now that we have been granted the power of democracy (tumblr polls), it is time to settle a debate of ancient origin and dire importance
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[op tag list to my best abilities: @esoanem @cedrwydden-blog @lunamargarita @thatwheezingsoundthetardismakes ]
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vaspider · 5 years
replied to your post
“I know I addressed this briefly when I chose to delete the posts but I...”
I still don't know how I feel about kinks at pride events. I guess it depends on how explicit people are being. I don't know how explicit people are about it. I've never been to many things like that since I live in the country.
Here’s a video of the Leather Daddies marching in Philly Pride last weekend:
Always love it when the Leather Daddies march.
A post shared by Jess Eskow (@jessicapierogies) on Jun 9, 2019 at 11:55am PDT
I can’t speak for every person with a Leather Flag in every Pride parade or Pride event everywhere, and I am sure that, as with every community, there are bad actors who carry Leather flags, but I can say in my experience that this how the vast, vast majority of the queer leather/kink folx behave when they’re in public at Pride. 
I genuinely encourage people to think very critically about this. What do you see in this video? Because what I see are people in no less covering clothing than you’d see at the beach, and a few people wearing puppy masks. No one’s flogging other people or engaging in a Scene (and if they were, it would be wrong whether they were wearing leather underpants or a pair of khakis and a polo shirt).
Clothing isn’t activity, and the activity of the people pictured in this video? It’s no different from anyone else in the parade. They marched. They waved their flags. They held hands in public, unafraid and unashamed.
The queer kink community belongs at Pride, as their whole selves, as part of the community that they, as kinky queers, helped build. And again, look: some of them had leather flags (again, designed by a gay man long before the Bear Brotherhood or Bi flags existed, let alone the Trans, Non-Binary, etc.) and some of them had Bi, Bear, etc. flags. Because ... that’s who they are. 
Feel however you want, honestly. No one’s telling you that you have to be comfortable with kinky queers being in public, just the same way that bible-thumpers don’t need to be comfortable with queers being openly queer in public. They just have to leave us alone and let us be in places where we belong. That’s all that kinky queers want: to bring their whole authentic selves and to be part of a community that kinky queers helped build. Brenda Howard didn’t differentiate between the parts of herself, and often wore a button to marches that said ‘Kinky. Queer. Poly. I’m not greedy, I just know what I want.’ And if the Mother of Pride thought kinksters belonged at the March she helped found, and named... 
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zussya-archive · 5 years
Okay, how the heck did you do your mobile about? I can't add links in my bio in either desktop or the app.
So I specifically linked the url of the post I wanted as my bio and then on desktop I went into theme and pasted it in as html like this:
<a href="url">link text</a>
(with the post url replacing url and what I wanted it to be shown as replacing text)
p.s. you can find the url of a post in desktop in the top corner of the post
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patricianandclerk · 5 years
16, 24, 36 for that bastard vampire one.
OC Asks
16. What does your OC smell like?
Henry wears a mild cologne that he has to buy specially from a parfumerie in Edinburgh that’s been running for a good four to five hundred years, and has relocated at least three or four times in those times - a lot of older vampires have a lot of issues with oversensitivity to scents and sounds, so a lot of modern and artificial perfumes are very overwhelming? 
Pretty much any vampire who’s older than three hundred years or who has any kind of relationship with any older vampire will only wear like, very subtle and diluted perfumes if they wear them at all, unless they’re specifically a young one trying to make a statement, like. Henry’s cologne is like, a very soft sandalwood mix, and on top of that, he usually smells of whatever hobby he’s invested in at the moment, as he tends to get really into something messy. I think in the 21st century it’s probably something like painting figurines - he’d fucking love that.
Theophilus doesn’t wear a cologne unless Henry puts it on him, and generally thinks cologne is too much for a man of his station to wear at all, but he uses a rose-scented aftershave, and he tends to also smell of paper and ink.
24. What is their outlook on life? What is their philosophy / what do they think in general about living?
Henry is generally like, kind of disgustingly optimistic? He’s very much into stuff - he’s extroverted and optimistic and he has about 29482 hobbies because he’s been alive for nearly a millennium and he keeps finding new things to be interested in. He genuinely finds the world to be just... super impressive and exciting? He’s extremely easily impressed, and while he has a lot of knowledge of like, all manner of esoterica and ephemera, he will pretend he doesn’t know anything because he enjoys the different ways people explain things to him. He’s got eccentric uncle vibes.
Theophilus is. completely different. 
He kind of views it as his entire mission in life to look after Henry, although luckily for Henry, part of the purview of “looking after Henry” includes “becoming involved in Henry’s fun hobbies so that Henry can enjoy explaining them/Theo enjoying them”. But he... likes living. 
I think for Theo, like, he isn’t naturally imbued with a particular wonder of life? He’s naturally quite a cynical and pessimistic guy, he tends to assume the worst of people and the world at large, but while he sometimes brings Henry back down to earth when he gets a little too high, he gets a lot of joy from experiencing Henry’s joy secondhand, and so they balance one another out in that respect. 
36. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
Honestly, Henry just wants like, peace, and entertainment. He’s almost chronically bored when he doesn’t have a few hobbies going, and then he goes absolutely off the rails, and just completely melts down. He needs constant stimulation, and he’s usually running a business - he prefers hospitality if possible, e.g. owning a restaurant or part owning a hotel where he can dip in and out, and where there’s a lot of people and a lot of challenges? But he also likes to just be separate from actual crowds so that he can pursue mostly hobbies.
Theophilus mostly needs order. It’s actually pretty good for him to be around Henry because while Henry is just chaos personified, Theo can keep up behind him and clean things up, which gives him enough to be getting on with and makes him feel very satisifed.
Most of all, they really do exist for one another - three hundred years together, and they’ve never actually managed to keep up an argument for longer than a day or two, because their rhythms are just synced so well, and because they genuinely do see eye-to-eye on everything.  
If anything happened to the other, they’d lose it. 
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fumblebeefae · 5 years
Do you have any cool grub/caterpillar facts that could help me be less afraid of them? For the most part I'm comfortable with bugs, but insect larvae just make me instantly terrified for some reason.
Sure! Here are some pretty cool caterpillar facts: 
Caterpillars only actually have six legs just like their adult counterparts; moths and butterflies do. 
The three pairs of legs,  typically on the thoracic section of the caterpillar  (the front of the body) are considered the true legs while the remainder on the abdominal section of the body are prolegs. False legs that are used to climb and grip onto the surface of plants. 
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Caterpillars also have a ton of cool defense mechanisms to ensure they stand some chance of surviving until adulthood. 
The hermit crab caterpillar for example, has a really unique method of protection that has previously not been observed. They wrap themselves in leaf litter and glue it together using their spit. This essentially works as a suit of armour.
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Some caterpillars will also disguise themselves as other animals, plants or even animal droppings. The camouflaged looper (Synchlora aerata) for example using the petals from the plants it eats and sticks it to it’s body (using spit again) in order to blend in with the plant.
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Not all caterpillars are herbivorous, some are actually carnivorous like the Pug moth (Eupithecia). The caterpillars camouflage into the plant by stretching out their bodies and looking just like a harmless stick or apart of the plant. When suitable prey comes close enough the caterpillar will spring it’s whole body up and snap down on the prey with it’s clawed legs.
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stevetomjohn · 5 years
I agree, a lot of the identities/identifiers that OP was describing are rare even in the community (except maybe pansexuality), but I still can't shake it that it's a huge leap of logic to use your personal experiences to claim something doesn't exist. Unless we're getting into solipsism, which I usually don't like to. (I don't know if you like getting asks but I deleted my reblog because I felt bad seeing myself be that grouchy).
I am really bad about getting back to asks in general but I remembered this one because OP reblogged somewhat flippantly to my input. I gave the blog a bit of a look-through after that and we’ll just say my benefit of the doubt may have been misplaced. They certainly have some... colorful politics from off the beaten path.
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sneez · 5 years
I have the hardest time telling whether I have a crush on somebody or they're just a friend. I was hanging out with one of my friends a few weeks ago and I still have no idea whether it's just strong friendship or if I get heart eyes around her (my fiance knows and is fine with it, thought I'd clarify).
this is the issue with Emotions!! where does one turn in this situation? who is there to ask? we need a guidebook of How Romance Works!
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willow-on-the-mount · 5 years
Holy shit, I just realised he's using knitting needles as chopsticks. Brilliant...
it’s my biggest galaxy brain moment
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pbscore · 5 years
4, 16, 27
4. What’s your favorite outfit?
Oooh, my favorite outfit coincides with my favorite season, fall! I like wearing my black hoodie with the goat on the front of it from @ dappermouth, with ripped black jeans, a pair of chucks and a SnapBack! Basically, a cozy nature goth look 🌱🦇🕸!!
16. Do you dream frequently?
I do! Sometimes I remember them but most of the time, I forget as soon as I wake up! I had a Percy Jackson-type dream once, where I was a Camp Halfblood camper and I was on a bus on a bridge and a bunch of drag queens were on the bus with me and my other demigod friends. They were throwing beads and stuff on us while we were getting off the bus to kill a monster and then I woke up 😂
27. What is your favorite book?
Eragon! I love dragons 🐉 and the main character is a sweethearted dope 😂
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valkyriesquad · 5 years
Some scum I trawled up recently: freyjaodina, ewiges-germanien, hostileheathen, european-blood, vvarvvulf
Yep. Yep. Yep (like... the entire blog has been hidden under a “sensitive content” screen). Yep. Yep.
--mod gwwh
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aethelfleds · 5 years
Edward I was an absolute shithead!
You’re right!!
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oldshrewsburyian · 5 years
Actor headcanon asks: Edward IV and/or Thomas Cromwell?
Honestly, my first thought for Edward IV (and I know it’s not a great physical match) was Ken Branagh. And then I realized that Ed IV died at 40. Sigh. Once again, my tendency to forget that my formative actors age…! So anyway: Blake Ritson. Compelling, capable of an asshole vibe.
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Thomas Cromwell… I mean I love Mark Rylance a lot. But if going for someone colder and more incalculable, I might go for David Dawson, whose range stretches from Ned Poins to a very unfairly calculating King Alfred.
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mothamcity · 5 years
14, 22, 48
14- Would you rather be a vampire, elf or merperson?
an elf, and yes it is almost solely because of the cool ears.
22- pet peeves?
when people say ‘never mind’ after I ask them to repeat themselves a few times because my hearing is really awful
48- I love the sound of the keys clicking on old keyboards!
thank you for the ask my good man
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patricianandclerk · 5 years
Family ghost story: my aunt got haunted at her house in Cardiff when she was giving birth. These severed spectral heads appeared and started making horrible faces at her. They didn't let the baby sleep in that room. My great aunt also got haunted there on a different occasion.
God, what a dick move on behalf of them ghosts though.
Can you imagine if someone was an absolute cunt, and then died, and just kept on at it? I’d be fucking pissed, so. 
No respect for when a haunting is just a series of spectral dick moves. 
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cakesandfail · 5 years
cedrwydden replied to your post: ok what should I do with my hair next
Bright green.
you know what, I could actually get away with this at work- but only because green is the colour of the company logo etc
not sure I want to look that keen
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invisible-goats · 5 years
🍙- What foods can you not stomach the thought of eating?
Always cucumber. Depending on the day though, there’s normally something that’s just incredibly offputting as a concept
💀- Do you have any morbid SpIns?
My oldest one is medical history, which intersects with funerary practice a lot and is just very deathy in general
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