frasesenespa-ol · 1 year
Grandioso. Me casé con una idiota.
Mujeres Audaces (Jennifer Crusie)
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egobrazil · 1 year
Regina Casé relembra clique antigo de biquíni. Veja!
Em suas redes sociais, Regina Casé sempre compartilha diversos momentos de sua rotina com seus mais de dois milhões de seguidores. Na última quarta-feira, 22 de março, a atriz usou o seu Instagram Stories para parabenizar Perfeito Fortuna, seu amigo de longa data que completou 73 anos. Foto: Reprodução/Instagram Para isso, a famosa relembrou um clique em que aparece na praia com o ator. Na imagem…
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las-microfisuras · 4 days
De las áreas más claras de la casa
Porque en el momento en el que me recoges soy solamente un ruido que aprende a respirar bajo tus órganos;
una forma - violenta - de incandescencia: ¿como a condensar las edades
de las áreas más claras de la casa donde recibimos la extensión de nuestra
insuficiencia? Desparramo las frutas por el piso
de las horas futuras - lo que no significa
que sus alas (vueltas hacia el agua) sean únicas: los perros que retornan, calmamente,
forman una memoria húmeda. Por entre mapas, -reaccionando, - traspasa la impaciencia: la lenta
permanencia de la impaciencia cuyo esqueleto
excede el habla:
en torno a la taza vacía - mientras
la cara - súbita - vibra:
los objetos que alargan el cuerpo, las letras que pueblan
la página, los segundos
que preceden al sueño reviven, indefiniéndonos el riesgo de una risa nítida.
_ Casé Lontra Marques, incluido en Inventar la felicidad. Muestra de poesía brasileña reciente. Vallejo & Co. Selección de Fabricio Marques y Tarso de Melo, traducción de Rafaela Scardino y Sebastián Huber.
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elbiotipo · 1 year
Now that Messi became the literal Greatest Of All Time (he himself says his career is basically over, but in a good way), if I were him, I would dedicate myself to do all sidequests. Make a twitch channel. Climb the Aconcagua. Become an astronaut. Get a degree in genetics. Take back the Malvinas.
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sailorcuba · 9 months
yknow but i kinda do miss vaping tho. like i’m so bored now. i always used to have something in my hands just inhaling exhaling just a little side activity and now i’m just……….sitting….standing
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cineolho · 1 year
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adriandel97 · 1 year
Una hormiga en marcha hace más que un buey durmiendo .Lao Tsé
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frasesenespa-ol · 1 year
--Tiene la misma edad que tenía yo cuando me casé contigo (Y fíjate qué mala decisión tomaste)
Mujeres Audaces (Jennifer Crusie)
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moonyedits · 2 years
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• Icons – Todas As Flores
curta/reblogue se pegar, por favor!
crédito no twitter: @/wegjesuita
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whileiamdying · 2 months
‘Three Summers’ (‘Três Verões’): Film Review | TIFF 2019
Regina Casé ('The Second Mother') stars in writer-director Sandra Kogut’s new social dramedy 'Three Summers,' which premiered in Toronto.
By Jordan Mintzer September 7, 2019 @ 5:19Am
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A chaotic class dramedy where the help and the helped wind up switching places, Three Summers (Três Verões) marks another occasion for Brazilian actress Regina Casé (The Second Mother) to shine in the role of a housekeeper trying to overcome stiff social barriers and find her own slice of happiness. Set in one location over a trio of Christmas holidays (which, in Brazil, take place during the summer), this cleverly written and staged, if sometimes unruly, new feature from writer-director Sandra Kogut (Campo Grande) could see wider exposure after its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival.
Plunging us straight into the action in December of 2015, Kogut introduces us to Madelena, aka Madá (Casé), the maid-in-charge of a sprawling vacation condo belonging to a rich Rio family who settles down there each holiday. Although the long-married couple of Edgar (Otávio Müller) and Marta (Gisele Fróes) own the place, Madá seems to be the real boss, directing the other servants and taking care of Edgar’s father, Lira (Rogério Fróes), who stays in one of the guest rooms.
With Ivo Lopus Araújo’s handheld camera frenetically following Madá as she oversees the family’s Christmas party, we watch the housekeeper boisterously deal with a number of near-disasters while also trying to purchase a tract of land so she can set up her own roadside concession stand. Played infectiously by Casé, Madá is at once quick-lipped, stubborn and eager to please, making the best out of a situation that has her cleaning up everyone’s mess, yet doing it with a sly smile.
Cut to one year later. Rain has ruined the holidays, but that’s not the only thing gone wrong: Edgar and Marta have disappeared, and a little while later the police show up with a warrant to search the house. As it turns out, Madá’s boss has been fingered in a corruption investigation — part of the wide-reaching Operation Car Wash that took Brazil by storm starting in 2014, resulting in billions in seized property and hundreds of arrests, including that of former President Lula de Silva.
And yet again, Madá won’t let this latest catastrophe stop her from getting ahead. She may be without a job or salary, and her boss may be in jail, but she’ll somehow make it work. Soon enough, she and the other servants are popping open champagne, partying by the pool and trying to sell off the owners’ belongings in a yard sale. And Madá won’t even stop at that, eventually turning part of the condo into an Airbnb.
Kogut, who co-wrote the script with Iana Cossoy, displays a keen eye for satirizing Brazil’s rigid class structures and how people like Madá try to find their own piece of the pie within them. Indeed, not only does the housekeeper have a good time with her fellow servants — the behind-the-scenes jocularity is reminiscent of Jean Renoir’s The Rules of the Game — but she has no qualms asking her bosses to fund her new business venture. And when the latter get caught up in the scandal, she turns that to her advantage as well, using their yacht to offer sightseeing tours of confiscated homes.
The film is cleverly structured, asking the viewer to fill in the wide gaps between each narrative ellipsis, as if we’re watching a TV series where half the episodes have been cut out. Sometimes that can be confusing, such as in the third part (set in 2017), which begins with an infomercial shoot taking place in the house and goes on for a little too long. But even that sequence eventually finds meaning when Madá appears before the camera and we dig deep into her past, revealing a dark side behind her cheery façade.
Casé was a famous television star in Brazil before breaking out internationally with Anna Muylaert’s 2015 drama The Second Mother, in which she played a housekeeper trying to reconnect with her estranged daughter. In Three Summers, her performance is much more unhinged, as if Madá were a stand-up comic stuck in the role of a domestic manager, obliged to deal with the Christmas tree decorations and caterers. But looks can be deceiving: Madá may be a servant, but she’s ultimately the one being served.
Production companies: Republica Pureza Filmes, Gloria Films Production Cast: Regina Casé, Rogério Fróes, Otávio Müller, Gisele Fróes, Carla Ribas, Daniel Rangel, Jessica Ellen Director: Sandra Kogut Screenwriters: Sandra Kogut, Iana Cossoy Producers: Marcello Ludwig Maia, Laurent Lavolé Executive producer: Marcello Ludwig Maia Director of photography: Ivo Lopus Araújo Production designers: Marcos Pedroso, Thales Junqueira Costume designer: Marina Franco Editors: Sergio Mekler, Luisa Marques Casting director: Marcela Altberg Venue: Toronto International Film Festival (Contemporary World Cinema) Sales: Urban Distribution International
In Portuguese 94 minutes
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lcentretenimento · 6 months
Após 40 anos, Globo não renova contrato de Regina Casé
Após 40 anos de TV Globo, Regina Casé encerra contrato fixo, marcando o fim de uma longa parceria. Continue reading Untitled
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blogdaer · 9 months
Celebração da Semana do Rádio: Ouça o Podcast Especial sobre Ademar Casé às 19h!
Relembrando o Dia da Rádio Nacional Ontem, dia 25 de setembro, comemoramos o Dia do Rádio, uma ocasião especial para relembrar uma incrível jornada da rádio no Brasil. Foi através desse veículo que muitos artistas, comunicadores e pioneiros como Ademar Casé conquistaram os corações do público brasileiro. Ademar Casé foi uma figura proeminente na história da comunicação e do entretenimento no…
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15billionyears · 1 year
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What I’m watching (2023 Edition) || Todas as Flores (2022-2023 Telenovela)
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mubiss · 2 years
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I Married a Dumbass
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whileiamdying · 3 months
THREE SUMMERS Trailer from Icarus Films on Vimeo.
Over a trio of summers, a caretaker for luxury condominiums (Regina Casé) relies on her resourcefulness and her eye for opportunity to take advantage of whatever comes her way, in Sandra Kogut’s humorous and inventive feature. Showcasing the rare talents of Brazilian acting legend Regina Casé, THREE SUMMERS is a brilliant comedy about class disparity and those who can never take anything for granted.
Casé plays Madá, the fifty-something caretaker for a cluster of luxury beachside condos owned by a wealthy Rio de Janeiro family. Unfolding over the course of three consecutive summers — 2015 to 2017 — the film follows Madá as she invests in a roadside snack kiosk while tending to the every need of her condescending employers, becomes a bystander in a major money-laundering scandal, and eventually launches a whole new career. With every dizzying new turn of events, Madá manages to retain her high spirits, her sense of loyalty to those who deserve it — and her eagle eye for opportunity.
Written by Kogut and Iana Cossoy Paro, Three Summers is a sort of modern picaresque, its three-part structure allowing us to track its heroine’s roll-with-the-punches pluck while bearing witness to an epoch-defining scandal based on the real-life criminal investigation Operation Car Wash. Buoyed by masterful comic timing and striking an irresistible balance of naïveté and ceaseless cleverness, Madá is one of the charismatic Casé’s most endearing characters, a beacon of tenacious optimism and vivacity in a time when affluent malfeasance seems ubiquitous.
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historiasbodyswaps · 5 months
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Este soy yo un hombre solitario y frustrado nunca pudo cumplir sus sueños, durante cincuenta años he sido miserable me casé, pero mi matrimonio fracaso, nunca la amé, en mi barrio llegó una familia a vivir en la casa de al lado, no pude evitar darme cuenta que había un joven con unas piernas hermosas y lleno de juventud, en mi mente paso un pensamiento de envidia "YO QUIERO SER EL".
Lo tenía todo, estaba en sus mejores años y el prodigio del fútbol en su colegio, mientras que yo soy un maduro gordo y con calvicie.
Esa misma tarde no me saque de la cabeza el deseo de poseer el cuerpo de Bryan es que solo lo veo y sé que yo merezco tener ese cuerpo, me deprime y después de beber unos cuantos gratis me fui a mi habitación a dormir y lamentarme tener esta vida.
Cuando de pronto mi cuerpo empezó a temblar, mis adentros crujían y yo solo podía gemir de lo excitante que era, la sensación extrañamente placentera, cada vez sentía mi piel más tersa y estirada, me desmaye del dolor insoportable que vivía en esos instantes.
Cuando de repente desperté en un campo de fútbol, y a mi alrededor había muchos jóvenes preguntando si me encontraba bien, yo desorientado dije que estaba genial, cuando de la nada mi voz se escuchaba como la de mi vecino, tan joven y masculina.
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Fue una sensación extraña pero decidí continuar para ver cómo evolucionan las cosas, hasta que me llevaron a la enfermería donde pude ver de lejos un reflejo, a lo que pregunte si había alguien mas, me dijeron que no, así que me acerqué y me di cuenta que yo era Bryan, no podía creer lo que estaba pasando, mi cuerpo se estremeció y pude sentir un bulto en mi entrepierna, fingí que era el y llamaron a mis padres, ya sabía cómo se llamaban por qué se habían presentado cuando recién llegaron al barrio.
Nos fuimos y me di cuenta de lo que había ganado, tenía una nueva oportunidad de hacer las cosas mejor con este nuevo cuerpo joven, y no lo voy a desaprovechar, esa misma noche llegamos a casa, me encerré en mi nueva habitación y de lo excitante que esto me resultaba empecé a acariciar mi nuevo cuerpo, dios era tan maravillos pasar mis manos por este cuerpo tan joven, por lo que empecé a tocar mi bulto y después a masturbarme, este joven estaba lleno de néctar, cuando saque la primera carga no pude evitar lamer un poco, esto era muy excitante.
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Los días pasaron y cada vez eran mejores, me logré adaptar muy bien a estilo de vida de Bryan, por las mañanas asistía a mi colegio en el cual era el chico más popular todos querían estar conmigo, y por las tardes iba a mis entrenamientos de fútbol en los cuales veía a jóvenes de mi misma edad sudorosos me encanta volver a ser joven.
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Solo puedo darle gracias a la vida por tan maravilloso regalo, se que está vez haré las cosas bien, solo, miren mi cuerpo, soy la envidia de todos los chicos de mi colegio, me acuesto con quién yo quería, la suerte esta de mi lado. Lamentó que Bryan no pueda vivir su vida pero la verdad jamás abandonaré su hermoso y caliente cuerpo.
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