#catelyn tully stark fancasts
asoiaf-fancasts · 2 years
Catelyn Stark - Fancasts
Age: 33/34 - 35
12/13 of 11/12 [Betrothed]
16/17 [Duel]
17/18 - 18/19 [Marriage/
Appearance: She is beautiful with fair skin, long auburn hair and blue eyes.She has long fingers and high cheekbones.
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Character: Joan MacKimmie
Actress: Layla Burns
Show: Outlander [2014] [Season 3 & 4]
[She was around 12 during this show so good for her being betrothed to Brandon. She is beautiful with fair skin and long ginger but not auburn hair. She also had high cheekbones. She wears 17th century clothes.]
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Character: Laura
Actress: Rachel Hurd-Wood
Movie: Perfume: The Story of a Murderer [2006]
[She was 15/16 during this movie so good for the year before and the year the duel happened. She is beautiful and fair skinned. She has long red auburn hair and high cheek bones. She wears 18th century clothes.]
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Character [s]: Katherine Lester & Elizabeth de Burgh & Lib Wright
Actress: Florence Pugh
Movie [s]: Lady Macbeth [2016] & Outlaw King [2018] & The Wonder [2022]
[She’s 19/20 in Lady Macbeth, she was 21/22 during Outlaw King and is 25/26 in The Wonder so good for the end of the war till Greyjoy’s rebellion. She is beautiful and has fair skin. She has long auburn hair in all but doesn’t have blue eyes. She has high cheekbones and long fingers. She wears 19th century clothes in Lady Macbeth, she wears medieval clothes in Outlaw King and 19th century clothes for The Wonder.]
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Character: Demelza Poldark
Actress: Eleanor Tomslinson
Show: Poldark [2015]
[She’s 22/23 - 26/27 so good for the early years of her marriage up to Greyjoy’s Rebellion. She’s beautiful and has fair skin. She has long ginger hair that looks auburn in certain lighting and she has high cheekbones. She wears 18th century clothes.]
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Character:Brianna Mackenzie
Actress: Sophie Skeleton
Show: Outlander [2014] [Season 2 - ]
[She’s 21/22 - 26/27 during filming of this series. She is beautiful and has fair skin. She has long auburn/ginger ish hair depends on lighting and has high cheekbones. She wears 17th century clothes.]
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Character: Ophelia
Actress: Daisy Ridley
Movie: Ophelia [2018]
[She was 25/26 during this movie so good for around Greyjoy’s Rebellion. She is beautiful with pale skin. She has high cheek bones and long auburn/dark ginger hair. She wears fantasy/medieval ish clothes.]
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Character: Catherine of Aragon
Actress: Charlotte Hope
Show: The Spanish Princess [2019]
[She’s 26 - 27/28 during this show so she’s too young for the main series but she still works. She is beautiful with fair skin and long auburn hair plus she has high cheekbones. She wears 16th century ish clothes.]
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Character [s]: Giullia Farnese & Geillis Duncan
Actress: Lotte Verbeek
Show [s]: The Borgia [2011] & Outlander [2014] [Season 1 - 3]
[She’s 28/29 - 30/31 during Borgia a bit too young for the main series. She was 31/32 -34/35 in Outlander so good for before and during the main series. She is beautiful with fair skin and high cheekbones. She has long auburn hair and long fingers. She wears 15th century Italian clothes in The Borgias and 17th century among others for Outlander.]
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Character: Miss Julie
Actress: Jessica Chastain
Movie: Miss Julie [2014]
[She’s a year or two too old for alive Catelyn. She has fair skin, high cheekbones, long fingers and long unfortunately ginger hair. She wears 19th century clothes.]
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Character: Mary Tudor
Actress: Romola Garai
Show: Becoming Elizabeth [2022]
[She’s too old for alive Catelyn being in her late 30’s but could be good for an au or future Lady Stoneheart. She has fair skin, high cheekbones and long fingers. She wears 16th century clothes.]
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girltomripley · 25 days
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HOUSE TULLY ; Family, Duty, Honor.
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novemberrage · 1 year
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westerosiladies · 1 month
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alxarasm · 7 months
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So we all agree this is young NedCat, right?
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natividadmoon · 1 year
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They are my favorite fancast of Ned and Cat
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brieenne · 1 year
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+ “Catelyn is beautiful with fair skin, long auburn hair and blue eyes”
+ Genya is red-haired, blue-eyed, and wears white (good for Stark-related graphics) and red/blue (good for Tully-related graphics) long-sleeved, high-collared robe-dresses
+ Head was born in 1991, so she would have been ~28 filming S1 and ~31 filming S2. 
+ bonus lady stoneheart (Sofina from Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves)
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seaworthee · 1 year
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she'd make a good young catelyn i think. or robb maybe
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beneathxblackwaves · 1 year
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Lord Hoster promised her to Brandon Stark
François Arnaud as Brandon Stark
Charlotte Hope as Catelyn Tully
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meanderingstar · 10 months
honesty the bizarre thing about people casting Eleanor Tomlinson as young Catelyn is that she's 31 years old. she's literally closer present day Catelyn, who's 33 in GoT.
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novemberrage · 6 months
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westerosiladies · 6 months
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jackoshadows · 2 years
There was already a post about this, however, to reiterate:
The First Men are white. Canon Starks are white. Nowhere in the text does it imply that canon Starks are poc. The comparison between Jon and Robb - ‘dark where Robb was fair’ - is about hair color.
Ned is white. Jon and Arya are white. It is explicitly mentioned in the text for Arya.
“No." Her face was dirty, and her tears left pink tracks down her cheeks. - Eddard, AGoT
She wished she could take off her clothes and swim, gliding through the warm water like an skinny pink otter. Maybe she could swim all the way to Winterfell. - Arya, ACoK
"It takes no matter." Even if the Titan did eat juicy pink girl flesh, Arya would not fear him. She was a scrawny thing, no proper meal for a giant, and almost eleven, practically a woman grown. - Arya, AFfC
She stood on the end of the dock, pale and goose fleshed and shivering in the fog. - Arya, AFfC
Down in the vaults, she untied Cat's threadbare cloak, pulled Cat's fishy brown tunic over her head, kicked off Cat's salt-stained boots, climbed out of Cat's smallclothes, and bathed in lemonwater to wash away the very smell of Cat of the Canals. When she emerged, soaped and scrubbed pink with her brown hair plastered to her cheeks, Cat was gone. - Arya, AFfC
The Starks are considered less good looking than other families by non Northern houses in Westeros. The looks of the auburn haired, blue eyed Tullys are often favorably praised compared to the long faced, brown haired, grey eyed Starks by some of the characters in the text. One should therefore think of the implications in interpreting the Starks as darker skinned in fanon. Often times the Tully looking Starks are colored brightly while Jon, Arya and Ned are drawn in darker, duller shades.
These people are also in the North, one of the coldest places in Westeros. They are not getting a tan. Even if they were, there’s no reason for why Jon, Arya and Ned alone get a tan and not the others.
I am sure that, for the most part, artists doing this are not implying anything when Jon and Arya are drawn with darker skin compared to their siblings who are canonically praised for being more good looking.
As a poc, I would love for my favorite characters to be brown. Maybe artists think it’s canon, maybe they think it’s representation. However keep in mind the implications here considering eurocentric standards of beauty and colorism.
Just be aware and spend a few seconds thinking about why you are drawing the ‘plain looking’ Starks in darker shades, when this is not true in canon.
It’s funny that this fandom gets up in arms every time we state that Arya is pretty or all the complaints about her fancasts being too pretty. And yet, there is no discourse about how the so called ‘ugly’ Starks are a lot of the time drawn in darker shades compared to their more ‘beautiful’ Tully looking siblings and Catelyn in fanart.
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asongofsilks · 2 years
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Asha Greyjoy (b. 276 AC): Daughter of Lord Balon Greyjoy and his oldest surviving child. Despite the fact that his legal heir, his son Theon, still lives, Balon considers Asha his chosen heir. She captains her own ship, commands men in battle, and has had many lovers. Currently she is a captive of Stannis Baratheon whilst he marches on Winterfell to oust Ramsay Snow. Fancast: Lily Allen.
Ashara Dayne (c. 263-283 AC): Beautiful lady of House Dayne and lady-in-waiting to Princess Elia Martell, wife of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. She was the sister of Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. She committed suicide after the end of Robert's Rebellion, although it is not known why. Rumour has it that she may have been Eddard Stark's lover and even the mother of his bastard son, Jon Snow. Fancast: Saadet Aksoy.
Assadora of Ibben (main series era): An Ibbenese prostitute at the Happy Port in Braavos. Fancast: Margaret-Mary Hollins.
Baela Targaryen (b. 116 AC): Daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and his second wife, Lady Laena Velaryon. She had a twin sister, Rhaena, and was the older half-sister of Aegon III and Viserys II. She rode the dragon Moondancer. When Aegon II took Dragonstone during the Dance of the Dragons, Baela attacked him with her smaller, younger dragon. Although Moondancer died and she was gravely injured, Baela not only survived but also inflicted a deadly wound upon Sunfyre, Aegon's dragon, as well as serious burn wounds and broken bones upon Aegon himself. After the Dance, she defied the will of Aegon III's regents by marrying her cousin, Lord Alyn Velaryon, who had become Lord of the Tides and Head of House Velaryon. She had at least one child, Laena, with him. Fancast: Gaia Weiss.
Barba Bolton (b. approx. 117 AC): A northern maid who attended the Maiden's Day Ball in King's Landing. This ball was held to make Aegon III choose a new wife. She told the king to send her home with food, for it was a hard winter and people were starving in the North. Fancast: Lucy Griffiths.
Barba Bracken (b. 155 AC): Mistress of King Aegon the Unworthy and mother of his bastard son Aegor Rivers. She had been a lady companion to King Baelor the Blessed's sisters whilst they were imprisoned in the Maidenvault. Once Aegon became king, he made Barba's father his Hand and took Barba openly as his mistress. However, Aegon's son Daeron and brother Aemon managed to get Barba sent back to Stone Hedge after her father spoke openly of having her married to the king. Fancast: Marta Gastini.
Barbara Bracken (main series era): Eldest daughter of Lord Jonos Bracken of Stone Hedge. Fancast: Jenna Coleman.
Barbrey Ryswell (b. approx. 262 AC): The younger daughter of Lord Rodrik Ryswell of the Rills, and the widow of Lord Willam Dustin of Barrowton. Barbrey was in love with Brandon Stark, the eldest son of Lord Rickard Stark, and hoped to marry him, but he was betrothed to Catelyn Tully instead. Lord Willam rode to war with Eddard Stark during Robert's Rebellion, against Barbrey's wishes, and was killed at the Tower of Joy. Barbrey loathes the Starks (because she could never be one of them) and supports House Bolton as the new Wardens of the North after the fall of the Starks. Fancast: Frances O'Connor.
Barsena Blackhair (d. 300 AC): A female pit fighter in Meereen. When the fighting pits of Meereen are reopened to celebrate Queen Daenerys's marriage to Hizdahr zo Loraq, Barsena is killed by a boar during combat. Fancast: Cynthia Addai-Robinson.
Bathi Ma Lo (Scarlet Empire of Yi Ti, after the Long Night): The wife of God-Emperor Lo Doq. She may have been the true power behind the throne during his long and wise reign of thirty years, since he was known to be physically disabled, and may have been mentally disabled as well. Fancast: Jacqueline Kim.
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i just can't get that personal fancast of catelyn out of my fucking mind!!! grrr jin kyung so catelyn stark core. i don't care if she doesn't have tully red hair she is so catelyn! fight me!
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