#catching teller crow
yaworldchallenge · 2 years
🇦🇺 Australia
Region: Oceania
The Things She’s Seen
Author: Amebelin & Ezekiel Kwaymullin
Tumblr media
224 pages, published 2019
Alternate Title: Catching Teller Crow
Original language: English
Native author? Yes
Age: Teen
Nothing's been the same for Beth Teller since the day she died. Her dad is drowning in grief. He's also the only one who has been able to see and hear her since the accident. But now she's got a mystery to solve, a mystery that will hopefully remind her detective father that he needs to reconnect with the living.
 The case takes them to a remote Australian town, where there's been a suspicious fire. All that remains are an unidentifiable body and an unreliable witness found wandering nearby. This witness speaks in riddles. Isobel Catching has a story to tell, and it's a tale to haunt your dreams--but does it even connect to the case at hand?
As Beth and her father unravel the mystery, they find a shocking and heartbreaking story lurking beneath the surface of a small town.
Other reps: #indigenous
Genres: #mystery #supernatural
My thoughts:
For Anglo-colonized countries (namely Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA), since there is so much English-language lit available, I decided to mainly focus on indigenous / First Nations voices.
This is a well-reviewed book so I’m eager to see if it lives up to the hype. A dead teen girl, a small-town mystery, and a connection somehow with the Australian aboriginal people.
Review to come.
Kindle link
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acewritesfics · 2 months
Beautiful | Jax Teller 
Pairing: Jax Teller x Winston!Reader 
Request: No. Find original here -
Synopsis: Jax takes his old lady out for the night.  
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, alcohol, swearing, talks of body parts, mentions of dressing and undressing. This was originally a Song-fic. H/C - Hair Color. E/C - Eye Color
Word Count: 2,186
Main Masterlist
Jax beams as he watches the woman he's madly in love with hurry around their bedroom, dressed in her black lace bra and panties set, that just so happens to be his favorite, oblivious to him standing there, focused on trying to decide what to wear. His eyes scan her body, stopping on her ass, admiring his third favorite part of her body. 
He never imagined falling in love with Y/N Winston, the younger sister of his best friend, but something changed when she left for college. When Y/N left Charming for college, she was just Opie's annoying little sister; but, when she returned four years later, it seemed as though she had completely changed. She was now a woman, not a girl. 
Y/N settles on a pair of skintight black jeans and a flowing deep crimson tank top. On the bed, she has her leather jacket that he gifted her for her 21st birthday, laying next to her jeans.  She eventually catches him standing there as she slides her legs into her jeans.  She pulls on her top as he enters the bedroom, a bit disappointed that his second favorite part of her body was now also hidden from him. 
After giving him a short kiss, she walks over to her dresser and gathers up her make up bag and hair brush. "I thought we were going to meet up at the clubhouse?" 
"Church got out a little early," he muttered, his eyes following her as she entered the ensuite connected to their bedroom. He observes her brushing her H/C hair as he leans against the door frame. 
When she put down her hairbrush, he closed the gap between coming up behind her so they're back to chest. He slides his arms around her waist, his fingertips caressing the flesh on her left hip where his crow was inked before resting his hands on her stomach and kissing the side of her head. "I figured I'd be a gentleman and come pick up my old lady." 
"You'll be driving the cage," she quips as she looks at him through the mirror.  
"I know," He smiles looking back at her, his baby blues meeting her E/C eyes. He takes a step back from her as she starts to apply her makeup. 
They got it confirmed last week that Y/N is pregnant again, after speculating that she was a few days before hand. Aside from not being able to ride bitch right now, they haven't told anyone about the pregnancy yet. Being just nine weeks along, they choose to hold off until the second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is significantly lower. The first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 11 weeks, and it wasn't only them who were devastated by it. 
Despite the fact that they are quite certain their family aren't buying into the excuse, they used her being sober driver as an explanation for her abstinence from drinking and riding on the back of Jax's motorcycle. They noticed Gemma, Opie's, Piney's and even Clay's suspicious looks when she would deny a drink or avoid being on the of a motorcycle. Y/N could tell Gemma was the most suspicious and that she was picking up on more than just those two things. 
Once Y/N has finished applying her makeup, she exits the bathroom to retrieve her jacket and put it on, with Jax close behind. 
"How do I look?" She asks as she slowly spins around, flaunting her appearance. 
He closes the gap between them once again, encircling his arms around her waist and planting a scorching kiss to her lips. He smiles as she responds kissing him just as heated as he was.  Nobody else has ever made him feel the way he does when he kisses Y/N. He knows he had the same effect on her as she always left him out of breath. He knew this because of the small moment after their kiss when her eyes remained closed and her lips pouted. 
Before letting her go, he quickly kisses her and doesn't say anything as he leads her to the car, locking the front door on their way out of the house. 
"I never answered your question," he says as he opens the passenger door for her but blocks her from entering the vehicle. She looks at him puzzled. "You look fuckin' beautiful," he whispers as he kisses her lips again before helping her into the car before getting in himself and driving to the SAMCRO clubhouse. 
When Jax pulls into the lot, the music is already booming from the speakers, there is already a strong odor of weed and cigarettes in the air, and beer bottles and cigarette butts are scattered all over the ground. He exits the car as Y/N gets out and meets him at the front of the car. He smiles as she slips her smaller hand into his larger one and laces their fingers together. As they enter the clubhouse, he brings her hand to his lips and gently kisses the back of it. 
As soon as they are inside, surrounded by patches, friends of the clubs, old ladies, sweet butts and crow eaters, Jax let's go of her hand and placed his arm around her waist pulling her into his side. A few people stared and scoffed at them, he was unable to control the smirk that grew on his lips. The women envious of Y/N and the men who aren't members of the club wishing they were him. 
Jax orders drinks from the prospect behind the bar before noticing Tig and Chibs sitting nearby. He leans close to Y/N to talks to her without having to yell, "Go sit down with Tig and Chibs, and I'll bring the drinks over." 
She gives him a quick peck on the cheek and moves over to the table where his SAMCRO brothers are seated. He watches when both men stand up and hug her before she sits down. 
He catches a few men glancing in her direction with hungry eyes as he surveys the crowded room. As his gaze returns to her, he suppresses the temptation to pound their faces into the nearest surface. Jax is unsure of what he did to earn her love, but he is glad that he did. He couldn't picture his life without her. 
Jax has only ever been in one committed relationship before he got into one with Y/N. Because of Tara's decision to go medical school, his ex-girlfriend ended their relationship but not without trying to convince him to leave with her. He'd been crushed and drowned himself in weed, alcohol, and pussy when he wasn't working his way up in the club. 
All of it came to an end when Y/N returned from college. 
After she returned home, a lot of things changed for him. Y/N became the reason he stayed awake and alone in bed most nights, her face being the one he saw when he tried to take another girl back to his room. When she wasn't with him, he thought of her constantly, wondering what she was doing and if she was safe. He had to stop himself from calling her every chance that he got  He existed solely for her and the club. Even though the guys made fun of him for being whipped, he didn't know where he'd be without her. He couldn't picture his life without her. He didn't want to. 
Jax brings the drinks over to the table and sits in the empty chair next to Y/N's handing her bottle of water to her. She leans in close to him, kissing his cheek once again, and whispers "thank you" as he drapes an arm across the back of her chair. 
"Hey, where's my kiss?" Tig is heard asking. 
"Not here, but maybe if you ask her," Y/N chuckles, pointing to a brunette crow-eater who is gazing lustfully at the club's resident crazy while wearing next to nothing. "She might give you one." 
"You might be right." He smirks, looking in the direction that Y/N is pointing.  He gets out of his chair and moves over to the couch where the crow-eater is seated. 
After an hour and a few drinks, Jax glances at Y/N as Chibs walks away, finishing their discussion. He finds her looking back at him with a small smile and love in her eyes. Now that they are alone at the table, he smiles tenderly at her as everything around them fades, Y/N becoming his sole focus for now. He didn't want to admit it, but she had turned him into a love-sick idiot. 
"How are you feeling?" She asks, concern in her eyes as she takes in the faint bruise on the side of his head. Moving her hand from his leg, she reaches up and runs her fingers through his hair. This afternoon he'd been hit in the head by some thug the club had to deal with, earning him a nasty headache.  However, it vanished when he took a few painkillers before church. His headache was returning, and the loud music was not helping. 
"I feel wonderful," he says trying to ease her worry and kisses her to distract her knowing she'll see right through his bullshit. 
"You're an awful liar." 
"I know." He offers her a small smile. "My headache's back." 
"We don't have to stay. I'm beginning to feel a bit worn out, myself." 
"Let's go home," He stands and offers his hand to her, helping her stand up also. They say goodnight to the most of the club members before Y/N makes plans to meet Gemma for lunch the following day. As they exit the building and walk to her car, Jax hands Y/N the keys. 
"Take these and lay down." Y/N offers Jax a glass of water and some pain relief she'd snagged from the kitchen on her way to the bedroom. As soon as they walked through the front door, Jax made his way into their bedroom, stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed while she double checked that everything was locked up and all the lights were off. He takes them as she instructed and leaves the half empty glass of water on the bedside table. 
He doesn't move from his upright position while he watches her undress till she is only wearing her bra and panties. 
His eyes follow her once more as she walks over to his dresser and picks out one of his SAMCRO shirts before entering the bathroom. A few minutes later, she returns wearing his shirt and with her face make-up free. He continues to observe her as she removes her bra, pulling it from the sleeve of his shirt and discarding it on the chair in the corner of their room. He moves to lay down as she climbs into bed, facing him. 
"How's your head?" She softly asks. 
"The pain is starting to fade." 
"That's good. 
"How are you feeling?" he questions, cupping her face and caressing her cheek with his thumb. 
"Amazing," she says as her eyelids close, relishing in the tenderness of his touch. "Though I was feeling a bit queasy earlier." 
He rolls onto his back to reach his bedside table and switches off the lamp. Y/N moves in closer and places her head on his chest. 
With his arm around her holding her close, he kisses the top of her head. "I know I never tell you I love you as much as I should, but I do love you." 
"I love you too," She smiles. His spoken 'I love you's' are rare but he didn't have to say it for her to know it's true. Every day, in the smallest things he does for her, he tells her he loves her.  
"I don't mean to turn into a huge sap but you're the most wonderful person I know," He kissed the top of her head again. "I don't know what I'd do without you or if anything happened to you." 
"I hope we never have to find out." 
"Me too." He sighs. A silence falls over them but is soon broken by Jax. "We should get married." 
Y/N sits up looking at him in the darkness, a look of shock plastered on her face. "You wanna get married?" 
"Yeah I do." he admits. They've never had the marriage talk until now. They hadn't had the baby talk before she got pregnant both times. "We have a good reason to. I love you, you love me and we're going to have a kid." His hand reached under the shirt she was wearing, his fingers brushing the skin of her belly.  
She smiles. "Okay, let's get married." 
Jax smiles back and pulls her down to him making her giggle. He runs a hand through her hair tucking a few strands behind her ear. "You really are wonderful." 
"Just kiss me already," she orders him. 
"Sure thing, Darling." he laughs and pulls her into a passionate and mind-blowing kiss that was bound to leave both of them breathless. 
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softspiderling · 2 years
summer days (drifting away) | b.r.b.
summary: He stood straight and took a few steps, before he paused, turning back to you. “You can call me Bradley!”
With a salute, he continued his run down the beach. Leaning on your arms, you watched his backside until he was only a tiny spot in the distance. You hadn’t really planned on hooking up with anyone during your time here, but if the people here looked only half as good as Bradley, you weren’t sure  if you could resist.
or, Bradley bumped into you at the beach and then just keeps doing that
alternatively, an ode to Miles Teller's hands
pairing: bradley "rooster" bradshaw x reader
warnings: mention of bruising and bruises, contains smut, minors dni!
word count: 5,6k
author's note: this took a very unexpected turn. anyway, I think you're still going to like it lmao. also my first bradley fic like what. happy reading!!!
“Oh shit!”
You hadn’t been in San Diego long when you immediately packed your bag for the beach. The sun had barely risen over the horizon, but after that horrendous flight the night before, you were antsy for some exercise. After a few laps, the sun was burning from the sky and you went for a quick dip in the water before laying down to dry off. You hadn’t meant to, but eventually, you dozed off, to the sound of the seagulls crowing and the waves crashing gently into the shore. You were rudely woken up by something heavy crashing into you, and when your eyes fluttered open, you had a lap full of a man.
He was bare chested and his aviators sat crooked on his nose when he looked up at you, pushing himself off of the sandy ground with his hands. 
“Ow fuck, I am so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” he panted out and only then you noticed the very prominent mustache he was sporting. You couldn’t understand how you missed it in the first place. 
“That’s an understatement. It’s not like I was moving in any shape or form, how could you not have seen me?” you asked dryly, after processing the shock. 
“I was in thoughts,” he explained, getting on his knees and dusting the sand off his hands. “Did I hurt you?”
You could tell by the dull pain in your thigh that you’d have a bruise in the shape of his hand later, but it wasn’t like you were going to tell him that, so you shook your head. He was too busy checking you out himself, however, so you told him no when his eyes finally found yours. 
“Good. That’s… Good…” he said, trailing off. “Let me make it up to you, yeah?”
“And how are you planning on doing that?”
“Um, the Hard Deck. Tonight, at seven? I’ll buy you a drink.”
“What the hell is the Hard Deck?” 
Wordlessly, he pointed over your shoulder to the small bar that sat at the top of the beach. “See you tonight?” He didn’t look like he was going to accept any other answer besides yes, so you sighed, nodding.  
He stood straight and took a few steps, before he paused, turning back to you. “You can call me Bradley!”
With a salute, he continued his run down the beach. Leaning on your arms, you watched his backside until he was only a tiny spot in the distance. You hadn’t really planned on hooking up with anyone during your time here, but if the people here looked only half as good as Bradley, you weren’t sure  if you could resist.
You spent the rest of the day on the beach, only packing up your stuff when the wind picked up, and made your way back to the small cottage you had rented. You took a quick shower, washed away all the sand and sea water. As you got dressed, you glanced at the bruise on your thigh. Bradley’s hand print on your thigh was starting to turn darker, but it wasn’t that noticeable yet. You laid your hand over it, splaying your fingers out to mimic his hand, only to realize that you couldn’t even cover the spot, which made you feel… Funny. Shaking out of it, you just tugged some shorts on. The sunset turned your room orange and you were able to catch the last few minutes of it, when you headed back outside.
San Diego was refreshingly different from New York. And you weren’t just talking about the weather. When you initially booked the flight to San Diego, you very knowingly decided against Malibu (too many people) and Miami (too… Florida). However, you completely forgot about the naval base that was in San Diego.
The naval base which you definitely remembered now, as a bunch of uniformed people passed by you. Without realizing, you had walked towards the Hard Deck, loud music coming out of the bar. You hadn’t even decided if you wanted to go yet, but since you were already there, it wouldn’t hurt to actually go in, right?
When you stepped in, the warm air immediately engulfed you and you found it hard to find your way to a spot, where you wouldn’t stand in the way. To your luck, you managed to grab an empty bar stool, quickly taking a seat. 
As if she was just waiting for you, the barkeeper appeared in front of you. 
“Hey, what can I get you?”
“Uhm….” you stammered, looking for a menu, but failing. “I’m actually waiting for someone, I’m fine for now, thanks”
The barkeeper nodded, picking up an empty glass and filling it with water, placing it in front of you. “Call me if you need me.”
You sipped on your water, nearly choking when someone bumped into your side. 
“Oh shit, I- Oh, hey it’s you.”
You recognized his voice right away, and with a sigh, you looked up at him - Bradley - and gave him an unimpressed look. “Are you going to make it a habit to bump into me?”
“Nah, don’t think my wallet would like that very much,” Bradley laughed. “What are you drinking?”
“Whatever you’re having is fine,” you replied, still somewhat bothered by the lack of menu and Bradley waved down the barkeeper, raising two fingers at her. She placed two beers on the countertop with a warm smile. Bradley twisted the cap of both bottles, handing you one. 
You clinked your bottle against his and took a swig, grimacing as the bitter liquid ran down your throat, before schooling your face again. Bradley had apparently not noticed, as he drank his own, bopping his head to the music. 
“So, what brings you to Fightertown?” he asked, taking off his sunglasses. Why he was wearing them indoors in the first place, you didn’t know. But when you finally saw his warm brown eyes he’d been hiding between his sunglasses, you were glad that he had been wearing them up to this point. Instead, you opted to look at his clothes, a colorful Hawaiian shirt over a wife beater, now being dragged down by the sunglasses he had stuck in the vee of his top. 
“Just a vacation,” you replied, taking your eyes off his chest and looking up, only to see him grinning at you knowingly. “So what’s with the navy bar?” you asked, hoping to distract him. 
“I’m a naval aviator,” Bradley explained, his eyebrows shooting up. “Did I not tell you?” 
With a shake of your head, you snorted. “Shouldn’t a naval aviator be well aware of his surroundings though?”
“Trust me, I am not this clumsy when I am in the air.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” You lifted the beer to your lips, immediately pulling a face again. Bradley laughed at the sight, leaning against the counter. “You don’t really like beer, do you?”
“I’m sorry. There’s no menu and I don’t really know what they have here,” you sighed and he chuckled, taking the beer from your hands. 
“It’s okay. What do you like?”
“Something fruity?”
“Hey Penny!” Bradley called over to the barkeeper. “Can you make my friend a fruity alcoholic?”
In a matter of seconds, a colorful drink, strikingly similar to Bradley’s shirt actually, was standing in front of you. When you took a sip, your face brightened at the taste. 
Bradley shook his head with a smile. “Come on, my friends are at the pool table.” He walked off, not actually making sure that you were following him and you sighed at his presumption, weaving through the crowd with your drink in his hand. At the pool table, Bradley was pressing one of the beer bottles into a blond’s hand, a couple of other people standing around. When the blond saw you, he eyed you up and down, nearly choking on the beer. 
“Fuck Rooster, the hell did you do to that poor girl?”
You looked down, the bruise on your thigh a dark purple now, the hand imprint contrasting starkly against your skin. Flushing, you looked up at Bradley, whose face was very red now. 
“I thought you said I didn’t hurt you,” he muttered tightly, the tips of his fingers brushing against the bruise, making you shiver. Bradley quickly pulled his hand back, as if he remembered where he was,  a grim look on his face. 
“I just bruise easily, it doesn’t actually hurt that much, I’m fine,” you assured him, but Bradley continued staring at the imprint. 
“Didn’t know you were that kinky in bed, Bradshaw.”
Your face grew hot at the blond’s insinuation. “He tripped over me on the beach.”
“That’s… Even worse,” he sighed, giving Bradley a long look. Based on the dog tags on his neck, he must be working with Bradley.
“I hope you made it up to her, Bradshaw,” a woman with dark hair said, concern on her face, before she looked up at you. “Hey, I’m Natasha. Or Phoenix, whatever floats your boat.”
Phoenix introduced you to everyone else, and god, all of them were so attractive. Was that a requirement to be a naval aviator? You told them your name and Bradley rubbed his hand over his face, embarrassed. “I didn’t even ask for your name.”
“Jesus, get it together, Bradshaw.”
“Shut up, Hangman,” Bradley huffed, bumping Hangman, apparently, with his shoulders. “I wasn’t paying attention on a run and clearly I am destined to forever embarrass myself in front of her anyway.”
“So, you’re on vacation?” Halo asked curiously and you nodded.
“Yeah, my boss forced me to actually take days off instead of just taking case files home and working from my bedroom.”
“What do you do for work?” 
“I’m an Assistant’s State attorney in New York.”
“You’re a lawyer?” Hangman asked, before bursting out in laughter, leaning on the pool stick. “Oh this is truly getting better by the second. Please tell me you’re suing Rooster here for bodily harm.”
“Do you ever shut up, Hangman?” 
Hangman merely chuckled out a laugh, leaning in to whisper something in Bradley’s ear, before handing him the pool stick. He and some other aviators then moved over to the dartboard, freeing up the pool table. Bradley sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry about him. He just likes to rile me up a bit, he’s all bark and no bite.”
“It’s fine, I’ve heard worse.”
“You know, I considered going into law before I decided for the academy,” Phoenix told you and Bradley raised his eyebrows at her. 
“You were?”
“Yeah, but in the end I chose the Navy. Being a lawyer just seemed a bit too hard for me.”
“As opposed to flying a multi-million dollar plane, of course,” you chuckled and Phoenix gave you a sharp smile. You could imagine working alongside Phoenix in a courtroom. She looked like she had a couple of tricks up her sleeve. 
“God, who picked this song?” Bradley groaned when the intro of Shape of You started playing. You all looked at the juke-box, where one of Bradley’s co-workers, you believed it was Fanboy, was standing, moving his head excessively to the song. 
“Yeah, that’s a no from me,” Bradley sighed, taking a sip from his beer before brushing his hand over your arm. “Come on.”
He moved to the back of the bar and you turned to Phoenix with a confused look but she only laughed, gently pushed you towards where Bradley was going. He had seated himself in front of a piano as the jukebox suddenly died down. 
“What is happening?” you asked, leaning on the piano when everyone started crowding around the piano. You glanced down, where Bradley’s fingers were dancing over the piano keys, before meeting his eyes; he only gave you a cheeky smile, before hitting the notes.
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain.”
You raised your eyebrows when Bradley started belting out Jerry Lee Lewis’ Great Balls of Fire, completely entranced in his performance. As the rest of the bar joined him in the song, you realized that this must be something that happened regularly and you chuckled, amused. 
“Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!”
Great balls of fire, indeed.
When you woke up the next day, the image of Bradley’s hands flying over the keys of the piano was still ingrained in your mind. You pushed back the blankets, to expose the bruise on your thigh, and by now it settled into a dark purple. Pressing down on it gently, you hissed at the pain shooting up your leg, so you clenched your hands in a fist, staring at the bruise. You didn’t know why the bruise made you feel what you felt. Sighing, you climbed out of bed and got ready for the day. 
The small kitchen had a fridge and even though the stove wasn’t the newest, you’d figure you’d try and cook on it. If you had any ingredients to cook with, that is. After a quick google search, you located the nearest grocery store and took the bike in the shed with the small basket at the back. The grocery store was quite busy, which you should’ve expected, but didn’t let that deter you, as you walked between the aisles. It took you a few minutes to find everything you needed, but soon, you found the frozen section and picked up the bag of peas.
Which you promptly dropped when someone smacked the freezer door against your head. 
You looked to the side, full on glaring at the other person, only letting out a frustrated sigh when you saw who it was. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“I am so sorry,” Bradley whined, picking up the peas for you and pressing it against the growing bump on your forehead. “I opened the door with way too much momentum.”
“I thought you weren’t going to make a habit out of it,” you grumbled, curling your fingers around the pea back and pushing his hand away. Bradley ducked his head, probably to hide the redness that was spreading over his face and you seriously couldn’t believe that the Navy let someone like him in the air. 
“You always catch me whenever I am not aware of my surroundings, I swear I am not doing it on purpose.”
Bradley gingerly picked the pea bag out of your hands, inspecting your bump. You frowned, reaching up to touch your forehead, wincing when that made the throbbing pain worse. Taking a deep breath, you reached a new bag of frozen peas, walking around Bradley to the check out.
“Hey, where are you going?” Bradley called after you, running so he could catch up with you. 
“Home. Where else do you think?” 
Your tone was snappish, even though you knew he didn’t purposefully smack the door against your head. But still. You were allowed to be upset. You started putting your things on the conveyor belt, before Bradley took the basket out of his hand, adding it to his stuff. You’d protest, but honestly, at this point that was the least he could do. 
“Come on, I’ll give you a ride,” he told you, shifting the grocery bags in his hand but you shook your head at him.
“No, I can’t leave my bike here.”
Bradley gave you a funny look. “You biked here?”
You silenced him with a look and he shook his head quickly. 
“Uh, nevermind. We can put your car in the back of my car, you shouldn’t ride a bike like this.”
And he was right. So you walked with him to his car, got inside and waited while he loaded the bike in the trunk before getting in himself. You gave him the directions to your rental and leaned back as he drove. A short car ride later, his car pulled to a stop in front of the cottage. While Bradley took your bike down, you unlocked the front door with one of the grocery bags, heading straight to the kitchen. 
“Were you planning on cooking?” he asked, hovering awkwardly in the doorway as you sorted through your stuff. 
“Yeah, that was the plan. You know, before you bonked me in the head.”
“Let me help you then,” Bradley said, coming up behind you to take the bag of pistachio nuts he bought for himself, tossing them back into the grocery bag. The spot, where your hands touched suddenly felt warm and you shrunk away, looking up at him. 
“Don’t you have an important plane to fly?”
“Day off, hence-” he pointed at his grocery bag. “Now will you let me help you? Please?”
“Well, if you insist.”
You heaved yourself on the counter, your legs dangling in the air. Bradley looked a little bit lost so you started giving him instructions on what to do, how much water he should use and when to put the pasta in. He was trying really hard, but it was obvious that he didn’t cook very often. 
“Jesus, don’t stirr so hard.”
“What! I thought it’s going to get blended anyway!”
“Yeah, but still. You could be a little more graceful, don’t be so heavy-handed.”
“I am a big guy,” Bradley sniffed. 
He sure was. 
The kitchen wasn’t the biggest in the first place, but as soon as Bradley came in, it seemed it shrunk to half its size. The blender looked tiny in his hands when he took it out of the cupboard. He grabbed the cheese grater, holding it over a bowl as he grated the cheese and your eyes glazed over as you imagined his hands holding you in place while he did god knows what to your body. 
“You okay? You look a bit flushed.”
Quickly, you averted your eyes from his hands, hoping he hadn’t noticed. What kind of person lusts over a man who was just trying to cook for you? Nah, wait, that was kind of a normal thing to lust over, wasn’t it?
“Fine. Just a bit warm.”
Bradley side-eyed you, a smirk curling on his lips before he turned his attention back to his task at hand. You tried to keep your lusty eyes at bay for the remaining time Bradley was standing at the stove and about thirty minutes later, Bradley plated you a beautiful portion of pasta, his eyes fleeting to the second plate. 
“Oh come on, that would be mean of me not to let you eat after you worked so hard. Eat with me.”
Just like the room it was standing in, the table was tiny, barely fitting two grown adults. You and Bradley sat across from each other, knees brushing occasionally as you ate. 
“You don’t cook often, do you?”
He stared at you, mouth open before he took another bite of the pasta, pursing his lips. 
“It doesn’t taste that bad, does it?”
“No no,” you assured him quickly, laughing at his expression. “It’s good. Just… The way you were fumbling around the kitchen, I guess it was pretty obvious.”
Bradley’s eye twitched, as if it physically pained him that you were laughing at his expense but he didn’t say a thing, shoving another spoonful of pasta in his mouth. It was oddly domestic, and usually that’d make you uncomfortable, but the fact that you didn’t? You weren’t sure what that meant. 
When the two of you finished eating, you stacked the empty plates and put them in the sink, letting the water run over it for good measure. You could hear the chair scratching against the floor behind you as Bradley got up. 
“Thanks for lunch.”
You glanced at him over your shoulder, smiling coyly. “You were the one who was cooking.”
“You know what I mean,” Bradley chuckled. He shifted on his feet. “I gotta go now, I am supposed to meet my uncle later. But uh,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “You can call me if your pain’s getting worse.”
“I don’t have your number,” you retorted and Bradley’s cheeks reddened, slipping his phone out of his pocket, handing it to you. You typed your phone number into his contacts and saved it, shooting yourself a text message for good measure before returning his phone. 
You walked him to the door and Bradley stilled, his hand on the door knob. “We’re at the Hard Deck almost every night. If you ever want to join us again.”
“I’ll think about it.”
Standing in the doorway, you waited until Bradley’s bronco turned around the corner before you shut the door. God, you had not expected to pine after a naval aviator during your vacation. Massaging the temple of your forehead, you head to the living room to maybe pop an ibuprofen. 
For the next few days, you resisted the urge to actually go down to the Hard Deck. Or text Bradley for that matter. You used the free time on your hand to go into town and check out local shops, and head down to the beach to tan a bit. Even though you tried not to, you kept an eye out for a particular mustached aviator. On your third night, you were laying on the couch, staring at the ceiling of the living room. 
“God, what kind of vacation is this?” you muttered to yourself, rolling over to smush your face into the pillow. You didn’t even know why you were torturing yourself like this. You knew you liked Bradley and that you wanted to see him. So why weren’t you letting yourself do so?
Cuz you’re scared that you’re going to like him too much.
Screw that rational voice inside your head.
Bradley’s eyes flitted to the entrance of the bar whenever someone entered the bar and he realized that he was starting to look desperate. He knew that you were on vacation and that you probably had better things to do than hang around a Navy bar, but… Sue him. There had been new… Revelations and he was itching to put them to a test. Bradley suspected that you had a thing for his hands. You’ve been staring a lot at them and flushing all prettily when he caught you, he wasn’t sure if there was another explanation for it. 
“You’re starting to look really pathetic, Bradshaw.”
Bradley didn’t even have to look away from the door to know that it was Hangman who joined him at the table, blindly reaching his hand out to grab the beer the other man had brought him from the bar. 
“Just making sure you have enough material to make fun of me for.”
“At this point I only feel sorry for you.”
“I hit her with a freezer door in the head the last time I saw her.”
Bradley wasn’t sure why he told Hangman, but it was too late to take back. Hangman only blinked at him, sighing deeply. 
“You’re literally flying for the Navy, Bradshaw. Please don’t embarrass us.” Hangman glanced over Bradley’s shoulder, hissing a head’s up before he disappeared. Bradley whirled around when he saw you coming towards him, face flushed. 
“Well, look who the cat dragged in,” Bradley teased, looking you up and down. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, haven’t sustained any bodily harm since we last saw each other, but I am sure that’s going to change soon now that you’re around.”
“Ha!” Bradley barked out, though you didn’t miss the blush on his cheeks. 
“Another fruity drink?”
“On your dime? Absolutely.”
“Well, I guess I do still owe you one drink,” he said wryly, heading to the bar to grab you said drink. Meanwhile, you greeted the others, smiling at Phoenix, who grinned at you.
“Hey, you. Was starting to think that Rooster’s scared you off already.”
“No, I am not that hard to get rid off,” you laughed, kind of touched that your absence was noted.
“You guys up for a game of pool?” Phoenix asked, holding the other cue stick in her hand, Halo hovering closely nearby. 
You pulled a face. Pool wasn’t really something you pride yourself on playing often. And you didn’t like to do something you weren’t particularly good at, since the chance you’d embarrass yourself was very high. Embarrassing yourself in front of a group of highly skilled naval aviators was really the last thing you wanted to do today.
“I think I’ll pass, I am not really the best.”
“Aw come on,” Bradley crowed, returning to the pool table with your drink in hand.  “I’ll pick up your slack. Eight-ball?” 
Halo had already started collecting the balls in a triangle and you sighed, knowing you wouldn’t get out of this now. 
“Fine. One game,” you relented, grabbing your drink from Bradley’s hand and taking a sip. There was no way you’d survive this embarrassment sober.
Phoenix started the game, hitting the balls straight in the middle with the white cue ball, spreading the stripes and solids very evenly across the pool table. You and Bradley took turns, alternating with Halo and Phoenix. After about twenty minutes, Halo and Phoenix have sunk about six balls, while you and Bradley have sunk three. 
Correction, Bradley sunk three. 
You winced, as the white cute ball moved into the opposite direction of where you wanted it to go and Bradley bit back a laugh, covering his mouth with his hand. 
“How about you stop laughing and help me?” you complained, while Phoenix lined up her shot in her turn. “You know we’re on the same team, right?”
“Honestly, you’re not that bad. It’s just that you’re holding the cue stick the wrong way. Here, let me show you.”
Bradley took the cue stick out of your hand when it was your turn again, easily sinking another one of your striped balls. “See? Easy.”
Scoffing, you accepted the cue stick when he offered it to you, lining up against the cue ball, turning back to check with Bradley. He shook his head, and without further ado, he pushed himself off of the table he was leaning on, bending over to correct your posture. 
“Here, hold your hand like this,” he instructed, his body flush against yours. His breath was hot on your neck and you flushed, clumsily following his orders. Jesus, this man had no sense of shame, did he? “Okay, now try hitting the ball, not too hard though. Gently.”
You gave the white cue ball a gentle push with the stick, just like you were told and lo and behold! The striped ball rolled towards the corner of the pool table, sinking into the net below. 
“Good girl.”
A shiver ran down your back and when you turned your head to the side, he still was dangerously curved over your body. Bradley met your glance, his gaze dropping to your lips for a second, stepping away when Phoenix cleared her throat. 
“Uh, you okay to keep going, or…?”
“I think it’s time for me to head out, actually,” you said, eyes on Bradley. He blinked at you, confused for a second before realization dawned on him. Nodding enthusiastically, he grabbed the cue stick from your hand, dropping it on the pool table. 
“Yeah, I think so too. Gonna hit the hay.”
“My god,” Phoenix muttered but you and Bradley were already heading out of the bar, his large hand splayed against the small of your back and you felt like you were going to explode soon. When you stepped out to the pebble-stoned parking lot in front, you turned around. 
“Where’s your ca-”
The rest of your sentence turned to a yelp when Bradley grabbed you by the waist and pinned you against the car, crowding against you. His eyes were dark when he looked at you, grip tight on your body. 
“Are you going to kiss me or what?”
Bradley chuckled, raising one of his hands to grab your chin gently before he leaned down to press his lips against yours. Your eyes fluttered shut as you kissed him back, helplessly fisting his open shirt. It’s been a long time since you’ve been kissed like this. 
“How about…” you muttered between kisses, before pulling away. “How about we take this somewhere else before we get arrested for public indecency?”
“I am sure you could talk your way out of being arrested,” Bradley pointed out before opening the car door next to you, clapping you on your ass. 
“Get in.”
Somewhat petulantly, you got in the car, surprised by yourself how the way he spoke to you didn’t make you feel like a kid being ordered around. It kind of turned you on? Bradley got in the driver’s seat, immediately starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot. Biting on your lip, you felt excitement thrumming through your entire body. Soon, you arrived at your rental and you barely waited until Bradley turned the engine before you jumped out of the car, getting a headstart to the front door. 
When you got inside however, Bradley quickly spun you around, pushing your back against the door. 
“Someone’s a bit eager, hm?” He whispered against your skin, slowly kissing down your throat. You whimpered softly, your eyes fluttering shut. Bradley’s hands wandered down your sides, until they disappeared down your dress. It didn’t take long for him to pull your panties down, making you gasp quietly.
“God, you’re soaking.”
Bradley scrunched up your panties in his hand, taking a whiff of them before shoving them in the pocket of his shirt. He grinned up at you, his index finger stroking the inside of your thigh. 
“Tell me what you want, pretty girl.”
“Your f-fingers, please,” you gasped out and the smirk he gave you was almost feral. He inched his hand higher, index finger stroking between your wet folds and you moaned out, laying your head against the door. 
“Like this?”
“Exactly like this,” you gasped out, your toes curling when he stroked his fingers against the small bundle of nerves nestled in your cunt. All this time you’ve been staring at his hands, imagining how his fingers would feel in you and it was so much better. Bradley kept applying pressure against your cunt, before he curled his finger, slipping one digit inside you. You cried out a moan as he moved one finger in and out of you, before adding another. 
“Got a little obsession with my hands, hm?” Bradley asked, his free hand curling around your bruised thigh, squeezing a bit. 
“Gotta say, while I did not enjoy hurting you, I do like seeing my imprint on you.”
“M-me too,” you moaned, knees getting weaker by the second. Bradley hummed, his nose inching higher, until his head disappeared underneath your dress, and you nearly screamed out when you felt him licking your cunt. When he added his tongue to the mix, you knew you were done for. 
“So close.”
“What was that?” Bradley asked, pulling his mouth away while his fingers kept pumping inside of you. You whined at the loss of his tongue, shaking your head. 
“‘m gonna come.”
“Then come.”
With a gasp, you arched your back, your orgasm hitting you harder than you’d thought.Bradley pressed a gentle kiss on the bruise, the hairs of his mustache tickling against the sensitive skin, somehow only making you come harder. You slumped to your knees when the orgasm washed over, but Bradley was quick to catch you by the waist, holding you up.
“Awe, is someone getting tired?” he asked, a teasing lilt in his voice as he brushed your hair back, revealing your blissed out face. “‘cause I’m nowhere done with you, little miss.”
“Wow, look at you! Sun looks good on you.”
You had managed to extend your vacation days for seven more days after your two weeks were nearly up. Though it wasn’t nearly enough, it was better than nothing and Bradley made sure to make every single second worth your time. It was hard to leave him and the small life you had settled in Fightertown, but your actual life and job were waiting back in New York. 
“It’s been really nice actually,” you chuckled, leaning on Ava’s desk. While you got along well with her, she was quite the office gossip so you had to watch what you’d say. 
“I’ll say. I was surprised to hear that you’d requested another week. I thought for sure you were just waiting until the two mandatory weeks were over until you’d stand right back here, begging for a case file.”
“Ha! Well, I guess I got a taste of real life and liked it.”
“Oh shit, did you hurt yourself? How did you get that bruise?” Ava asked, pointing at the bruise around your wrist. With a smirk, you laid your hand around it, chuckling lightly. 
Bradley’s grip on your wrists was tight, surely bruising later, but it wasn’t like you’d care. Your suitcase was packed, standing in the corner of the room, long forgotten as Bradley thrusted deeply in you, making you moan. His face was tucked in the crook of your neck, leaving small, peppering kisses on your skin as he snapped his hips against yours. 
When both of you came down from your high, you were rubbing your wrists, giving him a look. “You know people are going to ask. And my co-workers aren’t as laid-back as yours.”
“Make up an excuse, that’s what you’re getting paid for, isn’t it?” Bradley smirked, leaning in to press a hard kiss against your lips. “
“I was flying a kite at the beach and the twine roped around my wrists, nothing major. Anyways, here’s my request. I need the last Thursday of September off.”
You handed Ava the slip and she raised a brow, filing it away. “Another day off?”
“Yeah, my boyfriend is getting a medal of valor and I’d like to be there.”
“Your what?”
Well, the cat was out of the bag now, wasn’t it?
author's note: eeek! don't forget to reblog besties!
🏷️list: @idiomaticpunk // @luckyladycreator2 // @littlebadariell // @labellapeaky // @solacestyles // @ssaic-jareau // @xoxabs88xox //
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ankhmutes · 1 year
A Charming Journey Home (SoA)
This is probably my first attempt at an actual fic for Sons of Anarchy. This is not for minors. So I will post the actual story after the cut.
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You ran away from Charming at 18, chasing Connor McGregor, a wannabe of the Sons of Anarchy all the way to Belfast, Ireland. You come back nine years later, older and wiser, and you find just what you need when you come back home....thanks to a surprising source, your crow-eater partying best friend Amanda.
(NOT FOR MINORS, PLEASE, under the cut)
You had recently left Connie, finally- fucking finally, and you were able to go back home to your parent’s in Charming. Mom and Dad loved having the kids back, and You had finally gotten that job at the bar. It was good enough for now, until you could find something better. You had been a nurse, but the hours weren’t what you wanted and you wanted to be there for the kids for now. Especially after what Connie had done to your daughter Shane. The kids needed you more, and your parents were enjoying the opportunity to be grandparents, even if it was a little late. Bartending seemed to work, and your parents didn’t really seem to care as long as everyone was okay, after what everyone had gone through with Connie. Shane’s face was finally starting to heal and the boys were finally sleeping all night.
“Come on, you’ll love it. You got to live a little. Your mom and dad have the kids so You can just chill.” Amanda bosses You around, just like old times as she tugged you over to her side. Amanda had been begging You to go to a SAMCRO party, and You Weren't sure. You had seen the Sons around, but never really bothered with them. You were too busy doing your job, serving drinks and making sure tabs were paid. Biker boys were the last thing You wanted. 
“Mandy, really? You’re still a crow-eater wannabe?” You Asked with a slight laugh, mildly surprised that Amanda was still chasing that dream of being an old lady in the Sons of Anarchy. It was one thing to be twelve and dream and watch the Sons on their gleaming motorcycles, whispering about how gorgeous Gemma Teller was, and how cool all the women on the motorcycles were, and how cute the bikers were to piss off your parents. 
You watched Amanda mingle with the crowd, sliding up to the prospects in their vests. You just trailed behind her, finding a quiet spot just inside, right near the bar. You sipped on a bottle of Guinness and watched the crowd, noticing quite a few handsome men in their cuts, noting which ones You thought were the most handsome and those You wouldn’t give the time of the day to. You listened to the voices of the crowd, blending in the music and soon You couldn't really decipher any specific conversation, just simply enjoying the random cacophony of lively noise. 
Soon, You found your eyes frequently going back to two men, A gray-streaked man who was the  and a wild-haired mischievous sergeant at arms. You couldn’t catch their names, it was too loud, and wild, as You watched the sergeant at arms yell about pussy, and taking swigs out of not the first bottle of beer of the night. The gray-streaked man was much more calm, his energy radiating quiet confidence as he sipped at a bottle of hard liquor and watched the entertainment with amusement. You just couldn’t decide- solid and dependent, or wild and mischievous. They seemed like a perfect yin and yang. 
“Hey! Ya a friend of Mandy’s?” a prospect asked, slinking up to you. You shrugged and sipped at your beer, smiling slightly up at him. He was cute and handsome, but too puppy-dog for you. “How about a dance?”
“Nah, maybe later. I’ve gotta keep an eye on Mandy, make sure she gets home in one piece.” You used your beer bottle to point out Mandy, who was dancing on a stripper pole someone had set up, a small semi-circle of prospects lurking around her. Mandy was eating up the attention. 
“Nah, she’s always here. You’re new.  You’re interesting. Got a name?” You half-shrugged and gave the prospect your name, sipping your beer and making sure you didn’t overdo it. You had a feeling you’d become Mandy’s designated driver before long but you did want to have a drink or two. Mandy ended up half-naked on a pool table, spread-eagle, and only the prospects were all over her. None of the actual members seemed interested in Mandy.
“Let’s go, Mandie– “ you said as you tried to coax Mandy off the pool table, promising her Taco Bell on the way home. You and a couple prospects finally poured her in the backseat of your Jeep, and you were finally able to go home. You went back to your parent’s house, and dragged Mandy in with you, dumping her on the couch with a bucket and blanket. Your parents were asleep, your parents in the large love seat with Shane in their laps, her wild curls spread all over his arm. The two had a large comforter draped around them, Shane’s face with the pink scars criss crossing over her cheek was peeking out from under the blanket. She didn’t stir, your father’s grip on her keeping her secure and calm. You tiptoed down the corridor to the boys’ room, the twins in their bunk bed, soft snores coming from the dog sprawled on the lower bunk.
You loved the peace and calm, and you could finally relax, sliding in your room and shedding off your clothes. You relished the cool feel of the sheets against the exposed skin of your body, just too tired to change. Your mind went to the two men you saw at the party. You weren’t into biker boys anymore but… there was something about them. Perhaps it was the fact they were actual members, you vaguely remembered them from a decade ago. You remembered the smell of the leather, alcohol, and smoke from the clubhouse, and you lost yourself in one of your old fantasies. You laid back naked in bed, your hand sliding down to your belly. You remembered how your jeep was broken down right near T & M and you had to flag down one of the Sons to take it in the shop. You remembered the gray haired one, but he had brown hair back then, his scars giving him a scary and sexy air. You couldn’t remember if he had always had the beard or not, but you didn’t care. You remembered hearing his voice and getting wet from his voice. You remembered you used to call the shop, hoping to get him to answer the phone. Whenever you did, you would ask for your jeep to be taken in, sabotaging it every time he answered the phone.
You were not sure if he remembered you, but you knew if he saw your jeep, he sure as hell would recognize it. You were surprised your parents had kept it, right down to the Sons of Anarchy MC logo you had drawn on it with a sharpie. It had looked badass to you at sixteen, but now you were a mother of three and definitely over twenty five, you just cringed at that girl and wondered why your dad had not sand-blasted the shit out of it already. 
Your brain switched to the fantasy of the man in the cut giving you a tow yet again. He would see your jeep, exclaim at how hot you were, and demand a blow job for service rendered. You’d of course protest, but then give in at the sight of the bulge in his trousers and get on your knees for him, his hands sliding through your hair and guiding you until he would come hard down your throat, telling you what a good dirty girl you were for him. 
Your fingers slid through the slick, deftly and quickly bringing you a sense of relief with a decent orgasm in the silence of the night, but you did miss the thrill a real cock could bring you. Especially if it was attached to one of the men you fantasized about. Your heart beat heavily in your chest, as you righted yourself and curled up in your comforter and pillows. You let yourself sink into the dark abyss of sleep and comfort, finally realizing you were home. The Sons were here. You were safe.
Part 2 to come soon!!
@kdogreads thank you for everything you do!
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ya-world-challenge · 1 year
YA Books from 🇦🇺 Australia (mostly indigenous)
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Continuing the country lists for the YA World Challenge! Firstly, there is no way I can list all the YA books from Australia - there's too many! For that reason, I'm sticking to indigenous books only for the individual books list.
If you want to find more Aussie authors, look for the #LoveOZYA tag, google some lists, browse some goodreads lists, and follow @thereadingchallengechallenge. Also check out the following anthologies to find your new favorite Aussie author:
Kindred: 12 Queer #LoveOzYA Stories Hometown Haunts: #LoveOzYA Horror Tales Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology Underdog: #LoveOzYA Short Stories Meet Me at the Intersection
Indigenous YA The Things She's Seen, Amebelin & Ezekiel Kwaymullina (alt. Catching Teller Crow) 💚🦋 The Boy From the Mish, Gary Lonesborough (alt. Ready When You Are) 💚🌈 The Upwelling, Lystra Rose 💚🦋 Tracks of the Missing, Carl Merrison & Hakea Hustler 💚🦋 Swallow the Air, Tara June Winch 💚 Ghost Bird, Lisa Fuller 💚🦋 Songs That Sound Like Blood, Jared Thomas 💚🌈 Calypso Summer, Jared Thomas 💚 Sweet Guy, Jared Thomas 💚 My Spare Heart, Jared Thomas 💚 The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf, Amebelin Kwaymullina (series) 💚🦋 Secrets from the Dust, George Hamilton ⌛ My Father's Shadow, Jannali Jones 💚 Too Flash, Melissa Lucashenko 💚 Killing Darcy, Melissa Lucashenko 💚 Grace Beside Me, Sue McPherson 💚 Brontide, Sue McPherson 💚 Wraith, Shane Smithers & Alex Smithers 💚🦋 Fog a Dox, Bruce Pascoe 💚 Njunjul The Sun, Meme McDonald Shauna's Great Expectations, Kathleen Loughnan
Middle Grade Bindi, Kirli Saunders 💚 Sister Heart, Sally Morgan 💚 Black Cockatoo, Carl Merrison & Hakea Hustler 💚 Ubby's Underdogs, Brenton E. McKenna (GN) 💚 Wombat, mudlark and other stories, Helen Milroy 💚 Wylah the Koorie Warrior, Jordan Gould, Richard Pritchard
Memoir & Nonfiction Growing Up Aboriginal in Australia, Various Authors 💚 Remembered By Heart: An Anthology of Indigenous Writing, Various Authors 💚 Blakwork, Alison Whittaker 💚 Jandamarra & the Bunuba Resistance: A True Australian Hero, Howard Pedersen⌛
Coming of Age Becoming Kirrali Lewis, Jane Harrison 💚⌛
💚 First Nations Author (based on author's bios, may be missing data) 🛩️ Immigrant or diaspora 🏖️ non-native characters in or about the country (ex. vacation/adventure) ⌛ Historical 🦋 Fantasy or Paranormal 🌈 LGBT
If you know of more titles I could add, just leave a comment! (I hope my sources weren't too outdated)
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thecodyagenda · 2 years
This post was made on Wajuk land, I wish to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land I am on and I acknowledge and respect their continuing culture and contributions to this land and country.
Hey everyone in Australia it’s currently NAIDOC week, which is held from the first week of July annually. It’s a week to highlight the culture, achievements and history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Please keep in mind I myself am not Indigenous nor a person of colour.
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[image description: The 2022 National NAIDOC Poster which is black and white except for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags. There are three speech bubbles saying Get Up, Stand Up, and Show Up which are next to closed fists and various texts highlighting Indigenous struggles such as “White Australia has a Blak history.]
Aboriginal culture is the oldest continuous living culture on Earth which has evidence that it extended back 65,000 years. At the time of colonial invasion in 1788 it was estimated that around 250 languages and 600 dialects were spoken in around 500 different nations. Today, only 120 languages are still spoken and many are in danger of becoming extinct.
I’ve compiled a list of resources below to help support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander causes and for people to learn about language, country and culture.
Educational Resources
Map of Australia’s First Peoples & Explanation Of Country
Welcome To Country, Acknowledgement of Country and Understanding Ceremony
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Social Justice
Blak, Black, Blackfulla – Language is important, but it can be tricky
Aboriginal English: AbE and Kriol
List of petitions to support Indigenous Australian causes (I’m not sure how many of these are Australian only)
Protect sacred Djab Wurrung birthing trees from expansion of the Western Hwy by Vicroads
End the abuse of Aboriginal children. #CloseDonDaleNow.
Create a database of traditional place names
Uluṟu Statement From The Heart
Support The Rights Of First Nations Cultural Educators
Blak Creators To Support
Books: The White Girl (Tony Birch), Catching Teller Crow (Ambelin and Ezekiel Kwaymullina), Butterfly Song (Terri Janke), Living on Stolen Land (Ambelin Kwaymullina), Dark Emu (Bruce Pascoe), The Boy From The Mish/Ready When You Are (Gary Lonesborough)
Charities That Support Indigenous Australians
Aboriginal Charity Guide
ANTaR: Justice, Rights and Respect For Australia’s First Peoples
Indigenous Literacy Foundation
If anyone finds these to be outdated/incorrect or has any other resources they’d like me to add: feel free to let me know
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Nightmare AU part 26
Panel 1:
Sky Coeur the detective:"I will propose to Nishya the dream cat in this afternoon..."
Polestar the star sprite:"Wonderful, i know exactly the best bakery for the wedding cake!"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Wait, my big brother is getting married?I don't have any plans for the bachelor party, i'm such a failer little brother in the world!"
Hester the photo marksmen:"I've heard about a proposal possible a marriage?"
Panel 2
Luna the moon demon:"This time better be true, i haven't eat a piece of cake in ages."
Hester the photo marksmen:" Oh, and here i thought you want me to propose to you too Lunica... My dreams are crushed, woah..."
Faith the head rabbit:"Back off, masked man, my master deserve only the best!"
Amstran the moon dancer:"We should buy them a wedding gift!"
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Le souris bonbon neige:"Why in the world the stuff is so expensive here?!"
Yan-naifu the ghost:"Because things that cost a lot of money is the usual nightmare in your world."
Felix Reddison:"That and rich people, some of us are rich so it doesn't bother us too much, plus we have jobs that are paid well, that are the employer nightmare in the real world!"
Red the fortune teller:"Let me guess, finding quality stuff is also a nightmare?"
Panel 4
Doctor bird:" I just need a few more wires and there this should be enough!"
Luciano the candle of secrets:"When will the machine be complete?"
Doctor bird:" I'm afraid i will need more lab rats since the others were disposable!"
Growlian:"I've heard that Doctor, our master won't be very kind to us if this machine of your doesn't work properly."
Duo the ballon prince:" What if we hunt down the marshmallow demon?"
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Growlian:"The marshmallow demon is perfect for the machine, yes...But don't harm her too much, she is mine, will become my perfect puppet."
Luciano the candle of secrets:"We tried to put her children in danger but that didn't get us anywhere, hasn't change her form at all."
Moon on fire:"Then i propose to do something more drastically, it won't be enough if we attack them, Melinoë the princess of nightmares can change them one against another."
Clause the assassin king:"Till then we need to lure them, killing more villagers for the machine will certain catch their attention."
Growlian:"I will send our special crows to spy on them, where they are we will know."
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Luna the moon demon:"So now that you are married what it will be? Nishya Coeur the dream cat, Nishya the dream cat Coeur or just Nishya Coeur?
Felix Reddison:" That is wonderful, you can take the brown with yellow room it has some roses painted as a pattern, what flowers would you prefer, have you thought about the food meniu?
Yan-naifu the ghost:"We have so many to prepare, our friends are getting marry!"
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Lumboo the light ghost:"I just heard the news, congratulations you two!"
Nishya the dream cat:"Thank you, Lumboo the light ghost, would you like to be one of our best man?"
Le souris bonbon neige:"Come on, Amstran the moon dancer, get a break, we deserve this! Working extra hard is not too good for our health!"
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Felix Reddison:"We are here to unite this man with this woman in the Holy Sacrament of Marriage..."
Luna the moon demon:"I always cry at weddings..."
Faith the head rabbit:"Woah, weakling, sniff sniff... So beautiful, this is the first marriage i attempt too... Woah..."
Felix Reddison:"Will take each other at good and the bad, at health and sickness, at poor and rich... Till death do them apart... If there is anyone who knows a reason they can't be married speak now or forever be silent!
Red the fortune teller:"My little sister is so beautiful and happy, i'm so glad she found someone!"
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Sky Coeur the detective:"With this ring i seal our marriage, making you my oficial wife, i give my word that i will love you at bad and good time till death do us apart!"
Nishya the dream cat:With this ring i seal our marriage, making you my oficial wife, i give my word that i will love you at bad and good time till death do us apart!"
Felix Reddison:"You can kiss the bride!"
Luna the moon demon :"Congratulations!Wish you the stone house and many children to come in the future!"
Nishya the dream cat:" I will never get used to Mrs Coeur name, hehe!"
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Sky Coeur the detective:"I'm the luckiest mouse in the world, in so happy to have you Nishya the dream cat... Thank you!"
Nishya the dream cat:"And I'm the luckiest cat in the world, finally we are together as a family!"
Sky Coeur the detective:"This day is now on my collection as one of my happiest days album!"
Part 1 till part 25
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masonhawth0rne · 7 months
What I read in October
Hoo boy, I sure did forget to post this earlier, didn't I!
Honestly I've been so busy so far this month that I just didn't even think of it. Also, this month is sort of evaporating. Before you ask, no I have written nothing at all for the not-NaNo that I was planning to attempt. But I did come up with another great idea for something that I'll probably start and not finish, so you can't say I've done nothing!
Anyway, on to the list:
Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy, Hailey Piper ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ghost Bird, Lisa Fuller ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Hound of the Baskervilles, Arthur Conan Doyle ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Forest of Stolen Girls, June Hur ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Liar's Dice, Jeannie Lin ⭐️
Straya, Anthony O'Connor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Toxic, Dan Kaszeta (nf) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Illuminae, Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Penhallow, Georgette Heyer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Myth of the Self Made Man, Ruben Reyes Jr (ss) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Call, Christian White & Summer De Roche ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Death of the Necromancer, Martha Wells ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Cretins, Thomas Ha (ss) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Kill Your Brother, Jack Heath ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley (nf) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Valley of Terror, Zhou Haohui, tr. Bonnie Huie ⭐️⭐️
The Curse of the Burdens, John Wyndham ⭐️⭐️
Amazons, Adrienne Mayor (nf) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Kraken Wakes, John Wyndham ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dead Mountain, Donnie Eichar (nf) ⭐️⭐️
Family Business, Jonathan Sims ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
In the House of Aryaman A Lonely Signal Burns, Elizabeth Bear ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Blessing of Unicorns, Elizabeth Bear ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
METAtropolis Anthology ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Plan for Chaos, John Wyndham ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A Fatal Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum, Emma Southon (nf) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Outward Urge, John Wyndham ⭐️⭐️
King Solomon's Mines, H. Rider Haggard DNF
The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle tr. David Ross (nf) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was a bit of a mixed bunch!
At the end of September I went to a writer's conference, where Lisa Fuller and Amie Kaufman were guests of honour. I was a bit annoyed at myself because I had bought Ghost Bird the week before, not realising that she was on the program, so I had the book the whole time but hadn't yet read it! Oh well, better late than never.
Ghost Bird was a solid spooky read, dealing with family history and tensions, small town disturbances, and the violent inheritances of colonialism and racism in Australia. I originally bought it because it was on a list of books to read if you enjoyed Catching Teller Crow by Ambelin Kwaymullina and Ezekiel Kwaymullina, which I did.
Illuminae was one that I had heard @slushrottweiler mention several times, but I'd never gotten around to it (YA, not my most favourite! Epistolary, not my most favourite!). But after the conference I figured I'd check it out, and I'm glad I did. While I wouldn't say that it's my favourite thing ever, it was a solid scifi story, with an interesting form and style, and I'll probably check out the sequels eventually.
Straya by Anthony O'Connor was the other book on this list that I picked up after the conference. Kind of a goofy action romp through post-apocalyptic Sydney, I was expecting to be a kind of brain-off funtime read (and it is! Don't get me wrong!) but it also had a lot of very clever little twists and turns that kept it really engaging. Also a refreshing take on the 'love interest' character, being that she's asexual, and when the protagonist confesses his feelings for her she says well... that's sweet and all, but I don't do that. Can we still be friends? And then they are still friends! A lot of the goofyness of this book is held up by a backbone of sincerity which is really nice, too. In all, a fun read.
Also revisited some faves this month, re-read Penhallow for my book club, and I have to say, it is one of those books which just gets more complex with each rereading. It's up there with Rebecca as some of my most books of all time.
There's one big fat DNF on the list this month, King Solomon's Mine, which through a combination of Victorian era racism, and very poor audio quality was pretty much unlistenable, and I don't think I'll be bothered trying to find a better recording.
And that's that!
nf= non fiction
ss= short story
stars awarded at my whim
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in the lead-up to Booklr Reads Australian, I'm going to share some Goodreads lists that have good selections of Australian novels for people to investigate and choose from 😊
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ravennaortiz · 9 months
Ravennas OC : Scarlett Teller
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Background: Scarlett Teller is the younger sister of Jax Teller. She also goes by Scar by those who she is close too. In a relationship with Juice Ortiz. Scarlett has heterchromia and a tattoo of Medusa being held by a crow on her right forearm.
Catch her in
Lost and Found
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Welcome to this week’s roundup! We do these every week to provide plot drops, highlight starters posted that week, and share other information about the setting. Anyone is welcome to use these bullet points in starters, plots, anons etc. Also let us know if you want us to include one of your setting-related plots in here for next week by sending us a bullet point!
We just wanted to let you know that due to busy-ness, we skipped the WCW last week and won’t be having one next week. However, we’ll be back to regular schedule after that. Thank you!
What’s new in town?:
Something fishy is going on with time in our new POTW. Astral and dimensional madness are still in full swing as well.
Molly Teller is cheerfully selling goods from her farm at Nightshade Farmer’s Market. The eggs are extra tasty, just be sure not to let them hatch. 
A string of bodies are being found along the main roads downtown. A few witnesses have spoke of seeing seven foot tall people seemingly drop from the sky and attacking.
Local vegetarians and residents who just happen to appreciate the cuisine are up in arms. Veggie Tables location is prone to rewinding a few decades every so often... which would be fine if it was still a vegetarian restaurant with an 80s theme, but steak house is not the vibe Veggie Tables clientele is going for. 
Does anyone have experience with velvet worms? Sage could use a helping hand! 
Are you hiring or know of someone who is? Help Crow find a job. 
Baz needs a pick me up. Join them at Central Station to “help” all the lost travelers.
Levi is dealing with some giant pests thanks to the lighthouse light being pranked. Help it get rid of a giant moth. 
Mateo says when in Maine, eat the giant lobsters. Who wants to help catch one and have the biggest lobster roll ever? 
Rhett needs a boat so he can scope out the ghost boats. Help a warden out! 
Correy needs to know how to permanently break a light. For some reason, he’s not too big on lights or lanterns?
Bees? Ulfric needs them up outta his stove while he’s working. Any tips for humanely getting them to go away is appreciated. 
After finishing up a ton of paperwork, Portia can’t even enjoy the outdoors with the fishy smell. Anyone got any idea what’s going down or good indoor activities? 
Feeling artsy? Reach out to Metzli to have your work featured at the gallery! 
Ren Faire or literal blast to the past? Ari isn’t here for her TikToks being interrupted. Give her a heads up on how to avoid the past pockets.
Know someone who forges weapons? Send Marina their way so she can get a dope custom made knife for her new bestie.
Lil’s phone is back and she’s ready to get out of the house. Someone should show her some demon-free fun. Or demon-filled. 
Winn is back and has some friendly advice, just skip the beach. The lobstrocities aren’t worth it. 
Meanwhile Caoihme is recruiting plucky, hockey-stick wielding volunteers to fight some lobstrocities. 
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Forty Eight
RE8 | Wintersberg | Romance, Slow Burn | Action, Sci-Fi
Sequel of Winters and the Beast, a Resident Evil: Village Story
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The surprises didn’t stop coming after Ethan’s ‘conversation’ with the BSAA agent.  
Heisenberg steered him into a large bank branch, where amid all of the Romanian words, Ethan picked up on some of what was transpiring.  A land development fund allocation.  Not the bank’s funds.  The funds left by Miranda.  It was a vast amount.  He knew part of it was for the power restoration in the valley, but wasn’t the government handling most of that?  
The bank teller seemed to catch on that Ethan couldn’t keep up, and amid paperwork signing, asked Karl, in English, “So, what are the plans-a business, as it is a commercial account?  Will you need assistance finding contractors?” 
“We’ll draw plans up by spring, let you know,” Karl replied amiably.  His very American accent startled the banker.  The engineer stroked his beard and added nonchalantly, “Plans’re up to the wife.”  
Ethan turned sharply, wondering what in the hell Heisenberg was referring to, but the man thumbed at him cheekily.  “That’s the wife.” 
The banker laughed, confused, as Ethan’s face burned.  
Evie had her first ice cream with Ethan, Rose, and Donna in attendance.  As Ethan dug enthusiastically into his milkshake, Evie said in a deadpan, “The lady behind us in line was wondering why you weren’t holding Donna’s hand.  She thinks you two are our mom and dad,” and caused the blond to almost choke.  Donna turned red, an exceptionally rare feat, and Rose laughed.  So it appeared that his earlier ‘reading’ of Redfield was accurate…those infected, with enough power, could pick up on thoughts of others, even humans who weren’t infected.  
After the ritual of ice cream, Ethan said amid a racing heart, “Evie, if you want to call me your Dad…I’m okay with that.” 
“Really?  Even after…all the bad stuff…?”
“Sure.”  Why did that make him so nervous?  But then, he’d been nervous about taking care of Rose as well.  Ethan just supposed he took the title of ‘Dad’ seriously.  Which made sense, as his own had disappeared in his youth.  “You don’t have to, but you can.” 
“I think you’re a good dad.” Was she responding to his statement, or to what he was thinking?  
His next surprise was at the group meeting spot; Ethan and his small entourage approached the fountain at 6pm, the agreed time.  The blond’s gaze turned to tunnel vision when he saw a hunched figure, wrapped in multiple black shawls, tossing something onto the cobblestones for the birds.  But they were…crows.  
Time slowed; the grain leaving her hands cascaded in slow motion.  He heard the crackles as it landed, saw the black glinting eyes of the corvids as they pecked.  Ethan stared back at the figure, willing it to turn around.  He knew that when it did, it would be the hag…Miranda.  She straightened, her back still to him, and a familiar musical laugh soared toward him.  It was the same laugh he’d heard in January, in the Potter’s field-the mass unmarked grave of the village.   He moved to  stand in front of Donna.  Rose was in her stroller, Evie was holding his other hand.  Ethan pivoted so he was in front of Evie as well.  Donna pulled the stroller back and peered where it was that Ethan stared, but she seemed to miss the figure shrouded in black.  
Crows littered the entire area.  Most people walked by them without seeming bothered.  When he heard cawing, Ethan realized they were on the nearby statues and building ledges as well.  His gaze again went back to the hag.  She turned and he prepared for the pale eyes. 
And yet when she turned, it was a different woman.  She wasn’t wearing black, she had on a bright red and yellow shawl.  She smiled a toothless smile at Ethan before turning back and pouring more grain out.  To pigeons.  Pigeons were in the square.  He blinked rapidly.  
“Ethan, are you all right?”
“Did any of you see that?”  He half turned, his voice low.  He looked at Evie hopefully.  Even she shook her head in confusion.  “The pigeons were….crows.  That woman…she looked like Miranda.  Only for a second.” 
“I believe you,” Donna said simply, “But we didn’t see it.”  She gazed at the woman, and then back to the blond.  “But your eyes, Ethan…they were…”
“Dark,” the child finished.  
It happened again after the train ride home.  
The regional train out of the city was old, creaky, rusty.   The combination of metal and motion lulled Heisenberg into a peaceful nap, and he sprawled out on a long window seat with Donna under his head, Moreau under his feet.  Ethan felt nervous, as if he were being watched the entire time.  He was trying to busy himself with anything other than what was on his mind; the strange encounters of the day.  He now had a phone, and only knew two phone numbers to put into his contact list. 
So he put them both in, hoping they were right, and sent the same text. 
Hey, it’s Ethan.  This is my number. 
He looked around at his makeshift family, wondering why he felt so uneasy…the morning train ride had been uneventful.  The buzz from his phone startled him.  
Hey Ethan! You finally got a phone! Welcome to the future.  Zoe. 
Copy that.  You sure your boyfriend wants you texting me?  Chris.  
He rolled his eyes at that and began a response.  Soon he was chatting with both, avoiding the topic of Eveline to Zoe, and feeling far more normal than he had in awhile.  
Eventually they reached their stop, a rural station that had no amenities and a dirt lot.  The pair of vehicles they’d driven out here were in the lot, waiting on them under a lone streetlight.  Ethan should have felt relief at seeing the old reliable vehicles, but he couldn’t shake the feeling.  As he stepped onto the platform and gazed down the row of doors opening, he saw a familiar face floating past all of the unaware passengers.  
It was Miranda.  She smiled at him, a nasty smile, and time seemed to slow around Ethan again as he watched her.  
Time’s almost up, he heard in his mind.  Was it her voice?  
“Papa,” Heisenberg said idly, putting a hand on the small of Ethan’s back.  “Let’s go.” 
“I-I saw-”
“I believe you,” Heisenberg said without a pause, “Don’t give it any attention.  Let’s get home.”  His soft voice did nothing to console the father, who scowled at Miranda one last time before leaving.  
Ethan’s Journal
September 24
I have a phone!  It even gets service at the house, which has already annoyed Heisenberg.  
We had a great day in town.  I saw Chris, or rather, Chris dragged me into some diner to yell at me about bringing the lords back, I guess.  It ended better than it could have.  Not only did I get to finally tell him how I felt, but he understood, I think.  
We got a lot of what we need to start bringing this place back onto the grid.  Plus Evie got her first ice cream…on a cloudy day in September.  I guess it’s perfect.  
Heisenberg and Moreau are going to try their hand at this ritual/surgery to get the crystal fragment out of Donna’s body tomorrow.  I know they’re not saying it, but they’re nervous.  Well, Moreau is always nervous, but he’s the only one who ever saw it done and he knows what to do.  I don’t even want to know how many surgeries Karl has done but since it’s Donna, he’s scared.  
Eva is going to stay with them in case something goes wrong.  I don’t know how it works, but apparently, our bodies will calcify or crystallize as a defense mechanism.  Kind of like dying, temporarily (which happened to me after I lost my heart).  Or, they hope it’ll be temporary.  Eva has the best chance to be the mold ER doc. 
While they do the surgery, I’m going to take Alcina to meet Godric.  I am a little stressed about bringing the girls, but Eva says it’ll be fine.  And I guess both of them sneak off and see him sometimes.  I’d be mad about it but I understand why they do.  
Assuming all goes well with Donna’s fragment, that will only leave Moreau’s.  It feels like we’re finally gaining ground, but I can’t help being scared of whatever this void is I feel…it feels like something is coming, like a storm.  I felt it today before I saw the hag as well as when we got off the train.  I can also hear a voice sometimes, not the regular voices from the Mold (they don’t show up unless I talk to them, usually) but a voice that seems like my own.  It wanted me to out-power Chris today when he was pulling me.  
I’m going to sleep on the couch again tonight…I’m worried.  Alcina did say she would slit my throat if I ‘went feral’......is that her way of being nice to me? I can’t really tell.  
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noveltyreads · 5 years
Catching Teller Crow by Ambelin and Ezekiel Kwaymullina Book Review
This book definitely deserves a re-read.
When I closed the book I thought “what a trippy book” there were just so many things I haven’t realised while I was reading that I only now after having finished, realise now. There were also a lot of themes that went over my head that other reviewers pointed out that I didn’t pick up on. I think that no matter what or how many times I may read this book, I’d never pick everything up it’s just one of those books that constantly has easter eggs! So yes, I probably need a re-read.
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Gosh how do I even describe this book? It’s about this ghost girl named Beth who is invisible to all except her grieving father, an investigator looking into the case of Isobel Catching, who somehow has a connection to a man who died in a fire. It was told in poems and narrative, in a range of colours and feathers (you’ll get that reference if you read the book) and it messed with my brain for a bit. I know it deals with a lot of racism and it dealt with it in such a poetic way that wasn’t too confronting. Yet again though I think it deserves a re-read even though I couldn’t get into it as much as it was really trippy which made me occasionally lose track of the plotline.
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
kiss it better.
request: jax being in love with his best friend but she's oblivious because he's always sleeping around with crow eaters
an: don't think I've given you all angsty Jax so let's try it out. might have a part ii in me if enough people say they want it. let me know if you’d vibe with it?
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pair: jax teller x black!reader | rating: 💔 | words: 2.5 k
sum: there are moments when the weight of the crown feels unbearable. when Jax learns the one person who helps him bear it is leaving charming, he doesn’t take it well.
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You sip your glass of whiskey as you lean against the bar. You pray the drink can dull the pounding in your head. The mix of laughter and music has given you a headache.
Or, it could be your disdain for parties--MC parties, to be exact. Watching crow-eaters circle patch members is not your idea of fun. Normally you are spared the cringe-worthy sight. You are often with Jax, his company keeping you preoccupied. Strangely, tonight, your best friend is nowhere to be found.
Surprisingly because Jax is responsible for the party, you are currently not enjoying. Your "going away" party is in full swing, and Jax is nowhere to be found.
Your eyes move to the clock hanging by the door as you take another sip of your whiskey.
He better show up before I reach the bottom of this glass, or I'm leaving.
It is a promise. One you must follow. With a red-eye to New York scheduled, you can't afford to wait much longer. You have less than an hour until check-in.
The party began nearly two hours ago. You have done your rounds, saying goodbye to the Sons--all but one. The one you have to say goodbye to hasn't even bothered to show up.
You refrain from rolling your eyes as you look towards the apartments. As if sensing your inner countdown, Jax has suddenly appeared.
His arm hangs over the shoulder of the newest addition of crow eaters. Her name eludes you, but her laugh is unmistakable--it can be heard down the block. A high-pitched giggle, drawn out the length of the long blond locks she twirls around her finger. It is a laugh that comes alive only in Jax’s presence.
The smile on her face stretches as Jax’s lips press against her ear. The words his whispers causing her giggling to float through the crowd towards you. You watch as her fingers catch his chin, Jax permitting her to guide his lips to meet hers. You take another sip of your whiskey, a second one quickly following as you look away from the messy kiss. By the time your eyes have ended their scanning of the room, you are safe to let your gaze return in his direction. Jax’s eyes briefly catch yours, the rolling of your eyes prompting him to wrap up his goodbye.
Your words are out before Jax can pull out the stool alongside you.
“I can’t believe you left me waiting for a hookup.” Your nose scrunches as you glimpse over your shoulder to find the young woman, still rooted where he left her, staring longingly at Jax. “For her no less, what is she? In college?”
Jax shrugs, taking the time to reach over the bar for a beer. Twisting off the cap, he tosses it aside before taking a long drink. “Didn’t realize you were waiting for me.”
You redirect your attention to Jax, your brow furrowing as you realize he looks different than the last time you saw him. With the croweater’s lips no longer pressed against his, the black eye is more apparent. The fresh bruise stops the sarcastic remark you planned to send his way.
In the few seconds it takes you to notice the black eye, Jax has already emptied the drink in his hand. It’s not until he tosses the cap of another freshly opened beer behind the counter you notice the fresh bruises painting the knuckles of his left hand.
“What the hell happened to your face?”
You reach out naturally, your fingers moving to push his unkempt hair back from his brow. Jax leans away, recoiling from the warmth of your touch, leaving your hand hanging in midair. He runs a hand through his hair. Resting his elbows against the bar, Jax lifts his bottle back to his lips as he mumbles, “club business.”
You wait for him to elaborate. Jax never chalks up the details of his day to “club business”--not with you. He often finds himself sharing the details of his day with you, seeking your brutally honest opinion--something he struggles to get from his fellow patch members.
But Jax doesn’t elaborate.
He doesn’t even bother to glance in your direction to acknowledge the genuine curiosity on your face. Instead, he focuses on polishing off his second beer in record time.
“Here.” You slide your whiskey in his direction. “Clearly, you need something stronger. What happened? Your girlfriend didn’t stroke your ego enough.”
“This shit hurts,” Jax snaps. The pounding, resonating beneath his bruised skin, prompts him to press his palm against his eye. He grimaces as he tries to flex his grip. The swollen and tender skin makes it hard for him to close his fist. The hiss he releases deepens the scowl on his face.
“Awe.” The drawn-out response is irritatingly sweet. The humor in your voice urges Jax to look in your direction for the first time since he’s sat down.
The smile on your lips grows. Jax’s eyes are trained on yours, watching as they roll. A pout sets on your lips, the action prompting him to shake his head.
“What?” You sigh, your voice dripping in sarcasm. “Need someone to kiss it better, Teller? Would that get you to stop sulking?”
Jax’s eyes roll, his jaw tightening at the giggle you release.
“Oh my goodness,” you groan. “Lemme see.”
Shrugging off the bar, you step closer to him. The smile on your lips softens as Jax allows you to take his face in your hands. The warmth of your skin against his manages to defrost the scowl on Jax’s face. The irritation he’s been harboring from the moment his eyes opened, and he realized what day it was, is knocked down a notch as he watches your eyes survey the damage to his skin.
A bruise he didn’t have to bear. The fight he picked earlier today a side effect of his inability to take out his anger on the one person it is directed to. Instead of manning up, to share what is on his mind, Jax found himself mouthing off at a meeting with the 9’ers. A fight Chibs is currently trying to reconcile over the phone by attempting to schedule a meet-up for Jax’s much-needed apology.
Your thumb gingerly touches the bruised skin, wincing as the overhead light catches it.
“You’re going to look like shit in the morning,” you note. The quietly spoken observation brings a weak smile to Jax’s lips. “Wanna tell me what happened?”
Your eyes lift to find Jax watching you.
“Pointless shit,” he sighs, running his fingers through his hair.
“Well,” you smile. "The good news is you’re still pretty. Lisa can’t stop drooling over you.” “
Jax chuckles, his eyes drifting across the room to where the young crow eater watches. The scowl setting in on her features does little to faze the Son. He finds his body relaxing, his hands instinctively settling against the curves of your hips as your lips press a single kiss against his eyelid.
His fingers press into your skin, his tightening grip keeping you in place as you move to take a step back.
What was meant to be a single, playful kiss melts into a series of featherlight, meticulously placed kisses. Your lips drift lower, pressing against the bruise settling beneath Jax's eye. His touch gently squeezes the curve of your hip in appreciation, it drifting to rest against the small of your back as you leave a final kiss against the skin.
“I gotta be honest,” you smile as your palms slide down to rest against his chest. Lightly pushing against him, you feel Jax’s grip on you loosen. “I have no idea how you’re gonna survive without me around to keep you out of trouble.”
You take his swollen hand in yours, your thumb tracing the bruised skin. The smile on your lips is stronger than the soft voice you manage. “ I haven’t seen you in twenty-four hours and you come back looking like this.”
It is a thought which has crept into your mind more frequently the past few days. For the last week, you have found yourself wondering the same question, “Is this goodbye?”
In the day and age of cellphones, the answer to your question should be a simple “no.” You can easily pick up the phone and call anytime you find yourself missing him, but there is one fear you have come to realize.
What if Jax doesn’t answer? What if the five years of friendship you have built dwindles and dies out the moment your plane touches down at JFK?
The questions are on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t bring yourself to ask them.
“Then I guess you gotta stay.”
“Right.” You can’t help but laugh at Jax’s words. “With what house? I’ve already sold it.”
Jax’s jaw tightens. It is not something he needs you to point out. On his way home, he is forced to drive past the giant red and white “SOLD” sign in your front yards.
“You can just stay with me,” he suggests. “Crash at my place--till you figure shit out. Wouldn’t be the first night you slept next to me.”
Jax is right. You’ve spent so many nights over, keeping Abel company when Jax was a run you had your own drawers. Drawers he’d silently watched you clear out a few days ago. The knots it set in his stomach have yet to come done. They prompt his gaze to meet yours.
The confusion he finds within your eyes brings his hand to your waist.
Your brow arches with uncertainty as his tongue wets his lips, his hand guiding your body forward until you’re resting between his legs.
“Hmm,” your eyes roll. You can’t deny Jax a smile as your head shakes. “So that’s where this is headed? Jackson Teller can’t let the one woman he hasn’t slept with in this god forsaking town escape?”
Your revelation is not what Jax is expecting.
“Hate to break it to you, Jax. I’m leaving with my dignity intact.” He blinks, as you lightly pat his chest before slipping out of his grip. “Anyway, I came to give you this.”
Jax’s brow raises as he watches you reach into the front pocket of your jeans.
“I can’t take this with me.”
Jax doesn’t respond. He feels like he’s been punched in the gut as his eyes fall on the scratched eight ball you dangle before him. The keychain has been stuffed into your purse and pockets for the past five years. A single key remains on the ring. A key to his house. The key he gave you to allow you to come and go at your own will. A key he never intended on you returning.
“I came by last night to give it back,” you continue. “But you’ve been hard to track down the past few days.”
Jax has yet to move to retrieve the key dangling before him. His expression is unreadable as you wait for him to take it. You place the key on the bar, forcing yourself to take a breath. It does little to suppress the tightening of your throat. When you look up, you find Jax’s head shaking.
“Wow. I didn’t realize it’d be that easy for you.” Jax scoffs. The sight of your furrowing brow stops him from trying to hide the bitterness of his words. “Leaving me behind.”
“Jesus Christ,” you mumble to yourself, your eyes rolling in exasperation as Jax shoves the key into his pocket. “I am not leaving you behind.”
“What do you call it then? I’m not the one hightailing it to New York. You’re leaving, y/n, not me,” he says, emphasizing the word ‘you’re.’
“That’s not what this is.” You pinch the bridge of your nose. “And you know that.”
Jax shakes his head. His eyes briefly meet yours. They’ve moved on too quickly for you to read them. They drift to the abandoned glass of whiskey.
Your words might be true. Jax doesn’t care. He knew why you were moving. The job offer you received better than any you could ever receive in the small town of Charming. It didn’t matter if you were leaving for a job, or just because you wanted a change of scenery. The reasoning didn’t matter, your leaving still left the same pit in his stomach. He’s spent the last few days trying his best to go about his day without stopping to see you--a feeble attempt to prepare himself for life without you. But he’s come to one conclusion--no amount of preparation can prepare him for losing you.
“I’ll let you head home,” Jax sighs, pausing long enough to drain the remaining whiskey in your glass. A wave of relief passes over him as he watches Chibs motion for his attention across the room. Sitting the glass on the bar, Jax gets up. “I gotta go handle something, and you got a plane to catch.”
His intention is not for you to follow.
Jax is hoping you’re too irritated to bother. You find yourself following in his footsteps as he stalks towards the door. Between his head start and the crowd, you don’t catch up with him until he’s in the parking lot.
“So that’s it?” You call out as Jax stops alongside his bike.
Removing his goggles from the chest pocket of his kutte, Jax allows his eyes to pass over your face. The unimpressed on his look, cold in comparison to the look of adoration he typically sends your way.
“Five years of friendship and I can’t get a proper goodbye, a hug, nothing—”
“Nothing? I threw you this fucking party! That fancy-ass job waiting for you might be a big deal for you, but I got more important shit to worry about right now!” The bitterness in Jax’s raised voice halts your tracks, bringing you to a stop a few feet away from him. The initial shock of his raised voice is responsible for your widened eyes. He'd never dared to speak to you that way before, the hurt that flashes across your face forces a harsh breath from his lungs. “What else do you want from me, y/n?”
“For you to stop acting like an asshole!” The hurt that had passed through your eyes is gone--replaced with a wave of anger that pushes you across the remaining distance separating the two of you. A shove meets Jax’s chest causing him to stumble a step back. His jaw sets as you push harder the second time, his bike allowing him to maintain his balance. “You don’t get to try to make me feel guilty for leaving.”
“I’m not making you feel anything,” Jax scoffs.
“Yes, asshole, you are. You’re supposed to be happy for me. You’re my best friend--”
Jax’s eyes roll. The humorless chuckle he releases cuts your words short.
“So, what? Now that I’m leaving, we’re not friends?” You scoff. "Real childish, Jackson."
“I’m starting to wonder if we ever were,” Jax challenges. “You didn’t stop to think about what would happen to me--or Abel--when you woke up and decided you were too good for us and this town. What are we supposed to do with you across the damn country?”
His head shakes, his irritation pushing him to continue once he's met with your silence.
“What am I supposed to tell Abel when he asks for you? We’re going from seeing you every day to never seeing you again--”
“I have been talking about this job for months, Jax. You never once said you didn’t want me to leave--”
“You didn’t care enough to ask me if I wanted you to stay. You just assumed I’d be fine with losing you--” Jax stops mid-sentence, his eyes watching as the realization sets into your features. The frown settling on your lips prompts him to swallow. Sighing, he runs his hand through his hair.
“Forget it.” Jax huffs. He shakes his head. His gaze drifts over your shoulder towards the audience, frozen in the clubhouse doorway. The raised voices were enough to pique the attention of the fellow Sons, None of them expected to find you to be the one Jax’s raised voice was directed at. “Look, I gotta go.”
“You said I never asked you,” catching his hand, you stop Jax from turning to climb on his bike. You wait until his gaze lifts yours to speak. “Fine, cut the bullshit. I’m asking you now. What do you want me to do?”
Don’t leave.
It’s not until Jax’s gaze drops to your interlaced fingers that you realize you’re holding your breath. The warmth of his touch disappears leaving your hand cold. Slipping his goggles over his eyes, Jax clears his throat.
“Have a safe flight.”
chapter 2
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Moan Like That
A/N: Here’s the next requested fic for my Dirty Little Secret series! Super super short and sweet. Just a little imagine about you being obsessed with Jax’s lips and tongue and then discovering that your pussy is his favorite thing to eat 😛
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk Request: This Dirty Little Secret request (anon)
Word Count: ~1.6k
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Here’s the thing. Literally everyone in Charming has a huge crush on the king. Jax Fucking Teller is the golden god this shitty little town exists to worship. 
That doesn't make the fact that your crush on him got exposed just last night any less embarrassing. Last night was a fucking trip. Waking up alone in your own bed this morning you were mortified as anything. At last night's clubhouse party you had been more than a little tipsy and just couldn't get a grip. 
You've been an honorary SAMCRO groupie for a while—not a full-on crow eater as that’s not really your style—though all the Sons likely got that idea last night when you danced on the bar and stripped. But you have had it bad for Jax for all this time and crumble every time the motherfucker smiles. Somehow you'd been keeping your cool about the whole thing till last night when your big mouth let some words slip.
Saved by the bell when one of your friends from across the room randomly called your name, you had decided then to run away in shame. But now tonight you're here again, to tend the clubhouse bar, because your sorry ass lives off the tips. And Jax is there across the room as you admire from afar. Each time the slick blonde bastard licks his lips—which seems like every other second, since the night began—goddamn does that shit make your pussy drip.
You'd probably lick your lips a million times a minute too if you had lips like his. Pink and pillowy soft and delicious. Sometimes it seems as if Jax does this just to torture you on purpose. The man is drop-dead gorgeous, motherfucking perfect, and he knows it. Just watching that devilish tongue of his slip in and out of his mouth puts you under some kind of erotic hypnosis...
You're shamelessly staring, dignity past caring. By now there's no doubt that he's noticed. You're not sure if it's possible to reach climax from just looking at someone or anything like that—but of all the almost-orgasms you've ever had, watching him lick his lips comes closest.
The last thing you would ever have imagined is that Jackson Fucking Teller has a crush on you as well. But that's the rumor that you start to hear today. You're too realistic to believe what people say. No way in hell, you tell yourself. No fucking way...
Those are the words running on repeat in your mind, when your shift ends, the bar no longer yours to tend, and you start heading out till someone suddenly approaches from behind. To make sure that you fucking stay.
His voice is smooth and sweet and setting fire to your senses as it sends chills down your spine. From off that tongue even a simple greeting sounds downright divine. "Hey."
Needless to say, you recognize that deep voice right away. You were just heading out the door; you have a date night with a bottle of red wine back at your place so you can get as far away from Jax as possible in hopes to have your dignity restored. But suddenly that doesn't matter anymore.
The king starts off with small talk, though all the while your mind is just full of thoughts of his big fucking cock. 
He licks his lips every few seconds—ugh, his tongue is so painfully perfect—your focus is totally wrecked... but he catches your attention then when he changes the subject. 
Asks if you've been hearing the rumors. At first you expect him to somehow clear everything up with his signature sense of humor, to just make a joke of this whole thing. To casually brush off the news that he likes you, laugh it off or something. To prove that it's not true. Your guess is that that's what he came here to do.
But the next few words off of his ravishing tongue... make it clear that your guess is dead wrong. 
Just a matter of seconds after Jackson Teller proclaimed the unthinkable—that he's been crushing on you hard as hell, for quite a while—you naturally ended up down on your knees in his room with his cock in your mouth. It's not like there was anything to think about. Hormones were running fucking wild. Sure, first you spent a couple seconds making out. Your breathless lips smashed into his in a deep sloppy kiss as you devoured one another like two horny teenage lovers. But the makeout session didn't last for long. For given all the pent-up tension between you and Jackson, you desperately needed to taste him all over, to worship the rest of his beautiful body with your hungry tongue.
He seems so fucking pleased to finally have you on your knees here in his room... but then he pauses just before he cums.
Shifting position. 
"Hey—I wasn't done..." you groan in protest, as he guides your head out from between his legs, where you've been kneeling in submission. 
But he just swiftly lifts you back up to your feet, admiring your naked body like you're good enough to eat. The ravenous look in those eyes of blazing blue is too hot to be true, piercing you through. Pure fucking sex. It's obvious what he has in mind next.
"It's my turn, sweetheart," claims the king with a rasp in his voice that could totally tear you apart. Carries you to his bed, hovering over you and enjoying the view. He licks his lips again now as his throbbing cock grinds rhythmically against your soaking crotch. He hasn't even touched your pussy yet; already all your toes are curling. "You know this tongue of mine you love so much? Well, it was made to fucking worship you, darlin'. That's all I wanna do."
Oh holy shit, you think. But then his perfect lips drop down toward your tits, and you become incapable of thinking anything.
Jax leaves passionate kisses all across your heaving chest, licking and sucking at your breasts. His wet hot mouth is motherfucking magic. Just the fucking best. He's nowhere near your cunt just yet, but you're already dripping wet, damn near orgasmic. The mind-blown sounds you're making now are downright pornographic.
"God. You're so beautiful, Y/N. So hot. I've wanted this for so long—ever since we met, I've wanted you so bad..." he murmurs as he listens to you dying, lavishes your nipple with his tongue, driving you mad. "Mmm yeah, I love making you moan like that..."
This man really is all about the service and the real thing is way better than the wildest wet dream you ever had.
You blurt out something incoherent, as his hand reaches down toward your aching cunt. "Fuuuck, Jax—I want..."
He wanders further down your shaking body with his scrumptious lips, lingering just above your hips, toying at your tits with his sinful fingertips. Making you crazy. Getting off on how you gasp and groan and grunt. "Mmm, tell me, baby. I'll do anything you want."
"I want... need you to fucking eat me out...!" you shout, desperate and loud. Beyond caring how shamelessly slutty you sound. You need him to go fucking down.
"Mmm, you mean this sweet pussy?" he teases, staring at your slick cunt with sheer hunger in his eyes, like it’s the best damn sight to see. His monster cock is still rock hard, as he then takes hold of your knees and eases them further apart. Kissing your inner thighs. Thick fingers kneading at the supple flesh with tender gropes and squeezes. "Jesus Christ, that pussy looks so fucking tight and wet and juicy..."
For fuck's sake, you're not sure how much more of this tease you can take. You're both hot and sweaty and so fucking needy. Although you hadn't pictured yourself in control, in a dominant role, if you ever got Jax Fucking Teller in bed... the heat of the moment has fired you up in ways you would've never expected. Gotten you all demanding and greedy. 
So next thing you know, you're reaching down with both your hands to grab his gorgeous head. "God, just do it already!"
Jax doesn't even attempt to resist as you smash his flawless face forcefully into your pussy and rub it around up and down with each roll of your hips, claiming your pleasure all over his luscious lips. You can feel him sucking on your sensitive clit, before driving that perfect tongue deep in your dripping wet slit. 
He's devouring your sex as if he wants to drown in it, going to town in it, looking up at you from beneath those pretty blonde lashes fluttering in bliss. Grunting and groaning in satisfaction, as he strokes his own massive erection. It's honestly impossible for you to last more than a few seconds with his divine mouth worshiping your cunt like this. Feels like he's honestly been longing all his goddamn life to do this. 
So you let yourself let go, just fucking explode and let everything flow, soaking the king of Charming in your juices.
You've never cum so fucking hard. You're seeing stars as his delicious tongue dutifully cleans you up, slurping up every last drop. And you know this is only just the start, of all the mad hot sex you're gonna have with Jackson Teller now he's claimed you as his sweetheart. God, you hope it never stops.
Hope you enjoyed this, and would love to hear if you did!! 🤗❤️
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ya-world-challenge · 2 years
from @diversereadingchallenge
I thought I would fill in the prompts with as many titles from my own list as I could find! Check by the ones I’ve already read so far. My only missing ones seem to be because I don’t have many older books on my list.
Diverse Reading Challenge 2022
1. A book about current civil rights issues
The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante
2. A book with an intersex protagonist
✔️  An Ordinary Wonder by Buki Papillon
3. An #ownvoices book
Aya Vol 1: Life in Yop City by  Marguerite Abouet
4. A book with an LGBTQ+ protagonist
From Dust, a Flame by Rebecca Podos
5. A book that takes place in the future with a protagonist of color
Binti by  Nnedi Okorafor
6. A historical fiction book set in Africa, Asia or Latin America
Daughter of Xanadu by  Dori Jones Yang
7. A memoir or autobiography by an author from a marginalized community
Her Father’s Daughter by Alice Pung
8. A book published over 100 years ago by an author from a marginalized community
9. A middle grade book with a LGBTQ+ protagonist
The One Who Loves You Most by medina
10. A book with a person of color on the cover
Dear Haiti, Love Alaine by  Maika & Maritza Moulite
11. A book with a rainbow on the cover
The Rainbow Troops by Andrea Hirata (it’s in the title?)
12, A book with a biracial protagonist
Entwined by  Cheryl S. Ntumy
13. A magical realism book by a Latinx author
Lobizona by  Romina Garber
14. A book with multiple character POVs who are members of a marginalized community
The Wild Ones by  Nafiza Azad
15. A book with a woman of color protagonist
Hurricane Summer by  Asha Bromfiedl
16. A book with a protagonist who is neurodiverse, mentally ill, or has an intellectual disability
The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf
17. A book where the main character struggles against and/or overcomes homophobia
If You Could Be Mine by  Sarah Farizan
18. A book written by an indigenous author
The Things She's Seen (Catching Teller Crow) by  Amebelin & Ezekiel Kwaymullina
19. A romance book with a trans and/or non-binary protagonist or love interest
The Brilliant Death by  A.R. Capetta
20. A book with a protagonist on the asexual and/or aromantic spectrum
Kaikeyi by Vaishnavi Patel
21. A book with an immigrant protagonist
Girl at War by  Sara Nović
22. A biography of a person from a marginalized community
With a Star in My Hand: Rubén Darío, Poetry Hero by  Margarita Engle
23. A book inspired by non western mythology, folk tales or fairy tales
✔️ Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan
24. A romance book focusing on a same sex romance
The Boy from the Mish (Ready When You Are) by Gary Lonesborough
25. A romance book with a fat protagonist or love interest
Here the Whole Time by Vitor Martin
26. A book with a Black protagonist
Son of the Storm by  Suyi Davies Okungbowa
27. A book with a Latinx protagonist
Wild Beauty by  Anna-Marie McLemore
28. A romance book focusing on a polyamorous relationship
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
29. A book taking place in a world and/or future without homophobia
Once & Future by AR Capetta (not sure, haven’t read it yet)
30. A book by a Muslim author
The Theft of Sunlight by  Intisar Khanani
31. A romance book focusing on an interracial romance
The Island of Missing Trees by  Elif Shafak
32. A book about a religion other than Christianity
✔️ Alif the Unseen by G. Willow Wilson
33. A book with a Middle Eastern protagonist
Code Name: Butterfly by  Ahlam Bsharat
34. A speculative fiction book by an author of color
Called By the Blessed by  Jali Henry
35. A speculative fiction book set in Africa, Asia, or Latin America
Sofia and the Utopia Machine by  Judith Huang
36. A book taking place in a world and/or future without racism
The Darkness Outside Us   by Eliot Schrefer (maybe, haven’t read it)
37. A book from the Harlem Renaissance
38. A non-fiction book by an author from a marginalized community
Every Falling Star by  Sungju Lee
39. A book written by a trans and/or non-binary author
Map of Salt and Stars by Zeyn Joukhadar
40. A YA book with a protagonist of color
Beasts of Prey by Ayana Gray
41. A book with an Asian protagonist
Sisters of the Snake by Sasha & Sarena Nanua
42. A book originally written in a language other than English
Run for Your Life by Silvana Gandolfi
43. A book with a physically disabled and/or chronically ill protagonist
One for All by Lillie Lainoff
44. A book with a fat protagonist
Piglettes by  Clementine Beauvais
45. A poetry collection by an author from a marginalized community
Iep Jāltok : Poems from a Marshallese Daughter by Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner
46. A book written by a Pacific Islander
Scar of the Bamboo Leaf by  Sieni A.M.
47. A contemporary book that takes place in Africa, Asia, or Latin America
Patron Saints of Nothing by  Randy Ribay
48. A book by a Jewish author
The Sisters of the Winter Wood by Rena Rossner
49. A book published in 2022 by an author from a marginalized community
   The Final Strife by  Saara El-Arifi
50. A book written by an LGBTQ+ author of color
The Black Tides of Heaven by Neon Yang
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