ipbinstitute · 8 days
Are you aspiring to build a successful career in banking? Join our free webinar for comprehensive guidance on navigating and excelling in private sector banks. Learn from industry experts, gain valuable insights, and set your career on the path to success. Don’t miss this invaluable opportunity! Register Now! https://bit.ly/3wKyXlQ
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thecommunicablecoog · 2 months
Valenti Career Workshop Recap
The Jack J. Valenti School of Communication consistently goes above and beyond to provide the best resources to encourage students' success and professional development. 
On Tuesday, March 26th, Pierpont Communications organized the Valenti Career Workshop with the School of Communication, featuring speakers from a variety of companies including Pierpont, Exxon, KHOU, Telemundo, and more. The event took place at the University of Houston Alumni Center.
Pierpont Communications is the largest agency in Texas that focuses on providing public relations, marketing, digital, and public affairs strategies. Pierpont has worked with many large companies such as Walmart, Total Wines, and Emirates, just to list a few. 
The Valenti Career Workshop presented an opportunity for students at the Jack J. Valenti School of Communications to network and learn from professionals in the communications industry. 
The workshop kicked off with a Q&A panel, allowing students to ask any questions about the experiences of the participating professionals.
The Panel led by Victoria Cook, Senior Account Supervisor at Pierpont Communications, included professionals such as Jahnara Khan from Good Reason Houston, Jenna Martson from Stoller Group, and Stephanie Pelaez from Pierpont Communications. 
Following the panel were “speed dating” style round tables. 
Speed dating, or speed networking, is a way to efficiently make professional connections in a short amount of time. The round tables presented a more face-to-face experience for students to ask more direct and detailed questions in addition to forming LinkedIn connections or sharing resumes. 
With a total of 12 round tables, each round table focused on different topics and industries which allowed students to spend their time at tables where they could gain the most knowledge. 
Several captivating topics were discussed at the round table sessions including  Influencer Marketing, Digital Marketing, Non-profit PR, Interviewing Strategies and Best Practices, Sports Broadcasting, Digital Content, and many more. 
Professional connections is a great way to get your foot in the door which can be a possibility for career opportunities in the future. 
I had the opportunity to connect and converse one-on-one with several communications professionals and here is a few things I learned. 
Tips from Communications Professionals 
Stephanie Pelaez from Pierpont Communications started her marketing career at a dental office. Yes, you heard right! Pelaez taught us that dental office experience can lead to a promising career at a dominating communications firm. 
After studying for her Master's in Marketing, Pelaez went the extra mile to gain certifications in Digital Marketing. Here are the certifications she recommends to anyone interested in Digital Marketing: 
Google Analytics
Google Ads Search
Hootsuite Social Marketing 
Free Courses on LinkedIn or HubSpot 
Lupita Villarreal is a Digital Content Producer at KHOU11. Villarreal is a UH alumna and shared her post-grad experiences. She struggled to find a job for two years after graduating until she decided to take a leap of faith which led to her advice for students. 
Apply outside of Houston
Don’t be afraid of new experiences 
Never put your dreams to the side for anyone 
Villarreal only applied to positions at large news companies in the big city of Houston. After facing many rejections, she applied to smaller cities outside her hometown. Eventually, she was hired on at 12News in Beaumont, Texas, where she worked for two years until she was hired on at her dream job at KHOU11.
Taking a leap of faith and going the extra mile to expand your knowledge are proven ways to help you grow and flourish not only as a student and professional but as an individual. 
The Valenti Career Workshop was a great networking and skill-building opportunity. I encourage all Valenti students to keep an eye out for future workshops to attend! 
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venkteshwara · 1 year
नयी शिक्षा नीति से स्थायी रोजगार एवं सम्मानित कैरियर के बढते अवसर’’ विषय पर ’’कैरियर वर्कशाप’’
वेंक्टेश्वरा संस्थान का (मेरठ एवं गजरौला परिसर) उत्तर प्रदेश प्राविधिक शिक्षा बोर्ड के संयुक्त तत्वाधान में ’’नयी शिक्षा नीति से स्थायी रोजगार एवं सम्मानित कैरियर के बढते अवसर’’ विषय पर ’’कैरियर वर्कशाप’’आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी द्वारा लायी गयी नयी शिक्षा नीति ऐतिहासिक व क्रान्तिकारी, युवाओ विशेष रूप से ’’वर्किंग यूथ’’ के लिए इसमें राष्ट्रीय एवं अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर ढेरो विकल्प- डॉ0 सुधीर गिरि, चेयरमैन, वेंक्टेश्वरा समूह।नयी शिक्षा नीति के तहत प्राविधिक शिक्षण संस्थानो एवं उत्तर प्रदेश की आई0टी0आई0 (औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थानो) के साथ मिलकर युवाओ को नौकरी एवं बिजनेस के साथ-2 उनकी तकनीकी एजूकेशन को ’’अपग्रेड’’ करने के लिए ’’पार्टटाईम’’ तकनीकी डिप्लोमा, यू0जी0, पी0जी0 पाठ्यक्रम शुरु करने वाला वेंक्टेश्वरा पहला संस्थान- डॉ0 राजीव त्यागी, नेशनल कैरियर कोच एवं प्रतिकुलाधिपति श्री वेंक्टेश्वरा विश्वविद्यालय/संस्थान।वेंक्टेश्वरा की कैरियर काउन्सिलिंग टीम ने ’’नयी शिक्षा नीति से बढते रोजगार के अवसर’’ विषय पर वेस्ट यू0पी0 के अमरोहा, बिजनौर मेरठ, हापुड़ समेत आधा दर्जन से अधिक जनपदो औद्योगिक प्रशिक्षण संस्थानो एवं पॉलीटेक्निक स्कूल में आयोजित की कार्यशालाऐ।नयी शिक्षा नीति को देश के अन्तिम छोर (अन्तोदय) तक पहुंचाने एवं युवाओ को इसके साथ जोड़कर उनको शैक्षिक रुप से ’’अपग्रेड’’ कर लाभान्वित करने के मिशन के साथ श्री वेंक्टेश्वरा विश्वविद्यालय/संस्थान ने जून से सितम्बर माह तक चलने वाली ’’निशुल्क कैरियर वर्कशॉप/कार्यशाला योजना’’ का आज विधिवत शुभारम्भ कर दिया। इस कड़ी में आज वेंक्टेश्वरा संस्थान की मेरठ एवं गजरौला परिसर की आठ टीमो ने मरेठ, बिजनौर, अमरोहा, मुरादाबाद की आधा दर्जन से अधिक आई0टी0आईस, एवं पॉलीटेक्निक, शिक्षण संस्थानो में कार्यशालाएं आयोजित करके युवाओ को बताया कि कैसे इस शानदार नयी शिक्षा नीति से वो लोग आई0टी0आई0 एवं पॉलीटेक्निक के बाद नौकरी के साथ-2 क्रमशः पॉलीटेक्निक एवं बी0टेक (पार्ट टाईम) में सीधे द्वितीय वर्ष में प्रवेश करके आगे एम0टेक0 एवं पी0एच0डी0 तक अपनी एजूकेशन को ’’अपग्रेड’’ करके देश विदेश में ढेरो सम्मानित रोजगार एवं स्थायी कैरियर के विकल्प चुन सकते है। इस अवसर पर एक ’’साईंस क्विज’’ का भी आयोजन किया गया जिसके विजेताओ को प्रतिकुलाधिपति डॉ0 राजीव त्यागी ने राजकीय पॉलीटेक्निक के प्रधानाचार्य डॉ0 लक्ष्मीचन्द्र के साथ मिलकर स्मृति चिन्ह देकर सम्मानित किया। नयी शिक्षा नीति में कैरियर एवं रोजगार के बढते अवसर विषय पर आयोजित कार्यशाला का अमरोहा में राजकीय पॉलीटेक्निक में शुभारम्भ प्रतिकुलाधिपति डॉ0 राजीव त्यागी, प्रधानाचार्य पॉलीटेक्निक डॉ0 लक्ष्मीचन्द्र, डॉ0 मोहित शर्मा, मारूफ चौधरी एवं मेरठ परिसर में डॉ0 प्रताप, डॉ0 संजय तिवारी आदि ने सरस्वती माँ की प्रतिमा के सन्मुख दीप प्रज्जवलित करके किया। इस अवसर पर प्रभारी कुलपति डॉ0 राकेश यादव, कुलसचिव डॉ0 पीयूष पाण्डेय, अभिनव गिरि, मारूफ चौधरी, अरूण गोस्वामी, प्रीतपाल सिंह, निशा रजौरिया, डॉ0 अश्वनी कुमार, कमल सिंह, ई0 मौ0 सोहेब, अमित कुमार, अभिनन्दन सिंह, मीडिया प्रभारी विश्वास राणा आदि लोग उपस्थित रहे।
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newstattoos · 1 year
Alisha Dulaney Students hear Imani and Tina Tatum and Nat Power laugh and smile as they discuss their careers as tattoo artists. On Friday afternoon, the Kendra Scott Center was buzzing with excitement as students waited patiently for local tattoo artists' knowledge to reveal themselves on paper. The Fine Arts Career Services organized Building ...
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kbconsultancyltd · 6 years
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We work with schools and teach the next generations the tools of life and path to success. Our focus is illustrating the link between good grades and career choice as well as the various academic pathways available to them. https://kbconsultancy.uk/greatfields-school/ #careerworkshop #business #selfemployment (at Greatfields School)
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anxiousoverreactor · 4 years
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The fight for justice is far from over. We’re incredibly grateful for our sponsors for helping us do the work to heal our community: ⭐️The latest episode of @Thedreadedquestion podcast features @ItsCarlitaV and @darknessrisingproject! Check out their upcoming workshop, DOING IT ALSO: How to create a parallel career which utilizes your unique skills. The next 2 signups will have tuition donated to Darkness RISING. ⭐️@_Almanyc is offering virtual dance classes, with donations going to Darkness RISING. More info/schedule will be available via @_Almanyc ⭐️@Thenotsostarvingartistnyc offers financial literacy classes. For the month of June, take an IRA or an investing class, and $50 will be donated to Darkness RISING. ⭐️@OCUNYC Held a fun fitness class, with donations going to Darkness RISING ⭐️@Julie.anne.mcnamara hosts a daily meditation via Facebook Live, with donations going to Darkness RISING To our company donors, and all of our individual donors as well—Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for supporting our work and our mission. You donations help us create mental health programming for the Black community, and we’re so grateful. 🖤 #Loveourdonors #grateful #fullhearts #donorlove #TheDreadedQuestion #careerworkshop #danceclasses #virtualclass #dance #financialliteracy #ira #fitnessclass #workout #ocu #meditation #morningmeditation #mentalhealth #healingjourney #Blacklivesmatter #Blackmentalhealth #mentalhealthnonprofit #IamDarknessRISING #DarknessRISING https://www.instagram.com/p/CBG3KaCDj94/?igshid=19ecma2c3yv8b
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scholarshipja · 4 years
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You have made your New Year's Resolutions. Now let’s operationalize those goals so that you can live your best life! Come out to @horacebuddoo’s session happening on January 18th! We promise that this will change your life! #2020VisionForMyLife ##horacebuddoo #careerworkshop #workshop www.2020visionformylife.com https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_BqV-BTjB/?igshid=rvc0muk8gnss
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dheyaism · 5 years
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Dheya Alumni Meet was launched at Bangalore by the Director Research on 1st of September 2019. This will be a regular activity for the customers of Dheya. Mentor Rashmi Rao did the introductory session, followed by an interesting activity on Mind Time and importance of Positive Thinking by our Mentor Harini R. Master Mentor Shekhar Karanje facilitated the entire session. The parents and children had an open house with the mentors to gain more clarity on their respective career goals. They also shared their expectations and experience with Dheya. Special thanks to our Career Mentors Rashmi Rao, Harini R. Shekhar J. Karanje, Sonia Bhattacharyya, Sandhya Doddihal, Anil Kumar, Tulsidas Shringri, Murali and Praveen Kumar. www.dheya.com #PositiveStudySkills #CareerGuidance #CareerWorkshop #AlumniMeet #FuturisticCareers #Dheyaism https://www.instagram.com/p/B18mrYeAMNR/?igshid=1nujjotsa3nv5
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ladyyoeebeauty-blog · 5 years
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Went to represent Oscar Mpetians and LadyYoee Nails at the KasiLaw Programme. I spoke to our future leaders. 🙏🏽 . . . . Plublic Speaker ❤️🙌🏽😇 . . . #publicspeaker #motivationalspeaker #leadership #leader #womenempowerment #career #careerworkshop #beauty #fashion #businesswomen #womeninbusiness #womenleaders (at LadyYoee Nails & Beauty) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxnHeMIjVDM/?igshid=4qv8p24kpmdk
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Mr Ravi Chhawchhariya a renowned CA and educator who has bagged all India ranking in professional exams like CA, CS and CWA visited our campus and enlightened our students about the various career options available in the field of commerce. Students were highly satisfied after the session where they could understand various criterias according to which they need to make their subject selection to frame their career path. #mrravichhawchhariya #renownedca #educator #professionalexams #careeroptions #careerincommerce #careersession #careerseminar #workshop #careerworkshop #campusvisit #commerce #subjectselection #commercestudent #tvisvisit #students #session #school #bestschool #cbse #surat #vesu #adajan #pal #citylight #taptivalley #tvis (at Tapti Valley International School) https://www.instagram.com/taptivalley/p/Bun299LB8NN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ugak300hw5u4
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Autumn is great time for your personal development & education 📚... get some offline and/or online (not only career;) workshops and grow 🔝☝! This season I train for @czechitas @nadaniadovednosti @tvoje_sance @pwc_czech_republic @fdv @edwardscareers @vox @cityhallofprague @mšmt @womenforwomen @kariernipout // Toma algunos de entrenamientos o capacitaciónes y aprende algo nuevo. Otoño 🍁🍂🍃 es temporada ideal 🤗. . . . #education #vzdelavanie #vzdelani #vzdelavani #courses #workshop #capacitacion #careerworkshop #careercoach #careertraining #personalbrand #careerdevelopment (en Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9id2ihCgr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xommojxxvm
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ameliaily · 6 years
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Meet @theameliafortes, one of our presenters for the @selflovehealingcenter June 2018 event: Self-Love Career & Business: Empower Your Lifestyle from Within 🎟 Tix on sale now, Link in BIO 👆🏽 #womensworkshop #womeninbiz #bossbabes #careerworkshop #selfloveworkshop #selflove #selflovestory #selflovehealingcenter
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When you truly believe in something -- nothing can distract you from standing firm in what you know to be true. ... CBeyond Enterprises provides developmental services to help groups of all sizes. Elevating soft skills and marketplace readiness through Professional Development Training and Coaching. ... Mentorship that guides accountability and action driven steps by setting and achieving milestones and goals. ... Motivational Speaking that energizes individuals to take actionable steps towards accomplishing dreams. ... #changinglives #careerpath #actionsteps #corporatespeaker #goalsetter #mentoring #motivate #trainingworkshop #mentoringmatters #trainingprograms #publicspeakers #mindsetiseverything #keepgoing #educationalworkshop #youthleadership #youthspeak #softskills #cbeyond2018 #cbeservices #collegiate #undergrads #educational #schoolboard #masterclasses #speaker #motivator #titleoneschool #resumeworkshop #impactinglives #careerworkshop
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careerchangewhat · 3 years
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Having true career clarity is the core building block for a successful job search. . Because if you don't really know and acknowledge what you like and don't like, you won't know what to watch out for and you'll end up back in the same place you are now: miserable at your job. . So what can you do to help discover the perfect job for you? . ✨ Dig deep to understand what you like ✨ Dig deeper for what you don't like ✨ Keep digging, what are you good at? ✨ Ask yourself, what job matches all of these? ✨ Join the Career Change Workshop for even more guidance 😀 . One of my last workshoppers was soooo miserable in her finance job and knew she wanted to pivot into fashion but wasn't sure what that looked like or how to do it. Within the clarity session she was able to paint a clear picture of what she wanted and I was then able to guide her to real job listings that matched her perfect job. . She even wrote to me, " the clarity session and your job recommendations that you emailed over to me the first week were so helpful and eye opening!" . You'll no longer be on this journey alone. You'll no longer confused on what to look for or what to do next. You'll have me right by your side every step of the way until you finally get that perfect job that makes you truly happy. . So if you're ready to work with me to find the perfect job for you, comment below with ✨ and I'll send you info to join the Career Change Workshop! . . . . . . . #careerchangewhat #careercoachingforwomen #careercoaching #careercoach #resume #resumetips #resumehelp #jobsearchtips #linkedintips #lifecoaching #careeradvice #jobtips #interviewtips #careerchange #jobsearchhelp #jobsearch #linkedinprofile #linkedinlife #linkedinlearning #jobsearching #careerclarity #perfectjob #jobadvice #dreamjobs #claritycoach #careerworkshop #loveyourlifeorchangeit #careerdevelopment #lifecoachingforwomen #newjobwhodis (at Ballston Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPN8m77D07o/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kbconsultancyltd · 6 years
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We love to teach online and face to face. Here are some of our top courses #salesfundamentals #Entrepreneurship101 #careerworkshop #socialmediamaximisation #startingabusiness #changeissuccess
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wynta623 · 7 years
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Did you know that we offer #CareerWorkshops to #nonprofits that work with low-income clients? We believe in doing what we can to help those in need move forward on their path towards #SelfSufficiency ☺. #WorkforceDevelopment #JobReadiness #SoftSkills #NPO #CareerConsultant #CareerCoach #CareerGoals #CareerAdvice #resume #ResumeWriter #CoverLetter #CareerChange #JobHunt #career #workshop #instajob #instagood #instadaily #FollowUs #WeFollowBack #entrepreneurship #SmallBiz #Chicago #DC #Baltimore #Atlanta #Detroit
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