#captive prince fic rec
omlettedufrottage · 2 years
Exalted by Josselin & Mishima
Wordcount: 1,651
Summary: “I want to know how it was,” said Laurent.
Damen became impatient. “You want to know?” Laurent nodded. “Pretend to be submissive,” Damen said, before he had thought it through.
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laur-the-cat-prince · 6 months
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more sketches inspired by this fic. T-T
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zumurruds · 7 months
hello! out of curiosity do you have a capri fic recommendation list?
here’s a quick list off the top of my head:
all this and heaven too by spinawren
sanguinary poultice, love charm by lapin
and ask no leave of thee by covertius
be a god (and hold me by a charm) by forthelongesttime
lines on palms trilogy by fahye
beautiful boy trilogy by kybelles
a pattern torn by semiflos
the wager by eglanterias
hver blomst en stjerne by brigittt
check out all the work by these authors 💗
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captaindamianos · 4 months
I would love a new rec list if you’re offering! 👀🙏🏿😊
Hello!! I'm so incredibly sorry it took me more than a month instead of the day or ten I joked about in my tags. I wasn't feeling too great and I also lost my motivation to participate in the fandom in any way. So it was hard for me to focus on this task.
But I really want to thank you so much for encouraging me! This turned out to be a good way to appreciate other people participating in the fandom and thank them for the work they shared with us.
In the spirit of things though I'm going to make this the most self-indulgent list I can come up with, so this will probably include a few wips, but I'm going to mention that because I know people don't like wips (can't relate haha I've met cool people that way and I love when authors get chatty in the comments).
It's in no particular order! Just whatever came to mind or what I found in the depths of my bookmarks. Let's get started 💪
Canis Major by Lapin
Point of Opposition by forthelongesttime
lovesick by forthelongesttime
Favourite by RockingRobing
Sexual Intercourse by antivillain
The Stand-in Wedding Planner and the Obstinate Baker by penstrikesmidnight
even in another time by phlegmatic
white wine in the sun by phlegmatic (WIP)
Lord, You Keep Me Crawling by princessofpatras (WIP)
come uncover me series by sweetricebuns
i got the t-top cherry blue (now i'm looking at you) by sweetricebuns
too hot to handle series by sweetricebuns
Wildflowers by Shigure_Natsu
A (Precious) Moment In Time by CoffeeDragon87
Lemongrass & Peony by starsxabove
The Garden by DisraeliGears
we kiss and then by residue (please check out all of the authors works as well👌)
Feasts From Heaven by ahdriking
Brute by ahdriking
From Your Mouth by Holly_Golightly I hope there's something in there for everyone, always heed the warnings and ratings. I deliberately left out a lot of fanfics that are already popular, because chances are people have already read them. But I had to add some, because they're very dear to me personally like EIAT and Brute. And I featured a few I've read in the past few months to a year or two. Maybe you missed them, maybe you recently joined and filtered for kudos or hits. But definitely give them a chance, there's so many gems out there. It's once again just a really really small list and definitely doesn't include everything I liked or would recommend, but I have to stop somewhere. If there's specific tropes or things you're looking for, let me know, I can try to make themed lists as well, if it's something I read myself. Hopefully in a shorter time frame next time.
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oh23 · 3 months
does the capri fandom have any insanely good fics like the holy trinity or smth ?
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colgatebluemintygel · 7 months
eeeek thanks for all the fic recs!!! you're the best!! just finished a fic called Hurling Crowbirds at Mockingbars by Wrapped Up if u want something cute to read!! also captive prince is such a good series eek if you also wanna give recs from there please do! but only if u wanna!
my mothy friend i am so sorry that this reply is so very late 🤒 i have been so terrible with catching up on all the sweet messages i received while i was hermiting 😭
hurling crowbirds !! @wrapped-up truly never ever ever ever misses <3 even just thinking about the neck kissing scene is making me twirl my hair 🤭 i'm just always in awe of the way she writes her characters;; like with remus, all the subtle details that are lent to his characterisation and mannerisms always make him feel so incredibly human. and sirius, who always has me laughing and tearing up all at once <3
CAPTIVE PRINCE FIC RECS ... say no more :o))) i have been subjecting @pancakehouse and @maybebabyplease to my recs for months and now i get to unleash them on YOU
lines on palms (series) by fahye - this is an absolute classic and one that i re-read yearly <3 laurent is sooo.... i love him..
sanguinary poultice, love charm by lapin - i am a slut for a good auguste lives canon divergence longfic and this is my favvv that i've read in a long time <3
in the absence of a king by itallends - this fic made me go from crying laughing to crying crying in 10 mins flat. this laurent is so......just sooooo <33 (don't be deterred by the chap count ;; it's been left at a satisfying spot)
hand in unloveable hand by thickenmyblood - i actually don't even know what to say about this other than that it is a masterclass in character writing and made me sob 😃
scorching the hillside, our manic rhapsody by grumposaur - GAHHHH........ giggling and twirling my hair 🤭 i genuinely go bananas for an auguste lives au and this is absolutely no exception ❕ when laurent says ATTEND ME .... 👆 funny how it was written for my beloved em by my beloved maddy and is also my dream fic 🤭 it's almost like we're all soulmates.....
that's all for now, but i cycle back to capri fic at least once a year so... if you’d ever like more recs :-))) you know who to call !! hairflip
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curseofbucky · 7 months
the amount in which i think about damen and laurent should really probably be concerning! i need MORE content and i don't know where to start fic wise (this IS a cry for help ao3 truthers please rise up)
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castironnbitch · 6 months
I have this urge to write another captive prince fic but the only area I feel confident enough to write about is kink stuff and I’ve already done that
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merrivia · 1 year
Ugh I just read a fic by @wrenaspun that I fell in love with instantly. Academia + an incredibly well-realised Laurent + the most instantly loveable Damen….it’s one shot perfection. Go read it here!
Tags below 👇
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sulkybbarnes · 9 months
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Visual representation of how I feel about even in another time by phlegmatic ( @irregularcollapse ) ❤️
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omlettedufrottage · 2 years
Consent (ask for what you want)
Consent (ask for what you want) by Josselin
Wordcount: 1,453
Summary: Laurent looked over at Damen, acknowledging Damen’s presence, and said, “What makes for a satisfying sexual encounter, for you?"
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laur-the-cat-prince · 5 months
send me Capri fic recs please 👑👑
i need art inspiration
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goldencuffs · 4 months
everyone do yourself a favour and read this fic by @princessofpatras
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captaindamianos · 1 year
Hi! Can you recommend some good Captive Prince fics? I just finished the series and I loved Laurent so much
Hi anon!! Welcome to the fandom 🤗
I've considered doing a fic rec post for a long time so this is a perfect opportunity for me. Please forgive me for the delay. It was Eurovision week when you sent this and it was (and still is) incredibly distracting for me.
Here are some of my favorites, I'm going to offer a variety of things, because I absolutely love AUs, all variations of them, but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea and immediately after finishing the series people tend to like canon and canon-divergent the most, so I'll try to focus on those:
Canon Divergence:
Ransomed Prince by Turtletotem
I started reading this fic back when I still was in the fandom and I absolutely loved it. When I rejoined in 2021, the last few chapters got posted and I've reread it like 10 times already. Please heed the warnings but I just really enjoy the development of their relationship in this fanfic.
Winged Cupid Painted Blind by Kittendiamore
A lot of scheming from Laurent, which is always a good time in my book. It's been a bit since I've read it, but I always enjoyed it.
No Rush by blacktofade
One of my favorite things are Auguste lives AUs were they meet under different circumstances. This is one of my absolute favorites of those and I've read it again and again.
When the sun is on again by thickenmyblood
I've read this story once and it absolutely destroyed me. I was not okay for a few days haha. It's still one of the most amazing things I've ever read. So I would still recommend it, but be careful.
An Arranged Marriage by Josselin
The slow build of this one, I absolutely love rereading it every few months.
Bright as lightning by blacktofade
Another arranged marriage AU haha. Please trust me on this, this is such a good story.
sanguinary poultice, love charm by Lapin
God this is so good, nothing really to say besides do yourself a favor and read it.
How To Not Court A Veretian Prince by Entity_Sylvir
It's been a while with this one as well but I know it was one of my favorites.
Canon Compliant:
The Consummation by Josselin
I have to admit it's been a while since I've read this one. But I know that I really enjoyed it, and it's a very real depiction on how this could go and how the unification will likely have its hurdles.
Wicked Game by onekingdomonce
An anmesia fic, that I've read at least twice. It's painful, but it's worth it. I can recommend everything by that author that is Damen/Laurent. I've not really read any of the other pairings, because i don't multiship Damen and Laurent.
Alternative Universe:
four sevens and a ten by fahye
I know people tend to recommend Fahye's everything (their ´Lines On Palms' series and their tumblr ficlets (link 1 link 2) in particular). But I've grown up absolutely adoring the Swan princess movie, so this one sticks out to me personally. It's a lot darker than the movie, and it has it's very own narrative and development. But god do I love and recommend it.
The Veretian Flytrap by Just_Another_Day
Technically this feels very very canon divergent to me, but since the whole story is Omegaverse I'm putting it here. I know a lot of people don't enjoy Omegaverse fanfics, which is totally valid. But this fanfiction is one of my favorites in this fandom of all time. The world building, the character development, the culmination of it all. I adore it, I reread it every few months and I can't recommend it enough.
A Touch of Heavenly Light by forthelongesttime
I would recommend reading everything by this author. I am absolutely in love with their writing. I like how realistic they write and how they don't shy away from facing ugly things as well. This story in particular is dark and I urge you to check the warnings. It's not for everyone, which is why I recommend checking out their entire list of fics. But if the warnings don't scare you, please check it out!
Alternative Universe - Modern:
between the motion and the act by fahye
And to be contrary once more, I'm also recommending another one of fahye's AUs haha. I really liked this show, and I think it's an amazing fit for a modern AU for Damen & Laurent. Fahye just has an absolute talent for putting them into alternate universes and make them believable to me.
Fear not the thorns by relenafanel
Back then written by one of my favorite Stucky writers, I still absolutely adored it when I reread it in 2021. I definetely recommend checking it out if modern AUs are your thing.
A few authors I'd like to recommend in general:
idratherhaveyou (lots of different AUs, all of them a pleasure to read)
PenguinMerchant (again a lot of different AUs and settings. The worldbuilding is immaculate and always leaves me in awe. All of those AUs also fit them so well.)
Holly_Golightly (one of my favorite unfinished wips in this fandom, I'm still holding out hope haha but everything else they've written was absolutely amazing as well. Very spicey usually. Can't recommend them enough.)
elesary (Can you tell I love AUs yet?? Some are canon compliant or canon divergent, but I especially adore their modern AUs.)
ahdriking (another one of my favorite wips - hardest of hearts - and also just a lot of really spicey stuff, but god, so good.)
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monorosado · 6 months
a dear friend of mine has greek ancestry so today she invited us to a celebration where there were lots of typical greek dances and i loved it, of course, the music is amazing and the dances are so fun, but also, since im not well mentally i couldnt help but think about modern day au damen the whole time
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cactusspatz · 11 months
May recs
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Family Photos by KelpieCodyne (DCU, gen)
“I thought you quit your photo stalking?” “In my defence, I never said I was quitting, and you never asked if I would,” Tim immediately counters. “So really, this is kind of on you.” Just because Tim became a bat, doesn’t mean he stopped taking photos of bats. Several times Tim took photos of the batfamily, and one time they took photos of him.
This delightful fic features my OTPs of Tim/the batfam, Tim/photography, and Tim/being a little weirdo.
In Service by @smilebackwards (DCU, gen)
Tim rings the doorbell of Wayne Manor for the third time in as many days, and for the third time, Mr. Pennyworth opens the heavy oak door. He looks tired and careworn and Tim knows for certain that he’s choosing the right thing now. Mr. Wayne isn’t going to let him anywhere near the Robin suit, but maybe Tim doesn’t need it. There’s another tack he can try. Or: When Bruce refuses to accept Tim as the new Robin, Tim takes the next best option. He apprentices to Alfred.
Such a clever premise, and a sweet execution!
To Preserve the Life of Others by romantic_drift (Nirvana in Fire, gen)
Lin Jingyi has always been a doctor. "Her heart stutters. She thinks for one wild second of just breaking into a mad dash, running out of this accursed palace, Jinling, Da Liang itself. She is insignificant, an orphan, a wandering doctor. They would never chase after her, surely. But there is her family."
Consort Jing's backstory is only glancingly described on the show, and this fic does a brilliant job of putting all the odd fragments together into a complex whole with great characterization.
Zeitnot by decayaslife / @the-ronan-cycle (Captive Prince, Laurent/Damen)
"Zeitnot (chess): German for time trouble. Zeitnot occurs when a player needs to play several moves in a very short period of time in order to reach the time control defined for the game." When twenty-three-year-old Laurent wakes up on the morning of the Battle of Marlas in his adolescent body, he has to figure out how to keep Auguste and Damianos alive through the end of the day.
Ooh, very fun and well done time-travel fix-it.
Su She Eats his Heart Out by @KizuKatana (Untamed/MDZS, Wangxian)
The (bitter) third party pov of the epic college romance between Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, as told from the pettiest NPC to ever exist.
Extremely funny use of an unreliable narrator, and the sequel/companion from Lan Wangji's POV is hilariously horny and smitten - so very in character!
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