vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
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ย  ย  ย  the blonde chuckled nervously, chewing her inner cheek as the other gave her a possible way to hide the error she had committed, shooting the brunette a grateful smile whilst taking her hand.ย โ€œ look at you with that logical thinking. i might die when i get home, but at least people wonโ€™t think i made a mess of myself, thank youย โ€œ addie grinned.ย โ€œ sorry, i promise iโ€™m not that much of a dweeb.ย โ€œ
ย  ย  ย she grins at adelaineโ€™s compliment, feeling a small rush of pride wash over her. โ i bet you probably wouldโ€™ve figured out what to do even without me. โž she answers with a tiny shrug. โ when you think about it, everybody is a dweeb in some way. thatโ€™s just my personal opinion but there isnโ€™t one person on this earth who isnโ€™t a little odd. โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
โ€œI think so too, it is what keeps me running most daysโ€ She grinned and got up,following behind her quickly.ย โ€œOh Iโ€™m an education major. Just doing some classes online over the summer before trying to transfer into a university.โ€ She tucked her hair behind her ear
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ย  ย  ย  โ do you know where you want to transfer toย ?ย are you going to stay in carina bay ? โž valerie asks as she walks beside the brunette. โ once i moved here, i couldnโ€™t really picture myself living anywhere else. โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
he doesnโ€™t expect the genuine contribution, but heโ€™s more than happy for itโ€“ his smile being a tale-tellย sign as he searches for the perfect angle. he bites his lip out of habit when he gets a good position (one that looked majorly uncomfortable and leaning towards ridiculous on his part, but he chooses to ignore that) and hums a quickย โ€˜1, 2, 3!โ€™ before clicking the silver button, and the quiet shutter flashes on valerie. just quick and lucky enough to catch the pose right where he wanted.
โ€œthere!โ€ he beams, standing right back up again with ease as he goes over to the girl to show off the picture. heโ€™s pleased with the fact that not only did the camera work, but that he was able to get such a good shot. mason lets himself bathe in a small spurt of pride, just for a second, when he realises heโ€™s improving.
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โ€œdo you like it?โ€
ย  ย  ย she takes a glance at the image and breaks out into a huge grin. in the photo valerie looks angelic and breathtaking, itโ€™s hard for the raven haired girl to believe thatโ€™s actually her. she doesnโ€™t answer him for a little bit, the redness of her cheeks evidence that she admires it. โ itโ€™s absolutely perfect, mason. i love it ! โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
thereโ€™re a few mindless clicking sounds of an adjusting camera as masonย checked up and messed around with his. just making sure everything was top notch. he couldnโ€™t help butย cheese in excitement, ready to overflow his memory with pictures that heโ€™ll get to show off and admire (and maybe even sell if heโ€™s lucky).
but to be completely positive that everything was in a working state with the well-loved camera, mason dramatically drops into a crouching position and points the exposed lens at them. โ€œpose for me,โ€ he chirps and grins wide as he readies it,ย โ€œi gotta take a picture to make sure this thing still works.โ€
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ย  ย  ย โ give me a minute, would you ? โž valerie covers her cheeks to hide their crimson tint. she could be camera shy sometimes since the photos can sometimes come out different than what you expected. she walked over to a tree and leaned her back against the base. โ okay, ready !ย โž she puts a bashful look on her face as she brushes a strand of long hair behind her ear slowly so mason has the chance to capture it.
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
his lower lip purses out a tad, feet slowing down along with valerieโ€™s.ย โ€œyouโ€™re like the sun,โ€ he states blankly, as if that explanation is enough. judging by her expression however, damien continues. his arms are stretched out to balance himself as he tries to toe along the edge of the sidewalk.ย โ€œi donโ€™t like it when the sun is away for too long. i like summer time, and i like being warm. and sitting at the beachโ€“ and ice cream. and sandal tans.โ€
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ย  ย  ย  was he indirectly talking about her, or was he actually talking about the sun ? sheโ€™d never know and was aware that getting a straight answer out of the boy would be near impossible. everything he was saying was the slightest bit confusing, part of her wanted to ask if they could continue the rest of the walk in silence. โ iโ€™d much rather be the moon, yโ€™know. it pulls the tides and you can actually look at it without going blind. โž valerie glanced up at the sky in thought.ย โ did you know that from this distance the moon is never bigger than your thumb ?ย i think thatโ€™s kinda cool. โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
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AESTHETICS ( 1 / ? )ย โ€” feat. @leedamienย ย 
โ if you were the sun would you miss me too ? โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
he blinks, expression hazy as he trails behind.ย โ€œweird,โ€ damien mumbles in response.ย โ€œlife happens,โ€ the brunet repeats,ย โ€œwhat a wildโ€“ wild thought. life happening.โ€ he feels delirious.
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ย  ย  ย โ you asked me a question. โž she shrugged, slowing down her stride a little to let damien catch up. they werenโ€™t all that far from her house so she didnโ€™t mind taking an extra minute or two to stay at his pace. something was on her mind ever since sheโ€™d answered the phone and now seemed like the best time to ask. โ why did you call me ? i mean, did neither mason or minji respond ?ย โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
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Colin turned to Valerie, raising an eyebrow.ย โ€œWhat are you laughing at?โ€ he said, trying not to laugh himself. He eventually gave up, letting out a few chuckles.ย โ€œOkay, yeah, that was pretty pathetic.โ€
ย  ย  ย โ it was ballsy, but yes, also pathetic.ย โž she said teasingly, a huge grin on her face. โ i suggest next time you donโ€™t start off with telling her you have a hangover. i'd also try not to sit by the window so you can keep the sunglasses off. it's more polite to look the girl in the eyes and you won't come off as a complete asshole. โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
โ€œI take online classes so they run a little differently than courses in real classroomsโ€ She noted before shrugging a little.ย โ€œYeah, Iโ€™d like that actually.โ€
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ย  ย  ย โ awesome !ย i think once you get some caffeine in your system, youโ€™ll be good to go. โž she smiled before getting up off the bench and waiting for rosie to do the same. โ whatโ€™s your majorย ? โž valerie asked as she tucked her sketchbook under her arm.
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
he shrugs.ย โ€œnothing. the sun isnโ€™t around, and i wondered why.โ€ damien only briefly meets her eyes before heโ€™s scanning the streetlights and the names of familiar shops.ย โ€œitโ€™s like people. people arenโ€™t around all the timeโ€“ and i wonder why.โ€ he feels like a child, voicing out his blatant questions into the air.
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ย  ย  ย  โ i meant comparing me..โ€” never mind. โž she shakes her head quickly as if to erase the thought like an etch a sketch. โ sometimes life happens and sometimes things get in the way. it doesnโ€™t necessarily mean you did anything wrong or that they donโ€™t like you. โž valerie gives his hand a light squeeze just to remind him that she was there.
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
โ€ฆAnd of all the weapons in the world, love is the most dangerous.
Seth Grahame-Smith, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (via wordsnquotes)
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
โ€œoh!โ€ she looked down at her shoes and gave a sheepish smile.ย โ€œthank youโ€ She said while bending down to tie them back up.ย โ€œIโ€™m okayโ€ฆjust busy..long night of school work and allโ€
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ย  ย  ย  โ did classes start already ? then again, itโ€™s the end of august and thatโ€™s when most people go back to school. โž she mused. โ do you want to go get a cup of coffee ? โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
he doesnโ€™t really know what to say in response. instead damien offers another question, attention grounded to the space between their fingers (or lack there of).ย โ€œwhatโ€™s the difference between you and the sun then? the sun is bright and so is val,โ€ he murmurs.
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ย  ย  ย his question makes her heart beat a little bit faster and eyes drop to her feet as they continued down the sidewalk. โ well, iโ€™m a human and not a sphere of hot plasma. we can both be bright but just in different ways.ย โž she responded with a simple shrug of her shoulders. โ whereโ€™s all this coming from ? โž valerie questioned even though she knew there most likely wasnโ€™t a reasonable explanation. damienโ€™s attention always bounced around whether he was sober or not.
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
โ€œOh hey, sorry were you saying something to me?โ€ Rosie gave a sheepish look to the person who was next to her. She had been up all night doing homework for her online courses and the girls she nannied had her up at the crack of dawn, as per usual.ย โ€œReally I wasnโ€™t ignoring you, I just..โ€ She was interrupted by a yawn.ย โ€œSorryโ€ย 
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ย  ย  ย โ itโ€™s okay, i just wanted to let you know your shoelaces are untied. โž she nodded down towards rosieโ€™s feet. โ i thought that would be a good thing to inform you of. โž valerie closed her sketchbook to be more polite and shifted to face the brunette.ย โ you seem pretty drained, everything okay ? โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
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knowing it was time, shiloh started to compile a list of jeremyโ€™s things that she needed to pack up. itโ€™s a step that she needs to take in order to heal her heart, and it pains her to start that process but she felt readyย  โ” to an extent at least.ย  โ thereโ€™s a stack of more cardboard boxes by the back door if you want to get started. thanks for offering to help, i know thereโ€™s probably a million other things you could be doing instead.ย  โž she offers them a smile while she takes her black hair tie and pulls her locks into a tight pony.ย  โ there are a few things i want to keep, so just ask about some things. the two shirts in the closet stay, so donโ€™t touch those.ย โž
ย  ย  ย thereโ€™s a chord thatโ€™s struck deep in valerie and she wishes things had turned out different for shiloh. she always had a tendency to feel other peopleโ€™s emotions deeply. โ itโ€™s no problem, really. i have the day off and i could use the exercise. โž she flashed a friendly smile to shiloh. โ you got it. โž valerie continued packing the items that were given the green light by the other. she placed everything inside the cardboard boxes very delicately. โ did you go to the ball ? โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
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โ€œare you the sun?โ€ he suddenly asks, smile still bright and steady on his face.ย โ€œif you were the sun would you miss me too?โ€ itโ€™s meant to be a funny little thing, a simple question among many others but this is valerie, and nothing is ever simple between them. he pauses then before tilting his head up, eyes to the sky.ย โ€œsโ€™alot of stars.โ€
ย  ย  ย  valerie knew better than to take his drunk words with more than a grain of salt, but it still caused a blush to spread across her cheeks. she glanced over at him from the corner of her eye and shook her head slightly. โ no, iโ€™m not the sun. the sun lives up in the sky, not carina bay.ย โž she explained. โ of course i would miss you, i always do. โž valerie boldly admitted, well aware that there was a high chance he wouldnโ€™t remember what she said. as they continued walking, she let her gaze wander up to the many twinkling lights in the dark sky. โ itโ€™s beautiful. โž
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vcleriebrooks-blog ยท 6 years
sorry i havenโ€™t really been on and interacting a lot, you guys. my college courses start tomorrow and iโ€™m trying to get things ready. also, being the lazy person i am i waited until the day before class to get my books. did i mention that i have 10 minutes to make it from one building to another across campus ? so yeah, i'm kind of stressing. iโ€™ve got to water my neighborโ€™s plants and make dinner, but after i will be online !
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