time. Bidding his time, waiting for the bomb to drop, waiting for the truth to come out, so he doesn't make mistakes again.
Badboyhalo, why isn't he mad? Well, because he doesn't know Tazercraft (he often forgets who's Pac and who's Mike) and he's best friends with Foolish. As much as he wants to be impartial and fair on his judgment, he's still biased. He wants ANYTHING than to believe that Foolish is doing this by his own volition. He's trying his damn best to find anything to excuse Foolish's actions. His reaction when Foolish told him the truth was "Then why is everyone mad at you?" because to him, it's just normal Foolish behavior to sell out his friends for a gun.
Richarlyson, why isn't he mad? Because he's a literal CHILD. A child that is hopeful and loves his grandma very much. He's very close with Foolish, he copes through jokes, and has already lost so much. He doesn't want to lose his trust on Foolish too. So for now, he'll give him the benefit of a doubt.
Fit, why didn't he tell anyone that he found Pac and Mike? Well, because he could be putting his beloved son in danger if he said that. It was RAMON who asked him to keep it a secret. He has things at stake too. He cares for his friends, he's rightfully angry at Foolish, but he would never risk Ramon's life.
Jaiden, why is she siding with Foolish? Well, because she was lied to and she sees him as a trustworthy friend. She knows how it feels to be suspected by every, to be made an errand girl by the Feds. She thinks Foolish is in the same situation and wants to be there for him like many people were there for her.
Aypierre and Phil don't really have strong bonds with Pac and Mike so we can't really expect anything from them. They themselves are pretty out of touch with other players as well most of the time.
Now, let's talk about the "they would have been thrown in jail either way" sentence that the Islanders have been throwing around. They've been saying this because, well, it's the truth. No matter what, Pac and Mike would have been thrown in prison. The Islanders are just confused on why it had to be Foolish who arrested them. They all know of the illegal things that Tazercraft has been doing, and they all know what happens to people who break the rules, which is why no one was surprised when their illegal acts caught uo with them. I'd like to point out that the first person to be jailed was Maximus, and as far as the Islanders know, jail in the island isn't so bad because Max got out fine after a day. They're not AWARE of how fucked up the actual prison is because Max didn't experience what Pac and Mike did. I'm sure that if they finally see Tazercraft again and hear of the horrors they had to go through, people would be more angry and wary if anyone else gets imprisoned.
At the end of the day, it all boils down to biases and ignorance. The Islanders know nothing about the prison and they're very aware that Foolish would sell out his friends for free shit. They are not surprised about his actions because he was never shy to say he'd do anything for free things. And they are not that worried because they don't know how bad it was in the prison. They were all lied to, and they are all friends with Foolish. But I'm sure that if they hear the full story from Pac and Mike's side, they'd have a LOT to say to Foolish.
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haikirii · 10 months
I really like to reflect on how trust for q!Cellbit is something extremely important.
His entire lore revolves around trust relationships, mostly that relationship being broken. It's always about him being cheated on over and over again, even though the people he trusts have reasons to.
In Fuga Impossível, the only thing he asked f!Tazercraft was "Don't break my trust". I mean, we can't judge them because f!Cellbit wasn't the sanest person to have a relationship with inside the jail - considering the events that followed and the consequences like f!Felps killed in a riot, f!Pac having his leg eaten, f!Jvnq murdered, and f!Cellbit abandoned on an island.
However, he still tried to trust in f!Tazercraft. He tried to take a chance, even if you can't see that chance with the best of intentions.
And then imagine in q!Cellbit's view now. Years pass and something happens, and now all you are in a lovely and unique family that takes care of your adopted son who becomes the most important thing in your lives. Now there's q!Forever, your ex-husband - can we consider that fact? - in the middle of the story.
And you betray him .You say horrible things to him. You talk about how you are going to remove Richarlyson, the love of his life, from his life. You destroy the farm he took weeks to build, you become a monster.
You know that it's for the greater good. You know how much this situation that YOU put everyone in is hurting him, how much you betrayed his trust by doing all this.
And yet, you'd have no idea he still had a twinge of confidence that it was all a plan.
So, I think in q!Cellbit's shock to discover that q!Forever still trusted him after all that.
Something that has always been so important in his life, that was taken away from him several times, becomes so essential in a relationship to the point that even if he became a monster, that trust still existed.
And after everything was revealed, trust only grew. This got stronger and stronger to the point where just mentioning that he was being blackmailed into doing something and if he told anyone Richarlyson would die, q!Forever changed the subject without hesitation.
q!Forever, the most curious person on the entire island, who has a gossip magazine and spies on everyone, changed the subject without even hesitating so that q!Cellbit would stop telling him that. Because he trusts q!Cellbit SO MUCH, and loves his son SO MUCH, that anything less than that is bullshit.
Same thing with q!Roier. Their entire relationship is based on mutual trust from the beginning. Everything they went through, from the regret arc until now, they could only get through it because they had this unconditional trust.
And at the end of it all, q!Cellbit got what he wanted most in his entire life: people to believe in.
Tradução pt-br
Gosto muito de refletir como confiança para o q!Cellbit é algo extremamente importante.
Toda a sua lore gira em torno de relações de confiança, principalmente essa relação sendo quebrada. É sempre sobre ele ser traído várias vezes repetidamente, mesmo que as pessoas as quais ele confia tenham motivos para isso.
Em Fuga Impossível, a única coisa que ele pediu para os moços foi "Não quebrem a minha confiança". Quero dizer, não podemos julgá-los pois f!Cellbit não era a pessoa mais sã de se ter uma relação dentro da cadeia - considerando nos fatos que se sucederam e nas consequências de um f!Felps morto em uma rebelião, f!Pac tendo sua perna comida, f!Jvnq assassinado e f!Cellbit abandonado em uma ilha.
Porém, ainda assim ele tentou confiar nos moços. Ele tentou dar uma chance, mesmo que você não possa ver essa chance com a melhores das intenções.
E então imagine na visão de q!Cellbit agora. Anos se passam e algo acontece, e agora vocês são uma família amorosa e única que cuida de seu filho adotado que se torna a coisa mais importante de suas vidas. Agora tem q!Forever, seu ex-marido - será que podemos considerar esse fato? - no meio da história.
E você trai ele. Você fala coisas horríveis pra ele. Você fala como você vai tirar o Richarlyson, o amor da vida dele, de sua vida. Você destrói a farm que ele levou semanas pra montar, você vira um monstro.
Você sabe que é por um bem maior. Você sabe o quanto essa situação que VOCÊ colocou a todos está machucando ele, o quanto você traiu a confiança dele fazendo tudo isso.
E, mesmo assim, você nem imagina que ele ainda tinha uma pontada de confiança de que era tudo um plano.
Então, eu penso no choque de q!Cellbit ao saber que q!Forever ainda confiava nele depois de tudo isso. Algo que sempre foi tão importante em sua vida, que foi lhe tirada várias vezes, se torna tão essencial em uma relação ao ponto de mesmo que ele tenha se tornado um monstro, ainda assim aquela confiança ainda existia.
E depois de tudo revelado, a confiança só cresceu. Ela se fortaleceu cada vez mais ao ponto de só de mencionar que ele estava sendo ameaçado a fazer algo e se contasse para alguém Richarlyson morreria, q!Forever mudou de assunto sem pestanejar.
q!Forever, o maior curioso da ilha inteira, que tem uma revista de fofoca e espiona a todos, mudou de assunto sem nem hesitar para que q!Cellbit parasse de contar aquilo. Porque ele confia TANTO no q!Cellbit e ama TANTO o seu filho, que qualquer coisa abaixo disso é besteira.
A mesma coisa com q!Roier. Toda a relação deles é baseada em confiança mútua, desde o início. Tudo o que eles passaram, desde o arco regret até agora, eles só puderam superar porque eles tinham essa confiança incondicional.
E no final de tudo, q!Cellbit conseguiu o que ele mais queria em toda sua vida: pessoas ao qual acreditar.
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mooniebunny · 1 year
🇺🇸- NEVER TRUST THAT FUCKIN BEAR!!!! Since the beginning of the stream Felps was calling Cellbit crazy and a bear chasing him with a chainsaw was just a nightmare..... I think he believes Cellbit now lol Maybe they did that because the Ordo Theoristas are trying to solve the puzzles and the mystery and everything is just happening too fast and just took the opportunity to put more thing in the lore also maybe because felps is going to Japan and I'll only be back on may 30 and felps told they know he's gonna travel.
🇧🇷- NUNCA CONFIE NESSE URSO FDP!! Desde o começo da live o Felps tava chamando o Cellbit de doido e q um urso correndo atrás dele com uma motosserra era só um sonho/pesadelo... Acho q agora ele acredita um pouquinho Cellbit kkkkkkk Talvez pq o Ordo Theoristas ta desvendando esse enigma meio rapido e mais rapido do q eles esperavam, eles usaram isso pra criar mais lore e deixar mais um mistério, outra motivo é q como o Felps vai viajar, meio q prenderam ele alí pelo tempo q ele vai ficar fora (ele disse q só volta la pelo dia 30) e os adms sabem q ele vai viajar pode ser q pegaram a oportunidade pra por mais coisa na lore.
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satirates · 1 year
New QSMP rules and why they needed to exist
1. The areas protected by the Administration/Federation cannot be broken, do not take advantage of bugs.
Or the admins "very bad, not good event". For people who weren't there, there was an event on Thursday for the liberation of Cellbit and Felps from the federation. The players tried to break in and discovered that you can destroy protected blocks with the symmetry wand. They spent hours doing it, only for the admins to erase the structure from the map so they would stop. On top of that, fit managed to find a way to vandalize the protected church using a watermelon gun yesterday.
This rule is obviously for story purpose. You can't really hide any structure in minecraft, so they don't have any other choice than putting the building in plain sight. If the players keep breaking the protected blocks, it can affect the story by revealing things that are only supposed to come up later. I can imagine the admins weren't happy to see all their hard work destroy by something they didn't know was possible, hence the ban.
2. XP farms are allowed as long as the spawner was generated naturally.
I don't know anything about XP farm in minecraft, but it's nice that they clarify this. There was always a doubt on the server about XP farms, which one was legal and which one was not. At least now, players know.
3. The video options are allowed as long as the range isn't excessively big.
Fun fact, yesterday I had a thought about how long before the video/audio became illegal due to things getting out of hands. So many things happen to justify this rule: Forever putting way too many blocks in Cellbit castle, The very loud Pac e Mike song, the bird block that cover the whole main area.
It's only a question of time before things get dirty with these. It can be very inconvenient for players (and viewers) that have sensitivity issues. Or really annoying at least. By restricting it, you ensure that players don't interfere in the enjoyment of others. (I'm pretty sure there were complaints about the bird noises. It was pretty harmless, but imagine if Forever had put something worse, like a loud music. It would have made La France, Favela and Phil's house unplayable areas.)
4. Do not modify too much the spawn area.
No ideas why this rules had been added now specifically. My only guess is that there is a significant amount of players going there now because of the Sharestone. But yes, it's a logical rule to ensure the spawn isn't the target of a Prank. If any of you know if something happen at spawn, I will edit this section.
5. It is prohibited to import or move structures with the Create mod or any other type of mechanisms.
Ah, This was quick. Yesterday, Bad and Dapper move a big tower on top of foolish dragon using the create mod for a prank. The problem was, the tower gives mining fatigue, making it almost indestructible. This discovery basically allows players to move anything, even constructions that are not their own.
You can imagine why this one exist. I was on Foolish stream yesterday, and he genuinely looked distraught at the alteration of is structure. Allowing players to move buildings at will? Terrible ideas. Not only could they do that to prank each other, but also they could break up lore building. Also, yesterday show that it's not that simple. Dapper destroyed part of the tower by moving it. The superglue is destruction and drama waiting to happen.
6.The deadline to complete the missions are 12am PST, after that, the missions will reset.
Not the twitter admins won't have to wait for BadBoyHalo to go to sleep so they could post the egg statistic update lol.
7. The eggs cannot have more than 2 immortality totems
This one is probably the most controversial, but logical for me. To paraphrase what Étoiles told Pomme yesterday: "with everything you have, it's impossible for you to dies. At least if the code isn't cheating". And I believe he is right. With the stasis chamber, the gears and the totem, it's almost impossible to kill an egg if the players are being careful. And we know they are trying really hard to take Pomme last life so the story could progress. The attack will not be like the last one, it will not be as unforgiving. So, with Bad doing totem traffic on the server, they needed a way to give a chance to the code and restricted them. If not, all eggs would have 30 totems by next week. X)
I really hope it increases the chances to have epic battle for the eggs while not dooming them.
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hepbaestus · 5 months
All the graffiti in Pac's base minus Empanada's as of 11/10/24
If I got any of the Portuguese translations wrong, please tell me!
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[Start ID: Eleven screenshots of graffiti on white concrete bricks in Chume Labs (Pac's base) on the QSMP Minecraft server in different styles;
A brown bubble style graffiti that says 'Fit' with a trident across the 'T' and white indecipherable text above the 'F' that says 'bald is beautiful'
A sharp white clustered graffiti style that says 'Cellbit' and a vibrant red to dark blue gradient graffiti style that says 'Roier' on the same white concrete block
A uniform maroon graffiti text that says 'Felps' with the emoticon of a face underneath it
A blue classic graffiti style with a black shadow behind the Portuguese word for Squirrels 'Esquiletes' and a chicken scrawl graffiti style that says 'Caw Caw' these refer to the teams that Pactw and MiketheLink were in for the second Purgatory event (Pac in Squirrels and Mike in Crows)
A full white graffiti that says 'Slender Pelado' with a white egg behind the text, this is in reference to the white slender man haunting MiketheLink
A pink and white graffiti that says 'Tina'
A bubble style graffiti that says 'Ramon' with a cog as the letter 'O' and a moustache as the line connecting the two sides of the letter 'A', there is also a minecraft meathead (A red zombie head with four tendrils) on the top of the letter 'R'
A pink and purple graffiti that says 'Bagi'
A predominantly yellow with green splotches graffiti which says 'Richas', the letter 'C' is replaced with Pacman and there is decipherable text above the 'H' which in Portuguese says 'ovo bolola' which translates to 'ball shaped egg' and three blue bumps above that
A white with blue backdrop graffiti that says 'Bobby' with a halo over the first 'B'
A blue and green graffiti style that says 'Pac e Mike' with 'Pac e' being green with a blue shadow and 'Mike' being blue with a green shadow. This translates to Pac and Mike /EndID
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thesmpisonfire · 9 months
Just. Cellbit was a lost and forgotten kid himself. He was a kid that grew up in a war that never had someone who would stay and love him, he had BBH but that was for one game. He grew up and had to turn into cannibalism to survive, he then got left on the streets when he became too much of a monster to be kept in the games
He then got locked up and forgotten again, lying to survive, grasping into any hint of love he could get and trying to get it from Pac e Mike, who betrayed him (with motive btw) and left him to die. He would have died on that island if Felps hadn't shown up and gave him a second chance. He would have died just like Myo did
And then he heals and learns to love and learns he deserves to be loved and he has a family and people that care. And then he reads Myo's diary. And then he weeps for a kid he can understand as if he saw himself there
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
Okay I did some vod searching and here’s Cellbit’s pov of the prison announcement (in the form of a pretty badly clipped video lol)
A couple of things to note:
The silence
The stammer
The knife
The eyes
First, the silence, because it could be easy to miss from another pov because he was already pretty quiet before. But you can see the literal second it registers what Forever had just said because the change in the silence is palpable. He didn’t even raise his voice above the noise when he asked Forever if he was being serious.
Second, the stammer. This is a man who is very good at talking. Look at him during the presidential debates, nothing was able to keep him from talking, not even his own suicide. But then here he… can’t talk. He’s that shocked, and he’s terrified. See:
Third, the knife. Now this knife. Now this knife. It’s his emotional support murder knife. He only brings it out when he feels scared, and it’s gotta be a real deep fear for him to bring it out. It’s only been a few times, namely when he’s been triggered over his past, most notably when he and Richarlyson explored the Federation prison after Pac’s kidnapping.
And then fourth, the eyes. After he takes the knife out, Cellbit’s eyes flick back and forth between Forever the audience in what appears to be genuine confusion. Because, and this is important, Forever never told Cellbit about the prison. So between the fear and the Horrors, there’s some actual legitimate confusion in there because he didn’t know about this.
So now, after all that, let’s take a look at q!Cellbit’s character in general because I know there are people who don’t know about his very tragic backstory.
So Cellbit was in prison for… something. Probably murder tbh, but that was never confirmed. He was in prison with Pac e Mike and he was a really bad person. As in, murdering people, threatening people, ripping human ears off, stabbing, inciting riots (I think???). He killed Felps. He almost got Pac and Mike to kill each other.
And then, after being left to die alone on an island, Cellbit got some goddamn help for the first time in his life.
Before prison, he was in a war (ie the Hunger Games.) Then he was in prison, and the math is hunting towards him being incarcerated prior to his eighteenth birthday. He was 18-ish when he was in prison, and he’s 26 now, and he spent those eight years in therapy. Now he’s a better person, and he’s a very scared person.
He has many triggers, but the one that’s come up the most has been prison. He killed Abueloier that first time because they were in a prison-like cell. After hearing that Pac e Mike were arrested, he almost became another person as he interrogated Foolish (just watch that vod back, the whiplash is there.) When exploring the Federation’s prison, he was visibly on edge, clutching his emotional support murder knife and tensing when he saw all of the cells and almost stabbing Cucurucho when it appeared. Foolish asked if he could arrest him, Cellbit immediately turned him down, and he went behind his husband’s back to convince Foolish not to arrest him, either. (I’m not sure if he knows in-character about the prison cell in the new murder mystery game, but he will Not be happy if he gets put in there.)
So. Prison.
He wants to be a better person, is the thing. Cellbit doesn’t like thinking about who he was as Cell- he canonically even avoids cellphones when he can (see: Abueloier.) But he can’t help what happens when he’s triggered: he killed Abueloier, he almost attacked Cucurucho and risked his whole new infiltration plan. He’s worried about hurting someone again, because he knows he’s capable of it. He might not be the best at pvp, but that doesn’t matter when half the server is just as bad as he is (/affectionate.)
He doesn’t want to hurt his family, and there being a big huge physical trigger all of a sudden in the form of this prison he wasn’t ever told about has clearly made him realize that, oh shit, this could be bad. Bad for himself, and thus bad for others.
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