iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
valerie ;
     ❝ it was ballsy, but yes, also pathetic. ❞ she said teasingly, a huge grin on her face. ❝ i suggest next time you don’t start off with telling her you have a hangover. i’d also try not to sit by the window so you can keep the sunglasses off. it’s more polite to look the girl in the eyes and you won’t come off as a complete asshole. ❞
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Colin took off his sunglasses, blinking a few times to adjust his eyes. He grabbed a pen out of his pocket, scribbled something on a napkin, and looked Valerie in the eyes. He gave her a charming smile. “Hey, most people call me Colin, but you can call me later if you’d like,” he said, sliding over the napkin. “Like that? Was that better?”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
damien ;
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he cocks a brow. “why do i gotta think he’s cute? if you think he’s cute, then i’ll help you reel in the nameless handsome.” damien holds his hands out, fist clenched in his right and rotating to imitate a fishing rod. 
“I need validation,” Autumn explained, giving Damien a slight nudge. “I might be biased just because I want someone here to be cute, you know? Anyways--what do you think?”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
frankee ;
“It’s very easy for anything to turn into bar-hopping” She pointed out with a small laugh. “But hey at least you made it back to your place in one piece.”
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Michael laughed. “You’re right. Gotta celebrate the little victories like that, right?” He scratched the back of his head, sighing at his own previous stupidity. “Tonight’ll be a better night. I’ll at least make it to the bed, I hope.”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
hi everyone! please like this if you want to plot for the time jump!
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
luca ;
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“Only you would think that Autumn.” Luca told his friend teasingly nudging her shoulder with his smiling at her taking another sip of his latte having been given the day off work for once glancing around Waverly Cafe. “Well it’s summer right now so just wait until school starts back up and the hipster boys will come crawling back in here sooner or later. You still have me though.”
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“You’re right, only I would think that,” she said with a nod. She was an optimist through and through, believing in things such as falling in love at first sight and drinking iced coffee without it getting watered down. She rolled her eyes. “I’m a little old for the hipster boys, unless they’re in their second year of grad school, you know?” She leaned over, resting her head on Luca’s shoulder. “I know I do, and thank God. What would I do without you?”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
olivia ;
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olivia laughed it off, head shaking as she looked down to the drink that sat in front of her. “what do you say?” she asked as she looked back up to the server. “give the poor guy a break. his pick-up lines are horrible, but he may not be.” she teases, a smirk pulled across her lips directed at him. “just trying to help.” she mouthed to him.
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Even after the last-ditch attempt of the woman next to him, the server wasn’t willing to budge. And, as it turned out, the blonde thought he wanted her help instead of her number, so he figured it was time to get to the point. “You’re right. My pick-up lines are horrible, but I’m a nice guy, I promise... can I buy you a drink?”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
somi ;
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“what?” somi asked from not too far away, head popping up before she realized she was mistaken. “oh, oh sorry!” she said as she looked between the boy and the server. “i thought you were talking to me at first. my apologies.” she said as a blush started to cover her cheeks, embarrassment filling her body.
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Colin smirked, turning his head towards the other woman. “Sorry, I wasn’t,” he said, “But I could be talking to you. If you’re interested, that is.” She was cute, with a shy demeanor -- not Colin’s usual type, but he was never opposed to anyone who seemed like they could be into him.
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
valerie ;
     she was sitting at the table next to colin nursing a glass of rosé and finding herself amused by his actions. thankfully, she wasn’t taking a sip or else she would have spit it right out. when the waitress turned him down, valerie brought her hand to her mouth in an attempt to cover up her giggling.
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Colin turned to Valerie, raising an eyebrow. “What are you laughing at?” he said, trying not to laugh himself. He eventually gave up, letting out a few chuckles. “Okay, yeah, that was pretty pathetic.”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
adelaide ;
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      “ honey, if they wear yoga pants in public, they are already looking for an affair “ she hinted, wiggling her eyebrows and trying to keep a straight face. “ it should be the other way around. everyone’s at their best after they drink coffee. give me somewhere you actually see the worst in people, not some disney and starbucks crossover. but that’s just me. you can stand here and wait for prince charming to come “ she arched a brow. “ or you can let me help with the other one. if anything, we can get free drinks out of it. “
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Autumn burst out laughing at the sight of Addie wiggling her eyebrows. “You’re right, you’re right,” she said, drinking a bit of coffee. A devious grin appeared on her lips. “Alright. Let’s go get some free drinks. Sounds good to me. I’ll buy the first round to get us started.”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
frankee ;
“What better way to catch an eye than to lay out in a bikini?” She pointed out with a smirk. “Really? Well I suppose I can oblige, I’m not too bad at talking people up. I’ve got about an hour left”
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“Alright,” Autumn said, pulling a file folder out of her purse. “I can grade papers for an hour. No problem at all. Just let me know when you’re off.” She stuck out her hand. “I’m Autumn, by the way. And you’re... Frankee,” she noted, looking at the nametag on the woman’s uniform.
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
frankee ;
“And water, gotta rehydrate” She pointed out as she placed her hands on her hips “Really now?” Frankee couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the man’s confidence in himself. 
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Colin nodded, motioning for the waitress to come back. “Could I get a glass of water and a basket of bread... and another drink for this lovely lady next to me?” He smiled at the waitress and gave her a wink. “Really. Does this look like the face of a man who would lie to you?” He pointed to his face, giving her puppy dog eyes and pouty lips.
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
martina ;
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“Well I can’t sympathize with you since I’ve never been drunk before.” Martina told Colin after serving him his drink which wasn’t that odd since they did tend to get those who came in needing a hungover cure quite a bit at Waverly before rolling her eyes in amusement at his lame attempt at hitting on her. “Sorry, sweets but I’m taken. But it was a good attempt either way.” Okay so she was slightly lying but she didn’t want the guy to feel even worse than he did right now. “Can I get you anything else?”
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“You’ve never been drunk? Well, someone’s got to fix that,” he said, taking another sip of his drink. He shrugged off her rejection. “That’s alright. I envy the man -- or woman -- who gets to spend their time with someone as gorgeous as you.” He meant it sincerely. She was beautiful. He opened up the menu, scanning it. “I would love a chicken bacon ranch sandwich with some dressed greens on the side, if possible.”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
luca ;
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“Dude I fall asleep on the couch at my apartment all the time!” Luca said waving Michael off as he continued lacing up his boots making sure they were tied properly. “What’s the rent for living on the dock anyway? I’ve always been curious.”
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“Who doesn’t?” Michael said, examining Luca’s every move. He followed what the other man did with a solid intensity, knowing that Luca knew better than him when it came to fieldwork. “It’s about five hundred a month, but I technically live on my boat, and I park at the dock.”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
pip ;
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    pip watches with muted interest as the other sets up his pickup line and then strikes out, getting little more than a quick smile. it’s fairly early in the morning but she’s just gotten off her shift, her makeup from the club still on her face and her shocking platinum hair tugged up into a messy bun after having been whipped around wildly behind her mixing booth. “ you know, ” she chips in, gesturing a finger between him and the retreating waitress. “ i can only speak for myself but i wouldn’t exactly want to be compared to a nasty hangover, even if it was intended as a compliment. ” pip can’t help a little laugh, her gaze flickering up to his. “ especially by someone rocking shades indoors. in fact, that may be why she turned you down, love. ” 
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After getting dismissed by his server (who, now that he thought about it, wasn’t that great looking anyways), he heard an accented voice pipe up. He took off his sunglasses after hearing her comment, turning to her with a shit-eating grin on his face. “You may be right, love,” he said, his forearm resting on the counter of the bar. He wasn’t intending to be sarcastic, but worried it came out that way. “How do you suggest I improve? You know, for next time I need to talk to a beautiful woman such as that waitress.”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
damien ;
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he chuckles, all the while keeping his cheeky expression bright and still. “sometimes when i look at people in yoga pants i think i’m in love,” he counters with a wave of his index finger. “but alright, you wanna people watch? want me to be your wingman?”
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Autumn spun around in her stool, looking around the crowd. “I’d love a wingman. If you ever need a wingwoman, I’ll return the favor,” she said with a slight laugh. She looked around, and pointed someone out. “What about him? He’s kinda cute, right?”
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iinsidicus-blog · 6 years
frankee ;
“I mean I wasn’t going to say that you did…or didn’t I know nothing about living on a boat” She smirked a little with a small shrug. “But sounds like your night was…..eventful” She laughed.
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Michael smiled. “It was quite eventful, yeah. I’m new around here so I went sight-seeing... and sight-seeing turned into bar-hopping... and bar-hopping turned into not even making it over to the bed when I got home.”
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