artes-e-armas · 11 months
EXCALIBUR, Finalmente Encontrada a Lendária Espada
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aquinojr · 2 years
Uns dias... - 05 e 06.10.2022
- Dia 05 - Realizei a transmissão da entrevista com o candidato eleito a deputado federal Reimont. Fiquei tão nervoso antes que tomei o meu SOS (só para garantir). Mas no final deu certo. 
- Dia 06 - Ainda sinto os efeitos do SOS no corpo. Não é ruim, mas tive um despersonalização no metrô. Falei com minha namorada sobre. Vou falar com meu psiquiatra sobre isso.
- Tenho refletido o quanto me sinto falhando na minha carreira de jornalista. Não por produzir pouco (para não falar nada), mas não conseguir convencer as pessoas que gosto que elas estão acreditando em notícias falsas. 
- Outra coisa que tenho me perguntado: Por qual motivo eu parei de tentar de trabalhar na imprensa de cultura pop? Será que abdiquei as cosias que gosto só por querer que as pessoas me levassem a sério e no final você descobre que ninguém se importa com você (a não ser para te humilhar). Pior que tenho certeza que minha carreira estaria bem melhor e mais estabelecida se eu tivesse tentado trilhar esse caminho (mesmo que paralelamente).
- Vi uma entrevista Cinthya Rachel, que fez a Biba do Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum, que ela inspirou muitas mulheres negras a tentar a carreira de atriz, até Tais Araújo. Mais uma vez: representatividade importa e muito.
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sportingcr7 · 14 days
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fawnandcardinal · 8 months
Without meaning and a special plot.
Watch the suffering of "Catelos"✨
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Also old sketches
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myandrielli · 1 year
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#princess #catelo # beauty
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VAMPIRE - Olivia Rodrigo / Lyrical contemporary choreo by Loriane Catelo...
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yonpanx · 3 years
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the priest & eu quero viver no estúdio ghibli
5° - capa inspirada num filme ou série favorito.
Filmes: A freira e filmes do estúdio ghibli
Então... Eu sou muito indecisa. Consequentemente, não tenho filmes ou séries favoritos. Por isso escolhi esses dois.
A freira foi o primeiro filme que assistir no cinema, amei com todas as forças. Adoro filmes de terror, mas depende do filme. Eu odiei e odeio Cemitério maldito, agradeço até hoje por ter assistido Pokémon ao invés dele.
Eu tenho um amor especial pelos filmes do estúdio ghibli. Estou na saga de assistir todos, por isso, só coloquei os que eu vi e me apaixonei: Meu amigo totoro, O reino dos gatos, A viajem de chihiro, Catelo animado e Vidas ao vento.
É aqui que se percebe minha dualidade confusa. Até eu me acho estranha 🤧🤚
Caso de inspiração, credite
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shadowyfirecrusade · 6 years
Arraiolos a cidade dos Tapetes e do castelo by El Jefe Midnight lunch
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nerdmestre · 2 years
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Castelo de Grayskull é uma fortaleza do planeta Eternia. É o lar da Feiticeira, que é responsável por proteger o castelo e a fonte de poder que nele reside. O castelo é, constantemente atacado por Esqueleto, que pretende pegar o poder de Grayskull para si mesmo e, então, reinar supremo.
Sua origem faz parte do reinado do Rei Grayskull, no início da idade das trevas, da história de Eternia, diz-se que a mais de 1000 anos. Desde a morte do Rei Grayskull, gerações de mulheres tem a função de proteger o catelo. Estamos falando da feiticeira e de todas as suas antepassadas. A primeira, foi a rainha Veena, esposa do antigo rei Grayskull. Muitos séculos se passaram, até chegarmos na atual guardiã do Castelo de Grayskull, a Feiticeira Teela-na, mãe de Teela.
Veja mais a matéria completa no Blog Nerd Mestre:
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laraemmanuelle · 3 years
Conquistando mais um catelo!!
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blogdorubenssales · 4 years
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 Em respeito ao Dia de Finados - 2 de novembro, os cemitérios de Parnamirim estarão abertos para visitação pública, das 7h às 18h. Vale ressaltar que todas as medidas de segurança com relação à COVID-19 no que diz respeito ao distanciamento, uso obrigatório de máscaras e higienização serão cobradas. A decisão foi publicada no Diário Oficial (DOM), por meio do Decreto nº 6.366, de 26 de outubro. Na ocasião, será permitida a comercialização de artigos religiosos, desde que previamente licenciados, bem como serviços de alimentação e realização de missa. Cemitério São Sebastião Rua Av. Pres. Getúlio Vargas, S/N. Bairro Monte Catelo Cemitério Parque Nova Esperança Rua Tobago, S/N, Nova Esperança Cemitério Santa Terezinha Rua Cleiton Bezerra dos Santos,S/N, Nova Esperança Cemitério de Pium Rua Maria Isabel dos Santos, S/N, Pium (Distrito Litoral) Cemitério de Pirangi do Norte Av. Deputado Márcio Marinho, S/N - (Distrito Litoral) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG2n9fhhoGk/?igshid=zuk05psyfyh1
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fawnandcardinal · 5 months
Hello, darlings!
Yeah... It's been a while since I've been here.
In my defense, I'll say that I was getting used to studying in college. I don't know if this post will come to you or not, but if anything, I'll switch to another AU(Catelos)
Well, and now the text✨
Innocent AU/Owl House
The idea of this Au is quite extraordinary. Namely:
Belos was not going to commit mass genocide on the Boiling Islands and is not going to in the future. Why? Since childhood, he had known Caleb's future wife, Evelyn, and it was she who sheltered a certain good-naturedness to him.
Where did Evelyn come from and how hasn't she been hanged yet? Well. She pretended to be an ordinary village girl for a long time, and she herself was quickly able to adjust to the routine of that time in the human world. However, of course she couldn't hide her real origin all the time. And the first person to find out about it, of course, was Caleb. But because of the power of love, he did not reveal it. Then Phillip found out too. However, he didn't have time to be angry or condemn his brother.
Pitchforks were pointed at Evelyn and his brother. Although at Caleb for a slightly different reason. Pip, on the other hand, couldn't just leave his brother and went on the run with this couple. As a result, they got to the Boiling Isles with the help of a portal, the key of which was kept by Eve.
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Although short-lived, the trio lived a relatively peaceful life in a small house far from the settlement of witches in the red fields. The residents of Wittebane could not win the affection and trust, and of course: so many of their own died when they tried to get in touch with people. That's why I had to go further away. During this time, Caleb managed to carve himself a rosary. And also, he and Eve began to have an open love, which made Phil disgusted. He didn't like such tenderness. But if Caleb is really happy here, he can put up with it. As you have already understood, they will not have a happy ending on this note. On the day Evelyn and Phillip went into the woods, the brothers quarreled and the eldest stayed to look after the house. The adventurers returned earlier than planned. Caleb's palisman, the Flapjack, flew up to them with a wounded eye. Naturally, they immediately went back home.
Upon his return, neither his brother nor his home was there. Only charred pieces of wood, and the remains of burned furniture.
It was a huge blow for both of them. How? For what? They would hardly have received an answer at the moment. Ivs coped with the loss the hardest. She didn't want to accept Caleb's death. However, the body found could not confirm the false hope. Both were never able to return to the old course, or forget about each other forever and live a new life. They made a promise to each other: at any cost to return what was taken from them and return with him to the human world. When it becomes most secure. So, working together under new nicknames and masked faces, they finally found a way to resurrect Caleb. Creating a Grimwalker. Even with the pitfalls, they were happy.
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Other witches began to fear their crushing actions and the fact that during one skirmish one could be cursed. However, this led to an even more terrible result. The scroll that contained the creature in the human body broke out of control and claimed the lives of a dozen demons. And that's why Evelyn and Philip had to separate. The task became too dangerous, and the witch was still carrying a child under her heart. So, Phillip continued his great mission alone...
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I think that's enough for now. And I apologize for my clumsy English. I don't know him well myself, and sometimes there are problems with the translator
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freebakeryfireroad · 4 years
5.Do you have any siblings?
         I am an adopted son, and my parents told me that I have around 6-7 brothers :v.  heh, who knows if I haven't run into someone somewhere lol
11.Favorite song?
        I am not a person who listens to a lot of music, usually I am listening to the soundtrack of some indie producer, it is relacant and very good for when I am producing something.
35.What’s your dream job?
      at the moment something that has to do with art or computing. I always wanted to make a game, in a way I already have a script ready for a rpg maker game (like undertale, catelo mogeko and one shot) the only problem is to produce.
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djalmaaquino · 5 years
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Reposted from @fernandabrittoprotocolo (@get_regrann) - Pilotando aos 90 anos. SM a rainha Elizabeth II da Inglaterra convidou os sogros do neto William para uma semana no catelo de verão em Bamoral na Escócia. Fez questão de conduzí-los pessoalmente pela propriedade. #england🇬🇧 #elizabethii #windsorfamily #royalfamily #royalty #katemiddleton (em D.Aquino Estacionamento Ltda) https://www.instagram.com/p/B16k6o5ngL0/?igshid=1b780jloxegq0
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Catelo Belmonte, Belmonte
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