illuminction-blog · 6 years
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*  mitch grassi, age 21, he/they  | oh, them? that’s christopher ‘kit’ louis. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, one week. last time i spoke to them they were unemployed, and if i remember correctly, they’re a gemini. seeing them around always makes me think of tattered sleeves pulled down over shaking hands, a coquettish cheshire cat’s grin, a mattress on the floor of an empty room with constellations of fairy lights strung overhead.
tws -- substance use/abuse, toxic relationships, & v brief mention of homophobia
four muses... what am i doin’ falling a little too in love with carina + writing intros, i guess??  but here is darling kit. he’s slightly more of a mess than his sweet little face may give off and i hope you accept a bit of chaos here in the sleepy town of carina bay because... kit does not come quietly! anyways!! also this is a lot longer than i intended so skip to the bottom if you’d like a SUMMARY
hails from one of the northern states on the west coast. he grew up in a strict religious household which felt stifling and limiting from as early as age 4 when he had to wear a bowtie to easter mass when he wanted to wear one of the cute flowery bonnets the girls got to wear
christopher had a very rigid childhood for this reason. his family lived comfortably but it was only perfect on the surface. underneath the glamour of the picturesque family unit there were cracks -- splintering shards that would eventually drive a wedge between the louis parents and their only child
kit knew pretty early on that he wasn’t straight -- ironically enough, getting the idea from all the anti-gay rhetoric from the church. it gave him the keywords he needed to uncover things like homosexuality and genderfluidity. he also knew to keep it quiet and kept himself securely closeted
figured it was meant to be a secret -- kind of like the secret affair his father was having! or the secret gambling problem his mother was so desperate to hide and blamed on faulty record keeping!
basically, the crux of kit’s childhood is that it sucked and he never felt like he got to be a kid. he was smothered. 
kit’s first breaking point came at a young age. he had a childhood friend from church who he had gotten super close to. this friend was very whimsical and sweet -- flamboyant some would say but hey! they were children!!! kit was very amazed by this friend’s ability to just BE HIMSELF! 
his parents, however, were less amazed and especially as the two grew to be preteens and stayed just as close, they got more and more concerned. so concerned, in fact, that eventually, they insisted kit end the friendship. it was devastating, especially since this friend had been teaching kit so much about self expression and confidence and just :’(
but he listened and buried his anger, saving it for only a few short years later when it would all come to a head.
kit had his first kiss at age 14. the boy was older and cooler and kit knew he couldn’t go back into the closet after that. he brought that boy home a few more times, half hoping to get caught just so he wouldn’t have to come out. eventually things fizzled out but kit had had a taste and now he wanted MORE
more boys made their rounds through the louis residence and it wasn’t until kit was doing a little more than kissing that he was finally caught. it was as bad as he’d expected, the shouting match. what he HADN’T expected, though, was the ultimatum. stop this ‘gay business’ or move out. he was only a teen still? couldn’t they even do that, legally?
luckily -- or unluckily as it would be -- kit had met someone older who had a place of his own in california and he offered to let kit come and stay with him. they’d start dating and kit would even say this was his first love. 
it wasn’t some fairytale though -- it never was. showing his love for his new beau became sexual extremely fast and would start including doing favors for his friends and coworkers too. kit let it happen because at least he was free of his parents and living with someone who loved him
he put up with three years of increasingly toxic conditions in his relationship with his boyfriend essentially capitalizing on his willingness to please, not knowing that would soon run out.
if you stifle kit too completely, he breaks and that’s what happened. 
one day, he snapped, he took his things and left. he was completely homeless and streetbound but he was living life according to his own choices for once and it came with a kind of thrill that kept kit motivated!
he turned to sex work of his own volition, finding it as a stable way of making money, despite the dangers involved. it was all he felt he was qualified for and he was good at it. without need of any authority over him, he made decent money at it and started skulking around seedy bars in the outer LA area for men who would take him home for a good time
that’s where he met his now-boyfriend, julian. before julian, kit would’ve sworn he’d never find someone, never get a crush, never fall in love. one night and kit was questioning everything. a few more and he was hooked harder than any drug could ever get him.
eventually, though, him and julian did fall in love and they’ve been dating ever since. he stopped his sex work entirely & drugs slowly became a part of their time together and that’s still very true today. they’re kind of as dependent on it as they are on each other.
kit knows about julian’s past and julian knows about kit’s past. their kindred spirits, both getting their starts way too young and both finding hardships along the way. kit has never smiled as much, laughed as much or loved as much as he has since finding julian so while jules will swear up and down that he’s ruined kit forever by getting him hooked on all kinds of substances, kit thinks julian’s saved his life
they were following one of kit’s elated impulses and taking a road trip from coast to coast and back again on all the money they had left in this run down little jeep station wagon thing when it broke down in carina bay
so now they’re here!! 
SUMMARY -- a rough childhood and an even rougher teendom eventually led to one toxic ex boyfriend and a life on the streets. kit found renewed purpose with his now-boyfriend julian who also happened to turn him into a gleeful little druggie along the way. living with no money but a whole lot of love. okay now
PERSONALITY -- enigmatic might be a good way to describe kit. he’s fidgety and easily startled, a very frail little thing. he’s off in his own head a lot of the time but not in a cutesy daydreamy way (like pip) and more he genuinely has a hard time focusing on things. VERY guarded in that you won’t get a peep out of him and his personal life unless you want to talk about his boyfriend who he’ll wax poetic about for hours if you let him. otherwise, he’s social and chatty but about nothing of substance, flirty but with no intention of following through and impulsive to a fault. he’ll make you think you’re his best friend for the evening but not remember you in the morning. only those super close to him get to see a sweet vulnerable side to kit, the rest see this feigned alluring aura and nothing more
obviously he’s only been here a week so past plots depend on your muses time on the west coast BUT: 
party friends -- a MUST
some loose circle of friends in general for him and julian! 
a good influence
protective friends ( though misguided bc he won’t really listen ) 
smoking buddies
honestly i think it’d be funny if someone didn’t like him bc he flirted with their boyfriend
and alternatively, the boyfriend he flirted with
someone with an instant crush / love at first sight bond with the very taken kit
someone who can develop into his best friend
wait help them find a crummy apartment someone
aaaaaand people him nd julian kinda corrupt. they’re a chaotic force as a duo so rip
oh ig eventually he’s gonna try to make cash the only way he knows how so thats... a possibility
if YOU have any ideas, lemme know!
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juliivn-blog · 6 years
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*  bill skarsgård, age 27, he/him  | oh, them? that’s julian nilsson. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, one week. last time i spoke to them they were a drug dealer, and if i remember correctly, they’re an aries. seeing them around always makes me think of track marks hidden beneath a long-sleeved shirt, the watery reflection of a neon sign in a motel parking lot, the eerie quiet of 5am after a sleepless night. ( lainie, 24, cst, she/her ) 
hello bitches it me ur local bag of literal garbage ( lainie ) back at it again !! this time bringing u the anti adrian and pls be wary bc there are a lot of sensitive topics down below ( tws for major drug use, drug addiction, death, grief, shitty parenting, neglect, abandonment?? kind of idk better safe than sorry )
so bear with me bc his background info is kind of Long!! his mom and dad are from just outside of st louis, missouri. his mom came from a pretty wealthy family and she was just like tryna be ~rebellious in her young adult years by dating julian’s dad (who came from a super trashy family and had a Bad Boy Rep). when she was 19 and he was 22 she got pregnant ( with julian ) and her fam was like lol get rid of that baby or ur gone !! but they were “““madly in love””” and she was on her rebellious shit so they literally eloped to the city ( st louis ) and got an apartment together and had julian but never actually got married bc they were too cool ( read: irresponsible ) for that. ofc this ended up being rly miserable bc she was used to living the rich life and now her family had disowned her, and suddenly she was starting to realize this dude she had a kid with was kind of a deadbeat party boy with no interest in having a family, not to mention she started realizing like?? i don’t actually want a kid this is a lot of work?? so like julian’s childhood years were a lot of him having to learn to take care of himself and not having anyone to depend on most of the time. and that’s not to say they didn’t both care abt him on some level bc there were definitely times they paid attention to him and gave him a birthday party or two but for the most part he was on his own
fast forward 5 years and finally julian’s dad, now in his late 20s and getting antsy, peaces the fuck out to los angeles to live his best party boy life. baby julian is very upset bc even tho his dad doesnt pay a lot of attention to him he like idolizes him. julian’s mom is saltier than EVER about having to take care of a kid but she doesn’t wanna go to LA ( especially for this asshole she doesn’t even like anymore ) and her parents won’t have anything to do with her or her illegitimate child so the NEXT 5 years are a lot of moving around from shitty apartment to shitty apartment and job to job by themselves. his dad would now and then send weird postcards and stuff from cali so he had like a vague idea of the fact that his dad was living his own life somewhere that looked super wild, and when he was 11 years old he managed to send a letter back asking if he could come live with him. his dad contacts his mom, there’s a bunch of fighting, but in the end julian did indeed get to go live with his dad in los angeles, mostly bc his mom just didn’t give a fuck anymore and was lowkey like…u know what fine take him i can have my life back
obviously his dad does not know how to be a dad !!! he kind of thought of julian as his little like…..sidekick like he just thought having this 11 year old kid around was hilarious. so julian went to LA and was living with his dad and his dad’s friends in a relatively nice apartment but like it’s always filled with people doing drugs and having sex and it’s just. not child friendly at all. so that’s how julian was introduced to weed at the ripe young age of 11!!! from there on out he was like a big time weed and cigarette smoker, was very early having sex and trying other drugs, and by the time he graduated high school he was already hardcore doing coke
so julian like kind of wanted to go to college bc some part of him did crave normalcy, but he was way too far up his own ass to get his shit together for that !! plus like....he didn’t rly have good role models. so his first year after high school instead of getting on a good path for his future he decided living his best life would include moving into an apartment with his cokehead best friend. it was around that time that julian met his first boyfriend. he was already totally aware he was bi, had slept with boys in high school, but this was the first time he rly fell in love with a guy. he was like……….head! over! heels! for this boy. julian met him at a club and he was like sort of soft and relatively innocent until they started dating and julian got him smoking weed and then snorting coke
this next part is very triggering so please read with caution !! when he was 21, julian tried heroin for the first time. for about 6 months it gradually got really bad, his life started spiraling, and his bf was like….becoming unable to deal with it, especially bc while julian was getting worse his bf was kind of trying to move in the opposite direction and get off the coke and get his life back together. there was a lot of fighting, but his bf kept not actually making the move to end things bc he loved julian and was just like hoping something would turn around. one night, however, in a moment of weakness, he let julian talk him into trying heroin with him. it was kind of a “i promise i’ll get clean if u try it with me this one time” thing. being in and out of consciousness and not really aware of what was going on, he didn’t notice that his bf was overdosing and he ended up dying simply bc the heroin was too much for his body and he stopped breathing. julian didn’t notice until the morning when he woke up, and obviously that was by far the most traumatic thing that’s ever happened to him and left some deep ass emotional scars
so following this, he actually did check himself into rehab. he was there for 3 months, got completely clean, but he only managed to stay that way for two weeks before he was first snorting heroin again and then back to shooting up and selling drugs
it was about a year later when he was 23 that he met kit while he was doing a deal at some seedy bar outside of town. they quickly fell into a completely unanticipated relationship--notably, julian’s first since his boyfriend’s death. in spite of that trauma and feeling guilty even as he did it, he started introducing kit to drugs. in his mind, it was kind of a thing where he fell in love really fast and really hard out of nowhere and he saw this sad little thing with no place to go and drugs are the only thing he’s ever known himself, so it was very natural to be like “here try this it helps” and also naively convincing himself he’d never let what happened before happen again
so four years later they’re living together and completely broke, living mostly off the money julian makes selling drugs and whatever else they can scrape up, when kit decides he wants to do a road trip across the country. julian’s very impulsive, doesn’t really give a shit about anything in LA anyway, and to top it off has a hard time saying no to kit. SO a road trip it is !! they make it all the way across the country before finally using up the last of their money and realizing they don’t have enough to get back
which is how he wound up in carina bay! they’re currently living out of julian’s car with a little makeshift bed in the back and he’s selling drugs again to try and save up enough so they can get home, but they use most of what he’s supposed to sell so it’s.......not going very well euyagafdhs
so now that his lengthy as fuck background is over with………julian is an extremely EXTREMELY dry sarcastic person. the guilt over his bf has made him wayyyyyyyy worse, like his sense of humor is so so much darker than it was before that happened, but he’s honestly just a rly sarcastic person to begin with. he has some softness inside especially for people he rly cares abt, but you will not catch julian being sentimental or taking literally anything seriously unless you’ve managed to seriously worm your way into his heart
he’s not like a GRUMP tho at all he just....doesn’t take things seriously. he’s literally the embodiment of every bart simpson meme
"whatever my dude” is his aesthetic
he’s very careful about his drug dealing, he won’t go around talking about it or anything, he does it all under the radar as much as he can and especially having done it for so long now and having experienced a lot of traumatic crap, he’s pretty good at what he does and he won’t fuck with people he doesn’t trust
even when it’s warm it’s not totally unlikely to see him in long sleeves bc he has really bad track marks all over his arms from shooting up so much, especially in the early days when he was really bad at it
he absolutely will not talk about his past and if anything even close to it comes up in conversation he will skate right over that so qUICK ur head will spin
i think that’s IT FOR NOW if u made it this far i commend ur effort and attention span. im gna list some plots n stuff below and hit me uP for some angst bc ya girl is here for the drama as usual
any and all drug related things !! people who buy from him (especially weed, he’s a lot more lenient about to whom he sells weed as opposed to other stuff), people he introduces to drugs, friends he actually does drugs with
he’s very dry and enigmatic but he’s also quite social so seriously give me friends for him. he’s high a LOT but not always and he likes being out doing stuff
definitely somebody or somebodies who don’t trust him and his drug addict bart simpson vibe please please give me people who don’t like him
along that same vein it takes a lot to get julian worked up and in fight mode bc he prefers to just let things roll off his shoulders but it would def be fun to have someone who gets him to that point
also somebody who?? maybe thinks they can “fix” him and genuinely does their best to try and persuade him to change his life and that it’s not too late to turn everything around
if ur muse is randomly from st louis missouri????? hit me up with a past connection from way back in julian’s childhood 
also someone he went to high school with in LA if they’re from LA. this person would probably not be surprised at the way julian turned out ystefygdjhs
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
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*  josh dylan, 24, he/him  | oh, them? that’s michael lee. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, a week. last time i spoke to them they were a firefighter, and if i remember correctly, they’re an aquarius. seeing them around always makes me think of the sea breeze hitting your face, the scent of old spice deodorant, no television and no internet.
//tw abuse
hello hello i’m back from my semi-hiatus turned full-hiatus and i have two new children. here is the first one. he’s a muse i love with a new face and a slightly new backstory. this intro is more of a stream of consciousness than a real bio, so i apologize in advance.
first things first, michael is not in touch with his family. his mom was just.... the worst. she mentally & physically abused him so as soon as he could cut off contact w her, he did.
his dad was never in the picture. his mom had him in high school and the father never knew. michael likes to imagine that he’ll run into his dad someday, but since he lives far away from home (san francisco) he knows it’s unlikely.
he lives on a boat (just like bill anderson ;-)) )
michael LOVES LOVE. like, please love him and he’ll love you back.
he’s a firefighter, bc georgie wanted a firefighter because he wants to help people since he spent most of his young life feeling helpless.
that’s kinda all i got, he’s a Bean and i hope you love him as much as i do.
michael really wants kids. like as soon as possible. once he finds someone he truly is in love with, he’s gonna want to settle down immediately.
he’s super smart, and used to run track in high school. he went to college on a full ride to run track, but ended up dropping out to pursue his firefighter dreams.
he drinks way too much mountain dew
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fromedcns-blog · 6 years
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        hey everyone ! my name is lissa, i’m in EST and use she/her pronouns, and i’m v excited to be here, i haven’t been in an rp in like two months so i can’t wait to start writing with you all ! usually i ramble way too much in intro posts so ima just get to the POINT aka all the info about eden here and would loooOOve to plot and chat with you all ( my discord is  lissa#7602 if that works best ! ) :’) 
*  reece king, 22, he/him  | oh, them? that’s  eden sullivan. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, eleven years. last time i spoke to them they were a gift shop cashier, and if i remember correctly, they’re a scorpio. seeing them around always makes me think of late night road trips, cheap moscato and ocean breeze candles.
he was born in houston, texas and moved to nc when he was 11
he had a fairly normal childhood for a while honestly, he has a brother named alex who's 6 years younger than him and they all lived their lives in houston like a happy family should
things mostly started to change when he was around 8-9 and his parents started to become extremely unhappy together, although it was subtle at first bc they wanted to try and hide it from their kids as much as possible bc they thought that was the best thing for them
this kinda made it worse though, because it became more obvious that something was up but they were only trying to hide it. passive aggressive comments, never wanting to do anything as a family, tension building up all the time, etc etc
it really was a case of them needing to let go for the benefit of everyone rather than staying together bc they didn't want to go through a divorce but it was inevitable either way
his parents did up splitting up about a year later and they tried to make it the most amicable situation possible but it was just.........sad.......because they all wanted it to work so badly and his parents really did love each other but at the end of the day couldn't make it work as life partners and so that was that it seemed
eden's mom moved to DC afterwards to stay with family and the rest of them (eden, his lil brother and his dad) moved to carina bay for a new start and there were family friends here who could help them get back on their feet. they weren't living too far from each other too so the kiddos still saw their mom on a semi regular basis and it was okay and better for everyone that way and they could move on with their lives but still left eden wondering, if they loved each other so much, why couldn't they stay together? obvs as a kid this was something he struggled with and it was rough when he didn't get the answers he wanted or felt jealous of kids whose parents were still together and happy but........ it had to be like that
life resumed as normal (as normal as possible) and he grew up in nc with his small family and loved it tbh it felt like home and maybe it was a lil unconventional but he felt like he didnt have much to complain about and felt lucky to still have a good relationship with both of his parents
eden is a people person and likes making friends and all that altho he's not a very #wild person, he's really chill and a big believer in karma and the idea of what energy he puts out into the world being returned to him and all that
what he IS though is a huge hopeless romantic like my boy wants to fall in love and have a cute family and live in a beach house with a dog and two cats like he fantasizes about that kinda life
what can he say he loves love and takes all that seriously........... he saw his parents unable to make their marriage work and knows that's something he doesn't want to go through himself but believes and KNOWS he doesn't *have* to go through it
on the flip side while he has these idealized plans for the future (not even plans just things he hopes happens at some point lmao) eden in the present is a bit of a misguided mess
he does want to travel and explore the world but feels tied to carina bay bc his family is here and he loves his little brother too much to move away right now and leave him. he lives in an apartment like 30 minutes from his dads house nd works at a gift shop which is NOT a long term solution but he took time off school to work because he has no idea what he wants to do with his life and didn't think spending the money (that he doesn’t even have let’s be real) aimlessly on tuition was a smart idea 
he thinks he'll figure it out soon but for now he's a bit unrealistic about his plans (he needs people to bring him back down to earth n reality from time to time) and is kinda stuck in a stalemate and likes to fantasize about his future rather than do anything to actually make it happen 
but he has good intentions i swear he can just be frustrating and stubborn about it all 
he's bisexual and open about it
he loves his family and still sees his mom whenever he can
he REALLY wants a dog  but his apartment complex won't let him have one and he's really upset about it
he loves talking to tourists it makes his heart happy
a big fan of road trips 
can be found day dreaming 9.5/10 times 
anyways this is kind of all over the place bc he's a new character and i'm figuring him out as i go, so i just wanna jump into the writing bc i spent too MUCH TIME RAMBLING HERE and have no idea if any of this makes sense so........... i have a plot page here that’s a bit of a work in progress and eden’s been in town for a long time so lots of potential for connections so LIKE this and i'll come to you or come hmu if you wanna plot!!! <3
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wrecktify · 6 years
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*  madelaine petsch, 23, she/her | oh, them? that’s holly clark. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, five years. last time i spoke to them they were a translator, and if i remember correctly, they’re a libra. seeing them around always makes me think of hot chocolate with extra cinnamon, a diary locked tight, and still wishing on shooting stars.
holly was born in cookeville, tennessee, and lived there up until she graduated. she grew up in the middle of five siblings, and was, notably,  the bleeding heart of the group.  her older siblings picked at her for being the crybaby, but her parents never did much in trying to help her grow thicker skin: they let her stay soft as long as she needed, trusting that one day she would come into her own. and, luckily enough, she did.
her parents kept this kind of approach to parenting their middle child. she appreciates them immensely, and knows how lucky she was to have parents that embraced her for who she was no matter what, and never pushed their own agendas onto her, but sometimes, she wishes they’d been a little more stern. because while they did manage to raise her into a compassionate and creative person this way, she got hard on herself, and for a while, she blamed them for it. holly has always been her own biggest critic, and a tougher one than any external influence in her life. she’s one of those kids that makes angry tweets about how the gifted and talented program fucks you up
when holly was 16, she was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. she was diagnosed at one of her lowest points, when the pressure of school and planning for the future had pushed her almost into a burnout. she still heralds her old therapist for all the good she did for her, and is a fierce advocate for communication and seeking that sort of treatment.
once she graduated, she moved to moved to carina and commuted to a nearby university. she always wanted to live by the ocean, and, sure, the commute was a bitch, but well worth it in her mind. she changed her major and minor about 294 times before settling on double majoring in english and french. she loves literature, but also, the art of translating, and the way that, depending on who’s translating, a text can take on a hundred 
she moved in with a pair of roommates, allie and marilyn, and, like in any trinity, there were clear roles. she became a shoulder to cry on and someone to vent to when you got stood up on another tinder date. she embraced her role as pack mom.
tw death, implied suicide which is why, as if she didn’t feel cliche enough sometimes, she felt a little responsible for not noticing the signs that lead to allie’s death. she was the one allie vented to, the one who was supposed to pick up on if something was bothering her, or hurting her that bad. things became strained overtime between holly and marilyn as well, as they began to notice how the third piece of their puzzle may have been the glue that held it together all along.
after skidding past the finish line at graduation and taking some time to go home and be with her family, holly’s found herself back in carina. as much as she would love to escape the darker memories of the town, she was ultimately drawn back to the ocean she loves and the clear mind it gives her.
you know that one really cool ra who’s like down 2 talk about stuff u know u could get in trouble for but also overwhelmingly supportive of ur studies and well-being above all else?? thats holly
idk like. an important thing 2 me about holly that i hope comes across is that she hasn’t let problems in her own life kick her down like she’s one of those people that in hard times didn’t harden up but instead learned 2 more embrace the good and try her best to make sure other people don’t hit the lows that she knows are possible to hit
she still intends to go back and properly get her masters in interpretation and translation so she can do some more meaningful work, but for now, she’ll settle for the freelance quickie stuff.
i always feel so weird putting Serious Topics in my bios bc like i dont want it 2 seem like im glossing over Serious Things i just dont want it 2 be 2 sensationalized or anything but that has nothing 2 do w holly its just a disclaimer..
she has a border collie named ziggy and he’s her real best friend.
another thing 2 note is that while holly is overtly kind and supportive she’s not a doormat and she’s not someone who’s gonna take crap or sacrifice too much of herself just to make people happy. she’s read enough self help books to know that there’s just parts of yourself you can’t compromise, and not everyone is gonna like you. she’s friendly, but she won’t break her back trying to get you to reciprocate it.
she calls herself queer and doesnt fuss much with labels she is who she is and she loves who she lvoes and thats that hunnies !
ok like its a really lame thing 2 base a muse off but like , u know those barbie vlogs that went around of like the cartoon barbie that talked about self care and girl power and being kind??? those are holly vibes.
does ur muse have a big sister??? no??? they do now.
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hyongjunseo · 6 years
howdy demons, it’s ya boy helliott, elliott. feel free to drop me a line in discord ( helliott™#6798 ) to plot! i’m from florida, and yes; the alligators do wear tropical shirts around here. below are some random key points about jun!
*  nam joo-hyuk, 24, he/him  | oh, them? that’s hyong jun-seo . they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, his whole life . last time i spoke to them they were an unemployed trust fund kid, and if i remember correctly, they’re a cancer . seeing them around always makes me think of the kid who says his dad will sue you, unaffordable wine that taste the same as every other wine, overpriced name brands drenched in cologne  . ( elliott, twenty six, EDT, he/him )
So first off my boy Jun here is kinda a cry baby asshole. He is 100% an angry crier, who lashes out at others very easily.
He’s also narcoleptic, falling asleep like everywhere. It’s kind of a huge problem for him because something bad could happen to him easily while he’s out someplace and he’s really dependent on others; he hates that so much. It’s about 90% of the reason he’s a bundle of anger most of the time. His father insists he take someone with him when he goes out, he doesn’t often listen, it helps that his father is usually overseas here and there working anyway.
His parents moved to Carina Bay on a whim of his mothers after vacationing there, they would eventually have him and his sister and decide to stay. They vacation elsewhere often and his father has his company’s locations all over (vacation resorts!) so it stands to make sense that it didn’t really matter where they lived as his father travels a great deal anyway.
Jun usually has a sneer on his face, he is a member or the resting bitch face club and will get offended if you point it out, especially if he’s trying to be nice that’s like never.
He’s pretty indifferent about his family, he likes them all well enough he supposes but he doesn’t think he’d be all that upset if anything happened to them. ( that’s a total lie by the way he’s just trying to be cool, he would cry if anything happened to them because he cries about everythinggggg, especially if anything happened to his dad. )
Jun is always told to stop being such a lone wolf ( ironic given that he hates dogs ), that he pushes everyone away for no reason. He does indeed push others away for no reason, often coming across as disloyal, he sort of is mostly because he’d save his own skin before anyone else’s.
He doesn’t want to run his fathers business, not even a little bit. That crown is too heavy for his head and he doesn’t want the responsibility, he argues that his sister would make a better CEO than he ever would. Mostly Jun just knows what people already say about him and doesn’t think he’d ever be able to keep his mouth shut. Why give a shit about a company when they all look at you like you're a massive man child?! He is but shhhhh he doesn’t wanna hear it GOSH.
When he was little his mother babied him a ton, it’s probably why he’s the way he is and probably why he acts younger than his sister who is better rounded then him. He’s not a mamma’s boy for it though, in fact he prefers his father to his mother; that doesn’t mean he still isn’t a pain in his fathers ass, because he very much is.
He’s pretty sure without his fathers funds, or if he had to take care of himself he’d be dead within a week.
Jun hates the idea of ‘traditional’ marriage, mostly because he’s pretty gosh dang gay. He’s willing to get married to be fair, but he’d probably make the worst husband ever he thinks and god help the poor girl who his family tries to set him up with.
Jun likes to talk a big talk but speaking of relationships he’s only ever kissed like, one girl.
He’s like super untalented, he can’t paint, can’t sing, can’t write like he doesn’t really have any hobbies either because he’s like high key aware at how bad at things he is? But he tries sometimes because he’s really bored like most the the time and wants to find something he’s good at besides crying.
He loves his cat The Most ™ , she’s a very fluffy Himalayan named Elizabeth the 3rd. He’ll 100% talk about her if she’s brought up...and then proceed to not shut up about her either. 
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jonioxo · 6 years
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* lily james, 22, she/her | oh, them? that’s Lauren ‘LC’ Collier. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, one week. last time i spoke to them they were a singer, and if i remember correctly, they’re an aquarius. seeing them around always makes me think of the beach, vintage, red wine. ( syd, 22, cdt, she/her )
here’s my baby lauren, if you can’t tell already i’ve got tons of inspiration from Donna Sheridan from Mamma Mia for this one. 
Lo is a vivacious, free spirited, loving. flirty twenty-two year old
she has an older sister who she’s always looked up to, she used to dance around the house and follow in her footsteps completely 
her parents were always very supportive of her, she grew up in a very loving home. her mother was an artist (painting and pottery) her father was a published author 
growing up she always had a frog or a bunny in her front overall pocket (even the occasional fish before she realized she couldn’t take them out of the water) 
she lived on the beach in california, her hair was always a blonde, sea-salt tangled mess but she loved it that way 
Lauren had many nick names growing up, Lo, LC, Collier, her mother even called her Sunny because of her sun kissed skin and how much she loved to be in the sun. 
The beach is her first home
LC has been singing and dancing her entire life, she doesn’t notice it but she’s always humming a tune or moving her feet to any sound around her. 
Once she turned eighteen she decided to move away from home and just see where life takes her. 
She is a singer/songwriter, she’s better than she gives herself credit for, she’s got a pair of lungs on her. She doesn’t think she can make it as a singer so she usually just picks up odd jobs to make ends meet until she leaves for her next adventure. 
She’s not one to have many enemies, she doesn’t put in enough effort to actually dislike someone. 
The one thing that she can’t help is her flirtatious nature, there is something she loves about love. 
She has that contagious smile and energy, she loves being around people and trying new things. 
Growing up in such an artistic household she finds beauty in everything, she loves vintage clothing and the vintage vibe. 
If there’s anything her mother taught her it’s a nice red wine makes everything better and that’s one thing she lives by. 
that’s all i’ve got for now but this spunky baby is just getting started
wannted connections
okay so i really really really want a guy/girl (hell maybe a few of them) that she’s flirted with/hooked up with/ dragged along. she cares about them but she’s conflicted because she also wants someone else and just doesn’t understand why she can’t have them all (pretty much like donna and her three men from mamma mia) 
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illuminction-blog · 6 years
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*  ariana grande, age 22, she/her  | oh, them? that’s  pippa ‘pip’ renetti. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, four years. last time i spoke to them they were a club dj, and if i remember correctly, they’re a sagittarius . seeing them around always makes me think of towels on the bathroom floor from hair dyed stark white, retro 80’s windbreakers with over-ear headphones dangling around her neck, neon colors & body paint splatters glowing bright beneath blacklights.
pippa renetti comes from a very affluent family who lived in london’s notting hill, a wealthy neighborhood on the west side of the city. she’s an only child and was properly spoilt but not in the silver spoon sort of way. she was always reminded of those less fortunate than she and kept a level head on her about the wealth with which she had been blessed.
it became clear from a young age that the renetti daughter was musically gifted. she has perfect pitch and a knack for picking up instruments that became discovered as she tried to self-teach herself on the grand piano in their front parlor at the tender age of four.
perhaps incorrectly, they presumed their bright, spirited young daughter might excel specifically in classical music. it might have matched with her talents but it did NOT mesh well with her personality.
pip is a high energy sprite of a thing and always has been. she’s incredibly well spoken (a side effect of her affluent upbringing). coming from wealth, she’s socially educated and tends to adapt herself to different situations. despite dressing in high end labels and carrying herself with pristine posture, she’s actually very easy to get along with, low maintenance, life of the party, a tiny bundle of fun!!
none of that lent itself well to hours at a piano for practice, cut off from the social spheres from which she drew her energy. she found herself wistfully sighing as she turned away friends in favor of piano, training to be a classical pianist.
she’d started sneaking out as early as age 12, wanting to hang out with her friends instead of being tucked away at home learning to be proper and studying her music theory. pip considered herself in with any crowd and found herself in with an edgy, laid back group of people who didn’t take anything seriously. a perfect foil for her home life.
she stumbled into dj-ing by accident. musically inclined, she liked to explore different genres of music to listen to and a boy at school had an obsession with techno. she took note of his neon headphones and the reverb of bass pouring out and took an interest. she boldly introduced herself, demanded they be friends, and has been hooked on the intoxicating beat ever since.
BASICALLY, pip moved to the states to pursue a career in dj-ing. she told her parents it was to obtain a sense of independence when, really, they were smothering her creativity with their limited vision of her as classical musician. she wanted to unleash her wild talents on the dj world and is actually even more gifted at it than at any other instrument
she’s studying music/music technology at a nearby university just so she can have her uni qualifications in case she’s not the Next Big Thing
she’s still very much a people person and she’s very happy with where she’s at in life. despite being at a different place than she’s accustomed to, financially, she’s doing what she’s passionate about and feels most in her element when surrounded by music. her parents still give her support but it’s significantly less than if she’d followed their plans/ was still at home
she’s got a very posh london accent but curses like a sailor -- something she’s picked up moreso since moving to the states at 18. she’s an eclectic dresser now that she’s less financially supported -- does a lot of thrifting and has a thing for vintage 80s wear for all the colors. loves neons bc they reflect her brightness. one area she’ll never skimp is hair dye. she keeps herself dyed PLATINUM white blonde because its her dj aesthetic and she’s decided to keep it full time (used to be a wig)
pip is my poly pansexual pixie princess so i hope you all love her because i do rip
PLOTS: BFF, exes from the past 4 years, past england connections, favorite club patron, bartenders/ bouncers etc at the club where she headlines, protective friendship, flirtationship, one night stand, past hookup maybe they even had a scare and she ditched bc nty, bad influence, biggest fan, idk maybe a musician who wants her to remix their stuff, music buddies, casual friends, smoking buddies ( weed is all she does ok ), straight girl she’s set on seducing i’m??? running out of ideas but message me
oh, call her pippa and u die
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
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*  matthew daddario, 27, he/him  | oh, them? that’s colin moon. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, four years. last time i spoke to them they were a trust fund baby, and if i remember correctly, they’re an aries. seeing them around always makes me think of playboy magazine, empty liquor bottles on a shelf, black lingerie on the floor.
//tw death
this is my SON colin and you’re all gonna hate him let’s go
first and foremost, he needs a girlfriend and a side piece so hmu if interested
colin was born to two parents who were very successful. his dad was a higher-up at apple and his mom was a hairdresser to some very rich people.
he grew up in the big apple, nyc.
he was really raised by his nanny, a french woman named mathilde. she died when he was thirteen, and he was crushed. he emotionally cut himself off from the world.
colin dropped out of high school to pursue his passion -- women. he would have sex with anything as long as it had two legs, and that wasn’t even really a dealbreaker.
he took some money from his trust fund and invested it in a few businesses, eventually making his way to carina where he invested in a few of the major restaurants.
however, gasp! his parents were unhappy with his relocation and cut him off. now, he’s struggling financially, but doesn’t want anyone to know, so he continues to live his bougie lifestyle while building up stacks of debt.
he’ll never admit it, but the bachelorette is his guilty pleasure. he’s been watching it since he was ten.
he does have a soft spot, but it’s hidden deep deep deep deep deep down. who knows if anyone will ever be able to crack it (his gf hasn’t).
it’s rumored that he’s a fantastic baker, but who knows if that’s even true? (spoiler: it is. he’s like zeke from hsm.)
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fromedcns-blog · 6 years
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*  medalion rahimi, age 24, she/her | oh, them? that’s ghalia majid. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, twenty four years. last time i spoke to them they were a sports journalist, and if i remember correctly, they’re a cancer. seeing them around always makes me think of keys clicking away on a keyboard, floral printed skirts and birds chirping in the morning. ( lissa, 21, est, she/her )  
hey guys it me lmao i’m so excited to bring ghalia here, i’ve been playing her for a while now and love her a lot so i hope u guys do too cus i love it here and i think/hope she’ll fit in great!! this whole intro post is pretty much taken from a bio i wrote for her i just kinda cut it up and added some new things to switch it up so here ya go!! 
ghalia is always set out to do the right thing and she’s definitely a #momfriend type. making sure her friends and everyone around her is ok or asking if they need anything/being concerned is a huge part of her personality.. even if it can be overbearing at times. she sees the world in a positive light rather than the much more realistic hell hole it can be. sometimes this can make her seem naive, but she’s just someone who finds it more beneficial to see the good side of things. 
she can be kinda nosy and annoying like … no joke about that. she loves taking care of people but she can also be kinda invasive and too In Your Face about it without even realizing. she absolutely means well but sometimes doesn’t see herself crossing a line until it’s too late 
she’s also quite ambitious and believes that people can achieve anything they want to (motivational speaker much?) she always has her sights set on something bigger than herself and for the most part, she feels like her potential has no limits. she thrives off of opportunity and optimism even if she lives in her head a lot, and even if what’s brewing in her head really makes no sense or has no possibility of ever happening. she looks at life as en empty canvas, just waiting for her to fill it with her thoughts and desires but as most things are, it’s easier said than done.
this doesn’t stop her from wanting the greatest life she could possibly have, but she has high expectations for herself and doesn’t want to fall short of them. with this kind of personality, it may seem like she’s isolating herself from others when she has her mind set on something, but she’s an extrovert through and through and loves people, but sometimes has a hard time bursting out of the dream space in her head.
she’s been this way since she was a child. her parents are both immigrants, they came to american from tehran, iran in the 80s and created a new life themselves and worked to make sure their children had better opportunities growing up. they ended up in new york at first for their careers (her mom is a teacher, her dad is a professional photographer and he teaches lessons at a studio) and eventually settled in carina bay before ghalia was born because it seemed like a great place to raise a family. ghalia looks up to them like no one else, she admires their courage and their strength and their tenacity to never settle for less than what they deserve. so it’s because of them, not just blind hope, that ghalia reaches for the even beyond the stars and keeps reaching even when her arms can’t go anymore.
although she’s a bright and spirited person who always wants to do right by others, that also causes ghalia to have a number of downfalls that all add up and can create quite a monster of an emotional mess. she’s stubborn and a special kind of reckless; feels embarrassed admitting she failed at something she put all her effort into even when the horizon that is the finish line really wasn’t as close as she thought. disappointment is her enemy yet she comes face to face with it often, usually from her own doing. she wants to know everything all the time, her curious mind wanders and wanders until it finds trouble she never knew existed. when she drills too hard into conversation and hits sore spots and doesn’t realize it until she’s made everyone around her uncomfortable– she wants to be open with people, when it’s not always possible. not everyone can relate to the positivity she thrives on and that frustrates her sometimes.
other tidbits/fun facts:
ghalia has always been interested in writing and photography (something she got from her dad), the two have been her main creative outlet growing up. she majored in journalism at wake forest university and decided to focus on sports as she grew into her career path and works for a local newspaper covering mostly soccer through the nc courage and north carolina fc! 
she played soccer growing up and into highschool and thought she might continue into college but honestly she wasn’t THAT good and decided the sidelines were better suited for her anyways where she could help behind the scenes and volunteered wherever they needed her and she was also the team photographer for a while 
((listen i’m a huge sports nerd so why not live vicariously through her lolol))
she’s a very talkative, very social ‘lil thing. she’s always been that kind of kid in school who got moved for talking to the person sitting her, but she was also that person who talked and talked no matter if her neighbor was a stranger or not. that gets her into trouble sometimes. she can be overwhelming when having conversations, she always has a million things to say and usually not enough time to say it. also, not everyone always wants to hear the oh so thrilling details about her walk back to her apartment yesterday, but she’d swear on her life that you *need* to hear about the squirrel that followed her the entire way. bottom line is, she loves to talk but needs to be told to shut up every once in a while. it’s only for her own good.
she’s a lesbian and very into girls although she’s kinda shy about dating and has only been in one serious relationship 
besides her main passions/hobbies being photography and writing, ghalia also enjoys nature, staying up late reading wiki articles on conspiracy theories, watching paranormal story time videos on youtube at 4 am, and she also wants to learn as many languages as she can. for now, she can speak conversational farsi, the language that, outside of english, is the main language her family speaks, and it’s important to her that she’s able to keep in touch with her relatives still living in iran. she’s not so great at writing it quite yet but she’s working on it. she’s not too bad at speaking spanish, she took several years of classes ever since middle school and falls in and out of practicing it currently. she’s attempted french and german, but only got as far as a couple activities on duolingo before her attention got dragged to her next project. one day she’ll be fluent in them all, one day.
her family is her heart, she’ll defend them until the day she dies and longer, they’re her lifeline and especially her brother, reza majid, who’s 5 years younger and the apple of ghalia’s eye. she has a protective nature about her and that’s due in part to how much she loves her family and little brother, and only wants the best for them, and she feels that way about everyone she cares about.
some connection ideas i just thought of!!!
childhood friends - from like age 4 or something like weeee lil things since ghalia has lived here her whole life, that’d be cute
roommates - it’d be fun if they got along really well and were friends beforehand we love a cute roommate connection
coworkers - from the local paper she works at mayhaps??
former teammates / college friends - ik wake forest is very specific but it could also be friends/teammates from high school or something like that :^)
i’d also love some kinda former relationship?? i imagine her to only have ever been in one real serious relationship, maybe kinda recently or something and it was a big deal and had a big impact on ghalia and maybe there’s lingering feelings or unresolved feelings, idk!!! we could work it out!! 
id LUV a ride or die friend or multiple
also maybe someone who can’t stand ghalia bc she’s nosy and annoying
i don’t know im going out to dinner soon with my fam so i haven’t thought much more about plots but i’m open to all and any ideas! if anyone wants to chat on discord feel free to hmu there @ #lissa7602 or here in the IMs!!! <3333 
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*  alexa steele, 22, she/her  | oh, them? that’s  lacey cruz . they’ve lived in carina bay for, like,  two years . last time i spoke to them they were a youtuber, and if i remember correctly, they’re a  sagittarius . seeing them around always makes me think of thorned roses, silk sheets, and the sugar on sour candy. ( rainbow, 22, pst, she/her, disc.ord is  adultescent 🌈#1464 )     /    sidenote :   most likely won’t use icons because there are so few of my fc and how i portray her
parents died when she was fourteen ,  hates the word death ,  was taken into foster care
didn’t end up with a permanent family ,  was too unruly
vague but honest
got addicted to the party lifestyle ;  mostly sticks to weed and cigarettes now but sometimes does harder stuff still ( doesn’t like to drink unless she is really down )
has a tattoo of two roses forming an infinity sign on her wrist ( for her parents )
empath ;  can take on the emotions of others
has a shiba inu ( jax ) ,  chinchilla ( jack ) ,  and two ferrets ( jackie and jacquelyn )
wears black more than any other color
big believer in crystals
gets sick easily
is biromantic demisexual
first ex cheated on her for months before she broke up with lace for being too needy ( was too reliant on her after her parents died )
doesn’t let people in easily
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wrecktify · 6 years
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*   jennie kim, 22, she/her | oh, them? that’s veronica park. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, their whole life. last time i spoke to them they were a dog walker and hairdresser and if i remember correctly, they’re an aquarius. seeing them around always makes me think of stickers on a suitcase, midnight on the interstate, and the ritualistic removal of the glitter and glitz of a long night out:   a transformation back to self.
veronica grew up middle class as they come. her parents went all in on the american dream: the house in the suburbs, the nuclear family, the dog and the picket fence. she was born their first child, and grew up in the orion avenue area with her little brother just behind her. there were no great tragedies in her childhood. they were happy and they got by, and that’s something she’ll always remember.
veronica strives in the spotlight. she’s always loved getting a little extra attention. she took up cheer in middle school and used it to her advantage: she wasn’t cruel, but she certainly soaked up being able to create a cool girl persona for herself. her parents were glad she had the extracurricular, and she reveled in becoming one of the faces most well known of her class.
high school comes around and it’s more of the big same. she continues to be generally well liked and popular. for three years, she frequents party scenes, tries to get to as many people as she cans, but all the while, she never really stopped to make like. meaningful lasting connections. like she’s the kinda girl to say she loves you the night you meet her but then you don’t hear from her for weeks. she was kind of that person that everyone knew and was pretty much cool with but asides from a few exceptions didn’t have many real friends just casual pals and people she could party with.
her senior year, someone wrote on the third stall in the one nice girl’s bathroom at school that she was a superficial bitch. no one paid as much mind to it as she did. because in all reality, it was right. she cared about the wrong things for the wrong reasons. she drove around for a couple hours listening to kelly clarkson and really trying to figure her ish out and ultimately decided to try to be more real with people. she wanted things to be honest and she wanted the people that liked her to like her for who she was not just because she was cool to hang out with sometimes.
a side effect of making her circle small was that she really got clingy to people who were nice to her plain and simple. enter theodore. they met a while after that, but while she was still kinda trying to find herself beyond trying to be the most likable person in a room. he took to the amount of her real self she showed, and he made her feel special. it was fun and fast and just special to be with him. but it got super serious super fast once she found out she was pregnant.
pregnancy tw when she found out she was pregnant, she prepared to take it in stride. with theodore, she really felt like maybe she could pull all of this off, and be the kind of person who roots themselves in family, because it’s how she got by as a kid. she knew that an unplanned pregnancy as young as they were wasn’t really the most statistically sound foundation for her family and the rest of her life to be built on, but she figured it was worth a shot. she started to pursue a more serious relationship with theodore and finished up obtaining her cosmetology license and really tricked herself into feeling like she had this on lock.
things were okay for a while. and then they weren’t. she wanted to be around for theo and with penelope but she still felt Wrong. she was doing something for the wrong reasons again, sticking around because it was the thing to do and not because she was ready to devote herself to raising this child for literally the rest of her life.
the night she left, she wrote theo a letter explaining why she had to go. she really still had no idea who she was or what she wanted and it wasn’t fair to him to be saddled to someone who couldn’t even tell you who she was. she left an envelope of recent commissions, and a promise that she’d continue to chip in financially while she was gone, but she needed a minute to collect herself.
a minute turned to almost two years living with her aunt in atlanta. it hurt her to know she was missing out on benchmarks in penelope’s life, but overall, she knew this was her own choice and doing. she kept her promise, sending not just her part of the rent but little trinkets to her daughter from time to time. she never expected real correspondence from theodore, so she’s not sure whatever happened with that, but it was her vain attempt at making it a little easier to sleep at night.
after some soul searching, she’s finally back in carina and a lot more Authentic than ever before. she feels ready to attend to the fires she left simmering and ready to own up to things she would have hid before. she’s really trying bottom line here
don’t call her ronni. unless u are one of her roller derby buddies from atlanta who knew her as Raw-Me Ronni it’s illegal :/ veronica or v and other various pet names are just fine though
make no mistake high school v never took being miss Thing to a mean place. she was never cruel, but there was always something just,,, kinda spacey about her, because she was nice enough and fun to have at a party but she really is the chameleon type of person to adjust 2 whatever her surroundings were. she’s a little fake in that sense and there are times people have been able to scope cracks in her facade to see that she’s more shallow than she lets on
she’s weirdly zen now like she worked out her stuff and she’s come back a lot less high strung than before catch her doing yoga on the beach in the early mornings with the oldsters
pansexual princess
her relationship w her parents isn’t as phenomenal as it once was just bc. she showed her whole ass with the skipping town shit but she is still fairly close w her brother
she can find herself slipping back into old habits and kinda just agreeing to things for the sake of being agreeable and likable or acting out because of the attention it brings so look out
week days she pretty diligently devotes herself to keeping up work and meeting w theodore and penelope but the weekends unless she has explicit plans that require her 2 keep it Professional and good influence-y she’s probably throwing down some..... old habits die hard
ill write up some wc after i shower :P
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gusxmorrow-blog · 6 years
hey there demons, it’s ya boy back with another character!   *  charlie hunnam, 38, he/his  | oh, them? that’s gus morrow. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, two months. last time i spoke to them they were a mechanic, and if i remember correctly, they’re a leo. seeing them around always makes me think of motorcycle jackets on shady guys, guys who never call you back, grease stains and calloused hands. ( elliott, twenty six, EDT, he/him )
he’s living out of a motel right now, working part time at of some dingy mechanic shop, trying to keep a low profile because *drum roll please*
gus is on the run from the law (sorta)! he kinda sorta got himself into some POSSIBLE legal trouble back home (arizona!) needless to say he had to leave his life behind because he couldn’t afford to go back to jail a second time just in case. yikes.
he went to jail when he was a juvenile but he didn’t want to test his luck a second time. besides his former biker crew/club thinks the heat will wear off eventually. ALSO BIG PSA, when i say biker crew/club it’s more along the lines of very petty crimes (if that even), no murder or violent offences. probably at MOST something drug related. as far as him getting in trouble with the law goes it was a bar fight and not a big deal but as stated above he didn’t want to test his luck with the local law. 
he has a very young son, his mother takes care of him, she’s a real bitch but he loves her so *shrugs* his baby momma left the kid with him to run off with some other guy, he didn’t really care but he was pretty lowkey upset he got left with the kid. like how is HE gonna take care of a baby you know?
personality wise he’s sort of surprisingly friendly and warmhearted, very calm and collected but tends to get angry very easy and is hard to reason with when he is angry. he's intelligent, headstrong and sometimes too trusting of the people he cares about so i imagining growing up his mother had a tight hold over him and probably still does to some degree, leaving him with an identity crises somewhat nowadays. basically he's very fair and even tempered but isn't afraid to resort to violence hence his law troubles.
he’s bisexual and leans towards men more romantically than he does women. gus tends to use women and his relationships have never lasted long with them. however because of the type of environment he grew up in and the biker gang lifestyle he’s still sorta in he’s never really acted on his feelings for men beyond a couple of very quiet one night stands on the road.
he’s probably a borderline alcoholic and smokes when he’s really stressed or upset.
plots I would love would be someone who recognizes him from back home but keeps his secret past for one reason or another. 
someone he slept with on the road but oh shit they’ve met up again and now you're bitter at gus for ditching you like that.
you need your car, etc fixed and gus needs money so does it for cheep.
late night bar buddies
more to come once i set up his plot page.
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vcleriebrooks-blog · 6 years
*  lee ji-eun, 23, she/her  | oh, them? that’s valerie brooks. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, four years. last time i spoke to them they were a hairdresser, and if i remember correctly, they’re a pisces. seeing them around always makes me think of red lipstick, long wavy black hair, white roses.
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hello everyone ! i’m alex and this is my darling little valerie. i'm really excited to interact with y'all and i have a couple of plots in mind so if you’re interested in doing something then just hmu on tumblr messenger ! alright, so below you can find out some things about val.
she was born in busan, south korea out of wedlock to a waitress who was in an unhappy marriage. that’s about as much as she knows about her birth mother and she has no clue who her father is. she was eight months old when she flew to america to be adopted by the brooks family. they were a nice couple that gave her the name valerie.
she grew up in a town with not much diversity so from a young age she stood out in school. the ignorant kids would make fun of her asian features and the fact that she was adopted. this made her incredibly bitter towards people and not really want to socialize with anyone out of fear of criticism. she was pretty unpopular in high school and had one or two friends that stood up for her.
her confidence didn’t start to soar until her senior year. she changed up her hairstyle, wardrobe, and started wearing makeup which didn’t go unnoticed by her peers. the boys started wanting to talk to her and she was getting invited to parties, but she turned all of that down because if they didn’t want her at her worst then they wouldn’t get her at her best. she believed she was good looking and wasn’t afraid to let it be known, she just wasn’t going to let people take advantage of that themselves.
when she got her diploma, she went to school for cosmetology so she could earn her license. after eight months she was a certified stylist and decided to start a new job and a new life in carina bay where her family owned a beach house. she’d often visit it as a kid and counted down the days until she would return, now the house is hers officially and she continues to live there.
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illuminction-blog · 6 years
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*  bryana holly, age 22, she/her  | oh, them? that’s farrah gold. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, five years. last time i spoke to them they were a lifeguard, and if i remember correctly, they’re a leo. seeing them around always makes me think of sun-warmed sand sticking to tanned skin, wisps of blonde tucked under a haggard backwards baseball cap, the scrape of skateboard wheels along slats in the pavement. ( tally, 24, cst, she/hers )
unlike mr. fitz, this character is actually one i’ve played several times before and her fc is one i’ve giffed (badly) all from scratch so i’m quite attached. i’m hoping you love her as much as i love her. 
she’s originally a southern california girl but perhaps not in the stereotype one might expect. instead of being the Basic White Girl™ trope, she’s kind of... scrappy. like she’s the most chilled, laid back, easygoing personality type and, on top of that, a complete tomboy
she had an older brother who was in and out of trouble growing up which was kind of ironic considering her father was the chief of police in their hometown
had a relatively uneventful childhood? learned self defense at like age 4, played a shit ton of sports, LOVED going to the beach -- sand between her toes and getting her clothes wet kinda childhood
raised in that ‘one of the boys’ vibe but basically the embodiment of the raise boys and girls the same way motto of child rearing because she was literally just allowed to do what she wanted... and with her boyish aesthetic, that was always just cliche ‘guy stuff’ ( quotes bc gender is cancelled but you know what i mean ) 
she was kind of introduced to the dark side of humanity through her dad’s work but always at a safe distance. it really desensitized her to the ‘wrong crowd’ sort which will come back to bite her
high school is where things got interesting. before that she was kinda a gangly awkward kid with a pretty face but not much else to her name and in hs she blossomed
and yet... she stuck to her same old hoyden aesthetic, preferring getting tanned from too long at the skatepark to tanning beds and dirt on her cheeks from hiking than highlight and contour
still, she started attracting a certain kind of attention now that she’d entered into teenagerdom
she had a best friend for like FOREVER that everyone always thought she’d date. they were inseparable and platonically in love and knew each others secrets inside and out but
she ended up wooed by the badboy, her upbringing making her see some good in him beyond his poor life choices. he was involved in trouble and literally a walking stereotype but lived it just as readily. she didn’t fall for him because he was bad but, rather, because she thought that she could fix him
her father believed in the rehabilitation of the criminals he put away so why should she judge, you know?
things got way too dark way too fast and farrah ended up having to sneak around to see him and started to feel like she was being used as a cover more than as a girlfriend
the breaking point happened when she was just 17 years old -- they’d been dating two years or so but anyways, in vaguest terms, she got a little too involved with something criminal for him and ended up having to go on the run. at first she thought they’d stick together but he ditched town soon after which was as much of a breakup as she needed
too embarrassed to go to her father and be forced to confess to all the little things she’d done, she ended up letting that bff from earlier buy her a ticket to carina bay ( where he had some family or connections or something ) and he set her up in a decent little apartment and everything
she’s told her parents that she’s going to school in nc but really, she just has an average job working as a lifeguard on the beach ( swimming, skating, beach life all being right in her powerhouse)
personality wise, she’s still at total tomboy -- messy, laid back, unafraid of a bit of rough and tumble, disheveled, charming, a bit bad at communicating at times, impulsive, wry. she’s a bit guarded too, both in her immediate surroundings and just with her HEART (aw) but yeah that’s about all you need to know
she’s been here a few years so lets plot ;)
( TL;DR – california skater girl who got involved with a troubled boy and has now run away to the east coast to start a new life for herself, all while lying to her family back home about her reasons for moving to carina bay )
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