#career training
sheleadershipscfi · 1 year
Role of Executive coaching in Career Transitions
Executive transitions are a regular occurrence in organizations, whether it's a move to a higher level, a different function, a new business, or even a new country. While these transitions can be exciting opportunities, they can also be stressful and carry risks that can derail careers. That's where we come in: we provide coaching services to executives to help set them up for success during these transitions.
Our coaches act as a side and rear-view mirror for the transitioning executive, helping them assess the sources of transition pressure and supporting them in making dynamic plans and actions to deal with them. This could involve to learn new skills, build new relationships, or clarify expectations with key stakeholders. The goal of transition coaching is to help executives settle down, feel comfortable, and deliver sustainable results for the organization.
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Coaching for Peak Performance
The benefits of coaching for performance are significant for businesses. Ensuring that executives receive timely support can help to avoid the costs associated with failed transitions. The cost of not providing support can be enormous, not just for the organization but for the individual's career prospects as well and this is where transition coaching ideally plays a prime role. 
Executives who are transitioning to a new role face a variety of challenges, including adapting to a new corporate culture, learning new skills, and building relationships with new colleagues. This can be a time of great stress and uncertainty, which is why it's important to provide them with the coaching for performance they need to succeed.
One of the key benefits of coaching for performance with an expert coach is that they can help executives navigate the transition process with greater ease and confidence. By working with a transition coaching expert, executives can identify potential obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them.
Our transition coaching mentors also help executives develop their leadership skills and enhance their performance during the transition period. They provide feedback and guidance on areas for improvement and help executives set goals and develop action plans to achieve them.
Ultimately, the goal is to help executives feel comfortable and confident in their new roles, so they can deliver sustainable results for the organization. By providing timely support during this critical period, organizations can set their executives up for success while avoiding the costs and risks associated with failed transitions.
In conclusion, if your organization is facing an executive transition, working with us can provide invaluable support. Through our transition coaching program, we can help executives navigate the critical period of transition wherein they can settle into their new roles and deliver results in a sustainable manner. Don't let executive transitions become a source of stress and risk; talk to us about how we can help your organization with our coaching program. 
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soumya191 · 1 year
Make yourself a Priority. At the end of the day, You are your longest Commitment. Welcome to Heal And Rise With the vision to equip individuals with the skills to succeed and grow in their lives, Heal and Rise ask you to be part of this journey. Realize your potential!
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swnjobs-md · 1 year
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From 2020 to 2030, pest control employment is expected to grow by 10%, and these technicians are currently earning over $46,000 a year in Maryland. As Cecil College prepares to welcome the next class of students, now is the time to contact a Workforce Center and ask about no-cost enrollment.
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tamelee · 3 months
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Happy 3/7day 🥰~! 'One day we'll look back on all these memories and smile about it'
Process + detail:
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goodcareerpath · 1 year
Is a Career in Medical/Dental Instruments a Good Career Path?
Whether or not a career in medical/dental instruments is right for you depends on a number of factors. For example, a person's education and skill set will play a big role in determining whether or not this type of career will be a good fit for them. Another thing to consider is the type of job that a person will be doing and how much money he or she can expect to make.
Is medical/dental instruments a good career path?
Whether you're looking for a career change or a way to earn more money, the Medical/Dental Instruments industry has a wide variety of jobs and career paths. These jobs range from entry-level to advanced positions. With a little training, you can find a job that you love.
Whether you're interested in helping patients with dental procedures or you're an expert at running medical equipment, there's a job in the medical/dental instruments industry for you. It pays well and provides a solid career.
As a sales service representative, you'll need to learn about computer programs, medical equipment, and supplies. Those with experience can become managers in dental and medical companies.
Surgical technicians are an important part of the medical industry, and they help surgeons during their procedures. Those who work in the operating room must pay close attention to detail, and follow the directions of their doctors carefully.
Medical supply technicians know how to repair, assemble, and disassemble medical instruments. They also understand how to improve medical devices. These jobs can be performed in a hospital, a factory, or an office.
Entry level jobs in medical/dental instruments
Whether you are a fresher or a seasoned professional, the medical/dental instruments industry can provide you with several job opportunities. These are both high-paying and secure. It is also a growing industry that offers many avenues for advancement.
Entry level jobs in the medical/dental instruments industry offer the opportunity to gain experience and move up the ladder. These jobs may not require a high school diploma, but you will need to have an understanding of the equipment and be knowledgeable about computer programs. You will also need to be proactive about changes.
If you are looking for a career in the medical/dental instruments industry, you might want to consider a job as a sales service representative. This role involves managing inventories and making sure that supplies are in good working order. This role is also an entry level job, but you will need to complete training and learn about computer programs.
One of the highest paying jobs in the medical/dental instruments industry is a surgical technician. You will need to have excellent attention to detail, as these technicians assist surgeons during surgery.
Average Salary in medical/dental instruments field
Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out, there are many options to consider in the medical/dental instruments field. The industry is growing rapidly and is home to a wide array of job opportunities. There are jobs available from entry level to specialized positions.
Depending on the position you are applying for, you may be required to have a degree or certification in a specific area of medicine. Some jobs may require a higher degree, such as a PhD or a master's degree. Other jobs may require a high school diploma or GED. Regardless of the degree or certification, all jobs require a certain level of knowledge and proficiency.
One of the best paying jobs in the medical/dental instruments field is an entry level position as a surgical technician. Surgical technicians perform a variety of tasks, including assisting surgeons during surgery. They must pay close attention to detail and follow instructions carefully. Typically, most surgical technicians hold an associate's degree in a medical field related to the work they are performing.
Education certificate and Skill Requirements
Whether you are looking for a job with a large paycheck or to just get started in the health care field, there are many opportunities to pursue a career in medical/dental instruments. There are also many educational certificates and skill requirements to consider.
The medical/dental instruments industry is one of the largest in the world. You can find a variety of jobs, from repairing equipment to selling them. While some jobs require only a high school diploma, others require an advanced degree or professional certification.
Dentists have a variety of hard and soft skills, from good technical skills to interpersonal skills. They also need to master good business practices. It is important for dentists to stay up to date on the latest technology and best practices in their field.
One of the most important skills for dentists is good communication skills. They need to be able to educate patients on preventative care and diagnoses. They also need to be able to communicate effectively with other team members.
Dental lab technicians make custom dentures and appliances. They also help patients maintain good oral health. They may also be responsible for keeping supplies in good working condition.
Future Industry Outlook- medical/dental instrument
Despite a global economic downturn and a lingering pandemic, the future Industry Outlook for medical/dental instruments is positive. The global market is expected to grow at a healthy 6% CAGR through the 2020-2030 period, according to a report by Future Market Insights.
Ageing populations around the world have led to an increase in demand for medical products and services. The demand for medical devices and surgical equipment is driven by an increasing number of inpatient admissions and diagnostic procedures. The United States alone accounts for an estimated 33.4 million inpatient admissions in 2021.
In the United Kingdom, the medical equipment sector accounts for nearly a quarter of industry revenue. The industry is dominated by the National Health Service. The UK government has pledged to inject tens of billions into the industry over the next few years. The UK medical device industry has also been largely influenced by EU regulations. However, Brexit has created uncertainty for the industry's future.
The mining sector is also influential in the medical device industry. The mining industry is estimated to contribute about 10% of the country's economy. However, the demand for mining equipment is mixed.
Pros of medical/dental instruments career
Choosing a career in the medical/dental instruments field is a great choice. It offers a multitude of job opportunities, good pay, and security. It's also a field that continues to grow and change.
Some people choose this career path for its creative opportunities, while others opt for the security of a steady job. It's also a good field for those without a formal education, especially since the job requires regular training and constant learning.
There are several medical and dental instruments jobs to choose from, including sales, manufacturing, and repair. Some are entry-level, while others require more education.
The field is growing, with a predicted 8% growth rate between 2018 and 2028. The field is also a good choice for those who want to work in a technologically advanced industry. Besides, it's a field where you can make a difference in people's lives.
A medical/dental instruments career is a great choice for anyone looking for a career that will offer job security, good pay, and a fun and rewarding work environment.
Cons of medical/dental instruments career
Whether you are looking to get a job in the medical industry or just want to expand your horizons, there are many options to choose from. Getting a job in the health care industry can provide a great deal of stability while still giving you the opportunity to spend time with your family. The healthcare industry offers a variety of high-paying jobs that allow you to help people while earning a paycheck.
The medical/dental instrument industry is also an industry that offers a variety of high-paying and high-skilled opportunities. You can choose from careers in dental technology, oral surgery, or orthodontics. Each entails a plethora of skills and abilities that are required to excel. The industry is also expected to grow by a substantial amount over the next few years.
The medical/dental instrument industry may be the right industry for you if you're looking for a challenging and high-paying career. You can also look to open your own clinic to boost your income. The industry is a great way to gain exposure to the healthcare industry while learning about business.
Whether you're looking for a career that offers high wages, good job security, and a lot of variety, the medical/dental instruments industry is a good option. With advances in medicine and technology, the industry is growing and offers a wide variety of opportunities for advancement. If you're passionate about helping people and improving their quality of life, the industry is one of the best options for you.
Jobs in this industry vary from entry-level to high-level positions. Some require a high school diploma, while others require a graduate degree. Regardless of the level of education required, you'll find that the industry is constantly changing. It's important to stay on top of the latest developments.
There are many different professions in the medical/dental instruments industry, including engineers, salespeople, marketers, and manufacturers. Each position requires a different skill set and knowledge base.
If you're looking for an entry-level position, a job as a production assembler may be ideal. Although this job requires a lot of physical work, it is a good option for people who like working with their hands.
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mueritos · 2 months
its crazy how coming into clinical social work, i really just thought I was up against systems and cycles of trauma....but it turns out i'm up against those two things AND other therapists. the amount of work spent correcting mistakes from other clinicians--whether with clients or during the classroom--is fucking crazy.
i totally get we're all on different journeys in terms of being clinicians. but it is insane finding out day after day of therapists and clinicians saying the worst things ever to clients. demeaning them, telling them "it's all in their head", the racism and the ableism and harm that is caused. like no fucking wonder people are afraid to seek therapy (on top of the accessibility issues). while i'm a little biased and think that at the very least clinical social work training focuses on viewing people within their environments (so not engaging in the medical/individualist models of practice that a lot of counseling programs focus on), that doesn't mean it gives every person the skills to be an effective therapist. i'm also not saying i'm the best clinician ever--I'm literally in training--but boy! it is jarring seeing how some of my peers interact in class and wondering...is that how you are with your clients??
my social work program at the very least also has a focus on anti-racism, but i know students from other programs and some of them don't even mention racism AT ALL and focus entirely on diagnosing people "correctly", or finding the perfect form of therapy to use on a client. but man, what none of these programs teach are basic life skills. wanting to be a clinician isn't enough, especially considering that an inhumane amount of people in my program are 1. so nervous about making mistakes that they lose scope of their practice 2. have so much internalized racism/white guilt to work thru 3. or they have absolutely no listening skills.
again, im not trying to make it seem like I am the number 1 clinician in the world ever. I don't even have a psych background or bachelor's in social work. my reasons for going into social work are quite selfish (I want a job that is very flexible, easily transferable, and can be done in different contexts), and the helping people part is just a plus. i'm just saying it's very jarring seeing other people in training and realizing they too are working with clients. i have conversation after conversation about these issues with other BIPOC/queer/marginalized clinicians, so I know i'm not the only person worried about some of the people that will be out of this program in a few years practicing on their own or with vulnerable populations.
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charlunday · 6 months
A thought I've been having: do you think people in career districts would eventually try to have their children in july or august to give them the biggest leg up/more time to train for the games?
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see-arcane · 6 months
Just tripped and fell into a what-if scenario:
"What if Jonathan really had caught up to Dracula in Piccadilly and killed him in the street?"
Head lopped off. Kukri through the chest. The 'murder victim' turns to dust in full view of the gawking crowd. Then what? Then what??
Piccadilly Police: "So this man beheaded and impaled an aristocrat in the middle of the street."
Witnesses: "He did."
Piccadilly Police: "And the body..?"
Witnesses: "Crumbled into that pile of dust."
Piccadilly Police: "..."
Witnesses: "..."
Piccadilly Police: "...So has he named which magician he's working for or--?"
Witnesses: "No, he's just been busy kicking the dust into the horse dung piles in the gutter."
Of course, this is the best case scenario sillytimes version. Serious version? Jonathan only manages half of the process before some Good Samaritans tackle him; and likely get cut in the process. I bet he could chop Dracula's head off, but not manage the heart-piercing in time. He gets dragged off to jail. The Count's two pieces get taken to the morgue. And now Van Helsing, the Suitors, and Mina are all on a ticking deadline to stake Dracula's heart before sundown with Important Witnesses present to prove Jonathan's innocence and sanity in the slaying...
And if and when that happens?
That means the Drac Attack Pack are responsible for bringing the reality of vampires into the public awareness.
Surprise, everyone!
Imagine the can of worms that would open around them, around the whole concept. Their original plan to head to Castle Dracula to end the Brides gets a LOT of extra tagalong company. Photographers are there. Ditto shady government sorts who, of course, are eager to investigate a way to turn vampirism into a benefit to the Crown. The Drac Attack Pack would be swamped with sensationalism. It'd be a circus.
Which all adds up to a belated understanding for me about just why Dracula had to get away from them in Piccadilly. If he had been caught and killed? God. What a mess it'd be.
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grison-in-space · 2 months
Hi! I've just stumbled onto the dogblr side of Tumblr and it seems fascinating. Could you recommend any fundamental reading/watching material for people who want to start learning about dog training/behaviour/cognition? It would also be cool to hear about how you, personally, got into it if you're okay sharing- it seems like a niche field and I'm curious about what the journey might look like for different people. Thanks! ^.^
Oh, sure! Bear in mind that my particular path is, um, actually much weirder than most folks': the dog training with clients is a very new (and very part time) development in my professional life. In my full time job, I'm a postdoctoral associate in neuroscience working on motivation and decision-making in the context of animal behavior. And even for that, my career path has been bizarre: I started out in population genetics, did the PhD in behavioral ecology with a side of metabolic neuroendocrinology, and have now wound up in a NIH-oriented lab focusing on topics related to sex differences, neurodivergence and addiction.
It just occured to me that the dog training thing puts me squarely on the grounds of applied animal behavior research, which means that I've done it! I've poked into all the disciplines that can be described as Animal Behaviour and collected all the achievements! I really gotta reinvest in the Animal Behavior meeting, huh. Oh, wait, no: I'm forgetting behavior genetics, which is an area of strong interest I've poked around the edges of but never myself published in.
See, animal behavior as a formal study contains at least four different disciplines of study that really only loosely interact with one another. Behavioral ecology often appears in concert within ecology and evolution, and it focuses on the study of animals within their own natural context according to their own concerns and experiences. Neuroscience is typically thinking in terms of understanding the mechanism of the human brain, and behaviorism is similarly trained on the universal mechanisms of learning and behavior. Applied animal behavior involves studying how to most effectively, safely, and ethically manage animals in human care, including both domestic animals and captive wild ones; it also covers finding out how to teach animals to do complex but useful behaviors, like training working animals. Neuroendocrinology involves studying how hormones effect changes in the brain and body: metabolic hormones, stress hormones, sex hormones, the works. Behavior genetics (and epigenetics) include studying the effects of genetic variation on behavior itself.
It's certainly not uncommon for people to jump fields once or twice, or to straddle an intersection of approaches over their careers. It's.... less usual to bounce around one's career to quite this extent, which I attribute to the fact that a) I have quite a bit of fairly obvious ADHD, b) I've never worked for anyone who hasn't had their own case bedeviling our focus, and c) I graduated directly into COVID, which meant that I had to figure out a solution on the fly when all the positions I had intended to cultivate dried up overnight.
Not that I'm bitter.
As for how I got into the dog training gig, essentially I like dog training, I really like this outfit, and I have some credit card debt I would really like to pay down. I wanted to meet and talk to more dog folks in the area and I also really missed teaching—I taught every spring and fall through my 8yr PhD, I'm good at it, and I really enjoy it. Since I've respected (almost) every instructor I've had through this outfit, and the one exception involved being listened to immediately about my concerns and increased supervision in response, and I knew that one of my instructors worked part time with them, I figured it might be a neat side gig. So far, that's been bourne out.
I also do have some longer term plans to do some behavioral genetics and neuroscience work on dogs, and I would like to incorporate some noninvasive experiments that use dogs from the general public. My facility also has a robust doggy daycare program and it'd be rad to work with them to build opportunities for everyone in a few years. I'm hoping to leverage a permanent tenure track job at my institution over it, but I might go in several directions from here. Predicting the direction of my career has been a losing proposition so far, so let's see what seems good at the time and stick around as long as I'm having fun.
As for how I got into dogs and dog behavior specifically? In addition to the ADHD, I'm autistic enough to have been diagnosed as a tween girl in the 00s, and my special interests never quite leave —they just flare up and simmer down in long periods over my life. Dogs are the first and earliest of these; my parents told me that they'd seen me gravitating towards the family Lhasa from pretty much the moment I could roll over on my belly. That seems about right. Dogs have been my gateway to huge corridors of my intellectual world, and dog training specifically have been a hobby for some time. In addition to my training gig, I'm experimenting with functional service tasks to support me as burnout and neurodivergence have limited my capacity.
Books and reading recs I'll try to get to later, mm falling asleep right now.
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aurorangen · 7 months
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Billy did not oversleep. In fact, he's been getting little to no sleep. Billy has been working on an old case on missing people and his team decided to put the case back in the archives. There wasn't enough evidence to solve it and he should be working on other stuff. Luckily he had the rest of the day off, so he quickly went to pick up Renee.
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Yep that was Charlie in the background and he's showing off his new haircut to Renee, he's a bit self-absorbed 😂 but he's happy to see her again and is excited to show the spice festival that's in town!
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secondary-colorentimy · 8 months
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and THATS on always knowing what kind of artist i wanted to be ‼️🗣
thats on dropping everything about 3 years ago to draw nothing but sonic, thats on making kid me proud, THATS on deciding to draw what makes me happy !!!!
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swnjobs-md · 1 year
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Earning close to $50,000 in Maryland, phlebotomy technicians master the skills and experience vital for drawing and handling blood samples that are crucial and require accuracy. Cecil College's courses for this life-changing career begin soon, so now is the time to contact a Workforce Center to find out if you are eligible for no-cost enrollment.
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neverevan · 3 months
☀️ writing patterns ☀️
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10+1 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
because we'll all arrive in heaven alive
buddie | 51.4k and counting | Explicit
Thursday, day 5
Buck was still trying to wrap his head around what had happened, it was all so quick; the rain, the debris, the mudslide and then the moment of radio silence before the chaotic explosion of noise.
“We’re not giving up on him.” Bobby had said at the time, but after four days, it has become abundantly clear that instead of a search and rescue, most people have already started to treat this as a recovery mission; except they still haven’t recovered the person who mattered the most.
And When You Speak, Angels Sing From Above
buddie + Shannon centric | 2.8k | Gen
Eddie should’ve seen it coming; the fancy restaurant, the idle evening walk in the city and the arranged sleepover giving them all night to be alone. In his defense, he was blinded by how perfect it all seemed.
Right up to the moment they got home, tangled into each other, rolling along the walls of the hallway, kissing and giggling at the increasingly silly things that Buck kept saying — then, Buck was suddenly gone from his personal space, getting down on one knee in front of him instead, saying words that rang through Eddie’s ears, without their meaning managing to penetrate the walls of his brain.
It didn’t matter.
no harm, no foul
buddie | 4.9k | Mature
The last couple of days felt… Well, honestly, confusing would be the word Buck would use.
The one thing that became clear in the recent weeks, was that he and Eddie were done pretending that there wasn’t something going on between them. (Right after spending at least two months violently dismissing any notion of such an idea, while simultaneously wondering if the other was doing the same. God, they could be really stupid sometimes… Buck was honestly surprised they even made it this far like this.)
Unfortunately, that clarity still left something else much more blurry; their direction.
we’ve got something permanent (i mean in the way we care)
buddie | 7.1k | Explicit
In hindsight, Eddie should’ve seen it coming from a mile away, after the week they’ve had.
It started out by having two days off back to back — which Eddie had planned on using to lay about the house, maybe with some slow make out sessions peppered in, while Chris was at school.
Apparently, Buck had other ideas.
Keep My Heart Warm In Yours
buddie | 18.5k | Mature
The whole thing started with Youtube — as most things do when 12-year-olds are concerned.
Christopher shuffled into the living room with determination, where Eddie was trying to figure out the settings of his new smart TV and Buck was folding and flipping the instruction manual back and forth, trying to find the beginning of it when Chris shoved his phone under his nose.
Of Love, Hospital Jitters And Christmas Lights
buddie | 6.3k | Teen + Up
“MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!” Buck shouted frantically as he pushed past people and ran through the sliding doors leading to the ER.
A nurse ran up to him immediately, waving to people behind herself for help and Buck felt his fingers go numb with fear as he tried to focus on her face.
You Ring, I Drool
buddie | 8.6k | Explicit
Eddie had long realized the resemblance, but it started to become more and more evident lately — and much harder to ignore.
Simply put; Buck was like a dog. In more ways than one.
If This Is What The Season Is Bringing
buddie | 2k | Teen + Up
December 25th 2021
Buck went straight to the fridge after he kicked his door shut. He really needed a beer right about now.
Okay, so Eddie was leaving the 118. Fine.
Well, not fine, nowhere near fine actually.
Out Of Order, Still In Line
buddie | 6.2k | Explicit
Buck could barely believe that today was finally The Day.
After weeks of power outages, paperwork mix-ups, unauthorised appointments and last minute emergencies, Buck finally made it to the Clinic.
And now here he was.
I Was Betting On Forever (But Forever Comes And Goes)
buddie | 4k | Teen + Up
Eddie was startled awake by the forceful ring of his phone.
He reached over to the nightstand blindly with an annoyed huff and pulled the phone off of the charger. He held it above his face, the brightness of the screen making him squint as he read the caller ID.
Unknown Caller.
Coming On Ever So Strong / Coming Off Ever So Soft
buddie | 14.7k | Explicit
Buck didn’t have the best track record when drunk.
That was probably the explanation why his head was pounding like someone was trying to break into his skull with a sledgehammer. And why there was someone pressed up to his side in his own bed.
oh I feel so exposed lmao all those pointed single sentence lines dropped in there, just to set the tone are definitely something I swear by... I also use timestamps a lot cuz I love to jump all over the place and then of course there's my dearest friend; in medias res.
I was tagged by the wonderful @jeeyuns @exhuastedpigeon and @wikiangela mwuahhh 💛 and I'm totally no pressure tagging @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @watchyourbuck and whoever else feels like giving this a go ✨
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enidsinclajr · 2 months
with hunger games back on netflix i was like. let me revisit the wenclair hunger games au ideas i had cause there were a lot, hunger games is like my favorite universe/series ever I do not play when it comes to thg LOL. it's kinda hard to come up with aus for thg when the point is only one survives but whatever lol
ballads au - like wednesday is from a rich, although somewhat shunned capitol family and is in the academy and gets assigned to mentor enid as her tribute except a much better and happier ending than lucy and coryo lmao
career tributes. honestly see enid as a career from 1/2 (i'm biased cause i'm d4 and want her there tho LOL) and if wednesday was a career, it's because her parents were past victors. if they were in the same district the rivalry growing up would be fun (and then see below for quarter quell twist hehe)
career enid and outer district (but daughter of a rich family) wednesday. the twist for them both winning is that it's a quell where two random tributes are paired up and if one dies they both do!
or, flip this to career wednesday (or wednesday who ends up getting reaped and someone doesn't volunteer lol) and outer district enid which i think also works really well
or 50th quarter quell au where they're from the same district, and the rules end up changing like in the 74th where two can win from the same district and so they work together
another one where they're both from the same district. maybe their paths have crossed before. but one wins the year prior and has to mentor the other
going off of that, one where they're both victors (either one back to back or just the two youngest victors) and they bond over that, bonus points is that pugsley gets picked and wednesday has to make sure he makes it home and enid helps
i could go so much more in depth on the details of each of these aus LOL
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mid-nightowl · 6 months
paramedic/EMT dick is so good omg :o i hadn’t thought about that one
i have seen social worker dick which also felt really appropriate (also love that for jason) but!!! EMT actually feels like it works better to me???
thank u for putting that thought in my head~
ahhhhhhh!! i am so ecstatic i could put the thought of emt/paramedic!dick in your head hehehehe
paramedic!dick is so special to me<3 it very much i think hits what dick needs and wants out of his civilian life but also directly influences his vigilantism too
my main three takeaways are these:
it's a highly rewarding but deeply traumatizing career and it scratches his innate need to help people without violence & fear
it's a little bit more training than a police officer but i think covers a field of knowledge dick knows but doesn't know intimately like he does criminal justice or law. it would also benefit his "night" job to be more equipped to handle traumatic injuries
ems schedules are chaotic and all over the place especially if the garage is down a paramedic or ALS provider or just overall understaffed but the overall structure of it would be good for dick (if he can balance his work-vigilantism life healthily, depending on how you write him)
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disturbedheart · 2 months
I'm genuinely trying not to die after that encounter with my manager 💀
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