#catholicism sucks
paverics · 2 years
trying to explain warrior nun to someone
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 6 months
The way white Christians get all huffy when people call Christianity the white man's religion is telling. Be in denial all you want but Christianity has and continues to be a tool for racism and white supremacy.
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momentsbeforemass · 29 days
Math sucks
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I struggled with math in high school.
Before then, I’d done alright in math. I wasn’t the best, but I could keep up.
That changed freshman year. With a teacher who explained things. Once.
If you didn’t get it the first time, he would (grudgingly) repeat the same explanation. But that was it.
If you needed him to break it down for you. Or to explain it a different way, you were out of luck.
The school found out about it. And sacked him at the end of the year.
But for me, the damage was done. I had convinced myself that I was bad at math. And that math sucked.
With that idea stuck in my head? The rest of my formal education gave me the grades to prove it.
It wasn’t until years later, when my kids started needing need help with their math homework, that I learned the truth. I wasn’t bad at math.
My “I’m bad at math/math sucks” idea? Had no connection to my actual abilities.
I had internalized my experience with an awful teacher. I had convinced myself that I couldn’t do something.
All because I couldn’t get it perfect on the first try.
When all I actually needed was a better/different explanation to help me get it.
Maybe it wasn’t math for you. But a lot of us can tell a similar story. Whether it happened with a subject in school, or sports, or music, or a job, or a relationship. It’s a trap that is all too easy to fall into.
It’s one of those things that only becomes obvious with the awful clarity of hindsight. And one that can take years to dig out of.
It’s a stark contrast to what we see it in today’s Gospel.
Where Jesus is explaining His love and care for people in an extended metaphor. But the people He’s speaking to just aren’t getting it.
The best part? What happens next.
Unlike my awful math teacher, Jesus doesn’t grudgingly repeat the same explanation. Or belittle them for not getting it perfect on the first try.
Instead (in a move that reveals the heart of God), Jesus gives them a different explanation. More direct, more obvious.
If you read the rest of the chapter, they keep struggling. But Jesus doesn’t give up. Jesus understands where they are struggling. And keeps working with them. Until they get it.
It’s a moment that reveals a lot about God.
That if you and I don’t get it perfect on the first try, that won’t stop God. God will keep working with you. And working with you. Until you get it.
Because God loves you too much to quit.
Today’s Readings
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sammydem0n64 · 18 days
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Let’s say, for the sake of debate (and au lore) that Pony Island took place in the 80’s and that The GameWorks was made in the late 80’s-early 90’s
And for further debate let’s say that the employees at that time, admins included, got a lot of creative freedom with their outfit presentation because the uniform wasn’t established yet.
Must’ve been a lot of denim in the office… a phase Isaac doesn’t like to remember lol
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biblionerd07 · 5 months
And ANOTHER thing!!!! I’m supposed to believe that Danny Castellano, who knew how to make the perfect workout motivation specifically crafted for Mindy, who choreographed a dance to a song she played years earlier as a present for her, who knows she wouldn’t go to a crepe place because “Mindy likes a thick bread”, who knew how to plan the perfect date for her, suddenly doesn’t know how to buy a good present for her?
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suncaptor · 5 months
I do understand the genuine fear people have when they love someone who's gay and they believe they're going to hell for it. Like it's not from a place of hatred it's from a place of fear & love! but I just also don't conceptually understand how Heaven could exist as a place where you're separated from those you love to the point it causes that sort of distress in the first place. How can you believe Heaven exists when it's a place you could be while you child is in Hell?
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vulpinesaint · 1 year
mkay not to be like. a little insane or anything. but god i've been going crazy over religion (catholicism) and blood lately. did anyone else drink blood as worship every week since they were seven. was anyone else inundated with images of open wounds as holy. is anyone else consumed by the thought of holding onto a crucifix tightly enough for the edges of it to draw blood. i turned in a poem about drowning in communion wine in an empty church while bleeding from crucifix-inflicted hand wounds and trying to talk to god and my creative writing professor gave me extremely normal critiques i feel like i'm losing my mind
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j-esbian · 3 months
i feel like there is so much to be said about drizzt do’urden’s religious views and how he’s a stand-in for culturally christian atheists. he grew up in a corrupt religious society and has religious trauma, so as a result he views all religion as bad. at first it seems like he’s going to have a “pagan finds jesus” story but he eventually rejects mielikki too, and imo, it always felt out of character that he followed her in the first place so i wasn’t surprised when he changed his mind. he was looking for a name to label his preexisting system of ideals, which feels very much like christians who claim “all that matters is that you live by the bible and live in a godly manner”. many religions are about teachings and traditions as much as they are about “just being a good person and following god’s vibes” (which i feel like is INCREDIBLY standard in american protestantism)
i think a lot of it comes down to the fact that the forgotten realms (and a lot of fantasy tbh) treats the gods as just Very Powerful People instead of the forces of nature personified (and again this is to be expected from a christian culture, where jesus was Just A Guy)
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unhonestlymirror · 6 months
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Teutonic Order occupied Lithuanian sibling tribe Baltic Prussija (Prūsai), although Prūsai already had Catholic churches and education centres, stole Prussija's name, raped, killed, looted and burned hundreds of families under sauce of "Converting heretics, снамибог", helped Livonian Order to occupy and introduce future Latvia to literall slavery for 500 years, erased many languages including Old Prussian from the face of Earth - but yeah, Lithuania probably hated them because paganism. :/
Also, yeah, Lithuania as a nation really REALLY didn't want to unify with Kingdom of Poland till the last. However, they lost Ruthenia and part of Gudija, so their government didn't really have a choice.
It's actually crazy how people love to portray Lithuania as some kind of unreasonable hater of Catholics (whom they are not, btw) when both Lithuanians, Latvians and BELARUTHIANS still have a generational trauma. (Which is STILL used by russia btw)
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priscus · 1 month
me realizing the new oc/world i've been working on is just the manifestation of my religious trauma and my lifelong beef with catholicism
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Talking to Boomers who were Catholic is absolutely hilarious because you even so much as mention going to Mass, they immediately have to let you know how much they hated going and how much they dislike the Church and the religion itself. They hold absolutely nothing back and give zero fucks. Love that for them.
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flintbian · 1 year
Can someone tell me what gtn/The Locked Tomb series is actually about? Unfortunately when people recommend it they often just say "lesbians necromancers in space" and that just ain't enough,,, but I see it all over my dash and I'm curious 👀
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amoralmorel · 1 year
pls god i cannot do this he was in the episode for two and a half minutes i CANNOT have his onion ring taking over my brain like this i need him to get broken in half (sexually) (with religious symbolism)
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delgado-master · 8 months
Protestants who are weird towards Catholics are not to be trusted.
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I just realized that I might’ve had a crush on an old friend of mine when we were kids in the weirdest way possible.
So I’m just chilling and thinking about how sometimes you see someone or meet someone and they remind you of someone else or a character from something? You know how that can be a good or bad thing and depending on the character it usually is interpreted in only one way. So anyway, when I met this girl, idk why but my instant thought was “She reminds me of Fiona from Shrek” but when I was young it was still the culture of “women are supposed to be thin queens” so I couldn’t tell her this cause she might take it the wrong way (reminder this is earlier earlier 2000’s like 2006…aka a time where you would be called so many things that most don’t say nowadays, or at least get scolded for saying them, by your fellow 6 year old classmate) anyway but while I knew I didn’t think of it as a bad thing. I only saw the positive parts, she was strong and kind and very smart! She had a caring personality and her smile was beautiful. That’s when it hit me
“Oh my god I had a crush on her” but I didn’t know what being gay was! I was 6!!! And the only time I ever heard gay was a few years later when people used it to insult me and others, and even then I had no clue what it meant! (Neither did the other kids they just were taught it was a bad thing sooooo you know it became an insult)
Years later I accept that I’m Bi but damn I wish I had know sooner cause I don’t talk with that girl anymore (also after some things she did I don’t think I’d feel the same way as I did before but that’s a different story)
Long story short: I realized I had a crush on my friend because she reminded me of Fiona from Shrek in a positive way.
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thisgodwontforgiveyou · 7 months
and they still fucked it up
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